i:TvT$-:! 1;.TTTT' -;Vu;--'-'r: K-i-s -T '." :--r'-rtf;i 'Tf" ; uVI'ftj;';;-; . sT ' t .!!',' I .'.v1f; . ' ".-flT P";f:,f:' - -;, r . w--' t-"-: ry--v-- h,- iT-::? i----. -v ;T.-"'i, i I-: : . i-' i- . -".j--':- - ( . 1 1 I ; Jl ' p ' p-1 ' pill I If ' If ' I' J ' fS K ' ' : kJia4 r t; --TV-' I T.v- - - ; h i i i , -. v 1 i ' I I " ? " v - - ';; ' ' - - - : i i-i-?lf-i ?) . -vi I; ! i; a ':i-;t!-:. - . mm , ' mii -. I ' j, J" tf; i : y""v"r '" i - "'- ' ' jr. '" '" -'- i I i 1 1 .Li- .?v. h- . S j -:i!".v. . !' : n-';-:---:--. " vorr- iir." i I TTTR iPTniVrTrTrT : '4 lcer breathes firtei-devistation, ami slaughter .in. almost every I Une ;1t docs A. II. J6XKS,.Kdl andPub. Hotqtiint at violence ;lt is aj bold and defi- ani jjeciarauon oj. war agauist. tno general I ! I r TESHS. 7!? " nii(flftt-oB.mimhrr,.. I. ..... I EtimfH-nO. SATES OF ADTERTISDi 0, &c. ti'llT rt"MWVt",'lHw.l09irtHl fr one dollar per qu&rc of ".nd flfty r.mti.forffwhiiuMtu-DHn-rtJoB. ' f7'r non-nircaB1idalpforrfMuUr ofljrc,...- .S3 00 r f n,"?n"cinSrn'MU-f.irStatPfl"icft, 5 00 -, Jpb work donr with rmttneMi and di.uattliathort noticd,at , T3io ch must iiivmriblT acompan4 all ordBTi, r-Wirr for Mia?wi " or,d,r,rt'nnK: jhwirk tu he paid lor on cl.tliverr We.for the Mime. i - iV ' HAfiirfimAtif nil-! -frr sitiftt 5 n 4 Vi ftf" j-' v a Hiiu iwi t iu ll VuilJVO i . author was oonjmatefl, "by Jtcclamation, hy !j oo I tlie democratic Corh-entiph ior the next high- I 1 5oes office in the gift.of -the American people.1 tls of the South that dona tided j the declara tion of principles eet forth ii tthe Blair letter,4, and U.e itoiiiutaiibn of. its. author sent up a reWll shout unequaled except iat the disaster of Manassafe, and the enthusiasm of traitors was lievcf more excited except when .Major Anderson", from starvation, was forced tosur- r South seekptTvengeace hey-ek -not , ro teiige forlnjurieis receiv-ed in- the' past" nor a thilli innate -nrl ii,Vlfr.n Ivi triJi .Jr?f wiflf !.;,.ri I - f ': I' 4nPT'An'VwTl''nTTT'tT'TJ,' 1 I'' it nas NO NOETH, m SOTITH, NO EAST,: NO WEST-hOUE" WHOLE COTJNTRYi'lr ashe v.'iii lb, m xiT. -ir.ini si a y, vm? st. i 1 3 , i s g 8 . - " ' I ; render Fort Sumter. Are we I acrain to wit-r ; From rMUked Proctfdin. ) i SPEECH OF EON. A. H. JONES, OF NOETHi CAEOLirA, ne'ss,! at jthc' instigation of the Democratic leadeHir other fields of fratricidal bloodj otli'er scenes of rapine and carnage ? ) The whole world of civilized maiituhd are for peace and progress,! except tte Democratic parly, so' j called! .fCheers.: j - -j DJltcered at the oM;cr8y and gailorf Itati- v--'v K r rrt Mir lit, 1 1 r it it x; wj ri t t , i ?. i fc (J.t on the 2M of WL, A. J) 1868 P ,eaJinS rebels of the South were : iUirsfrot,, .nnsitLA nr S,;,Ma,l " w,Tork,n . the -4th of July, plotting ff.Jfh.y f.. aJ .;.7,r . It!' jwar, the iiepublicans of North Carolina,, on P I ' ! K-j .Jtiiesainc dav;vere! pledging1 tnemselves toftbeir.fcwt-prbite; of ;i.860-l Everyljunrel - C rrizExs ok tue Disteict of CoixjihiA : tic s0U0rt-of the laws, and 1 demising riieanslpenlant rel'SoutM of Mjjson and.Dixoii's i iwujju jiruiig tnuiuriM in ocin I Jwugn let tlw list of f speakers for tliis occasion decline ta appear but from a eing piaceas on , for futurd ieace and happiness, jcasiou, I should Iican is the party of peace !S. j j sense of dutv. ng, as I do, from the Ilue lountains of lern North Carolina, a section where lib- rtV loves to dwelt I should feel recreant; to duy, in declining to participate with those 9 nyjl hoje to share. se aims are mv ainis.-aiKi in whose ilesti- l ness. jl The Dejnoeracv, so-calletl of anarcbv; and blood. There' is sue before the American people, is, Ikai i:i or Wak, j It is Grant and the reiorli of -law: and order, return "of persecution for je'r.secutionI i "yjiat they ask and desire 'is .that jthos wjio ' sought the life of the nation shall not be.triistcd with the pawer to-make tlie "secdiid ttejaipt at its destruction. ...What .the Masses desire is peace, but .the rebel .nianipijla tors of the New York Convention have,, ajs it were,, again j-placed them out on yL lake! of ice,! and; it is cracKing unaer,,ineir-eei,ani unless vie peo ple arouse ihemsel ves -tcrtiie importance f the occasion, a- lava-streain -of -blood will again swi'p oyer the land.. '- Agia. the- toc sin of war has been sounded .by ine leaders ot the. Democratic- parly and: thcohryl assur ance of averting the-storm Isfjto'" be prepared to vote, at all hazards, for rfien of wbose pjt- tnotism there can be no douut, . i t ' j