THE SUN. National Democratic IMatform. Ii: n. c. J UN IS 17 Wonl aad Their l.sos. rs. Squii-ii i suppose, Mrs. Snags, J your daughter graduates this year. 11 do the commencement exercizes bo ! s. ?nn:ss Yc3, dear j Jc-r.nfo will bo lgh col K go next week, j Dr. Firstly will :li tho tobaccalaureate sermon next Sun--.Pittsburg Chronicle. I , Philosophy; Tl:u ivor!J is but a llectjn,; show. An J do wise man regrets It. For tsaa vrauts little here below, j Ar.'J generally ho get' it. j tomerv mo journal. A Straight Tip. Y ag Lrdy tat tbo races) What is meant l ing, Jac!:, "Ho look3 like a dead sure r i I J A horse that is apt to win tho race. Y. ag l-ai!y-IIow can cno tell a horse ike that"! j J. ': When you seo hu ncse under .'jrst. New YcrL- Sun. the Ilvldcnccs of Genius. h several r:je::iber3 of our family Lave )u i.iustrious names." "13 that sor "Or.e of my brothers distinguished himself cither mid another as; a scldier." j ts iK-i.'iing. Three of my brothers are I ' vers in the be.t !a-,baJl club in y. " Lincoln Journal ' boM Ir-r hand ait i fcvr IjUjts pressed. 'Ut ru-ver spoke rr love; r v. a t ier., a:n! at n.-r r-;-p.-,t i: t:y::.;-oa l.-.-r c-W''- 4.L V. 1 tcI !;. Hie democratic tttate Convention. i a train congratulate the people of Carol jnn on thc continued enjoyment e. ."" ' ove: tn:ie;:t and general pros n:tde Democratic a tministi at ion of airs oi, the State whicl ccn fof s many war.; 4 ' impartial e r.forecment o increasing eJncicney of our ol system, ami the progress luns now been ifpon the iust he law: tinon common made in education; upon the improvement enterprise manifested in all iiarts of the -C. We again challenge a comparison be .a this si.-ttc of things a-l the outrages, c ? and scandals which attended Kcpubli- ascend:;ney in oar borders. We pledge elves. to exert "n the future as in the past ' est ctlbrts to promote tjie best interests State. Af- e peopJej of all sections c-f tlie eHiradherenec to Dcjuocratic princi- a he retl-f re ea unciatcd. in the platforms c raitvjit is hefebv tive tit . V , t.v:-:iJ i i::u r.o ir.rnnicnt has the : t ilmnb! its people with taxes leyoml Mint required to pay its necessary ex :nl gradually extinguish its public ad that whenever the i revenues, how- rivedj t. ceeil this amount, they should u icetl. sa as to avoid a surplus in the nr. That any system of taxation i necessitates the payment of a pre of S-7 by the government on each of its; bonds, taken with the mil . lat v.ould otlarwise lie idle in its . and paid to bondholders who pur M in many instances, at less than "par, i aiiticraiic, oppressive! and iniquitous uld be reformed. The course of our -.vratic Kcpresen:ativcc in Congress, in t. forts to give relief to the people from -.Some internal revenue and tarilY taxa mccts with the approval of the Dcmo : pratyj of tins State and we respect rceotiinicml that if thev find it impossi- to our ihjjc nil the relief tl-- ui'moil anv Itist nntl ;urc presented in Congress that will af a partial relief from such existing en"- . is sotven. That while the details of the ods by which the constitutional revenue shall be graduallv reached are cts wlrlch the representatives of our .c at tne national capital must lc trus- adjust, v.-e think the i customs duties '..lbe levied f.r the production of public iue, and the discriminations in their ad icat should 1 e such as will place the -Urates on luxuries and the lowest on essarks of life, distribute as equally iblc the unavoidable burdens of taxa- id coaler the greatest good on the it number. j yt vei, That v. e. as heretofore, lavor ill never cease to demand, the uncon ial abohtion of the whole internal re i system, as a war tax. not to lir isti. l times ol peace; as a grievous burden pep:c and a source of annoyance in actical operations. We call the atten- ftheiK-opIe of the State to the hypo .tlpretensior.jj'of the Republican party in platlorms. that they are in favor of the 1 of this onerous system of taxation edbytluir party, while the Republicans ngress are taxing