THE SUN. PucmsiiED Daily, Except Mondays, at ASIIEVILLF HOBGOOD & X. C, nv ITZGERALD. Entered in the post-office at Asheville, S.C. for transmission through the mails as second class matter. I Sl'BSCRIPTION RAXES I One year Six Months Three Months One Month .SC.OO . 3.00 . 1.50 . SO zh- STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Will be fur- Advertising Rates reasonable nished on application. All bills for advertising collected monthly Advertisements inserted for a shorter time than one month must be paid in advance Commcxicatioxs, unicse they contain im- briefly and pro perl y subjects of real interest,1 are not wanted; and !f nrocntAble in everv other way, tuey uu invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. You can sign any ficti tions name you please, but for our protection we must have your real name. FRIDAY MORNING. ..JUNE 22 NATIONAL DEM. TICKET. for president: GROVER CLEVELAND, 1 of New York. for vice-president: ALLAN' 0. TIIURMAX, of Ohio. t DICMOCUATIC STATE TICKET for governor: DANIEL G.jFOYVLE, of Wake. ' FOR LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. FOR SITREME COURT JUDGES! JOSEPH J J DAVIS, of Franklin. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Washington. ALPIIOXSO C. AVERY, of Burke. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WM. L. SAUNDERS, of Orange. for treasurer: DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. . FOR SUPT. OF PUDLIC INSTRUCTION SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Catawba. for attorney general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. O. for atditor: W. SANDERLIN, of Wavne. ELECTORS FOR THE STATE AT LARGE A. M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. f. x. strudwick; of Orange. In a lecture delivered in Tennessee, a few daj-s ago, Nashville, Jones Sam said this, according to: the American, of thatcit-: "We need grit in the demo cratic partv. I admire Grover; Cleveland A gamer over the man than United 'for that, presided Grover Cleveland can get my president everv four years, he never has got a backbone as big States, and vote for because he as! a circus pole." THE SEWERAGE QUESTION. i I Talk to vour neighbors about the im- portancc of the election that is to be held in this city July 10th, and urge them tp use their influence in getting men out to uic. j. tie x nutik ijuwuuu uj " portant matter to Asheville, and we should use our every influence to have a system put in. Just so long as Asheville remains without sewerage, we cannot advertise to the world that we have H clean citv. We naturallv have one of the healthiest places on the continent, but proper sewerage, we , would onlv the healthiest but the with the have not cleanest citv in the countrv. The qucs tiou of sewerage is one' of the first things a stranger, seeking investmentments here, asks. We should be able to tell him that we have a good and : complete S3stem Recently wc have received letters from parties at a distance about this matter, and others have received letters on the same subject. It is a duty wc owe to our selves, our families, our visitors and to the future prosperity of our city, that we vote the bonds on luly 10th. PRESS OPINIONS. I Lo-c Harris in his Signal, says that ,ii-wT-otiW nominess are simply the mouth pieces of the re venue officers of the State. This is joke No. 2. Who is! the father of the revenue system.' ix)ge Har ris' party. Who supported this system? Logcllarris' party, and they are anxious to get back in ipower again so their ex rcvenuc officers can suck the public pap. Such assertions as.iie manes .c from being true that ere long the alse shot will flvj backwards, killing this huge jokerDurham Recorder. Xorth Carolinians have so much to be i r : i,i i,;ctnT-v of this frlonous 'u .l.ltli hrtt nnv lack Ot State pride is inexcusable. The time has come w hen, having