" 1 nnTnntrinV W- 1 LA,A. JA ct F-rim S1 is I A P HT TT tHiTT rflTTNTRY. produce Mart ! X7HITLt)CK S COA1 I, !H ,lKHt a I I Uilil.ll,OOlUiixL. ciiiitiiuiuviii iiuuvuij; i.... wv ...... Y- auwu i a a vy w - - - jpyi Teleerapn to tne pun. t t i I i i n 1 ... j I .11- & u . a r i i i I It i ii II i . 1 w - , - IMPROVEMENT NOTED 121 unchanged.! Howard Street and Western ' w o snURSf extra 3 85 : family - COKKECTED DV Asiu:viLU'uM:ANDCALCa ...V-CO VKOPKIETOMS. Hi:SIO!S OF THE SEN ATE AND HOUSE. Lump for grate, $ Mve i." .. 4.75 4.75 9.25 9.50 9.25 Eifty-Tliousand Dollars to tne I ' Widow of 11 sli Commissioner ' - I llulrcl Cliarlottcs.IunlIc ! DullclliiKT Drops rom $i7SiOooto$83,00o. ee on te- jrAVKU:K AND OPTICIAN. Avenue. CLOCKS, CLOCKS. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, BRONZES, BRONZES, BRONZES, BRONZES, f ;r.i i - J jelkv. , v-n PL TED SILVERWARE, 11 xv pi TFD SILVERWARE, i!1 v . ' v! K SILVERWARE, ani plated silverware, ,:tl.l AaD silver headed canes, ,.)LDfENS.&C. taken from the calendar on Tuesday n Teleirranh to tbc'.Snn. j . i i . SENATE. i Washington, D. C, July 28. The Sen ate joint resolution for the ascertainment of the amount'due to the State of South Carolina for 'rent of the citadel and academy was and passed. Palmer gave notice that next he would call up the Senate bill to encourage the holding of national indus trial expositions of arts, mechanics and products of the colored rac throughout the United States in 188S ana iy The Senate then resumed consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill, the pending question being oti par-graphs relatimr to the new library building in - z Washington. I i Aliison, in repouse to a question by Plumb, stated ithat the dommittee on nnronriations l ad had great difficulty with the subject. The original plan had contemplated tlid completit n of theeutire jThe House then went into a commit of the whole Ion general appropriate bills, and a clash instantly occurred 't ween various bills on the calendar. The general deficiency bill was first reached and Sayers, of Texas, objected to the quest made by Townsend, of 111., that it be laid aside in the interest of army ap propriation bill with the Senate amend ments. This fact was reported to tl'e House, which after a vain attempt to. se cure a quorum " directed the committee by vote 72 to 61 , to consider the deficiency bill and it was accordingly taken lip. General debate on the bill was begun by Voorhees of Washington Territory, who who made a speech 4n advocacy of the admission of that Territory as a State. This started political discussion which took in the land grant policy of both po litical parties and the recent land forfeit ure policy of the administration, whifch lasted until 5 o'clock, and did not recpr mthf nendinar bill the committee rose f , u and the House 'adjourned. C. 6. building, which smiare: he cou OPTICAL G00DS!- f ; CLASSES, h ci:s i: CLASSES, 1 i I xv.A t i -r WOU1U COTCr Hie t.n-.iw not irive a reasonable estimate ot the cost, nor un nnvbodv Who could; he had no ,i.ht. however that the cost would be at least ten million dollars, the building, Uiich the amendment proposed, wou incr to Mr -.c of the library for fifteen or twenty i r . . . 