V- '-r f-IT . ... . tYS MA 1 I- i. 1 Mvertisemcnts, inserted at the fdllowmg. rates: Advertisements inserted art l.pfr quxre of 15 lines or less Tor the first iits6rt?6H,4lijd 25 tents l ' ( i . i i - ; - ' or crery continuance. Yearly advertisements 1 inserted on reasonoble terms.; Persons wishing ' to Advertise thus will tpleaae marfj-ess the Editor. j'Qaarterly advertise oecals'contracted ftrftrtha'sam manner j i , i- ; I . -. . i . . - v' All Court Orders! atrd 'Judicial Advertisements wtll be charged ftprilyve per cent, higher than M;ne' usual rates. " - - 1 ' ' - ft : ' ' , . . - f Edenton, N. C. Saturday, October 23, 1 856. No. 32. 1 ' V m -1 i j- . - : tTT r-"- : : . - I 1 -i : r : : : ; - :,f.-. H II ' II I ' I II I I I THE l ; It Published WecUlJ tht . 4 ' TOWN OF- f J ? 4 1 EDNT0N,H.C ? commim'catlons on bnsiness cr obor ablis ed most be addressed to the ditor. . Pork Ff rca at hi t ! ' the k 1 in ,be f ORvM OF THE NATIONAL A- MiSlllCAN COUNCIL , e acknowledgment to the who roles the universe, for upbsafed to our fathers lutionary struggle, and J 9, their descendants, to erties, independence ates. M of the Federal Union jfrictvil and relrgieus lib- v . sore bnlwark of; American hfust rule America, acid to citizens should be selected t' 'I. ! ! 10 (111 , L 5thJ No person: rhould thitherto the r -Wrl theur I aUad, 3rdJ American .''- : this ena nuve oor in , all Siate, federal and ' municipal ohces Or gavefinm enipioymeni in, preference to natii ral7xd citizens -ijieveitheless,', 4thJ IVrsons Wm of American parents re. abroad, should be entitled Iliiliv'U timrim hit ' 'r id be selected lor po litical statiori (whether of native or foreign gation of any ascription to a ' foreign prince, potentate or power, or "who refuses to e recbg- f'flisc the lpederal and State constitutions (each wiyunpTSj. -spnere as paramount 10 an coiner law. as utes of political action. . -. N-'f' ' 6th.! The unqualified ! recognition and main, tersance of the reserved rights of the several fi-aterttaV iioocI-willS Uetween the citizens of the Several Suites, and to thiseqd, non-intt-rfe "lice uy vwifKss viiiucsLiuii3 a ppci luiiiintf. SOIIV 0 Hi" iiiuiviuuai omit;. , aim , uuii-iuicr Vei:tkMi.tv eacjf otate, with the analrs oi any Rtligiout Liberty Gone We have quietly watched for two or three years' the fierce' fight between the Know Nothings and the Locofo cos on the Roman Catholic question. The former, it is alleged,! nave been, sapping the foundations of the Constitution, destroying re ligious liberty, persecuting the Roman Catho. lies. The Democracy, on the contrary have been, according to their own account, the stern nfliochirtg defenders of religious liberty, wbetherto -Prote'starit olr .' Romanfst Somehow there has been a change, and these two parties, so widely at sue, are coming togetlier. The Democracy of North Caroli. na have only to refer to the, Journal of Com inerce, their ablest champion at the North, and 4o the Washington Uniooi their central orkan the spheech if iSf rilHouse. The Democratic champion took hisjsat near tho House until the aforesaid Hotil began to fall down with crushiag powor upVgthe sladderers of General Jackson. ; Mr. Hou thread from the Louisville Cou rier, a -Buchah)tn: paper, showing how; grossly tht, j6urna.li traduces the honor and the najne and me1iiyof the great statesmao; and soldier. He Qlo.fead from the speech of James TFilliams--rritBly jptiblishedln the I?ash". ville - Union and, .American, in which it was chargsd that Gen. Jj Ckson was guilty offha ed falshoodin Verd to the bargain'ond inr trigue affair;- VVhen , Mr. House concluded his remarks relaUv to these slanders and their sources, the Defnocratic gentlema,ri: who was to reply to Mrli. rdse in htsplace tjnd proclaimed that he cald not and would not act any longer with paaty . who encduruged men an I presses in jfiaducing the character of a. ?lrn.e recognition of the rights of the I'gLivMiorn aud .batunilizeJ.. -citizens "of the yr.