!, I" . 7 ' - '7.- :i '-.- ; -7: ; :7;7'7: 77rfeif:!'-- j I - - i - i i i , . :-:V 7 ' s I mi. 3 ?: fHE sun. X,B. N- C - 15, Fir or the DAO.T Sen. Uton of V. W. C T. V. Its AnncTinc. Yiday afternoon, a reception Id by the young ladies of Jel as preliminary and pre L I to the organization of a AVonWs Christian Temper nion, (the Y's as the young s department is styled.) vas 4a feast of reason and a soul" in the parlor of Judge I residence jantil 7 p. rn., 11 repaired to the grounds irtook of something more jtial than water, if not as ting as champagne. The j flow of spirits and sparkle I necded no; other impetus he enthusiastic exercises, Were enjoyed indoor. A few W fro an appeal read, iof interest, as well as bene- thc readers of the Sun. !e Albert's advice to young National ncmocrauc riauorm. I THE DAIU 8UK PORTHE CAM i : - m - 1. "The Democratic party of the United l ! . i M PAIGN. States, in National Convention assem- Tliir?nwtViA'Pr.i.if;al .r:,i bled, renews the pledges of its fidelity to Alunng the presidential campaign Demociatic faith and, (reaffirming the now just opened, every man who platform adopted by its representatives expects to keep pace at all -with endorses the views expttSed by VrvaL CUTTent I 7" tae a dailv ucui uicYciaau ra ms lasi, earnest iiics- 1 1 1 vu pv'vj tion of that platform npon; theqnestion posted, We will furnish the JD ALLY oiiann mincuun : anu aisu cnuunn luc i i - i ... - - la-'. r.. tw: irom now until the loth ot excessive taxation. Anion? its princi- I in advance. Our columns will have pies of party faith are jthe maintenance the latest telegraphic dispatches 01 an inuissumuic uuiuu ui mc nxc ana c t j ii :ki cm .Jlu fresh every morniner, and we shair luuraii uviiuii uwiu, uun auuui, lutuici I , 1 I ji i i 1 noon its second centnrv of unexamoled make the paper as soundly and ear the government, regplated by the writ- dress or call on,STHE Daily Sun KXA VUHOtlk UtlUllj Oil JV,tl Jf .OLVJIJT 'K'j VI J a j 1' i ; to the young God's plan in eneration and then beware raj applied find out u cross it." An urgent ap as then made,5 that the young 3 of the 19th century realize od's plan was for woman to 0 neutral ground on temper ucstions, but to cast her in s nravcrs and assistance on te of prohibition, in the pres Jsade against the liquor traffic. shown that there was no ex- ting the grandeur of oppor- nor greatness of responsi- f the young! woman of to they did but realize it. They irccd to be no less womanly, bring all of their gifts, graces dents, and to consecrate them j Master's service in the war- igainst saloons; j merely to put selves in harmony with the ae will in their age and genera- I I I lustrations from Shakespere , Scott were brought to bear, wing that Ruskin was merely ing facts when he said that e were no heroes, only heroines twn by these gifted students of jaracter; that the catastrophe of ery play oy SliKcpcic) was result of woman's fault or folly, redemption ever being the fruit ier wisdom and virtue. Generali- nn were drawn from individu Uses and all made to feel the & of the statement that 'there 4 J . . . 11 lot an injustice in tne worm, woman is resDonsible." It was 1 1 thought necessary to prove so pable a fact that the liquor traffic the terrible injustice of the day, that in order to assume her re- nsibility in the matter, woman it bring her culture, refinement, itv. modesty, her accomplish es gifts' and graces, and devote p to the' high, noble ana noiy pose of recovering our land in worse than Turkish hordes x s Moslem nriests. The mise to be. iudciner from their enmg meeting, an oraer 01 nu )e conseauence in Asheville. i outloolc of its far reachine pos alities was truly j inspiring, and iilled a holy enthusiasm. t CAMPAIGN GUNS. 1 I Series of Crand Demonstrations 1 1 to be Held at Various places. 