their energies to ob3 t all legislation inaugurate!" by the re--.tatives of the Democratic party to ' the pcopl of a!! or a part of this odi- ':ea:.j i.yi:i, That the course of the Dcmo ' i arty, in lurtherance of popular educa- a sunicient iruarantv. that wc favor .cation of the people, and we will pro- . i.iioc iresent educational : ages so iars it can be ion? without r ag the people by excessive taxation. "J.TEH. Thai.tonuct an existing evil, i accept, lor educational purposes, -. e l cceral government, our pro rata c t the surplus in its treasury: Provided : be disbursed trough State asrents and i for the distribution he free 'from : .1 features. ; That the United States being vemnient ami ours a national party, -.ounce the c:lorts ,of the Kepublicansto actional -.ssuts in Congress and elsc . aiui ti promote tlissension and ill- Lwi-cn me ixopie ct th.c tlinercnt j' Our common country. 3LTKO. That it is due to the people of .. . w mi iave so t- i. cir snare ot our Tln IVtnnrr.ilic ivirtv nf !lli TT-if1 I States, in National Convention asscm bled, renews the pledges of (its fidelity to Democtaticl faith and, reaffirming the platform adopted by its representatives in inc iiiicago convention ot endorses the views expressed bv Presi dent Cleveland in his last! earnest mes sage to Congress as a correct interpreta tion of that platform upon the question of tariff reduction ; and also endorses the cflorts of our Democratic representatives in Congress to secure a reduction of the excessive taxation. Among its princi ples ot party iaith are the maintenance of an indissoluble union of the free and indestructible States, now about to enter upon its second century of unexampled progress and renown, and devotion to the government, regulated by the writ ten constitution; strictly specifying every granted power and expressly reserving to the estates or the people the entire un- granted residue ol power; the encourage ment of the jealous and !. popular vigi- lencc directed to all who have been chosen for brief terms to enact; and execute the laws and are charged with the duty of preserving peace and equitj', and estab lishing justice. The democratic party welcomes an exacting scrutiny of the administration of the Executive power, which fotiryears ago was ; committed to its trust, in the election of Grover Cleveland, as President of the Uuited States, but it challenges the most search ing inquir- concerning its fidelity and de votion to the pledges I which "then in- the I volved the suffrages of the people during I a 1 a a i . . -i - r ; inc most critical penoa oi ; our nnanciai altairs, resulting from oyer, taxation, the anomalous i condition of bur currency, and public debt unmatured. It has by a wise and conservative course not only averted disasters,1 but greatly promoted the prosperitj' of our people. It has re versed the improvident and unwise policy of the republican party, touching public domain, and has Ireclaimed from corpo- rations and syndicates, alien and domes tic, and restored to the people nearly one hundred million acres of land, to be sa credly held as homesteads for our citi zens. While carefully guarding the in terests of the principles of justice and equity it has paid, out more for pensions and bounties to soldiers and sailors ot the Republic than was ever paid before during an equal period. It has adopted and consistently pursued a firm and pru dent foreign policy, preservmgpeace with I II A m l ! 1 . I nu nations, wmie scrupulously maintain ing all rights and interests' of our own government and people at home and abroad. The exclusion from bur shores of Chinese labor lias been Jcffectuallv sc. cured under the provisions of a treat-, the operation ol (which has -been post poned bv the action of the; republican majority in the Senate. .