f I T- T " TT T " "" ? 1 J .J - M' ": ;-,;'riU-; f- Itress makinoJ I - . ; I 'THE GREATEST WoKiTTrNi! A rAKU. . I f ouumw. I fr: i i i - i ; ; ri 'Air.. r - 7 - . - 1 E f ' II.' ' 1 . - ft ! THE SUN. Plubisiied Daily, Except Mondays, at ASIIEYILLF X. C, BY IIOBGOOD & x ITZGERALD. Entered in the post-office at Ashcville, N. C. for transmission through the mails as second class matter. SVBSCRIPTION RATES: j Cine- roar $G.OO Six Months, Three Months, One Month. ZZ- STRICTLY IX ADVANCE. 'tiS ... 3.00 ... 1.50 50 Will be fur- Advertising Rates reasonable inshed on application. All bills for advertising collected monthlj. Advertisements inserted for a shorter time than one month must be paid in advance. Communications, unlese they contain im portant news, or discuss briefly and properlj subjects of real interest, are not wanted; and if acceptable in every other way, they 'will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. You can sign any edi tions name you please, but for our protection we must have -our real name. j TUESDAY MORNING.... ...JUNE 19 NATIONAL DE3I. TICKET. FOR president: G ROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. for vice-president: ALLAN G. THURMAN, of Ohio. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET for governor: DANIEL G. FOYVLE, of Wake. FOR LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. FOR SUPREME COURT JUDGES: JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Washington. ALPII0NS0 C. AVERY, of Burke. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE WM. L. SAUNDERS, of Orange. for treasurer: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. for supt. of puijlic instruction: SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Catawba. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. 1 for atditor: W. SANDERL1N, of Wavnc. i Electors for the state at largi A. M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. F. X. STRUDWICK, of Orange. Henry George, a very able thinker and political writer, is out for Cleveland and Thurman. . I The Republican National Convention meets at Chicago, 111., to-day. -There will be S34 delegates in the convention, thus requiring 415 votes, exclusive of the Alaska delegation, to elect, or 41 S with it. ,m. A sturday old Jefiersonian, Jacksonian, New Jersej' Democrat writes to the edi tor of the Philadelphia Record: "Hurrah for Cleveland, Thurman and the Tariff of 'SS!" The Democraev of the whole country will respond "Amen!" The Farmer's Inter-States Association will meet in Raleisrh on Tucsdav, the 21st of August. The body is composed of five or more delegates selected from each Congressional District in the ten ' f cotton States. This association was organized at Atlanta a year ago and was pronounced the most important jas semblage that had ever met in the South. .it Since then it has ; increased its propor tions to a gigantic degree and the ing convention is expected to be by the biggest thing ever seen in Raleigh com- I ! The great and all-important question before the Chicago Convention is who it can they put up that will catch the tem- vote, soldier peranec vote, and the Stalwart and the Irish vote, and the old T I 1 'vote, and the Mugwump vote, and the colored vote, and the German vote, and the workingman's vote, and the doubtful vote, and the corporation vote, and the frraiiirer vote, and the civil service reform vote, and the crank vote, and the vote of Dives, who stands watchingthem? i This i is the awful question by which they are confronted and confounded. Who is the truly representative man of Noah's Ark and its inmates? The interrogation must be answered somehow within the next few davs Senator Daniel, of Va.. in his address upon Gen. Stonewall Jackson, at the memorial exercises at Chancellors ville, said: The world has never known a sub limcrman than Jackson. His life was stainless; his soul was meek; his courage was dauntless ; his energy was irrepressi ble; his ambition was chastened ; his re ligion was pure; I his