1 r .,A Uld cost Oetwen luut PulpiittTp-Day. At the M. E. Church the Rev. Jones, the pastor, will preach. Rev. C. M. Bishop will preach at Woow tTiia tnnrniu at 11 atld at ...w j 8 this evening. The venerable Rev. Thos. Stradlejr will preach this morning to tne omua School of the First tiaptist inurcn. Rev. 4. L. Carroll will preach o. the EKT BUSINESS CIRCEE8. Sheridan an4 Ran11 lnProVj lKff Markets of tlietles. 4.50; city mills, superL 2.50f4S5 ; 'extra Bv TeleRtaph to the St'N. Washington, D C., July 28. Mr. Rati- all and hisfamilt leit wasnragwu w, for thdir country home a pa., in 'the hope tha the fresh country tir will have the, effec of increasing the patient's strength. Randall was takin to the station in a rsrriae. ttte blinds of which wer rloselv drawn. He was accompanied b Dr. Mallan, who ivill atten.J him to hi I.ome. when Dr. Martin, who was unabl 3.25 75; rio brands 4.90(Li9.oU southern, firm. Fultz, 838 berrv', 859; westetn, quiet No. 2 winter f edj spot, southern, dull, steady; Wheat, Long firm. Com,. account of professional .engagement active on to accompany t Charge of the case was ie rfltient. Will taKe 1' 1 I While. Mr. Randal feeble this mdrning, owing tcf unu tions were No. 23 Flour, 2. red, 80 867, white yellow 5S9; western (lull, Heady - - II 1 Chicago, July 27HCash quotations were: FlourJ quiet, uiichanedii spring wheat, 8182V8L No Mrv r ( oVn 4-53a. , No. 2. oa Mess pofk, 14.1212. Iiard, ribs 8,208l25; shoulders. Whiskey 1.20. Cincinnati' 'July No. 2 2 red, 81. s, 29?430. 8.72; short 7.25(0.9.40. Cash; steaJy. j No. 2 mixed 46. Oats :quent on his removal snal exertion con t,:o foii,-;. well kcased with the conf Ilia miiii'j -ji . .I mnrovement in his condition. t",uvu ""1'- i 1.1 T J mixed, 34. 8.35. Build 8.50; bacon, 1.14. St. Louis, unchanged. Pork firin, 1 Cdrn, weakerJ quota-Wheat ktcady; No. 2 ?.50. Lard meats higher short ribs, firm, unchanged. Whiskey Tulv 28. Wheat our ull higher. Midsummer Special Clearing of Summer Dry Goods. Prices Gut in Half. cut of 50 per cent, on Millinery Goods and . Straw Hats. 25c. 50c. $1.00 $1.50 Hat 5c. i quiet, No. 2 for 15c. aU 25c- bUc-75ci Lawn " 2Y2C. 12VL'C. Gingham for GVc. The same cut on Gents' Light Scarfs, Ties and Under- wear. j j .i . i ii Wavne Station short4 reA 791,4. Corn lower; i i a 1 I ' - , t Oats firmer; No. 2 mix 14.40. Lard o. 2 mixed 45, ! 8 32.6. Pork Bacon committee's d be, accord SooiT6rd, ampl for the pur r i 1 1 LKSC0P1 i KSCOPES, ! Tm OPUS. Sl'L. 1 A v. J " . . r ' ' conlrl be ci.rrTACL ih. fiv mil 1 m aouars; ui u.P. cii:rTCL hi). :it nntl n halt or uiree muuuiw 01 1 1 IlUllL IU1 b v I of dollars. Aftft very brief discussion the amendment fas agreed to without division. It stril es out tl House pro- ' i n wrvv'U' 111 lift nsioii U " SPECTACLES, French Broad Avenue whuich uiis ing at 11 o'clock and Rev. A.E. Pack ard, of Alabama, this evening. Rev. Sam.Hilliard will occupy the pl- A portion of pit of the Methodist church this morn- ing and evening, in du.v- pastor, Who is at Newport, Tenn.j Rev. J. C. Munday, the evangelist will oreach a sermon to men onlyj in the t- hAuse this afternoon at half past We o'clock. None one under, siiteen r r;ii he ndmitteo All males years ui agv . ., sixteen are cordially invited. Philadelphia, July 28 i-Samuel i-i, : .A l Wovtie Station sn Kannan arnvcu f ; ly after noon to-dW and is noW , . , , ir the house of his Wend in The country near Philadelphia. hi her: shonjders.7.75; long 8.85; short . hrf. the1 iournev well ai d his Cond.- rib's 8.4540; short scl(tar AlV n tion is favorable. tt for 15c. 25c. 40c. 50c. Bank Failure. By iTelegraph to the Son. 