- - . ... .. ..-. :; -Wr': :.-.-v : ; v. u k -:;o i h a a j. i ? 'n h s a- - .htv- ;:fky;.':' '.'' : , j i THE PTft7jrt.T.- ---r w j, -Li , - - ' - nrrl Pub. tne outtp, nl tlmv-in effect place our rot-- i V i TV C llauJi, cf stranger who Ii4vc Lrftlystt.ecl anions' ns for the rmrnose of Lot 1 t onung nr rnlei-r. These unjust charge Id vj ' ' I AHS. " i , , nicct upon the nninfbrmed maM rVn a b puej W?J ''w!Vf bave raiseclupaj.prebensidni uneeovy i one(flft, . f"iu ".eSl1 aDcvovcn among the most steadfist - ! -' i "wkMtfi S" :ti S ; fTauS f the U"iii..-Tbo fdar taists that the .) -.:r.'.:r.:;:: ; calnrwlvote-can be controUed ngainst all na- r,c'y U i Htw ens in favor of those w!k can mraiW i rZ;' M tile illiterate and credalona with! vain j 3 - work Icb iw,S; s,i. .......;.. o,.!"o,lH "ioiiuiving the lands of their neighbors j sud -The VE;?!?:"1 4 lK':ie out among them. Such appeals J to ! I nuiltary pervices- in - destrovincr sinverv. nful having tlieinselves no interests to be endnn- j .... i rJ"owak tft i cei, fatal Oa, is There ffc Ho",. , , ,1 WAfok,5OI4o public sentiment, and dangerous to . i?9 "r the Wounded and ! f hi ncacetand .ri ,r f -..tv . . . I , . . j c . ? . . i ! . wsanc!el anj weary'. t71 pM:. eub-for the colorld tiopubtion A-ould inevitabUv mt are hiid trspouii-1 .lUetation and prejudice between th to the establishment of i a i That tljcsc apprehensions might bo qujetod uy; having tlie positron ot the party npon these ana oiuer pouits distmctly ami ;unequivocalty setj forth and promulgated. in North Carolina, a:iI ut forward their own "candidates nieb true to the.Uidoa .Tad trustworthyas Repujb j lii-ans and bv supporting such manifest to the nation that in! North Carolina there exists 6tieU.a prevailing sentiment of nationality and such 'voluntary obedience to the laws of ilw Iand,that onr restoration to rights and pdvers "in-the government, so; far from being ;danger- otj! f tfrc-peace and trelxare of thc'Keptibhc, w;UJ add strength to' ;the ; great, edifieeof b.vioy, Xibekty and Equality. v - , J3y requiring each candidate to announce un t vcuuy 113 opposiuon to eomiseanon am et-ire ior uie aqraission oi every white colored man alike 'to: the, ballot box. the people may prevent tlie ignorant and unsus- r prospecting colored citizerifrom being deceived bj' wuu promises oz iana ipnaiions,, into an aiu tHde of hostility arid crifliefcwith" his white neighbors, no less ruirioiis to himself than de trimental, t6 tlio peace! and prosperity of the State, j After a satisfactory;: State Constitu tion shall have been framed, should anV true, T r "? M 1 1 : n -i 1 . ' i -1 union men, unuer pmciai; aisauuiiy, oeeieciea to Jiiiy position Congress will," doubtiessj re- - Cuire?poDdeBoo of thfe PhilafleljAi freofc .'. i 'Letter from OccasionaU y- : lue reconstruction ot thti. fcouth uiideri;te irrevocable laws.of Congress' intisfatelv' cen- all lieirlnnnitcTaTTetiesr It k Isurnrlsifrar that a fact so palpable; has ubtinade 5a deteper impression upon the pubiiCv mind. ;rfieafjs but one way. to. destroy: Hconstnjction. tihd Hay; tnc 14thj vrhere I eeet a rough rime, uv-uae waue p- Bij mmu 10 suuiu -everything but persoiud insult ' 6r violence. The tifurs f nm Alabama is all cheering." ' ' ' 4 j '-Aid much more of the same character, prp- Lvmg ulq ;same:iacis, ana' lemung to tue same aaiu eiiu. i Aivw .uinerent ine , opposition pouth among- the Kvhich, imder the mat oy anoiner civil war. ite "wna doana ' need only ask hraiself a feu' rdMri-lqiietlbns. 1 r here is the e ra- sae and it tvas deemel expetlient and proper that a smove such disability itieach case; in defec ( to hioet in the city of llaleigh, oil the 4th? day I !o September,, 1867. The Convention ws ' A rl 77 n mr birth. ui me uiubcrtawai f the beautiful iity. ThM "'r" f,,rm1 h 'be fin,r f Gl- T JkI kiJtmiM uie t en-r the - i. T euufBt home tf the fco.-nhcriw ar, la the t-antif ol kx. cuce t6 tho wishes of a true aud loyal '.consti- itnency, anatmts protect the people . agaiast a 'transfer of their croverament to the hand& of acunrdincrlY . assembled: bnt itsijiction eaa !'tTnVr.rL i i. i-J , vm,' not sndTaa was honed aiid exoctod. It was. ?. Ilriwever tnueh thff conduhtan'd 5 snirnt 'f u.iuiMcm umoriunaio mai aiwrr iiiu cout-. inc late convention may De aepiorcu, anci tesy shown to recent settlers froni the North!, however ;mnch; it -may '. have increased previ- I .' -"", juuiuiiicum iuiim.mu ii j uu.MV: c.vtsii'ijj uj'prciieusions, it is yet . in trie jSt;ite of hiq, CoL lleaton,) the. temporary jumdf of the people! to protect themselves at i Chalnrian i of liie CJoilVflltioil. i thev i should tIi. Ii'lllntiljnr Tirwl in kfjpnro o. l-otsfnrfif Jrkii nf EEPUBLICA1I ADDSESS TO THE. PEOPLE CF K0H7H CAE GLUT A. . iiaiL- ciciuanueu. ami uv apjeais to iiig coioreu ;,tueir ri k legates on the ground of military services, sec area Hie rejection ot one ot the most pro inui nt and worthy of the native Vuioliist!! jot thejState. (Geiu Doekerv,) and have placed i;i i his lteal, as licrmanent I'resideiU, a stranger It 1. v. .:: .c x if -.x .i : 1 t f.CVAbbott,) a Igontleman' previously unheard I of bv the 'masses of our-people, or knovvri irhts, and' of prosperity and Tieace,.bv (oVoperatiirg with the Union Republican Party The apparent pnnioses'and the action of t'ie ' r- as an "'ccr f rui:l e Fc-vlerhl army, who let caclr, tutning a de late Convention. ass !iil,!o.l ih.. St - ,.f ?M ha.tireeently located near V ilinnigton,i m this disunion agitators igb, on the 4th div of SentemW-- hnv.-iVl 'P-' It is still more to Ibe regretted that j trs,maintaht .finnly .met the open disapproliation of rn-mv I c"hfw spefifccirs from A ilqington and its vh of his counttrV and to licaas in the State, and raised serious appro tt.mV s-ohde.l by a gentleman froriiilSew ; labor to advan'eo the; Iienstons of tiiseord in the partv, the under-1 1 Soi- 'eeK, in aavocaung uie tjiecuon " liberty; and equahty.jf irw i ivv fi. ;...,t c . - r is ... ui i 'n. .vi;htt. snoiuii iisuii i;i"uaLru. v 1 i lgl aK.-iis in subm:ttm:r the foil. wi:?g .views, and suggestive t purposes calculateu to increase previously ei.