THE SUN. !rnu!n:i Daily, ExceW Mondays, at ASHEVILI.lf - C, BY iiobgooi & t itjzoeralr Muteml in the post-nflicj nt AshcviHe. N. loftrnnsmissum through thr mail? as m-co I C. n class matter. Sl'ItSCRIPTIttX RATKMt One year Six Months, Three Months,.... jine Month, rfr STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. $0 3 1 .00 .oo 50 50 i.ii.(HUin? Rates reasonable mshed on application. All hills for advertising " Advertisements inserted than one month must be Will be fur- cpllectcd month. y. for a shorter time id in advance. thev contain ini- rnuurxiL-ATloxs. un.cssl portant news, or discuss briefly and proncrlj subjects of rcaj interest,' arc not wanted; and if acceptable in every other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. You can sign any licrti tions name you please, but: for our protection we must have your real naiue- TH I'KSDAV MORNING..! LU'NE 2 NATIONAL mm, TICKUT. i-uk i-kksidKxt: GROYER CLEVELAND,' of New York. TOi: VICE-PRESIDENT:; ALLAN G. TIICKMAX, of Ohio. I1I-MOCKATIC STATIC TICKET for governor: I DAN" ILL G. FOWLE; of Wake. ! FOR LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR : 1 UU.UilO .u. iiwiij of Alamance. FOK Sl I'REME COURT JUDGES : JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Washington. I ALPIIOXSO C. AVERY, of Burke. ! FOR SECRETARY OF STATE '. WM. L. SAUNDERS,! of Orange. FOR TREASURER : DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. 1 Till: K..VTtfOU2I AcSitctl 1- DetnocraUc Slate Convention. Yc aain c-ongraiula te the 'people of FOR SEPT. OF ri'KLIC INSTRUCTION: SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Catawba. i FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of BuncomlK. for atditor:" G. W. SANDERLINt of Wavne. ELECTORS FOR THE STATE AT LARGE : A. M. WADDELL, ! j of New Hanover. . P. X. STRUDWICK, j of Orange. The Alt. Airy celebration was a grand success, in ever' way, wc are glad to note. Thousands of people from all sec tions of the State were there. Joseph Pulitzer, the World man, it is said is almost hojxrlessly blind; He has gone to Enrobe in the hope of j a rescue from such a calamity. j o North Carolina on the continued enjoyment of peace, good government and general pros perity under Democratic adminisjtiatlon of th. affairs of the State whlh has (now been unbroken for so many yea--s ; upon the just and impartial enforcement of the jaw; upon the increasing efficiency of ouif common rchool system, and the iregres-j made in popular education; upon the improvement and enterprise manifested in all parts of the State. We again challengla comparison be tween this state of things and the outrages, crimes and scandals which attended Republi can ascendancy in our; bcrders.. We pledge ourselves to e::ert in the fu ture as in th past our best efforts to promotj the best interests of the people of all sections of the State. Af firming our adherence to democratic princi ples as heretofore cnunciat;-d in the platforms of the partv. it is hereby. , Resolved. That no go -emmeht has the right to burden its people 'with taxes beyond the amount required to payjts necessary ex penses and gradually extinguish its public debt; and that whenever the revenues, how ever derived, exceed this amount, !they should be reduced, so as to avoid,, a surplus in the treasurv. That any system of taxation which necessitates the payment of a pre mium of $'270 by the government on each Sl.OOO of its bonds, takenlup with the mil lions that would otherwise lie idle in its vaults, and paid to bondholder: who pur chased, in man 3' instances, at les$ than 'par, is undemocratic, oppressive and iniquitous and should be reformed. Jhc course of our Democratic Representative in Congress, in iUt ir efforts to trive relief tb the people from burdensome internal revenbe and tariff taxa tion, meets with the approval 01 me uemo craticpratv of this Stati and i we respect fully recommend that if thiy find, it impossi ble to give to our people all the relief de .led. thev surmort anyJjust aftd practical measure presented in Congress tjiat will af ford a partial relief frtbm sujch existing burden. Resolved, That while the details of the methods bv which the constitutional revenue tariff hhall be fradually reached are subjects which the representatives of our - , . . .