't O . lulv 28.-The Cincin- nati National Bank, cf which Frank Alter is Wdent, has gonej into volun tary Kqdidution on account of dullness in business. A few months ago its capi fni scaled down by the government ' " " i . . - ir- Mir its original halt mimoii Hams 1112 Louisville Wheat, No .50, 94 57 Whiskey 114 Ky., July 28.-Grain red. 76: No. 2 Long Oats, Nd visions OPERA GLASSES. OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, vision for suspc new designs audi the building, am provision appro lars for the cons front of the build and supervision ot the Army, reneral specifications for inserts in lieu of it a Hating on6 million 001- hiction of the western ng under the direction of Engineers f the Chief find for abolition of all contracts made r the construction ot li i miHcr Q.nmCtO i...:i.i:.rr iris nna tiaiiui;. wv.. OUul"S' II .. f tecreuii Di i.MWIN'G AND ENGRAVING. KLPA1RING AND ENGRA LNU agreed to was thd be adjusted and ijaid by 1 1. Inlcrilir. II Ar other arnendments5, reported by ..,,-rotirintions and the commuuc wn one item of $93,26 to pay A hi K VII lk. N. C. SIli:VILLE ICE AND COAL CO. ; . v OLLINS & CO.. Pkopkikroks. .,7. cote of Florida for -the exposes oi taking the state Ucnsus of 1.0. The considerat On of the M was in , t Vt, c,,i;,te nassed the ,.rriintCl . ailU w-... r ' ' . ! . .. it resolution over tf.,.- Hnidler IloyS. B I Sandflies, mosquitoes and sunqurns brought our Light Infantry boys home yesterday morning looking like scarred veterans of a hundred battlesJ What With clamming, fishing, bathing, boating, dancing! and flirting the more, onerous duties of the life in camp were lightened until the boys "broke up" ana cu homeward with reluctance. A fishmg trip in company with the Hornei's est Rifles was ah enjoyable affair, the trifling f 11 hands being vioientijr ui inspector be dollars. ow quiet clear 8.90; clear ribs 7 cured hams, leaf, 9.50 . 2, mixed, 35V437. Bacon, clear firm berry 25c, Scarf 50c. 75c. $1.00 25c. Gauze Sliirt for 15c. 50c. " " 44 25c. $1.00 BalbrigganShiit ; and Drawers ior. 5Uc. Corn, No. -2 mixed 50 ; No.' 2 white, $1.50 Balbriggan Shirt Pro- ribs, 8.40; shoulders 6.75; bulk (meats, 75: shonlders, 6.IV2; sugar l1! .25(12.50. Lard,! choice Men's white cotton gloves, all qualities. Good ISews for Depositors. By , Telegraph to the Sun. n C. Tilv 28. The HnSP committee on banking and cur- to-dav ordered a favorable report TnP Senate bill to reimburse deposi- 1 ' o-mn's Rank, with tors OI inq i-isu-- T . moment authorizing the commission ers of the institution to pav the expen incurred m the settlement of accounts out of the fund of one milli6n dollars ap propriated by the bill. ; ; ll , pmeiit iu Business lUIl"" I, forlthe militlaty man and the Whitlock's. civilian, at ju 15-tf. and Drawers for 75c. OTHER LIGHT, SUMMER GOODS IN 1 SAME, i PROPORTIONS, j . 1 1 This is bona fide to clear forlthe military man and the Whitlock's Wanted. Two lads bovs in hotel. Lock Box E, a hunt 13 vears of age, bell Address with reterences. Asheville.P.O. julyl.ltt civilian, at ju 14-tfs Men's white! cotton gloves, all .quHitieSZ the HllC OUt to llialvC rOOlll for I . , . - EARLY FALL GOODS ! Call and inspect1 bargains. Call before they; are picked Con- matter Brown i.e,vi, hfinrr of little moment tookhia camera along and naa -io- auu the cu ssed when the nausea struck him al House joini - PURE ICE - PURE ICE - PURE ICE PROM D1STILUUJ VVATER. rilCTIl. .1-1) WAU'N- IKK FROM DISTILLED WATLK. continuing tne fm- th pxoenses t)f temporary proviwuu. the Government. I m The suneffr civil bill was again uuu. nr.at kium!crofi conmiiuee up uuu t- r . ii.. $-.