TV. 1 . . . A: ! : . . 7". i i i I -vto-.!-.?. : ! - f r ' : - "t-M. t - ;; ;! : f J - . . - f , I i h;'- 't -j: i fi "it" . V i ; I I 7 v'i I ! ! - l 1 'I' vv. THE PIONEER. A. H. JONES, Ed. and Pub. u,OTT, wcautt. am, rouncAi. ap bsmoiov. M RALLY ; AEOUKD THE ITAQ IU 'f woen'Ui'PTT TT.flYl'TiTlTS. i It turns out thai the figures and sweeping statements- telegraphed; by the .Associated Press Agents are sheer fabrications, J It is r ii ivt thn ormosition I have nOW COIMW": I ". -1 r , , -.j I,- i tho States- and the csuii in that State (Pennsylvania) remains in, THE ASH E;Y I L L E ! . it, (art f ASHEVILLE, N. Oi r, -Hi.... nrUcarlv all in sympathy with i res v"' . - - th Copperheads,' ana aoumicss uuu.j sensation disputes will tarn out as did the report that Louisiana nou-u .u"n ,. vfim rt.naa no. , ; rru ,. inllWte that the; 'Republicans i.tK- three i out of four nave carntru, j j i . . mnch eas was eipenaca , but is useless and would, bo unfair to dis euise tbe fact that the Republican party has f ' At 'this, no one who understands Ue nature of the questions at issue, is in the . aoA i .The auestibn of universal least iM ; and impartial suffrage, where so much prop erty interest is Involved; the attempt a revo lution in the liquor lawsand other Wj of enUrely local natures, have contributed ,to lUC " MEEOTQ to THE EEPUBLIOAN STATE COM- critU TmW the most important part of the proceedings of the . late Republican State n;, --i;..i. .nnvonpVl in iRalekrh on VyVUlllill.tW, T -.wr '! a j ihe fifth instant.'! . . . v i . ; til;. :!-' i f, On i motion, the Chairman ap pointed a corrrmttteconsisting ot 3iessis. Howell and llarriss, to Wait ;pn Daniel li. Goodloelisq., ana respecnuu v ih4ucv" r i . o.f aa ft m pinner bt , PIONEER JOB OFTICEr ; - j " . - -T V 1- - I i TT have just Qrdcred trom iew -Urge and etcgant supply of material with hich to execute jobs. Let us Lave, four ordersand you wUl find us cheap, neat and ; fqrfc1c with onr work. 1 vinffiT nT r Tn the absence of the editor, a 'communica : ' to the Swrannanoa Conserva- UUll vw..ww ... tive meeting wi sent to this office for publi- T, viinnmnication was properly re- wuuin ;- - - . fused publication but, through misapprehen sion, unintentional reflections were cast upon the conduct of Messrs! Jessk Clap.k, Lot Trr- MAX,Sln,riN Pii GEXT.and perhaps oiuerirH tnn'J rki.:l,n -etttiHl acrainst impartial suffrage; two hundred thousand vote in the State-were cast in tavor oi iu , x . whatVill be thfinal result. That impartial suffrage wUl fiaaUy becomUhe law in aU the States, fs as certain as that the! mornuigjaun disperses the dew. p's 1'. L'.H Hie Republican party is tone oi progr, . ' , ' mal principles of. equal justice- and when it occasionally recedes ; one step it is certain to rebound and advamie two. it' was his Durpo5e,to act as a member pt siL.L:n Zi I flm nrninittn Ter- tne oiaxe oiimiiiicc. ; iuv. n 'i formed this duty, and reporteti tnax uir. ww loe informed them : that be declined j to act. Wliereupon, on moUon,yr. ruugenu t .l f rir-o .n-lHr. tens linaiumouslv oi me cuuuii u . :. chosen to fill the vacancy thus occasioned ,in the fourth District.' M J ' ' . ; The following resolutions, oirerea uy Ad orable A.; IL Jones, were considered, discus- , . i .. i t.A . i sed ana unammouMj JMiup- : , power is vested in and' derived from the peo ple only, r That this great ttruh was fully recognized andsuhscribed to by the late Ue publicari State Convention; and that it was. not the purpose of that body to dictate to;the Republicans of the; State by the plan of or ganization which was recommended, or to ue said plahito the detriment or injury of -any -r .i. T,,ii;r.oTi imrtA-of the State. DOniUIl iuitik""" i j . , i ETtt Kew- p I O -E ER,. ' STATE KEWS, PEESONAI, rh tnt d valuation of real 'estate at 41.191.000 -At, Jntpri-stlnw relierius revival is mfpio- A.v?nTtnn,"T. f5 tmder the nlinis- . . et-- Ta TAti: tprial ausmces oi iiey rfnu& is.'a A Masonic Life Insurance Company is be -i i. " -i 1: 8 ' . ' - ins orcranizea in jjw uei. .. r , - '- Ttr. T)rmiis. of Kortli Carolina, : jmcl ! editor of the Watcfanqn, is preaching mixed Protestant congregation m jn city.". . V; " ' The case.of Bryant, for murder,: has (been continual till the next .term of .tho Superior Court for Wake County. I : Tl -1- I nAmiflwiiTi of this State. Was accident tally kuocked overboard from a sloop, in: or r 1 1! t v n Qo.,.niovl vst J and ura wfted. TAI IT IIM I I II II III! klkAfc.UA V V 1 I Rev. Br. TVm MOliLJ ITEIIS.! n ttis laidthat'evervthfcg is ready f orJJaylsfa Uial in Kdvember3 ) : " ,;VpM''i:;!ilr lately t o a; ew aTork bCrWiarferefused with the Peace Commissioners. f j .Jj . . j rocovcrinff froii , Mini i niiiiuuua uvv w . a his recent severe indisposition. , IIon.11. pardoned. payments jn several accduU. -Tlie ibtic, okihg afthc statement, and the! nation crAlitors anyw nere, win nouce w unij viu TTfWloro."for more -th ' Republican. tvJ .. mjillr informed that these gen- :.i J. nArVitTistamlin!r the many induce- VKIUV j UVl WWM " ' ' The Knoxvine TTA?, of the ninth instant, ' , .. i :i r-., nf flrtvirnor. BnOWX- puoiisnes iue uiau5u.. v.- f tlio most excellent ad vJ K h:ind We have: ever, read Uirscta i .i heard. It is brief, but lull oi wisaou but pregnant with logic and argument, j J ne tr eVvc their organization, nincsi wuipuuuv " x - ... . that it is eminently characteristic - J-n- nnr limited fiDlCe al a. itUWCCII, .HMk l : . sable to:thc success of Republican princ ip?, and thai the organizaUon of the Repubhcjni . t. c.