- , A 1 M X . 4 . c people ar tne naxionai capniii must uc u-rl to adiust. we think the customs duties Virtilr! be levied for the production of public revenue, and the discriminations in their ad justment should ue sucn as win piace mc highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribdtfe as equally as possible the unavoidable burdens of taxa tion, and coaler tne greatest goon on mt greatest number. v Resolved. That we. as i heretofore, lavor and will never cease to demand, the uncon ditional abolition of the Whole internal re venue system, as a war ta-pvnot; to be justi fied m times or peace; as a. gneTvous tmruen to our people and a sourcel of annoyance in its practical operations. e can tne atten tion of the people of the State to the hypo critical pretensions of the Republican party in their platforms, that they are in favor of the repeal of this onerous system of taxation. enacted by their party, while the Republicans in Congress are taxing their energies to 00. struct all legislation inaugurated by the re prcscntatives of the Democratic party to relieve the peopl of all or a part of this oai otis 3 stem. ; I ' , Resolved, That the coitrse pf theDemo ctatic party, in furtherance of popular educa tion, is a sufncient guaranty tnar. we iavor the education 01 tne peopiq. anq we win pro mote and improve the present educational advantages so far as it can be jdone without burdening the people by excessive taxation Resolved. That, to meet an existing evil, wc will accept, for, educational purposes, from the Federal government, our pro rata share of the surplus in its treasury: Provided that it be disbursed trough State agents and the bill for the distribution be jectional features. Resolved, That the --United States being one government and ours a. national party, we denounce the efforts of the 'Republicans to ijree actional issues in Congress and else wiiere.und to promote dissension and ill will between the people ofj th different "sec tions 01 our common country, Resolved. That it is due to the people of our eastern counties, wno nave so cheerfully norne tneir share ot our Common burdens, that the present or some equally effective system of county government' shall be main tained. free from ob- The Supreme Lodge Knights of Pyth ias, in session at Cincinnati, Ohio, ad journed on Saturday sine die. They reH fused to organize the Knights of Pythias Sisterhood, but thought the same pur pose would be accomplished if women established and governed their own order. Some of the republicans are willing to admit that Cleveland and Thurman will le stronger before the people than the nominees of the Chicago Convention, but try to argue that the tariff issue will give their ticket sufficient prcstage to elect their candidate. Democratic members of Congress ex press the opinion that the nomination of General Harrispn is a weak one. lie is said to be unniagnetic, unsympathetic and uninspiring.! It is asserted j that he is not popular with republican Congress men, and that the latter think the con vention made a mistake. j ! Resolved, That the Democratic party is opposed to any further extension of the "Xo fence law. unless such extension shall have first been authorized by a majority of the qualified voters within the territory to be af fected therebv. j j Resolved, That the Democratic partv has ever been the party of the workingman, and has never losterea monopolies, nor have "trusts" or "combinations" or "pools" ever grown up under laws enacted by it. The vuiitest in this country being between asrere- ,n.tccl capital, seeking to crush out all com petition, and the mdiyidul laborer, the Dem ocratic party is, as it has ever been, against the monopolist and in favof of a just distri bution of capital.! and demands the enact ment of laws that will bear equally upon all. Resolved, That as all taxation bears most heavily upon the laborer; it is the dut j- of uic legislator, as a direct benefit