J j I I ' ' ' " I i : 1 " -r-r I tress 'making xri1iicmti white oats, mixea oais.coru c ' ru i VJiion and all kinds of feed at I O Junel3:lw A. D. Cooper s, : i. . M i, - THE SUN. Puubished Daily, Except Mondays, at . ASHEYILLff N. C, BY HOBGOOD & i ITZGERALD. Entered In the post-office at Asheville, N. C. for transmission through the mails as second class matter. I SUIJSCItllTIO? RATES: One year. $6.O0 Six Months 3.00 Three Month - i-50 r . Kfnffi 50 UUt. v.. -"------"-" p- STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. t5S Will be fur- AdTcrtisinK Rates reasonable nishcd on application. All bills for advertising collected monthly Advertisements inserted for a shorter time than one month mnst be paid in advance. Communications, unlese they contain im portant news, or discuss briefly and properly ubje5ts of real interest, are not wanted; and if acceptable in every other way, they will in variably 'be -rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. You can sign any ficti tions name you please, but for our protection we must haVe your real name. SATURDAY MORNING.... ..JUNE 16 NATIONAL HEM. TICKET. 1 for president: GROVE R CLEVELAND, ofXewYork. i ; for vice-presidents: ALLAN G. TIIURMAN, , of Ohio. j DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET for governor: I ! DANIEL 0. FOWLE, j of Wake. FOR LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. FOR SUPREME COURT JUDGES: JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. j JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Washington. ALPHONSO C. AVERY, of IJurke. j FOR SECRETARY OF STATE WM. L. SAUNDERS, j of Orange. FOR TREASURER : DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOR SUIT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION; SIDNEY M. FINGER, j of Catawba. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL,: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncomije. for atditor: G. W. SANDERLIN, of Wavne. ELECTORS FOR THE STATE AT LARGE : A. M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. -F. N. STRUDWICK, of Orange. O. II. Dockerv has not j-et accepted the nomination by the republican convention of this State for governor, though he has had ample time to consider the matter. It is reported that he is waiting to see whether the Chicago convention -will nominate John Sherman, in which event he will decline to run for Governor. Anecdotes AbontThannan Washington Cor. N. Y. Herald, 11th. A friend of Judge Thurman, who knows him both in a; social; and business way, eave some interesting facts to the Herald correspondent to-day ahout the ex-Sena tor, j - - i "To Tudge from the newspaper stories," he said, "one would imagine that the Senator was a most, inveterate snuff takeri Now, that idea is all wrong. The Senator uses snuff very moderately in fact, I have often known the snuff in his ! box to become I dry and caked up simply because he used it so sparingly. That shows you how moderate he is." i TEN CIGARS A DAY. "By the way, did you1 ever hear any thing! about the Senator's smoking? No? Well, I thought not. Everybody knows that he is a snuff taker, but few have ever thought about his using to bacco in any oiher form. The truth is, the! Judge smokes more than he snuffs; he will average ten cigars a day. j "Are they good or bad ?" "I am not much of a smoker,: myself, but! should say they were of average strength." "What kind of a snuff does he use ?" f f hr nrrllnnrv Scotch snuff. MaC- -nfcUv T think it iS called. He carries it c d. unlike the snuff takers of a century ago, has no weakness or vanity for fancy orj expensive boxes." j THE BANDANA. "What is the regulation Thurman ban- daria linen, cotton or silk?" "QHV nnrl aMhnuh some of the VJ""I " 1 v- " o ,-L pailers have said linen they do not know hht thev are talking about. However, rnpp One KrunswiCK, Bnlke. Collender pool table, 4x8, nearly r a t new. inquire 01 a. r. Batterv Park bar. Campbell, at the IJune 13:3t. int Reecivedi 1 500 bushels Plastering Hair, and nave on the way 100 bbls. j "Gibbs," English PnrHntid Cement, which we will deliver ' , - , , , . , 1 flFTiV?,t- n S4..00 fier DDI. AUOliici Vli ,MA. W W.W onces low accordingly! W. H. WEST ALL & U-U., Dcf'crs in general building material. Dry I ill "I Boots ADVERTISEMENTS. R I VER8IDE D AIR -W. H. LEA,- DEALER 1NJ -! -If1 I " ' Goods, Dress and Shoes. r ! n-narfA r rleliver the "verv best of milk in any quantity desired. Ivesome of the finest milkers m Western North Caro- &sh Durham's."' Incon lCVOU c" --. . Gents'. Furnishing Goods, :s I I! ! I ; ! Hats in Straw of every trde. nection with establish a - the above am preparing to GILT EDGE BUTTER DAIRY. Full Line of If r I have taken a room at Tlieo. -Hobgood's on Patton avenue opposixe -weiuc where 1 would be glad to see my fhend. and may 2G-tf. rjpHE GREATEST WOK I) i U.Jf Good with or without ButtericKS Hoping to receive a part of j the patronage -j-eg PatterS. OI IDC ULUtiw -"- may-26-tf I X am respectfully, T. N. VANCE. A SIIEVILIvE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 1888 From July 3d to 20th. on Pedagogics the Asheville Prince William, who by the death of his father yesterday, becomes Emperor of Germany, is 27 years of age, is married and has three children. . He is said to lx? very unopular with the masses! They rather fear that, as he has never been through any wars, he will not be as careful to guard against them as those who have preceeded him on the throne. At a recent democratic county conven tion in Illinois, the following vigorus sjieech was made bv a farmer: "You may be surprised to see Bill Bledsoe here. If it was a republican pow-wow I would need no introduction. For twenty years republican national so no lonirer. 1 am - ; I have voted the ticket. I will do not there because I love the democratic nnrtv. but because I love mvsclf. I there is nothing peculiar about his ban rln rln It is the ordinarv kind, such as can! be bought in any store, and Mrs. Thlrman has bought them for the Judge in this city and New York and other places. I And while talking about that let ine" tell you that when the Judge weirs a dj-ess suit he always has a white hand kerchief in his pocket." "What is the Senator's home life like?" "He is devotedly attached to Mrs Thurman and his children, a son and two daughters, both of whom are married He is simple in his habits. There is a good deal of the old school courtliness of manner about him, but he is never austere and fricid, and I have known him to be interrupted in the midst of matters ;of importance by some pro nounced bore and yet he never displayed the slightest signs of impatience. . . i : BIBLE READING.' "The Judge makes a practice of reading thej Bible through in three fanguages every' year. Every day he reads a chap ter or sO;in Latin, French and English, and then he compares the tfiree versions to see how they correspond." " suppose you are familiar with the newspaper story of Judge Thurman hav ing1 kept a private bottle in his committee room when he was in the Senate?" "1 don't know about that, but I do know that there isn't a drop of liquor kept in the Judge's house. Mrs. Thur man is a strict believer in tempefanceand fo that reason the J udge dciers to ner wishes and keeps no liquor on hand. "The Judge reads a good deal. He sits up nearly every night until, two and three o'clock in the morning studying historical, scientific and philosophical works. He is very kind to young