(15 Bumo.-jO." I P.n,le (tB OB1 ;. ri i . I : 2ates of AVlvertisix i"ne iKiaiire,fln.t Imwtlon..,.; -Cl tahWMOPnt InipMlnn " OiMSKjore 4hrec months. ....... . ' ' -i u ; " ' i twelve " ...;.... Two three ... ' Ul 60 5 '1 three tlx twetre 1 1 00 50 00 10 00 15 00 io on 15 00 25 00 no oo to 00 150 00 oo 5 00 ; vartw column init.mn.tvi iUIf eolonn twelre monthiU ...3 Une rohonn twelve montln. ; ...11,,,, gigni nt$ constitute a iquare. ri For anixliinriD? a candidate for a count v office, I . . . a. 8 oo work dane with neatnesa and dlpatcb at shbtrt notice, at pnreacorrepoQdini;irtth the time. T The cahj mnct InnrrtablT accompany all ordew, either" lor Wr?rPtA' or dTti'ng ; job work to he paid for on deli Terr All ron ordering advertlbcmenu are held rei-poni-Me fortbeaame. j . j , r j ' TL0WEEB. In all arcs of the world,' flowers Lave bi'cn regar ded as thipgs of beauty, and emblems of; Innocence nntl virtu.- plany of the finest pocticaliinages n all.langucsnre drawirfniru them. Gcil alludes to he liluUbf the field, to'- convince us of His care ' for us. m lie says : "Consider the lilies of: the field, lo -ir they grow : they toil not. neitlier do thev spin : and jet I piy unto you thai Solomon, in all hisglo ! rji was nt arraycu iikc one of these. A complete pdsts of four parts the calys, corolla, and nistil. The two former life rattier tmnmental Uian essential, j as a flower, botanicaJly fqnjiking-tVan consist of stamens and pjstil alone. t;rucns and pistils are , the essential organs of ( floorer; buJ sometimes there is oily one" of thesd f pnjsent, the other organ being in another blossom t on the sane plant, as in the Indian corn,- where the car is but alf a flower, having for pistils what wef call the sill , while the tassel is theother half, contain ing the staneus. Flowers speak a varied "language and reach Jic heart not only , in its seasons of joy.; but in its tours of sadness also. ' w hat can be iJ mere natural association of ideas than that which makes the Toscbud the emblem of infant loveliness n full -blon. rose the" type of blooming woman hood; nmtwhich likens extreme old age to the last leaf of autumn. It was the custom in ancient times when a 'General had gained . any great victory to floorer c staaiens. t GEO. D. PEEUTICE TO H0BACE GSEELEY. ! I send thee, Greeley, words of cheerj - i , Thou bravest, truest, best of men ; ; ! For I have marked thy strong career, ' Aa traced by thy own pen; ' ' ! I I've seen thy struggles with the foes' r . I ! That dared thee to the desperate fight, i . i And loved to watch thy goodly blows 1 Dealt for the cause thou deem'st the right I : i i ... t i ; i ' ' - ( -. j' ) Thou'st dared to fctand againsf thie wrong, j 1 When many faltered by thy side ; j In thy own strength hast dared be strong, Nor on anothers arm relied. J. i I I i Thy own bold thoughts tbou'st dared to think, Thy own great purposes avowed : j j And none have ever seen thee shrink , v j - From the fierce surges of the crowd i - : ' ' ! ' :!. " 1 Thoa. all unaided and alone, j. (if j Did'st take thy way in life s young; yearJ i 'With no kind hand clasped in' thyown, ! Tio genui voice: to soome:iny tears. ' But thy high heart no power: could tama ! And thou hast never ceased ,to feel i Within thy veins a sacred flame i ;. i . That turned Uiy ij-ori nerved stceL ; - ' ? ' ..-in -tl-:- .iv ' , j I know that thou art not exempt . From all the weaknesses of earth, ! For passion comes to rouse and tempt The truest souls of mortal birth. -. J ; ! But thou liast well fulfilled thy trust, ! In spite of love ami hope, and fear,! j And e'en the tempest's thunder-gust ' j ; But clears thy spirit's atmosphere. ' ' -Thou slill art in, thy manhood's prime,f Still foremost 7mid thy fejlow-mchi t Though in each year of all thy time 1 j . T.Uou hast compressed threescore and ten. Oh, my each blessed sympathy, v ;( , . ' IJreathM on thee with a tear and igh, i A sweet nWer in thy pathwav.be, . a j A bright star 5a thy clear .bine wkyj 1 PubKc Laws of North Carolina, . Passed at the Session of 1868-'69J - . . r ; i;Na 157. V.; An net conccrnimr the estates of insolvent and im prisoned debtors.! I1 ' ; Passed April 8th; 18C9.J The General Assemblv of North; Carolina fdo enact as follows: ') -li t CHAPTER t ! ' FBOM PE.OCEED1XO BY DEBTOB TO BE BELIEVED ! : LIABItlTV TO IMPBISOXMEST. I p Section 1. Petition of debtor.; i r v r Everv insolvent debtor may present. a petition in ! the Superior Court, praying that his estate j tday be assigned for the benefit of all his creditors, and that his person may thereafter be exempt irom pr debts previously , l-l: m ill From the Sunday KonWcJ OUR DEAD. c 1 crown hinf with flowers; thus we find when Alci biades returned from his exile in triumph,' the mul titude salijtcil him with wild acclamations, and crowned him. with garlands. j . Flowers kre delightful to tvery lover of nature ; a boquct, orjevcri the simplest blossom, propented by ft friend, iiltcrcsts the heart How manv pleasant thoughts a.en wakened by the fresh and tperfumed Incense which ascends from flowers ? What woman docs not le flowers ? Yet many regard them mere ly as beautiful objects, without being aware that themight! rendered .far more interesting by a scientific knowledge of the relations and uses of their various part-. . i .' ' . .1 i , ' Flowers nfe indeed lovely, but like youth and lieautj?, they are fading and transient; they nrcj jUowever, destined for a higher object than a fihorj; livcd:admiratiou ; for to them is assigned the important dflice of producing and nourishing the fmi Like them should "we improve the bloom of lifejyso thntlwhcn youth and beauty ihall fade awa), our minds may exhibit that fruit which it is tho business of youth to nurture and mature, itoitit, a It.l-u . I 'Hill' To train for me and too. Our brothers mnxtered by onr tide ; i ney marciu-a ana loujrnt and c For me and you ! Died, for me and yon. ' . t avely died 9 Here! here, my own, my. noble brother sleeps They made Ins grave with soldier hands uixm the battle-field, already red with cfimsqn human gore. Where the angry blast, of war had swent alonsr storm and in frightful i FASHIONABLE WOMEN, Fashioa kills more women than toil a!nd sorrow Obedience to fashion is a greater transgression of the jaws ofj woman's nature a greater injury to her physical aiil mental constitution than th hardships of x)vcrty jind neglect. The slave woijian at her task, will live and grow old, ami sec twj or .three generation. of her mistresses fade and bass away. TliW washerwoman, with scarce a ray of hope to cheer her ni her toils, will live to sec her fushiona ble suters all extinct The kitchen-maid is hearty and : strong when, her lad v has to be hqrsed like a Htli.it fashu NI K IKII i I . It is a sad truth ihat fjhion-naniixned women 1 1 , i, are almost Worthless for all the good cnjls of life they have wit lit t Id force of .character ;j they have still less power of pnoral-will. and quite as little ' physical energy. They live for no great purpose in life; they accomplish no great ends j Ihey are c tolls, formed in the hands ot. milliners and ser- - m f r lress They vants, to beidresseil and Jed (to order. . piey notKHly, they bless nol)ody, and'savenobod3. write no book, they set no rich example of virtue and Womarffs life. If they rear childrtjn, sen-ants and nurses tfo all, save to conceive and j give them birth. And when reared, what are ithev . Vliat do thev ever amount to. but weaker scams of the old stock ? Who ever heard of a fashionable woman child exhibjting any virtne and power of mind for which it ever Uacame eminent f Read tlie biogra Dhics of ouk jrreat men and women. Not one of them had a fashionable mother. ' Thcyl nearly all 'sprung up (from strong-minded women, who had about as little to do with fashion as witlithechang ing of clouds. r ; t i - - I t 3Ikn WituorT IlEARTa--A e someiimes meet with men mfcn who seem to think that jany indul gence in an jiffectionate feeling is weakness, j They will return tnm a journey and greet thjeir families w ith a distant dignity, and move among their chil dren with tfce cold and lofty splendor of jan iceberg, surrounded j by its broken i fragments There is liardly a mdre unnatural sight on earth jhan one of these: families without a heart A father had bet ter cxtingui; h a boy's eyes than take away his heart Who that hits experienced the joys of friendship, and Values sympathy and affection, fcvould not rather lose all that is beautiful in natures scenery. than bo rob&ed of the hidden treasures of the heart ? Cherish, then, your heart's best affection. Indulge in thd warniiand gushing emotionsof filiil, paternal, and fraternal love. i i 1 - Tiie J following days of the week were set apart I t for public wjorship in different nations : Sunday, or Lord's Pay, by Christians. Monday, by the Grecians, i Tuesday, jby the Persians. ( Wednesday., by the Assyrians. Thursday f by the Egyptians. Friday, bj the Turks. j . Saturday, thy the Jews. j The first (hstance of election bribery was as early as the 13th cf Elizabeth, when one Thomas Longe gave the ret ftrning officers and . others, pf the bo rough of "W-jstbury, 4L to be returned member, and was for that; premium elected.) In a strait Jietwixt truth and falsehood, decide un hesitatingly for the truth. Candor is always best through the bloody field, fury, and where the dead and dying friend and loe already strewed tlie neld. J enuerly those men. ins coniraues. wnn true and loyal Hearts, .prepared and laid him in his rude ; and shallow: grave, and just as tenderly replaced the cold, damp earth again o er iiis pulseless Dreast w Here, here now in the city of the Iorthj.the city which gave him birth, where the years of hi3 happy 1 childhood and early manhood were passed, where all was dear and familiar to him, here at last, far-away from the Southern battle-field, we have gathered Jiis mangled form and laid it down to rest deep in the bosom of mother eartb, where within his honored grave he j sleeps his last sleep, a willing raartyrj a ready sacri-f j fice, on the altar, of his 'country. I On Virginia's bloody field his lite was yielded up, nobly given that tne nation still might live. ,We speak histyraise and of his worth in broken utterances his I gallant and heroic death has made his 'name 'sacred, and ever will it livo green in the ;hearts around the family hearthstone, and on Fame's unsullied page, j The flowtrs.we placed upoii.his coffin-lid are scarcely withered yet; the solemn tones 'of the funeral bell and of the muffled drum (have, but just swept through the beautiful valley wherewe laid him down to sleep, and . I 'am! still, standing be-; wildercdand grief -6trickcn in the valley and shadow; of death. My brother, noble, young; and true, so good, so strong, and once so full of life and hope! j O,; . noble dead our dead all 'honor to their, memory they who bravely yicldedl tip thcif lives in; the hour of their country's peril J In the unknown, grave, deep within the Southern ' wiljlwoodj or in the beautiful consecrated cemeteries, sacred and hallowed for that purpose wherever their ashes lie may the people of this and of nil tdld generations yet to dawn, cherish and love the qicmory ; of their country's brate defender and ; honor the little hillocks beneath where the heroes sleep. . ' ' rest or imprisonment' on account of any judgment contracted. !t .;' t- ' :V J ; U O Q.l.lt.l. r. I i A t F On presenting such petition; every insolvent shall deliver therewith r. schedule containing! an account of his creditors and an inventory of his estate; fas required in the next section ; and shall annex to iis petition and schedulejhe following affidavit, whibh mustbevtaken and suDscrioed by mm ; oeiore uie Clcrk'of the Superior; Court, and must be certified bv.tuch officer: , fii. -, :'r s -.1 i' .,' - H. j .! 