,P,!r" MONTHLY GLEANER. A'OL: I. NO. ash r.vi ilk, n. c, I'khiii ahy 5VCif COPT 2 C1!S. MONTHLY (il KAM I: .1. M Kr i. i.itn, V. W.HI, r.iTHK. j Twenty cents for 1:.' monthly i--w-- Three copies fur O cents, j fl'rial trip three issues for ecu's. I Sample copies free j Advertising rati- lower I halt the ltVfnt I'or further information addrc-s: Rnx .W. Ashevillc. V C. 1 (IrJ M Fi l i nt. ' (.,.'!. '..r f Anil !i,,. M, ,). r l S'liirgestions hm In nvw departments j ill is? carefully considered i 1'eriodical, Iteliirious. nii'l Soeie- Mec, ing inserted free of charge. TO OIK NKW l'AI'Ki: l( wriiia no! natural in "not s-erinvi jour mind and to know each o;hcr: mi it- yoti! were tirst . ousiilctvd. and , in all credit to you, Mr. Paper, w rj ha.- learned h way from your n-: mark in which were never noticed! is fore, and having treasure! my nnswer io tills remark, ami I con- j sidered a writer of note nhilily as a , pity mule of time. I o you even i on- -ider me a friend of the be-l Kniilish language-. Manuscript in many forms liave been U fore the puhlic in both books i.nil pa(ers, ami yet il if a quest ion j n- io how to lo when pleasing in! NOW AND I'Hl-.N -The present lime, even in Ameri can society ih no! without fault, although from habit caused by lung ur.M.cia.lioii we dearly love it ti t do we not at times forge! that we in U ,.re (Wit the Sole C tl Si Oil i 111 S "f till' v,r ues any more than of passing i Ihiught. That our i p' ' r t-e-t ion is a head ntnl shoulders above, and Vcl more fair than any spot in this j gloiions I ' rt i it. e would only re-, :;,n,.i ourselves thai U-forc tlweur-; rent c iiluries n wi re horn children j w ho were an Innocent in their play an , u i precious darlings, and the prim matrons anil maids eviilently enjoy ed life an no rimiiiul or fiHil couM have done. A jlL-i comparison proves thai we are not separated ix r. ! by the utirroweitt of chasms, we can slutke bauds across, for one touc h of nature makes, the whole world kin, not ouly from the rivers to the end.or the earth, hut from the hour that tin bg t " ual" " Mna" txi no more. , n ItaU Mm ultra proteaUuta not prutuattkit agalnut error but cliam piooa often for a aotil cramping creed. Call one of their heroes the inorninx tar of the reformation, whilst many more talk of oue good man an if to him alone belonged the honor, to pread Hcrlptural hollneaa through all the land. With them before Bouse fixed dat the nation were morally in worse than Egyptian darkneaa until iheae cine with the "thus ith the Lord," ud ereated foraootb both civil and rellgioua liberty ; these used the printing pr nd pulo efTectively that a by miracle mat; ;rm Hti-ti Ii-il. in that through their itci and tit'ri! mix.Ml somi'l iines with prienlly cxtrav ayaiu-e, tin iier nc h, i ;iine as the t'lirili'ii of the l.oril, afnl accoriliiiK to their Helf-coii-stiiuicil auihoiiiv one wo.ulil think that prifslly Kilrnwa lo he i c'Hioi-eil ihromrh tliem to tliiH sin curneil w.olil.. Mow with fad in our iiosncfxion we will fac:- the cnllHeiUelli'CH. TriitliHeekern if not arrognnt alwayt iiml ilieir nuesr. ( 'orneliiiM w il h IVterV help herame ami enl'iKhteiieil 'li rint iati, anil o we ask, is not much of the K'lt of our kc t lie result of hypoi-racy anil oppression; t'hieao w it h its hold push, hoi ils cons idera tile and sorrow.: ilototi has not the i leaii character mapped out as the (' ini-oril 4iilosophej-s ; while New York "iih llie Statue of Liberty livhiiug the world," ils railroad tcrmiiiii. its commercial center; has in i'. men who would rule far from honorable. This is true more or less of the whole I'oanl ryside ; It is in the same trouble mountaineers, prairie fa'rmers, islanders and sailors are not only barbaric, but often very wicked, whilst on llie other hand many reliable, clear chronicles tell this slory : They praciioed u true henrtciiiicss that lo-day is almost unknown, whilst those holding iiuho..iy were in many cases noiy -idciate to their dependants, sharing without necessity the luxuries of life. Tliis liberal spirit was not confined to the sick-room hut was hacked "hy deep a bid i II u' frielldsll i. The sllbj cct mailer of countless ballads that now moulder in garrets and cellars, are I a.-k time w orn rclect of that deirene raf' ac. ' Science, literature and art were not the crude vaporinga w e would think, for much of folk lore before the time of ( ohiiiibus is beyond the skill of llut io-duy. Wizard Kdison, anil some of the newest inventioiiH hold principles: thoroughly understood by Arabic fhahleaii and Kgyptiau astrologers and soothsayers. All the world knows that religion, as it is practiced In many cases, is not pure and undeflled, for if the fioiwl has shattered many a pagan temple In not the golden calf worshipped on the stock exchange and ou the farm. Do not some in the comly church and elaborate ritual, rind their thoughts to he like the Tool's eye wandering to the very ends of the earth, whilst the nearly forgotten ex periences of our forefathers was brimful rul I of Clod fearing? They uned no truinHt to- advertise their fame. No prayers were