-nXStaies, prmanemly. '.-esidiug in any Ternf.v. thereoio fra'tnetheir constitution cni ia, and to regulateUbeir domestic and soci il; uflair: in tlieir own moqe, (subject only to :e ;srovi oris oil the jFederai Constitution, with tlie rihl of admisionj inlQ theUnion wheneye'r .they have the ' requisite population for on Representative in Congress; provided always; that nooe but those whore citizens of the t United States under 'the Constitution antT tficy wi'fi ltthd ail Tthe proofs of Col. Fre mont'ti Romanism copied with avidity from, the Know Nothing papers, and paraded before their own readers inl glaring capitals 1 .Thei self sacrificing love of. religious freedom has vanished. ! The Northern. Romanists haye quit the Democrats tor support "Fremont ; and forthwith these Democratic organs set to work to rouse the protestant- feeling of jbe country against Col. '.Fremont as having once been a Roman C&hoc.Fayettevitfe Observer. -i feme announcement nt?- casioned a great Juftlr arnong the Democrats present and they Toa tsi n impuuc iu.wumwi the nainful embfc Sment thu occasioned." o at the Nortp, tyjTne Ch arlston as follows: ; T-; IC''7'. , and laws thereof, and who.Jiave ,xed deuce! in any such 1 Territory, oughtro. resi. of the principle 'that III IU BUIUil W4)CI ciprtte in :tle iormatton ot the constitiuion, or u'actraeni of laws for said Territory or iJtate, . ''.;;,) j 8th. An enforcement ative-hctrti cilens lo right of suffrage, or fHnldir.g x1itical folRce, unless such persons sWaU'n'aive been nat-uralizeJ according to the . jaws of tho Unttrd. Stal.'.-s. , r 9tl '" A change in the laws of naturalization, cnalki44g a continued residence of tweoty-one years f not Ueiuyfore provided for, an indispensable requisite for citizenship hereaf. -ter, aud excluding all paupers, and persons convicted of crime, from landing upon our shores; but no interference with the vested rights of foreigners. . . 10th. Opposition to i any Union between Church and State: no interference with re ligion faith, or wurshipf and no test oath for office. i "l.. " . . ' ' : -'x '. . ""' : i ' 11th. F.ea and thorotigW Snvcsligatioa io (o any and all alleged -abuses of pu6lic func tionaries, nd a strict economy in public ex penditures. 12th. Tlie maintainance and enforcement of airtaws until suiid laws shall be declared nul nd void by competent judicial authority. j 13th. Oppositioa to the reckless and unwise policv of the present administration in ,the general management ofour national affairs, y as snp.wn in removing designation) and conserva. ! from : office, and . placing foreigners and ultralsts irHrheir places, is shown in a truckling subserviency, to the stronger, and an insolent and cowardly bravado towards the -weaker powers!; as shown in re-openin ;.. PAC!F1CAJTIONOFKANSA. .". " .- r t V. "? ' ! ' -' The-St.' Louis,papers of the 22J alticon. tatri later intelligence from Kansas, by .which kit appears thatthe people of all parties in that territory acknowledge' the authority of the new Governor, and that the armed companies from Missouri are disbandio; and, returning to their ihomes. fe; We ext ract ihefbllo wing items : PROSE THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC ANi ;; ';'.