patriotism was lervent; his mind was vigorous; his ' heart was charitable. He was valorous of his convictions; he was shrinkingly modest: he was iirandlv audacious. Of his soldiers he was the idol ; of his coun try he was the hope ; of war he was the master. His genius was transcendet. His deeds were wonderful. To serve his God and his countrv he lived ; serving and loving them he died." . THE Till It. IB PAX&TjY. Durham Tobacco Plant.! It is intimated that the Prohibition party, sometimes called the Thjrd party, has started in North Caroling for the purpose of aiding the republicans. That it is a cunningly devised scheme to draw from democratic ranks a number exceed ing the democratic majoritj in ihe State so that the Republicans may again get hold of the reins of governmen, jfor which they have grown so ; hungry. In ! other Avords, that in the movement the re publican party is the power tefore the throne. I!.;.' j We say this; has been intimated. Whether or not it is true, we ar not pre pared to say, but our observation of the attitude of VcDublicans in respect to the mntteris that it looks verv much as if thev wished to use the Prohibition party as a cat's paw to : pt:Il rcpublicr n "chest nuts" out of the jfire. j We recognize the fact that scvjeral hon est, upright and intelligent citizens, who have heretofore; acted with the demo cratic party, and who now would scorn the idea of assisting the republicans, have, through ardor f6r the cause of prohib tion allied themselves with the Third part-. We accord j to every man the right to think for. himself, and we would not inpugn the. motives of otr friends who have thus severed their connection with us. Our purpose, however, is to bring before them and to emphasize it and to ask them to seriously and care fully consider this fact, viz : Fjr what ever purpose the third party was organi zed in North Carolina, i'ts 1;endenc3, whether its adherents wish it so or not. is to injure the democratic party and, censeqently, to help t he republican party. Why ? Because more: democrats; than re oubiicans are likely to ioin it.- Now and then we hear of a republican espousing its cause, but you may bet your bottom dollar that the bone -and sinew of the re publican party the office-hungry fellows and the negroes are going to Stick like leeches to the republican ship;. The raav whoop and hurrah for the Third party and, while laughing in their sleeves, pat the democratic gently on the back and shout: "Go in, boys!" bu: join it themselves not much. They are not built that way. This writer "calls! to mind jusi: here a little incident thatifell under his observa tion which may sbrve jto illustjrate the point. A year or two ago a convention was called in Wa3ne county and an effort was made to organize the Prohibition party there. Among the speakers was one who had long been a strong repub lican, and for many years was one of the leaders of his party. Upon this occasion he urged the formation oi the third party, and declared that he was willing to severe his former j political associations and "burn the bridges behind him." And yet ( mark the point) this advocate of the prohibition part vf was a reguliirlv ac- announce homes j or to all make A SHEVILLE STATE NORMAL SUilOUi, xooo. i From July 3d to 20th. FACULTY. i HENRY E. SHEPHERD, I. L. D President C. will be wienrv fltid English: : , "jf'K PROF. BEN. E. ATKINS, of the Ashejrttle Female College, will be Instructor in' the Mathematics and Hygienic Physiology, if PROF. P. P. CLiAXTON, Superintendent rf the Asheville CftV Schools, will instruct in r.pnnratiliv. Enerlishi Grammar and Reading. AfTSS KATIE MILLARD, of Goldsboro Graded School, will have charge of the Pri nt a- of Ashe- It is our pleasure to nersons seekinff" to buv investments in this city or Western North Carolina, that we now have the most complete list of property ofj all kinds ex. Jmi-f exrp-r rflTrpd. Wehave lots larsre . . , j j T nf thp fnllece of Charleston. and small, improvec ana unirapruvcu, suoertotendent