s. By Telegraph ! TiiE Sun is the only paper in Wes tern North Carolina givinglthe Associated I'rcss Disjiatchcs. i IrUl HHNCE WE CAN AWkkinw.n.c. II v i.'NO. 108. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY n, 1888 PRICE'5 CENTS. i' i i n ' : " i 1 i p ; , , , , : , :0r 'Ml no ft ll ectj hie s wt A' Viixi- COBKLCTKD BY UVILLEICR AND COAL CO., 4 Pril PROPRIETORS. dkcitebed: r grate; loud 1 rm. f r grate, ' I Nut. for Stove he,. 4.75 4.75 CONGRESSIONAL. THE FISHERY TREATY THE SENATE. Tariff on Kjjxts, Peanuts in I House. : 'I the 9.25 9.50 9.25 - i By Telegraph to the Sux.; SENATE. f LdisoN, Llek and OPTICIAN.' S 1'ATTON AVEXUH. tcfir.s. tCHES. ten us. v. A CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, BRONZES, BUONZES,' BRONZES," BRONZES, I vi i PLATED SILVERWARE, AND I.'LATICD silverware, AND -PLATED SILVERWARE, 'l PLATED SILVERWARE, I AND SILVER HEADED i CANES, ; ;LD PENS, &C. OPTICAL GOODS! SSHS- SSt'S. SSES. hri:s DPES. PIN DPIX- SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES. tc, &c, &c. UtM C)Ol)S. KliLIAULK PRICES. AIRING AND ENGRAVING. AIRING AND ENGRAVING. AIRING AND ENGRAVING. AIRING AN ) ENGRAVING. ASHEVILLK, N. C. VILLE ICI AND COAL CO. OLLINS & CO., Proprieroks. - PPRE ICE - PURE ICE - PURE ICE FROM DISTILLED WATER. FRnM DISTILLED WATER. FKOAI DISTILLED WATER. )k HARD AND SOFT COAL. iek Promptly Filled. Tdqihone No. 5S. ' Vari at The Old Depot. Mn.'AIXTS IN KEfiARD TO EI- : 1 COAL OR ICE' WILL. BE ! I 'm RRPORTED AT THE OF- 1 ' FICE.'- f Uptown Office. Barnard buildinir Patton Av. , , i I Telephone No 69. i Prompt Attention Washixctox, D C, July 10. The and restricting the specific duties. lerate of duty as dressed ' I ersey, moved duty on flax, Senate proceeded to the consideration in the fisherv treatv, and by Mr. Hoar in oppo- open session, o was addressed sition to it. Alessrs, Hoarj of Massachusetts, knd .Gray, of Delaware, had a prettv lively discussion srs to, the rrierits and abilities of the Americans who have hi charge ithe fisherV question1 with Great Britain. Mr. Hoar thought the American diplomats to take suggestions from the $en and Reprcsenatatives from the ought ! ators i i fishing States, when MANUFACTURED ICE. I information of the oublia and to "Tuneou idea on the object of arti sixe the folio winfacts In regard manufacture of ice: Our mannerof ma- f " to distil the water by condensing naVing it absolutely pure. Then "fcrcoa! to completely deoder- thus arrest, anr renminine traces of im- r e. i i lit. 2 l - - '-a wv. IV n US, Aft .V1U J-"-'" f er t remains until it is frozen as clear h1 anl almost as solid as glass. This an use. It lasts one ral ice and has all the f '"ne fit for huma f "n-itr Ulan uatljI virturcs of the hi -h priced table "ninierc such Great Gray asso- thev had astute diplomats as those of Britain to contend with, j Mr. thought Secretaiy Bayafd and his ciates will be equal to any of the Ehgiish vith Lord Chamljerlain at the head. HOUSE. Washington, I D. C, July 10J The House went immediately into the cpnsid. eration of the, tariff bill on assemblinsr, Mr. Hopkins, of JN- moved to strike from the definition of uncleaned rice the words "rice free of outer hulL't In dis cussing the amendment. Year, of Iowa, and Bayne, of Pennsylvania, criticised Mr. Cannon On the ways and means for placing the farm products of'jthe East and West loir the Aee list? and ;im posing a duty of 100 per cent, upon ;the nee product of the South, which criti cism called forth the remark from Mr. Elliott, o S. C., that the Republicans htiving nominated a Chinese President were ready to sacrifice the colored lbor of the South byj allowing the free impor tation of rice from China. In reply to questions categorically propounded by; Mr. Hopkins, Townshend, of Ill.'