-:; -T:":k'X If' V'-U -.y : ' V:' 1 1 ' .,: x The Steamer , David Tatum arrived here yesterday afternoon IfVom! St. JosephT-She left that port on. Wednesday last. At Kansas she took, on board about 350 cttizens of Mis- suun, wiw lit uueuience 10 me prociamauon oi Gov. Geary, JtuuLa gamzation Qtid h The traiiifro5l City last efiViing brousht down "tcS tfentlemen direct from Kansas. They veWpassehgers on the Ao. bry, and bring thejlatest news. From one of 'them we learn that the whole of Gen. Reid's fp.rce hacj been dishanded, and had returned to their homes. Gov. Geary was at Lecompton with 1,000 United States ; troops, and deter. mined to maintain the peace and execute the laws. Under his order ninety men had been taken prisoners" at: Lawrence. The Sreport of Lane and his band having Med to Nebraska is' coufirmed. i I ' It is very gratifying to hear, these tidings and to. know that' the; violence which has so long, prevailed in Knnsas is at an end. Gov. Geary began right, and ajlike firm purpose to preserve law aud order, arid to punish all offen. ders, will soon make life and property as se cure as in any S.ate in the Union. olina,: at present Courier ' "1 am sorry to see l Southern speakers abu sing and traducing : Qr. Fillmore, as sbme of our Harry Percys,': Sputh of Masons and Dix on's linf, scrupple nt to do. , Fillmore, at the "Nprth, is fighttng bofh his own and Buchanan's oau.ie ii ne oe not eiecieu, ms running win tend to defeat Frenlont and Buchanan were WHATS IN THE WIND ? : Under, the j above caption, the Richmond Whig remarks "t We learn from undoubted Democratic authority, that a meeting of South, era Governors took place at Raleigh, id the State of North) Carolina, on Monday. Gov. Wise left here in the iSouthern 'train. Saturday, evening. Some nine prjlen" Governor, -vre learo.'hariromised I to be present. What' rliithe windT J Are these "Democratic' Govr- norf pipping. -t: -on T H Ilava we:anoil.cr H; fori Conren.lca cn n' r.::ll scale T What rigi.t hive thesa political adventurers these offic..?. loving Loccrjco lo assambie in jheir bflu :! capacity to determine upon the course tne B(( vl; neighbor, vi bot M this Twhole affair. And "what little coy me p Virgiaia has not more real power hU .be ?: And, then, too, notwitbsanding Lerocratip horrdtjcf sectesy, this convention of Son'ern Governors has been gotten up .in i;:-!eii!5lroao4r. 'For what pur- pose.! i : Who HnOW?;t Dpei a solitary Ct izei of Virginia or the South know what theSo roadmen; are ifter 1 K Will they; publish the whole or any part of the proceedings, of this conference 1 j We predict npt. 50ove wait for "Gizzard Foot" to return. WeliaVe have" faith in, the fact that being theipiime mo ver in the gettjng'up of this traitorouSland re. dicuSug little convention of Southern Govern- Mr. F. to withdrawpthe Pathfinder would cer. tainly carry both N)W York and Pennsylya niaV andk of courseruri down" the old Buck,r and to;say the i least, T; it is ' bad policy, as well as ; injustice and ingratitude to a patriot statesman to level; the artilery. and fire of De. mocrUcy. ligainstUr Fillmore in so offensive a way. 1 Ex. GoyV jfloyd, of Virginia, whose very plpasant acquaintance I made, night be fore last, expressed to me tie opinion that Bu. chanan and Fillmor6 ought and would have to unite, and cumbinef in order 1 to t)irow Fre-' mont out of the game. . , . " I . '- i i i J , f -il i ii i, ii . WHERrHENRffioLAY WOULD BE ; Oh the 15tJday of November, 1850,' Hen. ry Clay; delivereda1speTf at Lexipgton, Ken. tucky, uoon th.tagefs fn the political horizon, inicoursef6yhSeh hett aid-a - - 7 rBARS AGO. 