and Lecturer on Pedagogics AcViat'iI p u o-f-mc nt pvprv k'lnn nrn nes- tt-Ij. a criotion. both in the immediate vicinity of the citv and the ay hole surrounding countrvi Our list of mountain,! grazing, mineral land timber lands will supply pverv demand in this I respect, and at prices ranging from one to five dollars lit v nnrl nrnximitv I marv Department rWy. m ""i r J 1 i r MRS. HANNAH M. DAVIDSON, toxnera i iuau. j - ! . V, ville, will be Teacher of Music Both citizen and stranger are invited f V i jl : tn nnr nfflw (in the Rarnard new Iiuild- I tTip Ressinn will ibe held in the Graded t- 1 sVionl Ruildiner oil Academy street, mg puuuL Mjud.c, Uml f M irtnrtKe'iritv. ab6ut five minutes with lis relative to any matter toucning fror.!tlie Court house. All theroomjs of real estate You can there see specimens this building have been fitted up and ares j in rlf the rain ' rass minerals and timbers good condition. Ai splendid view is trt ,be r It.- tera;P .rass V i 1 "Vlti.r "uL had of Pisgah and numerous other mountains of this section, and get I posted about - h ntrv r(sud about. The grounds Atfl-ifuillf nnrl Western North Carolina. ! are- nrfre jtnrl shaded, elevated and east of W hnv n numtvr nf conies of the last i access. A pleasant home for the Normal.l : 1 7. , ; i ... o,,.. .i.:t. I It is desired and truly hoped by themartag nuniDer OI tne lawi ui V wuici ers that the schooj s:haii this summer surpass rives the most complete description of in excelence any previous term. It has grad- V!tprti North Carolina ever published.) ually increased in iproficiency and genuine ,V t a 4.: to lt value to the teaching profession ol this sec LI1UL Will UC JJIVCII jjviouho iw w imr for information on the subject. Do 11s the nleasure of callintr when vou want L-- - - to talk real estate. Respectfully, 1 I Natt Atkinson & Sons. P. S. Several houses and lots to rent r on reasonable terms. I have taken a rdom at Theo. woDgooas on Pattoh avenue, opposite Nellie Park, where I would be glad to see my niuu matrons. : 1 MRS. N. I. WAU UN, may2G-tf. TITESTERN HOTEL1. VV ' Lovers of something; ood to eat should Hotel, South not fail to stop at the Western west corner of Public sqtiare, over Ballard's BOARD PER with or without MRS. L. apr-3-6m. . M ONUMENTS- - A 1 credited delegate to the late Re mblican icre and State Convention and' he went t helped to nominate) the ticket. We know that rtlie! prohibition ticket cannot possibly lie elected and there is not a probability that a sufficient number of democrats will vote the ticket to de feat the Democratic nominees, Ibut wc want as big a majoritj as possible and wc want all our friends to feel tliat thej had a hand in electing our splendid tick ets. We invite them to return to their first love, the grand old democratic partj. press oii:ijsJ If the Republican party repudiates Sherman and the bloodj'-shirt and nomi nates Grcsham, it may acquire enough to survive its defeat in bcr. St. Louis Republican. vitality Novem- Mr.AIills is still sanguine that his tariff bill will pass the House, and that nearly everv democratic member will vote for it. He savs it will not surprise him If Mr. Randall votes for it also. Somepeo pie will certainlv be astonished if he does. A. 1 . U or Id. On the Supreme Bench of OhioJ 111 the Senate, and in an honored private life, Mr. Thurman has beeii one of the most conspicuous figures before the public for manj jcars. He has more than jthe ad miration and respect of the countrv; he has its veneration and affection. 4-Chica- go Herald. M situa- A carclul survev ot tne presen tion in Republican politics affords no ground to change the opinion expressed so long ago as the beginning of Maj, that Mr. Blaine in spite of his numerous declinations, is still the most natural can didate and the most probable choice of the Convention! at Chicago. Philadel phia Times. I t ; !-.