0 r ".M.Z'f LIBRARY ALV?U.E. N. C. MONTHLY GLEANER. VOL. I. 3STO. 9. ASHEVILLE, N. C. DEC EM BER 10, 1KM. siholi corr, 5 OTS HIS EXPEDITION OF A LOVER The tree a they were moving above hi bead Uxiked duwu upon him and said : Are you going to be feed ? Oh do, iiald the youth, I am going To nee my father, who if dead. Htand your gus'd aud beware, Take pare or you be dead. Yen, said the youth in responding air 1 am looking for my lover Beware, take rare ; Come no more for she too, Is dead. Ah! I listen above my head I ran not have thin sir, she said. For one's reasoning above my head Ah I am my own miss, ahe said And you cay thin to a mitts. I come, 1 come to a world a thi Look Ht mi' cliiwr and take inc home for I have nothing to cat but a bone Heware you ltd To a tavern or town or Mockery Watch me carefully And guide me iiiderectly For I am an orphan And live in Mockery But before we go further on, I.ct me have pou say word to come Ah, listen lad my tale of woe We have but one own aoul And In that aoul In one I love Jt la the ond God In heaven above I admire our taste of the realm" of love Hut I Cannot grant you things above. I am going home to one that I love But where? Oh where, but above? Woman in white, I love to see Hut are not like gem of conatancy. I have traveled thla world far and wide, , But have yet to look for a coming bride. His expectation are far aud wide, Hut doe that prevent one from get ting a bride? 8he looked at him with wanting care But with eaution fell in despair And arose to feet with a great air. While humming a song, 1 11 take care. Ilia expectation was coming audi Ami grasped her with an ungentle manly touch Just a though she knew as much Leave me alone, the maid replied And dowt ahe aat with awful cry To him who conies and takes and cried My maid, are you my only bride? Not I, in laughing tone she cried, But I am right here by your side. ASHF.yiI.J-K, NOV. 5, 1 Ma Mr!. Nvk. Ikttr Sir: It U with pleasure for me to note your kiudheartedtieaa to a young Ed itor of distiuctiou of character, ease and conioaure notwithstanding other youtha juat a good aa I but are not willing to take such a u Important step for fear of beiug laugh aud exposed to public notice the name as you and I will be If not already or if you wiah compare ua to some of the late edl tora who now dead, and-what are we among ao many? I answer In the affirmative nothing but footprints trodding where other trod one step nearer than the laat editor that In by gone days of time when the flrt news- i paper was Issued from the hand of Horace Oreely and all papers down to time the only two distinguished edi tors are you and 1. What la more, astonishing that a person much younger than yonraelf should be fol- : lowing your footsteps and placed be- fore the public and the New York World Newspaper a place I never ex pected to fill or that the public would take notice of me. This is the second time I have lieen in your paper sir arid with your idea as pay I take it as such. As !' the idea of the Gleaner and your com ments upon them than sound judge ment and one of the best advertise ments I ever hail allow me. to thank I you as an editor and stranger and mayle in yt-ars to come I can lie so j developed that many beautiful word i of expression that wiii simalarlze u j both to such an t xteut it will lie question as to how will the two edi- j tors of this generation to be com-j pared? Simply by reading the fol-1 lowing poem : as mtwws: This letter to Mr. "Nye I commend j As from my writings from the pen I He may think he haa reached the end While writing article of anknown men. I Have w not seen him in the World ' of late ? Nye'a wrtTfirjr-too hard toetimate? i When looking fully In the estate i For profits and reward we calculate, i I'pon a head ao noble aa hi Is simply a myatery of adjective Having known Nye but a short time back Have simply traced on an inside track But Nye know Fuller are two of a. kind And he will chase him up aometime On the road in fortune of time j We will see both men up on time The one riding a horse The other a mule Hut ah too late in time for school Mr Nye will enquire within But aa for Fuller will not fall in j 80 gathering their steed On they fly ( We will meet you all bye and bye , I have a verse on Fuller ay Nye But as to reuerse o will I ouNye. -The pen of man Is incomplete Hut as to the writing we have some cheek ' When with Fuller with ready wit Mr. Nye has uot a bit The taller of these two meu To hear each other I commend ' One write poetry rich aud racing The other w ritea prone rare em bracing To war they cry! To arm said he! ' It wa Bill Nye in consistency To write upon a man ( heart Who haa given to the world hi part. I ay sir! I take no part From anyman whe has snch a start But to be silent In the dark And listen to a manly man's remark But don't you dare to complain And make remarks I'm