1 I Dons of the Democratic i Executive Committee. ) RaiviJii V r!- Tune. iSSS. f ' " v J There will be grand torchlight j the" following places at each of finch will be present the canai tes on the State ticket, the Tresi- enti.d Electors, our United States nators and Congressmen ami iner distincuishcd iNorth varo . 1 " fayerteville, Monday, July 16th. Jaleigh. Wednesday, July iSth. Jrecnsboro, Friday, July 20th. jharlutje, Monday, July 23rd. heville, Wednesday. July 25th. I The railmn.U of the State have ken sked! for reduced rates for ratification as the rares rnn thev will be v.. 3 . innonnrrl I Thc chaifman of the executive p'mmittce 6f the iountv in which jhee torchlight processions are to .t e had wiU take immediate charge and direction of the necessary pre- i'-auons. pPIER WlIITAKER, Chairman, etc. to the States or the people Ithe entire nn- granxea resiaue 01 power; xac encourage input rtf --K iralnna! ai1 Stvinnlar 1MCM J 1 1 --o lence directed to all who have been chosen for brief terms tor enact add execute the laws and are charged with the duty of .a -a 1 1 .4 - preserving peace ana equity. anaestaD- welcomes an exacting scrutiny 01 tne administration of the Executive power, which four years aero was committed to its trust, in the election of Grovcr Cleveland, as President of the Uuited States, but it challenges ;the most search ing inquiry concerning its fidelity and de vntmn to the rledp-e I which i then in volved the sunraces of the people during JlJV7b t - " affairs, resulting from oyer taxation; the anomalous condition ot our currency, and public 'debt unmatured. It has by a wise and conservative jcourse. not only averted disasters, nut greatly promoteo lw nmsnptitv of our oeOolel It has re- ve-rA the imnrovident and un wise Policy of the republican party, touching public Hnmnin nnd has reclaimed from corpo rations and syndicates, alien and domes . . . . . 1 1 1 . tic, ana restored 10 inc pcopic jicany out hundred million acres of land, to be sa credly held as homesteads for our citi While mrefullv iriiardinsr the in terests of the princi plesfof justice and onii hnnntuK tn 5firiiers ana sailors ui the Republic than was ever paid before auring an cqwai penuu. j c.up..vj sistentl v oursued a firm and pru dent foreign policy, preserving peace with an nations, wmic scxupuiuuaij matum-I't-irr all rinrhtc nnd interests of our own government and people j at home and ohmflH. The exclusion from'; our shores of Chinese labor has been effectually se. cured unaer tne provisions yi f ivliw'h hn. been oost- poned by the action of the republican in the Senate. In every branch and department of the government, un der democratic control, the'f rights and welfare of all people nave- oeen guarucu rWonrVH everv nnblic interest has t.n rme-rA nnd the eaiialitv ot all nnrt;neUrnrf the law. without re J U k. V. f - w - w -.a n rarf or color, has been, stead fastly maintained. Upon its;record thus i.:k i.H nnH nivin rne n pn?e ui a tuir tinuance io the people of the; benefits of democracy, it invokes a renewal of popu- lap trnct hV Tne re-eiTUUll Wl HJt Magistrate who has been faithful, able ana pruaent; it. mvuw " 0.1. t bv transfer also to Jthe democracy, of