Mf " --.: "iKr :-:'?;- . 1 - l- v . . ?.- - ' ' -f , V. : -.1. .-. i -r ir-, I' ?" ...,"'.!.-,.. - JJ - - f 1 " i . - .1 a. ';-'.$ .:" i-:- '''''.' I' ' : f ' ' j : . i ' fiiyl: ' ' ' .' ' : ' "! 1 : STATE XORjMAL SCHOOL, 18813. j 1Y1 . , ! I 7 j .j 1 fj!U I'A,I-p THE SUN. Puunisiinu Daily, ExcErr Mo'xdays, at AsiIEYILLF N. C, IJY HOBGOOP & x ITZGERALP. The proposition of the republican plat form is to reduce the surplus by turning the excessive re venae away from the Treasury' into the hands of irotected in terests. The plan would be effective, but it would not relieve the; burden of taxa- i tion. Philadelphia Record. Third party prohibitionists will be rc- PE.RSONAL GOSSIPJ Henry James 13 quite unwell in Lon oi writing Entered in theWst -office at Asheville, N.C. for transmission through the mails as second i sp0nsilTe for the degradation of the State lass matter. j if ?o great n calamity as Dockerv's elec- Wiiliam Gladstone savs he will . ... ,?r net her portrait. HtIISCRIITXON KATI'S: tint year ,....$o.00 Si Months 3.00 r Tiree Months ; 1.50 f.e Month 50 T-T STRICTLY IX ADVANCE. Ad vcrtiinr Kates reasonable. Will be fur lushed on application." - All bills for advertising collected monthly Advertisements inserted for a shorter time than one month must be paid in advance. t Comjii xicatiovs, unlcsc they contain im portant news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real interest, arc not wanted; and if acceptable in every other" way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. You can figii any Peti tions name you please, but for our protection we must have your real name. FRIDAY MORXIXG... ..JUNE 20 NATIONAL DF.M. TICKF.T. j roK PRESIDENT '. j r, ROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. S tion should come about through their third ticket.- There is and there will be no escaping the legitimate result of their work. Then what will become of prohi bition? and the prohibition part y ? Both will be tinder a cloud in the south and will go down in the blackness; of darkness. Raleigh Chronicle. -' . j I So it is with the Constitutions, State and National, under which we have lived in peace and security so long, and by the means of which our.' nation has become the greatest-ou earth; i we are prone to become unmindful of its" great benefits. For the purpose of , accomplishing any present aptarent good, we: are apt to chafe at the barrier, the Constitution raises in our wav: we are apt to deride and belittle the onfyjtrue and permanent safe guard that we have forour freedom. Goldsboro Arnis. j i Cleveland and Thnrman are platforms m themselves, and are good enough and broad enough and bin enou "hand stronjr ! sound' enough for the for- enougn and Mr ion. i O'Doucvan Rossa baa taken poetry - ' ; . ; never S't i - U llliam U uowells win spend too summer c the neighborhood of Boston. Kins Charles, of RoumanJa, Is pnb of the mart lixperf trout fishermen in Erxj"op& j Boulanger's book appears to have fallen flat ajid is already a drug in the market j Robert Urowuing recently refused $1,000 from a Boston publisher for a short poem. Robert Louis Stevenson considers Henry James the greatest of living American novel- ut3- I ! ! I i I Senator Sherman '9 estate at Mansfield O., Including stocks and other investments, is estimated at $100,000. j j Alan Arthur, son of the late president of the United States, was "presented" at the levee held by the Prinee of Wales. j The Vanderbilts spend enormou i 'sums on fiirniture, bric-a-brac and artistic -decorations, but comparatively little on jewelry It is said that C A! Dana's royalty of 12 per cent, on each volume sold of ttye' Ameri can Cyclopaedia has yielded Mr. Dana over $100,000, j Le Figaro, of Paris, announced the elec tion of the younger M. Coquelin aa of the bociety for the Protection of ; rromimyja to LTUtli. . i - 1 - j iF M -'- -Uiu , j'M. ,J-i : 1 .1 I ; iL ! -. ' ' I ' '"1 . ' fAcultyJ . I'.