to the work ingman, to keep the expenses! of our public insitutions at the lowest limit consistent with wise and efficient management. The Democratic party opposes afi- competition between free and convict. laboK but it insists that convicts shall not remain idle at the expense ofhonest labor. , ; Resolved, That ours being an agricultur al State it is our duty as wcllj as our pleas ure to promote any and all legislation that is best calculated to advance the interests of agriculture: and that in so doing we will most effectually advance the interests of mechanics, manufacturers, and laborers. j Resolved. That the Democracy of North Carolina, cordially approve the administra tion of Hon. Alfred M. Scales as honest, patriotic and conservative, j j Resolved, That the abilityj, wisdom, hon esty, patriotism, independence, faithfulness to duty and manly courage of President Cleveland have won thea djniration of all good men ; and the interests jof the country demarid his rc-nomination and his re-election A letter has recently been received from Minister Jarvis. by a friend in the east ern part of the State, stating that the health of Mrs. Jarvis and himself contin ues so bad that he will be coni-x.ilcd to leave Brazil and may be expected home during the summer. While all North Carolinians will j be glad to learn that Gov. and Mrs. Jarvis will again be in the State, they will certainly regret to know of their loss of health. But Xorth Caro lina atmosphere will soon restore them. 1 i-j- The great mistake men make is this: They strive to increase their earnings, but they do not try to increase their earning capacity. They complain of the selfishness of employers, when if they were wise they would sec that in this selfishness lies theirgrcatest opportunity The selfish employer is always on the lookout lor the man who will serve him the liest and bring the most monev into the treasury. He lies awake at night wondering where he can secure such a man. He is willing to reward rapacity ;ind fidelity liberally, not because he is generous, but because it is his interest to secure better, vice amFTeTcir. returns. Many CuY young men have I)cxihin quick to jVJrstand the situation, nn?Ll thev ,,a risen in the world. A CARD. . . It is our pleasure to announce1 to all persons seeking to buy homes or make investments in thiscitvor tVesteni Xorth Carolina, that we now have the most complete list of property! of a kinds we have ever offered. Wcljiavc lots large and small, improved and unimproved, in Ashcyille. Farms of every jkind and des cription, both in the immediate vicinitv of the city and the whole surrounding country. Our list of mountain, grazing, mineral-and timber lands will supply every demand in thte respect, and at prices ranging from one to five dollars per acre, owing to quality andproximitv to the rail road.- j Doth citizen and stranger are invited to one office (in the Barnard new build ing public square,) first flo)rt) to confer with us relative to any matter touching real estate-Yon can there see specimens of the grain, grass, miricrajs and timbers of this section, and get "posted" about Ashcvilleand Western North Carolina. We have a number of copies of the last number of the Land of the Sky, (which gives the most complete 'description of Western North Carolina ever published,) that will be given gratis td persons look ing for information oh thb subject. Do rs the pleasure of calling vhen vou want to talk real estate. - " . Respeetfnlly, Natt ATxixsoi cc Sons. P. S. Several houses aild lots to rent on reasonable terms l Call at the Farmers wfarehouse and get your sewing machine parts, needles, shuttles, rubbers, bands and the best oil. Mr. W. II. Littleton is there and will re pair, clean up and adjust jour sewing machine if it is not doing Well. PERSONAL G0S!P. Walter Besant has gone to Italy. Mayor colored. Duplex, of Wheatland, Cal. Bancroft, the California historian,! his a librarv vorth 200,000. I A SHEViLXE j ! STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, From July 3d to 20th RoUrt Louis Sireveusori will enlso on the outh so.vt thu suaiqi-v. j : IloberJi Garrett will spend June in Paris, and will littuni to America in October. Gen. jEouIanger U steadily protesting against the warlike notions attributed to him. J Andrew Carnegie says that ! the coaching trip which he and Mr. Blaine will ta: last at least until July 1. o will erect, Senator Walthall is six feet tall, symmetrical, with ja fine head of dark hair that f all in curls about his neck. Mr. Rider Haggard is taking a vacation in Iceland, j He is a keen lover of sport, and is a capital gunner, fisherman and horseman. Sixty-two years ago ex-Governor Berry, of New Hampshire, now in pis Ulst yesr or ganized the first temperance society in that state, prince of Monacp will ed account of the results of his recent cruiso in ta? i ocoau. The hereditary shortly publish anj illustrat scientificj Atlantic Browning, the English poet, who is aj warm admirer pf Walt iWhitmau, has one ;0f the largest collections in Eurbpe of worlds by American verxe writers. King Charles of Roumania is one of the most expert trout; fishermen in Europe, and seldom fails to pass a few weeks each sum mer in tiie region of well stocked brooks. The present SanJ Ward, of tho Washington lobby, is described as a tall, fine looking gen tleman of court iyj manners, a! Virginian by birth, and dui ii:j ho war a Confederate sur geon. Ml I The grand vizier cf Turkey had to pawn some of silverware belonging to the .sul tan to raise the sultan's contributiqii toward the espebes of the annual pilgrimagro r-f poor Mussulmans to Mecca, r I Gen, Bbulangev goes to tho barber oneo a week, pays the artist ten FACULTY.; mrxTTJV K SHEPHERD L. iJ Superintend'ent and Lecturer on Pedagogics 18S8 .TJ.. C the President will be RESS MAKING. I have taken a room at : "co- T snrir on. rauon .acuuC, . "i'-' - - z. . - nA 'Ida xo sec iiiv.n".""" " MRS. X. I. WAUUW, where I would be jg' natrons. T may 26-tf. rESTEEX HOTEL Ashevillc bd Ensrlish. TinAt? PPM U ATTCTKS. of rjxu - - : j , ... a t Female College, will be , instructor in m Mathematics and Hyjrienic Phsiologrt PROF P- P. CLAXTON, Superintendent of the Asheville City Schools, vfill instruct m Geopraphs-, English Grammar and I Reading. MISS KATIE MILLARD, jfof Goldsboro Graded School, will have charge of thq Pn- ?f d c iii vv AH DAVIDSON, of Ashe- viHe, will be Teacher of Music . The session will be held in thi Graded School Building on Academy ptreet, m the western part of the city, about, five minutes walk from the court house. All thejrooms of this building have been fitted up and are m good condition. A splendid view is had of Pisgah and numerous other mountains and the country' round about. I The grounds are large and shaded, elevated and easy ot access. A, pleasant home for the Ndrmal. It is desired and truly hoped by the manag ers that the school shall this summer surpass in excelence any previous termf It has grad ually increased in proficiency and genuine value to ihe teaching profession of this sec tion since! its establishment Sn 1$S5. j The managers have been vigilant'of its interests and havej selected for the faculty the best and mast experienced talent within their reach; and theyjtrust that they have engaged for this term' the services of a corps of teachers i good atten will make the a unexcelled in the State. So dance of appreciative studenxs institution a cher, and all complete success. Every tea- who desire to make ready for the time and bte present every dav. Let every one consider tunity and make the most of i Public lectures are expected . 