helped in the past to make history,! wc should adorn every spot in which North Carolinans . reflected honor upon their State. There was never a Virginian who was not proud to be ac counted a citizen thereof. North Caroli na has equal claims upon her sons. W e must uphold. jour own dignity if we would expect others to recognize and ac knowledge jit Wilmington Messenger. Ti rpnnMIpnnsin Conzressareshow- in" a cood deal of the spirit of the dog the runnnrprJ TllCV nave iiuimnji the country from ex rrasive taxation, and vet they violently oppose all efforts of the democrats to cut f.. ci,mln! nrid lift to some extent hurden. They remind one Jiw T?r1i 1 Thfrersoll. He is unremit tingly digging at the foundation of the Christian religion, hoping to sap and destroy man s last; range m ucspii , yet offers no other shelter. He will not enter in and he is trying his best to j keep back all others from entering m. Wil mington Star. We would rather be an optimist n ressimistJ We sincerei - k N ORDINANCE, To provide that the Aldermen of the City -ot Asneviuc nijr "wsy. A Vr " a r- dred Thousana uouars, ionut t fit of said city, as set rorxn Tf Tee it ordained by the Board of Alderaieri of the City of Asheville. That for the purpose ot . . - -vf a m ninntv Of tile ualified and registered voters oftheatyfat the Board of Alderman of the said city may borrow tne sum oi unc r dollars, to be applied to the constrnctienj of 4 system of Sewerage, and other nssf! 2nd permanent improvements an .election shall be held on Tuesday, July the 10th A.I V. 1888 at the usual voting place, andunderhe rules and regulations governing such elections in said city ; and if the consent of the required majority shall be obtained at such election, then the Board of Aldermen may borrow said sum of money, upon the bonds of the said city to be made and issued, in their discretion m the denomination of Fifty. One Hundred and Five Hundred Dollars, with interest coupdns Theaid bonds shall become due and paya ble thirty years from their date and for inter ; i. ix nriT .r -cfitiitn ner annum. J 1,1 o.mLniii!iiiv. flccordmc to tne :ZS"ZX V first davs of Tanua- ryiand July in each andevery year. And they -:a Vi Mnvor and counter ihT TeasurerTnd be under the SlUWU "J J - ; U seal of said city. ! ( i ' I . The said bonds shall in no case be disposed ftsnld. assigned, or transferred for a less ? Tcoupons" of said bonds shall be at times when due. receivable in payment taxes aac g HARKINS Mayo nri whois not already registered: i-Lixj . . !i ill r, tne reEisvra.i.iiji r: - - t ol. S Bulow Erwmattneomcc ui iuc reasurer in the court nousc. i a tiAarn ni Ainmncu. r b . . - all of on than believe the world is growing better, taken as a whole. This is our belief, because we be lieve "stone cut out" is growing and will continue to grow until it fills;the whole earth. There is more freedom, indepen dence and courage now than heretofore, because there is more uprightness The onlv free man on earth is he who is thor oughly convinced that he works upright ly and is loyal to the truth. The march of the army of the Kings of Saints exerts a powerful and salutary indirect influence upon the world. It is upon this influence we are dependent for all moral reforms. To legislate in 'advance of this potent, central force in -moral reformatory mat ters is a waste bf labor. Laws ahead of a popular disposition to receive and en- lorce tneni oecome instance! ucau Charlotte Chronicle, j "He that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes." Hag- gai tlic propnet announccu mis num thousands of years ago. lit was so then it is true to-dav. The bag m which he that earneth wages puts; his money is filled with . holes. Ieariy an oi xnose hnleslinve been enlareed by the operation nf the nrnteetive tariff. There is the sug ar hole, which is one-third larger than it oucht to be. The blanket hole is one- lialf larger; the clothing noie iuny onc- ialflanrer: the furniture hole is thirty- six per cent larger; the window curtain fnrtv-five ner cent larcrer: the looking- glass hole sixty per cent larger; and so on through the list till all ot tne noies on an flip fnre of all these facts it is no wonder that the number of poor people increases . , . . 