'ht fimous' r who" ALL KINDS OF JOB KXECCTXO . WITH MOMmcSS A.tD OFFICE OF TUB AMERICA j jBNNER . ; . If Anecdote.of Henry ulat fo Shortly after the agitation cornoensatiob billj in. Congress, votec in lavor oi,inu diii, upon r : -: to bis constituents, found a fori ; j sitionarrayed againsxJWlre el' 4 1ress!nI.oee from ill? t vid-Kiathe opening of - the- t ul down into ihe.crowd,iwhere ht. .1 and influeatial .Trieu'd -luvMl i In Scot't, oae of the first j:ttlers of IT j of .course io hH )oun: d.y a' man. , This cpctientauu'ppmg Mr. Clay as follas : , -. ' - "iKeiU well, Heory, I've bee. v . nj. i . " . .j . SJX.trouDies , i am .sorry i: iu o.' . vyou in the seventh; . You have Led ft miserab'' cqnenatiun bill 1,) my baciO' 'Is it si friend Scott 1 Is tin. jectionrV- Mr ' : - - , "his." - - . . ;? Vp. must'fTHt nvnr it thn f i old ' 3 oC rJ' - iandLx. Mt v v t i ' ve fj..!y ob You are an old . huntsman V " 1 1 '.ii .Mill. n II i'S,. saia ivir. ocou. , 4You haye-killed many a fat no doubt !" ! ' ' "Yes." ; !! !1 . . 'I believe Vou have a very d Yes, as good a one as ever, e can. f r crjbuck, - i rif.jV': 'acked." "Well, did fyoii ever have a bucl: before' you, when your gun snapped V f'r' "The like of that has happe! c.!r ; 1 TFell, now, friend Scott, di you take that ors, his intolerable vanity will. impel him tp faithful rifle and break it all tq leces on the blab. out most of what was said and done. - We therefore wait.!- 'V''" r uThis:day (Tuesday) three weeks is the day of election, j Let Nationar aud Union. loving men: e rery '. where; vote ; fop''- Millard Fillmore. We shall then' haye no more madmen's con Yentions.'! 1 j -' lyf' '-.-'f ' fn 'connection with the above subject, e find,m the same paper, the following dispatch Irom'-Columiv : : -. ;-. - Governors in Council. , .r .;Columbiai 3 CV Oct.. 13.It is reported here that . the Governors of fifteen Soutlirrn States will meet at Raleigh to.morro'Touctin. sidef what steps" will be necessary; in theievent Fremont is elected. : .-'-'V . . . : i F an s eyes ; i k a very next log'you came to, or Cf .roa pick the Hint anu try it again s . - iiii The tear started into the olji the chord was touched . "No, Harry, I picked J Tll . again ; ana i u try you agnin. V i hand." H li We need Jjurdly say that jpeWrlkin rung with the huzzaing plaudits of t'ieibvstinders. Clay was bdirne otf to the. neither , and "re. v.nd tried her tjire us your r Wh.mdkins. umierio me -waicnmaKers . oi i us country hnve only furnished the cases Ir f watches, tha- J T II . II and more especial "Americans" (by tives in principle, - Si ' v'-"'.' ", . !" machinery bing manufacture 11 y European TI'SJNi?ARP;BM?MMP -AF"' rtiMS bui,n establi3hme li laid, been Before. "We are grat, nndthat - . iT. - p - "."" . jsfgntlemen (appoiirtedT ikejnee, JiSSLk wi,h itTi 'inQyeoby tbe cornj. irn fee, tflachinery olew and ingei o?s construe- ... . . . i 'tSJX uiw vuikrijii . K7I II ir:i3. I J ",V y - y ww.Jki "lf the agitationlir; regard to tne fugitive wich disregards alPmr payly consid- tion, by .which the teeth of thi Vvheels are ac. lave law should continue and incre ase, and erauons in oraer io aeieai fremoni, the sec- ,.uraielv cut and finished at orf-..PnilirinW i ''""'i ' . ' i . . . I hnnjl aK.lilirri nsnilirltilo Vtnrl .. I I if. . 0 oecomiug aiarmingu win ieaa to tne iorma- -"""'"" aio uuuuu . ,nI1(,tp . .up wnrlmon!!:t. .'oiiu: r r . , tt tn holiovo th;t iKov will r t nnii,mr,. otner. loucnes uy tne work meruHCJ trie irthis tion of two new parties ; one for the Union, 10 oeneve that jiney will go to Ualtimore for . j . J t f and thother aLraihit the Union. Present nar. THE sole PUBPOse of uniting on the strong. work sa'd tolbe made tW 'at.hes may Who es ties have been crielied by divisions ofopin- est canpidate;to effect that object. Wl ion as ito the sysfeih of national policy is that candidate ? Beyond all question, Jam ' . v.'