, s r - " i! FULLBR'S OLEnNERT SOcts a Year. New Series Enlarged and Improved. 5cts. a Copy. No. 13.. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MARCH, 1896. Vol. II. .. i . . rr! said. "I fHnimt twitr it, ' j emn "mile upon iiwihw. I.nil he looked rm lie vcnwtird ' tmek cryinsr, - Carl Iih II Ml i lnfie ! ( h ,i "h:k iv " nil. I.OV r. UK TBI K." C,(l Kt 0l llV I, Hutu's ni l.- tin- t lie first t ime in his I if.. i .-nll-'l III" p't. vv,,"; tlfPi" th.it If learned what i.ti" ,,! I ,o f.ir I. .vc. Hp realized tlmt 1 1 hi love could never die , trim If luiil 1 1 i"l to forget f -uettn. Inn mi. v hi' realized nml fully be-i lie veil tlmt they were loyal lover" indeed "l.uetta," he cried, "nr Vn dying ; ran it ' lrl"' ,,,nt WR niil-t pmt forever; Oh, "re yon ,n,i hit to l ii vf me forver, mid will Mill -l"")i I ulmlv III the rnlil n vi mud lull' I ii"i "'"'t' ( 'mImi t li sel . ' -i i 1 ''' "' lor. "Mi" coin-it iiM' r 1 1 .i i li - 1 1 1 1 i i fi ili' M,iy lii avoii ln'1;. Iff," ' o I .Vi.'ll . Mill' tIIU-t Hpt'.lU to 111" If loIP silt' UIH'M to her lontr llOllf The d,, torstared at Cm I -ni'l!. Imt iu'Vi'V interrupt"'! linn I must li.'iir it ii her o ii tins fli' does not luvi' mi'.' If and Hii) ; Oh. to nn'.'t iny i1en.rpt lover Heyiitnl 'til'" val.- "f irari i WIi.t.' I, ml, chi- rul'T'if Mint land wilt wipe wy r 'enr- The next clny mm furl utooil i'V laietra's casket. In- lit ti'f'il prayer Ihut Sidney never will f'r jcr . i' N.i- a prayer r'nr him ami Ksme " A'd n Hi'- f'i' in-". "ml ,M 1 1.' ii.i.Ut"! ti i.y ii' n Hill ll HKAVKV KOK V. rfcnvi'iily l'nther, fhnn lint t n" rfafrly ihroith Dilhr yer; In our ilnlly work and -luty Wt Iihv- foil nil Tin i'Vit nmr. Mini ii Crtrl -oii'l th" wonln he nrnfi'Hml rttor.il bilt hr rw) -(Hi, ( Hrl, you muit tn'trno, ' iii iiU'l in " tot.hinsf voii--. NyTluiiik hi-nv-n for lint Ii" ( III. I.iip"ii. I f mi'l"l dll v villi il IV" 11)1' t ill. Itut sin-only tnrii"il lnT f.- Irom. rli' Mr-.r :,nr on tnA fit. hi,,, .,! t.. -,"-il lt iiiroH.. .iii.lkmrTiiiii iiT.M-tioiiHt.'. lioU'trayl l.-rlf - . t.v. '" .i'u" foririv.. it,...- Si.l- " l.iii'tffl," li fiil'l Htf'ii". ' 0,,,y "' Ki'il hoiirsrly, Inn 'l .,v von Iovp hip. thut I inrt.V li.wi'rinyr to . .viiiM r v u Mini- aiHvi- ui'l rail .vol - i., :,..t rnv Iovp. rliHt I iniv kii.pl t . Hip you iinil pour -mf my ln ' Ii,.iirt ' ill. a i 1 . .ii .-,. foi Lu"ttn. v hp, i j i hi .n I"'" l.nt ,i- ti ii 'i',M -i a I..;.-' i i - I 1'" ii .i . i I .. . ..-.I- .mil t.l.vi'l .:n ..'i l til! I llP (Vilf to -mri't bin Iov.t,'' imiH it .iroiiiwl tll whole honw to i-ry-injr nm ilid the ilrvtor. Siilney hTlt iimi kiMHil him f'T' v, ?u. imr utim i'onfpitnn; tlip IrtHt tinip mill writ. Iiittprlv I'lipy ar miiy well wp kuw, ' lr wil itlM tlmr .',(I1H nil of lint Tliy mpn-y tliiM. " Iip ,'ripil in iv voii-p that, iiimlP l''niii ti.Tiilil.' thpii lit' I iirin'il to l''im mnl l.'niliil tor ill.