-In every. branch and department of the .crovernment, un der democratic control, the rights and wenarc oi an pcopic nave! peen guarded and defended, every public interest has been protected and the equalitv of all our citizens before the lawL without re gard to race or color, has been stead- tastlv maintained. L pop its record thus exhibited and upon the pleldee of a con tinuance to the people ot tjie benefits of; democracy, it invokes a Renewal of popu gLACKSMITHING I am thoroughly prepared to sdo all manner of Blacksmithing, Repairing of Carnages Bn&gies and Wagons, to work at the lowest prices, and i to give satisfaction. Horse shoeing a specialty. Give me a trial. II. M. ApTiy- HOWARD. Rear of VanGilder & Brown's. 'OR SALE OR RENT. I he Clemmons residence a mont with SIX ACRES OF GROUND, ! i Fine Spring of Water and partly Fur- A nished djoining Beau- For particulars apply to may V. SEVIER. PLUM LEVI'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, I j ! No. 8 Pattox Avenue, Asheville, N C. I i Places secured for first-class cooks and nurses, ah parties wismngpiaces snouiacaii on me. I !- ap20tf. D R. B. F. ARRINGTON; Surgeon Dentist. Office Rooms over L. Muiiday's store, on Patton Avenue. rpiiE E ASHEVILLE SULPHUR SPRINGS SULPHUR SPRINGS SULPHUR SPRINGS SULPHUR SPRINGS Now Opex.-t- Now Opfs. Now OPEX.-f-Now OPEX.-i- Per Week,. Per Pay,... ap8-lm M. 1 RATES: 4-1 JAMES D. EVY, ma-20 HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. Now Open. LEWIS MADDUX, PRai'T C. Mi McLOUD, V. PREs'lM T L. P. Mc H E I: Western Carolina Savings Capitoil, $50,000. EN On Saturdays tncjSAVixns GENERAL BANKING OP BUSINESS TRANSACTED. - Asl FROM 9 A. M. TO 3 P. AI. Department will be open from 6 rj DEPOSITS RECEIVEDj f EXCHANGE BOUGiHTi COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS iJoUD CASlIIEtt iii WW e illfe. N. C. m to 1 he Savings leature will receive soecial attentionl On all denosits m this de- partment, deposited for four months or loncrer. interest at the rate of four ner cent ri .. til t. 11 I TTk -.I ! ... . t! -i I uiiumu win ijc paia. uepositi 3'our uimesvou will soon nave lioiiars - 1 y ! : . . Ml I Directors :-pM..J. Beardin, J. M. J. Fagg; Edward H. Coleman, Lewis Maddux, C.'M. McLoudL - $35- -BEAUTIFUL B ic Ashe-ille E. Ray, J. E. Reed, R. B. Johnston, m. AND SOLD. JILDIXG LO' S IX SKYLANf) & Spartanburg Railroad and the SKYLAXD is on t pike, seven miles! South of Asheville. i i i i i The Attractions are Fine Mineral Snriritrs chalybeate water. epsom, alum, and freestone, cold s ice larg level lpts in the forest iuu ieet j grand views, pure air, nb dust nor mud. i f Two Hundred Lots have alreailv belen solid to wealthv neonle hotel nearly built, and other improvements being made. Free ride out and back Estabrook's, No ap21-3m RANK Ft!; 11 partieu South Main St. for ars by; writing or OTIS A. MILLER. As Geo BE S. Powell, iay4-3m $40 Henpersonville sulphur, iron, wide streets, LOUGHRkNfS CARRIER, Manager. Xd. 19 North Maui lar trust by the re-election; of the Chief Ma iris Irate who has been faithful, able and prudent; it invokes hi addition to that, the' trust, bv transfer also to the democracy, of the. entire legislative pow er. The republican party, controlling the Senate and resisting in (both houses of Congress the reformation of the unjust and unequal tax laws which ! have out lasted the necessities of war and are now undermining tne aDundance ol long peace, and deny to the people; equality before law and the fairness and j justice which are their rights. jThus the cry of Ameri can labor for a better snare in industry is stifled with false pretense ;; enterprise is fettered and bound down tohomemar kets, and capital is discpuj-aged ; yet the laws can neither be properly; amended or repealed. The democratic party will continue, with al it, to struggle to reform .these laws in ccordance with platform, which ballot box hy the of all industries the power confided to scc- cheerfullv common burHnJ 'pre-sent or some equally eftective 1 of county government shall be main- r.Y;::. That t:c Democratic party is I to any further extension f"tht "v.