t I '.-..I i 1 ' - 1 7 L. -I -!:.''- ' f . I . 1 .. - ' - T I THE SUN. ; 1 ' i - r- r ,-r-.- j . a-rr m &TT? Sr Q .. . . i aixhaa uu , : I I i I -J J -.irfnoo ire Sunday W - AIR CO . W . " " 7 . VV On rWJl 1 v---w -' r ... i w w; i l i : I .... I I 1 l . . ASHHVILLE. N. C ...JUNE 20 The Daily Sex is the only paper in West ern North Carolina taking the Asciated Press dispatches. j Weather indications. By Telegraph to the Sun. Washington-, I. C.,junc 19. For North Carolina Light to fresh easterly winds, warmer fair weather. ' B, Long, the city yesterday and was; in He Col. Thos was in nnc oi his greatest talking humors is evidently not well pleased jwith the State ticket which the republicans have put up. He said he would not vote for ... 11 . .J -i-.!! : i Inn I flint: anv onnuie-taneu juucp."-..k - Greensboro had a $10,000 fire Sunday morning, me propti u two grocery stores, one bjikery, and nJ confectionary! store, situated on South Elm street, oil the ndrth side of t,L:irtoi The tirooertv Was owned liiC:iiU viiw X A j by he wants only the tried and true. There Thos. Bailey, Wmj McDonald and are only about two men he said on State ticket that amount the republican to anything.! Clean up your premises. Rain is much needed in this vicinity. Cse plenty of lime on your premises. Joe Sludcr has gone on j an extended trip North. , ! Nothing done in Court yesterday ex cept a few motions were argued. ; Mr. John W. Wadsworth. a prominent citizen of Charlotte, is in the city.; We regret to learn that Capt. Alexan der, on the French Broad, is quite sick. W. W. jFIemming, Esq., of Washing ton, D. C is in attendance upon court, i ' Yesterday was another hot and dry day. People were hunting for cool places. F. II. Cameron, Inspector General of North Carolina State Guards, id in the ! citv Mr. D. S. Watson, of this city, is spend a few days at the Asheville Sulphur Springs. j j Miss Mary Woodcock has returned home, after a visit of several months to Charlotte. I j W. G. B. Morris, of Hendcrsontille, is in the city and reports his town as still on the boom. ! ! Farmers have had a spleuded season in which to save their hay, during thf past ten days, and much has been saved. The Si x bulletin attracted much atten tion yesterday as the news from the Chicago convention was being displayed. j i Dan Sumniy has just returned from an extended trip through Ohio. While in that State, he heard Thurman make a big speech. ' j Mr A. R. Cooley yesterday pruchascd one hundred nice spring lambs and fifty sheep, for his market. See advertisement elsewhere. Our sister town of Weavcrvilleis catch ing the spirit of enterprise. There are many improvements going on in and around the place. Mr. E. G. Carrier, of the Ashcvillc Sulphur Springs recently sold one of his thoroughbred registered Jersey cows to Mr. Wm. Robertson for $20 j). We were pleased to meet in the city yesterday Dr. j. A. Reagan of Weaver ville. He informs us that the crops in his section arc looking well. i The State Dental Association, which met in Raleigh last week, selected Ashc villc as its next place of meeting,! and the 4th Tuesday in July, 18S9, as the time. The city authorities should lose no time in securing a duplicate "pump for the waterworks. Supposethc pump they have was to give way nowj w ; would be in a bad fix. Mr. John Delvaux, who lives three miles North of the city, will move here in the fall and establish a brewery mother enterprise for Asheyille, This is and one ivcrv stable which will, no doubt, pa- handsomely. There will be good breaks at :he Far mers and the Banner warehoscs this morning. The greater part of this tobacco is from the counties lof Hay wood r i ' r and Yancv. And some of it is very line. I We are glad to welcome Dr.J.M. Rose bcry back to Ashcvillc, aftcrj an absence of about twelve; months at his former home in the North. We hope that Jic has rcutmed to make this his permanent home. j T. F. Woodburv is a bora i 1 1 . man. lie has one of the; best equipped liverv stables in the StateL His turnouts