4I, '-. : , do swear (or affirm) that the ac count of my creditors with the' places, of : their resi dence, and the, inventory of my estate which are herewith delivered, are in all respects just and true; that I have not; at any time.or in any manner, dis posed of or made over any part of . my estate for fie f ntnre benefit of mvself or my family, or in order to defraud anv of nlv creditors: and that! I have nbt paid, secured to be paid, or in anyway compoundd with any of my creditors, with a view that they, Or anr of tbem, should aostain or aesisi irom oppos ing my discharge. So help me God." v Sec. 3. Insolvent's schedule, what to contain. The insoh ent's schedule shall contain; i . 1. A full and true! account of all his ! creditors with the place of residence of each, it Known, and the! sum owing to each creditor, whether on written security, on account or otherwise. , ! i ' 1 2. A full and true inventory of all his estate, rea andixrsonal, with the incumbrances existing therf-j on; and all books, vouchers and securities relating thereto. " . , ! ) v ' .. , I ! 'J. A full and true inventory of all property, re41 and personal, claimed by him as exempt ; from sale under execution. i' i ' f Sea 4. Order to show cause. ! : , On receiving the petition, schedule arid affidavit, thcJcierk ot the Superior Court shall make an order .. .... if, r . r , . , L requiring flu tlie crcciuors ot sucn lnsoiveni io suow ranse before faid officer, within thirty days after publication of tue order, why the prayer; of 1 lie pe titioner should not lie granted. M J Sec; 5. Notice of order. "'!'! ' J Notice of the contents of tlie order shall be pub lished by the Clerk at the Court House, 'and.tliref: other public places in the county where the applicaj tiori is made, for four successive Weeks ; or, in lieu thereof, for three successive weeks in any. newspa thedis-l office of the clerk of the superior court and stand for: trial, as, in othar cases; and the proceeding irf tne superior court shall be as prescribed in section; eight (W) of this act , f Sec. 16. When no fraud is suggested. If no creditor suggests fraud i or i oppose charge of the debtor,: the justice of jlhe peace, of the1 clerk of the superior court before whom the oeti-! tion is heard, shall forthwith discharge the debtor, 4victton ana, it ne surrender any estate for the benefit of his creditors, shall appoint a trustee !of such 1 estate. The order of discharge and appointment ' shall be entered in the docket of the court, Jand if granted by a justice of the peace, a copy thereof ; shall .be certified by him to the clerk of the j superior court, where the same shall be recorded and filed. v I !. Sec 17. Debtor may give bond for his appearance. Every debtor entitled to the provisions of this chapter may, at the time of filing nis application; tor a discharge, or at any time afterwards; tender to the sheriff or other officer having his1 body in charge. a bond, with sufficient surety; in double the amount of the sum due any creditor, or creditors, at whose suit he was taken or charged conditioned for the appearance of such debtor before, the: court, vf here . . . ? m. A 1 1 T ll -. A ' J 4 .ins pcuuoo i u iu, ui uie . jiearmg fuercox,ttU(i vo debtor, or by hiihvrfe, or any of Ids relatives for ment may b given that he be emored from office-' the appointmenti of a trustee, to take charge of the lor that be be. aiiniJirWi t hAw - Jn oof a to nf fiimli HAhtAv " - 1 - I a i . . . ..-y .-4 ; , r Vt "lunaertnisKtate. tor both-hut IThe application must be made tothe supenor Sea 13. Officers susnenrW hv rJn., court of the coutity where the debtor was convicted J Every officer impeached shall be tusnended fmm w. iiu,iv w a.tnjtu..jLi ..!.,-!. I i;ach.im; ui Ilia UUiCc UUU1 hiS &CO tli tAl -Upon producing a copy of the sentence of con- Sec. 14. Impeachment of President lof the ' Senate ctton of such debtor, duly certified by, the clerk If the President of the H-naf tU i-! ntr VI MM WeCbUCa H1LU All lUUUaila Ul liUC HU" I UL.D U1C1CUI M1HI I imrTWniflTO V TAA ffaawa V i: : I i v. tt . V. ,,cu "J Otn put"" tMaBuiypuwriaci.aiijr iuipnuiicu uuuer i otc oy, me xiuuse oi iepresentatlves' in order that sutu iscuicin-c, auu io mucwtias iubuj uxu wiiaicrer, ciiiuiucr resident may DC Cnosen the clerk of ;the ciourt or the Judge thereof mar lm- Sea 15. Indictment after conviction' mediately appoint debtor. Sec. 36. J)uty o Every trustee pay the debts of ner directed In paying such deb a trustee of tl rustee. i ' ' e estate of such ito nder this chapter Is required le imprisoned debtor in the man mpter five of this act: and after the trustee shall anol v the sumlus from fime to time to the support of the I wife and children of such webtdr, under the direction of ithe smerior!Court;vatijd wherieTer any sach imprisoned debtor is lawf ullyldischarged from his imprisonment jhe trustee so appointed 'shall deliver up to him all the estate,, real and personal, of such debtor 'after be liable , to im- ! -,'. i ..; ,i . hla official stand to and abide by the: final order or- decree of Retaining 'atsuffleent iiumto' satisfy the e the court in the ease. If . such bond be satisfactory to tue sheriff, he shall forthwith release such debtor from custody. I ' j Sec. j 18.i In case of sickness or death. Whenever it appears to the court that any debtor. who may have given bond for his appearance under this chapter, is prevented from attending court by sickness or other