- J them i . The last acted upon was the f $50,000 to oe ncer F. expenses as to 1887'. opposition the negatives show the party m i ,... fRill Nve's sick Indian. ! a o mmnanv filed off the cars, Lieut. Cowan was approached by a party of girls who inquired oi mm On beinsr xoiu xne of weetest handsome name of the company VThe Asheyille Light Infantry, , '.a wil von are the tnem I "- ' up and a great iium.-i amendiUts wcr agreed tU gen without debate, and a majority of fl,m.s ;here ' laier unt uwv i:..ot who was acting asfile-closer: IKUlCuau'i , , iw the necK uuu trii- ( ... - of the late Spe i and fLUioK HARIAND SOFT COAL. - OKI .kks Promi'TLY Filled. involving amendment to be insertion of ari it paid to the widow t'nr hia services fish commissioneriiiuiit Tt orovoked c6nsiderame A 1 r. k'fitrnn. Berry, Beck. Stewart and Can. ana , J .a n 90 11. atter uiiui, - sb as to make amenumcn. rent oi tne ruuuw ... - cnrhlenlv .. ; ,i v,fT-o he could disen heartily em dhu-cu ..- - , himself and make nis ian that he was admirer nbt ber considered Dun & 1 all am tinues. . . ! nr Teleffraoh to the Sun. New York, July 28. R. G. i i a . J. -dtMoitr civ' ir, their weeKlV wauc iv' Improvement continues. Keports iro;u interior pomw k' , MnnMr for all legitimate business. The business failures during lihe lastj seven days number . i rro 1.o nrplr find lo IOI pared witn itji. , the corresponding week of last year. Cotton Crop.j Bv Telegraph to the SUN. NHwVoJulThetaUe ,nn1v COttOn tOr We WUUU T TT 742 of which1 824,042 is American against i. Qn Rock Work H. M. Smith takes this means T forming the puouc, tnat t-M'j- give hisperspnai superv- I k nf Air CltI'l till i mi. a . ... - officel will julySt im- ver at i , c j;J -Wr-rintinn. A T)OStal tO the' city po?t office or to thisy rectch him-r WHITLOCK'S. 46 Si MalnStreU jy2C teeth. Its of oa Tnhth f OWCier lur i-11 continued us prevents the foion o tartar andrremoves all discoloration al oU,r farmed. For sale by . I I niiioorf 3 I Grant & Wingert. ; ; .... nM.nratlP T.lub VounK Men . ---- - . : . The Club extends a cordial! invitation to all the Democratic clubs of, the coun and all the Democrat of the couiity, and all the Democratic clubs dnd all the DemocratWe be present and participate "h"- ?a ,Lii 4-u Kth instant. 11 14s td xany wxi ny Law is visiting Northern k..c occ tnii. navinir tc s. on a uusiuuM ""f -i-y. . 1 1 , o otivelv last 1 cnrV nfpoods. in art lines, tnat 1 Pi14 024and bdi, "-t"-' laiytai.v -o- ,pji TMnj,ne5e i,oj.,o- , - 0 co At;?m1t,trt has ever seen, i he Japanese . Receipts aiaumc u : :J rtment year receipts on sight 6,883 V"5 " ;fi .i novelties, and in plantations' 4,726. crop m g. goods the Resigns are and 1. specially unique, y Harris 4ild George, toromcep i j endments re,orted by t, fu. the used This disposed of all but Allison ; said he r I Tcleph9ne No- 58. V.i fT THE ULU INT? IN KHr.ARD TO icn WILL. BH IiOF- EI- anu on nVVT-- ; fii r . amend- would have some ,tui T7 i. 2 ents to offer oni-condday. Adjonrned. HOI'SE. ! x I r' T..i.. o iThe Sen- Wasuisgtos, U4 J v v r lull ior -" r"-' understand "Willie." I I Capt. Barnard