are handsome, his horses last and gentle If you should wish a nice team, Wood bury will do his best to pleaseyou. Mr. Frank Reynolds, or Aver, Ruther ford county, who has been in thecitj-two or three days, left for his home yester day. He has-been prospecting with a view of establishing, a business in Ashe villc. We hope that he ran decide to locate with us. i ! I ! ' , A stout healthy voung woman with her three year old daughter went to several places in the citv jyesterdav and proposed to give her child awa'. Atone place she went to, we learn, she was very severely and justly abused j for offering to give away her child,. j A bill was passed in the House of Rep resentatives yesterday, providing for the erection of a public building at States ville, N. C, at a cost of $75,000. In the event that the bill goes through and be comes -a law we hope our Statesville friends will not have the same trouble in selecting a site for the building, that has been experienced here. J Crockery and Glassware, At wholesale 'and retail,- at lowest "figures for cash, j We duplicate all bills rom large cities, saving 3 011 the freight. Our line of silverware and table cutler is one of the best in the State. We make a specialty of supplying hotels and board ing houses, to whom we allow whole sale prices. Call or write, f J. H. Law, -01 oc iiu ouuiu Aiani si. If you wish to see a wonderful invention, otq to the court house tc-day and see Gibbs' Automatic Churn Dasher. MrGibbs had it'on exhibition yesterday for two and a half hours, and sold even twenty-five. It is the greatest success in the way of a churn dasher we have ever known. Some of the best people of Asheville endorse it. We were told by Mr. J. E. Gibbs, the in ventor, that he would remain here all next week to exhibit his invention. Mrs. Rosa McDonald. Insurance $2,000 Several negro burned. 'shanties' I UNDERTAKERS. Office and Warerooms, No, 27 Fattoti Av S ;, Asheville, N. CrV i - i 1 A fine assortment of Coffins, Caskets ana Burial Cases. All kinds oi cases,, u were also Pkaxitts Roasted fresh fevery day, cold. also raw. at Wilkies Fresh lot of Oranges and Lemons just iUAIetallC uunai v,itacs. "'"' r , fySor old, from plain to the finest kept constanriy on uauu. j. i uunn. ....r. 0 11 orders, dav or 'night. J yHWe have employed a first class j under of many years' experience, who has charge of this department. I received at Wilkies, 26 South Delicious Orange Cider at Wilkies Main St. Attention! A. I. I. There will be a! meeting bf the Ashe- Tn-llo T.iVht Infantry on Thursday even Wat 8:30 sharp. 1 A full attendance is ordered. Bv order of the Cbmmandmg Officer. Duff Merrick, 1st Sergeant. who Masonic Celebration. One of the pleasant events that are to take place at Our sister town of Wraynes ville during thi summer,- is the Masonic celebration wliich conies off in that place on July the 4tl). We tender our thanks to the commitiee for an invitation to be present. The committee of invitation is composed of Maj. W. W . Stnnglieia, vr. R. C. Filer andJ. M. Davis. An important Matter. A wealthy ladv of New York city, spent several 'months in this cit last winter and spring, was perfectly de lighted with Asheville in every respect, save one that! was that it did not have a system of sewerage. She said if Ashe ville had the proper sewerage, she-would invest here and make this her home. A day or two ago, she wrote a gentleman in this citv. savinir that if the bonds for the sewerage system were voted that she wished him to purchase for her a certain piece of property in Asheville, thai she would at once make her arrangements . to come, to Asheville and commence the erection of a handsonie residence on the same. This is -but another reminder that we should have the sererage system, and to have it we must vote the bonds, and to vote the bonds, it is ofthe greatest importance that every man should go to the polls on the 10th of July and cast his vote for bonds, and thereby give our city another great step on the road to progress and