- ! now i iiavq HENRY E. SHEPHERD. W. L. Til Trf.,V!r. of the College of Charleston, S, C, will be superintendent and Lecturer on Pedagogics i PROF. BEN. E.l ATKINS, of the AsJieville lemaie College, will be Instructor in th Alathematics andiHvgiemc Phj'siolog-r. I PROF. Pi P. CEAXTON. Suoerintendeti of thje Asheville CtJ- Schools, iivill iiistruct in vjreoprapny, ingiisn grammar anaj Keadmg fMISS KATIE IMILLARDJ of Goldsboro Graded School, will have charge I qf the Pri marv Department, i i MRS. HANNAH M. DAVIDSON, of Ashe -T II - I T11 1 M - v vine, wm ce xeacner 01 aiusic ill store for inclining 4- r r v ji verv nno with iTirr. id l'DR VICE-PRESIDENT I ALLAX G. TIIURMAX, of Ohio. I UUMOCKATIC STATKiTICKKT ! FOR GOVERNOR : I I)AXIEL O. FOWLIv, of Wake. FOR LIEFTENANT-GOVERNOR I THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. I tunes of our part v ti stand upon in per-1 Cravats. iect saiety anil security, liieir names Henrv rniarrl't-onflmia th' ffiU mean purity, honesty and the sahctity of he is about to undertake an expcditlc im uic iiiiiiuwai icnas oiiiuc cojistitu- South Poitt Dr NHiimrPp nf a j.ixr i 11 i . r !l I !. . , " . Lion mat oiessea pauatuura oioqFcoun- will co-operate with hiui 1M i.'. 1 - '.1.1 A- 1 1 ' I r : , irv iiucruo, aiui wituout wnicnine au tonomv of the States of their time honor ed sovereignty v and destruction. During' the times of reconstruction Thurman was the central figure in! the United States Seirate in upholding the dignity and in- d.)rned -ithj a lai-ge j liite marble tcgnty oi tnc Constitution. Jxlirror. president Beautiful ;onld fro down in ruin trvmjr I Sirs. Langtry uov? pives 5,000 acr land in jake;couuty, CaL, and Mr Oetjhardt, is credited S.0U0 acres more ad jo .'ristol rathedral m with the p-.t niiig. England has T FOR SI" PR EM E COl'RT pDC.ES: JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. .JAMES E. SHEPHERD, ; of Washington. ! ALPHOXSO C. AVERY, of Burke. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: YM. L. SAUNDERS, of Orange. for treasurer: DONALD Y. BAIN, of Wake. for si pt, of pfiilic instruction: SIDNEY M. FINGER. ! of Catawba. - for attorney general: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. G. for atditor: W. SAXDKRLIN, of Wax-iic. ELECTOR FOR THE STATE AT LARGE: A. M. WADDELL. ot Xew Hanover. ; F.X.iSTRUDWICK, of Orange. TIIIv PI4ATFOR3I. Ailfrted tty tlie vOcinocratic Stale j Convention. "We again congratulate the peopltof North Carolina on the ;continued enjoyment of pence, good government and general pros-j penty under Democratic administiation of th. affairs f the StateKvhichj'has. now been und tablet in uie;ii-. rv of the late il Uorley. the eniicv ;!! ihilauthropis! The sultan lot Zanzibar has a Oer md by a singular coincidence Gerinany ob tains valuable eonces-iions from his government denied to other powers! Mr J Seton Carr, the English put that oh to tUe nbui-g. Tdof fai rji JrYedeVick io.4sion of JiUt beeii nedal'.iou ?an;uel ! The session will be held in the Graded school Building on Academv street, ithe western part of the city, about fivje mites wane irom the coiirt house. All the ro(3Mso this building have been fitted un and ire in good condition. A; splcirdid I vicvy is to be nad ol Pisganand;numerous other ilnoumtains ana tne cousitry round about. The grounds are large and shaded, elevated and easy of access. A pleasant home for the Normal. It is desired and truly hoped by the manag ers mi me scnooi snau this summer Surpass m excelence