sondley library y TRICR 5 CENTS A f'OPY. NEW SERIES ELAROHD AND IMPROVED. - 50 CENTS A YEAR. Volume 2. asheville, December, 1895. no. 10. 1 i CHAPTER I, ,'.'-' A fl.WI PAtlTISU. I May sun is rilling the land with beaut y. Daisies sing lulabies to other flowers that toss their heads bnck nnd forth, trees reel 11ml rock under their foliage, rye tlelds smile upon the azure-blue, the laud (fiiiWH picturesque. A eirf stands upon the summit of u low hill with thin world lau t v Tiofore her. She is lout, in im niMuntion, only the humming of liees, und the lowing of herds tells her she in not alone The birds mill flow ers were her com panion, and some said tliHim irils were her Hitters, though from her childhood she hud been thrown out upon the world ax in II desert Her -mo her and fa- .1 .. 1,.... i, cent fa I llfM 1 1 M ' 1 11 l', I " " niir . young and she was forced to live with her aunt Marnaiet, who was her uti 'le Ezra's second w ife. Marir uel Komi had lint One child. I'.sine who wan known mm a lIllllLI'M-OMS grill Lit lie I.Ui ltn Kemoii ' .vns taken to her nunt'Hat her fa ther's and mother' iiiieas. Ah, me! tin- lunar days .-die spent theie i'iiii never lie leeordeil, the teal 8 ulte Hlied could not lie num bered, and in all of this she had had no liriiiht hopes of the lu ture. Hut to-day we see her grown to womanhood. She sits under the shade of a weeping' willow. Men of ai t would call this a wad picture. Heavenly hp it wan 111 my power I would de liver you from your enemies They ure nnuirht else but your enemies Imt not in uiy hut the darkest night, will wear chirped in such a ton that it j Hushnell'si who in the- landlady awrty. (irnydnwri broke at last 1 confuted Luetta, hut after Ions i who hn taken the house for .1 hut Carl w,m rrneotiHeious. 1 ...eHrchirig she found t hat where ' years. Mr. Pike tfce former had spooned heintrfriffhtened hy'tl.e old hird was. wan the nest. owner had died ami nis family the storm and if it had not U-en j hut to Luetta's grief the birds i had gone abroad. The Iioohp for the cooling rain in his face he; Imd lueen killed and the poor'' well tarnished. Next I went would have died in ,i critical con-! mother hird tiemonned the death ! to school t : u governess and dition. of her babes. "'Ah. me'" sighed ' she wan it Mis Hpnrling who had Ins' as dawn broke Lueff felt' Luetta, ittnust lie as t'nrl said'a mind so Hkv that thesmrtll- heaven knows it is a pang f grief in her heart that he had tiothin-r on earth. Even est child could learn from her flower. f, to day, I made her shudder. She knew ! , he nst had heen dent roved and l and 1 wan one of I hem ehil.lro,, must flee from thin country. 1 1 the night hud t-een a dreary one ,im sure it wan am not tie be that, "as you his inrio- ni it l imess on e he said never (mist go where I known.'' "What under heaven can the cause" fobbed Luetla. ,,' because I am not loved. I am called u useless -"and the poor fellow broke down. ."Carl" she said, "it seems von and I have always had the dark est side of life." "And it will always way" he sitrhed aarain "t h. Carl!" she said, depart forget "the past. A smile played upon and lie sit i, , .i , i lieu w ii n a mis v ' "I hat is impossible. I ca; forget you while I live.". And he turned fuLtiett.i a luiost speerh les and Lueffa blushed crimson. Who could have witnessed thisfh .. .... -' ' i" .n i i : . i jii ve I w , i : I .i i youne- hiv'ers pint.-d in I he race ' ;'e of lite.' Tt.OUijh ir seeie, t 1 1 , t ! j. n II-1 . 1 - , 1 fa'e r-lhiull have dooinei them fie- r.fia f i live and die 1 1 ie.f her, li; r i swered . Kill 1. never C.-lllie True. "tr,l, sp( How loic they sat t i.ei e r.iev 1 ''"'I W h v never knew Imn' i lec-e I, .1 . i It" -a lowed and loud crack i silence., Then he arose exretui inn both Hints und said, "wt iiium pari i.ueiiH. (iih ir is like breaking uiv heart Perhaps we me tiy tinman who learn well and readily. The if I ever see t'arl next day I Vna sent on a rail i will tell him what be. Newark, N. ,J. to Miw Itrown to his dear little birda. I dine and then tha next day aw and she .asked herself the .pies- Imnds. and fion, "whefe iH arl' She was r ti?nin I sure he did int return home. , -a me of hue knew,-,ro;, he had said he am sure it would be joy for him the Ituckinjiham liofel in New was a imeless U.y, hut jihere was; to know loved his birds so York and see tli sleepinjr lnutv he now? ff Tsr! was dead she' dearly," flnd she lauifl.e. in her I next took my musie box to be "r,n MirKivn ner-.