j'The election hi eyWur.iandiriaroiai be the worst misfortune that could befall tiie South, ai.d every man whojeasts, his vote fpr thejm will be gifing aid and comfort to ;the wors't enemies of this "Republic,- whether so intend ed or no tj JJ2very mdveuient. niadefbjr. the leaders of the Democracy' is a' -strid.4 in .jLet'ns Though North Carolina, but a short iine sincej was arrayed in arms against the Uhioh, - thnuigh the instrumentality of a kind Provi- dence and the Congress of the United States', khel at this god 'hour, stands redeemed,1 re- , generated." . fChedrs.1 ; Over one hudrel thousand jnen in North' Carolina, in defiance of hie influence, .threats, and intimidations of thej traitorous, Unrepentant instigators) and -"rojeiatxm: of the rebellion, have spoken j at the ballot-lwx in tones not to be niisunder stood. I Prolonged clieers. True it isthat treason dies hard; but die it must. .There is liotj a (Union innh proper in the State, but and re-echos the scntunent" that lo al .1 1 It . i.i r l men.aione snouia control men ic affan"S of theCouutry,ind as one by one the Union- hating leaders of the rebellion i ut q the waters of infant v and i arc shake il off obli ion their throngoiitf the land. Since the Veil of falsehood and deeep tion has boeti ri'iiiK-iif.fhe scales--- jrocttis and howls reverberate and Jiappi- . is the party but one is The issue anl Colfax or Seymour and lllair and a reign of revolution, anarchy, 1 between the The Repub- piiie, who votes at all, will" vote the Sej ttiour and ruin, j Let the people choosd parties. ; The issue is fairl' and squarely be fore theni and it must be met. There is no way to avoid the issue ; there can be no com- a friend to and Blair ticket, and everH with them will . The; Prospect To-day. turn away frdnithe despondenc'y of the Northesrn :ani the;, desperation' i of the! Southeni DmejQratsand take a look into the, comlitionf the Republican i party; : v i i pTakTng i thc Republican : papers "for . out guide, -the-first thinglapparent is the rpei"rad- ;ing harmony : and. energyiof " our ' 'political; friends. .-The. campaign has' not -yet rfairly opeued. . The .great 'agricultural, population) ar' siill engaged j closing out.' superabuiidanli i harvest 8 ; the active .meirof b'usiuess are? eith- er restingVat. thertf own homes or at .the , sea-f sid'v and counfify-hotisesi, Raiting.; forfe".-'re opening of trade; aud members or ,.Cqtigressi and others,. -candidates! and. "canvassers, rej palising fdr. the 'coinmenoemeni; of politicals hostilities and j(;Jt!3sj0a8y7tio;8ei& thwheit). the campaign is fairly" began, the Republicans lit ..'. .' I.i Lj' ! wiu move m massive. ooiutun arm wiii reuisir! less. force:-;::. i' ''-'. . T--CJITT --iJ i. General Grant's tour to Colorado and the developed a degree of enthusiasm among the his warm. 'strong-hold upon the popular af-1 fections, and full of admonition to those who! pvt?rv American citizen who lis law and ord?r, to truth and justice, to liberty it a man froiii the eves of the honest laboring masses of the people, and they say let them gjroan, let itheni howl. - I ' I - i - it i Notwithstaiulipg the "peopld were left with- ula U-aJcr, thousands-of them .in tliatjir lioa ; of. Nor ill Carolina bortleriug on yEast Tennessee never boweil the knee to Baal and isands of others only when they Kvere Situated nearly at tho center j of these faithful Ihol i "coiapelled. the so-called Confederacy, .amjmg the faitlilcss were subjecteil to a yoke of fvranny, iisurpation, and torture unequal n the historv of the civilized world mart The ,uh- ed number ot those whose bones are now oie in the wiM.s of the Alleghaney mountains amounts to lesions. " Kvery mend to these fire-trW- and equal rights under the lavt ? I has one spark of loyalty in j his soul, regard less of what liTTmav'' have been kinder other rirru instances, he cannot now consistently Ire fuse to! leiid his support to men whose loyal ty, integrity, patriotism, and purjty stand un tarnished and unquestionable. , The titiie has arrived when motives prompted by passion and prejudice should be laid .aside; but to these aloirc the cuenncs of the Republic make lieir hideous ajpcals, under the false name of Democracy. ; Will the honest yeomanry, the hard-Jiked hiltbring men ofthii country, man who; rotes be Standi tig cheek. Ty iow witji 'those who: wpufd seizd the, first bppori tune, m anient to bVerthrpw this Republid to gether with the peace, and. happiness, land; ; liberties of the people. M4y Jle who iules tlie destinies of, nations .iielp tlie pedpfe to avert sucn a dire calamity, l lo tins ved; i can but elge the best efforts of lheNaion-; al Union Republicans of th4 Old Nortli; State,! who have so recently in despite "of "the " tiost j gigantic tfiorts of tlie opposition moored. the old ship-of ta'to. safely, intjo. tlie i haj-lori-of the Union, there to remain las jjte sun, moon, and, stars mirutte the American? continent.'