SONDLEY LfSRARy ASHEVILLE, N. a VQL. 2. NO 1. A8HEVILUE-, N.C, FEBRUARY A, 1806. wtr cwr, s CT8. HILT mx GEMS IN VERSE. Vtratght through mt hrt thia fact tod&j By Tmth'aowa hand la driven: .trod Mm lake ohe tulua kwty But atmtiilng e-lae U given. 1 did inX know in earlrtt "TUIa law of low lufctiidMaft, But wtthoal hop orh bitter rra" I moaroed In unJI blind mm. And, rer following each reg-net ! or amne de.mrti (rrunr, My d. rrtlnif heart ws met With UDrl rVtrd pltMore. thought It onl happened eo. Hut Time thi truth hath taught met Nu i.jit thin f n.iu my lif ran go But euiuetlilng rUtt is left Dir. It U the law. oti,. ... -uihlitue. And titr. wiilt tuh uiihakca. In 1 I. tii hide my Uiue W an l lAkfu. Ko n atter if the Mai (-,r 'l.f n:.i h .: 1 u k U iii. r . rrunliing Mow in rit l' u Uif, ,i - - 1 a v I I l!t to (Tn tl 111, i.i.a Wilt.r Wilt. I'm t . !.t r.,i i.i i iMi if i iuvil 4-tam, !) .'r:H, f.a i. I in uii imiiii. 1m lf'tijf f It . r t I f. . v . . I "It Hi I O.w-ifO t.- Il To iiiiMri T.. . n.-.'. -! I Ti. fi.j,-n A", i I" L ' U J i ' it r i!.iu ( fed if thr.i I-- i if r -t I (.- i. . i i i . - : Win-1. li-i. It rntift.t . c.! to , 1 Vpu lit- i-f !'; ,,. t t ;i That i -ti )?' i il it II '.( W lH-. 'U-'M U-lJi Vl I.I f'ltt - - hett tr away I . IrlU r Ii-lti lu illc. 'i lit'U Writ itt-ui a It-t u-r ui::ilit. lfn't thiuk that lit niuni: and giddy friciult Wl.o ftiak uur jta ,.:u.e y liar haif ihanxtou thuuseiita fur ou ' That tha old fo!k hava today. Fr tlx aa4 ild fulk at hotua. With fa-t fr-'r ; nhita, Are longing lu bear of tha abaant oa. Oh, writ than a latter toulghll.'1'iil I Killtur. I n 'I II il r-ti.v. .1 immry 1, h and teiiiMMtinu day, our dimin iriiinheil eilitur retiirucil to Axhcville after an alvm'e of one uiontli. one week, four day ami tiveiity-tuu minute, reckoned OI,l Slle... There ua a lartre nunilier n'eni at llie ntalion, hut the frieml ulio hail kindly tone to nwel the I). K. Inir rivd 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 roil c I t 11- owaruiiiiK crow t into an eleelric ,-ar. In the lll,oVe M llli'llc e ami lii-feafler " I K." will .-.rain! for " I , iniiihed Kit it or." I. K. eallle in:o tin- .i i III lie;-r,,., in for -upper, la'o. ::u I nr. iinl aii ova tion Irotil ail 'h..-.- p!.--.-iit. II. 'HI hi- pit:, w -. - I'-irrllnaiir.:' u itii -ir- I Th lit- e appeared 'l'I"-.irai . I.. I. ' I'.l . :i ,1 l'- I -ii .!. . -loo . I l.i.t 1 1 on. -t ! i n i rli -- from 1. 1. .'. little llletttili toil ft. .11' tile . tl e- ,.f lei! t -l hatti. I -eeoo-.I t.t p'll-.l1- t -llll -I -tell 'I Ip .-III'! Il.otli;!,!. . la I I.. : I l.i-l- att'i tin a- it' l I. I i t ; ,1.1, ; int. I , ... I i-t it i I'll.- Hhl-lo i'li ! ! 1 . ' ' III a ,.htt "f 1 1 - r -i M r tor tl, 1,1.11,1 -lit. . 1 1 - -1 r.r.... -, 1. ui up t'i in ii--.,f "f ;-,'i-ii, - ;,, Norili, at present, lie -aid the girl w t'li' .) it ite ay thi winlej. As illus trating (he rapid Kiow th into (Mipulur favor of llie (ileaner, i . K. stated that during III stay in Hie North eighteen subxcribern bad come in and two bad come in fduCu bis letinu to Ashevill.