-. -ne Via mnintainpil. ' ! party oruusowic iuiw -i r ,7 m.n n ' Jnpln linr honest V. i;i;tv should be the test ior office among Republicans ; .that nny other test . ..' u i nnA i oTiti.Tfpnnhlicsm lllMtS character ; and that we will not encourage : : -.o rtnrl nt rMitaiilftted orjin- any curv3viia w v.. , mr iortion of? our people asaiiMt another, on account ox nativity or col or. Every citizen of the State-who is loyal, and whose devotion to the (nation is paia mount, is entitled, so far as the Rewnstruc- ion of theltepuiucan pn u , B llfort oh t Resolved, That organization indifln-, ed atliea.uoit o ' i innn1tliti nrinrir.fes. toil. Star. ! years Rector of Emanuel church, .TV arren has rcsicrned. -t ; h j-i '. - m ' :: A ' ' . ! r .t T.U! l.itlnl Rev.Jas. (jribbons,oi tue iaiuuviu r"""., dral, has been confirmed by the Po e,anl wilt soon be confKratedr' as CatholicJhishop : North Carolina, a recently created diocese. A bird very rare' in this; latitnae, "called a "AlMn-or-Warsman.T ana measuimj;. j f -..i-. tVia nnil rf niiri wirier Tune ton IlkFCM. T. hunter of VirUnia has been Tnnpssee has been lion. Jiunmuvvpvt .-j appointed private Spcrtary to the Presiderrt, iReturns from the ' Alabamaj election give 1,000 majorit fo'rjCoVentioit;! ' ..J. iAuVmer&an paper called the Ko jlepiib' vl'A cotiany in Caiiforiiia expects to obtain five tons of borax ft iday froin a lake in the vio , - " it ' j r : i ,1" -: ! i ' thpd a dmtanv of the Twelfth Infantry to .Barbour county, West .Virginia, on i uesiiay f ast, .tw " r-r - f, MS to the I other, was i&Uh inst.4- IFVfni liav blocks ' COS&BCTED WEEKLY sf J - Alexandert Roberts & CO1 ASHEVILLE, Ji. a, Octoeeb p ikf "Sldw t uri'' mv-1oi. T Stewart: the ISeW lorK dry goods merchant,: instead of being dead -as ttn rp?irient 01 .....:,f;l! in iu it-ttive town tin Ire ct JIIIUUU iiMj'y". j I ' I land. fur 1 onf Clin- j hflis ?t' tr thn uou uuuj ( --i i . ; -i 1 ' r 't-. ( (.ntinr (mil trust! :md publicans ior puict-s wi , .-- we would profoundly deprecate any steps that would array race against race, our l adopted r. n A:;-Qna an-ninvt natives, or- the latter -Vi-""' "j;"""' " k Z - A firm in "Wilmington, X. C., for supplying the Nicholson pavejnent to be 4aitl ton street, Jirootiyn. : . Lj.5 ,n L Vow VnrTc comnanV imrchaM-dJ one hnft?fCW-ant forty thousand acres oflan in Norh Carolina, and are gO infr into afwool-grdwingpecnlatidn onit. ! . ! Seven United States vessels were off red at 1 ' - l- i Timelot' auction atlthe JirooKiyn najj-jsuu tv Amonir them was the old receivirtg-shii North Carolina, wfeich sold fpr 3U,uuw A .veiitlcman wl has traveled extensively through 'Moore,. Cliathara and-othr counties, lv the eottoii worni to be i-eallv fearfnlj ! .' ; - luav v . - . , rPrtret that our limited space , al- ments falsely held out to them, did not bite at publication of no more than a . ... . . :i thnncrh ' thev . i ' 1 i,o In njiflnsionl the .ait of thn wily foe that though they 1 lej i pgmphs. were intormed me wpuuuuu .'r"T Governor says: r . w .v mpptln'r was I t ' ' . - T. IhAhlllPTL 111 L.11U J - 1 w.. 1 ;v-a nr.MT 1 . . 1.. I " . ' 1 ,. nu,R. nuiiipf to CUT bnly; to appoint delegates to at enu XS-a rrsklnmncsty for .uw., f nrn-aiuzincr a Conscr- ry on an interference now . 1 uic . r i ; . .1 i:uic ..-'.. ' . j;i:.,t Tnnlnns and active in the ; uft:viti i . of reconstructing anu ichuui ; t1..:fT!Aiinn n lw:ll linsis. ! I '! ' Lllw v4ivmv J to! : the and to be feat Work State to L t. Ulesolved, That the whole (qnes ion of re construction, including confiscation md reliet i.... i : 1 l mils fir fl wsio:i. m whicn a wig mw ti.A cWriiii flh to the proposea icoiion -ph.-v rattle aver a lawn wuu - - i - : fc. mi- t "- ' - l.i J factory at Goldsbot-ojs progressing weU ine c-.. i 4...:.,o ij,Milit thnt the scheme will iLHU Vmv-i' a of the tillo .ibatemcnt f : Vo- evl.ins. The interments during the twenty-four hours ending at six o'cloVk on the morning of the 1st ;inst.,; were sixtv-three. j i: hns been worn at cam r utrmui uiu i -. r ' f : iri,;r livfnc a mcture or a white man treading oil a-, negro s neck, with .tt "Whitftliuan's Government over it. UlA aAw-v r-; " " p r c T t ' " " J- - T min trr Virnild to Work. man be dshamed 6f a hard fist or a n ton fill fP. Let Mm only r be Let I no sunburnt ashamed be be of ifniorance and sloth. Xet no man aslianied of povQity. Let him only 'X.A.s.nnA v'l?ln!i'.stV and fdleness. A gentleman in Petersburg1 hasj succeeded in teaching four clnt kens to araw a mmiaiure roosxer rmra. be successful. rv on an "auouuoa nar V r fnrflm interference now alive Republican party, Ac, these gent emen openly advocates the StelSSS wire-not entirely asleep. " - JDJ ' , order have soundeil every known depth . The County Convention, called at ' of igujc minv , ; , t, by theso.lh.1 Conservatives has .twice dlJSSfto proscribe ; North- proved a,Labortnn, aireaay. '"JJV-- SSJSoSff spirir will I admiidAer the come of it in the future remains to be; seen. Cnchof the State "LTto t. irnttiu.! to be born . oui oi iuiir, anv 6acn pnncipie. xi ui ? -- --. p " " " , . i - to Tennessee and encounier iue tunie iu jHiinj-w" and mad ana rains oi pur . postponcmerw irom nine "x. r- - - j.- tw-e want Northcn. capita wuu. vu. I Se that the leaders of party prud to act solely from unnctpic .are ao , "io no man in my contempt for that cusb tious? Ail this wire-worKing aim Nfnnnee abandon their lion 'nianc.uveringplainlyandicates what is cer "ancl W" Uinlytrueof the leaders of the stalled Con- lngJJ .crvative party, namdy,. thrt tiey.