i ': -I- !'. OLLtCTlQH 01 Ti n u I'M T 'ft 1 - ST- (I NO NORTHS m SOUTH, NO EAST, NO' WEST-tOUE WHOLE COUHTEY." - " , 1 : r:. i' .S. L..:- a'MVlLJ1';-! B--B;Bjr ' vilA : ,V J I I M-H ;: : All 'ill . i ' l r -- " - ' I j: - ' j ! I . d I J ! I i II -n ITftTIIIII I ! T"J WAIIIIIII' -rA 1 rm . ITA'TTTTWim f ATM ': IIIIIAT Tl "ff1 I II 1 1 1 I TT H ' 1 - I - "i I I1 L ' ""' ' !' j': ' i iV'. .; ' " I .' "t ' ' r , - ' I.., !" v.- r j. THE TIONEER:- A. K. JONS, Ed. and Pub. Is T ' tlie Kcpublicui party of this State ; TEEMS. . ' " , it h:il t j-o have the authority to nx the time tw icvn.i.E riostm .in be pobiuucd w-kir t the ? for1 tW ipiUiil meetinjr. ot the btate Convcn- ursional l:strict, shall be appointed by-thcj when-he isimpeachetl and goinTiutnbly d'jIE tctfhr "ff1 "" ,M r.ifytttfrvTrrm "Tjf"Ui5'Tiiv)i;j an armed crisis' (3, OCTOBER !P?oai ttieewTork Tribune. 18 G I aCirs. lit hal rop. 1 (Ml .10 BATES OF AD VERTISING, &c. i. '- brhtiitt.MMltTT'i4tIitra'-hul.iuei,tii.-ition. i . "or niHynriB.r a rm!i'iM loi a rt:taT uacr, '- ; tiiin. ai t oil said KUito Convention torvth- er at e 1 " 1 uict iime- as mc goexj 01 me par ty mn iiairer. " ;. . . j : ',2. 'i lihree nombt-rs of said Cbipinittce; residci 1 i each CongreF.sioiuil district, shall cod.suil-4: Executive Coiuioittec or t!cir .s oo ' respeot t i districts, and shall liave superv ision j.i 'wwkiioiM-wiiiiiir.ittw -i.a h ai shirt n, in- as otthe;'- intw uie ian in iucir , uisirn-is, VrcorT,"Ii ? Zli'f limrn- i , v ' I ! and th.ir lvrer to call district Conventions. ! Tb a MMt lu.-rftJ y arf-;iranv nil unVrx. either for ' . . . . . , , i ' : NWflMiM traali-l:2 ; )' t tV p.ihi fr 2. HvotT. wlKT.Cf f n their OpilliCRl tllU IJOOd OI the JKI' ,Hih xtop. , ty fhal f J . .t 1 . aT ft 4tv -a w HEPTJBLICAH PLATFOBM. point C ty Executive Committee!? of five or more ir?" cr's ii each -'County of the St:iie, f . 2if'f(tOtt tT'ftltff'l lf the r, , . '"""?' (l '"""""" isubonV-iit'to'th e" Slate Committee, lo not X ' . 7- iiavin!r nscmi!ri in Kale!"! n: of March. IPC7, vi rt:if(;rmitv with and patriotu-i t.ie , .th , . t ! SL'rv e a tmu'Iv : ..." . . call, ret.tvtuiir tne sentiment! of ( J t . If uie iai r.ieii o: iMe r.aie, ana i-:trv iiit; iuc i, j time is at hand when an rt;e:j nr. I Iv:'ii"ts ev- T- j f prcssion ci sentiments, opnuoti, asi.i pur"U '., v-, . ! caQ Con I i County Executive Committee, rtl a ha. Countv Committees sliau ' . M nrjri'"t ly Ie:nam!e.I : therefore, . 1 t fpiitiri; -a i:tio, irrel.iti ns toth'.'.-.itio;:-, j i j MOovcniliiMit nt.l ;!jc xKp!e f all sts-titnsof j jp Xo.f ' the r'iiitry, we'd this d:y with n;. 1 s54,?i"-ot.iOJnP I ; faction mif-irl tff hi illiaut ::'-! jrlorlous bjih-.Li.L, hllF j ..nor of riiK Uki'l an i'a? tv. 'in I erini - :?v ; t)r!cr . L4 3ipp;a! t. vt'K ?ra- :-.i 1 p.vti ": r.:: i:i:ln hi t!v j .'....j J l i j .late to r.i.r t irs s;!pjMi! t. ,: j j,S i .:. VI " : Th-v 1..1 m by - j thiivut jh'j :u-d Mi-ii.h,:!.:.. '''HvtViotiieJI le year, or until they, shall "be su-vnevsn-ti,1 selectel bvr 4Couutv !. The County Committee shail f-H-rvisioii oi the atrairs or the Ke? rtytin jlii-ir rc.sjective CouaticsJ fHI;,l ' jre-Inct ' Committees, ' and .Convention, whenever H tjiwr rwJuf the Thirty ti!iU require,", j ; bv the "i-::-r u -'"Vt-nriu nf with .i'i i:i:U'.i'!e reSrmioii, iii :.tri isi;r forivanl . j!vf':.'i- ineasili'es tf s.;!- !,i::i:Jiii' to 3 :.v :ssful is sue, and the iiwerf;;l a't-i jriw'-i !v it in f in!- lvi overtlirowln r - rl prostrA i:."T niiKrof thy lfe:v;b!iian'partv.hall Hindivlate for any -office, until he .ority, -a:rl all Kci)iiblicans are re- ipport liiMiiiiialions when so made, lit-.:. i desiring anwftjce may become fo- t'i" n"!i;ination, but not for Bm.-Ii u:.til ,1m shall ; bo regularly i WS learn, npon ffood authorityi that there are ten! thousand m6n in Maryland called' piK itia, arined and 'imder the' command jof rebel offiwrH ; Not lon? before 'Mr.' Stanton w'aa suspended a requisition came from the jroy-j ernor of Maryland to the War Department for batteries, which' the Secretary refused. ; For what purpose is such a body of men so armed and fio-'officereftl! We dd not mention thlst excite a foolish alarm, bat an alarm which, i hot foolish. II. may be an untrnej story, f but; it is not in the least improbable tbat the Pres ident intends s tne actioi hostile to Congress process anl results pf impmchment. It may Ik? in pursuance pf a,' plan to'issue an afunesty iuid to assemble a new Congress. Hie." wild hess pf the plan hndits-futility do' not malcc it iniirobable. 'If the President knqv the'feel4 mg or trie cpnntrj' ne imgm, j)iuse. . , nxxi ne does not know It. Heian not know" it. " -lie U snrrounded and let! by" ineli whb misrepre sent it,: and to.treneral Grant, the trud friend t !rr iiOTJllP.Ut Tiominat:t :s 5'or Cityl low ru' r iVecmct onicersby City, iVU O.' i'HL VilUri VO.IVIX.II'.UIS, Cllata fvr oHm shall be; placed m. -ifkis : Iiih;i:.ii r"hls. a I )!. nsti .j if h. Ivrvn I. of the jnti ioti-.' p-j.e ; .w.nrrantcil in r. rdi.t".ly a tntr the reeiis:r:;."l;.ti j'l.ui r we i;i!:ic" I:.-.! ui:ri. ii l ;ee ; tii: 1 m ti lially adopisl Jy l:rit tf, , a?i l tin that p ace and -''h r m:r in-; ru ::n.-ntlvj .-' curt-d and everv 'ia l iJii -I oui- jIt r.-sai-.t-d of the 'country In ."'the Cabinet, ho 'does not lis- 1 til. : .. . u ' . . , . 7 - . . .- T. Tlie'jtjnic arc grave.' nK"o Min ishofdj de fci!o iimsif r. deride,? with the Newport Tribune, the immiuence'of J trouble.'- To be fyreai'med acrtiltist danrer Ave must be "fore-1 M'aniod. We need not, indeed, imaging ' that we are already Mexicanized : but we ought certainly to reflect that in a revolutionary .? pe-j i io i, u uen me uouutry sun iremines wuii aui war, anil eaceful order is i not yet,restorel, a i desperate, ignoraiit, and obstmatei Chief. 31ag- wonld not pafs hetore a dozen j.armies, jeacn istrate may plunge us into) very, senqus diffi- headed by a &lf -proclaimed Dictatihr,1 would culty. ILispcr?$ IVuJctyl " j H marching ijtpon the eapjtal. i ! ButjMr. John-; ij "t : . i , 1 son's' example! .arouses no armed opposition; 1 Grape Growing and Wine Making. ! j There is "at present a very proper and laud aiJe spirit manifested throughout the country I ' irtii" the subject of grape growing and wine ma- ' ivi ovenurowin r i prir.--u.-r in-. i .. Cig:mtic rclKH t J ! atv.-teiit. r ai.:i-r!i iuf !:, r n .VK-iir-s f.