men and has a special affection for them." A Southern member of Congress says that the red bandana is going to make large numbers of negroes vote the Demo cratic ticket this fall, as they all use the red bandana, and the fact that it Js the emblem of the Democratic party will inspire them with confidence. A Boston man in the trade, who was here today, said that all the New York wholesale houses have sold ?ut their stocks of bandanas and that the New England mills are now running night and day to fill orders. FACUtTYJ HENRY B. SHEPHERD, T. L. D President o . i il rl, t, -1cr ;S. C-- Will te Superintendent and Iecturerj History ana ungusii. 'T i t ,u rna-p will he Instructor in tne r 1 1 nA TTircriTiif T1 VSIOlOfiTV. PROF.i P. P. CLAXTON, Superintendent of the Asheville City Schools, will instruct in v... pnirtisii r-rntntnai ana Reaaing. MISS 3i TIE MILLARDJ of Goldsbbro i ovii will fin ve chanre of the Pn- rva HiNNAH XT. DAVIDSON, of Ashe- iVl 1 VJ. - ville. will be Teacher ol xviusic W. H. LEA, No. 17 North Main st. may 23-Iv i i i pOR SALE huErerv horse. ther information apply at this office La- f ;1 T70R ,Fqr fur- tt 1 SALE OR RENT. ilLLAirt tsttjw STX'.ROOM DWElIlING tt... Raiiv crppt. Good well ot Jwater conTeniently locatea on tne ioi a bargain. tor terms, etc., Drawer W..M Asheville, N. C this officej j ! Will sell at address Lock apply at mchl or n the uraaea street, in I the i i There is a 4 United Labor" ticket in the field, though we don't believe the fact is , C31 , am 11 1 k T,i1m- TT Cn-nriir-v convinced that the democratic party of! Gf niinois, and V. II. Wakefield, of Kan- The session will be held -i. o- r.f flip Htv about five minutes ffrtn lie court house. All the rooms of this building have been fitted up and are in i A sr1endid I view is to i be had of Pisgah and numerous other mountains j ,Tr,- rn.iT.fi flhnut.1 The erounds i cv.aWl flevnp(i and easv ol 1 arc laigt auu ou".-. , - access, (jicusuui. """ - 1 It is desired and truly hoped by the manag ers that the school snail xms summer suiijoob ; r,t. onv nrpvious form . It has grad- uallv increased in proficiency and genuine value to the teaching protession oi tms sec-j-i : ;c Tjihlishnient iin 1885. The iiavi. hppn mm ant of its interests and have selected for the faculty the best and mst experienced talent within their reach; and they trust that they haye engaged for this term the services of a corps of teachers unexcelled in the State. So k good atten- .!.,.. n- annrcriotivc stuaents win rnaitc utic institution a complete success. Every! tea ..i ii iviirt Hpsire to teach, should make ready for the time and e present every day. Let every one consiuerjwcu .,.;tr al mnkf the most of it. ! il Tuetec from time i to time which will be" of considerable interest and pront to an. i i I BOARD can be had in S the $12.00 to $20.00 per month. nnn Up marie, we think, for Willi 4 c.l lllllix-J -- . -1 . j .;o,;rr cirh nofomTtiodationS are reauestea to inform the Secretary at once. We suggest to the teachers to begin now leaking prepara tions to attend ana mane inc out of this rare opportunity wrlj- hfirin nrtivelv V 1 jl A "'-O " t Rlimild hrine same eood 1 VA J jvv"-- w o ' 4.th nrefered. and be ores l(.auvi , x ' - .... i-r, 5n-rf first mornintr and Stav till tllL ill biuiv ; should be addressed to ,uium ; i i Jno. W. Starnes, Sec. SHE VI LLE -.1. I - i ' 1 - LUMBER AND MANUFACTUK COMPANY. J. F. GRANT, Presiubnt, NEW W B. MARX, SEC. and C. G TREA9 I WEST, Manager. NG NEW BUILDINGS, . i - r aWd IMPROVED MACHINERY. city for from Arrangements a less amount Any i parties most possible I the first day. His- and We are now prepared to Manufacture th best possible style all kinds of j BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDING MATKKIALS A. RTTTT.DING MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS : . DOORS, H AMPT0N & FEATH iRSTONj No. 5 South Main St., ! Keep constantly on hand a fall and general stock of WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, Sec. among which 1 can always be found th following leading brands : GIBSON'S, PAUL JONES,! And McCRAYER'S R Y E4- R Y E-- R Y E- R Y E4- MANTLES, SASH. $ MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, &C AliJ Kinds of Rough and Dressed LrMBEK i : Constantly on Hand Also the celebrated Clo ver Leaf Club, which for Purity of character and : - r. t . I'll I ' Richness ol tvlavot is tinex- LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER celled.. to-da3' is the friend of the laboring man. 1 was in the Union army and fought all through the war. I came home a repub lican, and have remained such until this year. The old bloody shirt has played out with me. It will not pay my taxes, nor will it raise the price of my farm products one cent, nor reduce the cost of the necessaries of life. If I am not badly mistaken 15.000 or 20,000 more farmers will do as I have done before the election in November enough, at least to change the State of Illiuois from a republican high tariff and high State tax camp to a reform tariff, or fanners protection State." sas, arc the candidates for President and Vice President GOVERNOR TAYLOR. The Knoxville Journal, in reference to the coming contest for United States Senator in Tennessee, sa3s : "It may be, that if the fight between Harris and At kins, which is just beginning, should wax warm, it may become necessary,1 in the interest of harmony in the democratic party to take up Governor Taylor and elect him to the senate. He has served his party long and faithfully. The duties of the senatorial office would be more congenial than those of governor. He is a born leader, as his successful manage ment of his late campaign, when he was bitterly opposed by more than half the democratic press in the State will show. It may become necessary for him to cut the Gordion. knot, tied bv Harris and At kins, by going to the senate himself. A. CARO. It is our nleasure to announce to WILLIAMS. GARRISON'S, AND COOPER'S PURE NORTH CAROL CORN all persons seeking to buy liomes or make investments in this city or Western North Carolina, that we . now have the most complete listj of property of all kinds we have everj offered. We have lots large and small, improved arid unimproved, in Asheville. Farms of every kind and des cription, botfi in the immediate vicinity of the city and the whole surrounding country. "Our list of mountain,' grazing, mineral and timber lands will supply every demand in this respect, and at prices ranging from one to five dollars ler acre, owing to quality and proximity to the rail road. j Both citizen and stranger are invited to our office in the Barnard new build ing public square, first door,) to confer with us relative to any matter , toucmng real estate You can there see specimens of the grain, igrass. minerals and timbers of this section, and get "posted" about Asheville and Western North Carolina. We have d number of copies of the last titmilvr nf the Land of the Sky. (which gives the rnbst complete description of western iiu iu vtti uuua jj u uiuucu,; that will be given gratis to persons look ing for information on the subject, j Do us the pleasure of calling when you want to talk; real estate. ' Respectfully, j Natt Atkinson & Sons. P. S .Several houses and lots to rent on reasonable terms. ; NA DRESSED DRESSED DRESSED FOR FOR FOR in BLINDS, THE THE THE Lowest Prices For Ali Work! Lowest Prices For AliI Work. Lowest Prices. For AliI Wok Lowest