SC,..-t:.-x.:.c FULLBR'C L-l A. - o - . Gets, a copy. New Series Enlarged and Improved. 50cts a Year. VOL. (I. ASHEVILLE, N. C.f JANUARY, 1896. NO. 11. t ciiArTcn n. rAV0 raTS. ; Today we see Carl Dana plod ding on a rd onward to a land unknown. Tear, of ehame down bis lace aa ha pond er nvw the past, v Laetta,1. ha eriea, -if job ni hert to abart my thoughts and tell ma what is beat ; I tut no, tbe only tbiag one dmdrea ia lite will never be IP-anted," and tbe poor fellow laid himself dowa to rest by tbe aide of a beautiful spring, lie. like others, bad, beea thrown oat tKa tbe world, heartless world, to share tbe fate, what ever it might A a be aat there something very at range biitDed. A gentiemaa tbat wan phasing shot bin ia tbe ami, giving htm m eewt wound. (Tbe raw was, be believed him to be a bandit). Oh, bow Carl did yearn lor borne. What am I -to do," lieitfhJ, 'surely all ia agaisat u. I woald i i dead," and the poor fc'Uow turned from tbe ttSr, nobbing aa though bit brar aroald break. be tari awoke next wora- inir be waa at Mr. lkirrkw'a. a fiWI of bia father'a. His eon, Stdajr Dorrke, waa a great trfewd to Carl. Ue end Sidney vera school chains, aad to Carts aarpiiM- well , aa delight, be stood bnrtile Li bed. ; . 'Tt uoly torn, Cart," nid Bid ttrf, stooping dowa aad tawing tbe Irrinr tears from bia cheeks, yoo ti re happened to aad aeri OMtt, t War. but I hope yoa will eoon beatd to start oa your J.uran' Cart's fa pafed and Sidney eoatiuued, "But. I'd rather joa'd aot go. -Whyf aaked Carl, hoping to gain some f o formation. "Well, yoa kaow yoa aud I will hare a good time: yoa know Eugwe wtut to Brazil, and 1 am aure I can't apead my lite here alone." Vbr. your jKruta are here; Id think it rery pleaaaut to be alooe with them. "Oh, I a ia aure I'd . rather be with yoa," waned Sidney, catch ing bia bfVath for the next word, aad tbe color ruttbing ia bia faoe, aa he bent low and aaid, laujrh iug, yoa kaow tlwy want ne to marry Eaiue Romi. aud to aare my life I Wca't do it." Carl Uvtenad breatbkealy, and Bid oey continued: "You know we are couuiua aad it agree with both aide for me to marry her, I can't do it 1 cant " Tbe a ord coui shocked Carl, f and to eta y where he could eee Eame Ilomi wonld be liupoaib!e.' fail," Siduef aaid in a voice that eurprUed Carl, 'to tell tbe truth, f don't love Eame; it' her cousin Lutftta I love." Aad at thne worda Carl'a eyea filled with tt'ara. "Isn't ebe a dear ffirl?" aaked Sidney", but Carl could not au w;r him tiu 1 Ki Ju-iy lft bioa alone. ' Ah Carl Iy in agony, be never hwjrd rtne tilnginf? a beautiful bymu of long ago, for he was lost iu day dreams,' only wishing to kneel at Luctta'e tvet, aeklng her if she still loved him. "Oh, if I could bat kb the teara from ber cbeeka the teara tbat were treaming ; dowa the day we parted, bat were tbey teara for me or for aome oo eUte? W. tbey of sorrow or or oy lor my parting? How caa I read other hearts? . That i iropoeaible all ia Impossible," and be raUod hla Ihead from bia pillow, breathless, but it wfcs only to see if he Was I alone. Ah, U he could have be lliered ber to be eirl that waa tm,what would he care for pain? What would be cart if all scorned at him? Ah me,' he hed acaio and aeaio I am unloved, nacared .for a useless boy, and the poor fellow buried hit face in bia hands aad to him all seemed new aad desolate. - Years seemed to pass before Car realized what waa best.. He hushed himself to sleep sevsral times by his owa tears, forget ting all but Luetta. , Loader aud louder sang a : voice , acd Carl knew then that it was Eame Roml tinging a Thanksirifing byma, and Carl sighed a mourn ful sigh. "air. Dane aa had a severe wound." said tbe girl known as Kama. :. ,,: . Yea," said Mrs. Dorrire, ,4be ia a bor tbat seems very tender- hearted, aad I tear be will meet bit dath if something isn't done for him. 1 can't sea wby some ot bia folks does not visit him Sidney has fold tbem of bis acci dent, but tbey don t seem to cart." . "1 think be is known by all as a aseleas boy," said Eame scorn- ing. "IdoaV satd Mrs Domes, but 1 can't sea how he waa shot under such circumstancee." "Yea, aad what do yoa think," said Eeme, "Luetta bas nearly lost ber mind over his fate, but 1 think it ia no more that he de serves, aad sue laughed a scorning laugh tbat awoke Carl. "Is Kidney loving Luetta?" asked Esme ia a harsh voice. 