xshevillk, c XII wntntilitolHi shmi W "be ad dressed to J. 1. Tetter, TEdltor, 10- meelwv th one ov vak KKAb. fanw life and babits are 'won rTerfol. Hewn tme tbn.jito . tar and no farther, for be will find himself and all tbst brfonpi to "him In a critical condition. In yoath ne forms babito which are esay t first, that notblaK fs thongbtof them. But do they wtop. rlo? He Is not conytnred ! ean'ImproTw as he srrows older , and thinks It Is aohodyw bmdoess " not Me own. This Is tbe time to wmet thsliabltbiit hiB fafinre it aavlag a stroae "will "that he love to Un of main hope and nnactatlons are so wrapped tip there is ao nossMy way of es cape, flatea has been snre, and in the and has driven to dtr op tion by drink, which If earml to excess, which is noise, ranee of anire trnuleV and rsfotstion llsn tornw this bablt in youth j Him thwh no stoppinv thswi.j Year roll on and th rwstilt t man's othr, who ha bar faithfnl over htm hi M hifitncv and trisd to brine him op, be failed, bsr hair of her had haw turned rray, while her bands the were one smooth and shining now laid a way, for heart, with its Tirtw was iu the lite of her boy. But what do we mm" Sons here who were onn well dressed are men in rstrs. ftront' drink ha done the work. I save vox hov , she me, rissh the stuff in tbe Street, shut the dwir upon this vile stuff. We know maVe I if- kaiiifs on a thread, and it tx lui: second that the heart stop twuriug and we are no more. V could nol;, live. It is tiod that give him life. gome hare the wUa thcj' aaacioasiks wrU esbeu tbey die. yet men eau go home under such idsat, fssl well eat be aup- per, be social with hi a family, not bavin; a thought ol.God on his mind. 11 uv be and he's pared the next da v. goes to bus iness; be may keep this op for a limited time and then a change has eome over the household Be as sick, don't feel good, blow up the lamily because things have not tamed out as be wants them, becanse be was too hasty and be ends up iu lee Imp the ef feet of driak. Am to his wiis and children as they look upon bim with cry asfjrrief and abame. When tbey aakjsd H be bas hed a hard day ; tlsnpa boerae ou aaewem to woman, why do you aak" 1 am all ry;ht, go to your room, you can see see in tbe niorniuj;. The next day the wifc? looks at her husband and with a "He has done it mail, 1 most die, that rlnea of mine. Oh, bold me, 1 3 not lira with tbe num. I - JJ tue aao aucn acreame is T& by bar children. Tbe look iippressiop on tbe father and I 'bsr, wbatasicht to behold. 1 io a wife that shall be cat off .1 good aeoral esnecy down to "sd roia. Oh, triesda, oh. ' "J, do turn young man rile glass Give them poverty, and disgrace ' - IcMiod io best aociety ry thing else baa been :atde is sure to come. ustrtiona. thoar&nds in i . are caaei some tiling like ut rideDoe from ail courses le ended ia the social frW,, - ' Times roll on aad in about three moatbs there u a alight change lor the father to reform and the first ten days ot him ex periment bekwriike""himelf aiin, ao that bis Irelnds will recooUect bim again; this makes mas feelgood, wbeu back to old times once more. - ' rid counties, men capable ol holdinp positions that doubtless wonld become masters of an hfn- et Hvti made by the sweat of their browtheir own bread and butter by personal applies tion if they leave drink alone and one Ot the Bret things to do Is for man, who wants bis powers at their beet Is to get rid of sell no- tione to etop thinking ahont himself altogether. God puts Into tbe beart of a men, the powers whose pnrpoess Is to help man along In life. These powers are Tore, and work tot oar fellow-men and in theso power man's hopes are to be resrae merely from self conseions ness and cane not from drink, not