5! ? o" rm ASHKVII.LK, N. C. " 11 - -- Mn and h.r think all that is ... . , ,K' ; nl muireu of them dam-tUK, pi.,, mrerl. .1. by words -wear a little and he amarter than an edil tor. ""; c:r ed.icHt.ort t complete, i h:V mir pirU seem t expert hirt attention from thi- daas f "fieU not kn A mcru r,I fllPIt ftPil nn , ami 't the first prim-ma; oi of! .-.t p.it a ilatiifhter in the kitchen ami h would feel . .... . , ,(inteti when mad- t wftfK. not ( ' '"" """let? " " "' " 'l,....! Kt.d wish -to conlri hav. it , i. w- Ttir monev i..enoti i p-rtr;.!'! tn- ro.t f at: .-vi ' Ktlll t nlMtKiti i'. i terr.M. and it t.,.the- ( take car., of. I'are.iralh ticHi.iti;: nitii n..i hoiil our hoy (., k t.- ..ni. extent that their i i: -!itn.i irnHi tnl h. cnntnl.'rwl a thif ! mi- item it, itelf fr.r our i-i.-mm; A- lo i.'ir !nHj'. in 4 I department I- .ii..-h! like n machine Wi tn ti. l.-iirii them l, i: whn caiipti- we hu wi for . .ttninj Ttll I" lb.' g.l.era idea v.i.i.t America rm w IibI it u- ! t t U II.I.K tlMMK' 1, MKVI. SeBVrviU. e.Miliieiienieli a ' ni l -mi eililor o! June li. I", and fr.Mii bt KT..UHI- w IiatU'ii e imi IIm Mm, 1 ilnimrkauih.li ilir dtuirulah te lierm and proleir m- wei, a lu.leliU, l-.tli laduw al.O irviitlciiict! a- wl.olhn wait auiwafully (-rf..re.l l lie achi'.I liouaf waa over rMu dni. klany pe.K came fni a dwia.ice t" aei- the irnadnalK.u eavrriaa. .' tiieir boim and ia unburn, which n.u have been lirlljllillul. tul and .-.illalwH, wen- rvvd oii tb- irrimud. 1 liere erv uiue tiuttimruiab aMken I. c addreaa. eaane deteinUe and Lay nieli Kd.Uraiii Mil. later, wrreamoiij; tb thrii( fcetuark were uuuie by1 dlMtlUKUtxb UMIl Tncbuuday -TUi.iii J&witto Sic a. preached. W.muy waa OeUaui-. ", w tt..u -lue-d and Wednesday a ere ! hu-iiH,-.. aud miatmaa in ailcalam . , . . Itv. iid if ttf hiui m c1imi. lie ill n- y and w..:..II rvd by M wl! ku haw, aud thai a Umm rt, -ud cria i.ig vtUoaueuy tuc giri,wlie h ' aav aitrwcu-d by center of gravity. 1H Ht.NtJ- Il'EAr- Or Yt I KG r -y I A a poaer uf intelka-t wall upuu 1W mluda of uur youi.g iun to rnlsrv tbeiu, tbr tdaa uf depend! U ou tiieir uaa tor auppurt after you faav lacmut at af aud uav Ut auift fur yourself is life, but rati.er kaia after right pruici ptca, Diak g'nd uiipri-aalotui and reptt Latioua fur your ouUtUry. Jegardlug tmaiiiai is uut a play tbiiqd but bard ark, iMtrtumf ualu gat our braad and buUer aud cbMuaa by Us aw eat of our I brow. Money l sure to come honestly 'and qtilrkly when we work for It, Imt . ! hllvness will never eain nmtiev nor I frfen.la.liut It -wrtl make .poverty anil M!rra. It uedw-te tMirselve. nr. to some (Itunu In life. Look at our frreat world wanting voting men of to- rtav, w terearethevV No where hut m toh- prlarm-mioh ...en ale Me to U( wnrk Mlt wrn't, and rather bv Idle than to fret an honeat living. We enti see Into of them every day. Hut do want yo,.n men of e.l.ieation and .......