-ting njiprehensions. ' Tliey pn- radcil the military prestige of theircaiididate i re- , A 7 . II 1 a - ' v-..iorung.nu irniy loyal and 1 niyn inon to - h-irmnn-c-niwl nnlii-rf ii-., c.t... ! radcil the miiiuirv prestic i tpmrwrsn-Jri,! nM..,i:!...i: .ltrhtmi. against slavery, vnna taey I cious and Onfortunnte counsels pro.ii-hid tire native citizens ot the tate,witli f ti. tr..i . t I sf rii4rr!T;irr f f i,ritnnt it nnl fh.nrSrf-d TniiVn ti.i must V rvlivd Biwii to settle cur prent ' L!u !li Wlt,h artin elt,er. f,?m ; Ct?a.rVlce1? irouoies atvi to restore the lately iysur-n-it : 1 " , V i 1 Tl Of the nation in the ;sui)p6rt of such measures and tae wit oreement of! sucu laws as have been adopted-f or the security and preservation oi the union, j ; -j . ' f. -. u - .- j- -.. J In this work the iiitercst of the white ! arid the bolored citizen is iride'ntical. Let there be uo iUf eeling nor antacronism between them. But af ear to the appeals of arid desicrnincr office hun- the Constitution and laws the extent of his ability, ijreat principles of justice A EeautiM Story. T i On a warm suminer'afteriioon, a lazy breeez stole through the. tvmdowjj of a little, hot dis trict school-horise, lifting the "white curtains, arid rustling the leaves of the copy books. that lay pen on tlie 'desks. Thirty or forty schol ars of all ages were bendint; over their :wri- U:.w,r.it..l f, i. . . - 1 ine effect of these aiipeals upon the qolored t the only sound heard. 1 n,.mnit v.. I'l.. ..Ii Yc : delfiites was manifested bv tle exciteriient" this little, hot sthool- I . , i ' i. 4i- . and Enthusiasm with which they reiected the heroines a ccrlainly.as-tl It,- ,.l intnm-itv ..f i-.,;.... i... ' cou:ic!s of the more considerate of their own life. , - Wssumeii, a5n basiof rer-nstniction. 'certain ' rM'r!? onS 3c?r !:lte1 iu the Federal The bell rings for the m - tfn-,.u.n..i.t.'.i ... . . t ,1 i , r ! serv.ite. (Uen. J.athin) who met only .reproach and now comes -the last -l.-t.;..i. .. f,-, nrt....iL,L: r.'i.i.'. and insult for r. isiu? Iws voice in advocacy the spelling, in- which powef toBeprlve thef fre'edmi of . their .suffrage arid tretb"i:o:tbeni to svhat wnld be a worse oondition $haa-th fpmter slavery? J Kyeji ii ,thhj 5 poVerted, whjat safety wojild t3iere' be 1 for .ti.Q rebel whitas surrounded by fonr nwllioris dHrifriHatedSiid betrayed ieople ? Who?defiirfe$Tt'ennesse which,' under-ihei influencet ofi univfersaL it of f rage,: is advacipg on theigh Vyojad; Hofin endui ing prosperity to ; rqee;. bjithe disfranchisement of herVfreedineii' binder 'th'e heel of tKeslare tyt tnts f 1 2K3ifgt sPwkif'ibe ' reriiedy. of -.the jbelfion, an d c4t war mue t be the remedy joi tlxpso. who : Avori fr tbeaes toralion of, the' rebejs. iye,;orir eats pro ductive interests, ready tor 0- 'mrasre .another sucHinovettei eiali that looks to this bitta: nd MdovlVi-flevl! quel ? f iEvcry great interesti every railroad, every bank, every merchant eyeiy ' irianiifae tuier, every 'mechanic,; and eery I laboring man, AVould instantly feel, like at bloy irt . the dark, the signal for civil war.iAndfmark.'! No man is interested in the verthrdrvr of s re construction who is not directly interested iri to"necto suffrage in the rfoorHyhite" m&r t& that Copjuerhead' influence, is permitfed to control too unyi thje same clasjses 'Mt tbfcrfNorthj! In the former he white population, who have suffered all tho horrors bf licmorance and want jjaronsequencej of the! Opposition of slaye-hol- uera to common scnopis, ana nave inereiore becri led bv these iatterllike so :manv beasts pf -burden, c at! Jast-i realiziff that thev must ohoosei between Jth'e negrol ks an ally, and the? M'weissjiniaster- Jlheir .answer isfouua in uie enui.osiasnij wun. wmcq tney entetliOjUu- : , : 7 ,! " ,rrc7T" iuy uis.ifict ooui-ts 91 tne s unrtea oiaies ,ine warning. . . ., . . j OCCSIpAL f 6fiy!snairid vcry-procced-ilfi ip Oi!l.-hin'V.J-,. ,..iT..- a'J:K ingtelsetracri?,iand to bn4inand' obedience-'U f Important Legal Opinion." Thedton; Willob McGandless judge of the United States District Court fdif the -western district of PennsylvahinJ sitting sas a court : of bankrutcy, in dsolvinglah injunction to fre- Miaiii aciiuii i uy oincer? or the law unqer ' 1 f 1 , . - 1 . a' ' . i Jmi . juogmenis oDiamea in ctate courts, nled an interesting and important opmiqn orf the rc fereneftjto. the- jurisdiciion. of jthe'rfrnh)d States coiurts in sueh cases. lie expi essed His convietiojn that the bankfHpU laV passed, by Congres4 unaer" the " authority ojf thel eighth - j.e it. ' a .1. ii.i J . 1 ..in.. ."l .il.. bi-vuuw ji me. ui Bi, uriicm 01 tne 1 Vonsxuuuon is highly beneficial to both the debtor ,-and the creditor ;! but is defective in ihis particular, that it gives no authority to restraiii prpccei irigs affectingthe bankrupts or. his ; creditofcs in State dourts by hvinnctiori or other rirocesis. nor to take out of the; possession-of Stae coiurts the pf operty which belongs! to the baak- jfnptj es?ate.!,-Ilj? favs,:fi is.corittjnde thjt has bv implication conferred': won i ,-?Anccdotft'of President loncdlni iThejv'umjji-.j jipprOatbina Cabriiet idiansres Jtas.md ucftttxuerepu ohcaipj$n ROmeflUers. oixne-anaress to i.ijfesiatnTiytW! tne overthrow of the; national debt, upon the mamteiiance of which so many miltions . de- penu. sit is therefor a spectacle-r lmhieasura- Uy revolting and unnatural to see anyone' of our financial or productive elementsi indin:e ent t( s the primary duty of mfunfaimng:the Iiepjublican party, and of sustaining the acts 01 rf construction, these reflections! present theuhs'P.es with resistless force to any one who! at this political centre, watches the care ful j revocations to violence on toe part of the Executive; and his niynnidons in Maryland and elsewhere. And j if anything' c6uld in crease the lesson, the" recent news fifom! the unreconstructed States win dp it. g Ay hat would be the effect of the ' new rebellion of Johnson and Swann, acting as the mere pup pets of Jefferson-Da vs in Canada arid .Cle ment L. Yallandigham in Ohio ? Sftiply 6 break npjthe gi-and industrial and education al organizations which1 are redcemirigjiaud re constructing the insurgent sectiops, f qr such i;iisses in uk? . reufiiiousi flaxes, l hcM -1 .IkIlf tit 71 rf'iwl.tit K.liiv n'lM.It r t.'i t t!.JM.r..;..Af'...'i,ui ....-". :V.- ,.. i TresUlent nt a North Carolina Convention, .n.,,-,, , : . - - . was fjdlowed bv the election of four Secreta- . dt'muliebonieinmir,d that these States Tits! wo ofs vhom were strange locate,l - ...T. ......... . . . 1 . j . . m I K . . 1 1 W-1 . f I I ; l.lt.lji ailiu:r 1 Kf yuivrmi: ii. could, hariily he expected that tne Congress niieil States would be .likely to view the action of ia 'Convention'-so. controlled as I ,'ritmg to be laid by; exercise 01 the aav, nearly alii the school .. . , . . ... 