-' f Prolonged Otll UOltCrt I l i I ."if'. -.-1 believed that this byjthe attacks of j Andrew , Johnson and the rebels, upon the "reai soldier. Hav-ino- ac- cepted tho1 Republicart and soldiers .and sail ors" platform, and wrhlen his f ?and ludsrincr bv the sBtrit with which been received, and the ' arrangements for the campaign, we sJiOuld not be surprised ii every. State- that decided for McClellan in 1864 honld pronounce for Grant in 1868 ! rew York, confidently elaimed Jby the Democrats, and in fact th&onW adherirtfr State xney Honestly claim.-' will not r be abandoned without a manly struggle. U The Republicans uc tsii rjine crusuing vote pi inq cny in to the interior;'-. ..But there( is every reason to uupe mat, xnis ioau may oe reaucea, ana tnat tbe hotieH ballots of thdl country will ive the State -! to Crrairt. - Thousands f of 1 Icapitalists and business. tijen must at last see that party, it,:!.!;:. Li. j-.''. l .. f ... . Jii. r . y iiiuu i iiu(uos.j; ceniesseaiy ior repiiaiauon, is no jaTty .for the; protection of interests bUi , dependent, upon gobd governnient and wimmiir4al-iiiToiTi.iTr i . :-. t I' ' ii- I . - - ' ew-.Englaiid will take care 'of berself ; and Connecticut will wheel into line and complete the circle "I f - ,:, j. .;. j''T. -WFroiiiIie Pacific" we'have bnt good ne"ws j and tho"se better "able toi judge presage jthe full redemption ofOregon and California. Of Nevada nobody entertains 'the ' slightest dotibt.Llfi ca&tingtne horoscope. of the Pacific 1 trust, so long continue- to I ilia follow theuend of those irho sought, phroitgh bloo&utca'rnageJhe overthrmhofjhe ernrnentj'anc! wAq )odiiTdsdcrJice it : now, Advantages of Undar-Draiiiing. 1." It prevents drought.! - . ! - -" f 2. It furnishes an increased "supply of at-; ... l t ...... i: !-. H 3. It V a mis the lower portion ol the; soil. 4. It hastens ftheHdeVoritpcition of roots and other organic matter.! ;t j,--i5. It accelerates the "disintegration of .the .TlJt imiro VCS. this . LUC full. - I leitlitiie liberties of fhe people, vpon the al tar of ambition ? lie that would throw one straw in! jlhe'foad of peace, j)r)gress,! pros perityjand the stability of this Government, is an enemv to. the country. ; J. , !. To imagine that those who led! and forced the unintelligent; unsuspecting masses of the j in winter. people in' the'. South into the rebellion, and have! never repented! for it. are now friends TIT . . 1 I to tne l u ion,, is a misiase ltteiii his iormal letter, hisi position is; a. marked . contrast toi that of Horatio SoymburJ vho, after three; weeks of leneciioti, jias'noc yet musierea courage to write nis promises massive in acicnowieqgment of the rebel Democratic- lwnunationc; Tlie Democratic, soldiers, as a body, have not "'et honored him by a call; arid; the party itself is everywhere corroding, with! alternate. factions and fears. I :' ' y ' . :'!: I Speaker Colfax also oii his Western tour,J Mie equaiiv sigmucant, countertai t oi vren eral Blair, the Democratic candidate for, Vice President. , He has not Set made a formal political speech, but when he begins his glowing eloquence and S0und statesmanship will - present a 'far! different study to' the in telligent citizen from, the passionate and threatening harangues Of his revolutionary competitor. ' ; '.-.:.j... ' ZZ: 4T;'T ; ' The Northwest offers po one sign: of defeat to the jflepublican partyj . "VVe cannot see any diiffcctibn in a single Congressional district. Most, of the able Congressional leaders have been, renominated j and most of them .will, bea e-cjlected. j ; .j . H ". vj i:-,; ft Iiidiana, where Senator Hendricks is run iiing a.4 the DeniQcrat ic Candidate for j Gover- hol.1 ihad-been weakenedT!lre Pnlation isrseotvuig to the'difiiculty'and delay pf the -ocean and over- liiHppassages, we"inus1i j6't: forget that it.was lierethat Isecessibri: under Gwin; ih- jCalifor- ma, and JpeXane,"in Oregon, gathefei a nrm- uyr ui p oseiyies. m iooirj-ami mat tire utorm or these organizations stilt exist, vncreased by, ljtrge rfb'l additions froni the Soutih -Siice lh e death of 'the conf edo-racy." 1 To lofercohje