- n'Constitntioiial ' Con - I .ii L i . i .,- .1 . i. i r 7r - -. , Kiiis; anu, as-.a siiuiuius lo acceieraie iiiis sr;r .1 i ..t. ...... i; ? t. . ' -'"t . , ;r t - - : n among our ieopie, numerous suicemeurs are i the adiniratma or ev . -. c:u..li I i t.a. : i ? .! t 0"V.-r In- Ctiuntv Convention t 1 1- i t .t" ' f- i Tl , . ,. ...i...- 11,1 ' 1 -1 -- i V A i being published, showing the enonnous pro- Ji':?"ircr. I Iiut t::tj -t -.n-::t ..e l ,. I ,.rH S'-,r Senate- bv Conreu- i i i'1 i . - - .i . 4.t ,. r r ..... : j , T -l--f r- 1 ' v '!llt yi "J litsansmst therefrom; anl also urging it ipo;i .i , ; : . r -. ' .ll ';,sonitr 11 i l oiutji.i . lutijwis. tjitJ ovvucl.s ot land, and farmers irenerallv. to i ... ,r .,.,;,..,,.. .A.-r , ri- .or '"'IV. r4w . 'j-.f?1 OU) g extensively into the business, as a sure in- ... "1 r. 1. t! V,,..Jt.--. ii.u ""iiuu, '"iM J"; i-rrrwnrYf L . . innnpv nrwl nhnr mif nrliifh tii If i niir, aul ft:cr Stile oiiicers by a -Skate Con- yoturn'larirer prolits than the cultivation i of VitHi.l. v - ! V , t ; . 1 5ftnv ollinr roti' I TFhnt this f nil trno thevrt w- ' ...... - - j eneat kail -the ; pouueal excitement, tne dangers wliich we fear, and the bvils. "whichj wf know there is profound element of. per maoent security upon whlTithe country rests ThePresiJe'nt1s threat.'j shake tlie srirface, but thef "depths lajre imdi.-ituIjed,; The "lawful mjbihod of reoonstruction is .met by proclama tions intended to restore plans repeatedly ; re piidiatcd by tfie couiitry; gpkl rises to 144 -Sheridan, aqd Sickles ar!e rcmoyedf andj'thes act is nnswered by the ndignatiori hi the peo ple... Jut no; panic follows; no doubt of the result is. felt. Our bonSds arti-not dlpreeiated, and in Europe th j deniand- jfor tljiem ' Is a steady" as $je.;deui.iiid or b :eaust tiffs. ' ;Thi farmer pauses' hi the furrow 1o. he:tr-of new HpresVlentiil usurpations, and ! thf 4 i'lays his. liand asrairitb the Md'w.i- The mills!; and fac- tofies'do not pause; everywhere .jp. theliam of industry : new railroads I are inroiedtetL1 com-. merce ebos ancLnows with t;uj tides the crops, aregarneredand the fields tijled aievir. (The busi Leditfci MMJityjau a ti'pttlites of the United States are to-day in (i norc jl.angerous state thitn those of any .' other I natjn in the world. , If any South American I State, or eveif hi France, the exexecutiye. oflicer should dare-to do what Andrew Johnsori -.lias.r don and the elements of disorder : shonld be as s ... ; i - ii.; V: garnerea,1 &na the neias tijiea anew. - t xne iness of tjhe country ii aff edited ly ! its poj ;al dangeiK; but the- iniuryf is slight in eorh- arioiV. " vilie blow is heftvy; Jbut; itffalls lights yi-'.-Xi I ifponU poae" iV.ld, sjrehity of he f-eoT:mTe WCUt3itn: is threnteiv strong and active as they are here, Iwq weckis lirTL'ristram; lere,sord, who died on the 16th of June, .701, presents but little more for notfce himself than that ljie was orie df fthe aiicestors of thewell-known British, family of that Bam? ; but,' through his, wife," ve are in truced tip opbrpf ;thd vno$i:. strajige ghost stories that has . been recorded, with strong annearanbe ' of ! authenthatvi V- This "lady was ieducated kvithjjohn secondlliarl of r Tyrone; and when! young they both disbelieved the doctrine f a future state, ZXq order to jhave the fact established in the mind of the survi vor, they bgreed, that if possi ble,. the one that died first' should return to' inform the other. LOn the 14th ofj October, 1SC3, the earl died, and two or three days aiterwaras juaay rieres ford .was l'ed by her liusband. o appear at breakfalstj very pallid and jcare wom in ap pearance, arid kith a Tilrfck a-ibljon tied round her wrist. lie Inqmered the cause of this, but she declined tcj give any explanafioii's, merely , inquiring nixiusly ;for th.inail, arid saying she expected to hear of the j death of the i -i-.-f h - , - i :' f- - ; " v. " - on. -! ; - '. p .,; ..;! ' . ( . . . ; i Sir Tristrpmj made light q;her I feai-3r anc! urged the impossibilit y 6f her I faoolwling." an'yr imiig oi iiKi 'KUitt oeioreiianu. onp . repnet-i eiac.aieye earl had 1 i 1 1 - t number t 4 ti f 4 om;iin of ;h Vi ions f l publi-'. tt-- i SViie aiul District Convent .itti!e l Vo members in the House II-. Legislature, and all ; Colli ablican party shall be open ail'l lll.' ll .1 - f I, 1. I .. ... - ...... . i , - every hirmU lyiti.n:ir..- i..e.:n t. i'.iifn.v.' kxAT $ EXECUTIVE COJDinTEE I public st-ntintMt to the i:c:u-;t p- i -l-I :ip-' I ; proaeb t r.n ti.hnljv this s i ;. -j j ' ..VnTr-r ' t r; ' ... I t ium i.jsi Kicrr. , ri-!,t .f !:- - ''"4iN'r rtl ountjvPQSt omce Whichi www;.7,. ...'? .r tl,:. c....:"Hiii.-i. I:- fi-.ii: f bams J'i i ; '. reason fn.v..r ,v,.r:.r...vn bv the mTWic vlluj S 'II i WV,.of Put,, post.ojScvi j,U f tl... V.,,,-:., ,o.;!H.'in .r..,!ri!i,,- ; U-isWt fl I Mrt, t onnty, , v . t hoed of .i.t-.!i: . i.v '..r.'.. .d ,r:il - n.i tW h!,.. T-X: fc, l'sisti-wtaak, post ofhce.LIiz,' .lr.lr;-... tl. ll... s::.n.:.i:i:-v .f the " n-d Klf' v-lty I , . r , - ; . h?tmorei govennmnt has !i.h -i. .r.-.M;iu- i. n:d tMt.'vJ ? ,f 111 K Vx J' f- V V ii parru,iou..t aJh-iruM-e ,d ih.M-iiici. has ttn n liM IL 7 I1 ",iUnr' Craven, post .ofllceu mt irii ai- i t'r. i aiv i i ii i' i tii". -ii:"": 4 t rtm 4.: J:tl"4 t That we : :: rdvri!' vi ... . "r w -1 ". ' a Nation .k r -cornv. a.id tint the m . .;L- 'ft' yne,lKt ome (lds- li"i-.i.ir. i.-.-r icr v. . in s? n t t -Ml rv ? v -j 1 . : : . , ail ll linger Jslii:-es im :i ihi Un.V AVitlat revrvatio't we . 'Lvil k'.irhV- a s ;...,e5 irov.;j. Tii:f;r pistkkt. f Eob-.'.svn, ost ofliqe Eumber-j - - A liow.no cause to doubt. But there are thous K'mds of farmers ' iyho, from their isolated loca tions, remoteness; from a ready market, and. fvaut.oi racilities jtor transportation, are una ble to avail themselves of it J or go into the' business uon a sdale that would be) necessary"- to success. 1 hey V are .thusj unable; ' to grow; grapes' and 'make wines as articles of comj pierce; and, therefore, after reading these" glowing . accounts ; . of the success -of others trom their authenticity ' thev have no to doubt, they lavl them aside as inap-.. ibleto themselves, aul; take no further the matter in anotl mportant. tu iis put the matter of groiving grapes and ma king wine upon a different footing, land, ursrif ! kifkin fiTi v t.inir iiv tfif luixl tl urnni-iufir rf .Hi. 1.: r:.x L" 1. : . 