1 41 1 . ll fT .'l " i 01 ino,ier;uKii and prudence.. i ' , joinea. me neau 01 ineteiass is a ueiicaiu riu? election of (Jen. Abbott as permanent J little girl, in! a blue jilress, wlilose bright eyes -..- ii7.... t . 1 . f.ir. Jtttn f '...irmtllAn J.lllH nttniltllfl oil K-liAr fKof cJia nnvnc nor nlnpa llllil, I 1 ICt 'illlll U U V V Hie tUlUC Ul IUU II I cJ 11" I , I -.v . 1 . - 1 . ; . r . 1 iy I 1 ii g; the writers, was A ' e..A. rn...i -.Lix .Jt tv i -t i -1 j. i uiui cuii'iii ui iuc otuih. iiiimsunuh oj. winie jjut j iiiuuiiu . sueiii, room had its heroes and ie wider sphere of rire t be restor-ed hot merely to lninggi'vern l tVniIyes, but to the cereise of U-ual ic,.M TK-.vtr 'in gi.verniiijjthe whole cauntrv. : They i V ? rcbt'.lel ai'iimt the L mm, an.t waged a war had passed all the llie )1W luOflTlC fit L-Hkt. It ! Presently a word, which loWer end of the class, came to Eunice word was privilegel MP-r-i4v, prtv i, p'rivi, lfe-g-e, privilege," i spelled Eunice. 'But theiteacher, ! vexed' vith the mistake at theoth- aud the she pel- men: who can neither who have been held under jan oppreslioni read nor and s'ervilo as that of the slaves themselves,, are, for the first time, introduced to tUc hoipojtu - r . i . .. . . ri. l tT'i x . ' l . ii . l l J . li 1 r - i r . - :" l . c ' expressive oijinc true sentiments oi inis ?iaie, ; er exui 01 me ciass,. uusunuerstoou ner, for tie cstabsiMiment of certain 'principles of ! , u 1 , . , . ,. 'I - ,, i i ui - .-i.i i i i i .1 lor the success of a party under it as 'affording passed it. 7iie little girl looked atnazed, v . ' ."-V ".usu . suffic- t evKleucl. the temper andspirit of bright color came into; lift- cheeks; and rs . wS jseiroverntnent they now seek to le made . ... . r. .. 1 t.,. ,i i , r , t' i : ..t., -.'f , iourKopIe,'to .justity the restoration pl the , asienei eagerly to uie next person: wno s . .CT 1 . r v.J ....... , . Mate JU its ndits and powers in Uie general -led it again as; she had done; i , , . , . - . . . , 1 r'g'.veniment. V f t s -' "Jkight, said the teacher: ;"taRe. v our TStoretl to the ngldsud wersofi-j. neveVlhdc.de -to'hiee ; , !: j j ff 1 PvemoXu is it tmreasonable that thev .,e I . t y0 .. y comnuttirig the par-! -' j I spelled it so; whisperjedEuincetoiier--1 r; Vred toYljh for whic, .Vi l; aistihctlv and authoritatively self tears springing to her Jves as !heissd I t',y wagjd tin.- unsuccessful ruidrt r " ;ojl Jthroc 1K,intSj to ; ; ist. Against the ! down. But, too timicl to spwk; tothc master, i V 1 RS are "v.l'rp--;nbed as essential to the . j.c or ,lairt. of contlScating private pro-i she remained hi her Wace, inwdlv determin- ,- 1 ral peace nd welfare. ' ' .tr: v for politicid offences in ttie preseht .coW I iag foon to "get p againy-fT i i ., 1 lint, m as 'much as tho people .themselves, i a:;iJJof ..fTuirs ; 2d. In favor of providing in !: 'Uut her trials wervriot over' jltany expe ! 1 'l "'d'tlte Stf.tes, are the real repository of . lte C;mU ution for the extension 'of the dients were trie.l.in' 'thq f chool to keep out . 1 M-hcal power, it is required that they, give t.,cttIJe fr:,,:.!.;-:i; tv, cvtry wylte and ioloretl 1 the arch enemy" of all teachers whispering. , 11 nee of a popular reumu-iation and ai-cep-i,. ...j j Iu' f..vor of l the rembV:d ot I At Ungth the following jas adopted: Tlip . . t'cvm-diaith, and not merely a disabilities froni trrie arid loyal citizens H first Wjfiisperer ras stood upon1 "the floor in 1 yr.cquiescetice from expedieiu-y, ui nler J with .7 riruiuvs Congress may deem k-ifeSfiu of the teacher's deslt. r I lore he acted as t l. over the:pover to rent w the late stnie ; a:vl ,lcnt ,1 state. The Committee i cidnitor ; as he detected another He took his 'If-nvivc.a lost cause. 4J reconstruct ion. liai;oa jL;fi,nn :m;i resolutions," after fyir mid seatiuid tlie. next' offender! kept a jstiarp dook- -- Il.'rdcl:aiil-.only Wcanse of tlieir lailure, s.1 . , J , 4i,.ni' ion. reported to thb Con- out. to find someone to' take his pUcc:for at as Cabinet, r The address1 iasisted.id very strong , terms,von the rneV;efisity Jof .ihaving l& .united .vauuiet.aiiu oiiti uiorouguiy an sympatny.Tiutn the President I A comihittee of nine. '".with Judge Collariicrr at its' 1 headji' 3 waited 1 on' the President ami - read .hmj ' the. address Mr. Lincoln listened! - to it 1 iwith -attoiif inW. hnA .then entered irij3, free qnvejbsation j with, the oeuaiors, eicii one oi wnffm fexpressed jhis ap proval of the sentinients f the paper just read MrJ Lincoln concurred ,wth fthem fully, and said that, as his Cabinet jhadj alwajS seemed to him to- be united and had hlwavs approved of his policy hehouglkt Ituo committee -were laboring under 3a misaipreiiensioni '! "And now," he said, "levant to ask you one quVs- tion or ratheff himself' the: question. ought to have . a Arhich agrees it they all replied. ' is that precisely nities of knowledge, wjbile hundr.edsjo tl ou sands of jacres heretofore uncultivated jjor de voted to cotton, sugar,! ricej and " tobacco, are offered the enornious: advantage" of ia haripy population, for the firsi time working for a ere s in a varied agriculture, and an iricreasmor tide of .white -emigration... Rivers thatf eomd not be made navigable Owing to the it doctrine of State Tiirhts n'rainstihe rahd sv tern of internal' improvements by.tfae faid J of the General Goyenmieiit-will now be peiied oy the loint lnnuenceot individual andi UOnH gressional aid, while riilroads, ;.will be con structed for,other purrjoses . beside caTyriig cotton' and tobacco to seaports to be shipped to foreign countries, i hat living motive ex liberty, can inauce a man t oppose a policy which is producing suctyrxesults t l want eabh one ojE.-you'to ask estion.i ; lrbu say your think I Cabinet every, member o ' 4 t.J" Lv.S.:.U i uy rA i Hit; VtiliiIl- 1 x e, ' "NoV,1 said- Mr. Lincoln, what vqu niean? Doirt ton really think I Ought to hve a! Cabinet every member. of which) agrees withiyouyin opinion? xsu it mui) jvuaif jyu wiui -iJfJfi i answer me now, Out think it over anq come back: to-mor row 1" In repeating the story,! Mr. Lincoln re- 1 "l .1 , .1 ! ! -1 ' .Y . il . . -.r maTKeit mat iney aia not? conie oack. 1 jjir. Seward promptly sentri his resignation, but as Mr. Chase also! sent Jus, and ithe President declined to accept either nides ; he accepted both, the 'plot fell th!niugJi4--AW - York limes. - ! . ' -1 "-: . -! t theiR maiidteefi Jusi ve4of li jfttatt iuri of the eigtith, section of toe-first article of the Jdnstllttwn'df t WVii'M1 -States, '"g&ntihg inirorm iawsr -TrrrTnje iwugoutthe'Umtel the MrftM f;M-iich.w4std fito kMMge'M ftFinA j "S1 i-ii mt. iri- - i 4 .