the entire legislati ve pow- o ;ctin(T m both houses 01 Congress the reformation of the unjust nnA nnpnn.n t.lX I.1WS WniCD HUVC UUL- lasted the necessities 01 war die nw .,nom;nnrr the nhnndanceof lone peace. UUUVI : . - and deny to the people equality ociorc tiw onri rne iimess uuu 1 uaLitt nmvu or. thr rifrhtj;. Thus the cry of Ameri lnbor for a better share in industry ; Ct;flH with false oretense: enterprise is fettered and bound down to home mar kets, and capital is discouraged ; yet tne tnn.G nether he nrooer v amended or repealed. The democratic party will continue, witn ail tne j power :wuuuw w cfnirrrli to reform si these laws in accordance with the pledges of its last platform, which wasenqorsea at ic Liint Ktit- hv the snffraees of the people a f r oil ;nrintries. The treemen 01 our iori q immense maiority. including lanu - - every tiller of the soil gets ; no ad van t- Mw tmrrt PTfICIVP ISX IdVYS. UUL lut r noT-iir evervthinei- thev buy is increased by favoritisjn, or the unequal .,sf0m rS tar IptrislationJ All unneces- tovotinn is iimust taxation. It is repuenant to the creed of democracy that by such taxation tne cost w " - i;f chonld be unmstifiably in- creased to all our people. Judged by dem ocratic principles, the, interests 01 mc people are betrayed when, by unnecessary taxation, trusts and comDinations, arc t .-rlt. whichi! while unduly Enriching a few they combine for the rob- berv 01 our citizens, uj vf 4 " . v of the benents 01 nauouai v-mp-i..... Kverv democratic rule 01,: go vernmcnuu Cltl 1 1 13 , :r - i necessary taxation, a vastsum 01 money, r a v. nH of an economical lilt Utjuuu j , administration, is drawn fromthe people and channels of trade, ana accumuia niiTi'nir sumlus in the National asautiuui-"e , : - . ... - Treasury. The money now inng um 1 PpHpml Treasury, resulting from superfluous taxation, "amounts to more . , 1 1 ,.tifir.fitTp mil lion than one nunareu anu jn - snrolns now beincr coi- nuuaiSi auu i . lected is reaching the s.umof-more jnan . 1 : o tpmntationi the remedy ot mis uiimnii". 1 . " . j r . t... !c -rk meet find ex- the repuDiican wi -77,i hnnct hv extra vacant appropriation and - ... : -.fH-.-i'i 1 fir 1 .. exoenses wiietner. -u' non. a -v t nic WI1 IIIIII1K1 X W -a u 1 a a ri 111 v t l.-Mlllll. -inP j nolicv is to W0".1 faithfulnes3 taxations. iuc uluiw. r . est v. painousui, enforce frugality in public expenses and , and SffS abolish unnecessary taxation; Ourestab- Cleveland have won tnea country lished domestic industries hnd enterprises hii re-nominatin and his reflection should not, and need not; oe enaangc Asheville. N. U., Umce N. ej. corner! Court Square, :Ur stairs. THE jpiiATJFOR-M. Adpte by tlie Democratic State I j j Convention. M 7. "We acain con eratulate the teotle ' of North Carolina oft the continued enjoyment of peace, good government and general pros oeritv tinder Democratic administation of th- affairs of the State which has now been unbroken for so many years; upon the jusi and impartial enforcement of the law; upon the increasing efficiency ; of our common school system, and the progress made in popular education;' upon the improvement and enterprise manifested in all parts of the State. We again challenge a comparison bej tween this state of things and the outrages', crimes and scandals which attended Republi can ascendancy in our borders. We pledge ourselves to exert in the future as in th past our best efforts to promote the best interests of the people of all sections of