any previous term. Itihas grad ually increased in proncieney anq genuine vaiue to tne teaching prolession of i this sec tion since rfs establishment in 1885. The, managers have been; vigilant of its .jinterests' and have selected for the faculty the best and mst experienced talent within trieir and they triist that they have entaged for this term thje serviced of a corps of teachers unexcelled ii the State. So a gobd atten dance of appreciative students will make the institution a j complete success. E- erv tea cher, and all I Who desire to tenrln Klnrn1rl make ready for the time and be present everj day. ! Let ecry onej consider well tihe oppor tunity aim ipaue tn most 01 it. Public lectures are expected from time which ivill be of considerable ana proht to all. i BOARD can be had in the city $li;.ou to S20.00 per month. ArraM can be madfe, we think, for a less with! families near thei citv. AniH wishing sue to lnlorm t accommodations are requested Secretary at once. AVa to the teaehfers to begin nowmakingbrepara T.1583 MAKING, tions to attend and make the most Inossihle I -LV I i sale a' small lic CpKI)oyA,, coffee, at 25 cts. per pound. AX iXVlT.vr, clovf.i; Cl.T When prime Rio coffee was ; at 16 its per pound qt "C,brdova" was I regret that it is imiv.svii . "cover-with ycut "J, thing is "clover n cream; that i r ...4 v !' tcntmentf thacisto tlie price cts. iper phund. Now. prime kio and v ou ban at for . -i Tne same price. a change. is 4b cts; ner 'lb. X 1 lovi 1 rv it Kit- l ? - periumcd fields, and at thr .' !;. Bos," the bountiful, sen i . ? L" faction's cud, in that blesSvt' that like a benediction falls and sleep. This clover lt''vnV happy hours of J.1 dimpled babes, of wholcsoin ! Sy S honest men. of springs an.! i 'Vlns: lets and all there is of stamwvV iui Human me. vvon(kri,i ' ' ver ! Drop the "C," an.l v" ?i,Ti piest of manlJnd. Take aw Tf ' "r" and you ha left the liu.hf' makes !a neaven of thin ,i, , t!,'r earth. Cut of the "r" alorj 1 mams a warm, deceitful . ."", no better nor can be gotten breath and Keeps wnosc Bottom v..i hath no fellow I'late in "(;o.,,i I....: V .IV ta-autcr freciutnt .1.., nii' . . .. .. - UIIS. 1 , '.s ricnt "1 YOU MUST r DKINi HAVi- a 1 y, I i MOI)i:il.Tl,,N- ,". Tjhis coffee is cheaper than m ljlew York, but what dif ference does this t make to the people oflAsheiile; let's rive Jos. R.iiToxisiiKAKruA. I i hi1! -. Resjxctfnlh', timei to interest fori from gements amount parties mcli9 suggest S. R. i , I 63 Sout I CLoviia Cum I'i kk uv x T.- Cloy Kepler, I I ! ' : 1 Main St, nn wife. Reader, (Sw ent m time and inton's 4th prefered) and be pres mornine the last evening. I Commumfations should be majesty's .years ; upon the just upon common l'osunasier General Dickinson pre diets 50,000 majority- for Cleveland and Tlinmian in New York. IlAIl FOR THI; 'C2. O. The National repuLliean nominees are 1 1 t . -,. ... . . 1101 linuing tnat lavor wit 11 tne press that thev should, to even make a rcspec table showincr next November. Ben TV . ' ! . iiarnson starts out uadlv 111 ins own ! i t ! A A TT "tk a atate. me Aasnviiie American savs: ! I ! j " Our special dispatch from Iivansville brings the intelligence that the Post, (the organ of the 1 German republicans of Southern Indiana, and the Bulletin, the official paper of Vanderburgh county, have bolted the republican nomination already. T. McCarty Stewart, of New York, an acknowledged leader of the colored peo pie, and a close student of their political vw..u.t.wl., wsra iii ucuci mcu a ciaticnartv. in furtherance of nnbrrf,,. least htt-per cent of the negroes 111 ! the "-a, is a sufhcient guaranty that we favor T i 1 . ' ' . , , n r I "- -""".