(aw en- ;l dp.tftate of anv fixed principles. .Their Lthem of right and duty. I conclude -with a . : 7 . : . . or,-l thpv know Sentiment which I trust may pux American this or "party; hence their unscrupulous efforts to j - . . .t ; - . "Eternal vigikinc is the price of liberty., pres&ent, recently appeared in the city, ot ei every mn w!o desires the restoration ot K ;York for the purpose of selling sonic ,01 niTT-W ITTSTICE TO LUTOOLIT. MiWlLN, the wife of oar martyred front political disabilities, is in the hhnds of a wise and patriouc vongicnn.-, . .Anfi'.lmra in that body, and behevb that, in n ,.-;n An whnt is best for our t-pcoplenndfor the 'preservation of t j-TAWW.- That in the opinion ot .. : flio n-iKii nf tonorress uomniiiurcj to.,w " o thnt. ! nrivate Dl'dDCl" ty should be confiscated for political offences ; but that, to avert such a result; in the future, as well as to secure to our people thejmmi merable benefits and blessings of tlieL mon, itishigly important that they avail them- i .....ttli' niu in rrnf '"fill th of the re- construction acts of Congress, And further .. .- . . r .1 n J...,, itn., it iii iint that in the opinion 01 uis .;uiuniiucl, -the purpose of Congress to continue beyond n safe and proper period . .the pisnbilities una voidably imposed on loyal Union men, but that H IS WUCVCU ouvu V , ii ' U will be removed in due time1, from, all .who inav be clearly and iuunustaKamy 1 . J. 41q l?foiiih!iffin rar- possess ine conuueuw j ty of the State. ) - r j L Cln moiion, me vomunn-w j-' - , k .all rf thp Chairman. ' I I ti AVWV. IIOLDEN, C7ny ; John j.v iewkese, ajco ny 1 V A jury of inqueston the lody of th freefl- ra, man, Sanders Richardson, killed in Johfistoij a ( ,u i .Ulta.l in th firrost of' Mc- ! . A Nab Earis hitherto a man bearing , anf excel lent character, and a former, magistrate of the 1... .ifinlf of hnil in the sum of f2,500 as an accessory to the crime, was order ed to jail a ieat speed, wliile the rooster jloob as grave as a bishop. t'Jitor of the War- ived aiul 'accepted 11a nartaq rttj inn jm ivi-"i rrT" 8nv midden and overwhelming j-v-rv-: - f aW.davs ito in fttTJlOK. anU 11UYCJ t ! - i 1 the advance iney um uc3i"-y ' r. Lr .W'thfit could crusli tliein at once is 'n,iiinmwt and there 'are- other . 1 . 1 ' ti 1 -1 rk 1 1' it'ti. 1 Aiu. " ."' . mix reasons xuaii mc v. .-jp--1 ? r . .. nbunced hj refusal to send troops 10 aui ., T--L. K,liiiTlllr IIII1L , I li nt 1 out, ii "o t . ! . 1 nneT will not , interfere. Without that m- - 1 ' naunmri t.hrt neutrahtv of tormauon we iuijjui. u : , , . . rthe tjoveiTinieMu , , t on, and her rulers dare not pppo,. xo. - ur BaCOJC, bog round, .. Tl 1 1 Hi B fl ctm In . . . - ... t An rnot. T To nKr " . - TJa-ralf ITl f IU. . . ... t 4 - .11 - - ... 11 i Coirs Meal, 40 lbs.,. !V . - - k V . t'yrToii , mv.ij.N ..i.".- j; K. Java,'V Jh.-. .v. ...... .L. . CiiicaKKS, eacli,. .... .. y ...... . .!.. . Domestic, ,- ' - '? r. .! . & t At 3 mtA . : . A.' . l " 4-4, t5yd.,.. .4. ...... ...... wJJ u .w.t ..;....... .... .. . ii. . Vix Seed, 50 . Us... . ... v FEATnEKS, new, Tb,. . .... v ...... .i UDJSENU, giwii, iri .............. IIoET, n bjJ-V- V IvDieo, spunwii v I ..-I i.r.ilimi U ttt . . . . . . 1 ' . '.' '. Jeajw, country made, yd.,. ..... j .. . LEATHER, BOio, f - i . .l.M ta! ctwiorlllV nut OUT PT WRllh viu i i l i.-A V,nn revolution : wnumj, Uie union o&rew'"i most haveaepended for 8e. J."" ' f "1. JiTw icvcntvi,, ' iTAirntrviiieu Wlllnnt !l Garibaldi s appeal w u" ----7 be long without an Therevolutiomsts -m ,v -z-L tiwnTb viethWghey. is simpiy a uti ---- . SUOCOb.i ; U Uo Panal . army WiU nnd u an an..; -it V nd difficult to Wl unpossime w "4- -mRilttam trir But they nave dono iuyic --- , thn;iiRm-!men.r liV i0 w"1? 7-o-o renew tne-aicaca,- - -ir- i.,,:,,,,. , e,bo thai it i, ., 2 ready to breat rorui. Velletri, in Frosinone. It exist .thjrortgbt d Pipe's dominions, and isjnoherej more 1 i . T .1 l : T?, 'li itlf. i The gamson lnAt. h notntratod. iii Viterbo without r0 ;sgivmg ser- Iet every nfan wlio dc-strcs ine reswrauuu New York ror tne purpose .".6 tfce SUU to the Union, who loves the' Union, her jewota aiid dresses," her present income : pace and harmony, be cciistantly on his guard iU8'ufaaent to support her houwhold.--r v w.mTi rMV'iral . . -, I ! T,o h cannot dwell in Jiat IiOMl 1 we nave , the followiug. , We give'it verbatim : bemg laauwweu w : f Ur.. i.aJ .nnt. that she cannot dwell m i.hA nA ontivrtatn the hosts of tisitors i - 5 t. am . T In 1 Urnvrd iinon her witn uie aiuu.. !T T T.niii wi7h luiire r .! , t w she Has re- i . . i r !. imuvri ui . . - . . I m Aon niiw nKui , a -r -- , . JI.Lin.l I mva -f Hunan's aDeIni?uigio.acvniuici:ij ""'7- v"" I , ! , . I :tlltUZ . vw nir Jwe wait it disUnctly under- goh-ed to nv W6v-.-. means now sevurcu uvt. ; . a completely duloyal del- ra" f , ond dollars ! entirely ouUideof l Ai and c9s,ly caring : JiZlS3S&"S 25, - The fact that the , -Mow ol Ab,;a- If poMible, dwwrd among Uaton people. .1 roean . . ,. unaK rif tito term. men woo are imvh ; v. - -- Via beloBT to the Loval League and expect to sup- porv me nomiuoc . y - i C " ' ni ... - ahilitr Yoo are at inx-Tiy. ami w " t i , i.ire toturihtwn,Uus subject ! 1 ours 6aUfr and adds : Z"nt r J ESSE v. LARK. apparai. - ... v is thus compelled to part WiUi llA-U .i.iww . - ; . . : . . . . . ? J3... cntra many of the relics ot Her , nappier the Trilnn?) has createa a most ri;'"Pj-. . tJ Ji-ni kni !hit the false and infamous de- sitatehes-senthereland all over the Country bv the assocht-ed Press frbm Kaleigb, in. -e-,Ard to the late llcpublk-an - Convention in citv, and hi regard to the late Cnserva ' 1 ,.i;.,i tV,o-n; wfrfi otten Ul t)V J. J. Guthrie, jr., one of the MdUarqf the J ro ... .L- 'i..