-. He alated thut the Bllb HcripMou list now amounted to six'red, neccRsitating an edition of Ave hundred copies this month. I). K. refused to be quoted in regard to the ltoger's episode. I). E. was brim ing over with the most exquisitely! j conceived pun. He kindly rang for the com pa uy, playing hie own ac 'eompanlmenl. Itelng atke tereral Uimea, by one of thow preiH-nt, to 'reai'h a certain liigh note, he turned 'around and rebuked the Interrupter, with the remark "now don't you get : notorious" If the public ran catch I the delicate and altnont tnicrm'ptitle j humor lu thia remark, it will laugh jforaeveral minutes. I Yoor acribe wearied wlili the rlcli- ueiH r the intellectual ieait, wa coin el led to retire. AN AllMIKKK OK I NT KI.I.K4 "IT A I. (tl ANTS. lMiUIItV TALK TO Jill. AMi MISJS. i I.KAN" Kit. 1 1 seems not nat tiiil in not hearing your voice Mix. ileuner mid to think we havt not known each othrr hetl r. Ah! I llileed ir, I have learneil in h way that your eeeh in which I never knew l ef lu er, and have tlaiM (rented the art in t1i Hi unknown w ay to all our I'rieniU t the general public w hieh I I thiuk i- very eoiiiiiieiidahlc ton- I.., 1 1, ! My aorwef Mi?", am a .tie.-t ion. Am j I (o 1 connidereil a writer of n liability 'a playmate to your eMtinnition by 1m coiuiinr known a frieml of the he! Knglich languagcf'.' All! My nil- replied Miss IJIetiner in u mild loin-allow me to.-lu.u- tlnil l(iok-u-i well as authors jttt- n..t ut-tu rait re lialie at -iieh tin if- ami in my e-tin,a tioti man ,-f nl'iiity a- oii eoli-ilen-o ni t toujriit... in ,),.-,. (jii cx -is '. I.I,', e -1. Ilitltiy oil i.iiell'l i li,, ,-ie lllllell .i!,lel t Itall oltr-el 1 -. Allll t'llil is t !i. i'iii. -'ii.ii for :, !i 11 in 11 km. I to kii'.v. when in j.leti-ine th,-pul, It i-i ll, i '.Moderate i n vim M i-.- 1 . it aa. et I, nt illjjf !: hail the education lli;:t s o'.t li l . i , it !,-.-,-, ,ti;,l h- ui-Hp pt.-e l,o on.- Uttt,w . hat tita-k it 1 in t lie r.litoi tui room of an l.ditoi- p tit t lie extli't w oriln ill t lie tilit p!,.e, to l.e fiol l,v tnatiy a saili:ie limil 1, whieli ni pap.-f liiuli a In. on- mi l !;.: 1 : I ol lilly .it ttoi ..!,.. !,a . . 1 v a-t e M-rietie'- I .d opt Hid , an lo . rile 1.1 t h i tig tl,- pit i .1 1' " oil put i.. :i 1 -. ;. 1- 1 .1 tti !- .t ,-' 't le, Ui' null. appr- . I. at d t.. d I., I.!', I I 11 W'd i.a 11 I: in ainj ;'A b.r iil!,iig. i Lur paper i-do.ti-v fy mi !! a, i . a . s .' i r. t 1. a ti. i w ! 10 o a . 