-..iv.i ji me U.UU AVC Will PrO- xi.iL ami 11 est who nave neretoiore ioi- mote and improve the present educational lowed the lend nf ht- rrrm bliVni ti-iT-ti- I advantages so lar as it can be done without ine lead Ot tl.C republican party burdening the people bv excessive taxation. will this vear vote with the democrats. kesoi.yed. i hat, to meet ! an existing evil, wc win accept. ior educational purposes, from the Federal Kovcrnment. I our tiro rata share of the surplus in its treasury: Provided tnat it oe aisoursea trough state agents and the bill lor the distribution be ! free from ob- jectional leatures. Rksolyed, That the United States beinc- one government ana ours a 1 national partv, wc denounce the efforts of the Republicans to ioreecctional issues in Conarress and else- nere,au to promote dissension and ill- will between the people of the i different sec tions ot our common country. unbroken for so many and impartial enforcement of the law; Lac increasing emciency or, otir t , . , , . - 1 juiuui Mtiii, ana : tne progress maae in popular ! education; 'upon the improvement and enterprise manifested in all parts of the State. We again challenge a comparison be tween this state of things and the outrages, crimes and scandals which attended Republi can ascendancy in ; our borders. Wc pledge ourselves to exert ia the future as in th past our best efforts to promote the best interests of the people of all sections of the State. Af firming our adherence to Democratic "princi ples as heretofore enunciated Jn the platforms of the party, it is hereby.' I: RESoLvnr, That no trovemr.n-nt has right to burden its people with t.nvcQhpvnnf) the amount required tb pav itg necessarv ex !cnses and gradually extinguish its' public debt; and that whenever the revenues, liow. ever derived, exceed this amount, thev should be reduced, so as to avoid a Surplus in the treasury.; That anv svstem of tnvntmt, which necessitates- the -oavment of n trp- mium of $270 by the govemifient on each M.OOO of its bonds, tnk-pn un kvitii Jions that would othom-isp H ;-n aults, and paid to bondholder-si ix-hn t,,,- hi, many instances, at Jess than-r-' isuiuluriioeiatic, oj)presive aTid iniquitous and should be reformed. !The course of our Democratic Representative in Congress, in their efforts to give relief to the people from burdensome internal revenue and tariff taxa tion, meets with the approval, of the Demo cratic praty of this State and we respect fully recommend that if thex find it impossi ble to give to our people fill the relief de manded, they support any just and practical measure presenteu in congress that will af- loril a partial relief lrom burden. j Resoiaed, That while he methods by which the constitutional revenue tann shall oe trraduallv! reached nte- subjects which the representatives of our people at the national caoitali must be trus ted to adjust, we think the customs duties should be levied lor the production of public revenue, and the discriminations in their ad justment should be such 'as will place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest dn the necessaries of life, distribute as equally as possible the unavoidable burdens of taxa tion, and confer the greatest, good on the greatest number. Ml Resolved. That we. as' heretofore. iavAr and will never cease to demand, the uncon ditional abolition of the whole internal r tniie system, as a war tax. not to be iustS-, ficd in times of peace; as a! grievous burdein 10 our peopie anu a source ioij annoyance in its practical operations. We call the atten tion ot the people of the State to the hvno- critical pretensions of the Republican party in their platforms, that they, are in favor of the repeal ot this onerous svstem of