- nk of lir! lio Iny t.lipr. ;,f,.,w i o inrvtiM him tor in" UHxt ,,'i'ih tniVHnln !n'f .Hi'l in n.'lt iipiil.' IhT il.'nilinir 'or hi-r to ninrrv linn tlmt !' miuht fultlll ill" jiroimw.' In liiil uirtilp t o Curl. .ihmimltnff : rimii i-nntt itiKki ilwn ttm tpnr ii. "iir T'"kii" ptpftiMnsr; himir I.vp p IriiBl imr nil . i iul.lp. -iir'r xtt.t Ipp) iliv liililrpii, il .-til v iiiiip tlipy fll. Makp m flr nnl fnuik mul liivtnn, Jnal t ll t llll'tt llllll lilll'l Hint UUP'. Ht'Jp i ih i Iiiix n m niliprx A , fi I 'V'1' I liil v' Mai'l lioui-Ki lv. " mul I only .pray for on.' Iiour- nliiim it h l'.pr TIlPH VOIl IIIIIMt I,.' loVPIM." "Ml'l Uip iloi-tn. ' Ah. hip. mii id Curl, wp hip not lovprw, Imt I Iovp h-T with i Iovp that cuii not ilip, an,) I ilo prny for one moment with hr." Tiip doctor ftatvil at Curl ior mi in Htant iiml turin'd from Lim hppcIiIps furl fli.l not iiotirp th.' iloctor. hut t urn.'il to hu.-lta. - Liipttn," lie '!'!. I'i"4 v,'i(', lowpriun iiml his l ipiivpriu-r. I Iovp you Mtill;' ami an Iip looked upon th pule fine of Lucttn he knelt Kptfchlcss ut her hcilsiilp. Oh, Curl," l.uetttt Hiiid, those word. you uHmip1 iviu not lie triiH. How can you, iu ill Villi e",i I on. ,1m liiiii. t If t'ltP!i .' If ipii i-r. h inl li" Irf-iit ' ' hi'iinl her a his-r ' If -he hud nail I. " ' arl, 1 r ill. mul II" f"H 'I 11 I. mm. I thauki'il her tor woi-.'m. ami n- li did " tlf 'v a iiiiIp play upon her f.i.e. and ! i.i ii . , I,...- V, in. I fur hpr lust V ii ip i i " ' "r "" TTsped hf h i ui'l i.'-t Up' t 'mi . I i mi y . hi. ami i tiar I III -IIH' ;. M It. I km." I'i Mil I "IK i I ' HI ha.- i I ", in," I .vrerk'' 1 ii"! , i ni ,r a ! 'v Hi, ,l":i.i ; ,a,' ,v ' Ii' r .j:. voiir : ' nil;.' lie ' " iv hi h,ii i ' i-k ' ,n 1 : ,s , iniin", lull -i.ll dl.l ,l led nir . it I'. Ill IP IP iiiip iovi d I you. I LllftLH i ! ha v. if ,..i',, id ! ..IIIM he plei ' I'". n il v hi t hat I am ,-ail ;',i,it I m v ','-'p ii, ii,i r I -.lioulil iia v , 1IH IV.'I. inn 1U.1 , H -il-r VP iiv liilile in ail t in tent I I Hell OH hi I,,' M ik. M :.!.' v ,-f,.ri' i" Iiv I lini. . in I-. ;', li.'in .1". .,p'mi-ut f I'liv I,"'" v.ry 'ili"'ilmr mi il' in at 11 II" rimr ''!' it'll, iri ' '' .11. L'lel l i 1 1 1 i: ijood to f a vi , frhl it l,'e.'irhl"MP vvhile -Iip Kitld. " tfood-hye. tli.v true love." mid her voire w . only H'ihpT art ulip rtaid. " 1 only prnv for a happv iiiPt itrir in under world, and ihe turned her f.n e from linn and wlepr the sleep of the hi nr. Carl did not drop her band.' lair. I'l.utipil if ti'ht"P a ,.r l,pr U-dsidp u.l nr., ve, turuwi and a-,.ikeil-Lo H l vou loiisf nito Hpiiipiii ! ,er. I-.hiiii'. I nromiHPil Carl to jive mil lutek ai.-rhiM rm,.' '. "s I .if' "''it imn to t-X X' "' .a trni-k "' " 'hat Iiiim H'l" ,;i ,le, I ' A , , t" I l ilJi. I'l -ill 'l.'iiv '" p iiki I'.