- f -. P- 'States. 'LConrBSfl had , thfl . TsritAft n., but .t r. ? or--- i-. rr w t x. , i. . - i 4.X '. - TTTT The following arc extracts from the last letters received by thedieptiblican Congress ional Committee. . i A 'correspondent from iSoiilh west Virginia .. -- ; i - PI''-' ' I : i 7 The Radical white eld lirely to the poor labor . tk ... f ... i aI. n ticru-wiiii-kTi find frrt!'. i' ni..ii:i..-i v..-j ... , i -tit. shiiteat among inein oi a prevaiuu- se:;- . fnorted to tho Con- out. to nnu some one to take hi$ 1 tliree rostdutions 'mbQ:ving. these the close of the school the scholar who had the uts, and reconiiaeiideil tlieir passage. wiusjerer s place was punished, very severely . - . .1 11. 'I'l. - ...VV.. .- iV'" m K-corance .,...... i'"r- . jllt resolatiowf Were met by a repeti- as-lheschool.phrasu was, f'tookiaterulmg!'' t'T l-y of Congress has I.evn condue.evl exelIMi immoderate discussforrj ThisTplan appeared to operate very Well, every U r tp v. ilh tins view.. Its first step-was ,.; jt iwas unfortunate that one dreailing being found tlie last oil the floor; k? fr vuluntarv manitestation in the thckollf ui 4:1 whichftbc' first of the reso- but though it secured an! orderly Vchool, many tl.iss t.rdore I by the I resident. lut ad- iunJwfts r.'jected, was made, not by anv of the parents and scholars doubted its justice. ' A'?u,1Sels 1avHiir prevailed in those ele .l.... .f the State wllitc or colored", Tlie boy who yfrason the floor when Eunice rttlHC.mstitutional Amendment J?f yiyat 1vja pro-.ninent. ilifuian from the State lost lier place, was an unruly surl fdllow, who lr.K-d',f.,r their vhuvfary acceptajO in ;'of OJ IIeato,,:) Tiie other two were uaa sntai f ed for his faults "often" before ; and 'tertaui principles were to tiHtorpon;-: on Uk. lnotion 0f a gentleman from as school drew near its close jhe began to trcm4 tc;he l ..ustitntitm itself, anTa suiheient l yY (CoL Peckj) now resitIent i,'Wil. ble. iThe instarit Eunice's l Aviiispejred I com- " ' r,of ;,!IiviJual eitizensupposetl to en- i Ua motion of a native of theState, plaint reached his: ear, hi face brightened up; rtiiiOSts:tiprlK)Sesjvre to be excluded , Lu. ,vJio-; E0H. ; i aml ha3 beeri for he was safe now. : And when theT lass ivaa lr.i exercise ofpeiitical lowers to give . rme J-rv v,ars a reident of AVa.shf.fgt Jn ! dismissed, he said Eunice ! whiskered, kir.V Ji l l f 'tW'Osthe n-seen dancy and coi t S , t' of irt orKanizalLoa was adot- ; ; Eunice rose, and in a tieounvpice rela i reilc t' Zhi:i?T edfso ipuiait in its details; to the cuso ,, tedwmt kho had sai.l; out the teaclL saw no rec,, majorK and. niasiu., , so cffce cxcusb in.it, am-Vne ns called to take the I ' the hls flf rk t0 l4,aCt 0i K fe Wcuorous boy 'who 'hall told of bij iinforib the elective" inent ia U,e hands of rtrausrray-cpii. !fe f . i .1 ' J ..ih: " v!' "-' . i ,...;7,l,t;., nn.l t,. trolling-tne colored vou-,U?.l it cannot UilH ! Books had been put away, and thfe'waitmg IIT " V . 1 l Al 111! Jl lill L 1 .'iitX iiidi . ftllil I I mcnt is bonfi classes : anl ttempt to wirj rich and. ruling men, who are nearly al chanics. It is folly to loyal arid tnalignant in n tlieir hatred o q n ihe coiwrtit p-.iiaii".., iu;'.h.irv oveminents tor tne th Nortueni eme nould be encoaragcl left her seat to take the dreaded Tuihnient. Shts w?as one of the best scholars, bright, f aith- trnanc r ,.rdfr while the si.Ir- ! '4. - J A V.itl.lUlli'l" illlkA - - I 7 . A i ' t . 1 w it and k.:.: t ...lo wi.rn boin -r K y eMn .onr s iv oxtendiufT to them ev agaid t i, ' luii couditi jij of affairs we ! e;" c.1f y and kindness, and by discounlful, sweet-tempered, a general favorite. Every re nowu ,irw,n act-- i . ' -. mH the revival ot prejudices; wniciif onesiou, teat it was unjust, nun main .wi-.j nid never have existed, and ought now to glances were cast at the ooy.wno p tirw-in Tt HCU Tlie lint-;. '. rt.ifdit to b schoot looked on in sorrdwfulmess bs Eunice I .1 . - -1' 1 ' .-' r 1 . A csr on UiO i:.:i' uf popul ' SHOT ih. lorg-Vten and unrieti; iorever. A Till . - ar s-' " . 1 .H:.1. III. .13: - Jl ?iir r i. prnnuitrv ... trucr" , i. ... . our Tecie aie.wiumg ior recent. mn, ; . in?- uc iUU-' varticinite m our public affairs, it is not nat- i sidd of the. ,. I I. A itid s) .iosi tions, viz: m 1 tuai-thcv houM view with favor; tlio hrkftcacW support' . Ami ffium" R,L", lv,.,u- j nearanci even ot jn eftort to place then gay-1 tncnt. j ;L U a!: - t ' .e Tnion ana oi .... . ; ..u. erjinient o:itirily in the hands of strangers to At this . r n - . ti IliT uiii if 11 lrft t x : . ' l m ... :"w.-l States sua iV tbe exclision of -those m hose information in- his seat, a 1 t,ii ii''Vi .- Art.ir the toustuuiion. . 1 ,..1ST,, o.-v.-.l, it. ' - - ' lk - miU . I V AAV 11V ki J' Alfttft IK L Ll.l lit 1111.111 I mean. Over- Bat while senonah to get a iu tie gin wnippeo.j ( settlors to com,ey. ith shanietand fear shs; stodd' oy the desk, ' crying j bitterly. ; f while', the s preparing tq inflict tiki punish- "2. Cn3 an,l politically equality among au , njta lnaiMI!, the manifold in- ertivc of race orcoior.u iue,, nJ oxfXcw'l(?s connected ritli our must ; ap- ust.to.take condition,' .bv promises toi the siwcting and dq- r i ..r -1 -1 : flic OI owr Kpuiano!i, ;uuiiiius raiMJ. up eii- , Hill if ... . u. v v....... . y....y 1., . . . " . . . ' ' " v ie-.; .1. . il.i f.i.,.. .,.ii, r l lie Ct'llMll ail.lii,- jm H IILIUI uiiu Uir citien", irresp - rroteyuoi of white and cworo - .- , ,.rescnt infortunate condition. It "right, prunes and iniainniueui "i toie feoi.Ie unkind and unj , ttiP - . , ,t 'alvaptago of their helpless" "1 hese t o the hrincii'lcs ot me u m i.k-j 0Vcitirig lippeals and dehuuve rt-BUCA P.vtrrv, and ore tU onhj; test of a ; mosfc jr:lnt nilfl most unu moment a tall boy steppes hd going to tho desk, said : out of trif "'i republican Vae nghii jr.j lKiwers aplK -.jui-"-ni k"-u in uie 1 iuv Our restoration to rtaining to a awaits r.;id is WMident 01. ,o establhment ot inesc prmri- f j.