sufficient cause, th case shall be continued another day, or to next term, when the same proceedings shall be had as if the debtor Jiad appeared according to the condition, of., his bond ; and, in tlie event of his death in the j meantime,, his Sec. 19. Order of discharge terms and effect, i j : f 5 V- V --fs" ; tu , V'u. representatives ovfe otherwise, shall be in! like terms and have like effect as prescribed in section nine'(9) of ft he preceding chapter except that the body of such d.ebtor shall be free from arrest or imprisonment -at. the suit of everv creditor, and as to .him oniv. to Lwhom tlie notice required in section fourteen (14) may have been given; and the notices, or copies thereof, shall in all cases be filed in the office of thcl superior court menses ncurred In 'the execution of tho trust and lawful faimmissinrm thrfnT !! V CHAPTER V. eijeral provisions respecting trustee under this act, I Sec; 87, General pbwer ?nd duty. ! r Any trustee ao&ointed under the nrovisiona of the ipreeceding ichapterof this act, in the sevenil ases therein contemplated, is T hereby declared a trustee of the estate of the debtor,, in respect 150 whose propen v such trustee ir appointed.- for the benefit of crf3ditor?, and is investedjfrom the time of appointment, with all the powerss and aulhoritie.4. nd suDject to the control, obligations and" respon- Dy jawinreiauon. to personal the estate of deceased persons : be paid by the trustee J pro rata xivery person convicted, on Imnearhmpnt ehoTi nevertheless, be liable to indictment and punish' ment according to law; :, ' 1 , , , r 1 r . Sec 10. For what offences officers liable to to im. Seaeuea. i . hi . very officer Id 'this State shall peach ment for ;i 1. I i;i Corruption or other mtscdnduc capacity: r : y . t- 2;; Habitual drunkenness. 3.; intoxication while emraped in his office.'! i t : -. . , j- 4. Drunkenness :ih anr public place. :!.''' " 6. Mental or physical incomnetn tn -Harhr the duties of his office. , .1 I T . , , , . 6. ' Any criminal matter, the conviction trhr would Jend to bring his office into public contempts Sec. 17.1 When act to havaeffecti ' I 1 ' . . 1 1 inis act snau nave eitect from thtfdatii nf t rt incation. - .1 . I 1 the exercise of ttut all debts shal equally.! w j ' Sea 38. Where re 11 Such trustee slia afacounts audited a rns made and accounts settled. make his returns and have his d settled in the court of Probate of the county, ,wiere the proceeding was had, in Sloep warrior, sleep, for thiuc la the Tlctory,' 1 or inee me ianrt-i wreath 1 - , , Nicely Cacoht. At a masked f fisherman's Jball in New Orleans, a gay and handsome uian, who had? refused to take his wife to uke ball ori' the plea of I business, was;much struck by a stranger, a lady in a mask. , tin ner lie exerted all fascination. "Oh, sir, you quite put me out wfth'your flattery. I suspect you are a married man," said the lady. "No, indeed : but I confess a willingness to get married since I have had the pleasure' of seeing you," was the gallant reply. . "' H' 1 ; : "Indeetl ! but you havn't seerr'niy face' yet !" "No, but I know it is benutifuhii The exquisite grace accompanies every thiiigou do and say tell me as much." t ? "Indeed f t; -f. Kji :;.'' ;;!'". . "It is true. Until I met you to-night, women have looked to me homely and common place." "Oh, you are jesting." 51 ' j i 'Indeed, l am not" i.: I I : ! I f "And you never loved any one ;tefore ?" 1 "Never ! Your sex appeared to me always deceit ful, and my heart refused them all sympathy, but for you I feel a passionate attraction. that I have no power or inclination to resist' '! ;i : ; ' "Can this be true f" - . j H I ' ' f '"It is, indeed." J : ' j :- ' "And you wish to see my face ?" i t ! i ,! "I am mad with impatience, since lit will be the only face my heart will ever miror. 5 : It.Iias upon it no nvai impression." H 'iou are so persuasive I can no longer deny the tWIVllaffA 1I Allil 4thM VMMfl 1 ' 1 It was his wilOr ! I ! ! . .- ;: "The devil P said the discomfited Benedict in dnlrinf?in a nrolonc-pd -whisllA i -i ii- 4 ii "Oh,a no, my dear, only the: face that has no rival impression on your heart F ' s ', ' H 1 "bay, Jlary, Jet's call it square and go home." "l tinnK we d oeiter." f ;:JUf i And they went 1 : I s I f , ;r.--f perjpublished in said county, or in an adjoining county. "... 'V . ;. ' , j : . ' j- ; Seci 6. Summary proceeding before Clerk. ' If no creditor oppose the discharge of the insolt vent, the Clerk of the Superior Court, before whoni the hearing of the petitioner is haHi shall i enter ari order of discharge, and appoint a trustee of all the estale of such insolvent i '1 - Sec.! 7. Creditor may. suggeslix aud. I i Every creditor opposing the discharge ot tne in solvent mav suggest fraud and set forth tne particu lars thereof in writing; yerified by his oath ; but th insolvent shall not be compelled to answer the sug-f gestions of fraud in more than one case, though as many creditors as choose may makeithemselves par ties to the issues in such cases. ' ; I Sec.1 8. Proceeding where fraud is suggested. In every case where an issne of fraud is made upi the hsxse shall be entered in the trial docket of thej Superior Court: and stand for trial as other causes i and upon a finding by: the jury in favor of the pe- titioner, the Judge shall enter the order and maKef the appointment directed in section six. j i : . I Sec. D. Order of discharge, its terms and effect 1 The order of discharge shall declare that the! person of such insolvent shall forpver thereafter bef exempted from arrest or imprisonment op account of any judgment, or bf reason of any debt due atf the time of such order, or contracted for before that? time though payable afterwards.; But no debt, de-j