1. "i 111.iA.11ii; h nit; lor A;uiiiiy.n.si, iiivii can uu uone independent of rauroad facilities,, and irrespec--tive of location, and witluiut intejiering in' any ' way with other ' fanning operations. ; jWhat farmer, but wouM relish his good glass jof wine at dinner, ' or who would experience ! greater prcasur-e tJi.i w in ottering to a half a milliontofl soldiers have melted into the population, but mo power but that of the Gov ernment can ijiake them soldiers again. jThijS absolute peace is; not thtr result of indifference or ignorance, the people knowjthe langersqf the country: but also krow how tltby arct be met.' j j '":; j : ';- -. ' '; 'S; r That Mr. "John son oji oses their5 -will 1 and ?eeks to overthrow thl'if principle the peo ple perfectly lindorstad,; and ti'.ey, feel all thie eIs tli at hicourse produce? ; but j-hey have learned thattKeir principles are; indestructible,1 aii(l that their will is -irresistible. fThey avio calm 'Lecnusthev are strong. I They never dream of resorting to aniarbitrary'xercise of f'ower, because they; knopt that b constltit idual and peaceful nieth.'ds. everything fan be accomplished, r Gen.; ,G-mt has recently leen praisctl, f pr. l.iis .moderation in nof ma king himself Dictator, but doubtlejss jno pnje knows better than he that-that' is te pne .utj attainably office in our ' Republic. '--'j Ii exists leyeitheless sh&Jvgti atisfieid fthat . the tad ft Jed ohlhpi Tuesdajt previous fat.4 o'clock! ' Ajletjter wasr shortly (afterwards re-' ceived,"aaiiounicin tltbtjas a fact ; andon'Sir Tristram'si expres:smg surprise at - the extra ordinary o!ec u 17011 ce, j Lady leresf ord inform ed him thltl'sliie had learned liii the same man ner that she Svpuni before-lojig ; -pfestnt him with rt son This, too; was verified, f j Contia uinsr td wear the black ribbon-round her wrist; her husband died without bciing infdrined of the reason ! She married aain, stiil; keeking the secret, land on bet .forty-ieventh birthday," wnicn snej nought nGr.iortyjeignin, i ciergy ra'an came';j) congratulate lier iln thej error in that respect, which ho . had ' dlsjcbvered ; whereupon Fhej declared that if jdlia't jya-. h'r forty-seeniy. jbirthvlay,'. she J liad , butf a j fejw hours to liyaud.f orthwith proceeded to! set tle her affairs, f To. a female friend -fshevthen bnan isone wh nevtar jixftrays tune, w ith i lie same imnertaroablv CO nli i v 7 , T r & . & only in the visions of a-'lnnatiej. We j all un derstand that any usurpation of ;Iip jjPresident, anv conspiracy, can- be subdued; bvf the civil bt . . It 1A . . I 1 . .K . ..... I - I M- r military powers lolged in tlie Government vf the Constitution.; We have pulldown the Uryarid, rhaps to themj Rebellion, andican deal w; 1U remits, t he Um ,.ft'.nt?fl Utrht Tf- People have earned their faith, In themselves, f h-r.dvin crM,wf,..1 m.M and. never had ?a bvtter rili.t tolbeleve 411 the strength of the 'Republic. , -Democracy has isit V..f. ..-.:..-, 7:r... .t i.r... -v ii:i- 1 flf 1 " - umocriani.posi 1'tnt tnend a ffbs0t his own malceinsecfta incarion. r.'.Vriwi hr-.r-ti.u-i ; ;. 7i'A M Vi" 7 A W If lercoarse. , .In rfTTer.t) secure this, he has only ,r, rmd t!...t we :.u- rv: dv v, vAiw hi th- tiu-W , W-"' "f l, fit o&eo. LAiz j to plant frbm fiM htm.lred vines, which pnrtir.1 atl::.ifsu-t.t i.f theM- n.-tttab!e nriv-" ft'tatowi;,,; . ?;. r.; r ' .-tUvdl in a : short timeafiord him -the above luxul A'thou di the mortal r. mns ,f, I, , tMoi:nVV'7nt''Z' ." ;-j rV; . They wilUake up but a smalLspace ; and ABii., I..v. v ihw rest si. i:t!v b.-:: :it!:, V ', V ''4 "?"V,MUlu: uf alter lecommg pnee established, will tb ..f terhriT.. d .-t-.te. va tiisViiee :iii ;. l:;nt!lJ IV-:,J,W blu ' :- . M littlepf his attention.. From this i;t.. : ,-:.rio ?!.r..;. di ti,e bud. "earnest- V1. Ub" ,l u rrt'a.' I10?1 ",oc;i 'f vines he will be enabled to make At Iv rniiii..ni.-.g every Aier:-n:i eitiA-n t)'"t'le . '. Hjn - , . J j - Jjqmmtity "of winetoiserve his own J family . .... !.., 1 " : . j ...1 i : amvs.ii i ,4.e, nwi uwtf . .n-u-irw lou-par at least .-.- l lie iiiimitne-tnre or ' "if ftesi for cent u- Kniaiifpatton. cfiicient inc.r.is ilvre ain h- 1 i" Tiiat as the : by whh'h iiie pX'OjM'T !. V, Vlst S ;! . e orate the ; r::tiiir o! riiVivi :., catiiUa:.i il? thI inn. an l t.'i.u i- i n- ii- infnt m this great n-l, we ilt-man-I ,.".nd s'kiM j j rfrsi -leiitJy I firi:d i;idt .u-tl.e :ibs' lu e 'rinht of f.iviis.-h-:"'! ati i trie sj , ch or il subiei ts '4r public ii.i-rest. j : . C. J:e. 'J-t . Tu i! v. jd::i ii an'e:in;ji- . rrt!l for the tt :dutfi:inee ti:;t:iriii-!)ed and in:-, dimmed of the . public credit ai.d pigUtd J faith pf"th natin. " ' f. y Th-ft :n thv :. . ur.it : , .f the l;.diiMi tukt n . i the j-rtrnMph-s f . ' y -c:.t iaiidi I jviljlin. It !L,V II !iis;-i::t- i'!io::i.:s Fettle, of Rockmirham. . P-t-t Wi.twort4:,! . require number uifficientj a :ne !.:is so si nil de that anv farrtier s wife can miikd f. i i it who knows howito make a' barrel of - saner4 p""1-" kraut, or boil' a kettle of : apple-butter ; all he been tested, and needs nd (other nes. It has been prosperous 111 a peace of vp years, and has triumphed over its greatest danger -the War of brothers ngjunst brotner. Our victory v gained by tcrrlblelsacnhces;;- it is used with Vnexainpled moderation ; , ;we believe thatundat no other form ot . govern iave been five huii-- tout resul- i.i '. na-s to ao is 10 mrnisn fur wi n -xne;- rooaisue tv " iT ' .t . s,lanI, (with the aid ot her , . , ' W , ' d.,,-s r.i, f Davidsin, -post 1 nnmber of barrel 1 - : ' i 1 ! it family wash-tubs' (and a 'hand' to i nick the . j W 1 v ird. I I i . 'grapes and do the heavy work, she! will get ! MX u n:.-Ti:KT. - : 1 1 Idni in ji wine thhti :ni pnienre wonlil smack- V. R. 4 s, ofpl-cklenbarg, postj ouicoj h'.s mouth over, and that he himself wfll relish riotte. I - - 1 ! t i - t i ' I I U ilU Ili. J.K. Vll.ilir t ;,f I " ." l L XT at l Uli ( Cuvm i:.v.s, of Wibces, post o.ncO ! 1, done "at .a Chatrt.111 Mar-'enii. Let everv ! ' l farmer, then, and all others who have a small laws, Oi irtviu, post 1 Outcui Vii.ie-nf oroutiil. fiaiit. nsninnv vines or some - I . " - ' I " . ' J ' - V i I (approved kind for wine or-table use," as they lean find time to attend to, 'an 1 make (their own of- , Kt-I.-iri -li"f!i lliv; i:m iln little rr tSn I Mi !."i!kesbor-ru w. j. :vi :?tesvillc. J 3 i 17 m. A.jfJ. Jon-.-s, "f IJunconibe, p' I 1 h 'ft: - - J ... i . I ., lVowetl, wee:!Hr-;!v invitr- the i!t:';:t-1 ;.t:i! ' V VV'lt . ' , , ' ' . i,pense, and a very ijinail cost of labor or losspt ivWinof i.ic:d:,!!H.hthr;l:..