- ,00,11 i3n0w solicitous and ;e-s as me jtrvailing senmuv. r-i-v. , destrl structive of the efforts of those who! ate' la' for a return' to populir mirid in nnciples of tlio 1 iue guitrraneat has reirau.i-. "' boring t prepare the State tious lor tr,2,.n fr0iii hanishmem ami irom , v oy ,rm5ill!? the . Hmiiscxuioc it not no .. t corxlial it' with tho great pi . i , 'V- , v, Ji.,, kv: I It caniJt be expected that a . F - 1"e who Ua. ui Qni i t 1 this Sutd apparently controlled - ,ca" it ir. rinitnU ! fluences and distingnishotl by ""rJ Al,: .t .n; ;rcomiriaiHll the approbation and le the purpo c of even true Kepublican in the J JU State to euco;raeand advance this disposi-lll.,e Convention id by such ini such action Jraij confidence of f the )edpl of North Carolina. j But it; is ad-; t vised arid hoped that no true IlepublicanSvilt. T " "Are ou goin to whip Eunice, en-? ' . ,Ys,'I never break my rules," the teacher said. ;-' ii i i - - -r ; i I.' '' " AV: will riot see her whipped!" J?aid the boy ;ih an excited Toiee. 4 There is not a boy here, but One. that' would see her. whped. Whip me, sir, and keep your rule, if y ti must, but don't touch that little girl.? i ! j The master paused ;' the school looked on tcarfnljy. ' "yt --:)' ' !' :-fi '. i Pol voiv mean to say yon tvill take her pnnishinent?" asked the teacher. . , ' i "I do, sir " was the bold rerily. . j j 'The. fobbing little girl was sent to her seat, and without flinching, her friend stood arid rrm.WnVi Hia nnniklimint. that Xl'ni tO liavf f.'ll- len on her. .The 6chool was dismissbdl and !jmX heart t dis-lljie Federal Ooveniment more sb than wheri the war was waged, ! In th'ej counties I have j visi ted I have found nearly jail the poor men j rea dy to unite'wwith" our leagues and vote jwith the Kadieals. -We -can secure the vote of the ten Southern States in the next Presidejn tail election if we labor for it and are supported as we ought to be. Th ere never was sifch a field opened to the philanthropist as there : : s now offered -.in the South. Our poor" liite and colored population aire true to the Fde--al Government, and cnlvi need educating to give their influence in favor of Ibj-altj-laad freedom. - I do wish, SveW Republican ii th!e North could know as I know, and see as II j see, mr.tiei-s iii these non4ieconstructed Sttes, J-knd then the wealthy patriots in that section would see mat they eouia o no oeuer nan to contribute to the 'suf port of IJepublicari journals and free schools jri thebemghtedand former pro-slavery -' sections. - The; Republi cans of Tappahannock,'Essle.t county Yiijin ia, have. passed erithusiastio resolutioiis- cini plimentary of Drj Alxretl Thomas, Oue of the speakers sent out by the LTniou Congrcss'inal Committee to" advocate Reptiblic?.ri doctifn and exj)lairi the x recoJas-ri'6tIon law. '" :Licv say that he-has TTiado' profound - impression upon the minds of n great rnanj' of the Avhitti. laboring men, w hom the Republican paf t is striving to elevate .as vto enjoy all the rights of freemen, '-The ('Democratic-. ljjjadr ei-s" in that district, says one' writer; rcret that the-Doctor !evcf j placed his' f Oot " upon, this soil, for they iimt ;it i mpossUJa to ead astrajr-tlie first colot'ed voter front "the , fin. he'eattie ainong us.f" X' ' "-' -T''.r ; '! ', ' A gentleman wri t big: " f roin Peters berg,' V irginih, under date ot tetooet- T7 yayf a An EHebel View of Copperhead Prophecies. ' .Th6se who pi?rrlex reuniori hi the South are the objects ofj penfocratic pit not theBx-reb-els who truly jacqiliesce. The , real opinion of the Democratic p4rty, Avhfch is poV .held by irianv!of i ts old allies 'in tfie Seiithern States. lnferiialhas leen heard from Governor. Orr and oth- er uut, uiwe is tiery iteat stateiueut oi it riiade by Mr. Barringer.' I- tt is tiii the -follow ing wordswhich may. be meditated at this time' with peculiar profit t The treacherous w,iiei .uiueK 01 tiie toppeineau priess, 1 wmcn nas ever fed and fattened on; the iifqllies, of vjthe botith, and which has ever led us to death and destruction, are again gathered ubi - People f-gtT j 6 1 r rben t W ifiaut uhok of arrets the 'miidsiJls' Sverelto rise ; J 8(52, wien M'Clel- lan in his' ragejandj despairj was- to seized the Government ; i 8dl .when! tjic 'Toinwcskt was to resist; 1864 wlipn the! peace Democracy as to triumph ; .1865, .whenj MR Johnson Would ceTtainly.'crush IialiCalism ; land finally 18G6, wnen .the) 1 hdadelpliiii Convention wa tolsweep'the cpuntry. pfhpl(l Wtidi resillt nil these frt'&pheciesy 'Ami A ct M hen a So erh nip.n dares;toris above the passions they have riot doiieso.'. lle refef.alsoto tlib pfohibittbri-contained in Xht act oi Cori"gress of 1 1 9?,feipresslyVdcclaf ing', that a1 'Vfttf otf injunction!; shall- not be granted - to stay proii .ceeauigs ni any court .ot ptate, and.- auegejj inat ui'.rois notumg jiw; up. - uapiicruptcy). if x repealing this statute; the term-"all other per sons" therein relie! ! upon'f having' referenc orily to parties mlei-jFerinvith the propert of ari ihdividuapnot yet adjudicated an in voluntary oaitcrupi, '--noi 10 courts 01 .a atat or their executive; othcers. -.Ihe,- sanctity 0 liens is esrieeiall v recornizetl bv tha bankrunl cylaSvyand, those' acqtiirdj by judgracrits 111 Stateiiirtjs cannot.; therefore, be located "by its operation. w hen one tho 1 nrisdiction of. court attachdsr. it cannot, be arrested or . tal 1 cemaway by anotiierj court ; for . each . beingff ecmar,nvith power to enforce its process, thef attempts ItO interfere ithi each kjtlier woidd create endless donfusiori and hardship, 1 The fntpbrtatjooVof a uniform bankruptcy law appears,, however, to require tthat when once tue jurisuicnoii 01 ine vnitea. iptaies vis trietCourjt, sittj ngm bankrn)tcy,has:ittached, the entity! of tin; bankrupt arid all claims upon; it should jbo brought undeij jits I supervision, whether partly adiii(tic.atediin State lcoui'lsxtr not. in tno otates they have- also weal in solvent lavi-s, which lack altogether the irivol- i i. jit.: i.i .1 --s-t ..i Jf Tin untury oaifK-rupt anu.otner,Mnpoi"Tanc jeitures of the United States .law. j .It may ybeeome necessary foil Congresses practice Arid exper iericeshalsugest to snper;sede'!" prohibit local.courtis of irisolvency, arid royide for erir joining State " wurts front lMrthtr action against the estate's of thase'wk'o are! tleclared bankrupts iin the p'riited States '.courts'.! . The law passed by Congress1 iselaborat e;n- me- e hour - and tell i the truth