-n mr n same iroodnaf ureil way. "Vou.nxed on '. IH7H On tl.o fl same iroodnaf ureil way. "lounxed on J' but, indeefi, sh- mnst ro and se.. ,,rH lny now" she said, iret-; uwin MondHV I went to tn-ol-When Luetta stood Inside Carl tiMrr a jilimis. of the old mot her : or,.,l entertainment calld "The she lslieved him to lie dead. : bird in the tree "L, will take Eonl's Revenue. " It was vvrv Evidently he h. been wooed to ym, honie and tame you for fine. 1 then went to have my slumber by the whinnering ..f an- Car." She hardly knew how she watch Used and wan ,Ni,, P. yrels iieekoninyr; Mm to the throne ,.ver above. Miejra.eil :r Ii mi tt ir a n instant and faulted at his t'eer. The lards in the itpm t ri-es aiisrhr t he bird, but it al- sana' .1 A few clouds tea i s been wt nic and mournful si ms rrips of r - t i 1 1 tell fioui the t 'ia t ,eeme I to ' 'a rl as The a I. :t' Is rn ut i vi epilie- '.'!.l CIMIi'l 'lave tin ist tell in her hand. .W'leu ( 'arl bid leiet la i i ! t . he -.tooil uieilit at nii . 'A as !l rtht for linn l" stand ' here A 1 1 1 ' ! U 1 1 a l.iletf.i' lie wis ,;e terillineil lo see ;l s!ie wepl be cau.-e of" his part me;, ind w Ilea he sa . Hiii'i st fea nine; -Iowa :l I- iU I. Zil 1 111 i t l lone --ijelice tut i neither -.poke Al-V- f thunder bioke lie' (fours !; .in it was oii . i - did e'l.l ' :.u:i t . t ' a I !y lu re I .a ,,l 'ell let I a tier .11."' II le. a ii' ill. I liar. : !!-'!', s a. arl -1 1.. -t art . ji -1 n ,-,o,ne "i j. , i .in Ii i i fia's while mine wan away. On the folloinu: Saturday I went to the Ileal i. ts al '.):.'. II iiemsr m Max I.s7-s ip, September IJ 1ST-" I ii'iil in business .Villi mv lirol her in-law but W as si." Iowa sick for il wenk mil ill ,: id -if Septeaiber. The reai-tou ih .ion ireat tor me roji( plav ir'oiiiid in , lolen t i ll ! i lie I Hli ; e -,-, nice ."in in e 1 1 Ii I to. Ii , : HUT anti . ll doill. ! lie ' life mil ei iial I i imiinl lie ob--aieil ! nil . Hie ,1' ! he !e td : lie in-w -p i per k . lie - 1. c-t i ri1H'ever. but fate has brought, u if lone; ugo were lookiny: upon , win never meet on eartn ue;ain. her und lierhaps had named! This may be our hist, . but will ber beaut v. Sitting thus towurd you remember me Luetta as- the close of this beautiful May day the world of beauty be came, solitude u all know he was alone, fatherless and motb erless. uo one to console her, no' one to tell her what life was.! This was au hour that la ither Surely her thoughts had cliane'd I of them forgot. No oue could have pictured it but those who endure. It was just then the He could never finish the sen fence. It seemed his iife wusat an end. "Oh, Carl!" she said, "I Willi- emetnber vou as mv true J, YW, 'S to visions. "Someday I'll be buried here,' Hhesiohed "and this tree aloue great revolving would be weeping for me: would aunt Margaret weep?" lears came to her- eyes and she buried her lace in her hands., Ut tie did she dream some one jwas stand ing over her and wait- weepiug weepitig because lit had also met the cares of life. Both were lout in meditation. The world had then growO" dark. We doubt if theskv had turned to blood aud the whole had been wrapped in tlainea it mid have made them sadder. The sun Bank lower and lower In the went, the cattle of the fields Hed homeward aud a Hock of trhzbtened dovea (led northward but they were left all alone. The tree whinnered innocence aud bowed their heads toward those that had met nolituda. It seemed that all waa Highing. -Just then the girl raised her head again to behold her future reetiug plac and lol behold! there knelt beulde her Carl lane with large teara upon hi luno. ent face. ''Forgive me" he eaid 'but I could not help Interrupt tlug you. I know the history ol .your lite, ah!, I know It all aud U wheel of fate turned its darkest side to these two youug' lovers. Just theu was the beginning ol a sad story that has been long forgotten by the world. Luetta tied home ward uuheeded by her tears. As for Carl, he stood looking, ad he thought, for his last time upon the dear old hills-the hills his boyhood days bad been spent upon, lie aud Luetta had gath ered flowers upou - these hills. He kuew where all the bird nests were aud where Luetta and him self played hide aud seek, but it waa years ago. It was true he bad entered iuto a new life and he now stood utterly uncon scious of 'what was going on around hlin. The tuuuder roared aud the ligatniug 'played xigsags on the uorthweuteru . horuou, tree were struck by ligbtuiug and shivered to the stump, the ground shook under hia feet and it was begiuulng to rain iu tor rents. The night was closing rouuduud a dense log gathered and he was leit ia total dark ness, I'oorCarl, with no one to care lor him was left a sad fate, that We -t tn- part tn ma v with me" he o von we'pu'iir willow that. Alien -lie .ulnar file ur I. "lie near i ;.