made in the corners of the sheets, hut iu Christ like behavior they were salt In social, busiuesH and church circle, that not only preserved the word but mani fested God's approval In their time honored lives. J. M. K. Columbus was a map and chart seller before setting out on his his toric voyage, and hail isisiiive proof of the existing of another continent. Bismarck. LONGEVITY. The fitct Unit much of school know I iilge in ibis ultra proKi-cssive age belongs to the arili-ut youths or our I u i on. we should st ill k now t hat many : of our honored citiens are on the stinnvside of slxtv. for the MheralHi unselfish soul there is no undesirable obl .,e from the ,,;,., R . ' J i w e cull a few : Ihulstonc, n4 ; t'ap- vive 4, DeOihhs ), liismarek Til, Crespi Tri, Kmpcror Francis Joseph j 71, Sir II. 1'arkes 7!l, 1'ope Le X 1 1 1 7i, Kossuth IN), II. 15. St owe m'. j Hannah Mose ,and John Wesley when beyond si I could think at the best of their lives. ! CHILDHOOD, highest style of lovi Tin I lui t that is the inore'w idclv diffused, and so diffused brings about the best results. On each of these, the child ren and what we do for them actually pays the best. Kor instance, suppose it sage and a little child are mutual, like a hoy and his grand-father, as one unbending simplifies wisdom to the comprehension of the others childish fancy. The child drinks in like Mowers do sunshine, to sensibly grow- in inherent sweetness, a force even fieyond the sage himself. Christ tautrht profound wimlntn in the sentence: "Out of the mouths of "babes and sucklings Ood hath per-" fected praise." liKOl'f II A M AND HIS SKI'ltK T A 11 Y. Brougham entered quickly into the room of his secretary, w ho hastily put aside some papers that he was writing. Hrougham asked what it was. " Nofhitig important, only a cTiild ren's story "All the more important," said Hrougham, "for they can he more henetUted by an efficient instructor." DIU'NK AND SOBEll. ci.- i.-...,iiuj, m ,l,.feaieil in t lie battle of Hastings in that the habits of the oeonle shamefully drunk, spread to the army and they became they prey of an invader, whilst in the later case, uotably through the inculcation of tenieranee, a neces sary virtue of vital piety, soherized nil chiuMeM. even outside religions de- nomluatiouismrand this broke the tyranny of Naoleon giving the world peae-j for full forty years. Next Thursday, at the .ringing of the Court Hoimr lirll there will be a. talk on Prohibition. Kss?oially as to itliocess and failure. A live speaker who knows whereof he affirms will lecture. Ladies esclally Invited. All wel- come. Friends, If you are satisfied with the tii.BANEB, "and wish to help a good cause, send In jour subscription. .!: DOTAL. Some years no n rntlcman very coHspicuoiiM in utiM'ary cirrtes sniu : that no library was complete with out a copy of, .1 cm' ..1 iirttytr ' and so Itt the Iioh that paprr may be- l'l'""i"g and profitable; we pr..- I" "' 1 fr"" this Held some fi-w. 1 items, that peradveiiture may leave Ml sonic grains of wheat and even ; now and nualn a confectionary plum. .lollS UltKIHT. John Bright, the great tiaker orator said 4 that if he had any svcr over language, it Was from the fact that until he was a man he bad jfucver rt ail a novel." STKVKNSONS. MOIIIKK. Stevenson's mother is very fond f her story writing son, and gathers into a grtat scrap book all that t!u papers say of him. To a friend recently she very sensibly remarked : " You may praise him, you may abuse li i in, it is all one to me if, you will only notice him." S1NOI.K-1I KAUTKIl IIKKOIHM. At one season, during the battle r Waterloo, Wellington was left alone, his ti ih -le m having been all sent to different part of the i-b Was sorely in need, of a messenger and looked around very anxiously when a gentleman' in civilian garh rode up saying: "Can I lie of any use, Sir?" Wellington scanned him and aid : " Yes, take this note to the command ing officer over there,"" liintlng to a part of the field where the fighting just then was hot and fierce. The gentleman went off, and through excessive danger delivered the note safely. It was never known who the gen tleman was. Youth's Companion. lll.ACK ok w II ITK. Rowland Hill, the well known , witty divine of our grand-sire's time. once publicly said: "I have been all j my life trying to subdue that wlte , devil A rmeniaiiitm, but from now on, by the help of Ood, 1 intend to fiitht and i' possible destroy that black, devil A ntinoniitiniiim," HOW I'tCTl'KKfc AttK MADK: On the Huon river, Tasmania, u ' K ' "romers atlon were clearing their land. Suddenly " Jatnen taiil lo Henry Jt you will have your picture Just as you are 1 will pay for It." "Done," said he, and at once iu ' torn clothes, and faces as black aa" an African he took the boat some six miles down to Franklin, and had the best the artist could produce. Would you believe It the cute pho tograph was a 'new departure. Judgt d simply on Its own merits it was worth more than one hundred dol lars, and It would. be an attraction at any exhlqit even though at such cen ters as Chvago, 8t. Louis or Vienna.