mand. iudement or decree against any insolvent,! discharged under this- chapter, shall; be affected ori impaircu uy sucu uisuuuiu; uu me mtmc sun ic- Uiaill YaJIU HUU CiieuiU. Uiiaiiiai. an Hit; lfiwlfciij . such insolvent acquired after his discharge and the appointment of a trustee; and the hen of any judg ment or decree upon the property oil sucu insoiveiu . IT J 1 - Jl " . shall not be in any manner anecica oy sucn qis charge. ' there is any shall be that and fair, dis- property, or clerk. - ; - j ' ; : Sec, 20. Judgment Ion fraud found. I i Ifl on this trial, the jury find that fraud or concealment, the judgment j the; debtor be imprisoned until a full closure on account of all the moneyj effects be made by the debtor, y i SecUSl. Proceeding after issue.' I f i After an issue of fraud or "concealment . is made up,! the debtor shall not discharge himself, as. q the;creditors in that issue, except by fraud and ver dict in the same, or by a discharge byj consent, j Sect !22. Surrender by principal; - :! : ; i The surety; in any bond, conditioned for the ap pearance of any persoii under this .Chapter, may surrender the principal, or such principal may sur render himself, in discharge of thej bond, to the sheriff or other officer of any court 'Where such principal is bound to appear, in the j manner pro vided in the Code of Civil Procedure, title IX, chapter one (1) section one hundred and fifty-eight. rr n i , e -i . 1 i . oec j;d. ueDior swetinug laiseiy ; penauy. -, 1 If any insolvent or 1 imprisoned debtor take any oath prescribed in this act, falsely and corruptly, and upon indictment of perjury beeonyicted thereof, he shall suffer all the pains of wilful f perjury, and he shall never have any or the Denentso; tnis act, but inay be sued and imprisoneed as though he had never been discharged. v ; J ! . t EHni 4. Creditor liable fOr xrisonrcCT-7trrcerta!it i cases. -. , " ' ; -1 1 j ; ; . i. i i, .' ' C- J : l : j-. When any debtor is actually confined within the walls of a prison, on an order of arrest In default of bail or otherwise, the jjailor"mustifurnisliihim ! witll hecessary food during his confinement, if the prisoner require it, for which the jailor shall have the same fees as for; keeping other j prisoners. If the debtor be unable j to 'discharger such, fees, the. iailor may recover them from the party at - whose instance the deotor was; connnear adu wneu mo dpbtnr has remained; in 1 iail fori twenty days, the tfip sbpriff or iailor mav give notice thereof to the TilaintifT. his assent or attornerl and! demand se curitv of him for the prison fees that accrue after 'such notice, and if the Jtfaintiff j fail to give such securitv. then the sheriff may discharge " thenuebtor out bf custody. . . . I : Rnc. 25.. Who ma V take prison bounds. ' i A nv iinnrisoned debtor mav take the benefit of thftnrison bounds bv giving such security, as re quired by law, except as follows j 1. A debtor against whom an issue found. like manner as pro Sec. 39. An oath., J Before proceedi such trustee shall t; and trulv to execut sill and understan with the clerk of tb ded for personal represen tati v his" duty. ike and subscribe oni oath; well his trust according to his best ling ; which oath must be filed ! superior court ' Ml i 1 J See. 40. Morel than! one person may be trustee.) i 'r! jfThe court shall have power, when deemed necesl sasry.ito appoint more! than one! person trusted under, any, of jtbj provisions of this net; but irt reference to th$. rights, authorities and duties conferred kerein, all such trustees shall be- deemed one person in law. j I - i oec. : 4i. in case ior faisaoiniy. dn case of the death, removal, resignation or dis ability ot a trustee, the court; making .the appointi ment,!may, from time totime. supplv the vacancvd ana an proceeainga piay oe continued by, the sue in cessoij in ollice, instance. ., SekJ. 42. Repeal Chapter fifty-nine1 The Genera 'follows act as 'foil '. Section 1. This act shall tak Ratified thd 10th like (59) manner as in the of I the Revised Code, and first alt laws in conflict ivitli this act are repealed. oc. 43. w nen to take effect effect from its ratification. lay of April, A- D., 18G9. I- uU r the" of fraud is 1 2. Anv debtor who. for other cause, to be imprisoned until he make a full and closure or account of his property. is adjudged fay dis CHAPTER II. Proceeding by debtor, arrested or imprisoned in ex ' 1 ! . 1 .1 . I 1 X , ccuuon in civil causes io ue uiscuu rgeu iiuui bucii -arrest or imprisoh ment ; ; j j, Section 10. Who! entitled to benefit of this chapter. The following persons are entitled to the benefit j of this chapter: i j I !. i " 1 t- : i.J i,. , i -r 1. 4iiVery person uiivciujj. uiaigcuuu mjj uiucrui arrest for default of bail, or on surrender of bail in any action. :.- , . -i 1 j . 1 j 2. Every person takoh or charged m execution of arrest for any debt or damages rendered in! any ac tion .whatever. ! i j j, . j- j " , -Sec. . Where application to be made. I " Every person taken or charged as n the; preced ing section specified, niajjr, at any time after his ar rest or imprisonment, petition the Court frorn which the process issued on which he is arrested: or im prisoned, for his discharge therefrom, on his com pliance with the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 12. Nature of application. I 1 ( . i j f - The petition shall set forth the cause of imprison ment, with the writ or! process and complaint On . . i r J .,i J .11 l . Zuiunl'of. .Tb'SS Mc: nor dispensed with in the discretion; of any and personal, and of all charges affecting such es- F w,, , .,.! nr;,mrr I I RThe Clerk of the Superior pourt,! or justice of the i Peace,1 oerore wnomsucn peuiion is prcsenieu, snan forthwith issue a warrant to ; the Sheriff, or keeper of the prison, requiring him to bring the prisoner before the court, at the time and place named, for the hearing of th case, which warrant! every such sheriff or keeper shall obey. . 