from society, bot from the heart of a gentlemanly manner, fer oat of the month the words are spoken but onee, and il not erfti! dnmsgee In at hand. D. E VAI.HAHI.K l.ITKHAK WORK. J. W. Fuller, T). E., hH prerwr- el for th- pre mi amhitiont Htnl sontwhM pemMt-kiihli- work. ntithxl. -The I,if nl Httn of MHti." Whetin'ed it will be a vlnme of mimim- hundreds of pHtree rep) l'ti proronno thnirht nml t (intiireil win- diri Th' (iMnicr- f thi-ln r.u !. th-litrtv l ptwn! to its render im- vxtmt t Smnx ' Tit- Uff Mlt.i llillli'- of Mlll " SH jriVeii h!o "TDK H. 111 Wha Ik t In it liTt Hi' iiiiertinw tliiiit tli. r.k hi nut! to know ttm! i! ii, jrriiu i will kh irrwit i helt to nl wti" iov it m.i I; cher- isli it i ItiVhe Bri ii(Mtniir' it le looknti iifMtii ' sweet nes-. a who i; will tsfci' iifter nnd who it look lir1' ; ' Many phtne Imve tieen lotiiui a- who ru! what it shall l in coun- ol time slioulii U he burn s Inn, there will more tjtkei up, more pain sfisr ei, and het.rc morn whipping to rlj-ki,. in nvl,r 1i- nt him ill , r . t; .i. shape for h puwutt.. we look v . J i ; .,; rn tiu, I iu li, '..iu tin mtermitinr? . . ' ., , . , ' .. spectBMUi that is looked anon an ' a Ten' marked character and the mother or father of it i to ing to have tt (It) wonder wiieti it grows up. and so by the numlwr of kiasss bssUnved uxi its cheek and the number of pole on its cbeok or baud or the uumber of buuuom aud haudliug it baa. tli many knock ud scratclies it bas rsoeived, all theaeend many more go to show tbe imperfec tioue the child will do in its every 'day 1 if. This ts u. he seen in course ot time after the stages of tbe nursery room or the cou- tiiiement of tbe niotber, duriug tbe first weeks or so in nursing. Alter this te gone and the child uas become iteell to go about with the baud of iu nurse, it will then be time to give or. form a general idea as to bow tbe child is to be brought up. I have been told by ao many people of bte wears that I ought to see tbe baby as it is so sweet so nice and want me to form my opiuiou as to who it looks like, to which ' I have answered . The babe is young aad 1 cauuot tall as yet for ail babies look alike, aad will duriug tbe first period of infancy. Tbe mother cannot always' tell in looks of tbe babe like a stranger can and there is such a beapatlha a good man and a detertai differenee of bringing up chlldWu 1 nation to lean, be will aoon be- on tbe part of tbe mothers Viiat 1 at times makes s diCerence us to I bow tbe young one will be brought op by spanking for every little thing tbey do which is not always a good thing to do and at times make tbem noiaier than they .really artu I have been spared myself by ao much ia just this way. I have been told by the way I bare been brought up and yet it was never discovered until I bad been a fall grown man, when one day I was asked why I acted ao foolish, I said J kuew not, unless it was in the uumber of .whippings X received in my in fancy and tbe troth was acknowl edged on tbe epot, for had. it not been so, Ishoaldr bave basn- a better baby and a better man. This is only and a practical illua- t ration on the life of babyhood from the way some peopl bring no their children. Heme mothers uW t he idea of scolding their children to a sreat extent and tbiit U not in keeping tin " Taws' to a' great eient. So I ssy the babrs soft tender heart has Its Ways and It bat Its lit tle touches It should be ttwd as delicate as tbe finest needle on tbe lightest piece of sarin ts If will fade. fty the time the ha be gets to be 6, 7, R orft months old we can see n great change In it from the time it wan born. If we cannot see for onrselves, it looks flrvt to have its pictnre t aken st 0 months old and then again at '1 