- the pledges of its last was endorsed at the suffrages; of the people The; freemen of our land an immense majority, including every tiller of the soil gets no advant age, from excessive taxf lawsj but the price of nearly everything they buy is increased by favoritism qr the unequal system of tax legislation. All unneces sary taxation is junjust; taxation. It is repugnant to the creed of democracy that oy sucn taxation (tne cost! ot the neces j sarics of life should be j unjustifiably in creased to all our people Judged by dem-1 ocratic principles, the interests of the! taxation, trusts land, combinations are permitted to exist, which, j while' undulv enriching a few they conibine for the rob bery of our ".citizens, by- depriving them of the benefits of j national competition. Every democratic; rule of governmental action is violated, .when, j through un necessary taxation, a vast sum of monev. far beyond the needs of an economical administration, is drawn from the people! ano cnanneis 01 trade, and accumulated as a demoralizing surplus ihth? National Treasury, The money how lying idle in the Federal Treasury, resulting, from superfluous taxation, amounts to more than one hundred and t went v-five million dollars, and the surplus now -beinsr col lected is reaching the sum of more than j sixty millions annually.' Debauched by I this immense temptation, the remedy of j the republican oartv is to f meet nnd ex- I A 1 ' o. I A a : . The Bes t Thinfif Under Foot : 1 - 1 Wine No 43 Sbnt ...$10.00 ... 2.00 ,1.. St., homes. Fine orders at leaving Prop;r. heville, N. C. and Liquor Store,1 Main A St., 3d door above Bank ASHEVILLE, A. C. 1 1 ?ars, always 10 Whiskey, specially plaints. All orders by mail promptly at I United States and Canada TP H E JL JAMES of assortment o large arid complete Imported and Demestic Wines, Liquor stock. As pRENCII BROAD HOTEL. j Kcat the W. N C. Railroad I)qot. ! Asheville, X. C. A. G. HALLIBURTON, . Proprietor. ' ! This Hotel, which is situated within about one hundred feet of the Western North Carolina Railroad depot, and near the offices of the Superintendent and Gen eral Freight Agent of the W. N. C. R. R., has recently been thoroughly refitted and improved, and is now better prepare? than ever to accommodate the public, on the most reasonable terms, 1 1 FIRST-CLASS FARE, ' . J ! j COMFORT AliLE ROOMS A FIRST CLASS BAR I Is run in connection with the house. where can be found a choice selection o Whiskies, Wines. Brandies. Ales. Seirnrs. Tobacco, Etc. Telephone connection with uptown. npi 875,000- WORTH OP REAL ESTATE 5 FOR SALE.:. heville. The Bicgfst Bargains Yft The Biggfst Bargains Yft Offkrkd OFFIiKKIt .......... Try Frank Lougiiran's Standard recommended WHITE tended to. .....;... T s, ana MAN'S BA for alf pitlmonary corn- Goods shipped tri all p R. J The beautiful HOWELL PROPERTY. Kiln. ated on North Main, Cherry nnl MulUrrv streets, just a five minutes walk from the Court Square. The property has a no foot avenue running through its centre, niul is aiviaea into FORTY LOTS, which we now offer for sale. This is the most cnnvcnientlv located vacant property now on the market. Has a good elevation anil com m amis n splendid view. Prices From $300 to $1500 I'i:r Lot. Corn DOWN STAIRS, CORNER MAIN AND EAGLE STREETS. H. EVY' 8 . 6 ( ) HAND-MADE SHOE Keep LOUG FiRAN rts of the ap25tf HEADQUARTERS, FOR FINEiLIQUORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS. II E ADO U A RTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS. None but. the Very L...:..;.... AND CHANGE ACCORDINGLY We also have for sale the follow ing: Two Good Houses on Bailey street. One Vacant Lot 011 Woodfin street. ! One House and Lot on ITnvwood irt near the old depot, j Seven Small Cottages on Pearson Ave. Three Small Houses on Hill street. One Store House on South Main tfcet. . in the Eagle block. ! Four Vacant Lots between the ohl and new depots, on the railroad. I On the Merrimon Propertv, we ofter scv en splendid lots, fronting on Water St., suit able for factory and warehouse purposes; al so nine elegant lots suitable for residences. ROPRIETOR. 