1 j j "; SSec 20. Proceeding before court : j - r j ! At the hearing of the petition, if such prisoner have no visible estate, and i take and subscribe the ioath or affirmation, prescribed m the, next section, khe clerk of the superior court, or iustice of the feeace before whom he is brought, shall administer Baid oath or affirmation to him. ana discharge mm jfrom,- imprisonment; of I which an t en try' shall be made in the docket of the court, and. where the broceeding be before a justice of the peace, the jus tice shall return the petition and orders thereon into the office of the clerk of the superior court to be filed. J ' ;.m i.irUmi Jlh r:"K . :', Lt ec 32, Who may suggest fraud. J I , The chairman of the of the Board of Commis- - 4f m A 1 -AT loners, and every omcer luieresieq m i me iee om CHAPTER III. Proceeding by party committed in cases of bastardy; i l or 'for fine and costs in. criminal actions, to De j discharged from imprisonment Sec 26. Who entitled to be discharged under this j chapter. -t ' '1": ' o : .1 . .! 1.- '- ''J ! The following persons may be discharged from imprisonment upon complying with the provisions of this chapter : - , y. . . ! 11. Every putative fatherij of a bastardcommitted for a failure to give bond, or to pay any sum on monev ordered to be paid for its3naintenance. ! 2. Every person committed for the fine and costs of any criminal prosecution. Sec. 27. Application to be made, how. I Every such person having remained in prison for sixty! days, maivappiy Dy peuuon io uie toun, w-hprp the iudment against him was entered prayr ino- to be brought before such Court at a time and petition, and to be dis path.i hereinafter i pre- named in taking the the ,Barrett's Cats. Yhe anecdotes of the two cats. which has been told of many learned men. origina ted with the painter Barrett j His only pets were a cat and a kitten, its progeny. : A friend, seeing two JJioles in the bottom of his door, asked him for with J .1 .1 T . . ! J 4 urpubc ne uiaue uieui inure, ixxirreittuuu it was for his cats to go in and out : "Why," replied his friend! "would not one do for both?" . ! , ? !" ' j: ; ; '! i "You silly- man." answered the doctor, f how could the big cat get into the little hole ?" rt ; "But," said his friend, t'cou Id not the little one go througL the big hole f i : "Egad," said Barrett," "so she could ; but I never thought of that" ' -.. ,i . . : , : - . r- Josh Billings says : "If I. Was in the habit of swearing, I woula'nt hesitate to cuss a bed-bug right to nis face." : ! ' ; .Appear rather too liberal than too economical, but never lavish. Economize in little things. Learn sclf-deniat i .i ; ' tate, as they exist at the, time of : filing his petition, together with all deeds, securities, books or writings whatsoever relating to the estate and the charges thereon; and also what property, real and personal, the petitioner claims as exempt from sale under ex ecution. , .; j place to be charged upon scribed. See, 281 Notice to be served. t (The applicant, shall cause ten ; days of the time and place of filing the petijtion to be served on the Sheriff orjother officer, by whom he was committed, which notice shall, in no case, be waivied by such at Sec. 13. Oatlu . Ihe petition snail nave annexed to it an oath or affirmation, subscribed by the petitioner and taken before any person authorized by law (to administer oaths: to the effect following : . f , "I, L .. . . the within named petitioner, do swear (or affirm) that the within! petition and account of my estate, and of the charges'; thereon, are, in all respects, just and true; and that I have not at any time or in any manner, disposed "of or made over any part of my property, vfith a view to the future benefit of myself or my, faniily, or with an intent to injure or defraud any of toy creditors. So help me God." i Sec. 14. Notice to be served. 1 Twenty days notice of the . time and 'place which the petition will be filed, together jwith a copy of such petition .and the account annexed thereto, shall be personally served by I such debtor on the creditor or creditors at whose suit he is ar rested or imprisoned, and such other, creditors as the debtor may choose, or their personal representa- tirM rt off Amotra nnrl if tliA nprenn fri TkA TotiTitw1 reside out of the State, and haveno agent or at torney therein, the notice may. be served on the officer having the claim to collect, br by two weekly publications in any newspaper in the State. j Sec. 15. Suggestion of fraud. .A ! i ' if Every creditor upon whom the notice directed in the preceding section is served, may suggest fraud upon the hearing of the , petition, as prescribed in section s even 7) of this act ; and if the case be in a court of a justice of the; peace, the issue made up, respecting the , fraud, shall b returned into the Section 1. Tri The Court f tha Senate. Sec. 2. Quorum A majority qf the ,a quorum., ik. eq.?-o. JiiXhioitions All impeach ihents; No 156 f Proceedings of impeacjnricnt. Assembly of North Carolina' do en- CHAPTER . j I Court of Impeachment j ; trial of Impeachment sha 1 be 1- hers shall be necessarv to f Articles.! . y N " ust be delivered bv the House of Representatives " jtfcr; the presiding officer of the Seriate, who shall, thereupon; j cause proclamation to.lfe tnade in the following words, viz: AH per sons are commanded to keep silence on pain of j im prisonment, whiievthe House ; of Representatives is exjijibiting to the Senate of North Carolina articles of impeachment against 1 ; . .