these contributions reqoirea hard"' tjoil1'a!nd honest; harmony ; and the- latter we have not had in 'the last year ;., but 11 is comifortable ' "BEEAD AND BUTtiEE." L j nere is practical good sense 4aa well M; poetry'. in the following stanzas, composed by one pi the committees of the' last Fair , of the Vorcester County, Mastf., Agricultural' &ociety::j -. i ;-. .. ,' ( The girl engaged in molding bread I Shall make some sweetheart flatter, tyilh hope to get that dairy maid TO make Ma bread and butter. ! !. It She may not play the game croquet, jO$ French and German stutter, i J j If well she knows the curd from wbey, . . abu manes sweet preaa ana cutter. IihL eal or cream she's elbow deep. mm ... ' I Ana cannot stop to puuer, ;: But Savs if he will row and rem. She'll mako his bread and butter,! i I - 'i t ; " ' r . - 'the dairy niaid, the farmer's wife, iShall be the toast' we otter;. , : Alone, -nan leads a crusty hfe, jjWthpuVgood bread and butter. reason )k . for tjow, and we . have ' good success in! Novemberi . ' I Tlie campaign in? the . South is cohdiicted unuer tryjHs rcumsiaiices.oy-uie-oeipagureii Republicans ; but they will make-'a gallant fight, and iwijlj win jif a majority f the- re-! stored ViA gin a, Common Wealths. , Tennessc Alabamt West Arkan- hoi-;, begins to be stirred into unwonted -ac mineral matters in. tli-e'soih ! ! '-. we ilook for a decisive triumph in October. 16. It causes a more evei distribution ofl . Ohio works under the! stern resolution to nutritious matter among the parts of the soil I reebvef from last year s disaster and, if the'yl traversed bv roots, f- 1 J " , ! ; . . !l had nothing else to stimulate them, her Ue-i matter of plants 'to' be. .carried out of reach of bom in Ohio, and his name is their roots f ;9. It prevents grasses fmhi'runnin gout Hi 0. It enables' us "to deepen the-surfaee! soil, by removing; excess .fvater. --.;f ;s ..11 It renders soil eai-lierfin the-spring. tivi Vic the i h- s. - i ty ; and with Colfa -on the: ticket1 for e'lrestdetit. and the ts odiient- Morton on stump, assistet-i by such statesmen as lien-vj Ijane, Orth, Shaiiks, Julian, and Cobdrit, j ; ' 1:1 ' i 'T T - i . .... . . -J . odAiiicxtfii Dem recover ner. rormer -nigli position ; but Uluo i ncratie baner. an anoloo-iz rif?! f or the Selection ; j 8. It causes the poisonous excrementitious j has; other and higher mcentiyes. Grant was0f such a man ras Blair, savs he Was first nom- waiu inuruiinatfiii mr "mil noifiifirs He: was ilominat- ntl -a. talisman where therV Jives a Union oI-l Wl W (.npnl Prpstnn AflKo' RYm1 'arm: iei, orane wiuow ana ounuren oi mose wtioh "hP Tii1itiinatihn wsjj, R&mntlM 'hv' VV ade Hampton f the Rebel army 4 Genelal Fort njfi Pillow KJorrest of the Rebel army urged it in elljfo their country,, and vvhereyer there'is a )atriot who feels that to; him more than aajl To suppose lhat; those-who wil ists ot ' ti inglv the; South other living man we owe Our liberties. All ed down the panting Unionists with!. blood -hounds' hand -cuffed, " chained; h'nii'V feind shot, '.and incarcerated them in t r . t . i - 1 1 Confederate baslilesj and held them as prey fed thousands who were more for.-j: ' s T.' f 1 hunt-1 other acids, which induce the growth of -sor- . 1 ' - -t'J l' i -.'!-.- ugh the ht Ii rrnt tliif k;lfi"l lllfll i . ... u. . . . . ..... ... - . Jr. ; .- . I ... .. . . l.fMir.ilili .li..f.hirrrtwl t .-. LI - ?' . ( . rrv. l.ni t.i.1v lotn ourl ilurl.ln Unioiimen, traduce and ostracise sacially theirwjvjps and 'daughters, solely ion adcount oftheif: devotion to 'lite 'Union aiid , honest convictions of rightyarefriends to this Repub- li is radv pon.-il to sunnosinfT tliat & wolf IS . . 1 . a Iambi.. the "tun, an froi, the army, of the United . States, are Grant and Colfax" nen. On the other hand, .theimurderers and persecutors, of these patri ots jwill supiort Seymour and Blair. ; Every man, whose delight it was to hunt down, 'shot, and hang Union men, hang and hicko-v-whip the daughters, wives, and gray-head j cd mothers of these, in order to extort -from I them tlie whereabouts - of their fathers, hus bands, sons, and. brotliers will support the Democratic nominee for the Presidency j ; !, lift us, by way of illustration, place our-selves-on Mitclwl's Peak, at he summit of Black fountain, (the most elevated point of land east of the Rocky .Mountain-1,) and take a telescopic view, east, west,. north, and south, and at every point of the cojiipass may jbe ; ccn the unrepenjacjdejersjjt instigated by the rebels wha