taxation. enacted by their party, while the Republicans in Congress are. taxing their energies to ob struct all legislation inaugurated bv the re presentatives of the Democratic oartv to relieve the peopl of all or a part of this odi ous stem, i ; i I Resolved, That the course! of the Demo- - o I .4 sn l vnter. lia-s set out on a innmfov ni.fn this ?'ontineiJt bv the 1 wav of thA Murtvi, nver and the Hudson bay Compaq's prw sssions. i !j :! il D;in el Wilson Qoos not dare the- chan df r of deputjes, but he hold his sit foi lourane and pockets the attached thereto, and under the presdnt law there is no way of getting rid of hiib A. No enter s on to salary the first and istav till addrd BLAIR & W. Star.nHs. Sec CO. 37 Tatton Avenue. possible tions to attend and make the out of this rare opportunitv Work wilB beidn activelv the fist Anv Every studeht should bripg some good His tory, grammar, arithmetic, GeopraAhv I haye taken a room on Patton at For 3'tirit where ssed to Theo. Hobgood's patrons may 26-tf. avenue, opposite Nellie Park, I would be glad to ;see my friends and MRS N. I. W ALTON, FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE and richness of . ihixuv, : no equal. HAMPTOX ft riJATJII-KSTra TT7ESTERN HOTEL. r r Lovers of something good to eat should not fail to stop at the Western Hotel. South west coiner of Public square over Ballard's. TV Tk may 2-I-tf Sole Awaits Aslitvil'.. t BOARD PER DAY F: With or without ! FURNITURE j. f FURNITURE i j if V K-X 1 T UR E ;apr- MRS. o-umi. ex-presi recently such existing details of tlie Dr A. L. Chapin, the vererablo dent of Deloit college, who was stricken with paralysis, was graduated at Yale in 1S37 and seven years latei jvent to Alilwaufcee, where he was a Presbyterian pastor foi twenty-four years. , The Dukejof Westminster is retlirked Jn "Batemans Landowners in Great Britjainw as her majesty's richest subject; and the young Viscount Belgrave, grandson of the duke, if he lives to inherit his j patrimony, Irijll, it is stated, be the richest man in the world. President Diaz of j kexico Is ma!king an honest effort to beep on friendly: terbis with the United States. I The Mexican govern ment has announced that it will punish with death interferences: by Its soldiers wit'j American citizens or American lawg,-Wflen committed on their side of the-baVr. rJIslaHe "duller, who hL been nominated f ?r chief justice of the I United States supremo court, Is reported to have visited San Francisco recently in secret. He went there on business, and kept his identity bidden from the public because ho wished to avoid being talked with by newspaper men. The Duke Jof Sutherland has become so impoverished by the agricultural depression In England and Scotland that ho contem plates Belling I Stafford j house, the wonderful mansion which, ; when Queen Victoria en tered, struck her as being so magnificent that she said to the duke: "I came from my house to your palace." I i I ! OF ALL KINDS ; AT WHOLESALE AND RETAI AT WHOLESALE AND RFTA1 AT WHOLESALE AND RETAI Our stock ifc ahvavs large furniture HOTELS IN terms. All co Mi ONUM L. L. L. room. MONTH and sec ENTS AT TotnLstohes and signs o f ITALIAN GRANITE and comjpletie in wy department, embracing every article of pired to furnish house. We are prepared to ;furnISh- AND BOARDING HOUSES, PART OR ENTIRE, any part and all Monuments, as lokv as they m the United Statcfe. of a "Warerod mc27-2m On shortest notice and the m prompt and cireful attention BEDROOM S ETS. FINE CHAMBER PLAYS AND ACTORS. Sir Morel! with success London. Genevieve play, called Pern ber ten. Mackenzie's son is now playing n a tarce at the Strand theatre. Ward has brought out a new "Tbo Loadstone," by Edgar