- -- - r 4 " 4-!' r v - " " m ' i - ! - i ' i - -. 1: THE SUN. i II-I.l I JUNK US Jomh who won titles. National Dcmocratic.Platforui. "The Democratic party-of the United States, in National Convention. assem bled, renews the xI"d;TCS of its fidelity to Demociatic faith 'ai.d, reaffirming the platform adopted by its representatives in the Chicago Convention of 1SS4-, endorses the views expressed -by Presi- Ilnrcourt, of England; Mis? Motley, dent Cleveland m his last jearnest mcs- tos. i saeri ts dc Coetlocn, cf Italy; JILis BIal:e, i ton. jness d; Ilivicre, of Italy; Miss BInnt, ' bile. itc3 Aniadci, oV"lLiIy; Miss Levris, of ti't'.t. 'tcAi Calli, of Italy; Miss Roberts, of lr.hia. I . lesi Quartorze, of Belgium; Miss Gcr OUio. cscle Lynar, of France; Miss Par , i I Ohio. j . -3 do Charctte, of Italy; Miss Folk, 7. . ssoo. i 'ri. 3 Colonna, of Italy; Miss Maekay, LA.l mix . i Ilp-l.eth, of Jl'iinnd; Miss Sharon rnia. ! a-.'.-- Ch-.:n hill, of Ki!a;xd; Miss Jerome, - Yoik. :vly : I.UiI-ivi!Ie, of England ; MisYziiasa, ev,' Yor!:. ! Tl:ici- P.vipoli, of Italy ; MRi Droadu-ood, of I'!3an:; Il.imil- . rl C . ;i r;;::i. ' i L' it.--'., 'a:. cto Congress as a correct interpreta tion of that platform upon jthe question of tariff reduction ; and alscj endorses the efforts of our Democratic representatives in Congress to secure a reduction of the excessive taxation. Among its princi ples of part3r faith are the maintenance of an indissoluble union of the free and indestructible States, now about to enter upon its second centu- ofj unexampled T LACKSMITHING. I am thoroughly prepared to do all manner of Blacksmithing, Repairing- of Carriages C3 uggies and Wagons, to -work sit the lowest prices, and to give satisfaction. I Horse shoeing a specialty. I J ! Give me a trial. II. M. HOWARD. AnTiy. Rear oi vanliuaer urown s. devotion to bv the writ r ; si - . i. ...... L , process and renown, and the government, regulated ten constitution; strictly specifying every grantcd power and expressly.f reserving to the States or the people the entire un granted residue of power; the encourage mcnt of ! the jealous and popular vigi lence directed to al! who have been chosen for brief terms to enact and .execute the laws and are charged witji the duty of preserving peace and equity, ' and estab lishing justice. The democratic party welcomes an exacting scrutiny ot the administration of the Executive povjer, which four vcars ago was tonjmitte4to its trust, "in the election1 df Grovcr Cleveland, as President of the Uuited States, but it challenges the most searclt- ing inquiry concerning its fidelijty and dq votion to the jiledges wljichj then in1 volvcd the suffrages of the people during affairs, resulting from over taxation, the anomalous condition of cur j currcnc3', and public debt unmatured.' It has by of Franc?: Miss Rk!- a wise and conservative course not only averted disasters, nut great iv promo ten OR SALE OR RENT. I j The Clcmmons residence adjoining Beau mont with SIX ACRES OF GROUND, a vin.- Krvrinf of water ana partly bur nished. For particulars apply to mi iv 22-tfJ SEVIER TDLUM LEVI'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, i - No. 8 Pattox Avenue, Ashe ai-i.E, N. C. Places secured for first-class cooks and nurses. All parties wishing places should call on me. ARRINGTON; DR. B. P Surgeon Office Rooms over L. Patton Avenue. ap20tf. Dentist. Miinday's f l, ::f Italy; Mis.? Clii.sliolnj, i of France; Mis i , - r - j 1 Val ri, i.r' Pr.:?i'??; Mis.i Jjc- I the prosperity of our people, fit has re- 'x- ."t i. fi" Italy; Miss Millon- .0 of I ... AT-. i jior.-y, o. ! ranee; "aiss von I'.'-w York. ! v.i i il'Kcn, of Svrctlcn: Miss : P .:..i .e...!;ia. v -r tv A V- TVs- n, of Gorman j'; Miss cur;!cu3 thjmgs I of life. for our citi- diilg t lie in justice and foit pensions 'It, C::: , la 1.. l:;:t:i:n;. melted tho r .':..a:..; head, but did at J ;:v.7, Jaboriarr man in rjicaks Ru-sian, German, ':-ar ':: I-andnlo - nothing - nil - day1' - ;. Kentucky father favcj his '.i tl:e liit legislature conseutetl to . r hi::.. J is ei'o-.ving: over a couple of baby l)v::t tho record for minuteness. Ili.. Fio Edison, weight one pJunU, -:nartt-r.