the State. Af firming our adherence to Democratic princi ples as heretofore Enunciated in the platforms of the party, it is hereby. Resolved.' That no government has the right to burden its! people with taxes beyond the amount requirea to pay its necessary cxT nH p-t-n riii nil v extinsruish its tmblic A K ont Vi a u'tipnpvpr thp revenues, h o w - ever derived, exceed this amount, they should . . -t - -3 1 . , 41 IK. rcuuccu, so as 10 uvoiu . ui " j-" treasurv. That any v S3rstem 01 laianon which necessitates the payment of a pre-f mnim rtf 27n hv the covernment on each Sl.OOO of its bonds, taken up with the mil-! lions tnat woum pxnerwise 11c wic m .ot1E art A rtairl hoTldholders who OUr4 Kh.ssH in mnnviii'it!iiin. at less than oar. is undemocratic, oppressive ana lmquuous eh mi M he reformed. The course 01 our nemoeratic' Renresentativee in Congress, in their efforts to cive relief to the people from burdensome internal revenue and tariff taxa tion, meets with the approval of the Demo niir h! isne- nrl we resoect fullv recommend that if they find it impossi- . . . 11 1 . Ha ble to give to our peopic an 1.11c ioki monHoH HiviiTinnt iinv iust and nractical 1. X- -- -r j j - mt . n c. m ntvwtitpH inK'nnPTPSS that will al4 um. rr ford al partial relief from such existing burden. I ; , Resolved. That while tne aetaus 01 me; methods bv which the constitutional revenue tariff- shall he eraduallv reached ard .i.ixf which the reoresentatives 01 our n.ri tho iiiitiniis panirai ttiust: uc li us JlTj - -fViinlr thp rnstnms duties should be levied foi? the production of publid - ' a ;.mminatinnc in heir ad- rcvciiuc, auu tut vo. . " r , . ! M Ye such as will place i tne; u:o-Uof mrAQ rfcvi IntnHrs and the ; lowest on UILI K.9 V - , , IOC iicvr.Bai w -.ww-- - as possible the unavoidable burdens of taxa- ereatest number, j 1 Bfsolved. That tve. as heretolore, iavor r,t H 11 never cease to demand, the uncon-j i .hAiiiinn of the whole internal re venue svstem. as a war tax, not to be justi fied in times of peace; j as a grievous burden . .... npnnip nnH jJ snorce of annoyance m j ,.,nint rnvrntinna. We call the atten tion of the oeoole of the State to the hypo critical pretensions bf the Republican party m their piatiorms, umi mcj j - v i , . mva of this onerous system w rUUU) V . ii while the Kcnublicans m-,. ait iecriiation inaucurated bv the re v..iiitiTM of thei Democratic oartv- to ... . 1 11 t n f -v 1 1 i,eve -rne rvnni or &11 or a. l. j via jo uui- ous system.1 M - I ! I That the course of the Demo- nf; nartv in fiirtheraiice of oooular educa ...W.- A m, - . A . - . . a il.i e. tion, is a.snmcieni guaranty iaai c i-wi the education of the people, and we will pro- .-4- nrf imnrnire the nrpSCtlt educational advantages so far as it can be done without burdening tne people Dy exresmvc m iaji.rti.xuix. I RBSOI.VED. inai, iCO meet au caisuus .;n orwwTit for i educational Durooses. from the Federal government, our pro (rata share of the surplus in its treasury: Provided .1. 4. aaa HUhnnpil trmicrh State aeeats and v.:n trr- the distrihiition be free from ob- :a:..l rA 4-.. -w-a I i . A-rAt a. 11 TTU.fl C-opo heintr KKSOLVJSU, Anai, n't uuxlku wv.tv., one government and ours a national- party, JI th eflrtrta of the Renublicans to j ..Muu4fniiai 4ne in Concrress ana else- nrr i.irt to nromote aissension auu m .:n t.ot, the oeoole of the different sec tions of our common country. i i RESOLYED, mat it is one io iuc our eastern counties, who have so . A-i i v n - nf ntir eommoTl rjorac Liicii a la a. a . - that the present or some equally eflective f a ..nmnit shall he mam- VCTPTn 111 l Itllll L V Aa J . 