-,! In a recent trial in Xcw York, for mur der Stevenson's'; verv iremarkable little book fDr. Jekyll and f Mr. Hyde" and Shakespear's "Othello'! were sighted as law precedents, j. It, was determined by the case that drunkenness was noj excuse before ,an earthly- tribunal for murder. This was a wise decision. If a cjrunken man may murder with impunity then human life is cheap indeed. Wilmington Star. : ' I I Allen G. Thurman is not so old a man as Gladstone, who is the active leader of a great partj and a great reform.! fie is not as old as Bismarck, the Iron :Chanc ellor, who sways and controls the desti nies of an empire. He has more jears of life before him than the Republican partj, though he is a great deal older than that organization, and he has spent so many j-ears in fighting it that the Democratic partj' should give him a good front seat at the funeral. Nashville Democrat. Tlie Ileasoxi Wliy. Raleigh .State Chronicle. Some growlers and Republicans pro claim that some members of the Farmers' Alliance will vote for Dockerj because he is a member of the Alliance and Judge Fowle is not. tThe Chionicle don't be lieve a word of such "stuff." Members of the Farmers' Alliance cannot vote for Dockerj for two;reasons: 1st, It is a principle of the Farmers' Alliance that a Protective Tariff injures, and that thej- will seek to secure a tariff for revenue. Dockery is running on a ticket in a party which is pledged to a continuance of the present high tariff. Evcrj member bf the-Farmers' Alliance who votes for Dockerj repudates his prin ciples on the tariff. ! 2nd. The Farmers' Alliance is strictly a white man's organization. ' No negroes are admitted. Dockerj is nominated bj a partj mostly composed of negroes, and the Enterprise reports that he once said : "I long to see the day come when, placing mj- right hand on the head of a little white child and mv left hand on the head of a little colored child, I can pass them into the Sunday School together." ADVERTISEMENTS. H AMPTON & FEATHERS No. 5 South Main St. ON, of this tion since its establishment m 1885. The managers have been vigilant of its interests and have selected for the faculty the best ahd mast experienced talent within their reach; and they trust that they have , engaged 'I for this term the services of a corps of teachers unexcelled in the State. So a good atten dance of appreciative studenxs will make the institution a complete success, isvery tea cher, and all who! desire to teach, should make ready for the time and be present every day. . Let every one j consider well the oppor tunity and make the most of it. expected lrom time, .to of considerable interest Y ; in the city for from Arrangements a less amount .'Tombstones and signs of ITALIAN GRANITE and all? Monuments, as low in the United States Monuments at Cost. De- Warerno ikci; '70 m Public lectures are time which! will be and profit to all. BOARD can be naa $12.00 to $20.00 pel- month can be made, we j think, for A. P. SORRE 41 South j i 1 - 1 i Keep constant on hand a full and general I . i . i s stock of I WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, &c. nmone which can always be found tli following leading brands: 1 GIBSON'S, 1 : i. 1 PAUL JONES, J- And McCRAYER'S j R R R R Y E Y E Y E Y E with families near the city. Any parties wishing such accommodations are requested to inform the Secretary at once. We suggest 0 the teachers to beeinnowmakmtrprepara tions to attend and make the most possible out nf this !rare opportunity Work will nesnn activei v tne nrst aay. studeut should briner some srood His- torv. Grammar, arithmetic, Geopraphy and Reader, (Swinton'$ 4th prefered) and be pres ent in time the nrst morning ana stay tin the last evening. Commun K$ep in stock the i 1 DAY 4 1 !! room.' 'mi lOH MONTH Ca.l ! and see us MCBRAYER & SON. . j Asheville. N. O G OI C O e 0 -TOMBSTONES. S T . -8T.