-lll". If I 'he lk,' he i,l , ni i.i ,ut ;ei I :' il-evef let -M. ,v,-, " ii ' I'l-mni sii1 -mul i,,i niiiLr. tun ry 3,,tiiev r".'t, I il her ;'uee ' lull he l''r lad l,e.MI !. Cur 1 ''M 111,1 U" n'll h" .f-i.li. j,..r mil i in ii ,.", :ipi' 'or flili ,, ill i.Mfr ;l'"!l. 1 1 ,.ii hi "Sir' 1 1 -a ,11 '" " uti I. it" will -lie Mp lu'jtvpiilv iwiliKtii ; Ml',0','11 I- Uri' vVlll'll iiitv m , lull. I' V- I as II k .sseil li L.i'i X 1 ' ' Then he turtle.: to tin- ' I.u-" i IU'1 'is.-cl !h. t Iip ;nr I l '11" 'e v f upon her til. and lie ln-irpd 'or them to "i'l; liil. '" I IK- ''" her. he lien r. I in -"idwll iil'n'A'l iiiiii-tp-he o-iJiiii'! lie.- hand, ind inn i mi I ,l pi I I ; n i i.r d .ml for her to heaven. he knelt ' kissed it his lasi tin eilL(i r v ard . but when If -a.'v t lie ' !i. 'ai-e. And as vp v i'l" in-e Mi.- -mow im ' n i M ii u: ' a "k i llii at Curl - ami l.U"ttu.i .'i ','. I,, I -ve .' Sj. nev !MHV li., Allls i,er -iomei hmtx iu K.iiua - fir wh.le the minister "ihiiI ami h tenr- . then he I,, Hid ail ijri...,l tlmt rf ritv-e .he wpre ' ioval hoers. Hv i , I'N I'll A I. I 1 I I N' KW' :M.'H , . I ,K I.N i i it-' K.N -, . i I' M I'. N I' - I'ae jiiisl imiiii ti ipi'iiiM n lie .li. .",,'1 n ii-', 'ntfini"! Hid am uiBrrii'it. vi ' h.r ."nix to in in tiri'i'itilt an IhUJui in " Iti'Pfl ,'iinipnti'it witli 'iipsspiIiimhm. N , ,i v 1 1 hm ni),l , tn I'Mitnr 'ins ppii lit. n 'o all lier, ,iih -.ni'iiki ism. mil '"t iai'P met . I..ll, fhnt IP Illllitlt Psi'ort i i -. ...r in tipr ni' u: l ' i . , , .lilll.'v. ll.-flii';i . .. i.. ,:. ..r ii.. ii nil ua.'K. i.i . i tii Tiie tioi'ior n a - - II If ul'Jtlii". , m l.' " ' - I h.-iv. , III ' ill" 111 left htr. thev w'r' alone " i " The.' a.-e said, nuttinif li ,rehf ad a ml prenpinit i, m, . ,1 it look oil iwiv up old to Lie way imr. " l.uetta. mid Curl ar dy She wat dviiifZ when 1 my hint time, tie i 1 I. . . rtiiid th doctor, "but u,s tut nana " u s , . , ... I..,ur, i , ,,- , . Hf 1 ill, overs l lIf i nem m unu.us -and thet, iMth a . 1 l,u l.!u.) si iravni!'. rv wiii u i"'- "" r " i the doctor down the puth rtiai the iiienen.e of heaven hay you tll frnll. siduev to visit Lu- j.rv yarU. l,,.'u mi. still when VOU ne!lt to 1 ... , ... , i . ,i,., ,l.,.,r '"Thin l the v'' ' . ,t'iiu, ami urpiuvi vv ,i inu Tor the ennui-eirieiit iii. L hea.J ,he lllOBt pitteouu -.V,' w.ll U-hoid t his laudtH-a; wore to Sidney I had wkwl I I11(,U!1S t ht was ever uttered by ' the last time will travel tha your life, then you come to me iu buiii(ii uli.u- He beurd w-rd path, the laafc time I will stand death's hour plen.linur m.u love m d uo hav pokeu ; here, but, heave., li praised, ,ne still? All 1 ask of you is to' ravw, tjltlt Carl was thr is a hi-lier laml-a land ,e that I '' dm alone. ' e.s foJ. Jt-ath. : where I can live in peac. inr her vulce low-! " , k.. ..., I ..... U .nh, I i-hii art L.uvtta. ami won,, it he alltllor Courtship. I'D PKN if '1 'Il Vl'l' Hi IS'A I'l I 's -l'N K. . hj,;. v.,.:ii'i iivi.n i" vii' Wl,,i WKKK IN 111,1 II All K. V nruau . . t' ,' ai l i,rtv"-H iT'Ctpd at Tuiipkii ih" a'hi'r -V US lav nvlHemPiiiH at At" ilmi ii i m vet. n sinul" niPHMPflyiiPsM. I'hp isar'M iriit'pr hi in vliile in n, s .vrK .