-r;. - I I-H) 8. o, i;;it.ierf.rato:i, pot oS:oe;jtime. V J, G, 3Iask. f I whoregird and cordially MSport t!i-. rvvvi: ff.1" I artion f Congress ns a s duli :i .T -ar prt- f 'Uvent j. t-nt jlitit-:d iii!i-i!t'. ; th-t u t .u;ri-c;t;' i-ice an. i i-suv ea-e ;;ii-l tt . partiz:in i ( rverwtr'.ihif -.:....,. .1,.. .... ...!.. ti. iih:1 ti: ...... est i.derrsf i to !:'il it will toward rdl ku-ii ; :!! fearless Cot, whic'ivv -t-i:i. -t -. 1 t:." ii-:.ii"- truest .der s i to : .is v ot 1 lllL'llle liniK'I'inS '. Mil' :n ' T. 'and r' t ri.:e, in ii.id. and :-jiX niri.tAil:- vvtvL- a: ihi rhat-lr ol Rutherford. p;t of?'cM;i - ritvtiru:! la Foraann?dL . "tt vtpi.U:,o of 'the last six years! should ' e-txagl.t s t!i d even in the I'nite'd Statcs;ja ;e is u if;;;lv ngaiiiot civil trouble. Ar. !i.g iiHriHluctiou to it a. - s . 11. 11 .1.. t t-arnest ii.t-:y-t sh-j.--.U-V it s"j e. fv iia.L M-t .- t.ie very "motnent o the ac- Ihs fnmi noulh'-. eau Ciri 1 V". '". l a-lh.-arrV' oI"'7 co:is:derel -nnjiossihle. i lh fw:iat we re-:.tt na snrol rig!it an i i ' ?.luu? 'V'"1 vvlwur yunu, ajd r'nn lilinP'" rti-tv- ! 5 i-. v.vri'iuiMi..-j 1 1 1 .-t .... . ; f i v j:m ovi r kiiti ii i .vever lomi ino vnroai 01 vi-i .,r ti . . '-iS n"-'., , . , 'i-ec v kii i pass as an uiie woru. j uiu ijf Vwl:V "t , i. t.-.S UP L'-.. :T o IiK..?:r.iern niaaness was .noi ,:tion: ' . V V . i . t. -el. hiplaimst delarations ve:e re- )n- . - l -i . vvm tMiiiit .it .11;. . a iiv - - w T. ! . . rr Tr",; r" . , , ,; ! , ;.4liarati' sV. ert-l r.UMvn or unminded. ; e, tl'c .-.t-t -j.r.v;-tj,r- t.u- t:y:-i u saitl t .tlOT Seward would rise i I --4 ' - - " - r- - III. I.LIIHV SLl 11 I.'in lill.UT M7 IMP IHOI. TOIINI vmtioti. iu the Cite .-f R.i'eigli, on the 5t!i .lay , , . ...1. " u'J i t,f S rtemVr, is;..f;r t!V; purp.e ; ... er; ,,K-Hr-:',tJ1.r.U et behind " bin k and f.i-tl!.c.an.t streni.-thei.in:r u. r.o . vt . , ut hit ttmub an CnW tb,..h"of ttt the Keptiylie.l" pany; 1:: use .-i ue, :m i 1:1 " ; ,.,,1 r Th tTi.uuiu - -.. j..j, Vou ri.er.d his btx to; Ids ilLgnd j-tvid"-:in I l-en tuatrrir the I m.. UO - . .4 T, . . .... , , . ;l i Vrt ' . i T . .m ' . . Win ..eW rk,.who still could not see anv ';Wrr.. riiat the Kes.'iUiccn party i::;.,, tl..,. Ai.t .-.t.. ; x . . 1 v . - "1 tM''-i -' 1 cV'i-'ic-i 11 ieeef3 uufc i;tii,y iiict- Vorth Carolina hc!Vv" ra 1 the prmcmh-s i-f!i 1 r ) M - , . t. 1 ,,- ,rK. It wj-li or.une tliey ldaved in tiie capiat .Mi':ii.-i:ile.l 1:1 1":.' . -.vi vtr.t t .: d true lieunbli- . J y a I 17 , 1 1 I : -.v.- ;i - b "a isupiKise-i mai mey woui.i vow ;j s-ans which aembio-i m t:? city on the .th " , Js,:on a n- lint-, aft')Au.t:nTl nnit J-..Aflat in-h nm ,,i..s Jv.,..,i.i.t -nlolt .7 . . T 7 . . r 1 t tV - - - - - .. . liivii noiKxi - vf'iuKi he so sound and earnest a and sustain the pnncipVs of the Kepubjican j r L . n - , o..,,,, n. . a la.-. ,rty:Otiie luiioi i.ucs. , . f ri.Iul f roni Ge-ia, Senator Toombs. It is It,5, 7 n i.lN"i ' ,VOI1-v acO' f jvok olf comfortable Titslcei, Tliat the le!.ulnuMn yartv of ...Ii m f . , te J i.; . i- .1 ' -' . r .-t ' p'v'l'CopiHunj Rut one dayt the wolf. cameJ IWh f Carolina on the su.ijtvt of nhseation - ,s it j, rt.turn'to tbat ba8tJ h:..l al other mat ers apr ammg to-Kcvon- .-f.Jccepti n l,f six and ei-ht rears ag ? fJ rct.on, will faith if .1 to, and ab,le it J motv fJ,Hsh to -- lhat th VrcJ bv theRcustruction plan and measures-of 1 L Vui t - . . ' yl?V,, . - ' . " . ! . " " l"irii,sl Rolu ir if I pan thaw it urfli tn KJ J"I t. a. i-J. ! wouui tate arms entndni3tJiiIIii 1 7. 7. Tiiat this t'onytntioa of the Re- , ; V .1 - r . . .1 Mieve uiai . e secessionists tq.lelHU.l ; e.uv v - ... . , . - . ;s flt 1.. the LTiiiti.! Dulles .vrnue, nni iH iioHun ldmir-ilion Ins Hist and Uiihnichii! alliums- ', . - , . . . -,, - - 7rwi jfiminiiio.i ' J . . -t ... . . - dobmjo winch history will consign linn. Ilq . . ,.r in tl.. t!i Alilit-irv: Distrii' - .i- r - .. .- irauoii oi - . " . . Nirmmt n.-ws nn.-it... nn.l li.vi.Isf ron-f i . - . . thii rrh. -Iv express ineir graiiunie iow:t-is . ,r I 1 1 .1 - 1 1 J Tuiis j iT i 7-,.!...:. 1; ... t'lrroundetl bv the worst demagogues-by thi all-mt nohber, siu tlu-ir empnatie disap- T t . - . o . iiiDi.ii is" , i .1 1 rii-ujudo Jeremiah Rlack, and Uien 111 rThol'ombv, the District hy i.h 'tl,.u He is the cpnstituUonal Comnnder, be res.tfullv requited td or-1 i'f l: Srn e ee ion in tii State "at L . early (day, ! J ,ho w .interpret- the Con, V:, - 1... ..1.. k n.,M!.lhi.r i!. ' ""ti-m -After a long ai.l exasperatetl strug- 91 nil 1 I.ZaL HIT aL?LV v . , . r I - T Iv f V Jv.n.iitnti.Mial Convention as soon thereafter H L,' ' r' ' 1 w u,wa: sJTloV ....... . , i- f 1 ne inu imtii so iioiiiia nv the laws . as to as may ie c-ou, .... powerIe--, 11 not to have acquiesced in the YrTbat the Republican party; of j inltM e, hJaj assumei?t.lfc SKwi? Xorth Camh,.: ple.Ige ?urstlvcs to the spec-, lhe fun uwtiflibIo pubIio. clinion 02 dy construction of the Central K;ulroad A estf coimtrVt nu;irrels, under 1dlite phrases' 11... t.,. n ' -Facts Abot the Presidenta Of the first seven Presidents of the United States, four werejfrom Virginia,, two of the same name from jUassachusi'tts, and one irom rfennesiee. All but one were sixtyfsix .years Id on leaving oftjee, having served two terms. and one of these J who-' served but (one .tend ouhl have been si xtv-six v tars of aire at the nutlOll ! ..,,.1 ;,f -...fl,.-,,. . tDwcc rf thh kf'Vnit Ait(l I oil 4th of July, and two of them were o"n jibe sub-committee of f.Iiree that drafted ..the Dec- aration of Independence; and tnese two died. the same day anu year, on the anniversary le Declaration of lndependc-Tice, and just a century from tlie day of the Deciar".-. The names of three of the seven ,end m Vet none of tlui-m transmitted his name to l .v) .'2 : I lTilt.li-! fit lCk riomao r Itrrt nf tliOTil fir fllO .fiOInn tlin initinla Tirn ntlirtf ; , w-a - a a v imuv. y nV 1.111. (.U1? 91 V W V j arq same; and these! -of (still two others the same. The remaiuincijcme, who stands alone-in this particular, stands also alone in t he love and i e 1 ' ..11.