1 AA AAA aaa a. w tained. I I ! rvoT wn! That the Democratic party is opposed to any further extension of the ''No fence law. unless stich extension shall have c a. vm, a.thrrived i hv ft maioritv of the qualified voters within the territory to be al- tectea tnereov- ii'i t . . : BEsm.vRn.l That the Democratic party has ever been the party i the workingman, and has never fdstered! I monopolies, nor have trusts" or"4ombinations" or poois cvci grownup unlder laws enacxeu uy n.. iiu f.te-t in this country being between aggre gated capital seeking to crush out all com- petition, ana tac wuiymui . , Static party 5., asittasmr been- gainst the monopolist ana in mvui wi j"--bution of capital, and demands the enact ment of laws that will bear eauallv uaon all. TresoLved, (That J as all taxation bears most heay boon tne laborer it is the duty of tue legislatorraVa direct benefit to the work ingmln, to keep the expenses of our public infitutions at the lowest hm it consistent with wise ana emcient inaim.w. . Democratic pMy opposes any competition between free and convict labor, but it insists that eonvictsi shall inot remain idle at the expemse ofhonest labor. . . " a i.v an acnetiltnr- al State it is bur duty as well as our Pleas ure to promote any and all legislation that is best Calculated to advance the interests of lurriculture; and that in so - doing we will mlt effertually advance the mterests of mechanics, manufacturers and laborers i. . Resolved, That the Democracy of North Carolina, cordially approve the administra- A Unn JIITrpn Al. OUU" aa . . oeople of cheerfully burdens, V HE S H 0 Bi SfTO RE, HERRING MAIN ASHEVILLE, This space & WEAVER, STREET, pcrt.ii attending these aictrtmgs and so soon f avc been agreed u iuiu uui, ;- V bv the redaction ana icorrcctiuu ui burdens of taxation, vu vwu.. , -e j rovUion o our tax laws, An nllnwance for the difference . i Ua. nrimx: of American and DCt WCTTll hk. " - rr. . . . iv ct nrnmnte and encour of such .(industries and age ever ui, the assur- i :....c orvmtions. ;in tne inter- i niiu ?lnch should in ests ot Amm-- , - -3 rev-s.n of rLACKSMITHING. J-' . ' . L i .oiT manner I am thorougnjy preparcvij-w """" " of Blacksmithing, KepainuK 7v lowest Bnggies and Wagons, to work at the lowest prices, wa; shoeing a speciaixj . n ; oWARD A m aa a rnni I I : ... jlV- "" . . . A p 7 1 v . Rear of VanGilder & Brown's. no even 'VTnt bv the dem our tax laws, wiHwr;-- TJ . uui j nmnt the ad ocratic party, suouiu r vantage of such labor y ICpCjunST the cost of the necessaries ol l 'n : rri i nnd at the same time securing to him fteidy and remu nerative employment, upon iu- H" ion of tariff refomi, so cloly concernrog everv phase of our national life, and upon eveo-question involved in the problem Iri government, i the j democratic bmits its principles and pro- La.i w v w- - i fession to the American people. Karnes, physician: jn20 AND SURGEON, Hazel, N. C. T EN A ORES in ACRES- CO ACRES - u V. ii.tnil's from louii On Beaver v T Strict 'School and voting House; right at th?'" j "a Methodist, place; i mile from EP'PiGood moral nd 1 mile from Baptist church oooa , community. Fine. sprmg, n- ;d Q view, beautuui M"f, "to DuTldnpa lovely Asheville. A splendid -pia0" 0r cent. home. 2 . per cent. cBe-per. - to B. WAY. 3 To call your attention to our much increased an gents and children's foot-wear, in' leather! feltjfiai ford ties j i I A Whi N. C. has been reserved; for several rins: & Weaver, so here we c'oktie with both feet ground, ' days for Her- off the jj 7ill -7 " ':7'. .j : .sir ; - i7.r , . . 