he is denounced as a t'rai and section." J -1 Of the people'tbei unvarnished ox td bis race V: ,' ;; - ; . A" Beautiful Idea. In theniouiiains bf Tyrol,' it'is thb custom or the women and children t it is bed time and; sing" their national soiigs nrdil they hear ther' husllands, fathers land brothers answejr! tneix from the hillsxm ? their return home. .Oik tlieyshores of jthri Adriatic such a custoi iireva4sr, jThere the :jviyes i of the fisherinen comedown 4bouti sriiseti land t sing a melodyi 1 f Aftir sirigipg the first stanza. they listen awhil't "for an hnsHverin strain from off the wterj. knd coitiuetOj skigj'jind listen till the ell-kiio wn voice comes 1; orri?' on the tide, teliing tljat jtlie loved jpne is aliriost home;. IIow swetit to thc.weAWifishermaiVas the1 shadows gather aroririd him, must jbc i t-Ks songs 01 tne loved oaes at npnie,' y'r.o sing to hn, and jboky tpiey irrite streiigthen! and tighten the bonds yUvh bind together those bumble dwellers bf tho seal tTriilv. it is a-uion'g the lowly jri this fifejthat jwe-find some V. Vl .1, ills M,cf Atvio irt Vvf.O .1 1 ' F nove b' land in to our co.irts, ' and Caridless, (endorsed rve to direct lattention will! re- of Congress many of its features this opinioh! of jfudgo by Judge tirrier,' yi to a serioiii ' defect, Mhich n'oj doubt' WXt2 fcilAV' ttLtk.UU.V 5- i'.-.::-1 :.:,(, -:" '"' Till 1 1 1 A FriehifulPictiire of Life in Livernool "There hay been -of late soriie fcarfid ijyela- tions of tha'raoral degerieracv of tho Vflower orders", WiCngland, Jt.pure,nTore baal- ling thay that presented to u.i,of the state of ipuigsin Liverpool 11; is naruiy possioio to conceive. ' 'An inquiry was a 'short time! back instituted av the town Council into; the cause ofthe exceSjSijiej mortality - iu!iatj town arid report t : me) ioruuiiPsioHers .araws a pic ture at which' humanity tnustlshudder.- ? -The following eitract from! a London . t)aner "will givcTSome idea Of the "Sloughof Desporifl"dn- to whic:r.tne ceieorated empaminii has (been converted ; . u -.; f - . r v - n ; 1 Lius tho g. population -.oi 'liiverpoou Jjet cholera Once1 take hold of these; inassci of fallen I hu.- 0 expectcvif to ihe life .blood drunk' Id Woincn, From tht KuoxTille-Whlg. 1" ' ' , j i ; progress of thn Loyal Chujrch. i a Another loyal Conference c th fethodist" , j Jbpiscopar Church- has been Organized. In ,1 the 'city bf Atlanta, r .Georgia,- twenty-twd months -ago, Rfv. IJishop; D...W. ! Clark, on t : the reqxudt of Xo'jul 'gentlemen of 'Atlanta, rev f j paired to that city and organized tho Georgia " and7 Alabama District, with" Rev. j. L. Chal- ; I f ant as Presiding Ildcr. i t'" I- ' ' . 1 Ori tho 10th of October,' in tho iamo citV," , the Ctorgia Annual, Conference of tho Meth- . . ' odist Episcopal Church was organ zed. Th r-. i! r r t ... i , TJii general UtUici aro as follows t. Foiir" i districts, Jjiirty-seven, traveling, sixty-oho lcf ; cal i"-eachCTsr forty six now churiheii paulfor j ; an'd h me h?i$qnil eiuijyuiclrcd' (Oii i'eventj- '.) nxmantert, mciiKliDgnrohatioiier ' - 1 ::AtlTaIIalega' Alabama.'thc.Ailakitna Con i fe4iei)co''of t!.o retho.iist 'Episcopal Cliurch A fV org-' - I by-.I!;hop Chrk, oa Uie . 17th T jns? nt. We are r.ut in pof-si .Moa o the cxr , acf '.it! ':s, 1ut. tbey will .-roxitriate tVso-; j of tU Georgia Conference. This f ': th ' s of less than two years! ? In "Tcntx" there 1 art'tt. tliousqnd members, This looks likci iro? growm, iisnop Jdoiycrol 1 - The world irioves Thank God ' X'Jaetij TIt03LS IL PEARNE ; Kiioxville, Term.. Oct. 10th, 1887. i .: j; ' . Minicg.. , II' T . 1. . . ... . 1 . t er arc, pieaseu to do ab 0 to record anv favorable hewg respecting tlie-dcvehfljincnt of the mines! of our sectfon. i'.Wo harn from Oiose who! arc experienced and capable ot . judging in ' these riiatters; ! that Ir2 Gaige, i who has lately ojpened the 'Terrcs Mine," fivo miles fron the city;noar Sugar Creekl Church, has cut tha veins npon the property it 5Q' to 70 feet depth, and that the results more than realizei the favorable rcpresen tat ions tnado by, our native miners -respecting this most valua- , ble miner; . ' ; ' . ; -' .- . Tlie veins are large: and the ores, sulnhu- rets of, ironi and copper, anjl the leerinio6etl ' Brown. Oxides, arc, rich worth i from $73 - to $100 per ton. We are no 1 udge of ores, but $0 our nnskllled eyes' tliey. are indeed fbeauti fulr and, miners who have I seen; the m pro- t MyuM,vv tUVII lAA LllVIIU f - .1 , l JUr. U.ugp has had ddliculties to edcountor"1 from want, of power and defects of ipumpV but with sutli veins and such ores, thjiso aro. but minor (obstacles soon . to ( bo romedied, while tho success of the Terres jMbc' ia . an, established fact. V Let' those who 'doubt ' that wehive'good iaviug mines ' visit theTer-; res and be fconvinced from ocular deraionf tra tion;- Uiarldtte lli tmblicanl ! j .'ii ooiivenuu;. p r'.; j :'" - v 1 1ri '' ''! '" i For four. years has an cpideiriic of. typl raged with .increasing; virulence among j working population of Liverpool". Let cho! go inanity, and -it can scarcely leave theni until it has suclicH.1 front thousand i-iCliildren school ragged schools of course; fpr lpve of drink, "sell every stitch ' they wear, save j just the. last shred jof lineb,5 i and .4 then-l-heayen help iho Wretches -the.f ell their hai! Thisjis the evidence fif Rev.. -.Father Nugent, wno speass pi one woman, ine inoiner oi. se ven children who sold her hair to a la'rber for a quart of bdcij Women haVdbeeufVhadUip" for drunkenness 1 14 times and Tivore. t In orie cour tlie (Woineri were discovejr(fd.fall -.drunk one Sunday iaftenioon.'! Thd children club rc- candidates to the Statq convvution, in , the leaders srot into a craad . row:. - The r rr.. i-i - - . ry . - - - , - ft suit does' not at. ajl indicate that Ht he . move ment figainst thb Radicjals lAlestincd to 1 tri umph m the old NprthjSai ,f u -.f 'f: -" Another, writer, la -colored .nian f rom: tlie same State, coucludca ;hi letter I "I will preach iny way home , with doyj iw that I have "kept Uie faith, fought nnisueu me woric inai T" ' .'"" : Loyal Kewspapcrs;-i' ' Sen years ago there wa ptja'UhoOugh Republican paper south of ' Mason arid Dixon's lines.; ! Now. there; are) in .the unreconstructed States alone oye;pne uudred Isuch Nrievspa pcrh, dailies, and ; wee' dies. . They are j edited by' giffed "aiil thorough Radicals;! Eyer one of these organs is Idevoted to pillar ednea-. tibfii and to- the development Mf! tliearfexjiriris tible f .tjsohitf es p ,U; region .heretxrej;alriwst" fuitje swipex, tiei uioiiitt ui wiitcu. wei-u ii.ett ie thc politicaT iftflrteiice tof a" rewj.artd ...k 11?iiJL J-.:r .W. -.i.mii- ftolricrea: thb h i'tioual argument againsti'tJieitmmry which seeksito . . "- - .. .: ii t . . . . " : . . i i - I ' , obstruct And destroy. it ndi JdAiimi V o ti n-T--fjrtl v nrirnn! vil -nnrt riorfi.itl v j i - 3 ., '."Ti, . . t:..J:.YrT- r"w t to autt xoTneoiiiiqaiej'r.attui ui tiio-iiiitM --'"j, ';V7V, 7r ,- "-j . . 