'ND'.EY LIBRARY A"..1 jf'VfLLE, N. C. MONTHLY GLEANER. vol. i. isro. 4. ASHKVII.I.K, N! -., M A Y -II, s(l. SINGLE COPY 2 GTS.. ft! MONTH I.V i I.KAN Kit, .1. M. Kri.l.KR. 7YonWor. Twenty cents "or 12 nionllily issues. Three copies for cents. Advertising rates lower than the lowest. Kor further information address: Hox S4i,. Asheville, N. ('., Or .1. M. Kll.i kh, I'ruirii Inr Ami linitiiu .Vimocr. Sugg, st ions as ti ;ll !. ref ii 1 ly c new departments insidered. Periodical, Kcllgiou. and Society Mcctr.ii.-s inserted free of charge. KIM I M HKANCKS I K TH K I.ATK 1-KNAToK .VANISH; W".- w h. i mourn his loss- still live; 'ut the best are alw a s taken and the i jKHtrcr one are lefu As to the tribute to this man rani ...i.. ... ... .i i..,i i.iii.. l.v imh i,,.! ; fromih- iuf-.rnialioii r.-.-t-ivetl fn.m ii i ..i., .i..... ,.,;;.. fr,.iii tiww. t'Klt'I llfU'if win" tiwu. v wlH.liaNeseenhi.il and known him. we call say lie" wTIs a statesman, a scholar, n -oldier and a Christian as well a- a -enalor. We shall miss "irrnr The good deeds he has done in pa-i life should be a model to all ttic. know him. He w as rellgtous i bl work. Xr i .oil a lone and not for man's opinion-. He-was a mini l lived out his three score and ten years the nearest to perfec t ion of any man We ever knepw as a senator. His attentions in war were manlike atcl capi.i-lc to slick up lor his conn-' i r with that quietness of muniier in I, is regiment with most hurdshiis of anyoue there and yet never did he f neh one duly of any account from me i me he' entered uijlil he came ul. M y have had strong templa te !!- u. do evil, ! ike some of us, who ;iu visionary in our minds, hut yet m-judgment was so keen as to hold i an to thut point of trust that he . aine victoriously as well as heroicly through it all and today is io his last sting place with the devout and we ure left to mourn his Ions. No parent . -..ifld feel more sad on account of the l.-atli of a child than we do today, hu niji4eeling that is anything else but rfplranifcjl one" on this occasion and should he "come back to us aud say to us, will we be us much thought if as be was if we had lead the life lie hud iu our Uvea like this ? Look' at thut Miiuut chair ut the table. Why iu black? - We never ordered it such and did lie do it? and the chair is. iu accordance to HiB UrOfioii, heavily craped and uo one to till it like the oue who is now gone aud the rooms where his no dal family aud friends lined to sit are are not there now. The spirit has gone and we shall aee him no more. Wife aud children feel if they were homeless as they walk nliout our streets dressed in black in memory of the loved one whom they cherished lias been taken from them and they shall see him no more. Let u be careful how we live ho t hat when our call shall come we may be found ready to go. We know not when nor the day nor the hour but It will come sooner or later. Our dead senator was only sick for a short while ' mid he was the only man who was found ready to die of any we have heard of in some time. He really finished his work here below and left nothing undone but his tsnrtu tonf buried in Ahv4Uiv April IT, I RIM. HKADS OK Till- HUM Virtue will While fuller reward lu-f w ill -taml f How aw men. Whv th men k h ighcr rh'es for ln-vond their reach article when it m Hi omniumO-. !tfCHU-f ilu-v art nl -atili I with . ""'"d they ' .vs sW fiii- more. Low prii and big w a; nimand bin wages not always estimate .1. hie; value. What can we do with our American- out of business, w ho nlallll about the Square'.' Make them work amfkecp TTie side walk clear for ladies w Hi le shopping. What can be done to support the community ? Put our boys in business or stores or schools and charge moderately to the teachers aud bosses of the associat ion Want a headman for our drivers to strangers in town us well as for L'eneral Information, this builds up a country and people stay Here Where are all our enterprising mcu of character aud sound judgment gone '.' Never had any. A MAN OK Tl.MKS. Oue of our distinguished music men known a Charles (iauard has an instrument iu piano form having the slides in such a way as to make a w riting desk -beneath the keys. Mr. Oanard used to Coinose music on one side of the room. Near him was a bookcase containing many books of Ida liking, lie was certain to point out to his visitors a inuu-1 uscript of Mozart. His home was iu fit. Cloud, near Paris, and his mother ued to be occupied in oue of these rooms. He neeins childish In behav ior. Fred Roberts, bod of Captain 11. M Roberts, died at the Van Gilder houae Thursday evening at three o'clock of lung trouble. Young Roberts wan an exemplary