'Li. t i , , . . , ,14 well tjie oppor from! time to of considerable interest city from fivo fraii' and tbe 1 arbcr, knowing his preference, does a to tho assistant. francs and gives never speaks, not presume to open a conversation. Mr. S. W. Burnhani, of Chicago, who is going to California to take charge of the great telescope at the Lick obsorvatory, has phenomenal eyes!, which arosaidvto have naturally as great a light grasping power as ordinary eyes get through a six inch tele scope. II Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania, has been very ouiet since he entered the scatito cham ber, but in a sab rosa way he has accom-' plished a triumph of statesmanship. He has obtained the photographs and j autographs of his seventy-five senatorial j colleagues. It took a good deal of diplomacy to dQ this, as certain' senators never give their pictures to any one. Mow Jir. Cjuay obtained some of tho photographs is a mystery. STRAY BITS. Paris has adopted the American atabu lance system. j A Georgia man has celebrated his golden wedding with his second wife, j A planter ii. Brooksville, Fla., cleared $10, 000; off a cabbage patch of 100 acres. j " Woolenite" is a new word used to desig nate the man who wears garments eritirelj of wooL j More than a million men are employed by the various railway lines in the United States. ! i There are about 800,000 childrer in the United States, under 12 years old, whose live? are insured I I An ounce of silver may now be purchased in England for 41J pence, tbe lowest pfice ol the present century. j A judge at Harris burg, Pa., has sent a young fellow to jaU for kissing his affianced wife on the street against the lady's will. i f A student at a civil service examination In England stated that "Sir John Moore wav killed in a battle just before' he set sail foi England." . j1 j T. R. Bennett, of Wilkesbarrc, Pa,, has a Bible that was published by John D. Hayes, Cambridge, England, la 1670, years old. , j An Alaska Indian, sentenced to prison foi ninety-nine years for murder,! if the government is going to long enough to serve the who A well known London firm of refreshment contractors recently advertised for 4,000 ad ditioual waiters, and 10,000 applications were received in response, the whole of the andi dates claiming tc have had experience. I the gum chewing mania is still increasing rapidly i among the youthful belle: Of the aristocracy, the proper and correct gift for a young lady being new a box of gum,j deeo rated in dainty fashion and tied with pretty ribbon, j A triumph in electric lighting was achieved recently in Vienna, when, during a perform ance at the ojiera, more than 6,000 seventeen candle jxjwer lamps were burning for! more than four hours without a flicker from first to last, j i j Boston hd nc Indian Rights association in 16SL But it i recorded that on the 27th nf being npw 212 wants to; know keep him alive e term. r time which will be and profit to all. BOARti can be had in the $12.00 td $20.00 per month, can be made, we think, for with families near the city wishing such accommodations! to inform the Secretary at once to the teachers to begin now making prepara tions to attend and make the cut of this rare opportunity Work will beein actively Everv studeut should bring some good tory, Grammar, arithmetic, Geopraphy Reader, tswinton s n preiere ent in tune.tne nrst morning the last evening. Communications should be J.xo. XV for Arrangements a less amount Any parties are requested We suggest most possible the first w. d) and be and stay till addressed, to STAliNES, Sec A. BLAIR & CO., No 37 Patton Avshne FURNITURE -fFURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITUKI FURNITURE ! 4f-FURNIl AT AT AT OF ALL KINDS WHOLESALE AND WHOLESALE AND WHOLESALE AND teach, should Lovers of something not fail to stop at the Wcsttm Hotel, South ! . -1 "r.iHr. brifi'ir ftTpf Tinllnrd's. WCSt Corner ui a uu"- pi-"-r BOARD PEt DAV OR- MONTH Call and see us with or without i i MRS. L.i npr-H-Gm. M ONUMENTS good to cat should room. . Mc BRAVER & SON. Asheville. X. O 4P .y Ltombstones. AT C O S T. A T C O S T . AT COST. - rromhstones and Monuments at Cost. signs De- of ITALIAN Finished work, SCOTCH GRANITE and all AMERICAN GRANITE :M onuments, the United jpc27-2m as low as they can be bought States. W. O. WOLFE. Wareroom S. E. Court Square, I - I ASIIEVILt-E, N. C. P. SORRELS & day His and pre RETAIL. RETAIL. RETAIL. Onr stock is always large and complete in every department, embracing furniturej jrequired to furnish house. We are prepared to every article of FURNISH HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES, IN PART OR ENTI On shortest notice and the mo II terms. All