: i . :- ' : ! .. .;, ' ::. i : i- ' v , ; r . i -. . . i : ;!;: ! r i , . '. ; j " i ; : ..; ;kk " k. I -'-p ''--U kk p'"!; ' ';--,; k : : i r ' -'j r j - I . - ' " .. , J I ! !"" ' f. -ill I "I '"! "; p '!' ':" ' :! i ! ! j X I I I i AirtuuuA, fREST. JM.LMCJLQUD, V. Pres'T.V LJ t THE SUN. ii eville. n. c:.. ...JUNE lO r - - ; - j I A Terrible Disaster. j f.-l'-in-Rf.hw! Editor-Temtle accident! entv cars go through a bnga ! 'I.inurinz Editor Give It a triple bead 1 i'i t mo some ii uts for ou!ditoriat By . n , , wst. what Ln lne was lt kelesrranhie Etor-A covered bridge. , i Bitd. J i Settled for a Moment. ere," exulAiruvd an uiexperu?nrJ young uin nt tho Polo groumis, su Welch landed ball in the pit of the butter's food tinent, while the latter lay down and tore laiidi'ul of grass, "be has bit nun at last. ew York bun I itbat win the gnxaetS A Bad flablt. t lie lovnd rier otce. or so bethouaht: ; Hut oow ne ra-s away 1 ! Er.o could uot possibly be taught i To Keep from saying "fedy " Detroit Free Presa. sail ton. fthe Mutton , A Meaty Coo vent 'How do you feel" uik.-ei 1 Sausage Meat. "All exit up." replied the II d are you thu morning',; Ml feel quite diop faiien.n-fTid Bita of feausage Moat. National Democratic Platform. J T LACKSMITIIING JD Tli Democratic nartv.of the United I I am thoroughly prepared to do all manner .!." . i of Blacksrtnthmg, Repairing ot Carnages States, in National Convention assem- Buggies and Wagons, to work at the lowest l.irl nPu-! tlif TI(1fTPc nf i'tc fiflpli'tv tn nrices, and to eix-e satisfaction." Horse . ' x- r:i.il t r.i sr. : i siiotmg a specialty. uemoauui; luitu auu, rcauirmmy tuc Give me trial. H. M. HOWARD platform adopted by its representatives Aoiiy- I Rear of VanGilder & Brown's. in xnc silica to vonve"noT1 01 LEWIS MADDUX, Pres't. may 22-tf on me. Slow of MwmeDt. est iln r-stauraiitj- Waiter. Where's that 1 r.nlcrud j i'aiU'r It s coming, sir. coming. j tJacit Well. 1 wwh you would ash it to rry up Texas fciif tings. ! Sbool Now tn fuburbco riaunt fj?.r- more t-,rin cti Wli-r. uens bring up tl plants ilacl. quicker Uuxu ui Tin-: ri,ATro fun. jQR. B. F. ARRINGTON; Surgeon f-piIE ASH EVILLE AUit!e(I lr. Hie Democratic State j Contention. '' Wc :iiniin c nirratul;te rtli C;jrolin,'i n the conti c . pe.'i';i,''(!()iiV()vinimnt an ; .:ity uihKt lcinocratic ai th aiT;iirs f the State which i;:ibrkcn i'or so m:in y 3'cars-; and iniirti;il enforcement of tie increi'.siii" eHiciencv of cv: Ol systt-ni, nnl the pr I ' ;io!:ir edueatioH: upon tli r. 1 eiiterijcise manifested in the people i of ued enjoi'mcnt I general prus- hiimsti ation ; of has now been upon the just ehe law; hiOii otir common tress made iiii improvement ill parts of the fompanson JLe Now Ope. Now Opfx. Now Ope. Now Opes. ' :.;te. We again challenge a vetJi this stale of things aral the outrages. li-Ht s and scandals which atnended Kepnbli -l ascemlancv in our lor!ers. ;rst!vis to exert in the futurl ur best eilorts tu promote tli' best interests the icopIc of all sections of ; ring our adherence to Ik-ia as heretofore enunciated the party, it is hereby. ssiu.YEn. 1 hat no govern We pledge as in the past Ihe State. Af- ocratic princi- n the platforms ment has the it to burden its ihoi1o with taxes bevond amount reuuired to pay it ; necessary ex :s.s and gradually extinguish its public t; and that whenever the evenucs, how r .(k rived, exceeil this amoi nt, they should reduced, so as to avoid a surplus in the isury. That any system of taxation cli lv-icssimtis the pavnlent of a pre- ni 01 iiv the goven : . Ho ol its bonds, taken up ' i t..ai i-ll ollurwisc .Its, and paid to bondho! iscd. ii m..n in.tancts. ui s unden ocr.iti -. oppressive rr ishot.id be r foi me.l. The . V noeralie Kepresetitotivee r etloi ts to -ive- relief to t ens.nie internal revenue li , meets with the approv: cr, licpraty of this State : :':-.'