- i'lr' aumirauoi.ioi ins countryineii anu me civiu '4c world, Washington :"- iOf the fiSt; fivej' onlvone had a son, and that son us nlsr President., seitjher of the J?residents who hal sons were elected for a second term, j The Host 3autnal Hand. - -; j I recollect that once there was a dispute be- reen xnree -laaies, wuicn naa trie most oeau- tifiil hand. .One sat by a stream and dipped lier hand into the water, and held it up ; an-, other plucked strawberries until the ends of her fingers were pink ; , and the third . gather ed violtjts till her hands were fragrant. An bid liaggard woman, i passing.- liy, asked : "Who will give me a gift, for I ani poor ?" All three denied her, but another who sat near, unwash ed in the stream,: unstained, and unadorned with flowers, gave her a little gift and satisfied the poor womanj k Andhen she asked i.thera Tit tea unnDelUI'e "Tier their beautduTTiiinds. ''Reautiful, indeed,' said she, when' she jsaw them j, but when thcy asked her -which was the most beautiful, she said, "It is nof thej hand thai Was washed clean in the brook ; it is not the hand that i tipped -with" red; it is not the haijil garlanded v.ith fragrant flowers; but it Is the liaiSd. that gives to the poor vhich is the fnosr"beautiful hand." As she said these vords. her ' wrinkles fled, her staff was thrown awav and she stood before them an . r , ' . - ! -. 1 .t ' . . I ; 1 .ciue ment could tour mtiiiims or stares libatedJTfe; ttjtwMj Q if red thousand ci wt 5" "-Tncd tins: in a desptsm.dr an .(oligarchy, fThe quiet and-canfider.fe of ; the people j-is the. best j mot ot t.'io security or tlie country. It. may suit sonje men tq predict ((panic and linancial ruiii. jnit there isi no fear that the fu ture will be wj)fse( than tlie past, md every reason to believe tntt iii -ridding oilf selves ( of- Slavery we haye established the Republic up on foundations whi-ih nothing but the slpVj charges of centuriesjean, af fect. I j The peoj)l(ei will -proceed to ultimate ! Victory tJirougli iws or Lontrress win be teivil or military.; dis--: obeys them, lie wnl be jkutiisiied. Ay e have only to continue to be find and ( mdeiatc- tp obtain the full triumph of Our principles and the defeat of every maif or nieasurfe that op poses them. ; ' - U; !-!- . " y. I ( ': r- v Easiness Sules for Young Men. ? . Tlie world estimates mebi by , their-. success in life, and ly gtneral co lsent peruanent suc cess is received f.s eyidereju1 of superiority.;' j ( ( Never,T imder any ;ircartistances j assume - a responsibility .vou- can aviid consistently with 'related thelfollbwing stoiyVr. ;f;j; -';; ( -:-'-.' '--C ; (During the hight prccedingljlio iniident at breakfast, abQVe referretl to, fehd wbke suddeiii ly and fourid t tie .Earl of Tyrone standing '"by her bt-dsidejl She screameel, (and one eavored, but in ,vainjt?wake her hisbi(h On her asking the (part why he Avas theej: h( (replied that hehadldhjd 011 the previeius.; Tuesday ; that he-hadjj cohie to assure her ;fpf; the' exist euc'qof another wbrld anllK tl tell j lier. she would bearja sn .to Sir Tristram, would near ly a second; time, and have; other children, and would illieiin ' the fortyjsei'iith fyear; of her age, (Doubting the actiiauty of what passed, shejhsked h?m fqr ( proof tha it was not a drea'ui' oi illusion. 'i lie, inoved ias-hand and the curfaius raised as by1 rnagic jibjit this did not sarif fyher ; he penciled ( his fiame in her pocket-took ; still slie; doubted if! Then asking her to jjut out Tver band, he laid his fin ger, as coldns(ee, upon her Ayrist, . whith was immediate! j iihpressed with (a black mark le- neath whicli the flesh seemed shrunk after which he a lished. ; V -r "j - " SI ie rmno . e4 the( ribbon, sliOAred the j mark, and .p'restvivy expired i:ithea,rms of her friend. The ribbon ; ind the pocket:bbol yith the eajTs name in i ; - a "era. both s: id to be in existence at 'the begin ling of the r&set century. f : It is to lb i obsejeyfed thati ghost stories hi which thej'disc-blor.ation.and phtiyelling of the skn of the 1 land iroiniheouch bf fqdrits are :ht ::re:?j elanchihoiiv J?i?hard Cner'-Drr Henry Modre, jIrs. Grant, and; p.thers, ! relate them; The circumstance of cdiicealing 'the mark, as LklvlBeresford is said (to have donet appears- to be peculiar; to her ciise.- o-f his wife, fny one 'who lias niade tin stud; of Mi Dumas heroes must be fannlui' wit! this idea of InebMulaWe&crenxtyt'yih I bl sbm what remarkably, is sol seldom to'beiQtnd a tuaily embodied in ;a( living Frenehnjuji . tM Duhiai has, succeeded in evolving (ditt ;fcf tM ttlcpthsbf hisl moral eonscioujines q fes', r.npossiouines 01 iuevinos, lome 1 vtinsu and JUorcerl type, nil acrreemg m ma s on . .f 1. ..iJ .-.Al.AItfn, J.Mei ine practice ot lusnmg. is neia y timver sal disreputet It is most unquestl bly la especialry disagreeable; .'operation. ' t "Wieczm and coughing are really not piore it limtaiy , and yet no! particular- tigma ever a fches jit self tor. either .of , these aets.;? A man j t co'Tgh witl'io'ut niaiking himself in (.the lea tjuacoin fortable or Htliculods'by so doing, ij attracl ting to-himself an'y undue share of ne unfai roi-able notice of those about him"; ltong,kr course, as he is riot .creating nix ii j fortune disfurbanej at a concert or irratin!: C e-oer susceptible nerves of his fellow-woii viliiers in the; congregation.'' But blushing,'e ij- "iuder the most favorable cirCumStancts hust 'bv. painful tp at least onfiii'91'son..t . Ev mere lootier-on it is a numupung and though, it must bcs adiiiitted th ist neonle sufiicientlv malicious to prospect of their neighbor iliscomj ire, the general feeling is oneiof 1 compassioi For- th sufferer, flattered with a- slight dast bf,icoji tempt for liisi (weakness Fr the a! ipf .-p life pdiir.'ition js to iIhvpIod an imn;M ii-Jtv- of the North American' fnruantype i onb'ined with .i ceKa li'cst-if oh inoxpressiyet s of faf ture. I he, idea ot ?the- pertecuy f ll-bred !-.... :t."J lacent tr r m nevi- er appears; stlirised at-any event,! hweVet unexpected. U Tlie ; typical . Freuehi ak -and th& chaructqiLs nioro or less a roroi i oncepf tion may be lexoected to rise to. tin! Occasion by turning ofl'.a neat epigram which Hi probf ably secure f()(r'him a lasting reputltihn. fot l ph'dpsophy, ridiculously! chenjp at thtf wlst of a few paltry thousand ot traiiqs or thellekerUoB Itp.th k;tacle here ex ior the 18. ' - York Home JonmaJ J . ! ;JTJiOG2 50T SEE ; i BtJAllTH. BOl-EH. We ppolt"vf om wVueod tilai ( - And died Th ehanitC-a poorOu jaf ' -) VhoN toyed with guilfund dallied ttin'rSwcrt, And fell at List v.. . ' . . . ' ; A'- . - r '-U-v'' One who, in sunny summers crope. had leen All warmth and love, with amhor hair. And starry eyes and rosy lips andjfonn , Too snintly fair. Her eqtl vi&9 f ulLot poisyrnZloVA A t Befiufy had left a sweet Impress upon ner; i4)UftvW'.n9KniS wtna lMpllfUHBUaaiT.