-.il pnili'Hsiiaii... tip ajni.a i,wiiv ,p Alt,..r 'hi'in. t'U uti is ;i" ,n'S ;r,'iii a tniHiifHH siamipmii', " 'niS$ liusim'ss and nui" ii i i i'tniuu! lmiMt with im (ir'.p'v, l,,r wm tin'," n ieiivs ,iiim ami ,;i"a'j 'lulu ill' ntlipr. Not w i hut ami i mi. "!-' tf.s. n ins 'iiiml. s -'mir" , iuimii' an f than -i,-,'i"iv inr i !"W vi'iirs, i, i, so ,!i)u Piiti'd ami "Xi'"it i.aia, ' l,p , Titi nil", imt us iiiiii he y'its 'hi iiiisiupsh 'a ii , si iioiht.y he will liuihilHHH 'urn in sifialism. l'ro I'ssiir -it's hi !is ,ist imalii'ii 'hat wliiunui )si'i,,n i a a malr- lust time untie Siduev Uitain. am L 1.1.......) I hv .54) cniormi IUU fnr tb nurpime P""' w'i"- imi: mni-ii ainmi. f alaklu a dpriiitml mi CimnrP fiilhum yet, hut tfiouKh it be tniB f,rr pun,L.H. It is the pur n.me t ' hr '".l, t is dun to our U-iru oiai" it nf uaimiiai ,c ,j,. ' Of , f r-a.u a, hat il" h,. ai ready shuwu tbo iu th tiipptn. fully ,)Ue- th art f j.iurnalimD, hut Iw third had felt th" Utsb . tb ap.l, " '1' J',ul,t branch nut to a tb lam au.i h.iud wr bappy u, '"rK 'tid uf labor, ui yi turKHt the hlief that ail -bev will tia.v. '"K Jr"P lu ,,r 0J1 "U 'J to do in lu writ tu t.'nunress of i !'" w k,u' ""y avi. iho their ditrHH. ' " wr'""S 1" A ...I th doctor, who ',twK toiaer. out uieu ,.:,,: usual. -'url listened attentively, and 'V umtt(.uUlie Ult4u, ..ued the duor (aeti..ed to weakeu as star ( U1UJ,U (i. W. Chari.s Th Ot.KA-aa bas d.m, reuiark- was there Ihut I.e. for the lt jf t.hu,ritorulBji aud there be- .tow ly bome-ard. " Here w, dfcJ tlle ' 1ubmUuk. ably well fur ,borL a time, but time dated to speuk. He fully l- ' fow tb, saddest eua where l.uetta died, he said. ud , WH hope ... 'b fu-ur she .il Jo lieved laicttu did not love him, , , . HVel. vviUised. " Oh, if I 1 will die here too, ' ud nestai ,. wmII. The Gluamuk ha-' bad so to a bed ami lay down. ; ,. , ... . I mi, rnbutt's hi th last few leave Ijtiuve me 1 pray ; l.l i.i 1 I iri 11 V I eiiiii to a um(iri ... SLu.tta, teurs streainliie; down lier cneehs ' Carl moaned. be glorvslor tin to walk the. wa'!ti'eet( together. lut tbeu he! . . . ! .. I l u.l Lint. .' . . I ( ttie (usuo.i ,.e -1 had but loved my wile as h.; - - i .700 iu ,.u,h aua UJIJUlh .. .. i ..... I i. nvn me . . . , i a.i Th.inuh tux haatl wmm acOIMtf S-i ' ' HUH WUJ. Illlfn I'm"" ... Hint fill WHO IS HOW till afii'l . I., that yiil wtio is now itu ami " .n ...... jui .,. bmiii ... What must I BH.Vtoher. Must vvoud have been living ikiw. ver,ly bw fvwi grew oi'lfc'D.! asj h ,, 5;ti,etbe paper would ftiuk. but I pour out my whole heart on a " and he, not be looked upward, aaid with nut I K.l.tor u m,u at bis poat witb what he was fav UK, , eve thus lurneu uruueu oaca . - wuui no w ... . ,,-t,. ,,. a.UX) emu an, I S.v mar a uvi, : r" " ' uirl that doer not love me Hut liefoie hecousideretl it well iu hia uiind