prosperity j Asheville not only needs a complete systen of sewerage to help to builct up a great and prosper ous city, but slie needs it for the health of her people. While we are enjoying good health in all sections of the city now, the time j might come when we would be stricken ; down with desease, resulting from the lack of sewerage in j our city. Let us be up and doing and let us have the cleanest city in the South. Wc can do it if we will. Fine Lambs. IaL'R. Cooley yesterday purchased 100 find lambs and 50 nice sheep, which L.I ip. c1,i ottered for his market. Housekeepers wishing a choite article of er.nfr TnmTi would do wen to can ai 111s market. I june20tf Irlnll at the Farmer's Warehouse and see j a bargain in 'several good Sewing at nUiinps. W. H. .Littleton ii there to re- nriif. ndrust or clean up Sewing Machines. TTf 'will huv. sell or Ireoair. Call on him for your needles, oil and any part you may need. I Windsor House. Spartanburg, S. CJjsone ofthe best kept hbtels in the Soluth. It is convenient to the depot. If you1 wish comfortable beds and good tare, do!n't forget the Windsor. ! ' C. C. Chase, apl3-tf. ' i Proprietor ADVERTISEMEN tK" N TlOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. DC ALL KINDS OP 'S -I - RAIL ROAD TICKE IJGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED, 1 1 "at" low est r ATES. -I I R. G. McPERRAN & cl)., Railroad Ticket Brokers, rj. Shh TVf ain Street. Two doors North ofthe Post Office Members of the; Associated, Ticket Bro kers' Association. 1 1 U REAL ESTATE BROKER wir Telephone. i Our neighbor the Citizen need not be - T I uneasy. Ashevjlle will have a telephone exchange. In Our ojiinion, the city has fully made up its mind that an exchange will be established here without inter ruption. The council has shown this dis position. This pody feels that by giving Major Martin and Ihis company an ex clusive franchisJ on certain streets would be about the same as to give the ex clusive right to the entire city. There is only one reliabl telephone now in use, and that is the jBell, and this company is now ready to put in an exchange here. Suppose the exclusive right was given to Major Martin qnd his company, his com-pain-could not use the 1 Bell telephones, because this telephone is not leased, ex cept to private individuals. And sup pose another patent of some inferior telephone was have the same from the Long have to might i 1 mignt put in here, we nefficient service we had 1 telephone, and finally, we abandon that. What Asheville wants isjthe veryjbest, and that, no one doubts is the Bell Telephone. Of course, we would not like to see our Li.. local company lose anything on its in vestment in the Long Telephone Ex change, but we cannot expect the city council to do anything that would in any way delay the establishment of an ex changc. I , Mr. M. F. Burke, who is looking after the interest of tie Southern Bell in this city, already has some forty or ! fifty .sub scribers for his company. In other words he has received a sufficient number to open the exchange at once, which will be done as soon a$ the committee jfrom the Board of Aldermen reports Friday night. Wc have no doubt the Bell Telephone Company will pay 'Major Martin and his company a fair price for the bid Long telephone plantj. The Bell will cither buy the old plant or will pat in ajnrew one. Wc do not see 'after ali, how the local company can lose much money. Of course, it cannot get much for the old telephones, because thay are useless to the Bell. The local company cannot ex pect to get. much'fc r these 'phones. They were purchased! at a time when the suit between the Beil and Long was pending, and if the local company has gotten left on the trade, we take it that the citv bf Asheville, while) she nia- regret it, cannot help it: I A full line of Toilet articles, Rubber goods, combs, j hair and tooth brushes, bottled mineral waters, Lubin's, Wright js, Atkinson's Lundborg's extracts and Toi lets water. Prescriptions carefully pre pared and delivered