figured in" the late New York ; Convention." marshaling the p- t on-bating hordes .of the SouthJ(ai tlie view of 'accomplishing wi'h he ballot that which they j xailcA apwmpb'sh w ith the bullet. ' VoW,sa7T .;" ; . !: The active spiriU in the late New York t Convention fronv the South were those wbp -' led off in secession and rebellion. The dele gate from ray own District, Tlibs. L. Cling-: man, schooled the people in that' sectiou m " fhc dogma of secession, was jexpelled f rom t jhe Sep.aW of theTTnited States -for disloyal- - fy, and served in tlie Confederate army asj a Tennesssee on the approach of General Burn iide into that section was selected "as bis al ternate. The motto of the ruling spirits of that Convention is rula cj ruin, " Verily, 'they are held together by the cohesive pow er of public plnnder. . J "What is the platform of this so-called Dem ocratic party ? It is revolution I It boldly declares that the reconstruction acts of Con gress . are unconstitutional aod void. . The Blair letter ; defiantly declare war as r the means of undoing all the work ir for ' by slow degrees, and have never, jrepented of " v 1 f these things 'are now friendsfbf the Union, e lines, . "r. u .L Jj ; t it ! yell So loii 1 1 dly ' To sniqiose that those who for a white man.sgoveniment would he so very particular if they could obtain tho N ote of the black man, is .another . .mistake, for I, as a Southern man, can testify to-the; contra-; r4. Itt'was the bo'ast of many )f ! the' very. men who now make 'such a hue and cry about a, ;white ; man's! government that they could and would control the negro, vote of the lei and 'similar weeds. iifl! It hastens jthe kleca;: bf vegetajde oint:! ters, ami the liner combination of the earthv parts, of the soil.! - ' . - 17. It prevents,' in ua. gixat me"asure, the evaporation of water aud the.coiisequelit ab straction of heat; from thi soil. , . ' j; : '18. It adrniti fresh qjunntities of water from rains, ttc.,-vhich arealwai'sj more or less imbued with the,; fertilizing gase of tlie atmosphere, to, be deposited among tlie' ab sorbent parts of jthe soil,' and given up to .the necessities of plants. 4 . , ii ': 19. It prevents the" formation of so hard a crust on the surface of-the soil as is usual on heavy lauds. .' j .3 j ; ". j - L " T20.. It prevents in -a great measure, grass and winter grains from being icintef killed.'' I' or fieri -Magazine 12. It prevents, tlu throwing out or j -gram f h'e Jieptibltcan champions are . pfepanng-x6 soldiers. T - 4? take -the held. - ;VadeJ bherman, Schenck:!: -t tit it ..n -a. ii.-ti .r i ; .d.ii.. ji c,.i.t r.i. tt..-.j.j -4 - 14. it Keeps oie ine errecis oi , cota- weain-n awretice,i;, oneuaoargeri -ana. .siiiey; anas .t, , : J iio t Lf twU ei lunger m uju ran. v .L 1 lul .'''-'"''r'j"1 fV M'MPasinrs lwr infant will rr. tllr. . T. mio-ht '1 If i.Pii-fiivto hv ! i rr rT j j inn ; l.".ritv; in flf r rivt ' o 1 1 f-tio tiiot n-.Dir.niHr tn'" i : I ii . . Ar JI . I (.llir- .111 lVl lliailVII ' A V L tO JV4i,l j ill! V-. I y 4i.LA. lliU V 114 VI 1 L t illi'j r ivoveniber, North" Carolina sasj Florida' and Louisiana hiay, Velbelieve, ue coiMituiiiuy counieu jor urrant. , j. nereoeis are active jand ithreatemng, but yd proportion as-the pertain specesseof Grant m the . North and. West,! herein foreshadowed, bee ible. to the 'certainty that . Congress in .Sep tember! ' will I establish new.. " penalties and guard agajin6t an future usurpations .- and Violence, they, iwill see the-lolly-of contending agains.fate, ori refreshing ;t6 see it;pj;epare. or ne conseouences. -.i:.;K:Ui,vi !, Such is a rapid' review pect julst ibefore the beginning- bf 'hh ' Active. campaign, j Every tinomentadds tb ' the ptrengtli b thp Republicans, anxl to their ef Torts-ana precautions to secure com m ana ot the Government they have saved' J " Frank Blair's Revolutionary Xetter. The following : letter, deliberately written by thje ;Democratic candidate for ( the Vice- Presidency, in view of his probable nomlna-. tion by;;ihe New York convention for tho l first or second place in the gift of the nation, foreshadowed the fchafacter . of the' platform to wluch the rebels and Copperheads dar ask the piople. to pin their political faith. . t needs !nb comment.' Ife M'ho rnns I can read, ip it only anarchy and revolution. I Let it bd passcd around for general inspection and ther denunciation of every veil wisher of hU country! ItAn k at ;las a speec IUinjois is coming to the rescue! "with rtibre; than lifcr' usual inlipet'us4 " Here, Republican; miiiif and confideiiee is greatly aided by weak! Democratic nominations. It is admitted thatfj the has ii' I ; u- Vdshi?igton Chronicle, .Political. Lbeeadigctqsed jthadLlw J And : these are true Democratic not, however, he a source; of regret' if Sf-mnar f-.ilkprl Ipsa. i' h boi But no sooner negro. y . than ,tii e test was nVadevimd it vfnund.thatj.eventhfl jiqox. aaL vr m I t It nl -v i ti in jk-k m ' . .it w.i,a " .enoAiglitqtefoT the maintenance j b thj bventibnstinW-mified thk nomination wnicn trip peopie uau inaio wini- ,ad of his awn freedomithe. dbg was dead and' UJU,i.aii eoiu. t luui iiunvitusiauuui'r iuif, ev ery means, fair a'lid foul, will be resorted to in qrder to induce the freedmen to. vbtewith themiin the appoaclyng contest. iHieywill nots6ruple at the attempt to turn everyrent- er, wiite and .colored, out of house: and hotrie who. "tvill bave the courage and iiidependenc3 to vot. Against, hem, . This is plain' language, butj it ; is, nevertheless-, true, as regards the niore j vindictive and unrepentant rebels. What thev haye done in instance they will ' not hesitate to attempts n another. Shouhl they, by such means, succeed in' their nefarious purposes, may God. help the Unioni ist8!of the South in sections ! where they "are Int'mediiitely lipon .the' nomination of; Gen eral Grant the Democrats jbegan' o-y assert that there was no. enthusiasm ; that' the thiiig fell deadj and, argued- the .defeat of t.be- ticket." Wait, laid -they till v;e nominate. atXbv lork, and vc. will s.UoLw you; what eptHnsiasm is. ; Well, they baYP jiominated their ticket, but where is tno!enilmsiasm!V Wej don't' see '! ! i -" ."1 " ' It is very natural that the nomination, of ffksuerat Grant, at ' the time that it w as made, should be. calmlyj received by the" peo)le, as he had .been placed in the field ing before Tnl "Virginia-the them La- I -41. Democrats have5 fayette Washington, a negro and Virginian stumpipff the State against the new Constitu tion. i:; ill is regaraea witn great lavor oy tne jjemocravy, ana ts iuny recogmzea.as a "man and a brother "; "Tlte TV-ar is over,- jsaid a j Sevmputite the other day to a pne-armed soldier who Aras turn- in a! hhndircran in' Union Park. !' rlfc may be oyer ta you, : SAidithd prave Boy- an Blue, hp his feturapy j.'bnt it isn't Ipvjer ! by; ai good .deal, to me. The Copperhead va mosed. Tlie Boston Journal says ; " "A "prominent mentoer ot tne. i democratic: parfyi.saia last out the; aid oi a convention, j. : j i . i But the Democratic enthusiasm' over ! their ticket, wherp is i WilJ not sbme Tbnejlcase ItJhWv "i L;fi.' -f -"""'' "i-v--" i';" ! Hs being perfected to make victory assuied mon results, f . and theirvindtistry and zeal ,piysage uocom-l S1J J. f-,Jf we'turnjtb the Middle; -States, . we' find i the prospect, equally- cheering.;-Pennsylvania i liot-n," Kir si a ri - ti.twr -h-p;ilf.h i.r1l.tlffllJVL 1 h'A uiTterenco petweeu me canaiaaies xor; tu iMux'h.iLJ. ru.w '!miA tery ot the-ior-Most j of ."ithe Congress hhve. . . . w i . r . ... uimciuues in x i V ice-rresirtenw.i ne present coia -lacts " to ( u ot a jar iu the ma.-hir.efy of ihe for reueis ueiore iuw wir p aswjs uw.nic.jt)iiii- It of 'rcconstroc- not stroug enough ,to helphemfelveajfor, , fl , u as to arlt of Te$& notwithstanding! the'-piteous J lamentations ;; j ! - ' '' .Y'?' Xhn are being constantly heralded forth by the leaders of such into the -ears of tlitf peo pic North of tbelr down-trodden condition, more j uhrepentiog, unfeelingj yindctve,'arid defiant 6et of rebels never I existed. Voices, that's so, that's so." : cratic ticket.- The first act of the rebels after the war- iivaS to vote the Deinpcratiifcke.L Ak. there yaai but oiie step frbrai Dem bcrabV" into rebelliontfiere? was but one" step ; f rom rebel; lion back into Democracy." jl llie inference is a plain1 one, and loyal and Utiion-lpvinJ people aviII not pte for x paity "that stanc in sit, j close relatiotisf fo traitors thaf the'la c-l ' fOn thd other; hand, the1 Unionists of the Hike the nomination of ! " ! " .if . ; !; ! JY- a 1 ' A' K--:C' . - . j f'j - '- , ti lhe Z.anesviller tumor trermania. the-oniy German paper, imblished thpre, which half hitherto .been Dembcratib, repudiates the cari didates nboiinated atNew- York,-and shows a decided leanrhg'toward's'Graotr and Colfax.' Thp Peoria Jtemocn'the principal orgaa of tne uerman j-emocrats oi Illinois, apes no Sevmbnr and Blair. been or- will be renominated,'-and those who are pot will be succeeded-; by. men as sbupd as