1 'STEAM ! By Telegraph ! The Sun is"the only paper in y ex tern North Carolina giving the Associated Press Dispatches. 1 r nVR PRESSES ARENOW RUN lulAteui. HENCE WE CAN U0 WORK IN W. N. C. 4 Oh. i- NO. 117 CORRECTED BY ASHEV1LLE ICE AND COALCO., , T COLUNS & C TROPRIETORS' .deutkred:- .1 9.5 I Chestnutj y 50 sitovc ; a 05 ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, JULY 21, t - ; . - - It" - 1888. CONGRESSIONAL Proceedings lit tlie House Senate Yesterday. and SENATE. 1 By Telegraph to the Sun, .Washington, D, C, July 20. The House bill making the 30th day oi May, Decoration DayJ a holiday in the: District 1 l KT DENISON, rc- :Wi:iH AND OPTICIAN, J i i I'.vttos Avenue. WATCH J?. IVATCHEs. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, 2WUI.HV. BRONZES, BRONZES, UKONZES, BRONZES, t , ii, n'I PliVTKD SILVERWARE, f !' S Pi! AT El ) SILVERWARE, r Utrd silverware, i HORRIBLE EXPLOSION. Seven Hen Scalded to Death the ! Ohio River. 1 r , " 1 H PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 T TERRIBLE FLOODS. !u! AN1 I'lJATED SILVERWARE nd'silver headed AN! ' ;old PEN L Canes, ) pens, &c. OPTICAL GOODS ? t OLASSES.-r e (.lasses, rE r.LAssiits.-- iE GLASSES,-- i ELESCOPES,-- j I F.SCOPES,-- ru;sropKS.4- r.LUsropE-s,Jr jkC., AC. V, - itl.K ROUPS. RK-IAULK PRICES. REPAIRING AND. EN GRAVING. KFPAIRING AND ENGRAVING. REPAIRING AND GRAVING. REPAIRING AND ENGRA ING. SUEVILLE ICE AND COAL CO. H.T.COLLINS & CO.. Proprierors. PURE ICE PURE ICE PURE ICE fir n pdaVi niCTIT.T.P.n WATER kM imm niQTlI.r.ED WATER Sum: from distilled water of Columbia, passed. j The naval appropriation bill .was ported and placed on the calendar. 1 Mr. Cullora offered a resolution, which was agreed to, instructing the pdst office committee to inquire into, the expendi encv of allowing; the article . known as postal tablet or private postal card, weight not to exceed half ounce, jto pass through the mails at postage rate of one cent. j 1 Senate at 12.35 proceeded to executive business. I I After the doors were opened Mr. Sher man gave notice that he would ask the ftnntp to resume the consideration of the fisheries treaty to-morrow, j Chandler thereupon offered the j follow ing resolution which was laid over: j Resolved, That power to make trea ties and to appoint all high public officers of the United States being vested in the President and Senate jointly, the Presi dent has no right under his implied pow er of making preliminary negotiations of treaties to appoint without tne concur rence of the Senate, private citizens pleni txjtentiaries to make and sign such trea ties in behalf of the United States, and that the recent appointment by the Presi dent without the consent of the Senate of las. B. Angell and Wm. L. Putnam as plenipotentiaries to make and sign I ! ' 1 r i 4-.- i;-Vi ! (.rent tne proposea nsnery ucm.; Britain dated February 15, 1888, was unwan anted by the constitution, j Mr. Dolph called up the bill to pro hibit the coming of Chinese laborers into the United States. ! j The bill was discussed by Dolph, .... ' 1 nr f-OFi' wlien SPECTACLES, Mitcneii, anu iVAuin u..m. .r, SPECTACLES, without reaching a vote the Senate ad- SPECTACLES, jOUrned until tomorrow. ; j ii I I Washington, July 20. After a some- iio r1h.ite Kiltrore's amend ment was rejected and the bill (which was Senate bill) was passed niJorrl submitted the conference liauviui w rnort'on the River and Harbor bill. Weaver, of Iowa, demanded yeas and nays on agreeing to the report, but the r1-m onrl WAS refused. Weaver moved to reconsider the vote by which the .House had refuse! to order the yeas and nays, but this .motion was tabled by a vote of yeas 174 nays 74- The report was then agreed to, 154 to 44. j : . The bills coming over from last night's session were also passed for the j retire ment of generals