-"'"-. r . J D..knn ' S - as to the nnaixe.ifee trade or protection uuv-,,a"l" t ' 1 the improvement of rivers and harbors the Alter. w e are not supprisea at tne result distributon ot t hencoceeds ot nub he Janris. "l uiiiuc a iwi ui inc. vyuuvciuuu.. i ne t ??-;:.. r . i r.u J i . ...-!. I .-I : . It hut these systemsj:$ policy, springing out of SreBl oouyvUI Vie uc,eKul?s wel w-oauimore i wuw;Hci y.uit point hir fat not only ibb made 1o keep ctrnct time, but, what' has hitherto been considife an ii mpoasi. bility, may all be made to kecf)ltle same time. From this the administration ul the Government of the -ruukw umwyu luekiruui nmu io ueieai pete, infpomt ot Union, loose all tffci -interest and importance the common.enemy of the constitution and the keepers withth'e if that Union be dilsulved : thev sink' into ut- Union but !to nominate the Know Nothing ; '! -. a, ' j t - i it would appear itbit American lit before long sica&s fully com. ter insignificance bfore the all-important, 'per vasive and paraiii6dht imprest of the Union itself. And the perform of that Union party will be he UnlonjijOte constitution, ard the en. forcement of itsJIs. And if it should be necessary to formpsih. a party, and it should be accordingly forW?dj I announce myself in mis piace a memproi mat union party, whatever may beUtsfepmponent elements. ng sucpssiuuy com. workmanshb nd as time best European article. 1 I i - candidate, Milard Fillmore. So far as this ij' n L;.;- tu-. i cj. . i j j, i . Hard Countenances. 1 he kcal editor of State is concerned, this is proved by the char. I i "1 acter of Undelegates appointed ; and the most 1,10 neeiing limes oescnoes :i, .ht Der abundant evidence furnished by the action of tween Mtwo h broad backed Mr sh. jworaen, the Convention itself, from first to last." . No comment needed. Let us all laugh ! whose faces, be said were 'hare crack walnuts on." ; enough to A Picture of Disunion from GeneralJacksori's I r arewell Address. "'ill In tiis farewell address to his countrymen, upon retiring from the Presidency, the patriot statesman, and hero of the Hermitage said : "What have tou to gain by disunion and dis section 7 Delude not yourselves with the hope that the breach once made, would be at- I lerwards easily repaired. If the Union is se- ! ,aectilnai agitation,! by the repeal of the Mis- vered the separation will grow wider, and the souri uomprom.se ; asisnuwu. m grumnin w controversies wni.cn are now ueoaiea ana set- nnnaturalized foreigners the right of suffrage .jled in the halls of legislation, will be tried in in ICansas and Nebraska ; as shown in its the field of battle, and settled by the sword, vacillating course On the Kansas and Nebraska Neither should you decieve yourselves with question ; as shown in the removal of Judge the hope, that the first line of separation Broiisonfiom the Collectorship of New York, would be the permanent one. ' upon false and uhttMiabie grounds ; j as shown Local interests would still be found there, and in th: corruptions which pervade some of the unchastened ambition. And if the recolection depai!iiiteut8 ot the! government ; as shown in Gf common dangers, lin which the people of dUgr icin nieritbrjous naval officers - through these United . Stateb have stood side by side prHu jioi or cnpriCe ; as sRoavd in the blun. against the common foe the memory of vic- BLOODY TTDT TIIIADL' $ 111 iJAU 1 LJIKJILU. VVe are pained tajecord the disgraceful pro. ceedings of yesterday. The deeds of blood and rowdyism are withou a parallel in (he his; tory of our ctty, and fully go to show what an AN IRISH EXPEDIENT. "I engaged,' says a traveller, a chaise at Galway, to conduct me some-few miles into the country,! and had not proceeded far, when