Hit , J" t 4. i d i , !:; U M i .1 ,, i; I i i i . t i I 1 ' t , i 4 t ; i ill . t t t 1 i THE SUN. Published Daily, Except Mondays, at " " j ASIIEYILLF, N. P., BY I . RANDOLPH & KERR. Entered In the post-office at Asherille, N.C. for transmission through the mails as second clM matter. i " 8UD8CRIPTIOX RATESt One year, j $6.00 Six Mon Three Months,...: 1.50 One Month i.... 50 STRICTLY IN ADVANCE, -tS3 Advertising Rates reasonable. Will le fur nished on application. j All bills for, advertising collected monthly. Advertisements inserted for a shorter time thaa one month must be paid in advance. Communications, unless they contain im port ant news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real interest, are not wanted ; and If acceptable In every other way, they will Invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. You can sign any ficti tionn name you please, but for our protection we must have your real name. SUNDAY MORNING .....JULY 15 2ATIO?AlL. DEM. TICKET, ; for; tbesidext: G ROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT! . ALLEN; G. THURMAN, I of Ohio. j DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET by a party personally cognizant of r m. r i m , mf the facts or by a Collector or deputy Collector.! This would undoubtedly t -- i f !---; put a stop to a large perj cent of the prosecutioks :for violations of the in ternal revenue law for but few per sons would (volunteer as witnesses and institute prosecutions. The amendment passed by aj strict party vote, the liepublicans voting in the negative, j which demonstrates that while they are professedly in favor of repealing the law, they are jfor . i . .if'i . I If. TV 11 its retention Bugle. intact. "McDowell for governor: DANIEL G. FOWLE, of Wake. Maggie j Mitchell, says the New York-. Mirj-or, went on the .'tage when shejwas 8 years of age; Joe Jefferson at 6; Agnes Robertson at 12 -Ellen Terry at 5; Kate Bateman at S; the Dennin Sisters at 6; Mary Gannon atijand at 9 years pl.iyed regularly every night; Lucille Vest ern at 9; Cordelia Howard at 4, and Jean Davertport Lander at 8. Pete Erlzrle Illustrates. . r -' : I ! CHAPTER 1 1.1 1 If - , I ' Editors j ! Daily Sun -Not many dayslago, on the! streets of Asheville,I saw the tail end of the Republican; Sjtate ticket. I could see that it had NSURA NCE, ! 1 i! S --i" FfRE, t LIFE. J i -ACCIDENT.- f vftle, PULLIAM & CO:, At The Bank of Ashe i : ASHEVILLB, N. C. Represent the following Companies : j ... I .j FIKK. ! CASHAS'TS'SU.S. Angjo Nevada, of California,. ..i....$2,4S iT,833 Continental, of New York;.;.. ...t... 4-,S7i,623 HamburgtBremen, of Germany,... 1,12'J,6Q4 London Assurance, of England,... 1,54 3, 99o Niagara, of New York, 2,23 7,492 Orient, of Hartford,. 1.G6 7,692: Phenix, ofBrookTvr 5,05,1'9 St. Paul Fire & Marine, of Minn'a, 1,54 i ,061 Southern, of New Orleans,'. j 43 ),684 Western, of Toronto, 1,1)39,232 U.S. Mutual Accidbnt Association. mc V I Aetna Life Insurance Co. A SHE'UlLLB STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, 18881 T24 From July 3d to20th. A HEN'KY KACITIXY tti.D Pre-iident S, C. v ill . be E. SHEPHERD. L. of the Col!v of Charleston, Superintendent and Tectureij Historv anI liiiijlisn. PROF. BEN. E. IATKINS, of Female CoHcge, will be Instructbr xn the Mathematics and Hj-gienic Phj-.siologj' PROF. P. P. -CLAXTON, of the Asheville City Schools, will instruct in Geopraph y, linghsh Grammar land Ke.- ding. MISJS K TIK MlELAKUi of GolC3boro ' 1 1 !