7' ; 7i! .; -' ! .':: : " ! i - d carefully selected stock of ladies. stock of Ladies Ox- land cloth Our AND FRONT. LACE BOOTS, i are to be so much worn this $etisqn, was ete. BUTi HERE ! C0ME9 never so com- QIIR RAGE LOW CUT ! - " GOODS. These Men f 'sjLoW: Cut goods must go MEN'S IOW CUT i I Ml I GOODSi now, so we offei cover them at 10 Tjerl cent on first cost which will barely trip PTiietise. This isfliio ioke.!! Come at once. We also . m . v a have a good wellcsen sjtock!b best quality Tennis shoes M. THRASH & SON. "WEST ASHEV1LX.B, N. C. V have a Full Line of Goods epedaliy i t suited to th. wants of the public and offer SPECIAL. BARGAINS. We.keep a Suferiok Quality of PLAIDS. CLOTIIIN0. NOTIONS HATS, SHOES, 1 DRY GOODS, ! I ' ' ' HEAVY AND FAMILY GRO lERIES. 1 IIionKST Market Pbicbs paid for GRAIN; , 1 1 t HAY, POTATOES, BUTTER, CHICKENS EGGS, and, in fact, all kind of COUNTRY PRODITCE. COUNTRY PRODUCE. COUNTRY PRODUCE. , ... i . . ( Si 1. H 2tJTht: public are spcdally Invited lo cal and see our NEW SPRING STOCK. rsxA-Aa TU1vmrl nnvn'tirrr In the Htv Fill VlVUiJ A a A. A A . a mmAj ..h-w.v -- - of Charge. ' w I Telephone No. 10. ' .'."'" I t i J. M. THRASH & .SON, " - i 1 West AsuirittK, -i mc2o-3m , - Old Iepot. YHITL0K,S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. ) ' i; j In anticipation of warm weather we have put in stock ; ' JGHT WEIGHT CLOTHING FOR LADIES AND 4 iivA a k l CL'v4v ! siM? '- ! . ! ! I .: i : ' Wonlrl as well he out, of the' world as out of th Ja r r.nJ nrJnap nnH "tn'n rnlol-id street shoes. , You will find them both dlM HJ UU! TIT T '. -I - ' , t j Ii i -i-j . 1 -. rL !i-1 . I elegant ana comiortauic LEWIS MADDUX, PRESET ester n Capital, $50,0 On Saturdays thej ! ii GENTLEMEN. e fashion jOUR STRAW HATS must go, so We offer them at ACTU C AlC Lp pTJ VlPREgT. OOJ -OPEN FROM 9 Aslieviile, N. C. A. M. TO 3 P. M.- H Savings riEPARTMENTlwdi be open from (i p.m. to ,8 p. m. . . a -w-a'a a. -r a w r -a A- -r TTCTTT C T ft X' O . T"' T" I . i. tiliNiiKAlrf iJAiivlilj uuoi.xiioo iuiiy1S , T '"i II I DEPOSITS RECEiyJBD. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. So come AL COS L. PJ McLOUD, Cashier GarbHni iSkvirip-s Bank, l 17f'tl47m &tl- l:, !;! V COLLECTIONS MADE OM ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS ?11 r-fTp.x'f srtedinl attention. 1 On all neoosits r i r1. v u a. 11 111 w t------- - , r a. ii ' t partment, deposited for four months or ongei, (interest at the date of tout per cent 1 1 1 i Ti intrnoc i -inii Twill ennn It n VP lJOlljirs. per annumn wiu uc paiu. icusn w"j v y" r pp. 5. Powell, rriay4-3m Directors p -M.' jj. Beardin, J. E.'Rajr, J. E Reed, R;Bj Johnston, Geo M. J. Fagg, Edward irl. Coleman, IwisMkdix, C.M. McLoud. 1 ; : $3 s SKYLAND is BEAUTIFUL BUILDING this de- Tl LOTS ill IN SKYLAND. ii bn the Asheville & Spartanburg Railroad and t the Hendersonville halybeate water, sulp $40 pike, seven miles $outh of Asheville epsom, alum, and freestone, cold as ice-Marge jfevel lots m the forest, ! wide (llOO feet) grand viewfe, pure air, no dustfnortmud. t : Ito weatthv oeoole for homes. i HU IlUUUH-Ui iiuvo uii- r? ii! 1 i-- il . ' , , '11 - - J. aaa-aaX 4- ca rAA-& rr '-rvi of AfA ! . i qotel nearly uuiit,ann oiucr luipiuvcuitia A' . " , 71 4- .' f i) r . .1 i-v - !! 