-tjii.j i A summer wonlesii ta&Ited W U im smile rand welt-feigneu indifference, ciirtrsctfristip Ol s'.ierhur.)alij coomsii do his iinagiiiative'.po'.viers infinite eiid ped ally when we considermnjder whitj Iisadj Vj!tatis ha tniisfc havenviitten- throJc.-lr lict of pfol-cr mqdels. ;"H J; j , ,)j; ' -j ' tl ' lseliel(l ; Tlie" disfavbr with "which blushiner about which A'fuuntaiii, iQlltnl lior Jnto dreaqi; She lored rich od.'xrs'and the languid Jav ,: .Of bhiulowy streams.- ' f . blie Invod deep Bilence all alone to lie Under the. shadowy starlit trees. On pomo green gartlen bloie,iicr Bofidm bar ,( Tn'ii. t 1 . 1 "iih trJavrtlTwM In hor fflotty, llx' jiluiir.ning a nwlaucboly tuna? v 1 - ' Mi. hfijy toward. V: Her while anus mitstretclicd longi The rishis nioon. ; - ' : .. - t ' I.-- A tempter came, Jle lcmptcdT;afii ebe heard. I'rujlng at hrst, fielding at lastJ t f j . And they who buried hor heuped darkle: ctwds On an Outcast . ' .' f I -". ; '' . ' i .i ' '- -" Ydt, gracioiis heavi ri ! 'tis not fort s t j Juilge , ijioai .her folly or her guilt. J ' J '. .".;'' -f The foirtt flower bared ,tp;a lnni'tg sun '. Will droop and. wilt. ' I f '. t '. Uqw many through the glowing fiji -n xrc heat ' Of pulsion p:i and un?ratlicd stnrd? ' Shewing was lost may now hi nitc(kly pltnned - : ' At Gf)p's right liand "; ;;': ( j j.' Ij. j'.i, ..i.''.. WHEEE THE LAUGH COWS IN." ( . v.-".........,... i""C"'."" A CAUKEK OI crime must Coii it ic al? '. When is rajiidlv producing ifcji ( effect -.in; the. disease. ' Tlie demand haying isrid iaiter. i ,ip j the4 production begins to .fall lierson !of eit tier' sex thinks it! at. all! hi to Exhibit the delicate pink suftiisipnlDf lloo bnthusiasts,; suyh . 4 ipfofk and and 1811!- U'hind escnt soeni jjotu per- C V x.v V" im.'wi. painters, rave so' absurdly. t is natmiil looks modest ; but what 01 tnat : r.-r pose to have left all that sort of, thin J i n t ha' h ursery . '.- (Young (hi eh jj ' of-; the J Not AiVaid, (A hsvat wflicer being' &t sea in From tlie Ilaoiiltpn (Ontario) v.l .j in - I - : r. .jLj.--..i ureal jiLeteor. Captain turner,; of the scaoPner Algermer i sWm. ITis wife was sitting in the cabfci Hvit who arrived in the cityfthis uiorning, reports h- i-'.i niiii With' alarm fort the'Uaf etr I of hour ojj- dl o - vessel: was so snrpnsed Ikt" Msr&r uity Li other vbur dutv to vourself and others. words, "mind yburown business.' ( Base all your actioifs upon a principle of justice, preserve your integrity (of character and in doing this icvc-rr -Qkon oh c(pst ' . ( Remember thatiself-ini:erest is ntore Iikxdv to warp your judgnieHt fjlian all other jcircum stances combined, 'theref pre look well to ypur duty when your nterest is concerned; Never attempt to' make money at the ex-( pense oi your repusaxion av dc pearance, ha deck, and w Times, Augf23. day, if,! indeed, tjiore exists siich a claii lo acquire, dv a process i oi uumtniai tioii, unknown tp their ja fliers, all thof ence and gptomh of long-continued tjjuain tance; with, society, .fu fact, every boy Leiievejs hiih.self,it a premature age, a compl(AA man or the world. l ie possesses mir.-icnioup cfgars; ji t-pfrfstnlia :in iht:il Kile -ritJo in i tnel of choice wines ; frequents a tailor wh hnw-td drpsafhim ih the most fasriion. ments. It would be ridiculous m hml t si ulatcf anv false ('modesty iThe incdngfiilv of his nretensiorts with the Unobtrusive I 4tiare whicjithtj ; abstird ' prejudice of (.-hist nior would ha-we mm assume is too mojitr si au-i "TuT ttTscarus. toeTbr Tatlhc('"tnis. practice ot bmslmicr. with'all the oyief 4fgrar- ding badges of a st ate of nnpi.hge. , jon the hple,1 yejry "ohbyoung people c.1ipc t bp reckoned 'among the successes of modemtnes. Ln jt rial lie. cu'eirj, having witnessed at abjHit the di eiock on'- Wednesday Lnighta splendid phnpfnenon iin thej descent-.' of aii numei.e naeteor into riaKe Ontario struck tlie water ; not more tluuih Ired vards from his vess'eLr iThe states that a -few moment previous to trrijfic . and . (.0ini,owli-e that she (ciied out had comb up from ! . . . , " - .i -; . r - ' ii las stancini'j: on the mam i which captain the ap his cnbki on it ad- ; Be neither lavish nor iniserlv j df the twolh:0 1 fel Utoa,?7 1'fle,. void the latter! A meaiijmah is" nniverstUhl'Mpuon, .Wyer, was;ibrief,.;Snt cspised, but public f avoir is a'steppin- stbne 1 nitteil fPf blinding anits e encrons; ice. link muc(h and do" i'f. bal- to ref erment ; thtefoi' should be cultivated.' " ; Premise butr little; t more. "- 1" . !'. J - ( Let your expenses be such as to leave n ance in your pocket Ready money is aivyays a friend m neetl. . -; " ( Keep clear of law suits, for even .f you gain your; base, you are generally a losei. j ' i Avoid borrdwing and teiiding. I i :-..' ! . I -Liquor drinking, smokiag cigars! and chip wl iug tobacco are btttfrf l jptK, 4lfy impair the mind and pocket, ai Jf.Vll.to awate of time. They tend to let t j."!- but; .neierj to lift one up, in the. regards, of the! virtuous' and good.-; i- '. 1 J -- r i Never relate your misfortunes m a a I i and nwer grieve OA:er what you cannot p: vent. - - -"- !. r,i;' - - .'"- .. itch. The vessel was on the starboard tack,f sailing slni-.o-finely-with a' 'Ibdit south west Sbreezf.J for; Port lJ;flhous:e,: aijtl about twelvfe; miles off the Niaknriliglit-house bearnig S.iS. W. Pjesently. tils j attention. jVas httracteil by ..a sudden Ulu(uiiuation'".ff rtm the (northwest which ahnblst Instantly iric::cised tp- a dazzling brilliancy. On turning,' be beheld U . large hotly , of fitq iiij the heavens,1 ivldch seeWd to be (approaching at a descent (pf about 'thirty de grfces, andl growing rapidly jlarger jas i ( came nearer, the) observation of tiriie-beihg s(o ( brier as hardly id admit of computhtion in seconds. The, momentary impression (of ; Captatn Tur ner :-.was thisCti certain andr fconite ttiestruc- i ion awaited his vessel j. rini .all on. .boanl, as the rernfic nii$sii.c seemed to be directed to strike th5 vessel broadside.!, Tlie .timet for rer and-thh light eltect- taat- the 1'Mf cleiir. are you not afraid ? Iloftv'js J- -t : . ... 1 . .. .1 .1, I .1 i. possioie vou yau oe, so tu mt suifi u i- .-r-Ai;. o- ' - . P' . ; .if s- il . -i ':' rui sxorm t .. .-t . .