-tU wrt ttmidv IrADEMY..: - he 19th term of this schoh wiKa Wfan28-id I T'T- TENABWWrin. N HORTH CAROLINA, BCKCQM BB- OUHTY. . ) fllN THK OFFICB CI.BRK SUPBMOK COUBT. tj rt. Huston. .1 W.C ieaite. : r - 3 .. ivi v iiim M m mm i w i- 1 ' r . -m- i I- L . . ,J.JLIJ Uf ffiirrfm; A. Rarsor ana M. u uing, STli .r53i5. as themar aModate OTICE1 A. Patton, deceased, notice is and such estate; of W. A. Patton, aeceaseu, v " "vV rvrincioal place of business heretry giTenj to any one bavm-j laitas them ; thtft-th 2gngV.1 jZdlt s obicct and aJaSxlt said estate to present, them .to the shaU be m AsheTle N C ana and undersigned . on or feiznj Riff " rthat the du'ration of the Tiv. 11889. lor paymcni j . -i " . i in.cio.xjr .1.1-4 - - tice will be pldad in bar of che r reegjerjr... J corporation snairwc s. REYNOLDS, - Administrator of W. A. Pattern I1 ceased. Ju 134v-oaw. 1- . ' 1 ' 1 ,r Clem Superior dourt. Buncombe County j , : on Pedagogics the '!As!evil4e Superintc adent 'SI EST ASHEVILLE. n jj -r-.i CO- ifl p4 I a -jsiil Or Graded School, will havej charge of marv Iiepartmenti MRS. HANNAH M. DAVIDSON, ville, will be Teacher of Music for lieutenant-governor: THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance. FOR SUTREME COURT JUDGES : JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Washington. ALPHOXSO C. AVERY, of Burke. I tho Jght )egun to swell up for'the fierht. A few of the people; Were playing with it It reminded! me 'of one of the great-grandmothers of a! future gen eration, but now a little three-year FOR SECRETARY OF STATE! WM. L. SAUNDERS, . . of Orange. FOR TREASURER I DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake. FOR SUTT. OF PUI1LIC INSTRUCTION! ! SIDNEY M. FINGER. of Catawba. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. for auditor: G. W. SANDERLIN, of Wa'ne. ELECTORS FOR iTIIE STATE AT LARGE: ! a ivr i rrT?T r xx. ail ii niuuuK of New Hanover. . F. Nl STRUDWICK, of Orange. Gossip is'one of th prominent evils of -most all communities. In some places it is worse than - others. Asherille is not free from ; it. We have so many public places " t i where large numbers of people gather from all sections of the coun try, that it would be a miracle if the gossips did not get in their work. And it is not confined to the female portion of society by old girl who; was amusing herself one day pulling a cat's tail. And, behold! that was also a black cat. A visjting lady said to the child: "Don't do tfiat; the cat Avill bite." The'little girl-replied: 'Cats don't bite at this end." Now, it is I my solemn opinion i ii) I 1 i that the Republican' cat will not bite-much this year, even at! the biting end, jwjiere Oliver is feeding wharf rats. : j 1 l Ij- j V ; At the Republican convention at Raleigh when Oliver was put at the head of the .ticket, and when Aadi son Countyj j was complimented, a genial, clever Republican from one of the "jvestern counties tried to "Shook" ;a noisy negro delegate from the floor to his seat, when the said! t'Whar is The session will be held in thei Graded School Building on Academy street, i t the western part of the city, abott live! m .iutes walk from r the court house. All the-roc his of this building have been fitted-up and i re in good condition.! A splendid view is to be had of Pisgah and numerous other mbur.ains and the country; rdund about, j The j gr iunds are large and shaded, elevated andj e: ky of access. A pleasant home for 1 he -Nornii 1. It is desired and truly hopec by them inag ers that the school shall this summer si rpass in excelence anj- previous tern . It has grad ually: increased ; in proficiency! and; gi nuine value to the teaching professi jn -of thi see- tion since its establishment in 1S$5. j The managers have been vigilant 4f its 'interests and have selected for the faculty the be t and mast experienced talent within their each; and they trust that they ha oj engaged for this term the services of a co pps of i teachers j unexcelled in the1 State. So . good itten-i dance ot appreciative students will make the institution! a complete success. Ever; j tea cher, land all whoj desire to j'teach; s'xould make ready for the time and be present. every day. j Let every one consider Iwcll the oppor tunity and make the most of itj ! ; Public lectures are expected from tu ie to time Iwhich will be of considerable interest and profit to all. j BOARD can be had in the $12.00 to $20.00 per month, can be made, we think, for .withj families near the citv wishing such accommodations are reqrested to inform the Secretary at once. We suggest to tne teachers to begin now making pre para tions to attena ana make tne out of