.'statcd tl'at he had yesterday voted against the DingW amendment reducing the sugar tariff, because it was intended to con fuse the action of those who desired to reduce war taxes. He predicted that when the Mill's bill came 'to a final vote every Republican'; in the House would be found recorded against its passage, and he also predicted that; in the Western States the people would in Novemler next rebuke those, members who voted against the reduction of tax ation. ! - j j One of the leaders of the Republican party in III., L. D. Whiting!;, who tor eighteen years had served in the Illinois Senate, had recently repudiated Ithe Chicago platform and party, jj ... "Did not the party repudiate him first,' asked Mr. Mason, of 111. "No, sir," replied Mr. Townshend. "I know bet ter,' exclaimed Mr. Mason, j "I know that he wjas a candidate for Senator and was defeated in a,Republican convention. He was defeated as a Republican because he'was not true to the-soldiers Mr. Townshend: "I knew I had touched my colleague on a raw place when I called attention to the fact that Illinois Republicans are forsaking their t i party." j HopkitPs anieridmeiit was rejected Air. Warner, of Mo!, offered an amend ment fixing the duty rou cleaned rice at Y2 cent per pound. He said rice should be upon the free list. The rice planter njade thirty-three dollars per acre Qn his crop whilp the wheat irrower made $12 and the corn raiser $10. , f Why this protection of over 100, per cent, on rice? The bill had j been Con structed to secure the supportjof the j rice and surar raisers, i AH mdus- percent. ad valorem present classes with Amendment rejected On motion of Mr. McMillan, an amend ment was adopted fixing t on flax hackled, khowd line, at $10 per ton. Mr. Lehlbach, of New to restore existing rates of hemp and jute yarns, and fix the rate at 25 per cent, advalorem in the interest of those persons who had made large in vestments in the rope industry. Lost. Mr. Phelps, of New Jersey, moved to increase from 25 jto 40 per cent, advalo rem duty on flax and linen thread, twine aud pack thread,, an J manufactur ers of flax.! j ' " j Pending the vote the committee arose and the House at 5 took a recess until 8 o'clock, the evening session to be for the consideration of the 'bill granting right of way td railway eonipinieS ; thro iigh Indian reservation, j Orollierhcocl Offilcers Arrested Chicago, III., Hoge N By Telegraph to the Sun. .! Prod ucex Markets. - By Telegraph to the Sun. Baltimore, July 10. 'Flour, steady. LbJrgberryJ 875.9G; western, easv. Tlie Floods ill West By Telcirrapli PARKERRL'RG, W. floods continue and Virginia. i to the Si x. , Va., July 10. The destruction to steady westeil? Chic vellow 59C:i.Gl white G45G; - 9 si dull. ago j July 10. Cash quota Tnlv "lO Phnirmin of the Grievance Committee of i VVheatJ southern, firm Brotherhood of Engineers, and Chair- man Murphy, occupying the same posi tion in the Fireman's Brotherhood, were arrested at their rooms in the National -""p v-njjiv liij w rui uuui iiivu were were taken to iiotice headquarters and locked up. The tvvo chieljs were charged with conspiracy. The much talked of circular in which Hoge is ! alleged to have requested brotherhood men t6 hire them selves secretly! to the "O" road and disa ble engines is said to le the basis of the ' ' -' I - i . i i charge against Hoge. Chairman Mur phy is charged, with being an accomplice Genera! Manageii Fultz, No. ions ! lour, belter, inquiring on foreign account asHwell as from home bu vers. - ii . i ' - No qikja table change in prices. No. 2 No. 2 the property all along the Little Kanawha than in 1884 and Ohio rivers is greater when "the great flood tame. Farms are flooded and hundreds of acres of i I ! ; growing crops and harvested grain , are i deluged. Millions of feet I afloat in the swift current st ruction. The loss in this vicinitv jwill 4 be $15,000, and in this and adjoining counties will be more than $100,000. ii Everv stream is out ot its banks Jand !l numbers of families have had of timber; are gping toj de- higher ground. A family had retired last: night when the flood entered their house reach to move to