.ly recommend that if t hex- ment on e.'ich xvith the mil- le idle in lis !ers xv ho ptir 3es than iar. land iuiiiuitous course of our bi totiprcss, m ie fieople from md taritl" taxa of the Demo- nd xx-e respeet- nd it impossi- c to eive to i;r peonle :ul the relief de ir.uded. they support any juit and practieal i'MSurc presented in Confcis that will af- tJ a partial relief from ::rden. IlF.soi.vr.n, That while the r.cthods I. v . iiivli the constiC Larin" li ll te err.duall such existing details of the utional revenue reached are ntatives of our Kople at the national capital must be trus subjects which the represe I to atljut, x-e think the tustoms duties aid be levi.d for the production of jniblic emie. ami the diseriminati ciiunt should be such as ,hest rates on luxuries ami j necessaries of life, distril pos-d U- the unavoidable ! ion. ami con? r the greater Treatesi nuiiitH.r. Ar.Mir.ihu, 1 nat xvc, as net-etotore, favor un in new r cease to ucmimi, the uncon- itional abolition of the wl.hle internal re- en ue syslnn. as a war tax, hot to 1e justi ns in their ad will place the the lowest on ule as equallx- Jiiideas of taxa- good on the riex-ous burden annox-anee in .eu 111 times -i ieace; as a xt our iR-oplc aiil a source ts pra . leal opeta'.ions. V .inn f yfif ik -oiile if the St critical pri ien.ions of the Kc j 1 ir piath.rms, that they ate in favor of the ; ea'. .f this .onerous systdm of taxation. cifi iy their party, while Congress are taxing their : : act all legislation inaugurated bx- the ,setitatics .if the Demodratic part3" e .tcxc me R-opi 01 a;i or a iirt ol this sx srem. ;u.MM.vi.t, 1 nat ti e coursf r tic party, in further:iuee o : n, is a suliiejent guaranty . cdiieal loii of the pee.,;le. : i! tc fid i?np-ove the pro 1 Ivarta-rcs s. :ar as it can 1 .urxluii'i. the people by IlEs.ii'.vn.. That, to meet cxviil a-c-pr. lor cdhenl a-the Pv iIct;' govcTTn:en ire t i.n sin pins :n its trc at it be u:-iurel trough S 'S bill for tin- distriintiion bi .i-tiona! fv.-'tures. Rksoi.vki.. Tl at the Unit C gover:j 'neat and ours a c iirnim.KX t:e . tlorts .f tl : Cc sv e-ti .m;il isiu-v in Co v here, and to promote di- Ul between ll;e jKopk- of t i jns of our eomn.oa eountr Rfsolvko. That it is due t :r v .Kli'n comities. w!:o hi rne their sh ire id" our ct at the present or some st- :.i ot'iMimiv goxermnei ir.ui RhsoT.vrn. That the Den: - I t any i irtXr eMiif ton of the "X1 ice la v. uiikss such extctfiion shall hav Si i.v:i :ii!ts ize.! by a inl't.ed VtvTS W.t'lill tl-.f lilrriturv t. 1 w nf. ...! .1 i. - T IvsiiiTE!!. That the Dcnn r been the partv of the xx . . ihht lostrrnl mnnnnl or combinations xvn up u i.ivr laws tnac ill tins eountrv bein l f" eapuai. seekine t. Jlion. and the individul In relic ; arty i. a :t ias :on .f capital, ami l..J. j. - . - ,m . 1 1 - - tut t ii i.- lually upon all. taxatin bears can the atten- te to the hx'po- ibiicr.n iarty in the Republicans energies to ob- re-to odi- of the Iemo- " popular educa- that x-e faxor m xvc xx ill pro- nt edueatinal e uoue xvitnout excessive taxation. in existing evil. -Oiuu purposes. . our pro rata isury: l'rox-ided ate agents and tree lroai ob d States leing iat:onal partx. Republicans to irress and else pension and 111 e dliferent scc- the pcojile of ve m ihcerfu'.lv mmon burdens. ipially eifcctive t shall !e main- I era tic partx- is endorses the Tiews expressed bv Presi dent Cleveland in j his last earnest jmes