-o, riirtv k-navtv -sheet.--CAcrr- urtiss a low and dirty lotte liepulliectn. : . Rex . T. 1. Kingsbury, edi runton'Jn (kcatvr-, jiia$ recyi ,1:i,f,,r, th. Iforder Acincultural Ootuetv III1 -11 uwvi -' . i . : . r , ty: meets. at Danville during the; mbnth ofAO; J, that r 5 friend of the hext ses- !he to .Texas some r x "nr TJ...i 11111.171 nr a edrnentcr on JVIr. John A- Holt's house, fell from the scattolding, :yesierttny, n r--'-; 4-V shoulder and otherwise injured himself. He was promptly au-enueu 'F-fr" and Summereil, who, with' great diffidilty, fe ai thn dislocation, and contributed as much as possible to hi$ relief m other resects. Salisbury JSaim?r. ; . : J : "a" J IT rw 1 -r A r',TTA?ATT' , On ik nierht of the 3d ins4 Mr, Daniel S. t aggartj son f of Keauben1 Faggart, ;6f Cabarrus, while put hunting with a younger brothet and,a small negro, tea into a guv; . f , i r' knd killed himselL After the fall, the deceas ed rose up; spoko! a ftw words, and then drop-Lddead.- i Water wa instantly ; apflmbf by if. ,i .:. - J.I 1UtUr.i,rrrn lint wlthoht P.IieCt. inis urotnei unu utuui5.", r r iTlie physicLm foun.l no bruises, or external ini uries, and it is j supposed the death was caused by the rupture of a blood vessel shbAy ing on-whAt a slender thread life deends j Mr. F. was a young man of excellent ehar- v i o -viriw ormfptl orate n soldier : acter ; n:ui wwii : , .... 5 . I and married just: one week before; his me an- cholv deatn. Kuannui jJfl - j Senator AV:nle! writes, to -ii - Airct illV Will iniruuiiL-i, uro - i. .r 1T; u sion, a bill to repeal fhe act . organizing Utah ; ttJ v.o Wot.lon (of Mormons in denouncing the Gqvernment as tyranical and unjustmust bepumdiedby a prompt suppres sion of polygaiyt 'I ; 5' ' . i I Li . . -.; j A day of hujuljia'twi and prayferlps propos ed tole observed; bjUhe citizens oi M'"'.. Svnnnah. fot4 the punxse! of acknowledge . yi ,n.,..J.,iiSn tniriixT those cities from tM scourge: of deae, and to unite their peti- rii 5n lJ,.hlf of tlieir plajrue-stncken tipn b " IK, THE MIDST OF LITE WE ABE. Iff DEATH." initwll-VnowTi and respected old citizen and former Sheriff of Buncombe county Wi ley Jokbs, who emigratod vnan sinr.e. is no more. The 5 IOllOWing is Atr aw. wriitenbytb'e widow of the deceasfed to her widowed daughter, Irs. U. livos, ana u soVf'r'r T ' . T .t.-, vt.'A iadv bv t icndme ! CJn CootTT. Texas, AUgusi oi, . T r . .. .tV Tfv Virnv Deah Cuildbes :-It ia with tbe sacU of rolhe . 7 i if- T nirrrvt tn !rrit( to VOU. JUV ! J 4 rlOCT IT.TW IIIIUH lll.LL X " ' " ' - ' . I J II I I f I f J ! . tft V v -r- v"' ----- a -j health being feeble I thought I would write jw a g Fork, Wilkes county, C, ls f or a fnrnt tWrlhave painful pews to . comniumcate pT0"1 fh ...,, tiie Doc. to you. ; Your dear Father is no mora "l ?S - , : Th disease first it t a An i a 1 tn luis uiuiua. -' - - t,vy 1 j r- .w rini-ition . He was taken sick, on rnUay i , i, 80 .73 uppor, tJ ,lh... ..... .s to God in .-lAihalf of their plague-stricken itl,r,i of !ih ulf cities: r I i h T;' j ..,.:.if.L . 1-.Mesrs Tickndr ; Fields nave receivevi a cable dispatch imiouhcing definitely; that Char- i t i. ,i!Tsn nniLa tn thia'oountrv to cive alseries of rdaAiifes from his bwnjorksnr.the . v .u;Ui iftTA -will arrive in NOvem- bcr, and nll:beginJs readings the first week in December, j ( j . I i . '', fi f . ' J ,": fv l God and love are f very wherel ; J irk light, in colors, m llowei-s, m ine ueuui happiness of amihaU, in the human mind, in the endless spheres, jas the sun shines on all alike, yet differently!; -"nd. is majestic on the ocean. sparklii.Vm .adew drop, ruddy 6n tiie ripe fruit, siivej? fn fho streamy many colorwl iri the ! raiubow,W bale and; tremulous in the on, ana aw ruic uaiy mv, 'in nation'i wiUj The public meeting leM m , t.L .t,,.! at flonnei. Lilian. iNaDies. limu, UK? UUtuitaiwo v-" J- i ; ' ?i imintrdnt litiuttuiiii. - of Garibaldi, -and the enthusiasm; wluch , . .L '.li .a1 .iAf tn IkA nilsuiulor. the rebellion arousw, nio : r , stooil. " From Italy, therefore, the reyoluUoii- istsaiave, nothing to; fear, and eyeryuu w I : i . I V; ' ' tint 111Al)llltlt hope. Practically we cousin w.v on Home inore than a rebellion--il is an niva- . - ... A Jill til ' 1 sion bv thi Italian- people, wmc, c u Hatazzi Ministry is compelled to permit? i ! . - A J i. ,n vrii!tt. l.lliir. , J3ut tne painoui uuvu y r , , it is French -interference. F rance is thoiouly . power that could succcsslully derei u . iuc i .1 Ll throne and,, we have " vet to lea that V tL'i.. clioiUmiod IllS Old DOUCV. He may fulfil his- threat of sending troops, to Rome, and in that case" the rewlutionuits may ta ..nmnpltod to abandon their attempt- let Unterfererice of this kind is not as easy aa it I...... ..U iAl ni Ton little 1" KIIOWII, OJ. was uub i ... Li r. 1. he relations oirrance uiw "r : "I I ' i harness, t? Id,. . M!adPk, ?4 n,.... ...... OXTAReheafi oor... , . " Blieiieu, j.' uua....... Rivas, V n,-..... . .. . ............... S0DA ,d lli.. st'oui, " V".u"v : .r r 'i j 4 fair. f !... j " ' i-larificd. V th.' J.'.