named Whjte' warrants last night to the officers to morning so that arraigned -before a uance- taken as the ready td ' push its Stone swore out the and they were given lie served : earlv this I i. . " . . . the prisouers would be justice aud a contin conipany ivRS not yet case. He asserted, however, that the; evidence in the posses sion jof the comptinv was conclusive. t Hoge had nothing to1 sav regarding the arrest of Engineer jGedding last evening, except to reiterate his former statement that the Brotherhood would protect no guilty man. "What is thereto your al leged statement that there may be a gen eral strike all Over the the reporter. I "I mean nothing the road should Mess pbrk.Ui.55; lard 8.10; short ribs, shouldtrs, G.10(150; short clear, 0. Whiskey 120. '! 8S.5(( CxctkxATr, tions were: strong Whiske whedit, 81(J; No. 2 red,!; 81. j Jatt Atkinson & Sons, Have three farms and four lots, that thev can sell this week at great bargains. Houses to rent. july8:3t Wanted. - . - Situation as Watchman by a reliable man. Addscss J. T. Bkowx.'Suu office. Rock Work. H. M. Smith takes' this means of im forming the public, that he is preivired to i give his personal sucrvision to masonry work of every desci qjtiou. A ostal to .the city post office or to this office will reach him. julyStf corn A no No 2 oats, 82:?4. Cleveland Hats. f1 No. July 10.--Cash quOta- Flour, easy. Wheat, 2. redj Oats, Short ribs, !7.70; bacon steady; No. Corn, firm. No. 2 mixed 51. 2 mixed I 36. Pork lower. ifd 7.70.' Bulk meats easier; SO. easjer v 1.1. and light, 4.505, CoitigresMlonai Coitvention 5 1( J- For the DAilv Sirx. A coilv complete cessation; had been arrested country further than i arrest some ' asked that if of the "to mec day purr t in i Uib 0th Coni?resi, for the selection of an Elector Brotherhood leaders, there" would be a tor t the i may Exec ng nearly to the top of! the bed covering before they got out. Nearly all telegraphic commu- washouts are Two more Mrs. Trace- and a iboy rowned while Rain is still nication is cut off, and big reported on the railroads fatalities are reported A well was killed bvjlightn named Sanderson was d escaping falling. from the flood. inar Crop Conditions. Bv 'legraph to tlie Sun. i , ' ' I "I Washington. D. C. Tuh 10. The De partment i of Agriculture makes July general averages of condition as follows: Cotton 86.7 winter wheat 75.6 spring Wheat 95.9 corn 93, oats 95.2 barley il, winter rye . 95.1 spring rye 96.8 tobacco manufacturing leaf 89. Cotton is later than usual in every State, arid there is generally a medium stand. Culti vation has been somewhat retarded by local rains and a part of the area is in grass, notably in districts west of the Mississippi. The plant is generally in a vigorous condition aud growing rap idly. The' State averages are, Virginia of work. If Arthur when that subject was agitated it would! have stopped every wheelin the country. I think it ; would be the same if I should bearrested. They have gone no further among our officers than Bouereisen and that's far enough." i i i New York Cotton Market. j By Telfgrjaph to the Sun. j New York. July 10. Hubbard, Price & Cb's circular to-day says : The cotton market . has been! generally stronger. ! ! " Thete is an advance shown for both old f j j - ardjnew crop. Ajugust went up because therewas very Jit'tle offering and very quiet. The principal poi"tion of the de mand seemed to le on orders to cover shorts On laterj jmonths the strength wasjnainlv induced bv the publication of the Bureau report'which alarmed the shorts. Spots remain in fair demand and etn 9th Coaaressional Dist rict is herebv called ion of the Democrats of . . . . f of : fiss' Nellie LaBarbe is prepared to j adorn the Cleveland hats with bands, at i small cost, with neatness and dispatch 1 at her millinery establishment, on north Mam street. Call at the Farmers warehouse and get your sewing machine parts, needles, shuttles, rubbers, bands and the best oil. Mr. W. H. Littleton is there and will re pair, clean up and adjust vour sewing machine if it is not doing well. the i le eky ofj Asheville on Tl day of August next for candidate Whitlock's stores will remain open un til 10 p.m. ' New Style Ruchings at Whitlock's. jGU nominaltug a 1U1S- the for 9cb Congressijou District, am lie i ransacti come Ijcfbre it. u ti ve Loknniitic-e. for n of'-sulch other business as Bv order o As5ie M. li.l Carter, Chm leVille, N. C, luly 10th '88 Houjsekcepers wishiig a choice iartit sprint ilamli 'would 'do well to dall jai his maifkei. 