sageto Congress ds a correct interpt-eta-tion of that platform upon the question J of tariff reduction!; and also endorses the efforts of our Democratic, representatives in Congress to secure a reduction of the ! excessive, taxation. ; Among its princi tiles of partv faith are the maintenance of an indissoluble! union of the free and indestructible States, now about to enter upon its second centurv of unexampled progress and rendwn, and devotion to the government, regulated hy the writ ten constitution; strictly specifying every granted power arid expressly reserving to the States or the people the entirfe un- No 8 granted residue of power; the encourage ment of the jealous and popular rvigi lence directed to all who have been chosen for hrief terms to enact and execute the laws and are charged with the duty of preserving peace find equit', and estab lishing justice, 'piej democratic party welcomes an exacting scrutiny of the administration of the Executive power, which four j-ears ago ; was committed to its trust, in th election of Grover Cleveland, as President of the Uuited States, but it challenges the most search ing inquiry concerning its fidelity and de votion to the pledges which then in volved the suffrages of the people during the most critical period ; of (our financial affairs, resulting fj-om over .taxation, the anomalous condition of pur currency, and public debt tnmatured. It has by a wise and con ser native course not only averted disasters, but greatly promoted the prosperity of Our people. It has re versed the improvident and unwise policy of the republican partv, touching , public domain, and has treclaimeti from corpo rations and S3'ndibates, alien and ttomes- tic, ana restorea r,o tne eopie ucariy um- hundred million ficres oi land, to be sa credlv held as homesteads for our eiti zens." While carefully guarding the in tercsts of the principles of justice and enuitv it has pmdiout more for iierisions and bounties to sfoldiers and sailors I of the Republic than was ever paid before during an equal period. It has adopted and consistently pursued a firm and pru dent foreign policy, preserving peace with (scrupulously mamtam- mterests oi our own people at home and abroad. The exclusion from our shores of Chinese labor hjits been effectually sc. cured under the provisions of a. treatx-, the operation of jwhich has been post jKined by the action of the republican majority in the Senate. In every branch and department of the government, un der democratic control, the rights and welfare of all people have been guarded and defended, every public interest has lieen protected ahd the equality; of all ourjeitizens before the law, without re gard to race or tolor, has been stead fastly maintained! Upon its record thus exhibited and upon the pledge of. a con tinuance to the people of the benefits! of democracy, it invokes a renewal of popu lar trust by the ije-elec Lion of the. Chief Magistrate who ias been faithful, able and prudent; it involves in addition to that, the trust,' by transfer also! to the democracy, of the entire legislative pow er. The republican partv, controlling the Senate and resisting in both houses of Congress the reformation of the unjust and unequal tax !laws which have out lasted the neccssi .ies of war and are now undermining the i bundance of long peace, and deny to the people equality- before law and the fairness and justice which are their rights. Thus the cr3r of Ameri can labor for a better share in industry is stilled with fajse pretense; enterprise is fettered and bojtmd down tohome'mar- McJLOUD, V. Pres't. TH E P. McLOUD, Cashier pOR SAIiE OR RENT. The Clemmons residence i adjoining Beau- ! i i mont with SIX ACRES OF GROUND. i ! ! Fine Spring of Water andf partly Fur nished. For particulars apply to Western Carolina Savings Capitol,1 $50,000. -OPEN .1 A GENERAL .4 - ; Asheville. N. C. - i FROM 9 A. M. TO 3 P. M.