- SkAKERtT. f n......... WiiKAT,O0lbs., bus., 1 lri320 65 (A I V 4.00((t4.r'" 1 w 60tf I 75 Z uo 1 50 Q! 00 7S 63 7 IB r 20e 4(0 (4 f0 i IU 11 ; 22 1 n 1 21 so! XIE7. ADVEIITISEMEN TAILORING! J. W. SCIIARTtXJE. Over Alexander, .Roberts, & (W Store. IOE ukjbEKSldNfcD WIUJ CTjT, AT.OI.1) i P1UCES, Insuring Jils work to be satisfactory.! One dollar only for v.ittii sjuiL! AH his fits perfect ; an iu pnet i him a call, October 17, 18G7. JMl 111VIIJ " " ! , I 1 ... kian policy. France is no longer the Rotator r i ...or- iiiiui.L'r flint. to Western Europe, auu iii.r ;w., Ee! glory! of pending the ; temnU iHnver )of the AJhui-cn -migni nut. j.? "rt! ,. Prussian interference and ihe certain auvua- XlOn OI IU15 Hi"'"" 1'ff i . ' i: sends troops tq. Home, there is greHi .. i ,-itnlntnfin will be truun- phant. Sudden as it is it has been Un- nied; f . i -t a : tii-fnl for the iPtMe to .ii-iL:i.A'Ka1n . T1i question is whether help can be found Pt-i . 11 v'1 :'.J ' , J the jonly moon. t Professor Dd Morgan, oa ughly iiv'estigatedthtoject,-observes thajthero is nothing in thd commercial world which ap ijroache even remotely, to the security of a well established and jrudently managed Life Assurance vuuiwaiijj. p.,; i . , Martm coiwtv. In "v". j TT-Jr ' ! i A Singular cariosity m Martin .coimty, iu- CI.AR IxcirwxT.' iA' lady by the. 'name j isfthns dqsenbed-: " It stands alone'm ieDav, sayS a correspondent -of jthe , pfovest a gigantic stope jug about m,!ared!alib'ut 70 years, resding 011 fifty feet in heigt, about five feet in diameter Pork .Wilkes county,- C., hfis far a. bj.St, tit fwt midship,jand tvvo feet on : ami auua . i , i t ' i i ' . . vi. 'i,.iin' v.., 'int no tT3Ir.Lii.coln. We know how easily jhede limrnciuci'ivii v"" V " lr fenrotten.-ftiid that gmuraae nnswr . u"y -... . 1 -..-v. at it T . "... ir i of -fn-irnrs extjecit'u; ; Au onowiUlail 10 nw "j, uneaas uvtry-; - - : f . . . i.n vnv i ma nni ipii l iiii ici d i iiumv. ' . . Wdl done. Jesse: while we Know u ." "irr:r7i-; in in th Jimior was actu we welcome your your spunk. by the purest of moUvw, peJS not Id recognition 'L7 x. nis illness was ; tors call- drv gangreue. , ,V'Vi n! sick, on Friday j nvl(e its appearance in her fight foofy us, ra Jiut a few day he- j e0utiuniug nntiLit extended alout half wivs lietter.thnn it ages coi it uu ,( . . t . Tivh,u to our writing of the above, the following had been prepared by the junior : j APOLOGETICAL. -In speaking, last" week, in denunciatory ' terms of, the IJebcl Convention which was to " havebcenheld in this place on the twelfth -instant, but which quietly miscarried ; and es, :-n- f romnuinication which had beep sent us from swannanoa, , -T ...:i. li n ' .m Ueir pari, Jr cv -.Vnfi'. nre SSSS3 AKoldier Srt Sir amartvr than wss Abraham Lincoln. ThebuUet tht killed him was impelled by; no -pri-vt5 hatl As a man, he had no enemy on earth la Preident was his death meditated or -desired. Had remained a private citizen, he wouH, in a human probability, have been Imng now, 1 . view of these facta, it does seenito us ihat th ivinpntof his salarv for the term on which he hac Entered waTno nxre than his righteous due. CluenTvemhelmingly re-elected, r He hac entered upon his second term of ecrvice .- Ue taj a rixht todculate upon the salary by law afflxed to tl eofficTuiad healed by disease, w.JfJJ 4r !i . i. li- f amilv one Teaf's salary ' as in tne President liarnaon. i - j .i : .. na-t Wlnisfiav. r l. .nL-irl tl.ot.lllS hp'.tltll Xt.II C UC 1 1 Itlctl , had been lor two years irt-iuua. i - thoueht the destroyer was just at the door How !S the "living that "in the i midst .of .life, we Sreirt death. .&ow appropriate ithe innmction at Si times and under all circumstances, -he ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the bon ofAlancomcin, au . I J j ". . . I IV ' ffto1 ; Tho old U The deceased has a host of nends' m this ndi ctfiin uhn n i mourn over ;tnis saa iiucm- , .;ii ,rr : gence, and who will.heartily jSympatnize wuu the bereaved.. l'oue' to imiilical '4 J. W! dwtje' well and if1 in rn'.iro Oive ow. I c.'i i nrr r 20-:ihIc j. . :' Assistant iAsscssor'a Notice. tM i.i.Ti)oiiivi.'n Am t nit f HIS Mce in Aslievillc from the lOUi Ui tiie 0(th of erh .'ll... -I juindiiy of lill nlenc juido i'hf: T' Ll ; ii' W.:TWitTOti via i: Flood in' ureal dsotoi .u i x -- - I v GalvestoDA Million of Dollars li Proper. r , . . . j.' i rTt.j-ir.n1iiS fTjili'H at ipapers nave acwun y e ; - ibalvlstori on sWvtM fe1" h.w li mnnlhJ- ' ! ' I . ' f 1i.j1i1 to tlit pnK'tal t.ix I Vlt inii" - - , ... I .. . .. .... .n t ....... 1 1. . -f 1.1111 ir fau " nVL Vl . fornir U. and ho 50 per cent, uuuuu. , , I ' ' Aii'thWr. 10th liv. 3tU C-oL-Dt. i STATE0F NORTH CAEOI&A: ;: y-.Li f -Pi.,,, niul riuarUr SfmioH. Mm Term, 7. nice. Adinr. or warw i ' TT..In mt T nir Of JllUI-S ElU'f. klcd. I f !lT APPEAU1SO TO THE RATISF.Vt'fff J"u . ....-. fi MnK. rmiiilrtnirtllPtn fl J . t k u iiMt. iu. wnw lira waj.. v. t-- tltcn lO now OMTO "J i ' I t i I i In t i! , car ldeindi-noai i ,.f 'fj,-,,.'' - - c,f at tne u:i-,x-imv, v.v i'fr i. .. at the top, uin which rests a bk,ad flat rock, about ten by fifteen feet, covered withl bushes and wild ivv ; and s&mf three .feet frfnn the Ut-U iiw Ll Thn roCk is a ?tL- .i i;.!4-! t million dollars. It was (he highest overflow since October 183i, Hie fotlowinr are some of the firms damaged : wif:- TkiiAor f!o.. 5.000 : Droege ja tfO.'WO tp 75,000; fctuuus SesMimsl ColO,000 to- ! 5,000 ;.Pitkm 1 . i i. n,i.l irnm Will- or nt mid-dav so iuuhdated the aa -mUon of certain Vnion men .Uh US'S ' . - ,j i.i: m;nir 4t,MioaiaiiaveBiaueuw''r'"..'M.mitA .i.airpi who neia a uuwut "' :i,i ctiii maxe uu- " "-..