Wm. F. (Baldv)! Smith and A. j. Smith with rank of. Colonel and General. W. W. Ayerfll with rank of Captain) j 1 ' i . The Iouse then went into committee of the whole on the private calendar. The entire afternoon was spent in con sideration of the bill for tli e relief of Saml. Noble in a . claim tor reimDursemci.c 1. the loss of 802 bales of cotton. Motion r strike tout the enacting ayes 61, Wyes 20, but Oates, of Ala., made the! point of no quorum. The committee xose and the House at 4-30 o'clock took a recess until 8 o'clock, evening session to be for the consider ation of private pension bills. By Telegraph to the Sun. LouisvrjLLLEj Ky., July 20. An ex plosion of the steam pipe that supplied the engine from boilers caused; the death cf seven men of the crew of the ' Tugboat Convoj- at 4:40 o'clock this morning. The accident occurred twenty-six miles up the river, near West Port, Indiana, and most of the men were asleep at the time. The names of the victims are, Wm. Page, about 28 years, residence un known; Wm. Harriean, 18 years old, residence Soho. Penn. ; Robt. Jones, about 35 years old, married, residence Jacks Run, Penn.; Wm. Bigley 42 years old, married, residence Alleebany City, Penn.; Charles Lusterj 59 years old, residence Jacks Run, Penn.; George McCann, 24 . 1 - Jri n'ii I . T0 -n vears 01a. residence jriLuauuit:. itu.i kbout 35 vears old, i resi- When the boat reached miles up, everything, ac- jfirst mate's story, was run- .' He took a walk back to the cabin and found all quiet. He stopped and talked to k friend, George McCann, who was lyinj in the lowed berth near thp door, the latter half rose in lus Bed OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, Wm. Kelley, dence unknow West Port, 26 cording to the ning smoothly. n. A GREAT 1,098 OF UFIG AND PROPERTY IT WEST VIRGINIA. Bv Telegtaph to the Sun. Pittsburg, PaJ, July 20. A chronicle telegraphic! special from Wheeling, at rtoon, says:; The loss of lives from the flood ast night is at least 25. About 15 bodies have been found so far. The greatest loss of life Avas along Wheeling creek and at Triadelphia. Search this looming resulted in the discovery of a number of ladies near the latter place Most c f them were found which had collected at Elm among Grove. drift The fol- Berryl Blackburn, and remarked I'll soon be at home two miles abq there was a with my famil; r. ' Then he lay down and went to sleep. The mate returned to the pilot house a id was conversing with Capt. Reno, the pilot. They were tneu ve West Port. Suddenly terrible! explosion. The whole boat became enveloped in steam and the machinery stopped. The Captain, who was asleep, hurriedly dressed, called ViU tnpn. and made preparations to land. The yawl jvas lowered, the livejaken o nnH hr boat towed ashore and bp'dy of William Gaston, aged 60 years aprominent and wealthy person, . was Mnnrl upar F.lm Orove. His wile s rei niaius were found two miles below Elm drove hanging on a barbed wire fence. Charles Caul well, of the Wheelings, New ijetter, age 50 years, was found among the dnttvi'ood. Mrs. jane ra,y huu two irrovvu up daughters', Alice and Mary! were discovered a short distance below TVi ml tv nil in. an d the bodies ojf two bro tiers naied Gorman were found in the nieado at Where they had been huneo Dy the furious waters. - ' WheeJing, W. Va., July 20. Later and authentic details from riadelphia! siow the destruction was more appalling there thaii anywhere else. Fifteen fami-i lies are homeless and saved nothing out vyhat thet had on. mac fast to a tree. Then the Captain pW ceeded to the after cabin where the ex plosion occurred. Wm. Page lay jnedr the door dead, blood rushing jfrom his ,Vi ank pars, and flesh scalded off his uiwmu - r , - body. berth. William Harngan His death must have was m I 1 ; been his in- stantaneous, for he lay in the same posi tion as when he retired. Robt. Jones wajs on the floor and barely alive. He was horribly rjurned and lived! but fifteeh minutes. He died with his wife's name u;'e i;Uc VVJlliam Biirlev was! still hm' found, but died in tea minute " " - w Charles Luster was found 1 outside the 5-1 Mr.;)Faller Confirmed. ! i By Telegraph to the Sun. Washington, D. C, July 20.