-i-f TRANSACTED. BANKING BUSINESS I .1 I ! DEPOSITS RECEIVED. COLLECTIONS Bank, Oh Saturdays the Savings Department will be open from 6 p.m. to 8 p. in. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AI MADE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS. J. V. SEVIER. The Sa vivos leature will receive special attention partment, deposited for four months or longer, interest at! iqn. On .all d LUM LEVI'S - I i ! EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Avenue. Asheville, N. C. 1 .!. Places secured for first-class cooks and .j. .- . i i . nurses. All parties wisningpiaccs snuum ca.11 per annumn will be paid. Deposit! Directors : M. J. Beardin, J. M. J, Fagg, Edward H. Coleman, SOLD. his de your Dimes, you will sopn - 1 - : .... - - I I - II E. Ray, I.E. Reed, R. B, Johnston, Geo. S. Powell, Lewis Maddux, CM. McLbud: may-3m $35- : ap20tf. BEAUTIFUL BfJILDING LOTS F4 DRYLAND. leposits in t rate of four! per cent have Dollai S4 Dentist. Office Rooms ox-er L. Munday's store, on Patton Ax-enue. ma-JO SULPHUR SPRINGS SULPHUR SPRINGS SULPHUR SPRINGS SULPHUR SPRINGS Estabrtjok'sj ap21$m No. South Main St. Per Week, Per Day,. ai)8-lra M. all nations, while ing all rights and trovernment and RATES JAMES D. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL -Now Open. -Now Open. -Noxv Open. -Noxv Opbn. ..U....L.....$10.00 ....1 2.00 CARRIER, Manager. LOUG BRAN'S pRANK ! i f Wine and Liquqr the Hendersbnville jc-ater, sulphur iron, SKYLAND is on the Asheville & Spartanburg Railroad and i i . . a . . i pike, seven miles South of Asheville. 1 ; V- The Attractions are Fine Mineral Springs chalybeate epsom, jalum and freestone, cold as ice large level lots, hi the forest, widk streets, iuu ieet ) grand views, pure air, no dust nor mua Two Hundred Lots have alreadv been sold to weatthv people for homes. iFine hotel nelarlv built, and other lmorovements bemer made. Fre ride out and back. Fikll particulars by writing or leaving orders at OTIS Ai MILLER, Prop'1. Asheville N. C. N o 43 South Main St., 3d door aboye Bank LEVY, No. 19 North Main St. kets, and capital laws can neither or repealed. The continue, with al it. to struggle to accordance with platform, which ballot box bv the of all industries Store, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Imported arid Ciga A large and complete assortment of Fine 1 Demestic Wines, Liquors, and of Asheville. rs, always in Trv Frank stock. LOUGHRAN s Standard Old Whiskey specially recommended fori all pulmon; plaints. All orders by mail promptly attended to The Best Thing Under Foot : cr.t ef laws that will tcar Rrsoi.vKn, That ns all o; heavily npon the labordr, it is the dutx- oV cut to thework- f.ratic partx- has rkingman, and lies. nor have r "pools" 'ex-er cii ox- it. i ne iK txx ecn aggre- cnush out all com- orcr. the Dem r lxen, against e ietrislator. ns n Hin-i-t small, xo keep the ex;ensei -.uiii.us at the loxvest li x. ise and ttlicient m lnoeratie partx- opposes l Ween tree .'mil i-imviit - - - ' . w a . y . convicts sliall not fvuse oi honest labor. Ai.Nii.vHii. That ours Inini nau ;i i our uutv as xve re to promote any and all I'R-si calculated to advance sneni.uire; and that in so lost elfcctually advance e nanus, innmitacturcrs t - i of our' public unit consistent nagtment. The anx- comiK-titum r, but it insists remain idle at the liuutiie Iem r..!.i).:. cordi.i:!-.