-r Zreiinet foxthepnrpoie of .pr' rfiS ... : ' deletcs to their coutny convenuou, c r . -tmn Tiorons who. we have tacneu cenbui-" '" i : . been assured, merited no reproach. r , We had no assurance hi the truthfulness of fthel communication allmlel to, and, should have observed that fact at the time, j 1 Until we shall have the pleasure of a pef " forial interview with the gentlemen to whom . portion of our language Mast week ap plied, we tender these words as an apology, ' hoping that while future event may prove their own faithfulness to the Uuion party, we may afford them a "sincere manifestation of -our perfect confidence in their unshaken de votion to the cause. " j " trtit. f)T" JEFTESS05 DAVIS. . .- f Wo have intelligence, which seems to be reUable", that the trial of Mr. Davis is set for .v - xrrtnlnv iii November; and, as the 141 U luui u j .- - ... ; Government will not interfere, there will be no postponement by the counsel on eiuier Vide. The offense of levying war against the tesunea w uj wu Scabbokocgu, of KoVf oik, Honorable J oux r.AAnr oT-mombor of the Confederate Con- VI VWS , - gress, and one Captain IIesurej, who were compelled to appear before the Norfolk grand jury and tcsuiy to ine iwu uyuu. . : Indlctoent was made. - j It is said' that there will be very f ew, if ! euy, witnesses for the defence, the fact of i trying war being admiUed. , ' . t . . J The prosecution will then proceed with the legal argument that the.prisoner is guUty of i tho "Mmnscl for the defense wiU i argue that, being citlacn of a State and un ! aer't laws, the prisoner's allegiance was due i " tWe defer argument or comment until fuT- Uiig.tO give agai" f onewho had denrs wwow pv-j - - - . iVhTwiu Uughrand must 'receive 7 . ,:n i inst. as a People, xo company. vu . . - Abraham Liacoln's f anuly ? , - , ; r . . .. 1 cenire tsi:t"n .r r ; .rr , w .. way to her knee. : iier sunermgs . . . at cunosirvandj a view oi, : J . .-il .f li Oli inst iirhpft1 the ! ? , . i .1. .i llJ LmaeinVr' thflt . V!1V. Trout until me mikm1' v " . 'f r , no lost oy me isavuii'iU ""o; t.. j bone-of her leg crackod with n report aimosi,, y ; ,1 ,j . j equal to a pistol shot, whentne pamjiuiinj censea, and on examuiHtion it wa's found that v i, 1 i.,i aatio 'nff Mlmnt two inches above nei leu Jiaii -"i" 1 . 'j'l.. a 1 iiir 51:1s uti'ii. believed' it " is iVoriCK the advertisement of Mr. J. A . Schaktxe, in another column. Mr.j Sciiaiitle is kn'experienced and excellent workman, and -Ii i;i,r, nntrmilfrp. 1 merits mc uiusimi-"" y.y..--. - fThc registration table, with" othef inatter, is ..rLviod out this week. Tiie returns to hand Wi90,958 'whites and G7,93G blacks asreg- isiei-edJ'i The returns are not yet complete 'ii i ToTiintrnts hf Xew-York are 1 11V jyvuivi..w.- - - clear themselves of Andy Johnson, i(emJr Tn A man in NiLhua.N. lL,f on Thursday,- of the flashy scliool,.pl a very i adroit game upon, a store ke ier;in that torv During the afternoon lie canie up 10 wi- bumped his. hrad (agfinst ! a large pane of French Wlass, breaking! it completely. - .Ihe store keeper aeinanue.i p "" ".o v tkrin claimed he money .on t,ilikeU:"lvf . : wL;OT ,ml ft 100l :"--' . "ivlv N 1. :.; A w.t.-1- his person, uiuu "P".s S nbadVOld 31air ot Uie oea, ne vu.i - , f,...u1 in onb pocket,! Tlie K o nff nnd threatens to strangle his barrier. r - , .. :,vimn,i:..leiv and", c Our Copperhead friends, however, mfy console themselves with the recollection thrSinbad Cot rid of his old hian with contraband wins- some chance that the burden winch fclings; to ; if . ' ! cl trying' tOj s' Ibut, like!'1 iiy IW. . .. -r - Alcorrected statement, shall appear the shouldcrs-'of the Democratic come to a similar fate that it wJis impossible, to Duna nrcs. citv cemetery was covered With water deep: The third story of a -new .brick K hotel was Idow'n dmvir upon Odd Fellow s Ifull-j-The water is spreading m , places entirely Across' the island. Thke has been no maitor passenger train on the jrailroad. It is rqort .. . 1 i...f!Ti.,,- Rri,i(r(. lifif; bebn washed :iway.-r- The tel'i-aph lines are' a coias Icte Toc,trr nu. -;.vi?;V.t;fil with! 1 J4d is bii:h awl dry i.-ii. i ..;i...Jn,l Sr. Vornl small t schoonersi near iireii'y"' r- . - t hi ' c.Ulr 4' -rb -barkPallos. lhfe.bnsIsoilJ ft ohoone4. were blown from the caste : n wharf and drKcti "P by no one knows where. A large iron, bna lA.ti -,. lUivinor pansiited. Abngwhielf lntolv arrived with a lod of coffee was dm 1.1 -I Li.,.irf- Vl, Williams wharf.- ine was a; cn .. ,.J!t.fe pfetty shrewdie wl W Ivid ,1 - , , Ktrniid, ine seiMiwi :-.. 1 J . 1.1 . .1--.. -f Haai- nni 11114 a 8100 keeper of iiu w as umiiu v. t - i 'the store took it immediately and, gave thei t . .i.l mtli whir-.hhe sneaked ott. ITiiori makintr an examination of the aforesaid. 1 '.!: holconnterfeit. ' Tins was a; I I I I 1 . I ll 1 H V X - t - - i !.:,. .i.v; ,.,iT.f -ntPii ir was a.wiue &irtv mav '.im P:UI r ,W I"-' '"F r i 1f " m ?-!!NewYork thiMf, . j ;-;Jv Sea KY PtMlMXG On! complete returns come to hand so soon as i - .1 A h-:. --' 4 -1 n.-.n nf sll tlu Southern States, vjreoi- r an... friitihii that ves4 ina takes the lead in genuine enterprise. he , ' , in k storm at sea by pouring s . 11 1 i ..... .. .i. i.:t;T.1 titlft of "Em- i el! t,ul u J ii,.. 1 .;fl?f h wen um-i IT 7 1: oil upon WaterJ lias mten uwn iiire State." Her people lire brim-full of btate . 1 trueij the Wonderful .instance, of A nJrr, dtttt 1 TITT.'PTTT A RDLDTERS' MEETIHQ. lU-Ll 11""" J- - r- i .i. :miiTio Snldiprs' meetins in rnu- j.t iuc iiiiiv .--v 4 General Sickles delivered the patriotic speech which; we published .last week, the following were among tiois adopted. We think Mr. Jonxspx him- .self might do wed to give uiem a pruoa . liMArdTM. 