WARDROBES, BED AND SINGLE LOUN WIRE SPRINGS, KS, COTTON OF SIIUC ROCKING CI dhIing The Russian National Opera company, with j And varibus twenty principal smgers and fifty choristers, will come to this country next September. V. a. Gilbirt.j in denying; that he intends to appear ou kho stage, writes: ! "I am a suf- cieutly :ood actor to know what a very bad actor 1 oin. mention In met everything A FIRST CLASS FURNITURE HOUSE. Charles VTyndham, who has just beenplav- ing an engagement in St j Petersburg, has 1 been presented by the czar with a double ruby and diamond ring, while Miss Marv iuooie receivt'd irom the same personage a couole circle diamond brooch- Be sure! I ment of! want of anyth Helen Barrr has produced n the un- Ile says: "This movement has beenjob-1 servable 3111011 our people during past four yearsj and it is clear and mistakable, as tlie result will show in due time. Wc arc beincr forgotten and ignored by the republicans, and find our- called 'ireld matinee, Ijoi can act ross w new drama. Asunder,'" at a Prince of "Wales don. The heroine is an Ameri- ,ho is courted by a father ! and son. 1 Le story is awkward. ! but the Plav. hv ir.. . ,,r - . .. ... Aiaicomi w atton, is neauy yritten. have selves respected and welcomed by democrats." II I the Resolved. That it is due to j the people o A CARD. It is our pleasure to announce to all persous seeking to buv homes or make investments in tins city or iW estern North Carolina, tbat we now have tfie most inet workman to turn out thd partmeni at srj Give usj a tri Respectfully, With respect to President Clevelapd's our castcrii counties who have so cheerfully complete list of property! of all 'kinds urse as regards the negro, which jhas ?haT XrSSZ of somequam- Sfve vve have evef offered. We have lots large , inS-lm course been conspicuously fair and generous, he sa3's: "Air. Cleveland has ccrtainlv1 ac complished one! thing. He has emanci pated the colored men, politically speak ing. His administration has been a!po litical emancipation, as President Lin coln s administration was a. physical emancipation." The Xew York daily papers are almost a unit in support of Cleveland and Thur man. The list includes the Sun, Star land WW I woria, cemocrat; the Times and Com mercial Advertiser, republican, and! thei Herald and Evening Post, independent. The Staats Zeitung, the most largely cir culated and influential German paper in this country, also accords the demo cratic national ticket its heart3" support. The only papers of prominence in Xew York supporting the republican ticket arc the Tribune Press and Mail and' Ex press. Perhaps there never was a greater If-.- . s preponderance j 01 rvew lork newspa per support given a presidential candi date than is now accorded ,to Mr. Cleve land, and how many more G. O.1 P. organs and voters will follow this early start it is impossible to predict. I s vstem of count v irovemment: shall be main-1 ana small, improved and unimproved, m tained. Mi Asheville. TTn Resolved. iThat the Democratic tiartv is j .... J 1. . .... onDosedtnanvfiirihM-Mtrtdnn fhr. "v .uu"! uu u " - miixicuiULe vicinity fence law. unless such extension shall have tue C1t and the whole SUITOUndine first..J?e?u authorized by a majority of the country. Our list of mountain, erazinsr iwc-io nuu.u mc tciuiury 10 uc ill- I minrol onH irvil-v Ll - m. s II WU W LI X T OOMS FOR RENT. Three riooms bn Patton or unfurnished-4-f For further particulars applyj tectcd therehv. i Resolved, That the Democratic Dartv has ever been the party of the workingman, and nas never iostercu mononolies. nor hn-p "trusts" or combinations" : or "pools" ever grown up under laws enacted by it. The vontcst in this country being between