iONOLEY- LIBRARY A;HpV!LLE, N. C. GLEANER FULLER'S New Series Enlarged and Improved. 50cts a Year. 5cts. a Copy. ASHEVILLE, N. C, JUNE, 1869. No. 14 Vol. 11. AM A WOMAN TO VOTF lt eii.KKSSoB. I'. V.,i. 5 I' An to woman voting, why is she take man's pi nee? Her place in the home, if she has got on"; 1 not. 1ft hr teach, or cook, or : oii rnuVe or make aoria! calls; t n to the polls, leave her not . a not hr place. Hr -ducat ion pf convicted 'her to work for h ' hood. nr intention io p them at horn. either ly -nage or death, shall they thou .v. If fa'lvra nr rir-lfca-ud " t- I -ircuni'sn'-es "iir daughters K ! tip provided for, t ut if th.iy n. j. or n,..(lv. help may be n t y clinn'.ie" iiiwi- no purpose. Fdorn' ion thp realms f womanhood, has he- com convinced that man ha grs.ntd her all desires np to vot ing, and to this test she says that without the hallot she can do nothing, for in h"r voice the hal lot is powerful. I draw a lino irom that of the jiat to the -comma generations f todiv f f " not i-nnsidr the ' i mo of dii rVion f nd mothers v pr i hringinR their ; in case with man capital pnnish- childron up. hut 1 moan a time j ment is a case of treason mnrder. hen voting America-jif tcdayJ How is it in war time onr and our 701117 people feeling an i Hntish services ani in tne i ni- ; .Indoa and rtndinee I td State death and degradation upon their (tow. and t hoy scorn I imprisonment ' from rank or pay gi meat run'. ii. y f (, I' ij moro oovor" O'l (H'MIO,!. Hilll IgllO k i' 'mart " cut i d.iv J la'"r. .... v i i.g for a p'a.-e i-.tii.-r : ...,d ),, fee her-'!' a-1 'iinil ! h" man wl hH- l'"i there. She, )P'S 'he a Us' Mian oim'ht !n have hail, lui' on! 1 1 ..t j.av them t man. I.m cou'd to. w -nxn, for sti would wink nun ii cheaper man. i.d h.i i-"""''!11'-"''1' "h ,.,,,.,. mi,-, ..tli.-n all the Mni. tli It ia ninn have Leon reduced i(. ..uo-half in waires of what they would h bad woman not Keen on- gnird to dpprive th rights of man at that time. If woman votes, she puts thp oountry or plc in ou a kind of Ion-sided affair. Mow many a MppleH nifjht would h have. when craving for th day to ooni" that her side gained the victory? But at last sh gpts left as the mau Tjettiua in was opposed and the majority upon the other fol low. U h.t ahall I do? Is there no heln. Why did you all not tell me That is man's department should ho depend of woman power for nothing? What a human cry there be and sucb a set of men; where to go know not, or what o lo hut asking questions. Women I say they are lessening man's wages every day the increase of moi:ev which have forfeited for -v,o!n vear. She even de- IUV " T maods our right aud expense She has no right in buainess of .n. kind. All we wk ia to have nnr meals and rest at night from our laborB over night and to make our joy iu the world. Aa to tee duty of women, is to ran their homes and be good in our ab sence. As to little girls, they start to school for education; when fin ished remain at home till duty demands. Ordinary women are no aocount to enter business that belongs to man. There are some - places which is respectful for woman to command pin money in many ways. Put then she don't Trant to bother business care though single, and above all to keep oat of the polls. Let us do work at home, and bring the woman into our work knd use her there. How long will it be till the women give up nd resume their places to us, it would sent out quick. Does this not go to show that women lessened the wages upon man in the past. A young girl, just bordering on but it is unlawfal to tafce a man's life. As to capital punishment if a question to he decided by the bs of judges of the cotitractiajt parties for crime committed. The Bible says ont of the heart the month speaketh and the lack of judgment cannot he molested with .crimea m all its branches am not unlike medicine in all whon w" wore ! diseases to he !aV"n before eatinjr he time while a tablespoon aftproarh