yeere old If it lives thnt long and doinir well, we then en see a. change'. We speak more from wht"l have seen in late yearn but 1 cnnnot judge from the time I whi a be by of many year ago. I lrv seen ItftMes who would hmve their own parentM Mnd come to me a I am so nice to them havinir had some experience in j this direction upon how some hahew who have left fatbT and i mother end I might n,v siotef !nd brother nnH hnvt- ttiketi nt i with me who biriLr a totnl strnrt Itjet t" M'trrent xtent Hint evei: come to iii" am! eu'l me pn ri nml thi'v iliii tim like tlieir ! piipH hihI Iwj; me to lei them iconic snd I re with m. I likf the tmb" when it ire so it don't : t cry urn! cnii fit cpiitely ntwl tie i come interewteil on im lnf. but deliver me from n bawlnit cliHil " of our large citie, or von can see ion the streets ot hiiihII towns bnbee if loreottee mot her who have gotten out of patieniv with f their oflsprtuj: hik! tmv- entered 1 the den of hhIooii for drink 'with their tiiiMbitiid 1 don't isny th' e-lucnteil mother in re : fliw HiM-iety woiilil do the like hut it I the lower clou of wntiH't! who are not Hiivndiiii: iii our so- . . ,, , ieial intercourse tuat wniild dnwi degrading tliuigt U kiuve their , , . , , A cou'ie end I igo in for such an unruly thiug ex i lto drink, then rome out iu an un- j conditional state of drunkenness 1 and beat the little bube to deuth. bulte were uot sent in tbe world lor any such conditions as this. Tbey are our blood and we lire ' the preuioriers to their being and I we are responsible for the oause tbey buve doue aud are our ! rights, our happinese, onf res ' pousibili ties and we must nee , them well. '-HOi HOOD.' We now eonie to s little more advscd stage of the youth hav ing had the first stages of baity hood for the last IS months be grows iu the shape of a boy, hie clothing L.a to be lengthened, bis buttons made larger and his whole development from bis tiny waist to a larger proportion to that of a small boy youug, ac tive full of pranks aad notions up to tricks getting in all kind of miacbief borne or abroad. Boyhood is a matter of great importance, what the boy is, ao will tbe man be. We must, look to education, select good schools and beet teachers and if the boy eome, ia course of time a bright aud active student. Boys are different in this respect while others are busy with their books others are m 'mischief that : it keeps a mother eye on bim lor many a year. Have we ever tbe peculiar workings, tbe mind has over tbe boys during tbe time of youth op to the time they are 21. Tbe first period ia known ae fun with the boys, tbe last ob servation ie known as tbe imper fect gentleman and that of per fect one Jn every respect.' The imperfect boy a.t times ig bard to control aud require a great deal of watching in order that be may not become too bold. Some boys need more discipline than others. While others need more, for what the boy is, that is what a man he ' will m ake. Boy h ood is n at u r ally the last step the father made before he died, he set his wa.vs anil as to how he wished his boy brought pp nml if lie win a good man and a html working end n temperate man, liv t-fie roy will surely follow sooner or later into the road his fa.ther went. But shonld the father be otherwise n ungentleman Hud bad ways, why his boy will lie th same. Boyhood is not an ensy matter to always lie relied upon aml tlip only thiiiK is 'o choose n good aim in life and then follow good company, keep out of bn'd tempt ation. and alwaye N h ippy at home as abrond. An I have snid before, boys will Se boys, the world over and we have to une the best method" that we know how In order to Veep up rtnr rep utations nml bmM up a good character. 