was K.t nrtain in the camp Ed McDowell, the most soldierly. E E. Brown the greatest mrt. Lea andLorick; theladies'men "Pat" Mulloy, the best sentry. cr,rt the drill master. Commissarypears the oesx Lucius Alexander he oftenest.sfck. Tep Israel t he worst First Seint Kinley the most c Zeb Yar.ce stole a watermelon. F the most orderly. Fourth regiment the best officefed And Asheville the best place I i ! to.. ! j ' : ; the iligrent. the public having T1IUR coal" ok L.nxiwTlD AT Till FICB- UlMVWN OFKIt'K. . . . i: - Pjilnti Av. In the Barnafi mimim,. Telephone No GU. KOU FT ATI M.Nt;F.CTlUUl) ICE. - ; f A 1 iPtiLlJ Yll VVM' Pa., asked unanimous consent, for its Lmediate eonsid ratipn lk for the rcs ar order made : jv p chard s;.n.of Nor h Ca olina, orated as an ohjection. is;7; remain lon ttie 5,pea. ptcsent. TU floAr was thjn, accorded to the committee on printing Bills werepassedfortheprnxi , i r!.Ki:,iMiTrtfMits among ereat num er oi l ni. nu-f nf iubiect of return little IHI1 Celenraies By T'Jegrapn iy New Bedford, Sheridan iSsojo jeP and adjust your sewing Nonquitt is nearly endea aim machine if t is not doing weu hnd lrnoroveraeui nv QRBAT- BARGAINS ! SPECIAL Mark-Down Sale I . ' at ; ' CXW-H-I-T-L-O-C-K' -CLOTHING- $ DEPARTMENT j WW -r In order to make room for an immense stockSof Fall and Winter ClothingJ now. being manufactured expressly to or- re Wo use Jall at . a""u:"JkV needles. ' .1 rrr?n fT tnmVC OUr p;et yor seynng ur.X: wii uci, i'- o , ir - W 1 1111 O Ll LA v w ill re - "ri - II I w - m !. i im U o Y. . ii . I.rlc nnri the DCSL lUlt. I i , . r ..1-. 1 r Mass., July -rAUC shuttles, 5a' YrrtT": wm re- natrons tne oenent ui duu. . : . . , W H. LiUieion is uiiiv - r r- - - - iv; horinnn s i uuiu ..- , , . . , , third weeK oi uai. w. r " - '. , saj' his gain The General's youngest i.j very maiM. r i . . , v . . t ,hiid Phil. iJcelebratin'g his eighth birth day; his father is in good spirits. BondiT offerlnsrs. By Telegraph tlo the Sus. Washington, D. ! C July .-Bond offi,rings to-ay $572,000, accepted $30,- 900 four and, half per cents ay . Acqnitted ofj Murden By Telegraph to the Sun I?or Rent xt: Al and ain rooms Building, near Post Office. sirable goods as they can use at the present tirbe, than to carry them for another season, we have decided to I .MARK .THEM DOWN Fifteen? thousand dollar worth of . prices that .Will attract CV- Goodsat Levy's, IS S. Main bt., to r i who wishes to buy R. P. July 24-tf. Johnston, 58 N. in Eagle Main St. closed ont at cost for cash. 28 Edwin Bar- murder of Ellis B. .nlllPKU. i.:.,cn Sons' realesta e busi- "lUriYthi. intrudin- hardware ness nas t(np" ii.w the business that crept m jroods must fco .. re - , set CCLPSPPER, Va., Jub) Kniir rharsred with the wiiHnms. on 'xMarch 1st, last, was acquit ted to-day. i Patent I Leather Shoes Levy's wort If $5.00. ,'- I fof $3.25 at I . , ' in New stock of Gents' ; ;- Figured Lawns at 3c. at W ' , i .InirC the next icw. " their own a,1-"econtVSto;sbuild and SV.:V1 ,11,1 sold such baigKms as "never darned were to be had. jf 29-tf. 1 ' LLii nonds for Sale. AH''"" rnc 1 MAYOR S Vr r I -L I or tne if' 11 copies of them 17,000 copies of report ' . the- Rureau of btatisxies u L .i ... Uoolehs: 20,00q r.,r.ntion of tbri,ul,li and to , irricultural ... it. 1.! f nrt . ctCiai ICU"I ri;;;, I lUct. effecUnd the orange ai Hr. '";- .. 