4 ! . jiine20tf Ei Goops at Levy's, 18 closed quotations have 1-1 Gc as against 6 tcj 7 points, .clqmg firm evidently . timid, bales. again been, advanced ast'night. August has advanced 10 points and other months with shorts day 95,400 Sales to 81, North Carolina 85, South Carolina 86, Georgia 90, Florida90, Alabama 92, Mississippi 92, Louisiana 91, Texas 76, Arkansas 90, Tennessee, 90. Winter wheat has been harvested in the South and yielded below (expectation in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Alabama, It has improved slightly in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, j and Illinois. Marked improvement is noted in Michigan. Re ports from the Pacific Coast are also more favorable. I The general condition has advanced from 73 averages of to 7o. The growers the tries should be treated alike and in interest of the laboring men. i In perfor mance of the pledge to make a free break fast table the Democrats shquld reduce the duty on this food product. Mr. Warner's amendment was losi by a vote of 47 to 70i j h r., mrvMYm nf Mr. McMillan, ot ten- Vll - nessee. the duty on rice flour and meajwas fixed at rem. ! Mr. Vandever. rice 15 per cent, advalo- ! and for of Cal., moved to in crease the duty onjraisius fropi li to 2 if Present dutv.) Vati- VV 11 V O r r dever. McKerina, Morrow, Biggs, Felton. of Col. all fought stoutW this amendment but it was rejected by a vote of G 7 to 77. I j Guenther. of Wis., endeavored to secure a duty of five cents a dozen on eggs, but his effort proved ijncessessfull Yost, of Ya.f moved to restore exist ing rate of duty on peanuts, j Lost. ' Allen, of Mass., offered an jamendment restoring the existing rates of duty on cotton thread, yarns, and warps, except in case of higher grades, where a slight increase ofdutyisj made. Itf was advo cated by Allen, Lehlbach, of N.J.J and Spooner, of R. I." but was rejected 50 to 72. : :. I i I". Dingley, of Maine, offered an amend ment striking out the clause fixing the mteof dutv on jail cotton! cloth at 40 the orincipal States are New York SO' Pennsylvania 93, Ohio 60, Michigan; 75, Indiana 62, Illinois 68. Missouri 72, tKansas 93, j California 83. Spring wheat has improved in a large portion of the breadth seeded and prom- Mmus the possible the general average dvanced from 2.8 to 95.9. The State averages are:! Wisconsin 91, Min nesota .94, Iowa 97, Nebraska 95, Dako ta 98J ises a large yield, future drawbacks has a ST. Mexican Election. Louis, Mo., July 10. A special from the dtyf Mexico says: Yesterday the electorial colleges met throughout the cc untry and voted for a President, three members of the Supreme Court, memters of Congress andne Senator in each State. So far no opposition has been made to the re-election of President Diaz. Many new'j members have been electe 3. So far as their politics is known thev belong to the Administration party. Bloody AfTray In Kentucky. i ! i ; i By Telegraph to the Sim. Chicago, III. 1 July 10 A dispatch frorti Knox ville, Tennessee, 'says: Laurel Forlc meeting house in Whitley countv, Kentucky, was the scene on Sunday of a terrible traced v. It was a collision be- -11 1 tween 'Rose and Fuston clans! while the services were in j progress. A feud liad Rose and e time oyer cr accused n. A few bseand se-j Winchester) fiel Sometime kftex that kdse shot at 1 ?ed off one ; . 1 been in existence between M 1. 