5 r -1 ueu.at.es rwDkMkeuku iojh ,uu Bik.unwi; day. """ if If . : ' i ,1i : liKiwsaraluveleeircstaMisbcd " 'A"verv airinslncr' 'account i mveii 'bf ,!a Tiibel T nassaire of the actofirecoristructiori, .wehiav meeting'at V Wilmington; North , Carbiinal bn J jiot bnly an additiofnaii argximlnt n' favbif'o the 17Ui inst.. for i thel-iiominatioii of rribel j that!wh&oriie lc d ? Hon. Joseph Ji Brown,'; Ipence Ji)gtherloji!a Saturday iniglit; h "spree," aud get gloriously inebria The. master; of the iated Iliber- loOljshys i"l ou might ast well attempt thej-JIersej'iWith a bucket as -toi ap. instruction whilethis flood of in- their haveh like their, seniors'. nian Scl to empty ply Cliristain tfemperahee U oycrwhelmiii ii.f f ChaosJ has come' over thb people. ; Thci-e seems to be nei ther laWjorderl-or decency ariiorig -.thciri.'- ChiMreri'diejSvMcht are lorn,n . says Father NngcjntJ i Rents go' uripaid, for!, the landlord fearis to be pressing, lest his i tenants. should. A'pll they house down I J have tour houses in I Iefiderson street," .fays an agent, rt , .-i -Li -' I' .-Jr. i - it "it: -t i'.l t..fi," t. iiuer ;, leit xu take away iTthe -veri' slates off tlie ji odf, and we c:ainot.eatch them.f We just c uotd wuymw o liorrfc !,A,trnIcsi' manjiu4-hifi wife ruined tlitfinseves by druikl Hie woriian fell ill, "arid lay" fut inddscribiiblo fitfh nher'sifck bedfr mor.Apif W K Uo Stamp os It, . AtGood joke came'on recently at tho court! muse. A person living a short distando from the city is in the habit of frequonUy coming into town and drinking to inebriation. At such seasons iie is apt to call on his ihonori Judge M Receutly, ho made oricj of hiil visits became, decidedly tipsy, calledT upon )j udge Jli- and desired the Judgo td writd iim' a pledge, asserting his intention to ceasu nnKing. jus nonor wrote j tho jiiedge, as j ' j esired., and Uie tibsV ' individual amxod his ' ' ' name thereto Ho then desired to have Uio ; pledge that ho might take it homo and exhib- ; ' : ltjx)hia wife. I. 1 lis,, honor thoughtlj he waa i Liriiself iho giiardian df the importotHCTt'e '7 j'TT meiit, put yieiueu in mc soncitauons otJtho ,1 - j nian, at jtho same tlmo assuring him that if he f , I Broke the coircracf, and appoareillcfore him sjgain in'a statoof intoxication, ho, would haro him locked -up. ; "A week elawcdv and the judge was'.cohf routed by: the kam man," as t ray-as aforelimcs. How is this 44 Jdge M." said-the tipsy fellow, "you Uiink-'Ilairi a . , poir i , Know. what Am a Ik'ew foi rth his wallet from if .his pled ge,fun folded ni hisYpOckct, H its M-orn creases; Arid he lOOK. and holding it up triumphantly. excJairiiedr'fWill ybu just idiow inc. the.'U. S. .internal revenue car- nrday she kliejrt, and rtmairied hrito'nchd-- tin. 10SL d" es- in thattftto and slept with? the f icorpsor UyOi ,Teadirr. w husband that.iM.obtiaocdi to.secure the toeess pi devoting tae moiiey to, its proper, puros n-J.TMnirl rfVif frTrilnk li'tth- 1r ilA iir.srr li 1 l i 1 . -'-a. m v stamp on mat agreement x i lie J udge Vill the present howlers forla trhite tnanV; nartv Please to Rtate what the condition af thu idyalrwhitemcu of the South wiuld have been hid the rebellion triumphed? h We will ap 8i;r for them. Not one of these patiioti but would either have been banished, or, if ; allow- to remain, wouhl have bech stripped at his property and of his rights, j Those who doubt this snbiect need only remember the man- no in which the Unioi men in Tennessc? and North Carolina were hunted by tho tyrants bl tr ?asoii, arid deprived of their property by re bijl oontiscatioii; Such was Uio love of tho white man's jmrty for the' white man. j , j 'KASTEKxHoDKOP jUeASURlNO TlME. Tlir, people Of tho East measure timq by the lcrigt of (their shadow. Hpncp, if you ask a 'tr.Aix what o'clock it is,. ha immediately 'goes jirito th s; sun, stands recti then, look big where ! fyis shadow terunnateSj he measures with bis Je;.'. ami tells you nearly the. time. , Thus the wiork intni'eri earnestly desire tho shadow; which h dilates the tiriie for leaving their-work. LA. pet-son wishing to leave his tpflJ says, ."Itw long my shadow! is iij eoming T "Why. !4i I volt not come sooner ?M , ' Because ! I ' wait-id foi Jo cstiy desireth his shaVlow.' 1 1 i not come sooner ?,.. ' Because 1 1 ' wai my shanrwr- in the sevenui cnapter a: 7 we firidltwrittcn-" As a eery ant cknj- ,Jp&Jongh. I. warned jyou rart:- lar y, epoje, nauistjboiliog riiy,egg , harL Now, hoiv is tills ? Iler'o they; are, boiled. ) t, direction.' ' WT.it e iJ.t -1 -1 a a ' iSI-t,J .'it tA r.iA miroimi. -' n.t W.;;c line eoou ngni, ana uuisuvu . ti forlall he had suffered, while the gratMl lit- 1" :oVT: tie krirl blessed him from lier heart forafnoble ' WS A correspondent writing from Florida, hn 1 said the little school had its heroes antl Lliis c B .i ; a. .t tv , eatpnnc,n:t,uf uyonnndEqub admirable? : : i" : l,r removing ru Made to its rogres&. J I . ; I A - Novr ior moral. i j r r ?t'' hire, T 11 nrll , and improper counsels in a single assemblage. The punishment received I Carolina not M much by reason ind argu-, ?a i crpnpG . - . snnnortf)j was Christ-like; itrwasone o mat,asly aj-rJs' to sectional prejuuieesi ; - n , . , . , '1! his own free will, the punish nd TnisreprenMi o the punjoses and ( fc kumph of its policy- wVtaved,een borne by another, ii;.rns of tlie l,.idi"iit' l'artV upon uis- .. 1. . , 1 . , ' s oV.. i tm it - I 3P the dt mar see ' cation thereby rendered impossible- 1 ! )y this nofclp boy f tuffering from ment that IvaS to lis is just what the Con-t Christ did, who "bore our sin'in his own. body, J - .-i-L i - .1. i. - : : ;i. Tr.iJ- J : . on xne trmo tue oavior oi men. riowr great tirtct and collitcral ixrints have '!.... liot iitirtr wit w;n. 1 st. To c. nSscate the lands of those com- -- .A IK1I ik -1. UUAVI AW Lilt: 1IAIA1 VW fl blit XAklVA 1 CZJ I promised m us rebellion, to -Io Parceled out - ml thofficiaP disabiUties removed from t r-Burkf WeeUg. - , "H -til- ...t. I- a I., it. TTrr.T t.1 , 1 - . . 