-r i v ";. oa an- i 'art's birdie." ;.is tie saw ; I. ad and lie yearned to' kiss rite tears from her -ample i-lleeKS. "Mlly one 1 1 1 1 1 ! ir in -this life I wanr'-he -iijhed "and that is m tilers Lu etta before i .Jeparf'' forever ' Bur some demon was lieekoniu-i to go on. t e-et her peace, auid " ' we may part. h' will it be for ever ii I start to death and you to a cruel life." Silently thev walked to the brave old tree Hazing into oue another, races. -How is it" he said "t hat ot ti-: ttiar, men had r.o Yesterday nothing trouble-f ers are to veil, others are unused, foot t.asmiri.r- lo-uay was tne turtuii"; 'others have pleasures in life, but what will become of me? Ob! if I cuu lil but tiy to Luetta ami tak her with me, but I know she w ili not go 'arl stood upon tlie'summit of the till meditating uutill it was A liiUl A MY; u." Tlt.WKL. ' lood inoraiiie; iriend, said a nail in a i nun. I hope you have had i .'"mil rest l mi t he -di-epine-car. replied porter to hi passeu. ner at. t he breakfast, table. I Hi, said rlie vouiiu; man. I have been on trams ! tore ami I ant no baby even at. this spot about venrs atfn and of all the Htocms o i the JOthof December ol snow lig paths for t wo them. point iu their vtung lives. We stand now where roads part. Yours stretches far fmm tnine But oh, late lie kind Wheu two roiida Dart." , i it i.i r ..,., -,,i r,r. ...i I ifrowiutr aarn. rie waccueii rue stretched far from here, but she ! row . she wthed her head; could not-would not believe it Luetta theu bvgaii wouderiug the lilies as they beut ami kissed the ground; the ferus he tramp. Lite will be drearv since Carl ! M uu,Jer his fwf Hw htfHJ th has left", she sighed. "I doi know how i will spend my life. Now she crept wearily down the path she had years ago played over. i?ars gusieueu in ner eves asuhe lookel at the beauti ful landscape stretching away as far as her eyes could see. She looked at th beautiful wild dowers but Cart was not there to share tbeui. The trees were waviug their boughs with de light. She saw raiudrops upon tne graaa which seemed her as tears. A bird saug sweet soug on thVl hough of a tree that drew Luetta's aateution. "You are Carl's birdie," she cried, and the voice frightened tile bird uu tU it flew down at her teet. "There must be a uest here" she said to herself aud forgetting what had just passed she set to huutiug for a bird's neat The birds sang a swectj and joyful soug as she bent the bushes to and from-, ia searching for a nesk. The mother bird katydids siuging about Jack st, but uoue seemed to be weepiug tor him.' Ele did fully believe uoue was weeping except himself. Hours parsed, but they teemed to lengthen into years, aud tears streamed down Carl's face that seemed to be Icicles. Ob! if the fleecy clouds that hang to you blue sky; the birds that sing iu yoa ifreeu tree had only whispered to Cart what was ue&t. Though as short as life is, no oue kuows what is next. To be continued. EDITOK S DIARY 1878. The manuscript was laid out iu N-sw York City ou a Thursday morning at 10:30 a. m. ia the mouth of April ol this date. The following comments av as fol lows; Wrote letters with th un derstanding uever to tell aa uu truth.for it will be bad ou 26 sext day it rained alt day. As I am boarding GI33 Ave. at Mia. Kxeuse me sir, said the porter, I'll take it all back. If yon want ty know more, you may come aa it, is not my will but His that overrules : he world'searthy ideas in life of a traveler as mission aries, tmuisters, doctors and law yers, this would oiljbt to be gov erned by instinct and thought and learn ail oue can iu foreign countries people with tittle edu cation are not expected, to be up to us Americans who pretend to know so much yet with some ex ceptions we must leuro wisdom to teachi. Look in Mexico, I flnd myself up as it were Mexicans and be came discouraged and unfortu nate, he was walking near a river and tell ia, as to drowning he waa never heard of to my knowledge, but I guess he was drowned all the ame. Is there uo hops of seeing him? replied the porter,. There might be, but nooueseems to venture the risk. Well boos, I'li have to leave yoa now as we are tataring Philadelphia, so good bye. Reader thi i a. geueral idea how Iwretoi talk oa taV road wbe taklag trips north. south, east or wet. T I lOUVQ -n. painters wanted. Catalogu tsk Addressv Daoiel V- Beatty tVashiagtoa Kaw Jer- "i- If: V t v4

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