-... -ii.f -j-.;. -. t Tie rose from his tehairU' dshedit Ih th deck!. lrew his isword, and pointing it i j thfe e; "I knoJ eneol coming drained by the lijis. o7nf ! lip, but I more (sliiS after the vrnv plain" girl has oirc cpnfolation. If she is.not a prettv Toung lad v., -i. I i i r ' jiveSi pe a jreiiy oia oue a halter.; , WAkv is.an infant liken- cnnliil it eaftsits mp. Evkiiy bird 1'Ieases us witl jjs tiy'f fcpec' i:ulv the hen. ; Tu Kiin's many a slip twixt e - . ;i to a halt pr cup And the cup' iinjt been she willif h , , . ; ,- - j A pitPAXT said,' to' au old-' fjirtm Sir ajfool." "Your mother cpu lie be reply. , "I, cannot was the i. a (tedfiil " i to j othrp j ( - Alwaw BesutifuL ( At a festival party of old and 'young, the question was asked. Which reason ot lile is most happy? After being .freelyj discussed 'f -'As Ciptiin.Turnet. describes htssen by the-guests, it was ref erred fpr answer to the Nation, his faculties'for the' moment wire 'al host, upon whom was the burden of fourscore years. .He "asked if they had noticed (a grove of trees before the ( dwell! ngy anil (said "When the spring conaeaTah d in the soft air t.bfi hnda irp hmntitifrrtTi" th trnpa and' tbv are coveredvith blossomsjl think IloV beau- liii 1 1 1 T r " 1 1 'Y. i . n - 1 1 '.' jwIv:v mail at the .wheel and another ol the crew on deck fell prostrate, and remained, ..fol-sOm'e time complet"ly (stupified iy ith terror! , Th 'Csintain Kimsdl.-a's hexstate.s. remained trans-; -..l iTfl KLiii"' th fii-y-roil v enter tli wfiter mc00 yards (ahejad of1iis ( vescl (about two points to the ( witdwardi.VA Ipudj explo sion attended the contact ( with he water, whiclv was iharp and deafOnnig,- equal to thunderbolt ctosel at hiindj and a( laplre fol- unte of steam land spray ascended into the air,. which was noticed tor some, moments alter? ward.f In the'eonfusion pf the iiiotnen; Capt. Turner wasi unable to comprehend I v hit had occurred, and (the crew . Were inclined lieve tliat the (phenomenon was ain ex of lisihtniiiii, the sky beinij perfectly less at the time. The Captain estimaa well as he wlis alife'to iadife fromthd time for obieryation afforded that the me teor was a, bddy of about twenty feet inj diam eter. - i Aiongltraifof flames! othe nibst in tense briltiancy was noticed as it jstruek 1'the ' - . -y til.? rv ;u.f.l; t to be- losion cloud- vi a a n brief 1.. An E ri-.:; ofuxaxk-vtiox AII'l ICLE 1. angel from heaven, with authority to il the question in dispute, ::--'.--.! ' -- Prince Salm balm has .been sentenced fto seyen years imprisonment by Juarez.' Santa Anna is to' be tried by courtmartial. y - -a-. j "i ' .. ' : probably inieach him. Has he done iall this . Tlie opinion now generally prevailing in re- with (Jeneral Grant, and knows that within 3 ninety da-s Congress will assemble and wilt to andsin't-in I think, How beautiful lsTsummer-! When autnmn loads them WUhjgiilileri fruit, arid their gorgeous tint of Trostj I think, How beautitnl is autumn KAt when jit ;is sere winter, and there is ptvther foliiigej nor fruit, then I look up, arid through; the branches, as I could "never until nbw, stars shine through."! j -j -S .'" leafless compressed inf the senseof si;rht, so overwhel-? he believe-! 7rir hoiv the steam issuing from the a escape-pipe of a sxeamer, wnicn acrenaea iqejueieor previous . . ' -r : '. . - . - .- : il! - - any: of breafet jof lis wif Ci exclaimed: , ; "Are yoa afraid J" . '(-14 -, - She immediately answered ' "Nop. .i',-. , :' i- ; '.: "Why said dhfc officer. - "iJoeausc," reioi-ned the wi sword is in the hands of: mv -husband, irk Moves, nie too Well to hurt me.?'- "Then said he. "I know in whom l b l,i"f TT it-liA, l.ATda lUnwifndu in IJ J 1 .ill VI lilUV AX ll Jiv ,iiUO -.' f-fa-- -"f -i 'and the watefs in the hollow ff his hrtiai lUy faUier. J-,v:..:, ;:--. ;: K I A Kiss for(a Elow- I J I once lived in Bostob, savs-Ir. A jr&lij -and w-orieTofThe city, School commit f. 4- 0ne'lli4y IvisJted one of the primary :slIi4oli Tliere were about liftv children in it,btfeh Ethik i4 istis by a nitrht boiit. Direct ly a rriah "poke' to . a. I - . . . A Ncwtory of Artemui TTard, ' In Spots, Arc ust SkveiLal, 1 807. 1 , rW -...-. -. . . . t . l ihis letter was wnireii on me packs oi en- vclopes in various pi lot-lnnises. j 1-make fit a rule tH have ho method except tlia rule when. Mattel ever Ij go avtjing. Did ypu jcver "hear of Ihovyr;nheiate Arteinus, Ward's t5xperimmt fn- trav bit 'o'A'rf-H cling without method'? " lie left 'New Yor.k in hitn. s.ivincr, "Goin West Air rf' ISrtid Artemus, "I suiiposie so.r Tlicti said the man, "As I'm" from tL,e WesJ1, we'lH driftkA. ' rr I : .' V...J-fi('. "-.V"' "Do yoinlrlnlc brandy, askcl toe' man'. tit ...:....'.-: wi .i .. r. : ,. i cuppose so. ,muiu v nancy, "Where in the'ilevil be ypu the inan . . . ' I I u ell Fm going anywhere for i . month.----',. .1 ust as other people lead me ; 11 whir purpose till I'm sick. - A worse than bagixage. d'ni Igoiiijr all I know." - : t . . 1 The man said he was H with gjing?" sai.1 deatli. He had never lone , an)nbiog a-pur e ; traveled purjiose. is on : Uat's 1 1 the, man till J::-'', pose. "So," he said, biippiiso "wo go to my a.t'4. f .'..irtnirr nrwl ti-ir o liaril fit ta-Arn, They plifVetl poker till day!ig!it,l when 31.-,' Brown was verv tiirht. He had( lWtl fmir or "five. hundrel do'larsli- A second riijm joined mem ai vioany. , - qo you i wo ocj traveling by t llince, as you may say, Welt, j I'm 5 with' yoii to the death." Tliey got ot the boat and , a back driver said :' "Where d vou 'want to go, srentlemen?" "Anv where J (io 6n!" Ho ' drdve to a bar room; with jimich I alacrity.- There they made sogreat LaoI-ho tli.-itj the pro prietor c riei h i4 Where be voirgoiuLr ncn? -"IWt care' "Then, WmitK Thry met a t is Wt four arid eight years'pldU 1 " Children," said,I f havp mVr-sltion tiiJftSk' tO-daV Tl il 1 1 Please tell usy' said a little boy 1 " wti -.-,.-rt-iMi- nV-flS-oAiiiinfr aturrl it1 Cwff( VT) ( I am glad," said I, ' you ha ve ask'el f . V !: T ! ...11. U..x.i.kA..l JiJlA "ouesuon; xor j. ioe uuk; to-vou iiutuii oji j-nd show you now to settle an dimciupes wlthoat fighting." ( S j l: , j .?.';..; I If I Wnt .on" 'and trled'tolsnow t-neth.wllilW -preempt meant,! and ho wj to apply it anqjrry it biitJr - I-Was trvinsr. to ithiifik of somttlfnftp make it plain.to tlie children, when tll' j fol- . t . : r l ' . 'I tl !'