the wold " l.uetta!" burst from his lips agadu, and he, not knowiiur what he wuasa.viue, cried, "luutta, I lovt-.you with. lov that eu uot die; I love you inure than lTstb urtb. lid Biduey wan ifftltw wheu he told vou I diJ uofc love .vou ; he wa tryiutf to wiu you himaell; I Hi, Luett. yu Jli,v u,w iu your dyiutf hour; how jbu you thiuk I am telliuK you false?" LuetU'a lipa quivered, but sb , didu't speak, od Carl eoutiuued : "Sje, I am kueeliu at your bedaide a4 now I only pray you kuowiun continued, it was my - my driukinii and jaiubliiUK that that causeil her to to die wtb lieart jheUifV iailure-- 1 I uieau t hut that ifr-wu kuted bite her heart., failed nud aiid she died.' "What caused Lutta 4ieatb,", atked Sidney." 1-1 she tteeulieeu d.yiun every wik 10 o'clock t bis luoruiuK," aaid tbei doctor tryiu to gather but buttered uervea aud Siduey stared at hiui wildly. 'Oh, how eau 1 Hv without her," uuoaued Curl, bu aa ha saw Siduey btuiiug at him, aud ctsb I '""t1 that it. wi thouxbt at oue tiiue tba paper would iuk, but Kilitor was u at bis puat witb a brigbt aud ahuiiug light befor his uluciv 1-a.vt n i-uriM an t laytu - him. and. to bie ai.ronae. if uot . i i., "Ci Uioulu , ai. over i yir uiu at iiib - - hi bauds.- litrhtly across bisi . ' to our, will tiud, bv ooioparinit . .. i .. i ,i i ... . lium of Ihn omauoipatiou fl4Jw . ' e o brast a.,d wbiste,), Oh.-ove h(lu,1l . the tirst isaue p, th- present day, be true, and 4 P-yed o. . y UleailBr. ! how ,t has succeeded, aud w w,ll bis face aud he ttweu.etl coutldeut r . ' feel there i aouiMthiug of paper, that Luetta wa waitiun, aud aj ,' , ,.. . . i for were it uot w would have bad soleuiu look, cautf ou b.s face a " lnn" he visited Luetttk; but waa it ai r V.OU VIUM tins ituiw. all! " . tura vou luw tUiu way that; I lie turned aud hit tho roam. may read my future iu yours," H caunot bear to look at him," ?iait? ' Vets a visit forever. Nobody swuied to thiuk Carl was dead, but thev thought it Tery strange about him uot be- iug at the buryiu, but tbouRhi he wan tired aud was takiu a little sleep; but ua th doctor oama in the room bo called Carl with a loud voic.e, but he did uot auavyer, but wheu he saw a bol- uo Gi-HASBa today. Papers, a a We tltein i ueral rule, av a credit system fbe dear, delightful ureaturea; Tbey do more good tbau alt the mou, Aod aavs uiore aouls tbau ail the lraubra, Aud if tbey are lieoeitful aud vain, Aud wicked too, la a measure: If they give ua fully half uur-uai4y- I'bey give ua all our pluaeure aud liva ou expectauoy. No doubt LbejjlAK.Nsa was the name way ou the start, but uow today, she ia iudepeudeut of he owu. All he bill are aiet, feuerally met ia advauoe. Nothiug seema to expect yet to deprive br sub scribers iu gettiug the paer. lav -Mr. Bert Valiuer, Asbeville, N. il uot Al. Wv C., March 12th. lH4i. i I (fO.NTUiVJKI) OX KOUHTH PA41B). i 1 N f:.-i-.- ' V : I VAX

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