-tt. r. n j r i,.ka anil HKwr. ' , , and i-red honor. , , , -,nmi ,,. wi.i, feclltiir He havlnican Idea tn-vlew Mr yon.iK men In my social standpoint. Maybe I can v" w far in reach the liquor traf- e t He and enable them tn give up their M,.in,, to a.wnethi.iK more of.a l.irher lmt,1TV tnilI, wnat they are doing and for their owr irnod Nt to le to., ae- ver. on any oranch ot huainewH, almnly to any the leas barrooms we have the lew- idle men we will have to visit, and the sooner man arm higher Ixisineas hi do than keeping lairroom the mort noi.ie will he ne in year .o winch saul cost is at ml fl2,N7 y.wft come. Otter lines of trade nn- Jusi a white asws'iatlotiH, while aomeorgani good It not latnr. Hell segam aud to- .jr.ationa rvaching east and west north Imv-i., kei'i. a grocery sure, run a board- and south, in iiuhiImts 4,(KMI. We can Itite house, teach schisd, hv a black- are plainly it is a great help to our mith, or anything els, hut -don't yming men win. enjoy these rooms. keep a bartnoui No gosi lime wiisteil and monev gom.. ' It seem- i.ieer that Mothers will have visitors kise th lby. It ought !e he called the kisalnt; -ociety, for where 1 go a visiting baby is shown aa the h.vr one, hut whe grown It is oli jMt.onahie t. man'a intercou raes. ' Kacls froi.i Hight-e ing editor. 1-iMir Lbiugs rorne tav-k U the deak of editor and his staff. First, his aut life s..tiil, Oppor lunil.w Third. Past lite, Kourtli. A demrtel friend. (. AMERICA (II MIW HAVa. Timet, liave, change itee the puiIi oation of the valuable Gi.KAMOK bad planU d herself tu editor tonlshlp to aitiuac tlw ).ubiic. which 'lias att c beer full given autisfactioii and to bun ho has aeeii tryiug eviieiice. withal! men wh have leen inialeavl hy I t of un- '"' - e wog.n in "K - - "y - f lt" U' "r -v"uu r""J"u i aud uiuauastu tn many gradw of i : cuanactar. both reat aud antall, but im uue in particular, liav gutUin o how t 111 " - .rf houaeliold ; reuireiueuui of butue comforta, or ian.uWig iuteraat at larg, but rather I I.. .... .... ... 1A-I.U. , - " , - yuuug people liaving a good tiiu. Young girts cauuuut even lak tiiu U dam a aock ur beui a tabhadutu, make up a room or run a uuranr. But they can Aud tiiu to go to par Urn, waddings, vleit aud Biaoy other tbinga, wukib an aut o uuportaut a tu ruuaiu al kmui a tV 4al uf th wvak aud learn to baoofu uaa-fiii. Oue of tbe aeriuua uilstak in our lift I af ' "'! pntents-frwni Hi- ir .Miim.-nt to l.-t u'l s. fr.vju.TtMy. Her.. Is nin- rlilm-ry In all it brim-he n. velopinir with th. ai.l V e'.-i-trl.-ity tlint liefnre nmny years there wlli l- nrermra- tlou made by el.wtri. itv to conduct knife and fork to o.ir months without luwl-tsnw of our hands. Facts have oh theory thst we 1,vo more patent lnstr-.rl.ent- for use of man' eomfort, bo that he rimy enjoy his Ifirlness than really pohiK to work aniivliv the people will not -feel this importanee. , l.-vi.4l IITflTAPA M. . A. It isstated in June, 1V4, l,y ,n.r e.li-j tor that the first association was or-, .... ... , , gnmied by dry pood clerks at H itch- cvk A Co al Hi Paul churchyard in london Hnl in America in all thej ereat cities and tow n and count ries nn , near aa we nave know.. vijr of statistic : ahnw that there are on an averntre of association work not more or leas than j 1,44, out of which there la a rtiemher- J ship of 22T,0(i owned property holders j Kdltor usel to le a u.emlwr al one in Aaheville, N C , but hi duties are audi he ran not give his whole time, but goes when he call and enjoy them very much K. M. Wolf l at the door, Ilul to him we greet him more. Hi sudden departure We do not like to ignore, Hut his stay was abort llehind liefore. And e shall miss him. Ami to think he is no more Hut quickly left Van Uilder's dis.r; Hinij.ly ik you togjve some more, Itul be, laughing, anys, "I have no more." ttissl-tiye, Mr. Wolf, uall lor mure Around Van (iilder s milile dr. An.i shall we mi you no more? As our faithful friend" As Mr. b M. Wolfadore? - ItAlNIMlW I.AKK HtlTKI A HI Ron UAf K, yruukltit f'fttintp, . C. isilors to tliis delightful section ill tiud home comfort at reasonable rates. JL M. w" iKK iZn, prieUfF. 