-Melville WT. Fuller Was to-day confirmed to be Chief Justice. The speaking on the case was by Edmunds, Evaijts and Stewart in opposition; and by Farwell and. Cullom in defense of Fuller. Democrats did not speak. I 1 -! i ! i i I The vote! remains under injunction of hut it is understood to be as , r , lows in detail: -Yeas Bate, Beck, Blodgett, Brown, Butler, Cameron, Cock erel!, Coke Cullom, Daniel, ' Davis, Far well, Faulkner, Frye, George, Gibson, Gorman, dray, Hale, Hampton, Hearst, Jones, (Art) Jones (Nev.) McPherson, Mitchell, Morgan, Pasco, Pityne, P ugh, Quay, Ransom, Reagon, Riddreberger, Turpie, Vance, Vest, Voorhees, Walthall, Wilson (Md.) 41 Navs. Blair, Bowen, Chandler,! J j .. . r x 1 it '. vies. Doloh. Edmunds,; ,varxs, Hoar, ! Ingalls, Manderson, Plott, Sohin, Sawyer, Sherman Stockbridge, Teller, Wilson, (Io Paired in affirmative Call, Eustis, Harris, (Penn.) Plum bury. 7 - . "Pnirrrl on necrativei Aldricll Chade, i Hiscock, Morrill, Stanford. 7. I Absent and not paired, Spooiler Produce Markets. J By Telegraph to the St'N. Baltimore, July 20. jFlour quiet, steady. Howard Street and Western super., 2.50VfcS5; extra 3.85; family 4.50; city mills, super. 2.50(65; extra 3.2575; rib brands 4.9CKL15.50. Wrhcat, southern, firm. Fultz, 80i6. Long berrj'. 84&8; western, steady, quiet. No. 2 winter red spot, July, 84. Corn, southern, scarce, firm; white 64&6; yellow 5961. CiNCiNNATr, July 20. Cash quota tions were: Flour, weaki Wheat none: No. 2. red, 79V2. Corn, stoady; No. 2 mixed 4950. Oats stronger, No. 2 mixed, 35 Vi 8.20. Bulk New York Stocfe Market. i By ;Tecgraph to the Su Vntv York. Tulv 20. T market relapsed into dullness Traders ha Half this village of 600 inhabitants tnaryLtt almost entirely to Da- Hawley, Palmer, Stewart, a.)-20. Colquitt. Saulis- Al ison, Paddock, tie nd prig Stock the was swept away, but all butthose before named escaped to the hills. The storm extended 16 miles east of West Alexander, pa., and the scene all Wong the way is one of desolation and jvery conceivable horror. WherejTriadelphia school house, a'laree building of 6 rooms, stood, the creek is now a raging flood and not a nothing ; i though they did vestige of even the foundation remains, getting Missouri Pacific offerings The whole south half of the town has disappeared as clear as if itnever existed. The Wheeling reliet committee wmeu rc emselves, I the fluctuations being confined to! usual narrow range when such condi tion, prevails. London quotations j this lower, but that had little or no eneci., work as usual to hammer lis efforts. ! however, resulted in Pork firm, 14.25. Lard meats higher; short ribs, . . ....... 8.25; bacon, firm, unthanged. wniSKcy 1.14. j - . . St. Louis, July 20. Flour quiet, unchanged. Wheat dull higher, N6. 2 red79U- Corn higer; No. 2 mixed 45Ui Oats firmer; No. 2 mixed, 32.6. .Pork higher, 14.4b. Lard 8. Bacon higher; shoulders 7.75 ; long 8.85 short ribs 8.45(350; short clear- 9.12V. Hamill12.j50. Whiskey 114. j- Chicago, jilyj 20. Cash quotations were: Flour, -quiet, unchanged, No.