0ur41ianerof urn- "r Af Con oarativeompuat u. i:.,rivefa to-i-tn the water oy . - . , -e tariff law witn ;f - j ;uiv25:lw i An rh.rcoaltocompmc-ju"-" p.w-. - i r..u . AshevilxiN.C. ) Asheville Kint-tment " 1t .:n 1 reeeived at tms ouiv,t , mn to l"U:U.U" V;" r8S8. For fullinforma- until Aufjusi. Harkixs, Mayor Asheville, itr it .nl arrrt aiT -. .... 4. QW which canstinea'1""-- l-tir rr'.ec iter toil .... . r a m rlr af it.fl thrrr it reialn until It ito". rU,clin hrlne chi!leUloxvxnci.. propocu - consideration then proceeded to: turtner tu of bill providing ft r the erection of post N. C. Jr. K;hVn lit the morning hourex- 1 - . - -.i Keinr tfeiken. v . -i,.-- This ' mrcn wuuvi iwu,w.. 0 crrsAl nd almost aoiiua- r l I , r N C 'nate Oil! cei,8lone fit for human use. It ,as" motiou r , 0 a NXOl'SCEMENT I herebv dnnoun myseii as rt tQ for the office of BWScrS?fcbmiiiatig the aciu'ii In July 1885 the new famous Thomp- n Rnrinirs in Ashe son s pro " , r county were mscovcicu, r - ature for the alleviation and cure of may of.the; iiisto whicii T family i subject, is noy oeiuK thousands who testily to - ' Like all really meritorious -.articles u It. enunterfeits, and the proprietors have ThV following warning . i pubUC-:.. ' WARNING!" -We caution the public against newly nrun cr " ( but old Springs) Krotmne WateU claiming Thevare same price it Ol OIL!"" T . I 1 ncl-in(T to the WhitlockVstores wiU remain open un til 10 p.m. litlock's. the ap- i T. w. Portland, KEA1 ESTATE BKOK - t SELL ORDERS TO BUY Arvi PROPERTY, YEN CLOSEST ATTENTION WILL BE CI bv name : v Qmire: the genuine. fnr TiWpsok's. and see that my . " 7 - :i. - I w rrt nhpL I .' 1 ! 11. " I. . , -O.--ITT T i I "General Manager;.' for Asheville. on convention. jy29-tf J.J. Mackev. Lvon's is the agent sale at all the; drug stores. july29-lt Vird longer than natural ice a nrdklnal Tirtnre of the hi h ;trr of commerc ced table was passed for the erection huilding at .Charlotte, N. . public C ' with an Closing out a beautiful Cheap at Whitlck's. line of Fans J july22tf ofnee. Iost! . l A"black silkjnmbrella or South Main Finder - please: leave INv ESTM ENTS MAKE ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. building. Patton raa i i yi-Ofnce in he Bamara avenne entrance. , 4 EWFHAND LAUNDRY i Ti on Willow street i near Svannanoa Hotel. at JstiKeieaLuci s ! ijuly29?2t i.oCltED AT SMITH'S BBIOOE) : r - . r 1. doing the best Lailnary w ui- By Hand, and Done They do cot' -v-l T" and tear woi'k. - 1$ said to be: in the city. ah Work mvP . be Moot Deiiramc . ; ne any Steam Macninery to the goods- Send them your T V. HIGGINS, Proprietor. rarsori's Stationery aou rv 9 clothing cheap. Remember that our store is - . a ' ' ' A.- .1 small and it is jmperauvcry necessary to clear out most of the stock at the proach of a new season. The stock -comprises Dress Suits for men, boys and chil dren. Business Suits, School Suits, Children's Knockabouts and the best stock of extra pants in the cityand they are rlnurn InW tO Sell. maucu uu.. --. 1 $5 and $6 suits only $3.50; $7 and $8 suits only; $5 $0 and 2 suits only SS; $12.50 and 515 ttt o-lylO: $16 and $18 suif only f 12 6Q; $20 and $22 suit, only $15. Seersucker and Alpaca coat ahalf price, f? necktie. t 15. 25 and 0 cent, former prices 25, 50 and 75 cents. beiore - AA(i,ffnt Genera!maris-aowno"6- 7- DunlaP'andE. & W. goods, because of contrTat WHITLOCKS. . t

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