Prices For AliI Work! The best and mostpopul brands of Wines, Ales, Porter, etc. Be sure to ftfve your orders elsewhere personal t ; I the manufacture of all materials, and order Clarets, will be filjed with care and promptness. Oefice mc21 TRADE. TRADE. TRADE. us a trial (before placing supervision is given to Iand Factory at Ole( Depot i Full line ot fine drawing Teas, English Breakfast, Oolong Monyune Gunpowder. He No, Raja &c. "A. D. Cooper. The celebrated bs Schlitz Brewing Co's Milwaukee - J Beer, on Draught and m 7 : - , O Bottles. We also keen a choice line of Tobacco, I Cigars, Ciga rettes, &c, and jextend a heartv invitation to our cus tomers and friends to call and see us when in want of anything in our line. All orders by mail or w ire T7RESII COUNTRY PRODUCE Ashevil We keep constantly on hand freish coun try Produce of all kinds. Butter, Eggs, Chickens,! &c. We sell at lowest prices. and see us.! C. E. LANE 8a S. Main TOHN 6 J 25 N LINDSEY, Main St., Ashevtlle, N MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE, MANUFACTURER OF TJNWRE, MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE, AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEETrIRdN WORKER ge-Aisd at Satisfactorv Prices will be promptly fully attended to. -pHE ASHEVILLE Is now at work on Valley I -fTTESTERN HOTEL, something! good to eat should not lail to stop at the Western Hotel, South west corner of Public square, over uauaru s. DAY OR MONTH room. I Can ana see uj 'I - - ' - . McBRAYER & SON. Asheville, N. O boIrd PER MRS. L. A. apr-5-6m. M ONUMENTS- - : . -. . . -TOMBSTONES. -AT COST. - A Ti C OS T . --ATI CtfST.- Tombsiones and Monuments at Cost. De signs of ITALIAN Finished work, SCOTCH GRANITE and all AMERICAN GRANITE Monuments, as low as they can be bought in the United States. M ,j W. O. WOLFE. Wareroom S. E. Court Square, i "i " M mc27-2m I Asheville, N. c. A. p SORRELS & BR0. 1 41 South Main St., r-(Brown & Gudger's old stand.) Keep in stock the purest and best WINES, - i i i ; WHISKIES, BRANDIES. IN AMERICA.- DECLINING AN INVITA'I I v ASH i r' : WITH THE "CLOVER C y I regret that it is impossil !e f. "clover" with you to-morrc v il.:., , I. ' '.'lnviT ' It mt...l cream; that is to sav-n... tcntment ; tnat is to nay i v , perfumed fields, and nt the t liOS, ( xne uuuiiiiiui, Mum faction's cud, in that blcisHo. u that like a benediction falls '. and sleep. This clover mtn happy hours of childhood's r dimpled babes, of wholcsoir- l-.-. honest men. of springs am! l ..( lets and all there is of stain! ful human life. A wondcni.' ...,.? i Dron the "C." and yo- h pies't of maiiKind. Take aw "r" and you have left th" makes a neaven of thi' earth. Cut of the "r" al. mains a warm, deceitful I t; breath and keeps peace in whose masters frequent t Bottom was right: "Goi.! hath no fellow." and Tc Tki 11 "m vun f '" 'in, V th. V Hani. I an,j , ""I thv. Ukst up t Doe IS i IF YOU! MUST HAVE A STlMf - DRINK IS 'MOD ERA T ; ., ( v the Jos.!R.tonebra3-::.k&0 -nJ OBACCO AND CIGARS. KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY liiilvL,, KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL. KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, An!AbsoLutely Puke Rye Whiskey, i 1 j ; Highly recommended for medicinal purpose. Also, Higgins' Pure N. C. Corn. TONES & P0RTNER,! J .1 i i I Manufacturers and Dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles. &c. ! AGENTS FOK . ; - ; . i ' WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE CdMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, AND D'S WILKINSON & KI1 j WILKINSON & KID'S WILKINSON & KID'S CELEBRATED ENGLISH SADDLES. tT Fine Harness of any style made to order; All work is ' HAND-MADE, and Guaranteed. A