1 J 3? J.1 - in theiana, notwitnsxanamg tuc mticusc aggregate wealth. Goldsboro Argus. at TIII'IR PLATFORM. The republican jilatform adopted Chicago yesterda3f as might have been expected, denounced the Mills' tariff bill. i - i To have done otherwise, of course, I ! would have been inconsistent with the protection ideas of that party, which wishes to build up ; the great monopolies and to oppress the poorer classes of the countrv. In reference to the interna revenue, tlie platform nroDoses to be i in favor of the absolute repeal of the sys tem. The truth of the matter is. the republican party does not wish the inter nal revenue abolished. This partv has shown no honest disposition lookin towards its repeal. i j The platform further denies the fact that the democratic part has ever re- stored one acre of the 'public lands to the Deonle of the West. Upon the whole, we take it, that there is but little difference in this platform of 1S8S and that of 1884. average are increased 47, i per cent. In An exchange remarks that President Cleveland can well afford to be a little superstitious aboxit the name "Daniel." And so he can. wc think. Daniel Lock wood has heretofore placed him in nomi nation for everv office he has held. Dan iel Manning managed his campaign, and kvas a strong member of a strong cabi- net. Daniel Latnont is his mvaiuaoie private secretary Now Dnniel Dougher ty has renominated him. The word Daniel signifies "judgment of God." and very appropriate at is, . . o . GOD'S PEOPtE." i i ' The coroner of New York city is busy in vestigating several cases in which parents poisoned their children to get the insur-l ance on their lhes. The amount ! of a . n ! child's policy in these cases was only $150. The manager of a company which insured children-told a reporter that it w-as becoming quite common, in thelarge northern cities for parents to poison their children in brdcr- to get the insur ance on their lives. Tnrntnmciitin'oii the aboye state of r . affairs, the Charlotte Observer has the i ii following: li ; "These are the! rjeonle who are in the habit of referring to the South as a semi- civilized reirion. and a fine i pasture for Vnrtliprn missionaries. Thev mav be w . 'God's people;" for even the snakes and coyotes are ; His. But what if "God s fvrmle" were God ? Wouldn't this be a C- . . . .... fine world to live in r ; A CARD. Tt is our nleasure to announce to all persons seeking to buy liomes or make investments iif this city or Western North Carolina, that we how have the most complete list of property of all kinds we have ever ottered. e nave lots large and small, improved and unimproved, in Asheville. rarms or everv, Kina erintion. both in the immediate of the city and the whole surrounding country. Our list of mountain. Igrazing, mineral and timber lands will supply every demand in this respect, and at prices ranging from one to. fiv dollars per acre, owing to quality and proximity to the rail road, j I i Both citizen and stranger are invited tr nur office (in the Barnard new build ing public square, first floor, to confer with us relative to am- matter touching real estate You can there see specimens of the jrrain, rrass, minerals and timbers of this section, and get "posted" about Asheville and Western North Carolina. We have a number of conies of the last number of the L.VXO OF THE Sk1 ( which gives the most complete description of Western Xorth Carolina ever, published,) that will be given