-2 spring wheat, is W?3U; No. 2 rcd, 2. No. 2 Corn. 47s; No. 2. oats, 30-14. Mess pork, ld.67; Lard, 8.40 ; shdrt ribs 7,95); shoulders, 6.6575; short clear, 8.55&8.j0. Whiskey 1.20. ! . j Louisville, Ky., July 20. Grain firm. Wheat, Nd. 2 red, 92; No. 2 long berry 94. Conj, No. 2 mixed 55 ; No. 2 white, 57. Oatsl No.2, mixed, 36V67'37. - Pro visions quiet. Bacon, clear ribs, 8.40; clear 8.90; shoulders 6.75; bulk meats, clear ribs 7.75; shoulders, e.iy?; sugar cured hams, ll.2512.50. Lard, choice leaf, 9.5o to g9l Their almost succeed i cently raised funds j for sutterers, expenaeu iuc visions and sent them The Baltimore centl. Principal pressure was against St. Paxil and Reading, stock mentioned were vcij in per directed hite cotton gloves, all qualities, itary man and the civilian,! at 5. j ju 15-tf. bui well the Rawlesburg balance for pro to Triadelphia. & Ohio railroad, Pitts- is practically destroyed The Western Union Tele- and the attack was !- : 1. : -1. noon : arter wmeu erven : UP a there was a era! improvement, though it was s modic and uncertain The ' ope was the held bout Igen- spas- ning Men's w for the mi Whitlock' Men's White cotton cloves, all qualities, for the militarv man and the civilian,' at Whitlock's. ju 14-tf. Men's white cotton gloves, all qualities, for the military man and the civilian, : at Wfttlockls. ju 15-tf. T- W. CORTLAND, dull! irregular, though most of the changes from last evening were cabin lying on his face, he was not dead , and told them that he had rnn out there as soon as he could recover from the shock tf the explosion. He was almosjt baked1; his skin was parched and little vf KinMl ctnn'd nn t from the pores of JCLB Uiiuiuuu J his bodv. Iln two hours he was dead 1 "1. Geor ences 4 S6me burg Division, frlr 15 miles. graph Co. lost 40 milesfof wire and most smallest fractions and Pacific mail whi !r 1 1 t?-,-! Qie mffllfiP' in from e U-.wtI 5a and Northwestern whi ii Liiv f r- j " 1 z ' all parts of the countrj- tliis a. m. indi cking that the storm Was more disas trous to life and property m the country than in this city. It catmot be stated at this hour how many li vies have been lost REAL EST A K BROKER. I for hich ich sa vrlir oiilv uotaDiC aincr- wa UIJ 7B - - 3 ; little improvement made in first few minutes, but the efforts shaded the list off. ui wt. ! Kas WILL BE ORDERS TO BUY AND SELL PROPERTY, riTVP-M rr.nSP.RT ATTRVTIflN INVESTMENTS MADE i Lowest prices were reached generally ON RliAL ESTATE SECURITY. (-: Lloss in this city is known to be ten, about noon, after which whole list RliAL EST AT XL. T . I be- ZT-Officefin the Barnard building, Patton a number reported missing. Cold- gan well's Run, which passejs through the 8th mar ASHEVILLE. N. C. . - ' . J J J i -i -4 1 tr Vie re Alcann lay ucau m -"' -'j r- same place ne was in wucu -r left him but half an hour before. Williat a Kellevi'was pulled out from under his bunk and was alive, but he was also ter ribly burned. ! Charles ! Chambers t other man'who slept in the cabin j w blowri out of the door and had a mirac lous escape. The officers of the boat ca mve no conception of the accident an 'clause resulted say the machinery was inspected February, and was tnen in areucu w 1 .... -i u Jf-o. dition. Inquest will De neiu mi- ward of this city was greatest to improve and specialties made ked advance, thej most avenne entrance. the scene of the being Alton & Terre Haute havoc. Three houses were arKj swept away and all the in mates drowned. further features and the close was Thev were Mrs. Stenzel&nd son, ttaman.j but Stanzel.- Alice and Aiinie Wingert, of le wa cvxy ' MA A-n -:aofMr.Stanzel:! burned. ! Charles I Chambers the TV, Hawlev as 1 Jonn -tiaiiiitii ttuvi mi, p " and four children. HerjhusDano was in the vard and was swept one hundred yards down the streamf reach the bank in safetyl Mrs. Stenzel. Mrs. Job prominent Manitoba, Tennessee coal list developed no w1 HITLOCK'S noon and all , the bodies returned tb Pittsburg kkloR HARD AND SOFT COAL. Terrific Tliuncler Storm. tij Telegraph to the Sun. t r,.. r..1- IO This - oK Dr.w Prom itly Filled. St. Clairsyille, Ohio, July place ana vicinity were visited last even imrlbvtfie most terrific ihunder jstom Emperors Kiss. By Cable to the Sun. Rt. Petersburg, jury zu-t"" , "1 rival of the German squadron at ;Coi iirad- vesterday, the yacht rionenzo ! -rr 1 IX'Ili:- omikt the mpcror iiicwIf, UVUl H i but managed to Only two bodies ice Wingert and. nson, a widow, aged 60, residing at Clinton, this county, died from fright. i Pittsburg, Pa.. Julf 20.