communications M prompt and careful attention URE any part of a RE, st satisfactory ill receive our BEDROOM SETS. PARLOR SUITS, II FINE CHAMBER SplITS, WARDROBES, BED AND SINGLE LOll WIRE SPRINGS, !M SIDEBOARDS, OF SHUCKS, COTTON AND HAIR, rockin!g chairs, center tables, NGES, MATTRESSES DINING TABLES AND And various other things, too numerous to mention-t-In fact everything A FIRST CLASS FURNITURE HOUSE September Mr. JosiasJ from the Indians, was convicted of stealing sentenced to the win .... ishmentj oi being deprived of his title, and tc be thereafter known simply as Josiai. Alfred M Hcrton, of Middletown, k. Y., although totally blind, k expert in the Use of carpenter's tools, and does repairs about his bouse and stables. He is fond of horses, and buys and sell them with good judgment, judging them entirely by his sense of touch. Frank A. Hardy claims to be the oldest firenian ir the Duited States. He joined a fire company iu Hollis, H., on Marih 1?, 1S37, and has been a member of some depart ment continuously during the succeeding fifty one years, j He is now secretary ?f the fire department of Piqua, 0. Somejfashionable jfew York women have solved the difficulties of the oft recurring dressmaker'! bill by paying their dressmakers fUd sum by tbe month or year, hiring1 them in factj a the Chinese dc their physicians. One woman pays her dressmaker 50 a month, and for this ram she obtains all the gewns she wants. j j I rhe female employes of the government printing office and of the bureau of engrav ing at j Washington do all kinds of work, dirty as welt as clean. They help manage the presses, their sleeves are rolled up high above their elbows, and their plump, round arms receive (many an ink; spot during the day About 1,500 women are employed in the two offices, and colored women work side by side with white women without clashing 3 lb canned apples 1 124 cents per can. 3 lb canned tomatoes 12V cents per can. 2 lb canned corn 12t cents per cah. 1 gallon cans tomatoes 40 cents pet can. I I V. U. Cooper. Be sure to call and see our splendid assort- Kins when raent of WINDOW CURT want of anything' in that line fWej have the best Upholster and inet workman in the State, and are prepared I to turn out the verv finest work in this de partment at short notice Give us a trial. Respectful!', W. A. BLAIR & CO. i :. , IResidcnee No. 30; Pcthland Street! m8-lm ! Asheville. N. C. ! -. !l CHAIRS, usually kept in in Cabi- R OOAIS FOR RENT. Three rooms on Patton avenue furnished or unfurnished for renf on reasonable terms For further particulars apply J OHN G. LINDSEY, 25 Main St., AsheviLie, N. C MANUFACTURER 6f TINWARE, AlAWUl'AUTUKJiK OF TINWARE, MANUFACTURER OF TINWARE, 0 AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER 229-Also, Job Work, Roofind and Guttering. at Satisfactorv Prices I ! . TE ASHEVILLE HAND LAUNDRV Is now at work on Valldy street, in VALLEY HALL. We are first-class laun now oreDared to An1 U1J '"-" every particular. We do not use any Steam Maciiinerv tJiat whl Iweak AX1J TEAK THE GOODS. 75T- ALL WORK DONE BY HAND, and the result is goods are wdll taken care of. xi you want to wear nrst-class laundry lwTll . I G. W. HTGGINS. And A. TJ OflTijC at Carson's Stationery Stor at Sun office. - i!'1 ' 41 South Main St., '(BroJ KENTUCKY BELL, I KENTUCKY BRO. n & Gudger's old stand.) iKeep in stock the purest and best WINES, WHISKIES, BRANDIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. BELL, j KjENTUCKY BELL, Ax AbsoIutely Pure Rye Whiskey, IUghlv recommended for medicinal purpose:. Also, Higgiiis' Pure N. C. Corn. PORTNE JfONES & I Manufaciurcrs and -- I Saddles, Bridles, Szc. KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, Dealers in Harness, AGENTS FOR WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, .WHITMAN' SADDLE COMPANY, 'JMIE GREATEST Woi:i, -IN AMI-Iie., RECLINING AN 1 TLI: IT YITII TIIE "CLOVIJK (Jl.r,. T, 1-1 I regret that it ii imp jssii j,. f ! clover" with ycu t.,-.,,.)rr v ' 'U itcisto say mV, ar-' c ds, and nt the c.,ttn J'1' W untiful, serciulv I'y 't-r , in that blesscl t&'r' cream; mai i? .0 ..