-i, and Miss Danzke, weight : an-!. :a:! in New Jersey, being in jvcry cfreumstanees, recently appliqd to tot :i in which he lived for help. Ho d fcr Eonitf honey ami a, pair of patent jor 8linpci-s. . tLr mc 1 Cr.ld A oil, of Montgomery, Ala curod hir.srielf of elxronie lungtroub ;hing u;a pin inoro than an -inch ;li Lo reincmbcrs having swallon cd , has e by long as a tfsh small boy, moro than forty years 0 k-r.gth to vli:e!: sonic r.icn will go to Vl ilicr is clinost lK?j-oud comprehenjEioii. as Cosrove, a i-risonor in fcsanta Cjlara, frailer than work, has lived on Uread water acd'iii solitary eoufinoincni for trick-. uXo sweat-of-the-brow racket no," k says. lrir - a rceeni tevojv stonn in ITillslboro, Di.i!t:;:tcr Albert Hilhnan was exiibit- ;a:ui l.-3 i: ::o vf the stores there. f5ome s.ho.:'.id Cy lono!"' and Mr. Ilillman ncd tiijov:;'.! an open trap door in the lie? ex; ".f : d to land safely in tho cel lut iiisU'.-vl found himself floundering it i .i devii cistern. Ho was almost dead a f.-...l out. SPORTING NOTES. urtney wanp a race with Wallace y-hye-oe went Lime in liis work port. Ills., and was returned to I industry enterprise Ro lac OSS. at me. e annual regatta of the Virginia A$s.oci i of Amateur Oarsmen will be held on otomac at Alexandria or. July 4. icsitiou Driving Tark association, "itts VtL . prcserts an $8,J0C programme for imrner meeting.! which mill be held Juby JO ! i 'hard Ten l?rooofc. the famous turftnan. pure ha'jd a farm tnear Palo Alto, sixty ' fniin Han Fruncisj-o. and is fitting It up reside uca ) j 6 Victoria, Australia, itacing associa, nill vc:r ovei $10,000 at the spring ir. tL;s year, the Melboumo cup lieiug h over X),(XX) j nicy, the disqualified Boston amateur jjan, Ls. resigned from the Shavhnut 11 2 Ls issued a challenge to row any or fc0 or $1,000 a side. nlaa has '. challenged Kemp to another mile single scull race for $2,50ol but latcs tLr.t it must bo rowed on the an inst:-i of tho I'aramatta coursa iay lovers of the trotting horse will go a JBlua Elbbon meeting at Detroit, tfhich xtz . :: :o July 24 aud last four days, association wilt give 33,000 in parses, irse L- 3 than $2,000 3 winners of the Clay stakes since it was led Li va been as follows: 1SS3, Ypung rton; IZ, Majolica; 1SS4, Young flolfe; Epaulet; 1SS6, Ernest Maltra vers; 1SS7, Love; 13SS. Fred Folger :kcy C ernes won the fine saddle offered 3 jx I. ey who should have to his credit arge. : number of winning mounts at a to:::. i meeting. He rode the winner m the: i daring the meeting. j sd C.L . erd will send Eole, Eolis and avier t ei Lis California ranch. The ranch a ted six -two miles north of San Fran and cemprizes 3,200 acres, of which acres r.ro' suited to grazing horses but ;i3 a great deal of mountain and craggy irkleh r.ill not bo available. j t or ti.ree gentlemen can find good I r.: I room at reasonable rat?s bv ; t the Daily Si n office. Y, i: "sor House. Spartanburg, S. ere 'the best kept hotels in the Ie convenient to the depoi. If 4. :V:shc Ji : nfortablc beds and good. fare, - the Windsor. c. c. ciiAsd. Propriet versed the improvident and!unviscpolicv of the republican party, touching public domain, and has Reclaimed frm corpo rations and sviulicatcs, alien Ciul domes tic, and restored to the people nearly one hundred bullion acres o laiid,to be sa crcdly held as homesteads :cn$. While carefully guni tcrcsts of the principles o cnuitv it has paid out more nnd bniiutirs to soldiers aiid isailors of the Republic than yas everj piiid before during an equal period, it Jias auoptcci and consistently pursued aTjrni and pru dent foreign policy, preserving peace with all nations, while scrupulously (maintain ing all rights and interests of jour own government and people at hjome and abroad, j The exclusion from o;ur shores of Chinese labor has been effectually se. cured under the provisions "pf j a treaty, the operation of which has been post poned by the action of the republican majority in the Senate. In eve j-y branch and department of the government, un der democratic control, the rights and welfare of