- approve i ji.ii oi lion. Ah red M. s Ptnotie and conservative uvtso:. .-,:i. That the nUKt i-.x. pa.iuuis.n, ind c.uiy and manly I'O'J int I, an agricultur- 1 as our pleas- legislation that the interests of doing xve xvill he interests of nd laborers. I oeracy of North die adininistra ales as houtst. and the jiiterestsi mum. his re-nomination aid hisrc-clectioa than one hundrec dollars, and the leeted is reaching sixtx- millions an xvisdom. hort- epcucleiiee, faithfulness courage of President won the- admiration of all of 'the count r is discouraged ; 3'et the be properh amended democratic partv will the power confided to reform these laws in the pledges of its last was endorsed at tlie suffrages of the people The freemen of our and an immense maioritv. including every tiller of tluj soil gets no advant age Irom excessive tax laws, but the price of nearly ejverything they buy is increased by favoritism, or the unequal system oj tax legislation. Alt unneces sary taxation is j unjust taxation. It is ! repugnant to theicreedof democracy that j by such taxation the cost ot the neccs saries of life sho ild le unjustifiably in creased to all our people. Judged bx'dem ocratic principles, the interests of! the j people arebetrar(;d when, by uunecessarx- j taxation, trusts and combinations arej permitted to exis which, while unduly enriching a few tliey combine for the roll- J bcry of our citizens, by depriving them ! of the benefits of national competition, j Every democratic rule of governmental j action is violate:!, when, through un-j necessary taxatio n, a va'stsum oi'money, j far lievond the heeds of an economical ; administration, i; drawn from the people and channels of tjrade, and accumulated as a demoralizing surplus in the .National Treasury. The nioney now- lying idle in the Federal Treasury, resulting from superfluous taxation, amounts to more ana t wen tv-nve million surplus how being fol- the sum ot more than anally. Debauched bv this immense temptation, the remedxr of the republican. pdrt- is to meet and ex haust by extravagant appropriation and exjienses whether constitutional or not this accumulation of extravagant taxations. The jdemoeratfc pblicv is to enforce frugality in public expenses and alxilish unnecessary- taxation. Our estab lished domestic industries and enterprises should not, and iieed not lie endangered by the reduction and correction of the burdens of taxation. On the contrar a fair and careful revision of ourjtax laws, with a due allowance for the difference between the wages of American and foreign labor must promote and encour age every branch of such industries and enterprises, by giving them tlie assur ances of an extended market and steady and continuous Operations, in the inter ests of American labor which should m no event lie neglected. The revision of our tax laws, contemplated by the dem ocratic party, stiould promote the ad vantage of such liabor by cheapening the cost of the necessaries of life in, the home of every-working man, and at the, same time securing tcj him steady and remu- icnt. Lpon this quest ion of tariff reform, so closelv concerning every phase of otir national life, 'and upon every question involved in the problem government, the democratic is principles and pro- fLEVY'S United States and Canada. I : i THE WHITE MAN'S! BAR. JL DOWN STAIRS, CORNER MAIN AND EAGLE JAMES H LOUGHRAN,. Goods shipped to all parts Corn ry tom- STREETS .Proprietor HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS ap2 3 (DO HAND-MADE S H OE. good oi party fessiou to the Am submits mc9 Asheville, N. C. TOR SALE. A good X the best business stock of groceries and in Asheville for the amount df capital inx-ested. Also nice resi- tdent property on Bailey! street, at a bargan. 