- After which the articles shall be iugofi1cer.of the Se Representative tha order ori the subject notice snan oe give; Sec; 4.? Powers of I The Senate, as a' chibited, and then the presid- tte shall inform the House of the! Senate will tike proper impeachment, of which due to the House of Representa- Court.' lurt, shall have power to com- Ratifled the 10th day of ApriL A. D. 1609. ' 'f 1 i 1 J -. ' -7 -i . . : ! r--rNo.'--i60.i.lV:.-!i : ' ' M,'i. ' V An act providing for a board of public 'charities,. " ' tPafewd April 7tK, I8C9 f Section 1. The General Assemblv of North' Caro lina do enact That the General Assemblr shall. itn : mediately on the ratification of this act proceed' bv concurrent vote to select five electoni wb shall bo' s t vied. The Board of Public ChuritirMinf ihHtt of North Carolina,! One of thcl 'persons so elected shall hold office for one ycarfono for two year; one for three years : one for fotrf years, and one for five years; Uie tcrm.to begin from th first of July, 1869.) Appointments to fill vacancies in this board. caused by resignation' ior,teniovalfrom the State, , death, or from any other cause, may be made for the residue of such term by. the Governor. .1. Sec. 2.1 The board of. pubDcr 'charities ahall bold regular meetings on the first Tuesdavs in January, - April, July and October,, and as often besides as they imav deem needful Thevi shall makn t snrh ". rules and orders for the regulations' of thfclr 'own ! procqedings as they may deem propir. " ' They shall : investigate an4;, supervise tbe whole system of-the onan table and penal institutions oi the State, and shall jfeccommend such changes and Additional pro visions as they may deem needful fot" their econom ical and efficient administration,! arid no changes shall be niade in the management of) any of the in stitutions witboat the advice or Consent of the board. They shall receive no compensation for!4 their services except their traveling expenses, Vfhich ' shall be allowed and paid. ; j j . f . "Sec.' 3. The general condition of the State t9 ef I j fected by crimes, vagrancy and pauperism, ' shall M also come under the view of the boarrd, and it shall1 j be- their duty to report to the ' General ! Assembly when, in theirjudgment it may become needful for j the erection of the several reformatdry institutions, , j whose organization is provided for bxArtlcIe eleven j of the constitution. ;4- i- s ) r i -.t ; ; Sec. 4. (The board shall also give special attention to the causes of insanity,: defect or las" of the sev- ! S eral senses, idiocy and the deformity and infirmity ! of ; the phrsicaf rga nidation. ,,Thy shall, bea.de their own observation, avail themselves, of corres- 1 ! pondenceahd exchange of f Arfo nf Hia UWa nf others in these departments, and thus be able to ,! afford the General Assemblv data U guide them In future legislation for the amelioration of the-oon. . 1 dition of the neonle. as well a. tn rJnfrihutfl m oni liehten Public opinion and direct I it! to lnterpsta m vuai io me prospcniy oi lue estate. i i i i oea o. rersonai , visits may bo required by the . ' board, of one, or more of Its mcmbers.'or others " l? wise, to make careful; ipvestigation iintotho condl- . j tion of the several county jails and almshouses, . and the treatment of Itbeir unfortunate inmates, and report on these points), so that the provisions of sec- non six, article eievcnoi uie consmution maybe v eniorceu. t . -. r ! Sect Q. Whenever the board shall have reason to believe that any insane person, not incurable, is de j prived df proper remedial treatment, hnd is contlned in any alms house or other place, whether such in sane person in a pubhccharge or othen'ise, it shall be the duty of said board to cause I such, insane per son td bo conveyed tc the State Asylum, there to receive the Ik st medical attention. So, also, it shall be their tare that all the unfortunate 6hall partici pate inthe charities of i the State., j Secj 7. Iho board tnay require; the Suocriaten pel the attendance1 on parties arid witnesses,' to en- j dent, &c, 6f the several charitable and penal lost! 1 have force obedience to its orders. I mandates, writs, pre cept$fidjudgmehtg j to preserye order, to punish, in a summary way, contempts of' its authoritv, or ders mandates, writs, precepts or judgments ; to ad journ from lime to i time, and to make all lawful rules ahd Jegulatidns which it! inav deem esflentinl or conoucuve lit ine tams oi jusuce. , Sec. 5. ! Powers of the Presiding Officer. , Thief presiding, officer of. the Senate sha! poweri i i 'I I .!-.. ! ' i; Tp direct all necessary preparations in the Sen ate Chamber j ! j j ', ; s Ur . ',. : i 2. To make and issne bv hlmaelf nr hv tl CIptIt of thenate all orders, mandates, writs' and pre- qepisnuiuonzea oy ia iv, or oy j the JSenate : r i 3. TlP direct all the forms of procedure during the trial not; otherwise specially provided for. j ;. f 41 Tb decide. I the first instance, without .a dms- ion, all questions of evidence and incidental ques tions j put: the same shall, on demand of one fifth of the members present.1 be decided bvveas and navs Sec. 4lWheh Chief Justice to preside.' - j - ( i triaqu luvuiuuuf vi uia oiaie,.or ijieuienani t the powers 1 and duties of lave devolved,- ia impeached, e Supreme Court shall pre- uinng the Chief Justice to iVen him; by. order of the place fixed for" the consid- quest j attend; and jtjie Chief Justice shall pre side oyer the Senate j during the consideration of said articles, and upon the; trial of the person Inii peached therein.f But the Chief Justice shall not vote oh "any question ! during j the trial, ; and shall pronoynce decision only as the organ of the Senate -j a. .pa; f. the accused to appear and Governor,! upon ,whb: the ofpee of Gdvernor the Chief Justice of