asrsrre- mineral and every demand in this respect, and at prices ranging from one to five dollars per acre, owing to quality 'and proximity to xne ran roau. Both citizen nnd sfrjinw nw inirlt-cl fetited capital, seeking to crush out all com- to our nffirpm the IXnr-n T,,1i ;x.tit!on, and the individul laborer, the Dem- , lv ' v ocratic the uuiion 01 capital, and demands the enact- v?.l I ment of laws that will bear eouallv noon nil. f V-1" -" specimens Resolved, That as all j taxation bears or tne grass, minerals land timbers most heavily upon the laborer, it is the dutv of of this section, and iret "hosted" nhnnt i iw uncti ucucui 10 meworK. As hen e nnri Vt-n Tntli l" V our puoiic j tt iinPP 0 w c :i rt-ir sistent I . v"i"y-i. w ui mc liist nmuhications ... st satisfactory M will receive bur A. P. S0RRE Keep in stock the WHISKIES, BRANDIES, j TOBJ 1ACCQ RLOR SUITS, KENTUCKY BELLI K-1SN.TUCK1Y BELLI KENTUCKY BELLI SUITS, : I SIDEBOARDS, GES, MATTRESSES i ND HAIR. I Ax Absolutely Call McBRAYER & SON. Asheville, N. O us W - WUAUl cc CO. No. 7 Sovtii Main Stim.v.t S COS COS COS TOMB STONES. T T Dealers in all kinds of Wln'sHe; lu dies Wines, Ale, P01 &c. KENTUCKY 1 Whiskies a Specialty cr, Cigars. Toh:J an.ll'.oivf 1 .Monuments at Cost. De- Finished ;ork, SCOTCH AMERICAN GRANITE can be bought W. O. WOLFE. m S. E. Court Square. IljjVILLE, N. C. Asi DISTILLERS' AC.KXTS l (n PURE NORTH CAROMXA Oi WHISKEY AND Ai'PEE I5IAXIY. iSrruRK Malt Wiiiskit Medical Purposes, ahvavs in stock. Agents and Authorized hottk-rsof -h M rS & BR0., It1 RmtVI-tt f TXT -t( Brown & Gtidger's old stand.) St., purest and best WINES, AND CIGARS. I X ANifEUSER-in'SCII 1 Brewing Association's Cclciirnttd; xouis L.vuiiN lUiliK, lor Wtsun;. Carolina. KENTUCKY BELL, KENTUCKY BELL, KRNTIrWI'PT T v' WHISKEV, PCKE RYi Highlj' recojmmendefl for medicihal purposes Also,.-Higgihs' Pure pI. C. Corn. AIRS, CESTER TABLES, TABLES AND CIIAIRS, thcr things, 'too numerous to cdll and see our splendid assbrt- WIXDOW CURT in that line! JONES J P0RTNER, Manufacturers and Dealers Saddles, Bundles, Szc. I to usuallj' kept in AINS when the best Upho fin the State, and areprepared very nnest w ort notice. 1. AGENT g FOR in Harness, JSTThe folio-wing Brewings const. 011 hand, in cegs mid bottks: ' AKIIKCSjIsK-r.t'SCn,' "srAk'DAKD," IMPL1CIAL I'AI.i: I.Af.I K, AN1 THE "OI IGLVAL laUWI ISIK." WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, V ri 41JMAN SADDEK COMPANY, .1 WHITMAN SADDLE in ster1 and Cabi- cii WILKINSON & - WILKINSON & KID'S i WILKINSON & KID'S - -' I. I 'K M! vEBRATED ENGLISH OMPANY, KID'S livircd to inv tart oit''f xrcrc. I'ronipt a"llc:i:io"M Goods deli 1 'r r fi a ill- ui iimrijc. rromii t6 all orders, by moil or otherwise. Telephone call No 39 ork- in this de- W. A. BLAiR & CO., JQT'Residende No. 39, Perlland Street Asheville. N JOHN G. LINpSEY', J 1 I 25 N. Main St., AsiiEvitLE, N. nartv is. as it has ever been, nn-a nt ,us bi uuic, -cuat. jiuur.i 10 comer i . .".::r"" r ;-i.v""tr' monopolist and in favor tot a iust distri- with us relative to anv mtr r,; - fiJiiiiiftS l N-AARE, .. . i - -. . w ciiiii in, rviM.-tiiifA, i tr i. i i i . -i-i iv 13." i r i insitutions with wise ai tne lowest limit cons and emcient management. The number of the LaXD OF THt SKY, (which at Satisfactory I - I AND SHEET-IRON, WORKER AJD SHEET-IRON WORKER AND SHEET-IRON WORKER -Alsq, Job Work, Roofindand Guttering. uemocratic party opposes anv eomnetitinn mVoc V.O. ia :ii - r between free and convict labor! but it insists " 'T?uric- V"?11 J that convicts ! shall not remain idle at the .ern iorxn iaroiina ever pnDUSIied, J expense of honest labor. . M i j that will be given gratis to persons look- AuLtu, maionrs uon?an agncuitur- inr for information on tlif en W j Ti al State it is our dutv as well i as our &. . . OITaa"?n .?