gratis to persons look ing for information on the subiect. Do us the pleasure of calling when you wan to talk real estate. . . j Respectfully, Xatt Atkixsti & Sons. P. S. Several houses and lots to rent on reasonable terms H AMPT0N & FEATHERST0N No. 5 South Main St. A SHEYILLE STATE NUKAlAlv vJt-jXivw., f-i From July 3d to 20th. I?ACIJIXY. HENRY E. SHEPHERdJl.X-D President S, C., will be on T-VRESS making ! I have . . Then. Hobeood's Pation kvenue, opposite Nellie Parle, .where I vould be glad to see mjr n S"- n f rons may 2G-tf. of the College pi i-nanc T, w, Superintendent ana jciuiw uu tt-oo History and English. I . : -lr .;!.. Lo PROF. IStS. ts. AiKiwa, oi iiicj Female College, will be I Instructor m the Mathematics and ygienic i-nysioiyej . , , pvnp. P. P. CLAXTON, Superintendent OI Vlic -rv - rv. ' ; r j: MTSS k A 1 If, JVLJ.itAi.i-,i ui uuiuuu... PAUL JONES, And McCRAYER'S Keep constantly on hand a full and general stock of WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, ! . . r J e, iv-Viirh Can always De iouuu . ! following leading brands : GIBSON'S, R YE R YE R Y E R Y E Also the celebrated Clo- U I ; i ver Leaf Club, which for t i It! ail Puritv of character . . .. -; "Riphness of Flavor is unex celled. WILLIAMS'! GARRISON'S, AND COOPER'S PURE NORTH CAROLINA CORN. I ; 1 l: 1 The best and mostpopul brands of Wines, Clarets, I M I I- Ales, Porter, etc. The celebrated, Tos Brewing Cq's Milwaukee ! Beer, Bott on Draught es. Schlitz nd n We also keev a choice line of Tobacco, Cisrars, Ciera- rettes. &c and extend a 1 i t I hearty invitation to our cus tomers and friends ito call n'nr! see 11s when in Want of anvthincr in lour line. All orders by mail or wire ill be promptly and care- fully attended, to. HAMPTON & FEATHERSTON, - K Ashville. N. C. C POT CASH STORE i i y t m w. LEA,- DEALER IX JJrv LfOodsJ Boots and Sh! Dress Goods, es. of the! Pri- 1 ? of Ashe- GentsJ Furnishing Goods, Hats in Straw of every grade. Bull Line of Buttericks La- test Patters' Graded School, will have charge mMl!?H ANNAH M. DAVIDSON, ville, will be Teacher of Music " ' : ! " -, '! I I t L The session I will be held in : the Graded School Building on Academy I stf-" J western part of the city, about five mmutes walk from the court house. U All the rooms of this building have been fitted up and are in good condition. A splendid view is to be had of Pisgah and numerous other mountains and the country round about. The grounds are large and shaded,! elevated and easy of access.) A pleasant home for the Normal. It is desired and truly hoped by the manag ers that the school shall this summer surpass in excelence any previous term. It has grad ually increased in proficiency and genuine value tb the teaching profession of this -section since its establishment in 1885. ! The managers have been vigilant of , its interests and have selected for the faculty the best and mast experienced talent within their reach; and they trust that they have engaged for this term the services of a corps of teachers unexcelled in the State. !So a good atten dance of appreciative students will make the institution a complete success. Every ; tea cher, and all who j desire to teach, should make ready for the! time and be present every dav. Let every one consider well the oppor tunity and make the most of it. ! j I Public lectures are expected, from time to time which will be of considerable interest and profit to all. I e " j : j 1 ' ' & y ii na-n n nan in inc tit v i ikjx uum $12.00 to $20.00 per month, can be made, we think, for wishing such accommodations are requested to inform the Secretary at once. We suggest to the teachers to begin now making prepara tions to attend and make the imost possible out of this rare opportunity i Work will begin actively the first day. Every student should bring some good His tory, grammar, arithmetic, Geopraphy and Reader, (Sainton's 4th prefered) and be pres ent in timejthe first morning; and ; stay till rnmtriunibations should be ! addressed Arrangements a less amount Any parties A SHE to Jno. W. Starves, Sec. W I.L 1 E LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING ! COMPANY. J. F. GRANT, President. W. p. MARX, Sec. and Treas. G. WEST, Manager. NEW BUILDINGS, NEW AND IMPROVED MACHINERY. We are now prepared to Manufacture in : i ! i i I . ' the best possible style all kinds of . 