young man, the idol of his parents and a favorite of all who knew blm. We regret to chronicle his untimely deatb. J. M. KCLLKR The illeaner takes pleasure in pub-I'tshU'ig-iii this issue to its thousands of reader-, I lie picture of its Business Manager and I'.ditor, M r. J. M. Kuller. Mr. Kuller w as born in New York and lived in that great metropolis until a few vears avro, w hen he came South .Mid look up his abode in this city. He might, if he chose, be a "gent leiiinn of leisure," but he has too much energy and enterprise to be u drone In this bustling, hustling. bus world ; and t his is w hy he is pushing the fortu lies of the .Monthly tileaner, and .it in- worthy of note that the paH-r uuder his management is on the highroad vo-suisce-v J!.'i'V.U'fstlnesai.mHe has a wide reputation as a writer anil has ft host of friends North and Hotith who will be glad to learn of Ills succesrfand his prospects iallietield of journal ism. As he is yet young and has abil ity beyond his years it is expected that his future life will be one of great success and usefulness. Mr. Fuller Is mi, exceedingly ullia blc and sociable gentleman, and makes friends among all classes of people, w hile and colored, rich and poor alike, aud everyone, without ex ception, Join in the wish that future years uia' add to his fame as writer and that his newspaper may grow to be oie of the great journals of the country. COM I' LI M KNTlt V KE.MA UKS, 1 We will miss our good f l iends-ilr. aud Mrs. M. Franks and their daugh ter, of Baltimore, Md., who have been at the Van Gilder house at Aslieville for eight mouths past. A more charm- Inir party we uever knew. Our editor aud friends who know them report their departure and will remember them to enquiring friends. A CompaCUor fur th Vlcllaut. Ntfw York, May 31. A cablegram from Paria to The Herald wye: Baron Robert P. Oppenheim hat placed with one of the Ant yaoht balldlnf fir mi of France an order to prepare plana for tul recina- cutter. The boat Is peciallj intended to try eonelaeiona with the Britannia. Vigilant and Valkyrie. It U aid that the new jeont will eost 100,-Uuu. GLKANINGS. The corner stone of the 'oufederate monument to be built in Kalelgh waa ' laid a few days ago. The day wan a memorable one, and the excercises were Interesting. I The Seventh Day Adventists, a part of whose crevd is to observe Saturday as the day of rest; are energetic in try ing to build up their society in West- ' urn "Vrirl Vi I 'urol i n The American Protective Associa tion, which claims for its object the protection of American institutions from Cathopc encroachment, is now sprcniling-ba-tliii South. 1 1 lm. I,u active in many northern cities for quite a while. The large majority of coal miners all over the count ry are out on. a st rike to force the mine owners to adopt a uniform rate of wages throughout the ' Akjjed States. Coal is getting scarce but as yet no one can predict w hether the miners ill winnrlo-c. l-'orly-eiglil out of t'he counties of Went Virginia lit'ty-four have ex-' coal area tensive coal beds. In there are three veins raiiu'ilii.' from three to ten feet thick: In propnrt ion I to area that Slate has more cu.il (iiau any oilier in the I nion, or erhaps any smiI of like size iu the world. 111? beef sugar Industry of the West and Northwest has developed rapidly ' for the pasl three years. Hcvt growing for sugar makicg is fu-w experiment among our farmer-, but it is claimed that it has proven a great success and is one of the most remunerative crops. France, Germany; Austria and other foreign countries have been growing sugar beets for.iiuinv years, and a very large art of the sugar product of the world is supplied by these countries. It is a mistaken idea lo suppose, a- many do, that practically all our sweet ening is made from the juice of the tropical cane. When the Legislature of South Car olina enacted the dispensary law all ol her liquor statutes were repealed That law was declared unconstitu tional only so far as it gave.lhe State the right to buy aud sell intoxicating liquors. .The balance of the act was held to be valid, and as a 'consequence South Carolina is under absolute pro hibition, aud Governor Tilliuau is en forcing the law as .only he can do. And now the boys wlu wauled to slake their thirst w ithout registering as a drinker and takiug an original package behind the barn or iu the woodhouse, can't alack it at all unless they run the blockade or leave the State. This was certainly a case of Jumping from the frying uau into the ttre. THE GROWTH OF THE NAXU The average growth of the finger nail is about an inch a year.

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