1' or lurther particlars apply to tl. G. L. McDONALU. June VJ Does Does Does; KIMBLR, A PRACTICAL SLATER. ALL ALL ALL Manner Manner M INNER OF OF OF Slat.-j Roofing. Slatm Roofing. SX-ATiJ Rooflng. Work to ie,' first-class at I satisfactory prices. tte be it of references. Rt paii ing to Slate Roo 's neatly and substantial v done and th best materials alwaj-s tlie 1. Jaks stopped. Address in care ot box OS, VTill guiir mtt all and free fi-o-n lenks. Can give K-e-All Keep None t but the Ve of the j r OT.I FRENCH BROAD HOTEL. - - I - - f . Near the W. N. C. Railroad Diiot. J Asheville, N. C. A. G. HALLIBURTON, . ' Proprietor. 1 ! j '" ' j This Hotel, Which is situated, within about one hundred feet of the Western North Carolina Railroad depot, and near the offices of the Superintendent and Gen eral Freight Agent of the Wi N. C. R. R., has recently been thoroughly refitted and improved, and is now better preparct than ever to accommodate t the most reasonable terms. be public, on i i 1 . FIRST-CLASS FARE, COMFORTAIILE ROOMS 'l ! A FIRST CLASS BAR- Is run in j connection with the house, where can be found a choice selection o Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, Ales, Segars, Tobacco, Etc. j Telephone connection with uptown. i j apl 75,000- WORTIt OP REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The Biggfst The Biggfst Bargains Bargains Yft Ykt Offemkii OFFEkBO ThcK-autlful HOWELL PROPERTY, situ ated on North Main, Cherry and Mulberry streets, just a five minutes walk from the Court Square. The property has a 50 foot ax-enue running through its centre, and Is divided into l-'OKTY LOTS, which' xve now offer for sale. This is the most conveniently located vacant projicrty now on the market. Has a good elevation and commands a splendid view. Prices From $300 to $lCOO Pe h Lot. We also have for sale the following Two Good Houses on Bailey street. One Vacant Lot on Wood fin street. One House and Lot on Haywood street, near the old depot. Seven Small Cottages on Pearson Ave. Three Small Houses on Hill street. One Store House on South Main street. in the Eagle block. Four Vacant Lots between the old and new depots, on the railroad. On the Merrimon I'ropertv, we offer Ker en splendid lots, fronting on Water St., suit able for factory and warehouse purposes; al so nine elegant lots suitable for residences. -AND CHARGE ACCORDING ORIGHTER THAN EVER. i- THE STAR THE STAR OF BUNCOMBE GRAND y Pur!st ,Y. Mv Whiskies arid Wines are ABSOLUTELY jyuRE and Unadulterated , and are, recommended by the best judges for Medecinal Purposes. v II II Hi 1 . i i I ALSO. A FINE BILLIARD AND POOL PARLOR. I Golds shipped to all points no charge for boxing. Lock box l AshevillJ, N. C. 20" THE ONLY STRICLLY VvfHITE MAN'S BAR IN THE STATE. OF BUNCOMBE I CENTRAL HOTEL. m tl 987 ARRIVALS JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 1887. 11 1 2020 ARRIVALS JANUARY AND F The most nonular S2.00 house m t rivals durinc: the. past 3'ear more than every 'E e State. BRUARY the citv. We bid fair to register 25, .1 -j . . . . ); ? :; ik rst Class in every respect. Only Jhotel citv. Give Us a call. Igy NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY Cheaper than ever IS. R. C 13,660 ar- other 1888. hotel . i ; II 060 this vear. 1 i , r in the centre of to our enemies, but call and see our goods and is now at the helm io wait on you. I T HE CAROLINA SALOON -No. 19 North Main -Street, 1. Would respectfully call the attention of the public generally brands of Whiskies; i s j PAUL JONES' XXXX MONONGAHELA RYE, i . SEAL OF KENTUCKY