1 don't know," aaid Mrs. Dorrk. 'but 1 (.Link Luetta is a girl uoue can httlp loving; I can't help it my- avlf." , :..:,;. t think she aluioat, wakes people lore ber," aaid Emma ecoruiug, and tbey both turned aud aaw Sidney enter tbe room Yoa hays come, Cousin Esme," be said, "but I did not expect yoa. Luetta is sick ' with fever, and did yoa leave ber while she was sick?" "I didn't know she was sick," said Esme, "aud more than that, ber slckneae is worse than nothing She always appears to be sick a hen I leave home; especially, if I eoiue here,' aud she gave Sidney such a smile that he turned breat blues from ber to visit Carl. When Carl held out bis band to welcome Sidney, he turned from him speechless, "You art dearer to me than a brother,"' suid Biduey smiling, "I hardly know what I'd do in the condition I'm in," said Carl. "Nor I either," sa d Sidney. "And I watit to lell you. No, I want to ak you a few questions, but you look so pale that I can't auk you." "Oh, do," said CsrI, "I'd rather help you out of a difficulty than mytelf." "You must look and listen," said Sidney, laughing heartily.' "Iam engaged to a girl and I don't lore her-i-I love another, and to save my lifo, I don't know how to make another st p. Nothlug could have shocked Cerl ' more. He knew too well the betrothed girt was Esme, and be knew welt that he in ii I ill Si ii . :. ) LTTBTTA BBMOU wta loving Luetta. "Luetta,'' he cried; forgetting all but her pleasant lace. - "Have you forgotten me? Has another won your heart?" aud tbe words shocked Sidney so he gazed at him like a wild man. "Ob," said Sidney, "I did not know she was promised bride forgive me lor speaking to you about ber." ".No,", aaid Carl, "she doea not love me. II don't love her," and the words he uttered choked him so Sidney turned away from him to summons a dot-tor. After the case had been examined he de clared it was almost iocureable, and further said be had av slight attack of brain fever- Cat! grew paler every day. Sidney aat by bia bedside day and night, be lieving be made the case worse by asking tbe question about Luetta and tbe thought grieved him so hs sat breathless with excitement, believing he would be the death of Carl. Sidney sat by Carl's head and each day! seemed to him as years, but be said it was hi duty, "Puty," he would say. "Ia It duty for me to sit by Carl's bed when Luetta is believed to be dying?" No," he said, and be turned from Carl's bed and brushed the the tears from bis eyes and started to Luetta. Oh. bow ht counted the hours until he reached her, and aa he stood be side ber be bent and heard ber whisper. "Carl," and heeould not help but listen to the rest j "You sre untrue. You have told oue thing you don't mean you don't love me. I cau't believe it; oh, I can't. Oh, if 1 could only forget you, but I can't. You have wrwked my life my hopes and her voice failed to sheould not g-t the rest of ber sentence "She loves him," ht said at length, "and I ant sure he does not lore hfr aa she says. 1 ran tell her Carl does hot love her, would sne believe H7 Hut I am sutelt would be her death. Oh, bow could Carl tell her false something he knew waa not true? How could he In the presence of heaven say he loved her; when, if he had judfed his own heart, he would toot have wrecked his life -surely Car! Dana was dreaming," and Sidney Dorr ice fell down upon bia kneea In sym pathy for Luetta. '0h, J knew be waa coming," aaid a voice, "and I never shall forgive bim.lor causing m to lost my whole heart onjhia smil ing face,". Sidney listened atttn. tlvely for a few moments, then be turned and kissed Luetta's pale lips and left her bedside. "Ah me," ht sighed, aa ha aaw Esme facing him. "She will ruin