-ST. - Mi finished work, SCOTCH AMERICAN GRANITE as 11 they can be bought W. O. WOLFE. h' - S hi Court Square, 1 : Asheville, N. C. S Si BRO. (Brown & Gttdgerfs old stand.) WHISKIES, BRANpIES -I f A IN St, purest and best WINES, TOBACCd AND CIGARS. . ! Also the celebrated: Glo- VER liEAF L-LUB. WHICH lor. Buritv of character arid Kiclmcss ot flavor is unex celled. SH EVlLt E cations, should be addressed to Jno. W. Stars es, Sec. KENTUCKY BELlj, KENTUCKY BELIl. KENTUCKY BEL4, I i i . ' ! An Absolutely Pur 1 ENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL. ! ! Rvu Whiskey, Highly recommended for medicinal purposes i Alsof, Higgins' Purej LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. J. F. GRANT, Prksu . 1 ! W. II. MARX WILLIAMS', GARRISON'S, AND COOPER'S b ' PURE NORTH CAROLINA CORN. lar .1 The best and mostpopv rands of Wines, Clarets, ! i Ales, Porter, etc. The celebrated Jos Sch i ! Brewincf Co's Mihvaxi Beer, qn Draught arid Bottles. NEW EXT. I V Sec G. 1: AND TrEAS. j. WEST, Manackk. ! ! ! i ! I 1 I Y E N. CJ corn 1 1 I j II I I 1 aner IN AMERICA DECLINING AN IXVITAT(,N. WITH THE "CLOVER CUT,.. I regret that it is SmpossiJ c r clover" with ycu to-.uorrcw ' thing is "ciom? cream that it ..v It, ( r1;t A k v.. h. r.a; tentment : thac is to SUV tni perfumed fields, nnd at the cijtt;,',,''1' 'V Rrka." the bountiful. serenoK- . i.'" 't faction's cud, in that blessed" twin, if' . . M.. 1 . ' ana sieep. inisciovcr makes . r rr w Vinnrc nf .lfHir.rv(l u - ''t. liapj " . . 1 ( 1 s y , 1 dimpled babes, of wholesome i"n , lets, and all there is of stninUss joyY"7' ful human life. A wonderful v,-,i ver! Drop the "C," and you ,av;. " ! away ti,.. niest of mankind. Take "r" ana you nac icit xne makes k litraven of tliis firth. Cut of the "r mains a warm, aeccn.uu nun that i th. alone an.i .,' 1 kl-c .h.H ... breath and keeps peace in co.intu,V Bottom was right: "Gooilhav hath no fellow." I " F 1 11 r IF VOU MUST HAVE A SiiM- DRII Nl.. 1 i MODERATION', , JOS. R. STONKIIKAKICK Clover Cluh Vvuk Rvi: ViitK Clover Cluij Ii:ki: Rvh VinI,i Clover Cluu I'i kh Rvi: Wiin For Puritv of Ciuin : and,richncss of flav(if, it. 110 equal. ir tt: n n! rr w O HAMPTON & FEATJU;iST(i . JOjNES ;& FOR Alantilacturers find Dealers in Harness, . i I Saddles, Bridles, Szc Sole AKdits may 21-tf A she .VGEXTS FOR WHITMAN SADDIiE C0A1PANY, WHITMAN SADDljE COMPANY, y HITMAN SDDlJE COMPANY, IHTILDINGS, NEW ANf) IMPROVED MACIIINERV. -4AND4- We are now nrenared to Manufacture in I the best possible sti-le all kinds of I WILKINSON & KID'S f WILKINSON & KID'S f WILKINSON M KID'S - i '.!- I 1 !l: l CELEBRATED MgLISH SADDLES. V, 1 BUILDING 3 BUILDING & BUILDING BUILDING itz cee 1 in DOORS, I I We also keep a choice line of Tobacco, Cigars, Ciga rettes, I &c, and extend a hearty invitation to our cus tomers land mends to call All MANTLES, MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS ittF Fine Harness of any sty - .1 1 order. All work 13 HAND i Guaranteed. A full stock o ! SASH. - BLINDS, le made to MADE, and Leggings, Saddles, Bri- dlesj'Collrtrs, Riding aiul Buggy .Whips, MOULDINGS, . BRACKETS, &C, Spufs, etci, alvay on exariiine our goods. JONES & 16 N Kints of Rough! 1 .i ; i Constantly and see ius when in, want anything in our line. !All orders bv mail or w of LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER nd Dressed Lumber on Hand. DRESSED; DRESSED! ;dressed; ire will be promptly and care- M !: j fullv attended to. HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON i ; I Ash ville. N. gPOT CASH STORE W. II. LEA- DEALER IN DrA' Goods, Dress Boots and Shoes. FOR FOR FOR THE THE THE TRADE. TRADE. TRADE. S. R. KEPLER. i Lowest Prices For Asll Work. LoweIst Prices For AliAWork. Lowest Prices For All Work. hnnd. ! Call and PORTNER. . t Court Square. 0. MULLER &j CO., No. 7 South MainStbeet. of c th 11 n lin the Cli po; am Sti tw Dealers in ull kinds of WjisbVs T dies Wines, Ale, Porter, CiVars, TJw uw &c. KENTUCKY RYU ami i;oVRnpt Whiskies a Special ty. j " nt ft Jm ' AGENTS l'OH Jlcf DISTILLERS t PURE NORTH CAROLINWu I WHISKEY AND APPLE BRAXItV. ANHlii;Sl2R-irLsCH Asheville, N. C, Lowest Prici s For All Work. Be sure to Rive us a trial before placing your( orders elsewhere. WS-Our personal supervision is given to 1 the manufacture of all materials,! and orders ! I;- ! I 1 - i will be filled with care and promptness. Oefice and Factory at Old Depot, If- J : mc21 I Asheville N. C p' March th, 1888. 