- lowuig mciaeni, occurreu; . j . i (A boy about seven- and his sister aboit "vje veaVs" old, sat near me. (Jeorge doubted up his '.As .1 was 1 tal'.ciig, fist, and stnufc;liis it rt"f. feVers tHe ":'ii irit-ing binls4iTe1airainong thefbian(es, t WedriesaW6rlir.,''-He'' assures us tliat his. nervous svsteiA did pot reebve-r frpm the savage( maxim, as (mosfj : children are,: teacher looked very; kindly . at . her a GeOrre.' and said asrain, .. . ' , levies- he was sensible to a terrificj whiz- f ? "My dear 3fary." you had better kiss hoWlhigJnoise similar to that ; mailed -byi brother. (( ae hpwi angry arid unhappy P looks". "! CMu'.-: - r dSJ dMnry loked at her brpthetaJIfit-laa;P ment was gone and love for "lier -'.brotherj re turned to her hea,rt. blie threw boili her arrnjs about his heeik "and "(kissed hinv ! Tlid l!oqr sister On the head, asinnkjnd and'.cruel ers often do. -She was angry in a mc win and raised msr hand to strike hnn pack .Orf-.Tirttr" 4!0is tnil cnil -i ' " ' :' ai-llCt Ca4.,,T lV-a, '.IIIU VJ rj 3lary, you had bettdj; kiss your brotief ? Mry dropped her, hand, and lookeit at the. teacher as if she did,not fullyi nnderl her. I j She had r evet been taught.: to ((it tiffi mirui -ti-it t.x-ii rho tnrt lomi, ir hit mt tim stnlch her, she of course must strike him I ap- She had always been taught to act oril tP j tvolXcc-iutfri on the sidewaik'J "Where ureyoa Ipoimd?"-' , "Anywhere !" - VThen I, 'sposo the stat lou-honse will -suit.- parley jJSrown was pulled up before the Jild'geneit day ; . ho gravely gave the name ofGeritt Smithy and .Gerritt y;as fined for drunkenness. ; " Where now?" crie.1 the three purposeless ones.";Tliey s.v.V'.a sign "lTtica train, '4 und ihey went to I'tia. There a stage driver. Ii died tleihf "Vhere 'be you going?" ("Ahywhi re! So theV starb'd for Trenton Falls!; Tic third day of ItnTrmr there thev bok a i tony fidedin' into. ther wihiemcssi permitting the iriags to Select! their own, route. 1 Suddenly the oHginal man j produced a pistol. f i - .t L i I "Hand out ! your money IM La cried Sry sternly to lirown. j j ( ( Brpwii complied with the Cencv. ' -'-'' t ' ' '' " We brought you out here ta rob you V 8aiu the socond mnn. . '' ' ! " -M,' ,- .':.' ,. im ii, DUl'l uiun U jwu IV lli4.'ll l 1UU- lers ! We weie to travel without a method, . and vou'vehad a method all tho( time. don't care a nonpareil whether youjulioot 19. or not; but I wonfc have 'tlie trayclino:' on- 1 tract broken. , i 'i -' ' j"; . v. '( -v ' '..,. i ' . 'We said," cried the first man cold-blood irilBt compiai edh , "that weM follow, you : to ,he death.-- 1 Jpu're uji'to the pint now jmrty Chse.n ( ' ; J ' "I object to nothing," siiid Brown; I said' I ' would travel anywhere. . Yon skunked. met put up your irons '..wo'll spend all this money . together, any way."'' j i-' ., 'J . rV j. N', ': The two thieves Laughed. "You're , cool I-( ' experienced for many hours afterward, ihor-lr see l!x"eciif ive Committee to consist of to? the sake of bing imjenched ' Jlas he gard todhe cotton crop of tlie- Sonthis, j that -'done it wit'i the uiti-ntioii ol plaenhy yK-lding; it will reach ;i,000,ooo bales. treutyoneiiiemlvcrs,' tliree front each . CVm-j i The Republicart (Michigan) State Conven tion niet, and organized by electing Edward Raymore, President, iwho made an appropri ate speech pn taking ,1110 chair. . Resolutions, were unanimously, adopted! complimentary to Stanton and Sheridan nndayoririg the.im peachment of the Prtsidenti" The Conven tion nominated thefoSowing ticktt : . Lucius t surcinld for Govcf nort; Jscretaryij of State, Thomas 'A. Allen : JTreasnrer. IWm.lE. riiiili : 1 . 7 t a.' - . . . . ii - t j .Attorney i.Teneray vot- 1 ' R. frill: Ge.veeat Okn's. reprimand of the ppsf-com- ni nn.l o 11 f 1 a r I iV A - s f-nnr.'!. A uitiuuam vi vaiiiuuii, iji o..ut.t.iuitT3iii liic destruction pf anewspaier office; by-flf nited States soldiersi, will be .iinive'rsally apphiudc-d. One' reason" wHV Gen. Sheridan' wrts sd'-nthn- siasticall-; supported by the loyal Nortli was pecausewnen ne naa to aeai wnn omciai cor ruption or anyfsort or misconduct he knew no difiference between, a Rebel and a lipuijaican We are delighited to find General prtl j iris the same Itniitrhtfprward course. conddct of ourj troops at Camden appears to have beenbutraireous; anuwe Jiope thatt out rages of all sorts will be promj.tly punished, whether comma tte i .by the blue or the, gray 2. 1 : ft r r. . But he only cried the harder. No 'WohdW 'J'truikJ " - it was enough to maie- any ootiy ry. f-r T--v-r:n Old AIav. X to blubberinfr urchin : -Wiiat's the matter sonny? what 'do you Whnt? dLdTTLE BoV got the belle 1 4 re- tii 0 boy was wholly unprepared for such a kind turn for his blow, lie could hot endufe onerous affection of his sister.'f .It broVe heart. ani he burst, out crvintr. . J nei ireinl:e4 sister tpokitlie cprne'r pf her apron.;ani kipHl awny.his tears, and sought to yonuort Jiim, by savinfri withl'mdst eil'learincr sweetm-s and ri-enerons affeetidh. i :' ; 11 -.i ' 4 -i - " Don't erv. Geonre': Vou did toot hurt me much. ! ! .'ii - ' .'" Li. enough !" thev said ; "what aro fx( by name t.t liiwinV.c 1 "I'm Artemus Ward ! f 'V .5 "Did vou write, ithc visit to the Shakers?". "Yes'" 1 ' - , l 1 I . u'1 -V 1 . V ' I- ,j. ' . . f f . . 1 ' - .';;"Well, Bill, put up your ;gun! J thought this was Artemus.!' We'll spend his money, iristcad of his blood." j ' -!.; f ." i But Charles Brown crrcw mcthobciil on the homeward route, and steered for I New -York , alone.- G. A. Toiownl; iJor. -r)' . ( , ' Scripture Well-'Applicji.M.-i v i I'.is,sated th .t Bishop Doan.i6f New Jr-; sey ,wik opposed to total absfinanoe.i On nno pccnsi'in Rev.Mr. Perkins of the lame denom inatioii, and a mefnbtr of tlie Suris of Tem- . perance," dined with the Bishop who, .pouriiig out a glass of wino, (iesirt.the rqrerend gun tleman to drink with him, (whereupon he re- plied: '-.'!'":. . V'-; : .H,,-J,' , . Can t do it. Bishop : 'Wine k a mVknrr " "Take a glW of brandy, then',"- said the dis tiriguislied eccli'siastic. ; " , . j ('.'.,' . ; rl can'tdo it, Bish6p'j 'Strong drink U.riu i'i V if A- j 1 lir this time the Bishop" becoming ''restn-o' ' arid lixcded, said to Mr., Perkins : . 1 1 ". ! . 1 - ' j --;;--!r--'- "..J'l-l V (pettishly :) Let me.'roric.'. I a ', that's what T want. f j " You'll pass the deeaVifcrtd man next to you. - ; I "No, Bishop. I can't do him. that put tetli the bottle fJ'P- v(. ,-!; ; I-'. '.: J that gentle- 1. l-.rtf-' fiat ; . I Woo (unto to hisiieighljHir ! A ,1 v -- ll V 'Ji: 1