-Later.-A later dispatch1 from Wheeling says 23 known dull steady to firm; at but s ignt changes from opening prices. Closing prices were generally higher but; I the only important ones were Manitoba 2 pecent7,lAlton & Terre Haute 2V and xnUnA Rr West Point preierrcu, 1 xvz. 11U111WA1 WW M j Sales aggregated 125,000 shares. CLOTHING- - lern, storm fall that I Grain Telephone No; 5H. juice and Yard at iiik ALL COMPLAINTS IN REGARD TO EI THER COAL OR ICE WILL BB REPORTBp ATTHBOF FICE. Ci-wwi Office- n the Barnard building. pAtton Av. Telephone No 69. I : t a li. Ohukhs 0-n prompt Attention with violent winds and rain the average water spout, j fields were laid waste, shocks were swept away and the growing corn is not, to be seen. Bellaire and St. tlairsville and 'northern' railroads are almost en.irv out. The incoming train on L ' 0,1 Ohio was standing at I Echo and trainmen ana Pbr; best thevJ could escaped with tneir, .n , The waur is filled with drift running to the headlight of the ingine; several nar row esca'pes are reported and it is feared a number of lives have been lost As j et :. s-J,..!! to estimate the loss, but 1- virinitv are damaged not II11S J'-S less than $100,000. I . . . Jacp fr. TTuited steamed into puMuun Rftes1 steamer Enterprise at ancho, i o-tio-rntinp- tne vacut persons are" Known " 1 Atono- the number vf as the Sheriff of oUimtv. Cemeteries were washed out. T' J - ' L. . . . .. nr.d coffins with bodies! floated down tne river. ship. The; only one the American war !e arrived in the harbor yesterda The lie; man rvmpciui A. Murderer By Telegraph to the Sun. MONTICELLO, N. j Y 411T1 -WAS hung in the Hang. July 20. Jackj court house ati morning. -inc r 1 1 1 . - for the murder of Ulsura first Welcomed by the Grand Data to. , Iast October. and sang and m a strong, for a srlass ofl iBond Olferinas..' fey Telegraph to the Son. s ' f f tr t ,1 Washington. D. u., Juiy y. pu.u - " ' 1 -s. . 1 ' . - UJna !to-dav $1,818,000. Accepted $250,006. Registered fours at 127V2. 17 tX1i Powder for the teeth; Its jL:-a ,.o r.i-pwtit! the formation 01 tartar and removes all discoloration al ready formed. For sale by J j i july20tf Grant & Wingert. I Wheat I Charcoal, manufactured by Gnant &. Wingert. Supperior j m b very way to the!ordinary Willow Charcoal, july 20tr . , j S i .; j!- ' j " ' Spartanburg, S C, is one of the best kept j hotels in the f ..ii. :, nx'PTiipnt. to the depot. 11 OVJUlli. 4-1. 13 vwm v. - . . 1 l you fwishl comfortable beds and good fare, fr.t-irf.he Windsor. :- j Proprietor. t DEPARTMENT In order to close out all LIGHT WBIGIIT CLOTHING i 1 r FOR - I theHohenzolerninttJe Ulrich, at Jonasonville et Allen kad an iron ner, J n Aer the gallows ill xjr " " i - j MANUFACTURED ICE. V'-r tneinfortnntloii of the public and to Tct erroneous Wes on the aubiect of arti- i ut, we Kire the folio wingiacx in -S4iu the manufacture of ice: Our mannerof ma- ice to distil the water by condensing thus making it absolutely pure. Then ' Ped ore charcoal to completely acou-r- "it.p.l .rrest air remaining traces ot im pure ir.uer. alter which cans filled with it are l''"vediu brine chilled below the freezing point, n-1 tJ.ere it remain until it is frozen as clear 1,4 ml almost as solid asglass. This i aLme tit for human use. It lasts one -hir.l longer than naturafn.tr and has all the "r'Skinal Tirturcs of the hi h 5ced table 11 itr of commerc Klver and Harbor Bill, v lay Telegraph to tic Sun. j r wWsotos. D. C- ttJi20.Tte.Cod- k River and Harbor rzi-s noS propnatcs .