promptly to any part of the cit3 Grant & Wixgert. Chamois Mousquetaire Gloves, just in at WniTLOCK'si j iuncl4-:lw j I1 r1 avenne V. CORTLAND jn!4 4-m ORDERS TO BUY L T, ON -Offi A1 AND PROPERTY, 3 GIVEN CLOSEST ATTENTION INVESTMENTS MADE REAL ESTjATE ce in the Bariiard entrance. EDEN PARK HOTElJ L... I I- AND cottages: U i- i- 'Nine and a-half miles sotith of Ashev the Asheville & Spartnbuk-g R. R Address I jnlTtf N: THOSi A. MORRIS, EW MARKET We have iust opened Rawls Block. Northeast Square, (where will be foind at full variety, ol FRESH MEATS 3 Our prices will be withi We intend to keep the jbest GUARANTEE SATISFACTION to our customers. We cordially t- SELL SECURITY, building, Patton mair -I Arisen, N. C. a New Market corner! of ille, on Prop. in the Court all times a ALL KINDS f n the reach of all. and invite the people pf Asheville tp give us a" trial. We have one of (the best cattle experts out buy ing up the xer& best stock that can be found for our market. jn!7tf ZACIIARY, JONE$ & BRO. D OtTOR JOHN HEY WILLIAMS JIa$ removed his residence to No. 2P Hay wood' Street, corner Walnut. Office ajt same number until further notice. Offick Hours: 11 a. !m. to 1 p. m , and 3 to 5 p. tii. I 1 j mei4-om B No 37 Patton Avenue FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE : FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE OF all kinds M YOUNG'S BARBER SHOP, South Main i First-class j Barbers. Easy Chairs. All work satisfactory manner. Sharp 'Razors. done iri the most I strange Visitor had just sold a TREET EN ACRES j 15 ACRES 20 ACRES-4-On Beaver Dam Crek, 2V miles From Court House; right at the district schooland voting place; mile ffom Episcopal and Methodist, and 1 mile from Baptiet church. Good moral community. Fine spring; fine groves, fine view j beautiful building sites, godd road to Asheville. A splendid placetobuild'upa lovely home. !2' per cent, chjeaper, and 25 per cent, better than other land sold recently in same neighborhood. I Apply on the ground (early) to E. None li ASTON FIRE, Li Mi 4 'OR RENT. C. IB. WAY. . u ACCIDENT INSURANCE. ut lirst-class companies represented. Two building excellent office Apply to w OR SALE rooms, in the Wolfe O, WOLFE, ju-10-tf. A No.ll carriage or buggy horseU For fur ther information apply at this Office. tf. "POR SALE OR REIT. street One Good, NEVY House, on Bailey conveniently located a Dargain. For Drawer "W.," this office. ternis AsheKrille R1 VE RSIDE SIX-ROOM DWELLING Good well of water qn the lot. jWUl sell at etc., address Lock N. C. or -annlv at mehl4 D A I R Y. ! , i Tf 1 1 I am now prepared to deliver the cry best of milk in any quantity desired. 1 1 have some ofthe finest milkers jinj Western North Caro lina. Among themj fThe Holstein.V "The Devon" an the "EngUshDuiham's' Tn con nection 1 witn tne above I am prtparine to establish a . I j f i I I "III GILT EDGE BUTTER DAIRY. TT .! . ' I !! ! -i. Hoping to receive a part of the Ipatronasre of the cijtizens of Asheville, i ( I T nay-G-tf I am respectfully, J.N.jVANCE. lady a pair of tan-colored silk mitts for 1 24c, mi d was showing her our black lisle . lT Iff gloyes at lUc, ot wnici: we sold her wo pairs, but still have a Wge lotlft, when we heard a noise about tledoor and; the j jingle ol glass Looking up we saw a hbrse inside the store, weaijinjin addition to his harness cuite an astonished look . He was mist-aken-j-we keep notliing in his line but er rr3'-coinbs, brushes abd whips ; and b y the way if Mr. Graham had AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AT WHOLESALE AND RFTAIL. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. I Our stock is always large and complete in every department, embracing every article of furniture required ;to furnish any part of a house. We are prepared to I-I -FURNISH- HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES, IN PART pR ENTIRE, On shortest notice and the most satisfactory terms. a $2.5 whip, whiclt ye L52, he could liaye in 1 ' the middle of had sell for $1 1 1 All communications will receive our prompt and careful attention. ; M-'L' I : BEDROOM SETS PARLOR SUITS, I FINE CHAMBER SUITS, WARDROBES, SIDEBOARDS, 1 BED AND SINGLE LOUNGES, - -; I 1 j ! WIRE SPRINGS, ! I MATTRESSES ' : -I I i i ! OF SHUCKS, COTTON AND HAIR, ROCKING CHAIRS, I CENTER TABLES, ! ! .' I : .1 ' 1 DINING TABLES AND CHAIRS, -J ' i I - ! '.. i And various other things, too numerous to mention In fact! everything usually kept in A FIRST CLASS ! ! I FURNITURE HOUSE. During the next ilnw i.,.iUk mate that there will H: fl(-tt s' oeoole. This is estimnf ;. . "JU;,. A M. -'Mil population at ten thousand t, 'Clv( added five thousand visitors n' l pect to be here and at nenr 1Jv boarding houses. The ( HOW ARE WE Tn:i:!) MULTITUDE ' !h That is a ven'casv questions provided you have the ,roY- hand. Hut suppose we slum, 1 ' ft this summer by a blizzard, SUt.j,.l. had in New York last vintcr pull through Well, we hardly ever have snoVt hpre At this SCaSOll Severe rnn,,..L t . t 1 1 C 1 tne wneeis ui vuuuuv.iee, hi ,. not be surprised to see our , great deal lower than the loVfr registered by the thermometer ., ter, in the north and west. Having oreseeu the rush of Y;v Western North Carolina tins we have prepared ourselves acco and are now busy distributing.', arid largest stock of stajtle ar, groceries ever offered in the State I ;- i i r Be sute to call and see. our splendid assort- kepi him the I road or made it ex tremely warm for him. The honU had sense though, like the I balance of his kind, he wanted to follow the crowd, and thej usually (as he. had jii. no doubt bbserved) tendjtd -1 waras where except had; a few be well to the ' 'Racket Store, ' bargains in all lines, horse feed, are to be of which it might enumerate. 1 We have some beauiiful Dress! Goods, in lawns; naui lins and mulls, and our stock . j is ' of laces is full up, at price 11 I TIT 1 sure to please. vve na sold a number of ice cream freezers at unheard-of prices in this citv we warrant ev- e oiie of them to be as gqocjl as tne 1 best or we refund money and take them back ; none have been return eda yet. j Our coquet sets and hammocks are becoming ieal- sonable ard are begmnmgtb move) off, we shall keep a supply however and it will 1 1 i f pay you. to price ours Detore you buy. We have just re ceived a new lot of .rttffs some ! beauties and prices will suit, 4s WH as qtialiir. The ladies are especiallvhre- .1 - - quested to call and see pur new suppi' 01 rib Dons and flowers-fsome extra nicetjps also. We have the largest stock in town, we believe some beautiful goods finer than wc iave kept here1 to- 1 ! i fore. Tli m regarq ' r i.-.!. I. We sell profit, for they are .1 1 e same may be saia to ruchings, also. we have a new line. goods at a small antee cash only, and as ought lower than others buy, (owing to our facilities,) we undersell bur neisrhbors j and as we eruar- everything sold to be as represented or money? re- FUNDED, buying of DO BUY. ment : of WINDOW want of anything in that line. Mi! .: 1 URTAINK when fn I g-ie have the best Upholster and Cabi- inet workman in the State, and are prepared to turn out the very finest work in this de partment at short notice Give us a trial kespectfullj'i W. A Residcncc No. 39, Penland Street. jnS-lrn J- BLAIR & CO., H. WOODY, Manufacture! CARRIAGES CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, Asheville. X. C. and Dealer in -SURRIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, ETC.f- No. 25 Willow! St.,1 As HEVILLE, N. C. The following popular tnAkes of vehicles kept in stock :-p Tyson & Jones' Fine arnages. Columbus Buggies. -Emerson & Fisher McFarlan Carriage 4 Standard Ws ' 1 " . Bradley The Troy Spring Wagon, Cortland Carts. Co's. V Bucrsies. ajron Co ehicles. s. Vehicles. i - & Co's. Carts. I k Flint Carts. j "C" Spring Carts. . Single center Equalizing Buggies. j The Famous MtiioLLAND Buck j Boards, Our Own Make. v The. Easy-riding Lockwood Buck Board 1 11 1 v Also Agent for McClear &: Kendall's Fine Carriages, of Wilmington, Del. Orders Promptly Attended to And Satisfaction Guaranteed. there us, is no nsKrim hence people Contrary to our expectations, we are not yet in our nekv store, No. 3-5 South Main street, but we shall get there we .1 ope on or about the 25th of June. Come and -see us, do i't wait until we 11 bve ; we can sup ply you with anything you need, j either to wear or to use, and we guarantee to save you money on every purchase made of us. Very respectfully, GEO. n. k Office, 460 Broadway! . JONES & CO named eoods not "Any ofthe above ..