this rare opportunity Work will begin actively Every studeut should bring some eood ! His toryJ Grammar, arithmetic. Qeoprapliv and Reader, (Swinton's 4th prefered) and be pres ent m time tne lint morning the. last evening. Communications should be th of Pri- .1 I Ashe- pLUjM: LEVI'S EMPLOYMENT AGBNUY.i i . . . . I NO. 8 PATTOff AVENUE, ASHEVILpLE,! nurses on me Places secured for first-class idqkiN and All parties wishingplAces'shCi(tmean B - . Parties wishing to pttrchas BUILDING 5 LQTS. OR I . GARDEN LAND, hundred acres, west to-. wards the SULPHUR SPRINGS, will call on E. G. Cakkiek, at the. Springs or I now W sale a sman per pound. vvnen nrin. n. scllini at lnz.i!0 the price ofn. J 25. ct. SS nt flio o 6 i .1 O" I ap46m CARRIER '& GASTON rpHti SISTERS OF MECJ- Wfll be prepared to receive a limitedf wim- nor O lauv uoarucrs. ucsiuyin July 25th,' arid Continuing td August' 31st. They Will opeu their musical Jepirtniiit on julv 2nd. Instruction on pi afro, forgalhiand, guitar will be given. . Also instruction tft em broidery in gold and silk : fancy nefcdlpl SvOrk,: and such othei- branches as be reiqtfifef for young! ladies applying. Prices will . driven parents, guardians and visitoiis tf tli. city, upon application, i The regular sessioii pthe school begins on the first Monday jin Septem ber. i ! ! H- 3 ' SISTER MARY BAPTIST, at the Sisters' 'House on French Broaflri Ave nue, formerly the residence ofj Capt.itM. E. carter. f i"" K. I 1 'fli This cofice cheaper than' in New York, fot ierence does thfe i people ofAshevill Jew York aclia Respectfully S. R Can C; nichO 53 Sou . WOODY, Manufacturer andtj 1CARRIAGES, -CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, : 1 ' . f n29-tf negro what don't know who you irum 4poses de Publican pirty (in dis State." ; 'cat' is Yes, the! Republican mostly black; and the white end is mostly in thfct western end ofj, 'the State. Many of them nere feem not; to know;! who "poses! de pjirty in dis State.! I it i PjCTE FRIZZLE. A Word to till) Boys. cit3r for from Arrange: aents a less amount Any parties most possible khe first daj- and stf y till EW. MARKET. i ii . -SUKklUS, ErJ I ! I! No. 25 Willow Sti.i' AiHr! "PROPOSALS FOR NEW SCHOOL BTilLDIN0 Plai s of thJ new' Graded School Building P""" variety of can ndw be seen at-the office of the! Chairman W. W1.I West, fro.ii 10 a. m . to 1 4 pi m.j aily. Bids for construction of same jvill le received up to I 12 m.,! Saturday the 14th instant. Kignt reservea to reject any on aiijim. , Tp jWMi W. WEST, Chaifmid. We have Just opened a New Market, la the Rawls Block. Northeast - corner of Court Square, where, will be found' at all times a The following popiihir WESTERN MOTEL. !i -1 ! 1 ' i west corner of! Public square, 0vei1 BOARD PER DAY OR MONTlt ' FRESH MEAT3 OF ALL KINDS. kept in stock Tyson & Our prices will be within the reach of all. 'WeSmteiid to keep the best, and JpopuiilTBul Jones;, Finfk' ms BJ GUARANTEE j SATISFACTION to our customers, -j We cordially invite the Lovers of something r eood to - eat ! should I "oeoole of Asheville to eive ns a trial. We not lail to stop at the Western; hW South feffi for oar market.-' I !ii ' ' ' , Columbus Emerson & Fishcr'il The Troy Spring lj Ballard's. . jnl7tf ZACHARY, JONES & DRO. with i 6r without- room u mrs; . apr-5-6m. d see as Cal V. McBRAYBR & SON AshevleN. O I ! ii I Jno. W. Staknes. Sec. i , : . . i ... -i WWISlTWff r mm mmlmiPmm0mmMmmVmM.mmmm9mmmm9ymmmmWmmmmmmmWmmmmmm -J tkfjJi p- " ''- - i any means, but men, we are to ; have drunkards in the future, some of them kre to come from the boVs to whom I am writ- iner ; and I ask vou ap-ain, if i you young and want to be 6ne of them! No! of at course you dbnt. j Well, I have a plan for you; that is just as 'sure to save you from such a fate aji the sun is to rise to- I - .