- 1 1. t 1 a . . r r i ...... m . . . . ... nenuraea iieias, nni Bos." the uountwul fnetion's cud - - . . 1. u 1 ..1 that like a benediction tails hit., n and sleep. This clover male nVn. happy nours 01 cmiuiiooti s rdv r?j honest men lets, and all ful human ver ! Drop oiest of man "r" and you makes a ncaven t, . 01 springs and hr,i there is of stainUss u, :'. , Iile. A wonderful v-r. J3 y 1 the "C," and vi.u hX" ' fcind. Take awuv ,1 hu-c left the iiiK.'V ,k OI HUH l',,H . i earth. Cut ot the "r" nlom- nni mains a warm, deceitful hud th-f breath and iceeps peace in couna is whose iru-ccir frequent duhx V-. Bottom v.-.J tight: "Good hn ..'v hath no fellow. IF YOU MUST II AYE A DRIN . I i modekat; " T Pr C f S-il;, I i.,y C i JOS. R. TONEBKAKl-l i; Clovek Clud I'i ke Rvi: Wii ,. CLovEit Ci.un Pike Rvi: Wuv C 1.0 vex Cli'h I'vkk Kyi: Wu, N v; v. For J'urity of Ciiar and richness of flavor, in no equal. HAMPTON Fc EEAT1 M.KsT, may 2-t-tf SK- . fir,: Aslir, w.- MULLER .S: Co.. a: Sli Ti: ar No. V South Main Strkh WHITMAN SADDL AND WILKINSON WILKINSON WILKINSON CELEBRATED ENG COMPANY, Dealers in all kinds ol' Wliisl-R ! dies Wines, Ale, Porter, Cur.-irs, T,," &c. KENTUCKY KVi nndUM Vli Whiskies a Specialty. & KID'S & KID'S & IvID'S m Fine LISII SADDLES. otider. I All work is H - ! i Guaranteed larncss of any A TTl iYi LJ sty le made to -MADE, and A ful 1 stock of Lesrcfiiiirs, Saddles, Dri- 1 1 dlis,' Collars, Riding and Pjnggy Whips, ! I 1 Squrs, etc., always or hnnd. Call and examine our croods. ! I TONES 4: PORTNER. 16 N. Court Square. R. KEPLER. ASHEYILIiB, N. C, March 9th, 1888. I 1m! : :l ! Now, as always here tofore,) I offer to the citi zens ofi Asheville and snr- ounding cotintKl, Gro- iceries of. the Finest Qual ity,! "and respectfully so licit their patronage. DISTILLERS .M'.KNTS Vug PURE .)ttTf I CA IXAO' WIILSKEY. AND Al'PLlv HKAXIV. I v. S ic t .. v tb IgrTPrKi. jUrlkv Malt Wilier n Medical Put poses, always in stock. V Arrcnts and Authorized bottlers c! tu f' - to i icr . xni HiUC5IiI-l)l - "bii , U . iiti Brewing Assoia.t;oii'B r.A.v..,- - Carolina. Louis LAGER BEER, for WVN'ri. :l va ill-.' lThe following Brewings cor5' on hand, in tegs atid bottles: lt;r a:i, vbi icd tU' tit f fl inch 9 S. R. 53 Sou BOWEN. TXyTEST ASHEVILEE Parties rwishinpr to purchase I BUIEUING & EOTS GARDEN A LAND, Frojm one to; one hundred I wards the SULPHUR St ii Carrier!, at the Sririn apit-Gm CARS jyjjUSICAL INSTRUCTOR i u. niraes will takea limited number of wttoUs in music on Pian0 or Organ. Fbr fur- Kepler, ain St. kit OR I 5 west to acres. INGSJ will call on R or & GASTON aJp .street; ;by mail, vxatlt vine; i i mav 22 2v addres H. O Box 223, HIMES. ' AfiiniCsKK-mscii,' " STANDAKD," ''IMPRKIAI. l'ALi: I.AHIiK, ' ; ANL TIIE " OI KilNAL 111 DW SEI K on ar )t, Goods delivered to' .my 01 . Oil Free of Charge. Prompt dtU.a to all orders, by mrtl or othcrwts v Telephone call No 39. irt 'n kid Billiard Hall on 2d Fm .V nil NSU R A N C E. 1 FIRE, : y. j -ACCIMiNT.- j lan Tutnl: rULLIAM & CO., At The EanK v ASIIKVILLE, N. C ltS a tn t i j . f i n it j.cijrcscin me ioiiowing ihi FIRE. Continental, of New York , vmn Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany.- aoc London Assurance, of Englanil. ... , niauiu,UI icw xorii, Orient, of HartforJ... fhenix, of Brookl-c, i :'d h t. xauirire eve Aiannc, oi f Southern, of New Orleans, j.i. Western, of Toronto - 'r U.S. Mutual Accidentia11. Aetna Lipb Insi kance- mcl W FIRM. W. II. WESTAI I. & L on; pat ov ocl CCs on! tin Oo tor ui Will have in stock, by the full line of all kinds of I1' rough aad dressed, Moulcni-' lic. Lathes, Sash, Doors, BHndf- J .j. , and yellow pine, Sash Wemlt ( ' ' Cements, plaster, Lime, Hair. or ties. Architectural Iron, or ntn inc BUILDERS' SUri' f ri ' TParties building or eoJWi, building, would do well to stc Wcstall, who is now prjly. jt timates on any or all oi lll'- t,ct t .; and having had large P. 't,lc line, can give you bottom fipjg rg line of Cements, Plaster, r! hand now. Office and wrcr . -tf Wolfe building, Sbuth-cnst t . , Asheville, N t j: 1

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