it pulled up at the foot of a hillJ and the driver coming to the door, opened it. "What are you at, man : this isn't where & uiucicu juU -tu oiupi ma tu j. i North Carolina Bonds. W notice sales I - ... t in New York ;of a small lot at:95 1 2 Faith V and'yonder is the deariiPat-ick, said ; r i i?:L a . : : i ri Lj a son of Erin, on first seeing gine. Oh ! its only a steam tsr, replied his comrade. Th following , is the ot iiec.orah dcring v '. o ' ' .'i 14 "Wished, vour honour, whilst !" eiaculated awful responsibility rests upon those leaders ! paAAv. I nm Unt AvniT ihA KBto If I )f the Democratic arty who have, during the bang the door he'll! think yon'r out, and'll ticket nomjnjed last week atjVV lecl ng laie canvass urgsq upon mem me necesny cut up the hill like adivil." Senatorial Elkc at p. j . J. C. Underwood, ofCIarM C ur. I Friin tail bad en hur,.ln2 wa '' 4 erei liiisnianagen.eni of'oulr foreign rela. h. Therefore, to remedy existing evils, veu !:ve uisasirpus consequences oin. e r?i!iing therefrom, we would build up American pirtv" . upon the 'principles u beiore stated, eschewing 'all sectional and who CitiZfns, (rele ctions,) who tories won by the united valor the prosperity and happiness they have enjoyed ! under the present constitution ; it all these recoiections and proofs Of common interest are? not strong enough to . bind us together as one people, what tie will hold united the jiew divisions of of going to the pblh armed to the teeth. Va rios attemps wereade by the Democrats ear- ly in the day to tae I possession of the polls, and . in some of thepvards th;s was quietly sub mitted to, hut no acKual outbreak occurred until about 12 o'clock, j hen a. couple of collisions look place ' in th J2th ward, between the member ofthe Ney larket'fire company and the American club which resulted in the for. mer being driven kway. In the afternoon the two parties again-diet, and at two points a gen. eral battle took plae i" vrhich revolvers mus kets, carbines and :jll available weapons were K.Aiirtnl Inln iioa 'i-.'. li ; At the LexingtOij market and in that neigh. bo r hood, a desperaefighl took place about 4 - ",i GENERAL HOUSTON. As General Sam Houston went down the Mississippi la sr. week, in a steamer which lan ded at the mouth of Red River en route for Texas, the boat rounded to at. the. wharf a. ' " l '!! J ' '"" I II 1 wempnis, ana a large crowa oi people canee on the war. worn yeteranor his views upon th , present aspect of public affairs. ' He compile and gave them a rousing Fillrrore and Union speech. , ;iivns, srfri cxig upon ihose purely na- ig in'o saui party an. A,nier rre.d o in the 3rd, 4th, and openly livow ihe principles opinions kf'rji'in before expressed, and will subscribes their names to this plat , Provided, lievertheless, that a majority of thise me.nbers pn sent at any meeting of a local council where an applicant applies for .membership in the American party may, for any reason by them deemed sufficient, deny admission to such applicant. . ' 15th. A f ee and open discussion of all pa iiticai princips embraced in our platform. i' ' . ,. .. . v ,i .. '. . . - .- i contemporary describing a dance ;at , village in the neighborhood, said : The gor geous strings of glass beads glistened on, the heaviug bosoms of the village belles, like ru. ties on the, delicate surface off warm apple bonds are broken and The first line of sepa long ; new fragments would be lorn off new leaders spring up and this great and glorious Republic would empire when those tliis Union dissolvejd 1 ralion would not las soon be broken into a multitude of petty States, pr0Dabie lhere a great many more, armed for mutual aggression loaded with