-'-im"" .ail km. m m b 111 : un i,.iwhMI 1 in, 1 n LT OSES ,&, PORTNER, , J !! . I if Manufacturers and Dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Sec. v AGENTS FOR li WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, L JiiWH ITXi.M-(SAIDL B CAMP AM V- l WHITMAN SADDLE COMPANY, AND' old, sometimes; try their hand the business. It is very common to hear indiscreet remarks made ! . . . . ii 1 I 1 A I I 1 1 i aooui people ana tnese remarKs are m0rrow mornino;. It never failed; taken up ana repeatea until tney it never will (fail: and I think it appear-to be ! the truth, whereas worth knoying: Never touch liquor there is no truth in half the uncom- in anJ Iorm plimentary things you hear people say about one another. It is" fre- t ' .t quently the case that at boarding . houses and hotels this thing . is in Havwood White i - Wl LKINSON & KID'S WILKINSON & KID'S W I LIvlNSQN & KID'S 1 ( Cortl. !.' . ' 1 ' McFarlan Car4' . ' M 1 Standard Wagon Co'iti Bradley & cWCt Flint CarU. C" Spring CarU Single center Equalizing M TIk Famoun The Easy-riding UCitvoodBiJ ' Also Accnt for McClear & KendallrimK c of Wilmington, l r2r -CELEB kATED ENGLISH SADDLES. 1 t l Orders Promptly At ended it J i ' WAYNESY cr This is the plan, and it is not only worth knowing but worth puttin in practice. jjj . j ! I know j you don't drink now, and it seemsto vou as if vou never ON WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD, r"The nost delightful place in th mountains for families, f Raleigh lias "been engaged for the season. Electric bells in i ju 14-tf dulired in to a 'considerable extent, would. But your temptation will t. L11 ! ti, nr..:, Ju cbme, and itiprobably will come in It is all wrong. ; 1 he gossips are the . i ' .,,-7, t .1 . . . .1. this wav: iYou will find vourself. vultures of society, and if is their sorne time, With a.number of com- A ! Zt R uuoi..jo 4v iuv. wuvo,. i puiiiuus, uiiu nicy win nave a uol- they are always on the hunt ot tie ot wine on tne taoie. , l hey will tainted atmosphere. They are ILLE, Nort -1 Sulphur Springs, Si- SO MILES WEST OF ASHEVILLE. will be soared tq render the sojourn of guests of Raleicrh celled Home dairy. No effort and! delightful. PK?-Ratesi $2.00 to $3.00 pdrtlay $ 12.00 td $16.00 per weekJ - , al rates t. families.0! i : ; J 1 real article is not forthcoming it iH annK ana onqr,it to you. j ney win t oik- nt;i tViv finrl tt nnrl ?f tr, ttf1" 11 -J"y paLULC) aim IS as a milk-sob! if" you don't indulge manufactured, j To the unclean all with them. :j : Then, what; wil1 you .thing are unclean. Better talk do?i Eh, whit; will you do? Will onnfth.'ml! tKf ic in npnnl you sav, "JNo, no! none ot that T i T I r r- ! i t 1 : ii srun ior me;; : a Know a tricK worm OAKLAND U. GARRETT, . 1 This House has lately i j Eve and let the bad alone. The bad is will vou ry Eectric lijjhts, e eschew the former. I ! Hon. T.jD. Johnston, the inveter ate enemy of the internal revenue system has succeeded in giving the hnlf a dozen of that!" or .1' n -t , ,i I- . ' I , - on tne sunace, out tne gooa is un- take the ais with your own com derneath. Look for the latter and mon sense protesting and your con- ter su science maKing me wnoie ara.ugnt bitter and a feeling that you have i i ' t i - i.i aamagea yourseir, ana men go on but ele-ant. with a hot head and a skulking fouI that at once begins to make apolo gies for itself jand will keep doing Md been co npleted uated in the beautiful suburban villrge of Vietorib, about XY2 miles frotn Court House. It has dern 1 cctric bells, baths, and a cjompld , and ti Carolina, T? Fine Harness of any. style made to order. All work is HAND-MADE, and Guaranteed, I And SatisfaetM R. 1 the H. Haywood's brchestra ie rooms. Cuistneunex- Q. D. IS. ALLEN '.- . ' Pi INN, 4. . 1 . . - PROPRIETOR ; A full stock of Leggings, Saddles, Bri- 'i-'' ! h - : ' I mm i : ' ' ' -dies, Collars, Ridingj and Buggy Whips, - ! : . i : A ; . i l : 1 Spurs, etc., always on hnnd. Call and 1 -. ; 1 -1. - ; ' 1 examine our goods. lAnv of the above nnoti: J -"- I I! f in stock will be ordered, on & lit comfortable r;f:--: .( " i - pnnetors. IPNES Second Hand Vehiclei K 111 t ' ' i 11 hand and for Bale cheap, j & PORTNER. 