1 nax tne uns;i l - . a Iwreu v u . i. . tll . -saassln.tion of TPTCS- Ir;7y'r"t;; uent treachery of WiV uam Sewanvanu wp- ". Vie- t ,. nmrnd .himself rresiacK ana acuug r,r "l' " h,i to be the grtateat enemy the Renubhc ejerhad. Jv JThat we urge the House of Keprcsen I,"L5?.Tii,i. l November neit. STforn blTAV Johnson of high crim.and-mmdeinvnors- ! Jd reany to qu, '2JZ ATfit for to cast aside oomcsuc . oil w ouicountry and freedom and the right tf all her lovaS children; that, mindful of the past, we will neuffrRebels Tto rule patriots, , our glorious KTta beVeviled. and our Conrress to be resist- band of conspmiujrs uu - 0 1 party. : j . - ; lluizahj " Long live the Republic ! i 1 i 1 .. ' . J, i; . rvim. Wkkk 1 HxxnEESOxyiiAK. The rw 7" 1 this week at Hen- dersonville. We remained there, only long enough to hear his llonor juage .m-iiua Monday last. The rWrre was clear, succinct and to the point. rn, t.L flidAii with much dignity and f uie V . - - - i tt:: m,nr U nlcaxinsr and prepossess- ing, very mild, yet commanding profound re- Hln TTAnnis's LiETTKR. 611 our We publish a letter from Jambs II. Hauris, addressed' to the.colorei people of -North Car olina." Inadvertenthvlts earlier publication by us was overlooked. But it is not too late yet to do good, if indeed the wliolesome ad ' V10 Tiooriol bv the freed- mOIUliUU Xt wiuuuu . . ' i I i men.1 J We are requested, by a telegram" from lieutenant ALDiacn, to notify the public .t.- 4i. .oia' nt lsnda at Fort Fisher and Fort Johnson has' been postponed by order of Gen- . ...... t :: : . M- eranJABT.; i Sho has more cotton f r first page j tories; bigger newspapers; more : thriving spirit than any her sisters If the political attaip ot ...x ,r,nn.itfa. c.ttlrul Oooro-ta will counirv eci uctumv jj-j--- 1 strip'all competition.! Her people have goite to work, since the raV, .with a determination x. i,..:i.i ... i. 11-octA id;icos and make her alL aye more', than she ever" was. We admire their .pluck. North Carolina has the natural advantages, but she needs, in her population, tomrise and nroffress. Georgia sets her a worthy eiample May she 1- j ' COXJiVJfICATEl.J AshcTille District M. E. Church. FIRST ROU2JD OF QCAKTERLT MEETTXGS. mm -1 1. Asheville Circuit, November 9-10. i Sulphur Sprigs,1 . . 1G-17. 1 -urA :iu ci.l.'uf' n TCov. 30-31. iv a v iieav int., uuwi .-i Pnrt TTpmbree and Murphy, Ketron s Chap el, December 7-8. " AV ebster and J? rankim, jec. itlo. Henderson, rxiage, uec zi-. Transylvania, Dec. 28-29. ' Catawba,1 Jannarj' 4-5, 1868. l?.....;il Sli;!ii Ton 11-12. i... ll U F. M. FANNING, P.E i - . i last, about r i ::taie is true in uiu iyin.v... r StlWel loaded, 4ith itnd blubber, and voy WJf I a-iu" from St. UohntsNewfoundlandy to Brisj ot i .fi u..i,i ;! Aoorirrlinrr tofthe- story, - in a terrible storm the vsel was .thrown, on her beam ends, tlnj sea rati highwhen some one a-.i v-iv;i Tii&.1w and a lior8head was broached and pumped overboard. The ef fect," savs thej narrative, "was marvellous Ju ..l:k nmiR.irod RS though .i ii nd" in snite of- a tremeq- .mere wus "-. , . . i. t i v. unv-or hrolrn ort board . ior OOUS Ijaie, mo os "V h r ,,. -. .1.- i..0jii. vu1 lavtolr- Ao xork imj ei"ii uuiiji"v , . j WorUJL four o'clock Mattie A. Lee, a sprightly jand inter-if..i- ."Ali- F. J: ahd Mrs. Ji.. estmg nine uau-m - - -- j II. Conrad, died atthe residence pf its i pa rents on Maine, near Fifteenth street, from the effects of opium administered by mistake ifor ipecac. ' The child was sick of ct-oup, aiid uii- He prescribed six grains of ipecac and twenty grains of calomel, to be made mtii six pow ders. - In preparing the prescription Jthe clerk m .T I V. V. r a. r . , 1 I IT illUUT ,um " "I - . - i 1 .!.. 4- t.a minor wnfllT. . ' SKie UOU .-.-- "I'!"-. " ' ' l Tl.ri ... -. ...'Hamii'ffnl. J lie - a i rne wnri t -in c urtVAi n..ofirR!'tn have beeh'sreneral alon? the vlilim .v.i--.-- - j . . I ; t. 'i . I t i , n,Knnn K O 1(111 Sllllh. rtl ijUlt COaSl. . X.llV Bvliwiivi! ....vvv.,.. T . -.. T-i I . 1 . i( r. her, ntoOnngs m nruzus uai uui. - HPl .i li-oa holW nt Tflf IllOUUI : L:. : i -l'iV cti;i4 "forchant,fronl Havre Was 'blown- asnore, uoove pican ,x . T . tl 1 -.1- d.. slori. ocVinm fit. tho fsanie Placet The tow-boat Ieroinc sunk inside the-bar ,a Southwest' Pass. -' . -'U ' - - - j VJ .'.-.. Li!- '.tl.l;ltn4mhin... lillUUn tjaptain vusini, vi o..w-...r r,, . r report that he brought off the keeper of thf cfi. T?orf lifrht-lmiise. The Btructnr was nearly destroyed by the g:ile.!.v M L! 'vii The Debt Statement that Secretary r J-i.ii..i. :,.A.if.mir flio on treat ieS ol tne inflationists; -has canceled legal tender to tn fuUaniount aUowed by law, thus, r-HOoyin 'Jha. Airronp.v four inillions of the frY" i 1 Will ... vyi... , decmable paper which degrades thO currency il frannnctlOllS Slieer anu umNra ui 6ui""".iv. w. , - . -. .. i- -w r ... -i . . A. . .r.tll '" I gamblihg,, , 'lhe unites Dtates Sept 1, 1867.. . . .. -' , UCU.1, 10O.... .......u...'... the sloop Mary l'osey are ; upj of the STATEF' NOETII C AB 0LI1 A, 1 - JACKSON iC0UMJT; rsiirf or I'iem aiut wnuncr tww.-, P''-rfi: . " ' ..... i .i. ui A. Minpns, nu . i ; r Ileini at Law of K . Curw i'tmfiui(iii"i- . i. . ?':?'fA 7 i I'l.. nifl OUtttrrr .-ih., to hr hold liir lllv l iniiii. li . - . .. 