all people have btJenT guarded and defended, every public iniiJrest has been protected and the equal t'y of all our citizens before the law, without re gard to race or color, has bejeii stead fastly maintained. ; Upon its record thus exhibited and upon the pledge f a con tinuance to the people of the benefits of democracy, it invokes a.renewal of popu lar trust by the re-election of jthe Chief Magistrate who has been fc itiful, able and prudent; it invokes in addition to that, thej trust, by transfer also to the democracy, of the entire legislative pow er. The republican party, con trolling the Senate and resisting in botl Jhouses of Congress the reformation of the unjust and unequal tax laws which l)ave out lasted the necessities of war and are now Undermining the abundance ot long peace, and deny to the people equality beiore law-and jthe fairness and justice which are their! rights. ! Thus the cry pi Amen can labor for a better share in is stifled I with false nretense - -. i . ' i is lettered and bound down tbhomemar kcts, and capital is discouraged ; yet the laws can neither: be properly amended or repealed. The dcmociatic party will continue,1 with all the .power confided to it, to struggle to reform those laws in accordance with the pledges of its last platformj which was endorsed at the ballot bo by tlie suffrages of the people of all industries. The freemen of our land an immense majority!, pcluding every tiller of the soil gets no advant age from excessive tax laws, but the price oi nearly every tiling tucy ouy is increased by favoritism, or jthe unequal system of tax legislation. All j unneces sary taxation 'is unjust taxation. It is repugnant to the creed of democracy that by such taxation the cost of the ncces saries of ; life should be .unjustifiably in creased to all our people. Judged by dem ocratic principles, the interests of the people are betrayed when, by iunecessary taxation trusts and combinations are permitted to exist, which, While unduly enriching a few they combine for the rob bery of our citizens, by deprivjng them of the benefits of national competition. Kvcry democratic rule of governmental action is violated, when, thrqugli un necessary taxation, a vast sum of money, far bevond the needs of an economical administration, is drawn from the people and channels of trade, and accumulated as a demoralizing surplus intjic jXational Treasury, The money flow lying idle in the Federal Trcasurx-, resulting from suicrfluous taxation, amounts! to more than one hundred and twenty -nyc million dollars, and the surplus now le-ing col lected is reaching the sum of jiitore than sixty millions annually. Ddjjaijchcd by this'immense temptation, tht; rcmcd.v of the republican party is to meet and ex haust by extravagant appropriation and expenses whether constitutional or not this accumulation of cjstravagant taxations. The! : democratic poicy is to enforce frugality in public cxpejnses and abolish unnecessary taxation!. j Oiir estab lished domestic industries andjentcrpriscs should not, and need not be endangered by the reduction and correction of the burdens of taxation. On thejCoritrary, a fair and careful revision of our tax laws, with a due allowance for the difference between the vyhges of American and foreign labor must promote and; encour age everv branch of such industries and enterprises, by giving tnemj tne assur ances of an extended market ! anl steady and continuous j Operations, in the inter ests of American labor whiclj sjiould in no event be neglected. The I revision of our tax laws, contemplated by the dem ocratic party, should promote jthe ad vantage of such labor by cheapening the cost of the necessaries of life in the "home of every working man, and at tc same time securing to him steady and remu nerative employment; Upon this quest ion of tariff reform, so closely concerning every phase of our national life, arjd upon every question involved in the jiroblem of good government, the democratic party submits its principles; and pro- JL store, on in. 1-20 SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL, SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL Now OrEX. Now Opfx. Now Opkx. Nov.