1 16 N. Court Square. r is now feady for guests. It js sit- ' f. - ' Asheville A bp ointment. J T. CARTER WISHES HIS FRIENDS . to know that he jean be found at the new Meat Market under Cooper's store. , h '-'" i Come one, come alL 'i i "' j - 'And give me a call ; 'j; ! , v X J j Old man Carter ; j j Will wait on you all. "7 Ju 13-tf I All work is put up or ! M terial and only the mo$ thertr are employed. 1 1 Call and inspect iny'gopdi 1 !P-- SULP )pl3' is furnished from a natural spring of pure mountain water, location is magnificent thq SiBuses run every hour to and execution of the law a black eye. so during all its life? Boys, do! not He, representatives Cowles and Henderson have worked zealously become drunkafds.- " t -Dr. Holland. A for the repeal or Ynoditication of the law both in caucus and House. When the Sundry j civil appropria tion bill was under consideration - ! ! i last week, Capt. Johnston offered passage :ot an U. S. Commis- Consrressloiml Couveiitiou. 1 fFor bie! Daily Sun. 1 1 A convention -of the Democrats of the i! an secured the amendment that. 1 1 sioners and demit v marshal be al- 1 i 1 1 lowed no fees unless the prosecu tions j are endorsed by the district attorney, and tlie complaint is made 9th Congressional District is hereby called to meet in the citv of Asheville on Thurs day the 9th day of August next, for the LP purpose 01 nominaiin a. umuiuaic ior Congress, for the selection of an Elector for the bth Concession District, and for J'er Pcr Per view 1 grand. te system of sewerage. n r r , -HOTEL.- before purchasing elsewherfc 1 i 1 1 HUR ap!7-ly SPRINGS. Five lUUes Prom Abbeville. THE 'ONLY BRICK HOTEL. 1 ; ; -TheWa- IB O VER SIX At. DA Everything quiet an Jul2tf HUNDRED FEET VERAN FRONTING EAST. E. G. Carrier. Proorietor. J. D. Carrier, Manager.' MOTICB TO TEACHBBS5 I Kevr-n or f-o-ht more iecbft principal. teacher of dflofj of rocal music, are . wantrf City Schools. An eiatninotio" " . for these positions will IK! building:, on Academy trrrtjw; and 13th. I '. I For further Informatiotij a"fifi Julj3tf. Supt. Ahvuic". Dav Week, one person occtipying room.J Week, two NlVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. the transaction if such other: business as may I come before it.. By order of the persons from Asheville." TERMS: occupying room CHAPEL HILL, N. C Executive Committee. 1: 1 M. E. Carter, Chm'n. Asheville, N. C.!, Iuly 10th 'S8 The next session Tuition retlu students ma teachers. Three full courses to decrees.. Three short begins Aucust 30th. 3ear. j A RDEX PARK HOTEL ome; iik g J. ASTON FIRE, LIFE, AND ecu'' I m I- AND COTTAGES. .ecu to do a nan year, j j por , Nine and a-half miles south of AshWU 'on v give notes. Faculty of fiiieen'r i i : Ii "'HMTOjW 1 ' L . C j. . . 1 Ja, . t f o c. . I 01 stu3' iea aing-1 tne iisncvuic pananDurg k. St. courses for the 1 1 ' ! "II f I " 1 : - inuuiiiji; 01 j ijumiicaa mtu, icaviici js.i jn.ysi J cians and pharmacists, j Law school fully j equipped. Write for cataloarue to j i L i HON.! KEMP P. BATTLE. President. Address jnlTtf THOS A. MdRRIsJ V! THE CADETSHIP AT WES POINT? iu?13e-nsday' 3 &st next, there wilt be conipvtitiver , examination at the GedSchool Building, fin Asheville, ot aU candidates for annoirrf tn . J WV Point Military Academyn 1889. All ap plicants must between seventeen and t weSl ty-t wo years of ace. anH nhirci.ii. tally ualifild. T1 wc" THOS. D JOHNSTON, M. C. I I i I p6CTOR JOHN HEY" WILLIAMS t I.. n .-it B f smHih North British and Mf re ty as men july 12-td - . !i, - ! Has removed his residence to No. 30 Hay wood Street, corner Walnut" , Office at same number nntil further notice. Ofpicb Hours: Y f; m- ? 1 P- and 3 to 5 p. m. . j-;! i -. . - , j. .. . l : .. . , mcl4r-6m BEN YOUNG'S: BARBER SHOP ' South Main Street ' Sharo Razors. done in the moat JFirst-lass Barbers. easy Chairs. All work ocxLiaiaciory manner. Commercial Union. Royal, Northern Assurance. New York Home, Georgia Home, North Carolina Home Phoenix, Hartford, Hartford, AZna., Germanla, Underwriters' Afftncy Insurance Company Pire Association, SnHnirfiMrt Fin I Mrit Travelers, Hartford. Lancashire. London & Lancashire 'I J 1 1 . f i 4 $