meal and r go ahont of becoming acquainted? Yes, acquainted. A picture to see th"m while m the mood, lady quite pretty, and knowing, to any man's estimation, hot yon may think are not loving but am all the same and know it but uever tell it all the' same; requirments, to perfection is, health, happiness, ali in rfopial Hfe, is important fan we not le too cautious nn to man's estimation, for he lias th (lowor for home comforts as well with responsibilities in all things, und mav be 111 doinir his lst, and tj. moot wi'h II requirments of ttdiiiiratiou and yon msv think w don's , ,1m' we do nil 'he nam" An one w:ilk down !h -tre -1. 1 n wm 1. 1 pwhi i.i 11 f " n-t'fi m miw wmt wmm H4, '- ' -TS oi - .: St . .' v . . . ' ' '.-"' J. I - " r V r' V. . v ' . . r ' ; -y x - l - : Fuller, D. t. ers, fathers, brides and grooms and-all such at the approach of 0. W. V. Gate. . Such luxury is at last songbt after and we are jjlad to see it. Can 1 add more, while the fast moving stood can over run us, but we cannot rnn ovor it answering questions. When von !.avo train, are all well? Yes. Yon will write Leon 'good bye. TI10 train l lows and moves ,,(T. Pome one left datrgage jrnider the neat, 1'iWir lellow, left out of aiL'ht has a jiro on n man (hat is ;,.fi '.irv exciting. Train t th Huggae all oiif. I'.issen- ari' dep.'' aiiri. tn h-ar'ho nri "f .eonrsvn !"?r !ikl heard o.e day wlfon I did io giving you mi not real u a couple wet-., near ;v; conveyaticee 'liev , walking on faster, 'he ..t jKAU ,us .is . voices ,-ame nearer und nearer I !w words as possilde ,v ears. I Mimed .HI "o not 'o d n- I fee! when -11 a' ched fr : 11 ti rail ronl . ;ioar o .,-oti i ' ' ton when on '-vor d ...a ji.M 1 1 o (II ' ll" -am.-;l)ti '11 Vri,e .1 artu-l" So 1 hav. the i.e, 1 of knowl.'dgo by- den .f lh indui-t you lite I, ti How ohm im ! i nvd ing r A lid l.ov it Hp Mi. eiiernl irny-rnv.-l I'll jilam e llld ! -I 'lie rest It 4 ,Ol 111 . HrV'eM t rom .-mM tnprovMo to roiues. 'H I I'll I'. 1 il.KA N Kit WIU'1,1) i.ik .; to -ki.: drive J Prof. J. M. r I I 1 1 H ' . ; HCtloll houht niont. Ah'. niav expect might pp.v. many ways ; v 'in n 1 - ? C1 o'er -U ' J lV l d .-id v ! ' 1 ;e . ( o. w- iiiian n 1 re vent h ' I ' e. . 1 ' M n ,1. ..,.., lV -ct !i As to ;lfe of 11 poll leas rea- 'urli "h i-oiiv. rsatioii. .ind when I ,,,t .i.m,!tmn'i' 1 ...oljed oni-k unit h" iimnlnneii'.'d mi)!" er- .11 ight .aimhiiiif. 'ir-"' " 1 id 'lieu he i was minniiK jinn .11 'mil fearod t might oe :o trnduig in 'he .nnvi-rat ion ,..,.in 'o tuilv .11 mv -at 1 ma- i.i.,., i.u.rtbte.4H. -.-.mi 111.1v 'bmk i i il,.,v ,l,.l :... .ike :t lull -heV lid. , tu. t is ii'he K.ud ; Lit. -rest opon i f)llllver Hilt-' lleV follllltl tmusiiig us 'o ii witv 't .id en 1 r- jtion was unique alone, l'hu'ik h..v would lull thev .in! very wel ! 11 1 the name. j lln'i -iiug 'o Oiiunuuat 'i i ... , 1 ... ,i , t. "t ( ii.inii i,...ii i end young,, 1'" il.KAK. ' im 1 have once 111.. re .enmrae.l. -".lice 'line. No copies fre.. .u, .1, iiigh art, '".t. are 1 paid torn, due tune. i in .-aeea .if nuiiiaii hxihIhiich . in i Dunier given to I). K. at MaU uo-v ' he own. ! tery I'ark. V mug .loupies nv vgTau I ) I 11 V 1 tell oil i-ORCll Mr ICd ItimilioiiKti. V new ;mi'k at oourt bonne mid rv wen. , . win, nuirdar. 111 winch refill's icciirn uf DUuiBuniMUt can be ing, or doing any ki:nl .11 wors, i rtaiuing to mau's business, a . ..,u..:u,l Kt we do suv. "-" " r ' - ; - , there are lota of w.oin who do , Urawn ana aa ro crima auu ou work in cases of necessities. That : ality result sure to oome. may all t true, all the same, r,ut ; 1. .di at the .lownlall or .aam ..;n I ..r.r m... t. the nreeeutiiu sieuera' ions of the preneut BUM - w j time of'the coming generations of time baa cursed man, pumahmeut nnr voun who dream, because,! ana irouoie. a 10 puui.umm uleae 111 lite thai ie lMlor them. They uever ae yet o.. insider wht ia expected. flit ioeophera nay hut inly -itouea