vuemscjives. j.u j-eiiiocrai aj; iRj)eie5siy demoralized; in several of j their1", heaviest Sciis- tHctSjIand the prospect of a Republicatt Tg-4 iSiatUi IS -is ueJiug. iu.miu puireauB iuiljiu- ly-eteient ia'enlisted" heartily - for the; Repub lican nominoesi - Both Ahe ' candidates. Ifbr State Offices, Genefals Hartranft ami Camj- lead tlie column to a triumph in Oetoljejr. jkqt eeh' at'the olection in J864 was the Re--biiilihn nartv of Pennsylvania "inorb umted and confident. -. . " .: j'f 'l:: f 1 u .New Jersey catPhesthe general inspiration. IIere, as el$.ewbei Republican feuds fade out in the lslazeofRepublicaa: entritjaiasm. The nomination of Mr. Blair for Governor is " - ;i -!-;.' I ; ; t , t - - " -.5: f;( 1 "UfTi ; -;" ' :i :- -!)r1iJ-:-ir I . ir--'.!-- . ''v 1 k --"'r if Vih '! i .. 1 V f"! 'i i r : . i i l I - "' " '!'- .".! ! " i ; : i ;.';. .',". .:i'".. I -ri''-r 1!.-!:: ,; i s i 'it ;-;i.: Ill admitted, even by 1- the adversaries,' to beffor- 14' latter are the worst selections that' mrtv evjcr made.- The Republican ticket he'reJ -V' v. - . ' . . . i .. ? as in Indiana, is almost 'entirely made -up "of (L nionj soiaiers, most or whom were j.-,torm erf Democrats j Our : : candidate torr-GOyernori Generpl John .M. Palmer and tlie candidate for Congressman at 'large, Ceneral Jphn'A? Logan', are already" bu the stump, including a ljitxst 'bf youjig orators. Most "of ; th:e ablp; Ilepreseritatij es jnj the present House jare up l;or re-jelection, and all ar equipped fbr an ef-8 festive canvass.. Illinois is Gramas "bidopted Stiittvjand will give him ier electoral vote by at !least sixty! thousand mnioritv. i N: ." i: I There is almost no -contestagainst Grant iri Michigan, Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin; Kalfr Has, ayd 3iinhesota. ..The Democracy Sredhlll and disheartened ;aud every day somenew Sign ot disaffection appears in,their ranjes., f g foi' Seymour, and no; White man fill. . r T ' ' . " r 1 . r rm - . hi --..".i j. . -.1. 1 j pine-cotmict in 3I1SS0U11 Aviu ne.lierce, bnt; thj Rfepublicjans wjill cany it high and dryi The rebel- elementt is strong, and, as nbgrb:1 suffrage is ui direct", issue, in the canvass, the rebel, penioje facy wi'wo'rk harder than else-: tvlifcrb ; bittj these Missouri. Radicals have baenf papftzed in the blood and annealed in the fire ptcivil war, land always hght the herper the . . -f ' Ui J .1 j c. 1 .. d 3 -i I If. In fill these States . the Jepublican- papers TheirjcpUmirjs disclose the organization tfiai nisht. xt have talked to over a hundred Demi iilj bcrats this afternoon arid eveiiihg, 'ahd they all ' w tliipk! as I do--rtha ho honest" man Can vote Blair,'? i "h-- j...;rJJ-') . - I' I , ' .- I ' ... 1 -WasuixoxoV, June 30, 1868, DeIhColonj:!.: In reply to your inauiries I beg ieave to say" that J -leave to you to . de termine, on consultation with my'friendi from Missouri, whether my name shall be presented! to the Democratic convention, and " to submit the followingr as what I consider: the reI and only issue in this contest : ' 1 n V m !'.:.. . if ... e ' .A I n 1 t .anerrpconstruciion poncy , oi ' tne! itauicais will be coinplete before the next election; the I States so long excluded will have been!ad mittedj :! negrp s uft rage cstablishd and tho ? , parpett-baggeils installed in their seats in both . branched of Congress. ! There is iio! possibili- i ty of changing the political character pf the ! Senate, oven if. tho .Democrats should elect I" their President and a majority' of the popular j braticp of! Congress. We tanhot, therefore, i undo theRadical plan! of reconstruction by Congressional action ; ! the 'Senate j will con tinue a "bar to its repeal Must M e submit to it.? Hoivf can it be overthrown ? It can on ly be overthrown .by the authority of the Ex ecutive, frho is sworn tb .maintain the Consti- tutionj apd who will iaU to do his duty if ha ; allows j the Constitution to perish under A series pf (jJongressional enactments hich are in paiiialile violationiofiiJndamentkl prin pii.'