my life, and I can't belie vt other wise." liut ht could not help but bow himself before her da rting young beauty, and , it waa there be wrecked his life. Is waa there be said bis future was at her feet. Ob, at the words he said that should have bound them together forever, but it on ly made tbem father apart. Ob, ii most wora naa only died on the balinly October air, ' nia life would not have been blighted with failures, but words cannot be called back, but I bey . will be referred to In the future. Shall we again visit Carl one that should hava had all the honor tbe world could give, but all loved bouor too well to be stow it on him who had almost ended the battle of life ; ht who was wearing his life away,, believ ing Luetta waa uatjfuar-WUl Sidney never return?" lie cried. "Can Luetta be dying?" Hut just then bs thought at the ques tion Sidney asked him, and the poor fellow prayed fir doath. "Oh, if dearb would only come," be sighed, "I would not betroub othere, aud Luetta would be tree to love and win Siduey . Dorrice, but no, I shall not give ber up; I love her and I hate myself for it, but love is divine. "Oh, 1 can't help but love her" and his voice lowered to a whisper. Ah. at. tbe tears Cirl shel must have been enough to have blotted out his untrue deeds to Lnetfa., "Sidney," ht cried; when bt saw Sidney stand gasinx at him through the bows of the apple trees, "what did Luetta say about roe?" "Too needn't care to hear," said Sidney, "becauM she does net care to hear from you." Carl listened brealhlew, and Sidney continued : "But I hardly tbinTshewill die, but I can't say shell live. She aaid she hsd wrecked her lift by loving yoa." ifravea help ma," cried Carl, "I did not meaa to wreck her life." "Let me tell yon what It best," interrupted Sidney, "writt her a letter, telling her yoa art willing to break the engagement, and then I think all will bt well." "I eaa't do it," said Carl, "I must have tha words, 'I don't lovt you" from her owa lips.". Can't voo believe me, Carl, whoa she told me she had wrecked her liite 'by loving yoa? Yoa know I have never told you hes, and bestdea that, can't yoa. to a dying gir?. say you are willing to break tha engagement. Haven't yoa no , heart? Will yoo hold her to what aha said, when I told her I I woald try to break the engage ment that she might die la peace, and now yoa ear yoo don't ,' bo lteva me. Surely your heart hat turned to atone, and f set yoa are determined to hold Luetta to what aba has, said, and if von don't writt I'll do it myself, for I tnioK It is tnt only way to safe ber life. ' Then when she la wetL if she loves you, can marry, but lor ner aaKe write tne letter, ami if yoa don't do it. I any again I will writt it myself. It the fetter it not written yoa will be tha causa of ber death an I will have yoa punished for it. It there bt no law lor such a criminal, I'll make a law myseUL Now, Carl, for the saks of ber who ia dying write the letter." "Oh, Luetta," he cried, "art you untrue?" " n ntt tnt letter: von hava an time to refer to sronebv da vs. Yoa have only today aud act tomorrow, and tbt fetter mast be written or voa will be rushed into eternity. I to HKfwmcED.l TOOn A KEQl'EST. Plot FalUr, IXR,ot Fuller's OWoer Ursad flalpHntlary anl u vuy L' .. ii. I ii , . ... Greetingf-WUI yoa kindly condescend to honor tht Geor gia Steam Laundry with your very valuable and renowned paper. We find that it ia utterly impossible to makt a, success in business without tha intensified condensity of your gigantio ideas. Wbenwtflist t tht 11 the wonderful magnitude of your tditoriala In the Geeaner, which were aa thick as the 'bristlen are in a blacking brush, we were be wiidered, and our braina whirled round like a bumble-bee under a glass tumbler. After readinsr your inspired inspirations we feel as though we could lift ourselves up by the boot-straps to the ton of a church steeple and pull the bell rope for a Buncombe sitting school. Dear D. L". our touuea refuse to wag;, riesiso send us the Gleweu. Gcokcia Steam Lai xury.