4 Now, a.s always here tofore, I pnpr to the citi zens of Asheville and sur- rdundins: cpuntr, Gro- i i .. ceries of the Finest Qual ity, and licit their respectfully s 6- patronage. j R. Kepler, 53 South mch& Gents' Furnishing I Goqds, THRESH COUNTRY PRODUCE. X' ! - J .. . Ye keep constantlyi on nana ; iresh coun try Produce of all kinds. Butter, Eggs, Chickens, &c. We sell at lowestprices. Call and see us. C. E. LANE & CO., I S. Main Street. r JOHN G.ILINDSEY, 25 Nj Maix St., Asheville, N. C. Hats in Straw of every grade. i Goodsj Ir ull Line of Biittericks Xa- ! "!-' " test Patters. "Vf A-MTTTJAfTTTTJTfT? OW TTNWAPP MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE, MANUFACTURER QF TINWARE, AND SHEET-IRON: WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON! WORKER I : T i'l !'. !. ; gg-Also, Job jWork, Roofing and Guttering. at Satisfactory Prices j S I i I'..!, -pHE ASHEVILLE Is now at HAND LAUNDRY work on Valley street, in VALLEY HALL. We are now prepared to do first-class laun dry work in every particular. I Wre do not use any Steam Machinery that will weak and tear the goods. SI H. LEA, W. No. 17 North Main st. 59 ALL WORK DONE may 23-1 v BY HAND, and the result is goods are well taken care of. If you want toj wear first-d'ass laundrr wrk srau us your gpoas. ! I G. W. Hf GGINS. And A. Til BOWEN. Office at Chrson's Stationery Stor f;st asheville. Parties wishing .54- to Purchase K building m GARDEN From Lne to one ards the SULPHUR e1; G Cakkier, at the ap4-Cin M USjCAL INSTRUCTOR H-." O.! Himes will Main! St. LOTS, OR V- v LAND, hundred acres, w?st to- will ball on SPRINGS, springs or CARRIER & GASTON I ' i t .. i take a limited number of appiy att ! 3 or 3 sontn ther inaformation Mam street; by riiai Asneville: i raav rj jw address. H. O Box 223, ES. ' R il Ac cn leb rvei ic t rcr Vhl Qili i JSTukk Barlev ILlt WnijKn.j1.' Medical Purposes, always iti stock. T Agents and Authorized bottlers of ha k t Ui'l hci ur -ior -rnl tll lc '.ai er Cclel'rariJ n 'iti urii ubj ICO ed 1 hot ve liKV. he i & p ion rcn Ki lid Itic cnt ed i ? o p Oil rit I icii Ipe, inc iC ,TU rcu lie in Kk ntJ BrewinsL Association's Louis I.AGKR HKIiR, for WVstirr Carolina. ISSTlie following Brewings cmvA on hand, in regs and bottles: AM(LUSERm ?Clf,' " STANDARD," IMPERIAL PALL" LAO IX. ANL THE "ORIGINAL V.VDWr.lSr.R. Goods delivered to any i irt oitk ' Free of Charge. Projiiic uttcntj'ja to all orders, by mail or otlicrwi Telephone call No 30. Billiard Hall on 2d Floor. JNSURANCE. 1' FIRE, j 1 -ACCILENT.- I PULLIAM CO., At The Bank of A Asheville, N. C," otc ird Kn e v om lan int c h rtic Rn: ie p rce her ill 1 pns Re: jr e uit ntc line Ke? tpot ICC Represent the following Comiian , FIRE. CASlM':','-v'-al1 Anglo Nevada, of California, ;.ttc,J Continental, of New York ,V'..fi Iks Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany.. London Assurance, of Enjrlaml..- Niagara, of New York,.. Orient, of Hartford Phenix, of Brooklyn, St. Paul Fire & Marine, of Minn'a. Southern, of New Orleans, Western, of Toronto . U.S. Mutual Accident Ass' mcl Aetna Lipk Issubaxci: C' tr t i;0:;.iow it'?, IAT1' N EW FIRM. titi rat ft He; tni Itu :h " no w -It I . I .f-I I., Will have in stock, by the lt M i" full line of all kinds of Luml :t;; rough aad dressed, Moulding, f"1; Lathes, Sash, Doors, Blinds. t anu yenow pine, aasn vci- t.! V Cements, plaster, Lime. Hair, Nif ¬ ties. Architectural Iron, or anvm - yt W. II. WESTALL BUILDERS' surr fe-Partics buildin-r, or cb'ntcnJrjrr. Westall, who is now prepared t v. j.: ii nl)OVCv I 1 ' rlc E9 ncc and having hnd large cxicrient. line, can inve vou liottom fi',r(:" ' X'1 hand now. 0Q Wolfe building Asheville, N See and warerooni 1 ,( , South-east Court

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