4 BUILDING MATERIALS & BUILDING MATERIALS - J JUl-LrLUij JVlAlUKlAliiS V- BUILDING MATilKlALH $ A . ! ! DOORS,' $ SASH. BLINDS. MANTLES, BKACKETS. &C. MOULDINGS, All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber ! J Constantly on Hand. LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER DRESSED DRESSED DRESSED FOR FOR FOR THE THE THE TRADE. TRADE. TRADE. AY. H. LEA, No. 17 North may23-lv Lowest Prices For All Work T.nwEST Prices For All Work Lowest Prices For All WorkJ Lowest Prices For All Work Be sure to give us a trial before placin your orders elsewhere. g-Our personal supervision is given to manufacture of all materials, and order ! . I i - ! .: ! will be filled with care and promptness. Oefice and Factory at Old Depot, mc21 Asheville N. C FRESH COUNTRY PRODUCE. I. . I- . I. H : I' We -keep constantly on hand fresh coun try Produce of all kinds. Butter, Eggs, nviirlrns. fcc. We sell at lowest prices. Call and see us. j i i ' - !' C. E. LANu cc t.O.,i ; . ! ; . S. Main Street. TT7ESTERN HOTEL. something good to eat should not fail to stop at the Western Hotel. South west corner bf Public square, over Ballard s. PER DAY OR MONTH hout room. Call and see us L. BOAR! TOIINj G. LINDSEY, f i ' 25 N. Main St., AsheyilleS, N i ; - . ; t i : f A TCTTT? A OTTTTiF'R OF TINWARE. MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE, MANVFAL. 1 UKxvK UiJ IUVHAKC, AND SHEET-IRON WORKER. AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER Also, Job Work, Roofin at Satisfactory Prices ! Main st. -pHE (ASHEVILLE J. Is no w at HAND LAUNDRY ; i : i-i i work on Valley street, in and Guttering. I ! - with or wi VALLEY HALL.- We are now prepared to do first-class laun Artr iecirk in everv nartimlar. We do not use any Steam Machinery that will weak and tear the goods, j j 1 1 LND. ALL WORK DONE BY HA . I -.':! K :'- I. - ' ; ti - - - and the result is goods are well taken care of. If you want to wear first-class laundry vn't send us your goods-. i - !l I ! G. W. HIGGINS. i ! And A. T. BO WEN. ; i Office at Carson's Stationery Storr." 1 MRS apr-5-6m. M ONUMENTS McBRAYER & SON. Asheville. N. O I -TOMBSTONES. -AT -AT -AT COST. C O ST. -C O ST. - Tombstones and Monuments at Cost. De signs of ITALIAN Finished work, SCOTCH and all AMERICAN GRANITE as low as they can be bought States. GRANITE Monuments, in. the United W' mc27-2m brcroor:: W. O. WOLFE. E. Court Square, ' Asheville, N. C. P. SORRELS & BRO., 41 South Main St., (Brow . Keep in stock the purest and best WINES, WHISKIES, I TOBACCQ AND CIGARS. KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BcLL, KENTUCKY BELL, n & Gudger's old stand.) BRANDIES, KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, R ; : An Absolutely Pure Rye Whiskey, Highly recommended for medicinal purpose:. Also, Higgins' Pure N. C. Corn. TONES J & PORTNER, Manufacturers and Dealers in Harness, I Saddles, Bnd es, &c. AGENTS FOR WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, CEL -AND WILKINSON WILKINSON WILKINSON K D'S iBRAT & & KID'S & KID'S 3D ENGLISk SADDLES. , Jgg"1 Fine Harness of any style made to order. All work is HAND-MADE, and 0 - - 1 Guaranteed. A full stock f Leggings, Saddles, Bri dles, Collars, Riding and Buggy Whips, Spurs, etc. always on 1 examine our gpods. lmnd. Call and j 6NES & PORTNER. S. R. KEPIiER. 