1 : 1 one of the Fustoiibo'S for som five dollars, in which the foi-m the latter of stealing from h;i weeks after Fuston wavlaid R at lilt KlnSell-.atiiijHi A fine are the Cooley 3'csttrday purchase! lain i js !a nd 50 j nice sheep, n. 100 which be slaughtered for his mnifket Of een tliOusan d dollars wor ut aft cost for cash !- Pit ei?t -Leat her Shoes for $3.2o at Levf'ts jworth $5. op. nt kuchi.'igs ait Whitlock's nisli c1)th m cream; j just ni at El S. Mam St., to be of Nekv i'to'c o f Get is' Neck wear? just in Whitlock Whitloc gan t R ucliin gs at Whi dock's. Ele 5Fibe Clek find Gtf and ht Ruchiugs at Whitlock's. jptf iucBings at Whitlock's r and Hats. Itibs jwishing Cleveland iem at Whitlock's to-day n29tf. Cleveland Hats. Parties wishing; Cleveland find hats s. The Windsor House, Spartanburg, S C, is one of the best kept hotels in the South. It is convenient to the depot. If you wish comfortable Iieds and good fare, don't fprget the Windsor. C. C. Chase. ap'13-tf. Proprietor. New Style Ruchings at Whitlock's. j jGtf New Style Ruchimrs at Whitlock's. jGtf HandsomeRuchingsat Whitlock's. jGtf Figured Lawns at 3c. at Whitlock's, Handsome Ruchings at Whitlock's. jGtf Prettv Challics at Whi 1 lock's. I M I'ORTA NT A NNUUNCUM IiNT. At the request of the citizens of Asnrvittc and the travelling public csrH-riuIlr, wc huve (on account of ilie discontinuation of th uptown ticket oflicc) ofivucd a ENURAU kAILROAD INFORMATION BUB E AO in connection with our Railway Ticket Hrok era.e iusiness, wnere correct liuorinavlou Ijcrtaininff to travel, tchcduki,,ctc., will be furnished frce. will iem at.Whitlodk.s to-dajr. jn29tf. hats will Fine Ruchings at VVhitlock rioiislv n Fuston ear woundedl him-with a from ambush and clip F om tb'd stronger, and 1 i i 1 bavked bv a large number .of either side, laid gurs and Wine 3 -. Oniv canje SuridayL and juj t time on last wcela the 1 bodh a matter ot st as the minis lend grevv - i To-day hundreds President Diaz to of people called on oiler .their congratu lations. As the re-election of President Diaz was a foregone conclusion public interist centered in the Congressional election. New York1 Republicans. i ! Bt Telegraph to tne Srx. ; It . r New Y'ORK.July; 10. l tie meeting 01 the Republican State Committee, which was held with closed doors at Fifth Ave nue Hotel to-dayi was called to order shortly after 11 o'clock. Everything is working' harmoniously. It was decided to' hold the State convention at Sarato ga, August 28th. Cornelius N. Biiss was elected chairman, and Frank S. Bliss and lohn W. Vrooman, secretaries. J . ; i 1 - parties friends ; on in a libera.1 supply of shot jesters and a qoliisicn bef It came ter 01 tiie little church was announcing his text a jvplley of firearms was fired just. outside, A bkttle raged fiercely- iJetwecn- the twc factions, and when the smoke clearer away it was found j that! Ewcll Lawson anj his son John, aged 13, belonging to thclRose faction were dead; jl.ayiug J-en fairjy riddled 'with buckshot, and that thrfee Fuston hoys, Tom John, Enos. and John Porter, belonging to the other side, we(e seriously 1. ana pernaps laiany wobnCed. A dozen others w-hose names could not be ascertained wounded. Great excitement E i I i i 1 the! county, and the end Trouble is daily expected. Cleveland Hats. -i ',. Parities wishing Cleveland find tiem at Whi dock's to-day. jn29tf. iGtf hats will Td! the citizens A CARD. and ivicinitY : 1 -v " I Mould beg themjthafj owing ed c fall, of Ashev eave to inform Railroad tickets and Sleeping: car bertha to all point, secured, and lnij;j;flite checked and carriages o dered.at short noiice. You will save tnonev und time by calling on K. O. JVlcHIiKKIN. ei CO., , Ct South Mala St. Tvvo Doors North of Post Office. 'LARGB AND CHOCIB VARIETY OP GRAPH VINliS I ('"" OF HVEKY KIND, FOR ALE. Apply to JOHN DIiLVAUX, ju23-tf . ASHUVILLB. N. C. H OUSE FOR RENT. Six rooms near the buis-mss pa ft of tlie I city. Call at the office of tbc Register ofi Deeds. " julyC-t. I T. W. CORTLAND, ille nge in my business I have and! do this day to an expect- this of- i were seriously prevails in is not vet. ! : Hanged. . 