1 hnvp not bnd much ns' for hoys in my lif" ns 1 fonnd that little girln have been my ed tser for many ve'ars and I have si ways had a home feeling in their society most nil my lif'. 1 wan once a boy myself nml diir intr tnv bo hool (Ihvk I never ws" sdpiit'eil to be nlone in biv- couipsny es my kin folk?, hmt en nle I would lw ih in'fi IH1 teinptHtioii" and I innv tie conrif n bm! I nrnl i'M up a lHi Sinn Yenrt. nill on. umlnn, nnd on, and I wm. kept in linunds miiil I wnsnhoiit 2ti vesr of nire. Then 1 wax l-triTi in-il to look out for n.yw'lf Mini jrot m. I would ii.it can- fot nor the ixmu! ir:ilii' nf h me. I loet nil enre fiii reHillnsi, I did not like hitrhei c)h ol peole tliHti of my Httniit i hi: and flt better when out ol ight of my fmui'y mid their re- lutioimhip. 1 wit n r until I could how contenteil the world whut could ! i 'lie tv tt xniLl. 1 made ti ni'xle! inui. Mnd now p-o- pie ar' sorry tliut t he did not j give nte a chum-e when I wnj younger. Tin i m ptirsouul cane of the lile of boyhood boys, as a j rule urv coming on iu the oppo Hite raMe thev thiuk thev kuow uir; at the mr , of 1-2 Hnd 14 than their bit her do ut . 40 btid 50 yent. Boys in thi period of lile is not more than out of the rocking cradle, . tbey are ouly foundations stone of the mas- sive house they, see building, There area great many thibgs left iu .ore and each cut is to lie fitted by one certain boy. We have places to All in life and when we;are missed or gone there is no 6ue to take our place. We are nova our sud men once aud j the spare moments are to be used in our younger days. Time ) is short and ure calliue may- be ': for s day as au hour. We kuow rnot-bow long we live, how much ! we will do and uot credit, fur what we bfave lett undone. NO CHANGE IS THE WEAK. TUert js uo ebaug In the Oueau There is uo eheuge io tbe riea If Uwre is no change In you, darling There ia im change iu uie. The elonus era us tW Ooeau The Has befiiMi to roar Tbe emrtb shall ioae is inotiuu If I prove faW to thee- I have s ship on the Ooesu AU liued with silver aud gold Before my love should suffer That ship .shell be suobroed aud sold. I saked your mams for you KUe said you were too youuK I wiah J had never aoen you, dear Or that you tutd never beeu horu. There is no change io the Ooesu I There Is uo change iu the Bun If there ia no Chauye ia you, darling There will be uo change is me. Oh, isn't It sad to leave yos dear Ob isn't It sad to part, Ob lent It sad to leave you thus It alinoat breaks ley heart. The storms are ou the Ocean The tie begins to roar The earth shall lose lis niotiou Jf I prove false to thee. The above words yere found ou s sheet Of paper sod I). E- thought " It suitable (or his Ulkanek. . Blind George is the ut)sr. epme Where In Asbevilla, Out ot 10,000 windmills and eburau spires (6,000 of each) of the windmills will be struck by lightning to only 69 of the oburoe THE KiSlTOUS VACATION. It was of the (.Hiinlnic to the .woods A iliHtii!guilieil editor he Hew While around Southern home Me iilnlMte.) ot eoinlni; to our wnodtt TTis journey wa f:r and near Willi liifmy :i hen-lie hn lT"in miny nilr-vi.W li- -tneH liln flKbt. And now again he Is w ith u- jto ntght. The Ashing employs his mini! With raptnres he doth flow For lioat!. within, And himf-f without Until hut little to do with him. He tint his if ii hies and txilc astray. Around efieh enn ..Ine nook, e, And oh, those luneins he stores sway. fs simply by ! rnnnih-jr hmol; Hi- romanltle sir He splnshps out With ninny mountain elmin Kiu nhnvc hltn and h-lo hini His little voice rinifs out. r Hc eamrhi a trout run ,ly And how he manaited It ahont His line eauifht upon n twig And he morel v li1 ifet out w P-m': pldl don't pull Heplle.l Ills uiil-le Hiid friend, I et the :.tt atone. .Tusi wail -l hii, 1'ntil 1 Ket to tin- end . The boatman snon fw-retiatier It-'aVhed out hi- ban-l ! tlic t,rnn-'h, l'u I ted in the t wiif ttm' hehl the line. Ami hniele-1 i ! hi- iiiun kiml. lAnek t. his seat the irui-li' enme, And line upon line the fishes, came Wan. lemur what it all was about 'i'luii i hi y -hoiild !