insane For surely there will an out come un der window pane. " A to your letters to the compassing World I am not left In a whirl For many papers are as good as we. It 15 the gleaner' Ah ' r,et me see! HIS TKIP T MAINE IN !W Taking steamer for Boston from New York with (irandfaiher. ami ar rived in Boston t " ff. in., Saturday morning. It was a tln day and I took gr"at pleasure in sigilt seeing till about noon, and irandfather and I called on some friend of his and no doubt spent the rest of the day with them. A few days iaier we continued our" trip and Veut to Port land by boar, and arriving there Sun day morning about 7 a. m. Paasitlg a day or o here, we then went to the Falmonth Hotel, had breakfaat am got ready for church at 11 a. m., as Grandfather wa a great Methodist and to thla church he would go, and aa he wa getting a long in year, I had to go take care of him. Not knowing who the minister was, I wa very much struck with hi text, which aaid: "There i a time to laugh and a time to cry. ' But I wa o worked up, I could neither laugh nor cry. It being Sun day after having such a discourse aa that, for my mind wa two upaet to ee what wa would do next, and un til! I became at home lu a new place. I can do nothing. Church waaout at the usual time and we went to diuner after which Giandfather laid down, aud I went out for a walk and used up the day the best way I could. On the follow ing Monday morning, we started for (ape foil; w remained at Saint Aun Cottage which i five mill from Portland, on the Bay, and suoh port In Cod fishing I never did have and cought quit a mesa. It wa rough out at sea and Grandfather was not able to do much aud became very sea sick, but yet he made a maa ter of himself for my enjoyment and we were well repaid for I had caught a big mesa. The next day I gave a careful examination back to Portland; While my Grandfather wa at the hotel resting I took in the situation which in brief I'll describe. Portland In population la 38,0m) in habitants, her name wa taken and founded in the year Ktt by a man hava named Portland who must lived there about that time, and since his death a monument haa been placed on ,he ground in which he called hi own during hi hi life in ItttM, three year afterward. On July 4th 19teJ the city of Pnxir laud waa burned by Are cracker which Injured the city very muck for a long lime, hut in later years the city of Portland haa revived up wltu great growth of rapidity and' ha more large stcrrea and commercial houses all of brick. Portland haa many hotels aa well and very nicely kept. She also ha been thrown in with commercial men of bublneaa who stop there on short intercourse. Aa to socialism, ladies are scarce and ua men who are in the habit of seeing them in mahy of the hotels or hoarding house after our day's work was certainly a great dls apiiitment. A to ome of the principal namct of the hotels were known astliel'om merclal, the I nion. the I'nitetl States and I'aliiiuiith. Mitny "tiler 1 can not recall and eucli one -teem to ! on good Keoting. An to the drive in Portland are tine for having taken one myself. I was placed in a ritudem Hid with a driver and footman. The steed was drawn by two black horaew. The triver ana footman were ires ,ii j)n ,ivery nj, al, th m(J-t ny)illfa manner. I wa seen while driving through the city of Portland aud it suburb. Everyone looked at me aa - ... - nobleman; notwithstanding ( heard aoiue one say aa they painuid : " Do we know him in that carriage .'" "Vo. wae the answer and then comment would pa ed by who I look like. " Where i hi grandfather all thia time?" w aaked aa it seem they have started together but since Ills arrrlvai in Portland we hear of nothing of the grandfather. He waa left lu hi dotage while his graudaou waaout on pleaaure riding aud when I returned ha found me iu good spirit after hav ing a very nice ride. My next trip waa taken to Pine Hill, thia ia a forest of w 001 la densely willed but in course uf time it will be laid out into park and building site and drive which are faat being laid out. I saw one ti 111 mer-bouse aud many nook am; corner that would do for a lover' retreat if it ever uame in his way. My return now panaou to one of the sight of the Ocean House and the hotel front overlooks the ocean t took dinner here with rrtv grandfather as we were both hungry. After dinner we both rstei awhile and the next day took one more look at Cape Cod all day. At night I waa favored by some music by one of the boarder where I put up at and en joyed It very much so by the eud itf the week w all return homeward via Portland thence took steamer to Bos ton aud then train to Stouiugtoa j where we change) car for New York. : It aa a tine trip aud I seem to eujoy 1 every moment of it. By J. M. K. It i reported thai the Maaeechu- iaetta Cotton-Mill company are-t build a oU0,UUu cotton mill soui. where In the South,