1 ' r By Telegraph td tlj'e Sex. Rochester, N. Y July 10. Edward A. Deacons was hanged for murder at 20 -minutes Ijefo re 11 o'clock" this morn- i - I . 1 ' i--Li 1 1 ' f-n 1 liiS neCK Was whcj uy id". in Delicons was a I tramp! and his victim, Mrs Ada Stne, had refused to feed him He was perfvctlv careless about his fate j E 11 ! I I i ' 1 ' . fer my ejntire stock of goods at actual cost. and 1 well selected stock I have a large of Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. Also a larjje stock of Ladies' Misses Shoes. Every 1 . - qua 1 and Children's ity of goods that Theyj can be bought ior CASH only. Thknking my friends one knows the I handle. I at cost past faybrs, a thev will avail thid L 11 and abused any approached. j newspaper men whq . Dotid Oflerliisrs. Byl Telegrnjh toj the Sun. Wiv lulv lO Bonds offerred ...... , j 7 , t - . to the Treasury to-day j aggregated $383,000. Accepted $1,000 registered J cash sale, remain M. 19 SoutjHiMain Street. fours at i27 and $20,000 coupons atJ Fine Ruchings at Whitlock's. registered 107.! jGtf pROPpSLS-. FQR XEVV, SCHOOL d hoping themselves of I REAL ESTATE BROKER. I - : : ORDERS TO BUY AND SELL I'ROPEKTY, WILL BE GIVEN CLOSEST ATTENTION . INVESTMENTS MADE ON REAL ES. ATE SECURITY. ?Oflice in tlie Barnard building. Pattoi avenue entrance. mul3 RDEN PARK HOTEL . " j-' 'axdcottag ES.""-' Nine and a-half miles south of Ahevlllc, oa the Asheville & Spartanburg R, K. Address jn!7tf TIIOS. A. MORRIS, Pitop.. AkbE.v, N. C. A N ORDINANCE." for 1 that yours tru LEVY. 1 Pliasj of jth'ej new Graded School Building can lio w be; seein at the office of the Chairman W. W. West, frioj tola. n. to 4 p. m! daily. Bids Tor constructioni of same will be received up tb la m.. i Saturday the tn instant. Right cseri edl to reject an v or ail t ids. I ,11 I WM. VV. WEST.iChairman. Jun29Hw. BUILDING To provide that the Aldermen of the Cityof Asheville may negotiate a loan of l)ae Hun dred Thousand Dollar! for the use and bene fit of said city, am set forth inaid ordinance I Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Asheville, That lor the purpose or obtaining the onsent of j a majority of tbc qualified and registered voters of theiity that the Board of Alderman of the said city may borrow the sum of. One Hundred Thousand Dollars, to tje applied to the conut ruction of a system of Sev.-crage, and other necessary and permanent improvement, an election nhall be held on Tuesday, July the 10th A. IX 1888 at the usual voting place, and undcrthf 'rnlc and regulation! t;ovcrninj such elections in said city; and if the consent of the required maiority shall be obtained at such election, then the Board of Aldermen may borrow said sum of money upon the bond of the said city to be made and isxued, in their discretion, in the denomination of Fifty. One Hundred and Five Hundred Dollars, with intcrefct coupon attached, The said bonds shall become due and paya ble thirty years from their date and for inter, est at the rate of M per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, according ! to the coupons attached!, on the first days of Janua ry and July in eaclj andevery year. And they shall be signed by the Mayor and counter; signed by the Treasurer, and be under the seal of said city. ' . j The said bonds shall in no case be disposed" of. sold, assigned, or transferred, for a less price than par. j -The coupons of said bonds shall be at sdN times when due, receivable in payment f taxes dae said city. "5 ' II. S. HARKINS. Mayor. May 20, 188S. , ; J Any person who is not already registered On the registration books of the city will call On Col. S Bulow Erwiu at the office of the county Treasurer in the court houe. j Bv order of the Board of Aldermen, i InH-lm F. M. MILLER. City Clerk. ',