were taken off' bi'tneir friends- Do ; OCTMr. Martin, the. Democratic elector, fur this District adressed the people of Perquimans Countv. at Hertford, on Monday last. ; He j w . ' l m moo aTt( t hv fhnVin). Ren . Attnnt o'clock; between tf members of ihe New Mar. for th Slate at large. As soon as kc; lire cumuauy.R JM.we rtiiiericau ciuoa, rai- ., r, Dl M M.i:n k..... . t-i . . . icans were iiiuuc.iwi i wn wu lanni uuu- lying unaer me naies oi n.ip naps ana riug Uglies. -Such waa'the state of affairs that res. idents closed theirs Stores, and no peisons was seen on the streets : axcept those engaged in the confliclSilo this fight two. persons were killed an dtweive wounaea ; u is more who Thos. J. Hewitt,of ' plSTRICTjr IstDist. Jose' 2d Disi. JosepK'Lu,x 3d Dist. John Atkins. ' 4th Dist George Whl ' 5to Dist. D. H. Frav 6 h Dist. J. B. Brow 7th Dist. C D. Gillirfil 8th Dist. George OihDikl Dr. Levi 10th Dikt. Richard BrHmt-j 11th Dist. O. W. Roli 12th Disi. Joseph Barf 13ih Dist. Asa Banmri I Irtr r Pi: W . i ; "The Valve or Oxz Votb.4 Coe vote io the- died tin his papers ana vamosed, tnioking that fT otai. cor,;ttt .noi, tJ U to ?1 T7;., .;.Hc, who fights andruns away, - States. MrHannegan, of 1 Hina.W that ;May live to fight another day. : JQe Que yote in the I nd j 3,' Legislature- Mr. Pool's reply, though courteous, was ..j !r h in hla lis e i 1 th- Svn. withering in the extreme.1. He was contioualy interrupted by i ,,3: Baltimore taxes to pay armies'and leaders seeking aid j patfi0t. aeainst1 each other; from foreign powers in- oiilturt vnfl trnmn ed iurtan hv the nations ot I oui.v.. -r - , r -j " i . a j -:- n n : I ' , i ' ... Europe ;...umill, liarfassed with conflict and "Ihe &enatc ust be crushed. our chased by Dr. O. B. Savage, of Uatesville, IN. . . .it i i. i j: l j i . . Nag's head: was sold at auc the must rapturous applause. E. City Sentinel. ate. ' That vote was cast by of Stanton county. Mr. Ma the Legislature of Indiana The Hotel at Nag's Head ion a few weeks ago, and pur- rjdi; 'li.wr n Marsh humbled and debased in spirit, they would De hngame, in his speech at his reception in q :for $5,000 willing to submit to the dominion oi any mil- Boston, made the ifbllo wine bold avowal: itary adventurer and surrender their liber- uVVhen we shall have elected ir President tv for the sake of fepofCJ , ... , 4.i,, . . , . PnrthP fact niven in the statement below. a we will, who ;? ill be not the President cth Athens (TennV Pos.we are indebted of a. party nor of -"a section, but the tribune to a renauieireiHiewjau wuu wa uicocmuu mc ni me peooie, auaf oiicr wo cmciuiiubicu m i v ..v.. .. .. ..... .. -m - casion referred to r r r ; ! feW more miserale dough faces . from the my, both resided in vvashiogion, ana resem- Mr; House, ot Uarksville, made an Amer. XTj . , . .-.fa c,,. :wo w Mrh other verv much! but the one who! oerienced member of their party to reply to nether mill-stones a our power r ttepuuucan nominee i dumnlkgs. it n Vermont's "John Jones." The fox is tin- earthed almost. The New York Tribune has published' a N pamphlet to show that there are I gine Ll,e r : ! . ... i-Ij .i.: loDinion all 1 Bucks always lose their ber. How will Buchanan d upon the horns of a dilemma cinnali piaiiurm 7, Mrs. Parting! vsnt steam' losen td :e. i is i4 itovem. vha is pJaced JhlhatCin- rtington says the .1 . 1 to pre heat explosions iatJ--ake the en e their water oo"i('c.! In her Upiooo H the 'butUnis doL y cooking the steam on board. . What is the . difference bl spring dish and a man with is Daaea snau anu ins ouici i T'eeq a; popular i,3ac"3l Ona ihar-jrt bad. i i .i . . i " 1 J ; " ; 'L- : rrrrrrniTiag-atirr - HaMlMMMWMMHSMMSJi IS i!