25gr-We will give BARGAINS and GOOD TIME, on all the above described property. or further particulars, call on or addrc4 STARNES BROS. & ROBERTS, At G. A.Mcars', 33 S. Mafii St mc21 Arhevii.i.k.'N. C Purest, ....... 4 JTMy Whiskies and Wines a Unadulterated, and are recom for Medecinal Purposes. Gooci : .1 : i ALSO, B FINE Ml . s shipped to all poiuts-rno 2?- THE iNLY ST;klCLLY B GRAN Absolutely m. thrash & son. WEST ASHEVILLE, N. C. We have a Full Line of Goods especially 1 suited to the wants of the puhlic nnd oner Pure and - mended by the best judges - lliard and pool parlor RIGHTER THAN EVER. charge for boxing. Lock box L, Ashefille, N.C. ' WHITE MAN'S BAR IN THE STAfTE. 9S I THE STAR OF BUNCOMBE I THE S AR OF BUNCOMBE SPECIAL BARGAINS. D CENTRAL HOTEL. We keep a Superior Quality of PLAIDvS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS HATS, SHOES, DRY GOODS, 1 . HEAVY AND FAMILY GROCERIES. rivals during the pas 1 2020 The most popular $2 ARRIVALS JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 1887. ARRIVALS JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2. GO house in the State. w-rebv. - i not tin;, accumulation of extravagant Tin. That the Democratic p:rtv has 1 taan.S democratic policv IS to I n the party of the workiii-rmmi: and enforce Irusralitv in imhliV Vtwhsps .inrl i.-terei monono hcs. iiiir have iir"i, ... .. . '".uiiPiis or pools ever tp untkr laws enactcil bv it. The ai this country being letwcen nsrgre- 'i,,s'k,,n- to crush out all cbm nl the imliridti! laborer, the Dem any is. a4 ;t iin . . . - .11. u in lavor of a iust i l.llllt -il .,...1 i . - - ir.a; Win l)car -Vtl. That ei; nuouc extienses abolish unnecessary taxation. Oiikesrrih- lished domestic industries and enterprises miouiu not, aim neea not ie endangered by the reduction and correction of the burdens of taxation. On the contrary n stri- ifair and careful revision of our tax laws. ds the enact- tjwitli a due allowance for the difference laiiy -upon ail. jj between the wages of-American and aviiy upon the lab. -nr 'it 's V'T .i.,1- foreign labor must promote and encour- .... w..tvi oeaent to the work-1 agc cvcrv urancu oi sucu lnnustnes ana - atiVh i"K"r?ir.;i ,cVmcn5tlcntcn by -giving them the assur-is- and ciikicnt management. The ances an extended market and steady vtic party opposes anv comi'tii., .and rnntinnmm nncrntiritis ?n thp inter. iiSV"hHnm? "I1.,? A"si.s Hcsts of American labor-wluch should in - - --... i.v Lilt ! : mcO- in the citv. First Class I I the cit' Asheville, N. C. ofhone-st labor En. That ours being an agricultur 1 i-..urtluty as well as our pleas- 2v ;'.l.cT,v :u,ulaI1 legislation that , 1 at,vanee the interests of Jc',!?!! lat, 1,1 so doin- wc will cs , V- iulv;lnc-- the interests of vk. n- Ui;lC, anJ laborers, a eo- n'n i? I,raiwfaf-v of North f i "' Z a,Pi:,:ovc. tht administra. en, - 4 - a,ts as honest. onsirvative. 'iHr'; Thrit ln,e aWiity. wist, ;tnot;sni. m.Iependence, fait f ami manly courage of I ' in f i h n thc admiration of all . . and the-interests of the country re -nomination and his re-election m. hon- hfulness President no event be neelectcd. The revision of ;Otirj:ax laws, contemplated b-' the dem ocratic party j should promo'te the ad j vantage of such labor by cheapening the cost of the necessaries of life in the home of every working man, and at the same time securing j to him steady and remu nerative employment. Upon this quest ion ot tanll reform, so closely concerning every phase of our national fife, and fipbn jevery question involved in the problem ,of good governmeut, the democratic party submits its principles and pro fession to the American people." FOR SALE. A Jrood sto ck pf groceries and the best business in Aiheville for the amount of capital invested 1. pVlso nice resi dent property on Bailey s tret, at a bargan. wr lurmcr partieiars apn Iv to JuneCtf. v &1l.PU G K-DIBER. A PRACTICAL -SLATER. MCDONALD. Does all Maxxeb of Does all Maxsek op Does alX XIaxxer op Slate Roofixg. Slatb: Roofing. Slate; Roofing. Will guarantee all Work and free from leaks, at sati Can give the best ofrefeimets td be first-class factory prices. A i - fSi?AIl Repairing to Slte- K ofs neatly and to our IS TlOW We bid fa n every res npHE J. brands PAU the: Give us a ealll 1888. ft 3,000 ar-, Highest Market Pkices paid for GRAIN HAY, POTATOES, BUTTER, CHICKENS EGGS, and, In fact, all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. COUNTRY PRODUCE. COUSTRV PRODUCE. i t year more than every! other hotel '!'