2 ...... U to F-!!Ur1. t ii.. 1 "We are deeply pained tolearn that an only son of our esteemed friend and feUowcitizen, Boaz F. Hooks, Esq., a young' man of .about vAora I mot. Wl tb a i most terrible death on Monday night last! In company. with, several other-young, men, he went hunt ing, and in cutting down aj trfce up Which a coon had taken Tef uge, was caught under the outt, ana aiuiuob uiuiut uuu " . The tree was several feet in diameter, and his death Was instantaneous, We sympathise with th' V!ooyW i1!trpsaed narents in this terrible calamity. ftordthoro Xetrs. ders. - In preparing tne prescnpiiwi ivuowy at the store oOlr. ll. W. Powers unfortunate ly mistook ipecac for opium, and rt rcost the . lime biLuerei. titi ITtt.1- TTli fu r.ri Vict Tlie Columbia pa pers announced the death of this young but gifted anddistingiuadpoetof South Carolina & tn. Ti . U.. iiJo writinors. SaVS the Phmiix, haveiwonforhim a wide spread rep utation, as a ttue poet ; and iot only was this meed awarded to hini in lijs pative;btate and section, but byVtlio cnpetent critics and lit terateurs of other portions of the conntry. lliey have often de&rvtHlIy elicited the praise oflhe r ..-vriiV-. i;o-tt linij' nnd all writers w -', j ; - j j accorded to him the! Spirit and gcnious of gen nin noetrv.. ! ' ' i'l !.' '" ,w ? -; " ';"' h l uu i"-. i' i,. ......... ... --- - ............ u. iv i in imrvr t fo.Vrth Monday In SpnW. tliti oWU imurtrta pf ioen nut-pt y fi v STATE OF iSfiTH OAEOLnfA.' ! YAXl-KY AJOLTY. li j . 5prlor Courl of Atfe-Sprtng Tmtm, IWt' . " "r-r r 1 Vuio. iniU , ! ' - ' . Jacob PvJcrt 1 , ' ' I 'JL ' ' ' TT APPEAUISO TtVTIIE HATWPACTIOJT btThL-ld ,t th CimnliouM. In lu."Mmr. ""'"Mh Mucl.r i:ir n.ild K'nart. Vl 1 HnTn-vllli.. Iho Mh )!-!,. M W - U . . i . . .. fit .. . ni iiui in demur, or I ruciiiK. ... -- . . , Tfc . . . . .. . v .l,- 1 t... ill imt n uu. iiwiii iii iiMian. Auni. A. l. . '. iy-- 'll l.udihitoady,1.: njjy- 1CI, Toulon A Paris letter in the Metayer '(U "The experiments with small fannon are still "oing on. The other day ond. was tried at a distance of 1,500 yards on af cluster of trees which were all cut aown in a xew utes, just asafieUbf corn falls before d steam mowing machine; The effect was, terrible. Five or sii men armed with such an; ngme might desfroy a whole regiment b$. ayery ?bt tle time. To attenuate the ravages of fire-arms, 3 --Urt tn. V111 Viavhnot the limnortance :uiu iu iiDwivw "- " j r h . ... , .1 . .-.u i-.a .cioninir it., onmittcnt millta- ry men ar4 occupying themselves fwith night attacks. The tactics of such noctural com bats are studied with great care a the schools of t6U UyrJ the Jf olvtecnnic, -aim us. . w Lastly, mucn is being aone iu m- -v v w; Dtr.,.;iiir(ninlJqte which can be taken to pel I DU. lIVl'Hj, w -1 (j. 1 ., - ., ; . 1 :! t ,,lnin n l..l-r -,'. i '.i ! ces :uyi can uvui jnuvv w -.wwc ' ' l- li r ' I- v- - I 11 IvcekdiIky IlAKiiGCB Spottkd. A-man 1 a i a UM.llav who has been dolir- narncu Aaiuu i. "'i""-;) v,t : . 0 1 ; ;.l .,i:.v, iit;i haripiTio-ues. m Savan- 1. t v U..,iUtTT .VifiVd in his villailli. nan, naa uau;uuuvB.; v-vv. -. ----- , . a1 L f ri.,nr.rllll . nf T.hlt -. . Anwui. rv TiiRr. iiiiuuiiauuauii - if us v&ivv& f . , - - - . Post. A f ewl nights! since, at a poutical meet- 1 XI . a n Hlnn lirao 11(111 1 inff, las trienas starteu rw, wmuu in check by the police until Capt. Cook brought down to the spene, at a doubld-quick, a com- With ' loaded fruns pany 01 iv u u. - . . -Tr. 1. !i .Tinajiwiwrl urn a lmlnMll. ateiy cusperju, - - r honse, foUwed by his friends, where he resnm- was immediately dispersed,' also, and quiet J -r. ,wtiAr KmiloT 11 ft. N rtrtn . o .i. i" r. i.' Vini- n o Vilioorvo that he - cA..rli onl Kii:. li i ! as': bitter uvea in Kuii"iiir ""r - - . . , against many.0f the negroes as le again$t the w 11 ucs t . i - 1 . .. ' :: .'-'?:. W .1 - !; 1 nrx) 000 XlCUUvliluu. ......... 1 ...... . t-; t lw.Jil ' JPOri VIllo tjuura. oicp xi r- ... i tender r thd Secretary deserves, and wiU - rp ki Ix,.;,.1bi;iii f ovott iblvent man. V -t- .1' h on. !. i.,0 wtimK IUUtt in iunamg mo .ouf,.n juuw:n- preoeae. resumption, , t l : ji- xt ,1. ..,. . lifivB been tione UtHjn KUe, VUUUJJU mule vwuiw . had the exchange of V.30s for 5.20s been opei . 31 x- ilL Uir r.n.n nnnitdh a TillTllii. elj lO iUO pUUllVJ UJUU CIJH1W.W.W 7.30s Stood Sept 1,1807..: i Oct. 1, 1867i . . .$400,786,025 Rednctlon: . .J...!..L 1 .V.'.!. . $35J596,9 f The gold-bearing debt.stood x f ! j ' M 19UI.. 4. ..... . Oct 1, Increase....... STATE OF NOETH OAEOOuniA, 'lAWtM - ' : Superior ViHrt La Hp J. ha. IT APPEARING TO TIIE SATISPACriONOi' . the. tVurt th.t ia-,T2&?.. bow. it u inorow iw-" .Y.w-m. f hmIi ral alviT ill lux Miv ruiu uiwww" rr to be held t he 'mii thouwi dy after the 4lh Mony ! 1 iwtr otoonnr, or ine wi r"v 1 , . Noting in Bankruptcy. tneDlstrirtpfliJ ; i m uie maiu;r oi v in- 1 ' ; Notice. HEREnoiv ia-tox ; i; the 3d day of October, llg.'Jf,ilJ 2vnr ! ruptcy wils iucd af alnt tbc iutc ot Wsl- ; Btate of NortiLCnroUna, who ; fc JMPj ; Bankrupt upon his own I11'' ' .nv 7.t!- kinging to sucli ftwPj 'by blm, are for! ' said Bankrupt to rjffi wijl be hoki at v,our oi inwij " T: n ..vUm-1 a. m nt thrt day of October, A.. V. i(. aVrrMnUm N C. be fore Clinton A. Cuy. y-Sft OCJODUII.; , , i By It w. XX1A5, cpuv . "i ' : -Li La. it. t ona n lwifund- ; , ivs an airs now bumiu, .vo , a miu wiuc wuu vi avu ; o l-a bjjuly 1868; thus making resumption a mat ter of absolute certainty ' ! s ! 1 , ... mo ueui wsa v10" " uc j ; . small increase', but this is explained by an tm Usualh' small month's receipts, and cxccsmvo 'j-i ;jf ';.:-' ' t I- .1 .:' ' i - i- cy. -nMlrrtintCY ' rr t V nn Tuofutav and I WILL BJ5 AT ASHE. iBb. cwntr. no WadMMiar P2j.lil Bikrpry. ' Tbom who effect w jl no W aaant o tt apply tefcwaJaac W"? fiNT0S CllXKY, oWiMr - v: B!,r"'"' p North SSS ipria la GmU M Qt?p j, .4 , . B1IX9. - ISf -l- H iiZ: I: t T' 'I - r ,1 . ( i J cpct nnd i decorum. ' thtr fct trr obtained. , i..! ' .H 1: 'I

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