1G N. Court Square. ASHEVILLE N C. March 9th, 1888. Now, tofore, I ' i -11 I l -i as always nere- ofFer to the citi zens of Asheville and sur rounding I country, Gro- ithe Finest Oual- respectfull" so- I - A ceries ot itv, and m m it l I licit their patronage. S. R, Kepler, 1 53 South mch9 EST ASHEVfLLE. W Parties wishing to purchase I. BUILD Main St. NG 5 LOTS, OR GARDEN 5' tANDJ From one to one hundred - i ii wards the SULPHUR SPRINGS rJpHE GREATEST WOUI IN AMERIc'a, DECLINING AN IKVIT WITH THE "CLOVER c Vl!." v I regret that it ii 'mpossii i , - "clover" with ycu to-iuorrcw Vs- A. iC" v i ftiinir io 4clOTf? I' It tr... ILUuat ' '11.. perfumea ncias, ana at tne cotta ,"''. : Bos," the bountiful, serenely rC't faction's, cud, in that blessecf twa?f kl that like a benediction falls Uu and sleep. This clover makes ni. i T . happy hours of childhood's T()t C;5?L-. acres, west to- will call on E. G. Carrier," at the Springs or ap4-6m CARRIER ! .-' ' 1 II & MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR I. : f '- i -r ; - I II H.' O. Himes will take a limited number of pupils m music on Piano or!i Organ. For fur ther iimformation apply at 39 or 35 South Main; street: bv mail, address. Box 223. GASTON niest of manKind. Take aw: r" ttnd you nat-e lelt the only s re makes a lu-avtn of this lulia)Vr earth. Cut of the . "r" alone iSjf' mains a warm, idecatful bud tha-, oa 1 breath and Keeps peace in u.untw ,'. Bottom x... light: "Gobd l.av. i.- hath no fcllo w." ' " baL ' rao: IF YOU MUST HAVE A sW"kc 1 . ' e.p DRIM H MODERATION, r,v 'wot TOS R. TONEBKAKi:ur tuai Asheville: mav 22 2w II. O HIMES. Clover Cluh Pure Uyi: Clover Cluii 1uki; Kyi: nK Clover Clud Pure Kyi: llw Ot Du For Purity of Cnar; oi and richness of flavor, : ' no ecmal. HAMPTON FEATIM-.RST hO mav 2-t-tf Ashu W 0. MULLER Son f P cri: thi CO., inbi knd the Jfc No. 7 South Main Stele; icho pt t-ii., ..ii i ( iff f .i dies Wines, Ale, Porter, C.irs, Tolc.1.1' &c. KliNTUUKV RYK ami I5( Whiskies a bpccialty. distillers' a or: nTmr? vnwrir r a TnT TV r " ' WHISKEY Oil! I"" NTS riit if I in Irmi lc' I f th f Re fKhl be r ieni AND Ai'PLE UK ANDY. f ic rc CSirruRE Barlf.v Malt Whisk rhic Medical Iuri)oscs, always in (xijyuJ Agents and'Authorizcd bottlers i: 0np raul tn tnd i rscii tTr mrO Ion, rati w ANliELrbER-I Brewing Association's! .Ccl-iW V Louis EAGER BEER, f Carolina. em r Wt'S-rJf;' RE leth arid nbjc KOp cd t hou evci str rST-The following B refines con- JJ on hand, m iregs and b AKIIEUSER-Iit ' STANDARI ' IMPERIAL TALK AN1. THE " Ol.IGIN'AL 1 I Goods deli vt ted to am Free of Charge, l'ronii to all orders, by ntvxi or Telephone call No 39 Billiard Hall on lies: cir, L-ACKK, p lou, real I?K B1 ' Uio tun ea l ot v on .1tk i iMVrsrx ieir pc lac iCc .TUC rcc lle jt r li.irt oii JEiKi 1 nti attend v. NSURANC E.- I FIRE, -ACCHiHN PULEIAM 8t CO., At The Asheville, N. C, lote othcrriv ird I?K V v. Dm mrc lat 1 - TT iff . cd. . f ,tef ii Jont h- rc r1 I rn - n t Jnc Keprcscnt xne ioiiowin; v.m , FIHE. Anglo Nevada, of Cfcliforaij Continental, of New York.. Hamburg-Bremen, of OcriilJ London Assurance, oi junfi Niagara, of New York,.... Orient, of Hartford Phenix, ot lirooitiyn i"tv St. Paul Fire & Marine, ofMii" .'0w A . f ' l , . . . ' 1 't , y.-tnli an v.- ,'rtct and.- .v trc IV tr 1 Southern, of New Orleans,. western, Of Toronto,... TT. S. Mutual Accident A' tit mcl Aetna Lipi: Issck N EW FIRM. l.i' tc axceO rot tit lr.i t lie rn iti W. TT . wnSTAIl & cU I" d .nc w nave in stocK, uy i. xt 1 A A -.1 Afnnl Lathes. Sish. Doors. Bhrs. w -nA TllTxr nin Rnsh Wei.?!"8 Cements, plaster, Lime, na,r' tt;. ties. Architectural Iron, c r w BUILDERS' SUPrLlES KHo,oe Tin1inT. Of COXltC 'f3"i building, YOu3d do well tb sec Westall, who is now : J1.V" 1 1 - ...viiiu j hand now. Olicc anu TXBft Wolfe building, Sonth-ea.4t K Asheville, N "

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