- Opkx. Per Week... Per Hay,.... 4- R A T E S : hp3-lm M. IJ3V1 JAMES D. CARRIER, Manager. No, LEWIS MADDUX,! Pres't. Western C. M. McLi llUD, V. PEE$'T. THE L. P. McLQUDJCashiek CapitolJ Carolina Savings Bank, : i - : i. I ; I;; ill ' $50,000. r Aslieville OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TO $ P. M.- On Saturdays the Sayings Department will be.p'pen from 6 p.m. to 8 p. m. A GENERAL The Sav BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. F RENCH BROAD HOTEL. N. C. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS. jyes feature will receive special attention. On all deposits in, this de- per cent partment, deposited for four months or lhnger, interest at the rate of four per annumn ill be paid. Depositypur Dimes, you will soon have Dollars '.mm mm m w i i Directors:!. J Beardiu, J. E. Ray, I.E. Reedj R.B.Johnston, M. J. Fagg, Edward H. Coleman, Lewis Maddux, CM. McLoudJ $35- SKYLAND is BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS IN SKYLAND on t le Asheville & Spartanburg Railroad and the liendersonville Powell, may4-3m pike, seven miles South of Asheville. The Attractions are Fine Mineral Springs chalybeate water, sulp epsom, alum, and freestone, cold as ice largc level (100 feet) grand yiews, pure air, no dust nor mud.; ots in the forest, Two Hundred Lots have already been sold to wealthy people hotel nearlv built Free ride ou Estabrook'sj No. ap21-3m L and other improvementsbeiug made .... . . ! ' . . . Full particulars uy writin t and "backJ - South Main St RANK Now Open. Now Open. 4-N6v Open. 4-Now Opbx. .$10.00 . 2.00 19 North Main St The Best L Thing Under KVY'Sf or or "or horn eav OTIS A. MILLER, Prop'r. Ashevil LOUGHRAN'S 4 Near the V. N. C. Railroad DciKjt, Asheville, N. C. A. G. HALLIBURTON, . PkorKiUToK. This Hotel, whicli is situated within about one hundred feet of the V"estcm;' North Carolina Railroad depot, and near the offices of the Superintendent and Gen- ' eral Freight Agent of the W. N. C. R. R., has recent- been thoroughly refitted and improved, and is now better prepare than ever to accommodate tlie public, on the most reasonable terms. FIRST-CLASS FARE, COMFORTAIIU; ROOMS lur, iron, wide; streets, Fine ing orders at Wine and Liquor Store, No 43 South Main 'St., 3d door drjqve Bank of ksheville. A i f; ASHEVILLE, At C fm Try Frank Whiiskey, plaints. all large and complete assortment of F Imported and Cigars, alwa Demestic Wines, Liquors, aiid 1 'v...; s in stock. fc A e, N. C tie Lougiiran's Standard 0 specially recommended for all pulmonary A FIRST CLASS BAR Is run in connection with the house, where can be found a choice selection of Whiskies, Wines Brandies! Ales, Sogars, Tobacco, Etc. j Telephone connection with uptown. J- M. THRASH & SON. WEST ASHEVILLE, N. C. We have a Full Line of (ood especially suited to the wants of the puhlic and offer Foot : Q HAND-MADE SHOE. mc9 t QEO. O All orders by mail promptly attended United States and Canada. T Asheville, N. C ! to. Gooc t s shipped to all part HE WHITE MAN'S B A R . DOWN STAIRS, CORNER MAIN AND EAGLE STREETS ...........Proprietor JAMES II. LOUGHRAN,.. Corn com- of the p25tf i SPECIAL HARC.AINS. : 1 ; " We keep a Superior Qcai.itv of PLAIDS, CLOTIIINO, NOTIONS HATS, SIIOKS, DRY GOODS, HEAVY AND FAMILY GROrnRIER. Highest Market Prices paid for GRAIN HAY, POTATOES, BUTTER, CHICKENS EGGS, and, in fact, all kinds of country Produce. country produce. country produce. ' HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS. HEADOUARTERS FOR FINE LIQUORS. I Keep None but tile AND CHARGE Very? ACCORDINGLY. ALSO, A FINE BILLIARD AND I?00L PARLOR. ! Goods shipped to all points no charge for box in iirest, T JMy Whiskies and Wines are Absolutely Pure i and Unadulterated, ancl are recommended by the best judges for Medecinal Purposes. 33- THE ONLY STRICLLY WHIfTE MAN'S BAR IN Til TJRIGHTER THAN EVER: GRAND gj. Lock boi L, Ashivilll E STATE I THE STAR OF BUNCOMBE THE STAR OF BUNCOMBE GENERAL 9S7 ARRIVALS JANUARY AND F 202o ARRIVA The most popular :bruary HOTEL J8S7. S-JANUARY AND FEBRUARY $2.00 house in the State. 