- lilx-rly To -lie a tin ' it -! -leal Ii . An. I fal-riway niitli t it i le l.reat h, On spoi'd t:t- tioal -if llli-ft -if tw-i I vin ; In--i:ine i tiir iv,u--r- a- thy vt-,'nt tiirt'iili. While mountains ,t lnfi lt,'ii-' I I ,lok llttH tt 1 1 f , I thfll. Tile flshiTliiell hrit'llf .'k i mr in-t hunrli ; ni! till nut of iirhi. MiM. Till A ? I IN P A ( K ' The I is ' i ti utsl ei I I i i ; ut' the Il i.k asm: te -i'ti!itig I i Hut i inicr vii -nt ion am uj. the nohle and romm tie AdirottdiU'k Mountains of N -rt hern New York We are plensed to learn from hini that h m liuviug n ro'.nl fioii time and improving, in tinml i ttj ImhIv after hie uriinoiiH duficM coiinis't ed with the publication of ho unique and pttwertul a journal as Fuller's Glsaskk. he in greatly missed by his many triends - in Ashe vile who are auxiouHly look ing forward to his early return to tbe Land of the Sky. The Au gust uumber of the Gleams will lie furnished with copy by the D. K. from a ilistHnce hik published as usual abouLtne middle of the month, ...We trust no harm way come to the I). E. during his ex tensive summer travels, but that kind Providence ma protect bim and bring him buck to us re freshed, recuperaUd and unharm ed, aud that the (Ji.kanek may grow and increase and soon be oome the far-famed and altogeth er cuaurpnssed journal it is early dostiiMtd to lie. Slnte Keoister. J X UC JL UUl of a Fly" rJti says aa eminent English doctor, "will carry enough poisoa to inicct a house hold. " la sumawr-uiDC, Bore cspeo wily, discsK germ 11 ih air, sudo tudes arc uilectcd, tall ill, die saalo nxics etcsps. These siasengerf ot suschief do not c I'M iorsallhoa. Wky molt Bccsum they are healthy sad strong protec ted a a crocodile tsagsiast gua ahoc It u the weak, tka wasted, rhc tbio-bloodcd wke tall these who aaee ae feeisdeefoersr as that s sodJcs cough or cold develops into grsver diseaae. We hen of catching discus I Why sot catch health We cas do it by alwss nuinuioiog our healthy weight. of Cod-liver Oil, is coodsased nourish anent; lood for the building, up ot the systea to resist the attack ot disease It hould be ulea ia ressonabls dose sfl summer long by ' all those who, weight is below the standard ef health. If you are losing grass1, Iry a bottle fat sals or all srssstsu at we. aa4 suss Who eu think of nonui aiiimhs Su4 Ut ut tiru swuusa Uirwuuu eauUaT . M wt UsTli tiyrup. TevsUs (Jooi Vm f 1 t 1 In tlni. Hold br drutftrLtii. f -f TO PRESERVE GUT FLOWERS. Slmpls bnk fltoetle Measures for lonalos Their Lire. ., The woman who wishes to enjoy the whole of tho short life of her cut flowery instead of only k small ; portion of it, will not settle down upon any one nndoviating roothod for preserving thoni, but will rtitnor vary it, acoordiTig to tho different causes which load to tboir decay. Tako, for Instance, the flowora of S sueculont naturo like the tria. Tho stems, when put into water, slough away and soon givn forth an nn ploasnnt odor. There arc two rome. dies Which may bo applied In this case, tSther one should pnt a mild disinfectant In tho wafer and fro: qnontly cbango It ot cnt off thoendi of the stalks at short Intervals. A good point to remember In fjnth. erlng flowers of the Iris family, and Indeed all succulent plants liko tho primrose, the snowdrop, tha lily hnd tbe prpy ,8 r'ek them while still In the bud, as they will often stick