1DJEZ. ROBB, HoMtKWPilTHIi' PHTSICIAH -iU - SUBCEOH. IIAmIh tl.u V'lll. . '..II... f- .. . t '"-11' narwooo slreela. uear DoatotTlce Oflica boura: 8 to 10, 12 to (,! H. Under New ManapnwuL KirirtHsUiM hair euttiUKaud tthsviug. fit lb Kortli Maiu Mreet. JLftdlM' work & pet-iaJiy. A. I). LKAK. rniQii, As dep from tight r hlddea The Jewels that art beat, So the poet'u dearest tnuuarMi Are hidden in bis b trust. And though full tweet his measara Tfe In harp anstrnnr. For uf his sours rare i&at Th boat i left unaufiic. Terhnps too vagne Its meaning, rVrhaps toosrrt (rs srary - ? Tf. rstrh the subtle beauty J of the ethwreal day. For. hnwf.never sweetly - The ivrKt rnfee hss rtiBi?,,, Tsr rwtter In hn bonm Are tonga that lie unminc. And so are all men poets. For In each heart a strinip. When rtfrhtly touched, fall sweetly With melody will rins;. And In each amvl, however IXsrovdsnt he the tonirne). Are strains of rarest beauty That ever He ununs-. Wthlnlts thl" eweet unul mnsfOa Toe Inw f?ir mortal ear May be a faint, far eho . ann rrm nttc'ier apneres lntftuded realm elvian. From whoee briaht choree has IpntSf The melody harraonlons Thai here uiut He unnnng. Independent. An Old Man's Dream. Oh, for one hour of youthful joyi iiv tarli my twentieth sprinrl I'd rather laufth a btiirhi haired bop Than rvlfn a yi ay hatred klDgl Off with the t rink led spoils of acel Away with learning'!) cmwn! Tear out life's wisdom written pao And dasi. Its trophies down! One snoment let my llfeWood streasa Ftobq boyhood's fount of ftamel f)lve me one sjlddy, reHtut dream Of life all love and fame! My listening: ancel heard the p rarest And calmly srafllns aald: lf I bat tosrh thy silvered hair. Thy hasty wish had sped. "But ts there not hint In thy track To htd thee fondly stay While the swift swanons harry hack To find the wished for day? Ah, trweat entatof womankind, Whhoot the what were Htm? One bliss I cannot laav behind. The angwl took a sapphire pn t And wrote In rainbow dew, t "The iua would be a boy atraJa And be a husbaad too." And Is there nothing ret unsaid before the rhankre appears? Remember, all their gifts have flad With those dissolving yeans. Way. yea, for memory would reoail My fond paternal Joys. I could not bear to leave thm alL I'll take my grirl and boys. The smiting angel dropped his pen. -Why, this will uever do. The man would be a boy again And be a fatiter too." And so 1 laughed my laughter woks) The household with its noise And wrote my dream" when tnornlnf brokab Te pleaes the gray haired buys. -Oliv.r Wendell H"lmea, BllaMd. One saavf moat sweet; Men sdiffed and sooned. The mttsse died uion the air Cold grew his heat; His sad soul mourned; He turned away in deep despair. Swift fled the ysara. Men, weeping, ysaroed For htm to cum and ease Uweir pala In vain their tears. Whom they bad spurned Kor beard bar sang sweat r-ngr again, i Home aod Cswtr. Oom oTtMuuT7 rt)portgo wid a dlffss M m 4T cwou lo tbg l.aDdrwd nanAs In iU prio paid tor milk tr th Bb oook tmL Th rloheai in batter tm trhigs 1.47 per bandrod potukU; ti poorat $1. And no doubt It mmlm th 6oUsw ma jat m mm tokcks a tt dot tsM Aollm tmtj -mwm