13, in the city. rivals during the past yeaf--more tjian every other hotel N.c. 1888. 000 ar- We bid fair to register 25,000 thii y First Class in every the citv. j respect. Only hotel in the Give us a call. cen T S. R. CHEDISTER & SON. itgrNEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY Cheaper than ever before. Wiit 'mil and see our coods and prides before vou buv. 1 " ... , ' - 1 ! is now at the helm J.o wait on you. 4 j , HE CAROLINA SALOON! No. 19 North Main Street,- Would respectfully call the attention of the ptiblic general brands of Whiskies KIMBER, i A PRACTICAL SLATER Or. fessiou to the American people;." T Does all Manner of Slate Does all Manner of Slatb Does all Manner of Slate Roofing. Roofing. Roofing. Will iruarantee all Work to b first-class and free from leaks, at satisfactory prices. Can frive the best of references. j ??-AlI Repainnqr to Slate Koofs neatly ana substantially clone and the best materials always used. Leaks stopped. Address in care of box 68, ap22tf Ashevi T70R SALE. A good stock of groceries and X tne Desr Dusiness in Asneviiie ior uc nice resi a bargan. amount of capital invested. Also dent property on Bailey street, atj t or lurtuer pa.rsiciars appiy io Tune O tf. O. L. MCDONALD lie. N. C. PA JL JONES' XXXX MONONGAHELA RYE,-f- SEAL OF KENTUCKY BOLRBON, OAKLAND, A Pire Straight Rye, 7 K-cars old. jar. i :re of pod't listen pLriCHED" y to the I foil owincr Look to youif interests and buy the beWt, because in the experience of all it is the cheapest. These liquor have alyvayTt commanded tne commendtioi ot the ic- fn5tidinn5 cionnoisseursj ior tneir neaitmuiness ana aeiicacv.in wmcn ouanties we are justified in saying, they have never been excelled, for purity and Wholesome-! ness, for medicinal and lamiiy purposes, w e aiso ceep a iun siock oi j ; Ure Imported Sherrrs and Port, Wines, Bass & Co's Dublin Pale Ale, ( fss' Extra Foreign Stoul, Dublin Porter; Geneiva Gin, Best French Brandies, 20The public are specially invited to cnl and see our NEW SrRINO STOCK. Goods Delivered anywhere in the city Pkkr of Charge. Telephone No. 10. J. M. THRASH SON, West Asheville, mc2o-3m ' Old Depot. "Yy HIT LOCK'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. In anticipation of warm weather we have put in stock , LIGHT WEIGHT CLOTHING, consisting of many dozens, of seersucker coats and vests, mohair coats anq vests, ala paea coats and vests, drap d'ete coats and vests. The best colors on the market. All sizes for MEN AND BOYS. Also single coats in extra long cut; linen dusters, ala paca dusters; white jand fig ured duck and Marseilles vests ; flannel suits; serge suits; light weight cassimerc suits'. A' new lot of neckwear. striped and solid color bal- briggan underwear. White and colored shirts laundrcd and unlaundred, tlie largest stock in the citv. All of the above will be sold at bottom prices, at WHITLOCK'S. 1 JTOTICIJ OP DISSOLUTION. The firm name of Johnson Jfe Thnmason and the firm of Johnson, Thotnimoii tit Co., in this day nissolved by mutual consmt. , June lath, ixh. J. I!. JOHNSON, K. W.THOMASOX, jnl4-lw j. s. ha vis. f -IS CKKAM PARLOR. 1 Guiness and the Best Brands of Cigars and Tobacco on thc Market. Kin Cole" in front of the saloon ! gTPcRE North CalolIxa Corn Whiskey and the very best Teach and Apple Brandies made, always kept in stock. ; j: j ; A.... .....J.. EVERYlHIXG USUALLY 'KEPT IS A FIRST CLASS SALOON. I - I.i 1 ri S I ' I I..- Tome andtrv our eroods and you will be convinced we speak the plain truth. Remember, the place, Ko. 19 North Main Street, where you see 6 any part of tht city free of chdre. mar7-tf ; ur JsgrNo charge for Yours tmh',1 FRANK tigs or boxes. Gbpds O'DONNELL & CO., Lfck Box 71, Asheville. N I Men 3 sent tc c. t AT SUMNER'S R.KSTAIJKAXT. UN D U R II. RUDWOOD & CO'S, Where the very bent cream, made from the milk from his own cown, will Lie nerred nt o'l times. fSir-Special Parlor Fitted upfor I, ilic4 "Xt IIih Restaurant has also lccn handsomely papered and otherwise improved. The lct eook, lest fare, nt rensonahle rate. junel.'Mf. 1 j r

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