full stock of Leggings, Saddles, Bri- dies, Collars, Riding and Buggy Whips, Spurs, etc., always jon examine our goods. JONES & hnnd. Call and P0RTNER, 16 N. Court Square. s. R. KEPLER. Asheville N. C, e N. C Call CO.. . Street. HAND; LAUNDRY n '"l.l street. In VALLEY HALL I We arenow prepared to do first-class laun We do not Hrv wnrlcf in prprv nartioiilflr use any Steam Machinery that will! wear AND TEAR THE GOODS. and care- all work done BY ob Work, Roofing and Guttering HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON, Ash ville, N C HAND, -TiS i i ! r h and the result is goods are well taketi care of. If you want to wear first-class laundry wrk send us your goods. G. W. And A i HIGGINS. T. BO WEN. Office-at Carson's Stationery Stor- March 9tli, 1888. Now as always here tofore, I oiler to the citi zens of Asheville and sur rounding country, Gro ceries of the Finest Qual ity; and respectfully so licit their patronage. S. R. Kepler, Main St. mch9 ; 53 South W EST ASHEVILLE. Parties wishing to purchase ! & BUILDING & LOTS, & OR 1 J. GARDEN il :. I LAND From one to one hundred wards the SULPHUR SPRINGS E. G. Carrier; at the Springs ot ; - Il l' h :l I ap46m CARRIER & GASTON acres, west to- will call on USICAL INSTRUCTO Alain street;; Asheville: i by mail, 39 address . r 11. O M H..O- Himes will take a limited number of pupils in music on Piano or Organ. For fur ther imformation apply at tor 35 South Box 223, HIMES. Clover Club ITrr ' . v;imk Cloykk Club I'ukij Vuik Clovlk Clvd Pure ll . vin.s;, ! cbo " V 0 Fori Puritv of t.hara and richness of (iavor, it; no equal. HAMPTON & FEA I ! 1 ' KSToX, ma v 24-tf Nor w 0. MULLER K ,)., No. 7 South M . Hklet. Dealers in all kinds o.' dies Wines, Ale, Porter, &c. KENTUCKY RYl Whiskies a Specialty. t Of D IKTi th unb r the M.U tin V.UVKi 1 1 DISTILLERS' AG I., it- 'K PURL NORTH CAR"! ! "A 0)1 : WII1SKI. . AND Al'PL SLi.A'.iJY. Carolina. Stn twe crh con our our oft fim picn oft t K rigl the BSrrUREliARLEVMA' i 'lUSKKvW Medical Purposes, alwa; stwk. cve Aercnts and Authorized i isot ;' mit , . - ANHliUSliR-i .1 : CII j-vai 1 ' r 1 -- -. -- an : , ".Do i . Brewing Association's ' 1 Amti I era Louis LAGER BEER, 1m W-stcrsS full i i l,lc ma 11 ic for bui I i me ' . tni eut rev ; I tii I an dit TCI THE " ORIGINAL ' i '.i'tlSt' , tV It tin cri - - tht i 1 rc en; 1 1 I In Goods delivered to niiv . .rH'i:i ti Free of Charge. PionM.t .titiir;- rci to all orders, by mail ov - i vfwisc- j tic th im ad bu I ie following Brcv r- ,on hand, in Kegs and bo' ' ! ANHElTSER-i'.' ANL STANDAK1 . '4 IMPERIAL PALli I i r Telephone call No 3i). Billiard Hall on !?l(WK I NSURANCE. I. FIRE, f ACC1 bliN'l 5- PULLIAM & CO., At The ' ! ' ASHKVILLK, N Represent the following C" ' FIRE. Anglo Nevada, of California Continental, of New York Hamburg-Ifrcmtn, of Gtri.i.' London Assurance, of EiIrI. Niagara, of New York ' Orient, of Hartford, , ...... Phcnix, of Brooklyn,..- St. I'aul Fire & Marine, of M Southern, of New Orleans,... Western, of Toronto, U.S. Mutual Accident . mcl Aetna Lipe Insula 12 L fir ' , rv N E W FIRM., CO ; IK tl (11 4 rr W. H. WESTAtl Lu Will have in stock, by the ) t f ' iuu anc oi an Kinus ui $t-. ' rough aad dressed, Moul'- V t, Lathes, Sash, Doors, Blin l'Vr i and. yellow pine, Sash Wei; ,,sS.ltcN' Cements, plaster, Lime, II- ' ' ties. Architectural Iron,' or . -tivti a I BUILDERS' SUPI J I ' y n Parties building, or " building, would do well t 'c 'J AVestall, who is now prep.' 10 .f timatesonany or all oft!.. V,0fl 1 and having h-d large exi- "-" u line, can give you bottom '' ,!n '(fJ, ' line of Cements, Plaster, Hr' jj,: I i i nrc ro" - .. UclIlU UUVV. uuivi. m q:, y. WTolfe building, South-ens O'l"1' u Asheville, N . i