1 I Free ride out aii(I back. Fjull particulars by writing or 1 Estabrook's, No. South Main St. 7 7 IF Mb A A. BLAIR hur, iron, streets, Fine eaving prderfs at Prop'r Asheville, N. C. & CO., ! I , f! If uriiiure Dealerald Undertakers, consisting of many dozens; of seersucker coats and vests, mohair coats and vests, ala paca coats and vests, drap d'ete coats and vests. The All sizes for -MEN AND BOYS. Also sinrrle coats in extra1 lonir cut: linen dusters;! ala-!i paca dusters ; white anctifig ured duck -and Marseilles! vests: flannel suits; serge suits ; light weight cassimcrc SUltS. ! A new lot of neckwear, strined and solid color bal-'i briggan undervcar. WKitc; and colored shirts laundred and unlaundred, the largest stock in the city. All of the above will be sold at bottom' prices, at ! WHITLOCK'SJ, , ! ' ; I 1 . : 1 E, T. Vt & O. R. tt. '. Tlie Great ; Tlironjfli Line to the west and Booth. ; Ttio fViet TTYr trmn from Asheville to Atlanta and all points in the South,! via. Knoxville, leaves Asheville at 4:40 1 p. m., making Atlanta in 13 h6tirt.j Makes close connections for all point in the West and North-west. Round trip, tickets at half rates will be on sale , at Hot Springs July 24, 25 and 2G to prin ciple points in Missouri, Kansas, Arkan sas and Texas, gooa. ior5u ciay. rvfi full information and rates can on j i B. A. Newxaxd, I'asscnger ari., ; j l 62 South Main St. " 0 I- R I VE R6IDE DAIR Y. ASHEVILLE, RESIDENCE 39 " M PORT ANT ANNOUNCEMENT. J. . ' L.-x t, J i;i7Mi of Asneville At tDe nq ' l" ' r-:11r. we have f "IHS1 diSStaSuon of the uptown ticket pmce 41 GENERAL RAiLrOAD Penland Streets aVENU CE E,- N. C. July -ly. ! bFOEUATIOS BUR E At in connection lith oar Hilwa Ticket Brok erage Busing. WDy - -- pertaining 10 "aH"; 7-' , - ! will be furnisljed tree. , berths to- all pntsfsicured. and baggage checked and h . j ..J t clinrt notice. 1 i ii4- South Main St. Two Doors Sorth of Pos j Office. , tKEAM PARLOR. AT SUMNER'S RESTAURANT, CNDER -II, REDWOOD & GO'S. w hfrc the verv be?t cream, made; from the miil Jom his owti covvs. Willbc served at all -SHa1 Pnr nr Fitted upior auics aa ! 1- X.T OTIC E TO COLORED TEACHERS. IN. - 7 : b,j teacher j iD the i nciliMl V ! 1 C-i I im 1 v - . . . schools Ni-ill..b xamineq in V?Jnll8th and -T formation aaoreM- . . - - est au rant has klslo been handsomely papered and otherwise improved. The best cook . bes tf fare, ai,rtaw)nauic la. junta 3-U- t'SE FOR "RENT. Tjio - Sixjrooms neat! the b cit-w.- Cuoi at( Deeds! j s'ne?1 pat of the rooms near! the Ds'nc? i iOtlJ at, the oificef of the Register of I am now prepared to deliver the very uettj of milk in any quantity desired. I J! of the finest milker In We tern rthCro.; Hna. Am onj: them ;Th ' nection with th above I am preparing to. establisn a ' ' ! . I I GILT EDGE BUTTER DAIRY. jj j Hoping to receive a part of the patrona of the cituen 01 abocihki may-26-tf I am respectfully, I . J. N. VANCE. T HE ASHEVILLE HAND LAUNDRY Is now at work on 'VaJJy street, ia VALLEY HALL. j w nnti.- nrenared to do first-claw laun , dry work in every particular. J, "fV use any Steam Machijcekv that w AND TEAR THE COOPS. pr ALL WORK DONE BY HASD. -IW and the result is goods are well taken care of. If you want to wejan first-class laundry wotK jenausyourgoo. IIir.r,1NS. I j And A. T. BO WEN. ; j Office at Carson's Stationery Store., j A LARGE AND CHOCIE VARIETY OP j GRAPE VINES fr : OP EVERT KIKP, FOR SALE. I ju23-tf Apply to j JOHN DELVAUX,' AS1IBTH.LB. N. C. I. . A ,1 I 1 i. 'i V -1 ! ft r t '. t 1 .; f