.ieii-Tw-u-i"-T i T""' """ ' -it tne president elected by me JJemocracy- enforces pr permits others, to enforce these reW cpnsiriacifiou acis, tno xwnuicais uy uie aeijva sjon of twenty ; spurious Senators and fifty Representatives will controrboth branches of Congress,,! and his Administration will-be as powerless as thb presenk one of Mr. Johnson.' There):! but one way to restore the Govern ment and the Constitution, and jhat. Is fori the.Prpsu ent elect to declare these acts null and voad; icompel the army to'nndo j its usar J Dations at the South, disperse the carpct-bai State governments, allow the white people to ; reorganize their own governments, and elect Senators and Representatives. The House of Representatives wjll corttaia a rnajorjty,of Demoefa'ts from the North, and they-wiu ad,-! mitthe Representatives elected by the wbltp j people of the South, and- with the !co-operij tion of tlie President it'will not bo dlfpoult to compel the Senate to submit ; once rfloro tb j the obligations of the Constitution. !" It' will; notbejabie to withstand the pubb'c judgmcattj . if distibtW invoked and clearly' expressed on 'this f updamental issue, and' it is the sure wayj -to avoiid iaU future strife to' put the usne "' Tlainlyjjthe country ; Ij-jA f r l repeat mat tins is tne real anu oniyae-, tion wich we should allow to, control us:l Shall-We Submit to the nsurpatibnil by; Vhicjli the Government 'has been overthrown, brj '. shall wb exert 'ourselves for its full and! com- plcte restoration ? It is Idle to talk ol bondi, .t greenoacKS, goiu, iuepuonu iauu, nmi'um; i public credit. iWhat can a Democratic Pre- I dent do ui' regard to any.of these, with aCofc-j J gress- in pbth branches controlled by the caj , pet-baggers and their allies f Ho'Will be poy-. ' erless to sion the supplies by-which idle ne-! grpes aire! Organized into . political clubjjJjyyj.L A Mississippi 'daily- has at the head; of ne of its columns a cut of aRebel flag, witjh cannon undernpathyand the words. ; "The 'guns that will kifl. Radicalism Are, for President, Hora tio ZiSdvroaui :,:4VicaPre5ideAt Ffraak.:: Pi BIkir,":uJ f Tn Sonth Carolina- the; Renublicaris of " the LegisWturp4ai-e desirous, of electing Governor Orr Chief Jnbtice of the! State. . o 7 ' : i .i nuc and resources of the Government aodde-J strby Its Credit make the?difference-between r T.I .i , nr. . . ' i 1 r gom apa igreenoacKs. tv e musii. xeaioro luoi 1 , Constitutionjtf'fore we cna :TGs&re the fihaii-j I ' cesTand to. do this.'w must have a President 2 - ...V, ..vtll -ivaoutn li . will A -tKo nn-.)A . hrl trampling into dust thet usurpation ot:Con-4 1 4 9 .1 - - . . 2' irM, oress, known as tne reconstruction, acts. . l wisn tp stana oeipao ijj,e vwiTtMiiiwii uuwi wi - A Missouri paper .calls the nomi&on of O tht Frank P. Blazon .the'.ticket with ISeymour I "(... I. I! Every negrp becomes.' j! the Dewoemic ticket. intelligcnt,'i "moral. he moment he votes General Sifant'says; "let s have peace. General Blair saysi ;"we nust have a Pres- ident .vh yfll execute tjhp will of jthe , people by tra nplinff into the dhst the usurpations of CJbngressknp.'vrxj asj the reconstruction aotSv . to renu- the 14th rThe Democracv propose Bot ony iiotiv iiho JntiiMnal l.lfthi tint. alac. AmendieBt,the Reconstruction! act 3the ret stored; btate goVerntnenta-ot tbo &autn, jand the war itself,1 valuable. ting the Georgia, Will not miles OTteiljr apply., his j poetical and musical genius to - se war speech of the rebel Toombs, of to music ? f The first stanza mighjt read tiius ; ."Ilark ! from1 the Tooraba a doleful aoacd, . u tome. rebs. attend the rr. 1 1' I. Ye! copperieadsv come view te grfisqii Where ypu already lie.;' uti .it is one whiqh embraces every- i l .t j -.,1 :..L i i l 1' J is ox .vaiup. in iis:.arge aptti .... . I . 1 . .1.! :i cotnprenensive results, i it is me i-onej tmpg- that ineMdes an that-is wrth a -contest, ana without jit there is'nbthing that gives dignity honor, or Ksilue tb the struggle, i i 1 i j' ! ,j ' Youyifriend, . . I Frank P. Bi!ai4 I Colonel James O. BroadbeacL; i ') I ' r The New York World says tbaUif j Grant j j isnot elected by' a clean majority of" thei " Vhita jpeople jot the country, the JJemoCrata will not js iabuiLt. Tltd Democrats declined; to. submii ta the! election, of Lincoln; until - tfiey werpindacel.to do so by .the foreU'W rgw i . t t . : l. . j . i : - ments ot, certain .union men wno nfrewien o 'tinrlr thftlp.adiVrfchin of General Grant.) -3"v") tt : T ;. .1 , ,, i . . . . i 'H j i-: j. . ! ! i.-i .! (.! ''' . i GraPt Viri be wbippeil, says tho World.- And.sb it said all through thp varj i Buf it always turned out thai instead j of Grant! it was "t!ie! other fellow" who was wjiippcdi And sc rtjwill be' now.j - So says- jthc Netr York ifrotnAercial. ' i ' ; jj' ! I ' m '-I ; : V:": J ThelTipton" TirAt. the most Infloential Dcmocratio paper in thd Vltlth Indiana pis trict, throw overboard Seympiu and BIau ,;f,.K.l- ;r tv. - M- V, ' - .. M II ! I r 1 T t . ! 1 ',:;; -. -'I '!'''' ' i i 1 1 -! I' 1-1