B0UKBON, OAKLAND. A Purje Straigh prices before yoti bu before. EDIjSTER & r Don "Old 1. Look SON. t listen Cued" to the following T RYE, 7 years old to vour interests and buy all it is the best, because in the experience of alwavs commanded the cominendatioh of the uahties hp rTipflrW ' I These liauors have tnnc't' factirliniis ronrtnisseurs. for their healthfulness and delicacy, m which qi we are justified in saying, they have; never been excelled, for purity and wholesome nessj for medicinal and family purposes. We also kfep a full siockj of '! 1 I i . il . - I t , ' I n ..Mn 'liv. nil. if. I Pure Imported Sherrys and fort Wines Guineas' Extra Foreign Stout, Dublin Porter, and the Best Brands of Cigars and Tobacco on the Market. BSTPure North Caloldja Corn Brandies made, always kept in stock. ; EVERY! HING USUALLY KEPT LS A rIKSil tiAoo p,L.uui. Bass & Co's Geneiya Gin, Dublin Pale We, Best French Brandies, 1 - Whiskey and the very best I, Peach arid Apple Come and try our goods and you will be convinced we speak the plain tjruth. Rmpmher the i rJace. No. 19 North Main Street, where you see pur Merrj ,xw- - 7 . . . . . 1 I - JL' King Cole" in front any part of the city i 1 ' i mar7-tf of the saloon. free of charge. fefNo charge for tugs or Doxes. ooocia sent tc --'! O- J .. il ours trulv, !:';'. I II " i FRANK O'DONNELL & CO. Lock Box: 71. ASHEVILLE, N. C. We will give BARGAINS and GOOD TIME, on all the above described projierty. For further particulars, call on or address i - I ! STARNES BROS. & ROBERTS, At G. A. Mears', 33 S. Main ot mc21 AsiiEViLLH,.N. C J M. THRASH & SON. WEST ASHEVILLE, N. C. We have a Full Line of Goods csieclally suited to the wants of the public and offer SPECIAL BARGAINS. We keep a Superior Quality of i ' PLAIDS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS -HATS, SHOES. DRY GOODS, ( HEAVY AND FAMILY GROCERIES. Highest Market Prices paid for GRAIN HAY. POTATOES, BUTTER, CHICKENS I EGGS, and. In fact, all kinds of OUNTRY OUNTRY OUNTRY PRODUCE. PRODUCE. PRODUCE. j2rThe public are specially Invited to cal i and see our NEW SPRING STOCK. I Goods Delivered anywhere In the city Fkkb op! Charge. Telephone No. 10. J. M. THRASH & HON, mc2o-3m West Asheville. joid ixoot. R. T. OWEN & SON, CARRIAGE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS AND TRIMMERS. PAINTERS AND TRIMMERS. PAINTERS AND TRIMMERS. YEARS IN THE BUSINESS 35 We have moved our shon over Col. Ray's stables, where we can give you a better job of painting, as we have a good shop entirely free from dust. We nave no hands to pay big wages and can do your work twenty-five per cent cheaper than you can get it done for elsewhere in the city We charge no proiit on material used, toniy actual cost; wnien a big item in painting. Our price for painting are as iouow. Bretts, or 4. seat Carriage, $15 to $25 ; Bug glesK$o to $io; Burrcys. xu othe work cheaper than was ever done In this city before, all because t WE DO OUR OWN WORK. frir-m a mtr were as follows : Bretts $30 to $35; Surreys, $12 to 15; Baggies, $10 to $12. So you see our prices are lower than they were then by at least -'.- r-r een,1- , J . ..I- i 4.rrflfl? Till XI We also no an Kinos ui i.Aivivirteii MING cheaper than you can get it done el where; put on tops, make cunionn, y dashes in fact, do all tae uest worn i i jnc kind in the city, and the cheapest. P"'r the best material used on all work. !tV'ye us a trial and be convinced that we will do what we promise. All work Guaranteed. Dont forget the place, next to the Kacke Store, over ol Kavsiab Un. 3m . erican people.'f ap22tf I Asheville, N. C ii

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