1 i . "1 A 1 , , ' ". stitutionai .viuenuiuent aaopiea ana unner-i"" "v , v - L? " sal suffrage under it the fixed law of the land tho gratitude each of us; owes such a fnenL A 9 - J m . w -m r 99 k.v UAm' v - . - - . . . . ,.9.99.. - among u.e citizens ; Zu. -v.tu.. who ;3 true! to the Unioil-and whoJ -.ltJ.-' - . :7Z .JtA. fS, nrnt of the wnites irom V ' V : " . , . i -is n poi asHHUsuui'', kuu wcuimrm- iiem - - - . . - i-l.nntAreinces all efforts tr V(ht alive ani-J a :i V .i vl.::uiLi .l To ! perpet atii the disfraiHisi ,Uie ballot boxirhi 1 nxcn are enf raniiis .- . 1 Annnim-lfY r Anthem State ; 3d. To condnue the ofHcbl diabiUtlcs now iiapuscd on native citizens of 'counties m- . It-- . t Jct- the people meet in their respective npd districts, by, tlieir own action, dividuaLj that a large fortune "was left me by a person who had only seen me- onc0 wi-krtl1 Viiva Knnn Of ill rfvrbiA qctniickihr n vvuu A s wa.u twj f jytijj a wag,' " If he had left it to yOU t af tr yU tvice, u"It. said beeing ,t.a Annnrm,, .-,h hn.t! - sftnvl hrW from der date of October 12r say- theS greatest shame 'and suffering, , :' "We shall send good Republicans tQwpJe ou think tlii con- gressmeri j with 'a knowledge oP what ie. fstate wm be wnen propeny reconstrncted.i J A colored man writing from Arkansas, im lier date of the.Sth of October, saya; .j ,,x ! 1 "Wq shall carry Arkansas br two tiiousarid majority at least, a nave my sen. -aamuipa ve thousand men into our lodges in two ttionths1 past, and will triitiatef many more lie fore the time comes for u to: vote. ; In sonic parts' whites and blacks con togeUier ireeJy m support of the good cause . Sometimes 1 1 ive them si friendly speech, and then I preach 4 plantatioh sennon." . J :.j ..; ':i ;"' . T. - a. writer from South Uaroima, imdcr 'date 7J ,-IinOed bet)eford to renew -the. hg!it, m II"U13 of October 9 and 14; says f J 'Copperheads and rebel are moving heav eat and earth to, beat us iiii the ; coming elec Late Obvernbr of Georgiai in rojily i 0 fccbel luauifesfo! df J IlilL othe saxn Statb, iigaJWttie,reconstpQtion actjj. explains ap pxposes,. tfye nnblu sary. -as'fojldws :!' !:"-J '' ""- 'l--;;.-' '-t'" li M Jfl0 reeapitulate ii "-ai feATwords-tb remedy discussed in mylastt r. IlilP advises the r4p: God and the country, Sand die. for their" lbjsf. ir. .'To'sfie or indict . General Pope arid all 4et ing tinder the authority of Congrea in case they tot any, of themLarrestjany citizen or s?i?ie 3. j maintain 'tne existmg State ' goverq "riterit independent of the act of Cbhgre&f and in defiance of the power bf General-Pope wlib is sustained by the act Uf i Congress I and I Uicf army bf : Uier United Jtates, 1; V -'.'' Mj I ' C$c ninst bo', anulingrained .traitor whO: knowing TOcKto'.be'.Ihe purpose of the ' febe leaders; deUbCTately-f;vptes the Copperhead ticket ift the adhehug States? -tila luaV vj I -5.UJ t--' -U" ,.i i rii..: . foBariavia fpitc of every did I tell H -to ft! Opok 'Oh, sir, lTreir.m. bet exactly what ybai told.nicrand I aetetitc. ,coTUingly.;j,Thi eggs were ia.Uie watef t. a ntoinent i ''Nihe; Am .1. d ndayome ljotw isciit. a iiepweivaaa j-kg three mirfutestjoinng; throe xnuat tO. a.wner wi, may.be" a foolJ air, but I happeu ,.to son to go wuti the runerai, rt rey topit iter out t-n wi.o Jt,. ti speak in - the hotbed are! and threw she lay till th4 police, hadlicrb following Saturdiivv v r A a; sequel Ve told, an old woman,; who lived uiidernoath. was so raucn shockcu tuat sny tueu -ine same night.1! . Such is he iiccoun t-w Iiich. iliiterpooi gives of itselfi il-.r--- 1)1 - i i. .. ' And all this s ys the New Vvrk;.T4"if) ! imaer tiiac arisiocrauc riiie ot vrch the'up ner classes T or iintrlish 'soeielv are wont to boast so'loudiy and of yhosfe exeldn'cis they are so prone w vauni as presenting a luarkea contrast to Uieyu'es of democratic rule -k- - ( 5ne'y;j. Ti?p. eggs were ia the water t, a umt ipreoivitynine inimitcs.r Jon. 4 le I 'l.tbtfl J outhree.7 " Coo'Yel, 1 theres tnrey eggs."' Of bourse, If ?r;V i' Ipie first dav a litUe boy weirt j to ioho-l tho ItvSchcr asied hinl if he could spclL - : j- "!V.ia tir f'WelJ, how da you' spell bor f7 r i'.'.OIi, just as oUier Mia do.' n It's rather remarkable-that, xvliil? thousand feet are jseverall red to make one rood,! FoLixiw i-Hi Right.- Nojnatter wha you lire ;., you wrong, are, what your loty! ,or where ,you cannot afford to do thai . which jii The only way to'1 obtain 4 liappiiiebs for - your self is to do tho' Ktrht thing. Vou' -mar riot always Iiit Uie mark ;! but you,; should never- meiess always aim tor w ; ana wTta every tri al ypur skill; will increase, e "NXlicthcr yoa are to be praised prjblained for it fcy; , others; whether it Vilpeemirigly make you richer Jor poorer, or whether rirf eth'eT'persoojtanyorir self knawafo yriux action,.stiU,Alirjiysi, and 3n all easevdotheright thing, .;xea hrs les sons in- this rule will sometimes. Uocni ; hard ones, but they- Will grow" easier, uhtiUI filially, 1! Tho City Colinctl of Atlanta, tn-orgia, I'in, by flj -yote of1,- six to f our, . apptrpriated rT, actcs within corporate limits, aa' ; a ' spot ij. r Uie irection of a monument to Abraham Ll.i- -The man who "eould'nt tand ' it any loii- fias taken a. 'scat, "and now ieels . quite There'is a man out West who dnak i jhucH whisky that musquitos that bite him dlo gen .confortable. . i r . Of eliriuni tremens. 1-cTha Jewish wc r omen wero once nunished ror kdoriig a falso call .iLct the women of this Country take warning. :; t . tioq, but we,are detennined,&nd uriitedv ;I a ainglo foot; properly applied, is often isuffi-i doing the right thmgp'ill befcomeahabit; andH Tnf'EepuDUcana have fifteen majority- o.f ! . . . . , . J . . . m I i . . -. . ii I .1 J . Ill . .f- .... I iHAaJ . .;il nrt nn ;f .: . IftAl..lIxZ . 1. OI Opposition; to-r CiCnt to niaKC one ; ciyu ' ; t L 1 -i ; w uu wiwug.wp :?y u tiupvaatvtiuj-.. r :mouii uauonu wie -i r---. S-' - - - ii - .1- I 1 ' I. 4 1 H -'i . i ."'.; ' v;-: . Ml fi;:-"! '.i' ". i - i- i t ; i i M ; .-. 1 i : . U rw hen is a storni like a 6kh alter Wlienjit. is going: to. abatq. - ; ! i;1It Jsf singular how"Wipprj whisky panc will ttake-the idciralka.'j;' -v . r t . ! j "j the Pennsylvania LcgulatureC i : . t 1 . 1 t - r ':r': . .;'