1 - II , r. r ; I have a- loiteil rijiit lo put ill 01 c.. tin oat luii i m i- lit ii 111 1 llie leaders only want t he best. I am not I 'laming them, replied Miss (J leaner, 1 am having ad mired your idea and thought it ought; to 1st in the minds of many a very de cided compliment to you and no doubt: you will take It" as such! Here is a j case w here in man who takes delight 1 in saying he wants my own writings! but no one else will do. Now what! right has he la saying thus? Another 1 man picks out an article and oaks, did I write IL Hla business is to read the paper, but not And out what I write or did not. The paper speaks for itself Ilka any o'her paper and juat becauae my article do rot aound Ilka ma. He doea not henitate to ak me after I telling ldni I write my articled, what more do you want? I think you am right, Mr. (Slcanur, xaya Mlaa tllcaner, and we can jinty fathom the Idea by simply aaylng men urc Jeajoua they can't do thu mihu. 1 1 iMX-iiis everyone Im more or leaa interest ed in everybody's busiricsM,. but their own and all we can do is to do the Itcttt we uu ami let othcrx l-cat um If they can. Our poller, Mint Gleaner, baa now been running nearly a whole year anil yet it ii hoped nlie will lie quite -1 ! till tliiie next year if we decide to kci-p it up which n doubt we will, but plaiiM luive not lieen far abeuii yet To your high and noble art lr, Mtyt Mm. (ileaner, 1 eoininend you ir-aU ! Htieet-HS hihI 1 bone von will exell-i' tln- liherty I lake frni an invoice of Ihoiiiji in guidiiiK .V on a right way ami no.v us your time i valuable, I w ill c'o- i-ry l!e-pcctfully one and a" Metnliers of ' lie Montiii. 1:1 .1:01:11 j i,tti liuutl rp-i. ! Mr. K. Williuuia. high authority, notes j in Harden and r'orent th.nt ( re.-ii M01111 I tain priiii-en to Ik the earla-M wlnti ,j Kr;te. w 11!, t'olerain a eliw, loinoi titot ' I'.atoll. la.' sav--. has HM) and r m m i look- j to rei-omiit ti-l it, but lack .-.w.-ct., It i.i Inn, that thu Katoii is witti-tv, t-i t i while 11.- has Im-mi utidii! di;!. ! wo, t"". I-.4- ; t h ai'y. The r- -i.k is a ' inilil t!a'.'r. irv jer.-'-aliia : . i,...i. j Ni.i-ar.i Mill liolils out with liiiu uaiu-t 'a!l -".'j,is t ,:."ts anions the t"t i piz. "f , I'l-t.-rs and proditetn at ' l!rie(:t..u and l.italley an Ktiil lo.- ta-a i ite l'e i- V.' lied hora l..r,-. -!i nii,!.-r-d elu-ter-, t! in I no to a l,ri !.t lu a ii r ("tll'l. hern. nt l- liOl.t I'..,,,;,. ..!.!'. I l'ri-1'lellt t I ' d . ill!!' !l altelft :, li I III: . : . . 1:1:, 1. ..-.- t - ' . '' ;. la a.i lit i.'i ' H..; .-;. r "I taa Rower is I' (! 11 1 "t or- - - a !'. i ar-iia-. at - I nii'ii.i'i.ri : '. u.t.-l out ditrtne t e ' I , -.(" 1 ei t- '-.. l. a litodu of trea'lll' '-' I r,ill N..t.- T:. ;..!e-t le-.pti-lti-an l.s tile (.'oiuinlitl-gos-l-rry. For the j,'oe.seierry an airy uud eod locution, with ikj!. moist but u,.t vc boil, is preferahl. Tlie black knot in the plum tree I,. us beeomo so general-aa to cull for lugiula, Vivu action. Some of our wolU known horticultur int8 cUinj that there is too-much summer pruning of grajiea. An Illinois correspondent says that the Snyder is a good blackberry for northern Illinois, being not only heavy bearer, but hardy. Claims iiiads for the Champion pesos include hardiness, productiveness, large size and fine Savor,

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