which nuther miiall uioaaea are worthy if iuiIicm. The mtellect iu hapy couples ienerailv in ail utiouaV w'4liui no two alike a , to taa ,WM 'si leau- Tike au old, indulgent chiid, her desires were far above all, as they that have mothers, ever consisted, and the result prove to be disas trous, and I am decidedly op posed to dresses voting. CAPITAL PI NISHMKXT AS TO MY IDEA. Capital punisment and its be lief seems to prove a general make uo upon property aud liber ty of pain of one who seems to commit a criminal offense. It is not applicable geuerally to ciyil actions although there are times, when a demand for pay ment of money aud property and liberty. As legal consequences, of orimee, the infliction of pain uooa the body as can be fouud oy nnlination. The Bible savs what -ft - s God has put together let no man put assunder or take right of for he shall be destroyed. I say punishment in the rela tion between man and God, are unequal. As to delight found by criminals is to kill the result is at the end of time and he caunot esoxpe. It is lawful to punish " . . . - is a misdemeanor in itself aud as to it crimes or punishment I am uwt responsible for the iuful acts of mv ueighhor if h prefers to do the wrong. What good is law if no persecution is needed from knowledge of him who kuows bet ter and yet will not abide nor uor teach. I say destroy all such. What are iudue uood for. or ministers, if not Christianity fol lowed by other editors beside my self had they not an ducatiouai power? Wbeu uudcr the trial ordeal to recogpiz that capital Duuishmeut should not be a duty before ud iu the srght of all men. I leave it with you that capital punishment should be" abolished. fr More business bovs, and littl 1oro attention to streel ing 'hau mice a weli. Watering oart is needed uu Hay wood street three times a week. iiima more buildings on Px-t- tou avenue, and not ao much time iu experimenting. U to the longing, we tiud. J'f f,l.?nf W un riud they are not, but they jtHlptwl Jaeyui the same. Woman g77wir.i ittW CtW' bS,uiauaaoolda. ice. SIT I tUHl onaK y,UUU, two man on gooU iwoaviug 01 u - 1 - that seldom came. WWr" it but they do. THELDMI-Mi TRAIN AT A.-4HEVILLE. BY !. K. ' : HOW COMPLIMENTARY SEEMS. IT Here, what do I see? My trunk is not checked for that eaet bouud train. It is 15 minutes before train tima,and I shall get left. I am left! I am left! I don't want th news, but O, mv trunk! Her ia the train and there, yonder is my trun As I chuckled with toy our heads thrill at the sight, much aauer to move thau ever yet to my ioy I found the train, but no ioy. . ... Movement. We are glad to see having noticed ways some people kuowu each other as sweethearts shall I say, is remarkable. Having kuowu a couple in mysectiou a short time has been found pleasing ia the way they There seems natural admiration between the young sexes in the wmu r(. AniirtaHlft ia m&ilA UD Of tO what it was in former "years amtfthem on our arrival. Leaving, thouith sad. messages, congratula tions well worn out than when we onma I have even noticed Look at family baggage is well as porters are soou ushered out. Trunks, hotes, passengers, moth ' ': iK "1 . a tl 1 1 WhI hn .1 h.Jk..f t J. .l , . - a; wax vm f wugpfyj-w , 1- sAaxl eMh mtwttam aUde tha taradl S .aV' 1 . . .1? 7 l And ma m aliasuac nean, , 'ft'. Uood bye! ?f-W(r.leU)va; Ouly ttaia bitter pain- That w must mt aa stranger If ere we meat again. Uood bye ! Uood bye ! Far dmp aud wide Aoroaa the pathway n The oruel oll of wealth and pride, Iu which , love faiuta aud dies. Though haxt may break. No uwt must fail. Bright amilee must hide paiiv For w must mestt As traners meet. II er we m -. . Uood-bve! Good bye! Aud this is all, ..... 1 eu.. lifi' trmkin The oaat neither due recall. Twaa out au iu ... , For love ia ryiu- old aud dead, He touched our tear In vain For we meet as strangers meet. If ever we meet atfein.

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