- ii r:. .. ; 1 1 iii in stock will be ordered, on short notice. Second Hand Vehicles Always on hand and for sale cheap. THE EMANC1PA 770.Y OF TWENTY MILLION SIj. in South America, has causal a ,-' settled state of affairs anions i; planters, and has had the cilia Jp vancing the price of coffee, wlik; Jli likely to reach still higher figure. I Before the advance we were ' nate as to secure a large lot of -f. Moclia, O. j. Java, raney i,- Maracaibo and Fancy Kio CVT S1 green and parched, all of which j ' at New York prices. y. Choice Rio Coffees arc now y New York at 18 cts. Wc sell GU' $1.00, and Arbucklcs at 'Jk'iKr, ' SUGARS are firm, wui pn'asr at about the same as hi our Jn.r. epjote best Standard (Irnnulatcd xA " Brown Sugars at . . . Best Cut Loaf moulds, Powdered, Confectioners' . . . . . 4 , We have a large stock of Svrr jz Alolasses, and quote: White Urip, ... . . Porto Rico, Common syrup, . . . , .: Wc have the largest and finest ''ri: f Teiis' ever offered in Wester: Tl: Carolina, which have been selcc-.TI: special regard to their d rawing (ji) Young Hj'son, 40u Gunpowder, oOctof.i Oolong, . ...... r0eto5., - English Breakfast, . . f0cto : We offer low grade teas nt!r:i to 30 cts. per pound, i Try our PURE SPICtiS .u' vou. use no others. v Our "OBELISK" Flour, at $ the best ever offered in this rxd'- 'Favorite," at $2.75, is a Im pure straight flour. ''Waterloo" is a good family $2.25. Trv it. : Klil We still have a few cases of- , Hart's 3 lb Peaches at Hoc jkt . " 2 " ' " 'Jt'c " . Finest 3 lb lomatocs af1.3jKv Com, at 1..-J5 iir(l(i A Libbey's Chipped Bee!', at 2k w AX 1 lb cans of Corned i5eef.it loc.f , o u l'e.H String Beans at" lc crf.i" Lima 44 at2v " " Marrowfat Peas at loc ikt can Ml. Cracked wheat, at "c x ouiul. Fresh Oatmeal at 5c'r Vl,um!- ' Oatflakcs at 9c per 'lb "Fine Pearl Grits 3 Vlc, ' JJ Fine mixed Table Nuts at W, ' Blueing at 30c jer dozen, . ' Alj Blacking at from 25 to ."t'c jit c " Potash at 5c per ball, Lye at 5c per box, Pint Bottle Pickles at 1 ( e 1 UF Quart " " 4 LMic " Gallon 44 44 4 40c" ' Half Pint Bottle Acme Saia-c. , , , Magnolia Hams at 13 to 14c Brooms, at from 8Mj to 23 cts. We have a full line oi' m nntnpstiV nlivrs. nlivi nil. sriUCt maple sugar, candy, oranges and - Canned apples, apricots, clicrr5 peaches, pineapples, aspara?" ' corn, beans, peas, squash. ')ffi tomatoes, 'devilled crabs, mon, 03'sters, mackcral, codiK viLI, ted and devilled meats, con ilcJisd; Also a full line of Farinaceou?.-' wheat flakes, oatflakcs, crncn" v sairo. tanioco. oatmeal, irrits. t C3 - 7 I 7 1 fc' ley, beans, and peas. All work is put up of the very best ma terial and only the most skilled workmen are employed. Call and inspect : my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. apl7-iy I. Hi WOODY. Rooms' for rent Three rooms on Patton! avenue furnished r u"furiished for rent on reasonable terms tor further particulars apply at Sun office. Yeast cakes, crackers, maccarfn micelli, mushrooms, maccd"-' raisins, currants, citron, snPjir, bacon, hams, candles, gatul, extracts, soda, baking powiltf' ita of tartar, chocolate, cocoa, etc Bath brick, stove polish, viikV. tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, JM paper bags, butter trays, Kt, grain, haj', bran, shorts, a jn;J-or everything that can be touw tC( class Grocery house, ALL OF WHICH WE Ol'' ;nz , PRICES THAT DEFY COMW-'f pas Fit. The prices we name arc Ktta will make special prices to t; buyers. Respectfully, ry POWELL &SXlDEf''' Ashcvillc, I