.". ' f I J;. ! ! - r to register 25,000 this year. ieet. Only hotel in the centre of S. R. CHEDIJ NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY Cheaper than ever beforel fenemieS, btit call and see our goods and prices before you buy at the helm 'o wait on voti. ' i r M c CAROLINA i Would respectfully; call the attention of th6 public generally -NoJ SALOON 19 North Main Stieet,- of AVhislies: . JONES' XXXX M0N0NGAHELA RVE, SEAL OF KENTUCKY BOURBON, OAKLAND, A Pure Straight Ry & SON. on't listen "Old Cued" 2SfThe public arc specially invited to cat and see our NEW SPRING STOCK. : ' : ' Goods Delivered anywhere in thc city Fki.B OF ClIASGE. Telephone No. 10. J. M. THRASH & SON, ! West Asheville, j mc2o-3m Old Depot. R. T. OWEN & SON, tj the following best i materials substantially done and tlse- always used, j Leaks stopped. Address in care of 1cks: & ap22tf j ! Ashi ville, N. C. Ki 7 vcars old. . i r n - Look to vouif interests and buy the best, because in the expepnce of all it is ,.hnf These Unuors have always commanded the commendation oi xne ! . .... 1 I 4-1. I LanUliAittiocc nnA Ac rn v. ' i-n urViisdi nu'lllf itq most tastidious connoisseurs, 101 tutu HtaiimuiuvM Uwj..j , . we are justified in saying, thev ha-e never been excelled, for purify Idnd wholesome ness, for medicinal and family purposes. I We also keep a full stock bf !i!r..L T,Lf Qhrrx-Q Lnn1 iPnrt Wines. Bass & Co's Dublin Pale Ale. xiiitjyji i-v- '""- j ! 1 i ' t . Guiness' Extra Foreign Stout, Lfubhn Sorter, ueneiva uw, isest rrencn uranuxa, and the Eest Brands of Cigars and lobacco on the Aiarxet. v L ' - J 1 M , U Impure North Calolixa Corn w iiiskev and tne very oest p Brandies made, always kept in stock. i i l. HIXO USUALLY KEPT IX A FIRST CLASS SALOON. J Come and try our g each and Apple Remember t he place, Ao. 19 ir;W Cole" in front ot the saloon. nny part of the city iree ol charge mar7-tf ox r "" nnr ioods and tou will be convinced we speak jthd 1 North MaiW Street, where you see our "Merr3 irg?No charge for juga or boxesj. ours truly, . J t FRANK O'DONNELl Lock Box 71. AsflEVlLLE, N. C. plain truth. Goods sent tc & CO., CARRIAGE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS AND TRIMMERS. PAINTERS AND TRIMMERS. PAINTERS AND TRIMMERS. 3 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS- 35 We have moved our shop over Col. Raj's stables, where we can give 3'ou a better job of painting, as we have a good shop entirely free from dust. We nave no hands to pay big wage and can do your work twenty-live per cent cheaper than yoa can get it done for elsewhere in the city We charge no profit on material used, i.ouiy actual cost) which a big item in painting. Our prices for painting are as follows : Brett , or 4 seat Carriage. $15 to $25 ; Bug gies, $6 to $10; Surreys. $8 to $12; nnd all other work cheaper than was ever done In this city before, all because i WE DO OUR OWN WORK. , . I Prices last year were as follows: Bretts $30 to $35; Surreys, $12 to 15; Buggies. $10 to $12. So yon see our prices are lower than they were then by at least 25 per cent. We also do aU kinds of CARRIAGE TRIM MING cheaper than you can get it done else where; put on tops, make cushions, cover dashes in fact, do all the best work of the kind in the city, and the cheapest. Only the best material used on all work. Give us a trial and be convinced that we will do what we promise. AH work Guaranteed. Dont forget the place, next to the Kneke Store, over ''ol Kav'sMab les. :ni

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