-n xaX suDJect- P us tne pleasure oi caning wpen vou want to talk real estate. Respiectfnlly Natt ATKixsirhi & Soxs. P. S. Several houses and on reasonableterms Prices ure to promote anv and all lecislation thn is best calculated to advance the interests of agriculture; and that in so doing Ave will most effectually advance the interests of mechanics, manufacturers and laborers. kesolyed, That the Democracy of North Carolina, cordially approve the; administra tion ol Hon. Allred AI. Scales as honest, patriotic and conservative.-' Resolved, That the ability, wisdom, hon esty, patriotism, independence,: faithfulness to duty and manly courage of President Cleveland have won thea dmiration of all good men; and the interests of the country demand his re-nomination and bis re-election lots to rent 3 lb canned apples 12V2 cents per: can. 3 lb canned toniatoes 124 cents per can. 2 lb canned corn. 12?4 cents! per can. i 1 gallon cans tomatoes 4d cents per can. . p. Cooper. SADDLES. style made to Billiard Hall ox 2d Flook. T Fine; Harness of anv order. All work is HAND-i-MADE. nnd Guaranteed: ; A full stock of Leggings,1 j Saddles, Bri- ; -' ''Ml ";'!. ! : I i M i c. dies. Collars, Riding and Buggy Whips, avenue-fumished for rent on reasonable terms at Sun office. Spurs, etc., alwa3's on hnnd examine our goods! MM TONES & PORTNER. IGN.Cour c. Y"EST ASHEVILLE '. I '; I IL'-V i f '""T5 Parties: wishing to purchase ; I- BUILDING "f LOTS, OR -pE ASHEVILLE HAND! LAUNDRY JL Is now at u-ork on Valley street, in VALLEY HALL.- VV nrAtinnr TrpnorA1 . . 1 , . ary wKin every particular. We do not use any steam aiachixery that will wear AND TEAR THE GOODS. 2ALL WORK DONE BY HAND, -s From wards r JNSURANC B... . A FIRE, j T -ACCIDENT.- 4 Cnll nnd nSlo Nevada, of California,. Square. 5 GARDEN i : ! I I 1 I j t ... ! : I i- LAND, 4 -i mm y i 11! - one to one hundred acres!, west to- the SULPHUR SPRINGS, viU caU on 1 taken care of. I and the result is goods are we If vou want to wear first-class laundry wnk . i i i " sena us your gooas. j G. W. HIGGINS. And A. T.IBOWEN. Office at Cafson's Stationery Stors. E. G- Carrier, at the Springs or I ' -i:x , - ' . apri-Cm CARRIER JyjUSICAL INSTRUCTOR: tj ..w. inmes will take a limited number of pupils in music on P!aho or Organl For fur- appiyat 39 or 35 South ther lmformation . . . Aiaia sxreet; ny mail Asheville: may 22 2w address, II. O Box 223, JIIMES. PULLIAM 8c CO., At The Bank of A,Sfr Asheville, N. C, Represent the following Comnanifs: FIRE. CASH1.,..! $:.:: 1 Continental, of New Vork . Hamburgr-Bremen, of Germany.. London Assurance, of England,... Niagara, of New York, Orient, of Hartford .,; Phenix, of Brooklyn,... St. Paul Fire & Marine, of Minn n. Southern, of New Orleans, Western, of Toronto U. S. Mutual Accident Asoci vti mcl Aetna Life Ixsuraxci: C- N EW FIRM. W. H. WEST ALL & Will have in stock, by the 1st ot full line of all kinds .of Lmn1- rough aad dressed, Mouldings uf Lathes, Sash. Doors. Blinds. l)th n T-ll-l trolls. r, C 1. T t ' 1.4 OTIfl L f-' "---iJ IUSLC1 . AIIIIC 11.111, ties. Architectural Iron, or anvtl.'''- BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. lfS?Pnt-f i'oo k-.:i,i: ,.rt"iiii A HVO IJA lllllll'. Ill LWWV" build Mr. w-' r m ub va iiij , i lii . r . Wfttnll : ,1 n nvc' n uu iii iv iiri'T i:iirii r timates on any or all of the nbovefoj and haviner had larrvP pvrcricnec l ine, can give vou bottom fi cures. -x ' ineof Cements. Plaster. Hair, etc., . hand now. O01r .nrmom 121 Wolfe buildino-. Sontbor Court AsheviUe.N -!' ? i r

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