up enobph water to qnito carry ont their natural life. Another flower whoso stem most rapidly decays and corrnpte tho wa ter Is the mlenonetto, and It la ofton best, therefore, to sacrifice it Whllo its head Is still freshly green. Hello, trope, liko mltrnonctto, sboold al ways bo put in -water by itself, for it hot only fades and turns brown rapidly, but it will kill almost nny flower pnt with it. The emiso of decay in bnrd wood ed plants like the nznlon and cninpllin is that thoy do not tnkn up enough. i water, not that tboy have nny tend ency to pollute it, so thnt to cut their stalks frequently would ho of lif.ln ...nil Tttaft V, .1 Kritlln wnnl has no power of absorption, bnt if, when putting such flcwovs in a vase- or bowl, von make sure that tho low. est leaves attached to tho bWsone are under water, the effect is magto. nl Tho tender green of tho fresh loaf Bbsorbs tho wntor and acts ah a conductor, in its turn nourishing the blossom. Forns, and ospoeially maidenhair, are vety short lived when thoy have to bxik to tho stem alone for nourishment, and the most effectual way1 to prescrvo thorn is to see that-the lower part of' every frond is well under water. Cut flow ora roquiro as a rule a fur larger quantity of water than ia given them, though the capricious bowls and Vasoe now in vogun come much nearer mooting their wants than the slender, elegant forms that continue to adorn our cab'inota and mnntola. We must be guided in our expecta tions of the longevity of a flower, however, by its normal life and not expect the frail blomom of a day to rivabihe splendid orchid In its throo weeks' duration. "Flowers should si ways bo plaood in water as soon as possible after bo te g picked. When reoeived by post in a somewhat wilted condition, an immediate plungo into hot water with a little sal volatile will accom plish wonders in tho wuy of reviving them. Lilac, laburnum and sznloas re quire to have a piooe ot2 thtrbork' strippod up and left hanging, and thia, with tho addition of a few loaves in tho water, will ofton keep them in quite a froth condition for weeks. Tho bouquet which you have car ried during an evening will be sure to revive again if you will spray it well with water and put it under a bell glass, nml if you wish to wear flowers in your hair or on your oor- ji t, lhv mnv Iw miuti, to rntjkin their freshness for an entire evening by putting a bit of cn!iii(r wax over the end. New Y u '.: Bun. The loss of Olil Cqtu. Efforts wero coiiUnuully being made in England to keup down tho number of iuna. In the ruign of Ed ward I thore were only 3 in tho whole of London. Even in 1663 no more than 40 were legally porniitted ia the metropolis, now spreading out its boundaries on evory side. York might have 8, Norwich, Exe ter and Cambridge 4, Bristol 6 and Oxford 3. These rogulutions muat have been set at naught in a very wholesale mannur, for half a oun tury later there woro 400 "houses of call" in that port of London known as the city, and- no fewer than 'H clustered round Covent Uurdon. In medieval Oxford it was ruled that no "viotualar'.' was eligible for the oilioe of mayor, and this term in cluded an innkeeper. Good Word SwiaSlaSV 1 First Street Fakir It's a shame, Bill, to think that any One would swindle a poor, hardworking man that way. Beoond Street Fakir Why, what's the trouble? First Street Fakir Here I've worked bard for half a day painting op a sparrow into a ren bended Dul gian canary, and I'm blowed if the fellow I sold it to didn't give me a counterfeit half crown for it Lon don Tit-Bits. . . Peculiar Butterfly Colors. In -India thoro is a species of but terfly in Wbiob the male has tbe ot I wing y ouo w ana tne right wing red. The colors on the fumulo are v(ua