t side i land in case ri nrnsidlf. notiCR Shall b( Senate, of the .time ai -a I i erauon oi ine articles with its assent 1 v Sec- 7. Process' against answer. TheSenafe, npon th . - . i Mr .1 'a : ! taxed against such prisoner, may oppose his taking the oath prescribed in ' the j preceding section ; and file the particulars of j his suggestion , in writing ; when the same shall be returned to, and stand for trial in the snperior court as prescribed in'the pre- cedingchapter. in other cases of fraud or conceal- inent -;: k ; CHAPTER IV. ? Proceeding for appointment of trustees over the es tate of any debtor confined for crime. Sec. 33. "When and by whom application to be madeCl F -rm " .1 i i:J 2 I I .1 - 1 i ;) neneyer any aeoior is nuprisoiieu . iu mr peni tentiarv for any term whatever, or in a xounty jail for any term more than twelve months, application bv petition may he made py any creditor ,ot the Dresentation bf . nrtiila nf impeadhmenfand its organization aa a Court shall forthwith cause the person impeached to aniwar find i , 1 (-!! j .... . Ft auswcE iik; .arvicaes exmuiiea euner : in person or by attorney i he shall impeachment and havie the sanie. i luA- VJ Sec. 8jiAcCused entitle ! ! The person accused i impeachment, to the ni Sec. 9.iWhat jdone wlie ft Whei issue is joined ment, the Court shall ifl trial thereof.: 4 ; -m Sea 10 Oath of members. I jl At th time ana place appointed. , and befor&t entitled I to a copy of the reasonable time to answer 1i'I,i...T..: if.-..: f . v. V toCounseL I . :h . . entitled, bni the trial of t of,; counsel; i v p, issue is joined. V ) r , ni inn inai o an. impeach-; a iime ana place for the tutions of the State td report to them of anv matter relating to. its inmates ; their mannerj .of Ingtrujctton and treatment,' with structure of the!? buildings, and to furnish them any desired : statistics at their coni mandi .. i . j- ; . .' . f i," ; . . : , ! See S. The board of Public Cbaritfes-Tjiall an nually prepare and submit to the General Assembly a complete and full report of their doings during the preceding year, showing the actual condition of all the State institutions under, their control, with such suggestions as they may deem necessary and jpertinient, which they shall print j , f .' Sea 9. This board shall make a special report to the General Assemblyof eighteen hundred and sev enty on the cause of crimes,5 pauperism; &6. 1 " Sec; 10. This act shall be in force from and after ts ratification, r II. i j I , ' Rat ified the 10th day of April, ir1?. 1869. (, I No. 161.1 I ' !-!.!": An act to add another section; to be; marked section 460d, to Chapter .VII, Tille XIXi bf the Code of Civil procedure. 1 ' -f j " ; i ' " i -; n;j (Passed April 0th,,18(jl " . I ,12- ! Section 1. The General Assembly of, North. Caro- ina do enect. inai the following aectuin. to bar marked section iCOaV be added to Chapter Yll.jTi'le' XIX, ot the Code of Civil Procedure, to-wit ; : I 460a.) When personXentitled ( to administration Tvdeenjied to have renounced : ..! . r. -;... I If any person, en titled to letters ;jof administra tion, fails or refuses to apply for 6uch letters within thirty days after Hie deathof 1 the1 intestate, the J udge bf Probate, on application pi; j any, party In tierested, shall issue a citation to such -ptrson to show cause; within twenty days after service of th citation, why he should not be deemed to .have re nounced V Ift within the time named in the citation, 1 he neglects to answer or to show cause, he shall, bo deemed to have renounced his right, to administer, . and the Judge of Probate must enter an, order ac cordingly, and proceed to grant lettersxto somo . other person, -i : 1 j . : ;l- :' . i-' ) Sec. 5. That this act shall take effect from and after its ratification.; 1 I ; 1 ' K V! Ratified the 12th day of April, A D. 1869. ! j -e An act led an act to the TOmmemment ofj the trial, the presiding officer ratification, 4 of thfi Hpnafp shall '1min;o'. . ", t . !. . I . fNo. '170.1 : supplemental to an act en til ': . t raise revenue, .'ill " ." ,' ' i :: Section i; TheGcneral Assembly of Iorth Caro lina do enact, That wherever the words Clerk of the county! commissioners occurs In section four. ofScheduIe C, the words "Clerk of the, superior court" be substituted therefor. - -1 . . 1 Sec. 2. That this act shall go into effect after its 01 tne qenate snan ;administer to eah .member of tue ixnxn then !preseiit, and to-6ther members as thej; appear, an oath or affirmation ; truly and im partially to try and determine the charge in question, under the Constitution and laws,! according to the evidence No member of the Court shall sit or give his voteltrbo-rthc trial, until he shall have taken suchcthoraffirniation.i . : : 1 ; . J '; Sea 11 jTwo thirds required to convict I l b No person shall bo convicted ohin Impeachment nTno .1j.L- L iLill. 2 11.. 0.- il Ratified this 10th day of, April, A D 1869. . : ... .. .4 ?,.- rs 1 ... . No. 255.1 1 An act authorizing the commissioners of Polk coud' j ty to levy a special tajejs ' I Section if TheGeneral Assembly of North Caro lina do enact. That the commissioners of Polk coun ty be authorized to levy a special tax Of twelve hun dred dollars, annually, for three years, to defray the expenses pf said county, by submitting it to r 'I f 1 X Is ! WllllOUt thp. crtrtrrtrrtt-hni' )nf txen Ihinla; nf fhp Nin!i. Ihe nna ifipd vnwrs nf swrt rnnTttv 1 ' r i. I lore present, . -ji- .-.lit j ; '. '.:--.,' Sec 2. This act shall be in force from Its.ratifl-. ec.l2rJudgment upon conviction. r i tion. ' ' " " f T ; 5 ' r- i Upon a conviction of ffte person iinpeched, judg- -Ratified tho l$th day of April, Aj D. 18C9. -H :;::i::;;:;.'v:;;; . ;.il!r, :i:-M. ; :f:-. "; ilf- . ; ;; i;; , v :: t r L f 1