-. . agreed tb the Conference repeat. , niaubled vol a 11- - teer. ? 1 j.i, 4- who luvA- 1 ted the ladde state oargc. r --r ... Trb.nrnllern deck he was met by ' armW embraced, clear voice the bmperor "j - 1 i TiVmneror William and Prince Henrt hn entered the barge and were rb 1 vacht. AlexarJ to tne jvuit" f 1 . Aria, on which he awaited the arnv of his visitors. The two emperors me ! oH embraced am at tne gaugaji kissed each other several times. 1 J-: 1 Russian minister M. ueoicis, .J fineral Vcfn bctiweinu, NeW stock of GentsV Neckwear just in He asked whiskey, which , wai refused him. He Vouc jc .rrlen's Democratic Club. tip ritU extends a cordial invitation "1 It the' noosT'aroM his own neck to aff ri5emocratic clubsc the jpoun wed put the noose arouuv v Democrats of the! county, rati and said, "Let her go, Gallaghur t anc f " mocratic clubs and all the 1 The sheriff.then pulled the leaver ana Democrais of Western North Carolina, to Allen's body swimming m the air. present and participate; m tne frre?crn affairs; ambassador, and CoUmd Yon XJJU- toi ?JL,. military atiachee of the Getman pla 1 embassy at St present at the meeting. pulse stopped heart ceased to was cut down i . 1 half minutes beat in after 12 minutes. He I hanging 14 and a in 11 minutes and his rally1 on the 25th instant. ; jl 14- td A L. ' Mr. J.1H. cities, on a Law is business visiting Northern trip,' buying The body was then given , fanrest slock of goods, in (art lines the that "1 "T . j.i.. n interment tooK bis cOuntrv nas ever seen. ) x nc jaw... X Yi - to tne nnucu 1 X T, JWrtment will show novelties, and in Petersburg, were specially unique. 1 - Teleeraph to the Sun. ' . . 1 r J- n r inlv 20. l ne nrL Cw ho-; session Appropriating 2o0.O0U r State lmes for disabled volunteers. KSoreofTe,as. moved to amed by redncinfi the appropriation to $160,000. , 1- j' Senate'Executive SesIoii. Bt Telegraph to the Sitn. n h t1v 20. The Sen Washington, w. , j , j J n ViaK nast twelve ate closed us uuui - r , . proceeded to formal consideratio . 1 ' a Senator expresse nftbernucr . i , n that it! will be dispod o ht one o'clock tb nttnn two U"llJ VI - - . tt i:.t. e execution, tie was an cuKuu man 34 years of age and came to this country two years! ago. He had no friends here and did not write to his Enelish friends about ibis trouble. ' He bns tried insane and religious dodges in vain. july!3tf D ISSOL,UTION OF PARTNERSHIP elllow Fever In Florida. t i By Telegraph to! the Sun. lobbies and cUmittee rooms the occupants were nd win upper rb-cer1 and ' in that the doors a be opened without risUing , ltraval of the secret proceedings. : Washington, D. Cj, July 20.-The Ma rine hospital Bureau is informed of a new . 1 . r To tt-i ri "Pla.. and driven case oi yeuow icvc, rr ' , fi ,cpc at Manatee, ria. j OI IWV ucr - j ! Th partnership heretofore existing oc tween D. S- ATatson and I.. A. Pannholt, as AVMon Parinholt. Real Estate Dealer., is dissolved by, mutual consent.! D. S. Watson wiU dontifue the Real Estate business ;t the same officj;. ; july;2 2t rpHE BATTLE HOUSE, at Waynesrille, I wi r U nrrnnred to accommodate T1S1- tors at the rate of $1.50 per day oi $-50per were cr.se at Tampa is that o Manatee, a refugee from riRTRR WISHES HIS FRIENDS to knw that he can befound at the new Meat Market under coopers n Come one, come all. And give me a call ; Old man Carter Will wait on you all. ju 1341m MEN AND BOYS; I will mark them down from this date fully j 25 PER CENT. Call md price my clothing . i before purchasing elsewhere. A new lot of Cassimerc Pants just received, ranging in -ivo from Youth's to 48 waists. Great Bargains in Under-', wear. 1 New Ties and Hosiery. Earl & Wilson's Collars j & Cuffs, and Dunlap Hats, j The finest grade of goods i in ivsneviiie, at WHITLOCK'S, y, V 1 X 1 'i