41m nMrair J If 1 1(1 l 11V 111 I)ri;(,iril to the interest. of Straw (Xo.ttftf. Ln.ifjjrndrnt tit jjtjittf. VOL. X,tNO. 9. BRYSON CITY N. G, THURSDAY, FEB. 28, 1889. PRICE $150 PER YEAR I ; ,-W.UN idl'M'Y 1IKISAI.I). 1!. K.UK I i 1 - -!it' r prupricti.j-. ; IflMCK, 51. 0 IVr-Ycar. ? .I'u'iiUdi-d "every Tlinrd-iy :it I!ry.-on City, Sv.-;tin -county, N. C. . d' ;-ti-t!-' r.-ttcs n on:iliI" aiwl ftir- ( 'n i i:rii, and Si.iav School lnti:ToiTY. PifK-KV ri:;;:i an Ho'-i )y of l'.ryon ('it v. S- : i o:j lir t Su nL-iv of itv month in At:;:! -in v. :t!t 1! v.. and 7 p. in. Kcv. Sami-it, r'or. V.M ri-,- ("iitircii of i'.t v-oii itv.-Service in Acrid vitiv; :i! 11 i- "d l- " 011 M-.-o:i'l rind' third Sunday of every month. liv:!i-l;i:isr Jnd !i:in !i " 'oin're;;cc on Sat nr.hiv !.or- thir.'t Si'.iidnv nt 11 m. ' - . B Ki.v. .. II. ! LOCALS. i Xofn k! I5v an net of the Ijeiri-datu 17th. li'.thc nameiit the v leston Swain county! In. C. was changed to .irojii. ny. .vppiicuuon nr; tlur lostollii-e lenartment It Washington 1 to have the nam of the post to correspond. Notice of the promptly given iii thcllKU.J Bryson City Band. re passed .Tan. ! Ilage of Char- j lji-en made to office changed hange will be i LI. I When sturnw cavort n round And yon !y light of taper Sit i-Ioselv bv the evening ti to. To read yonr country, psiptr, Jiit thiv.h of him whose v To ve:t r iiwav the winter, Ami put tlm question to yourself 1' .-. i.roit. i-'r Xortln in Dcntocrnt ((Ira k-lingMieh.) : t 1'! o'clock t.td-7!t. ..I :: i ii i"t 1 ; n Main M t ;'i: it. i'r:.-tor. Sunday selioo! fin. 1 . K. 'oliJi'.:: Superin- Ki i -c ; ;. S'ii"ili. ('l-.ureh t, Hi-vsou City. Kev. I'. T. 1 I.j. vx l'rofor." S. i a in s fourth Smidav in rvi-rv month rtl 11 rt. m. and , p. in., ami on Satin !.i v hi !. Sunday school every SiW'.hiv rit I'J o'elocl; ri 1. V. Coiiley Si:-..-rliit"!iiIei.t. ' ' I:, v- i '. McLean :!-) t"'-' i"iiov . ... I 1 . v- !M.;l':m i:t-: Mmvvl lfCK ur.-ipmi I)nt forirct the incc-liiiLroii Thurs day nip.ht. Work on n trravel wa K.itiar.- to M. T. Daftle' A c;U"1o:m1 of ohacco l'roiii rrv.-(tn City . last ".ml tiioiv is fNjn-iveoivd All who are intere -welfare of the, village a urwlli, !( sure to coin lav Uiiiht. i J. li. Kal)V U hull aruimd, tli' lot he pure Col. lliV.-ou rc's'uiv k from the ; house has Kvas .hij)pe(l j I 1 hursday, ; d evervdav. i f ' " ! ted in the ! hd its rajtitl I out I hurs-' !'. i:Vverv (u-.nth a.n.l Saturday hi-lore !nakiiv4 :i hjrtre - ehiekeih' Itark of it.i .1 'l t a. ' : 7 p. m. Sumlav .r-elio.d at i . ' " ' . 1 ; " ' 1 ' J 11' -It 1 A T T 11 I J. ... . ill . . ' " 1 1 s t : 1 -1 1-, sfc-.-oiid Sun -lay 'in every mouth a 'i ! Saitirdriv 'l.vfo;-,- at !1 :'. m. and 7 p. -i i. Sui:-i::v!' s-ho-! ::t a. tn. Prayer i. !:! :u -v.-i v We.lii.-s.lay night. Witc'lu-rs i lirtpcl third Sunday in every i : s . . t 1 1 am! Saturday 1 i-nv at 11 a. m. and 7 .o. m. Sin!-IaM'!iool r:t a. m. Prayer . t i ei Sutrday a: p. m. AVorld on A. M. FrvV j)ro;re.ssin ranidly. Jt arrd one ; oi v hiuli. It two rooms with a (irepltiee in each.; ;:h . ios. ; K.MM ; r rch. .1 udson X 1 ? . . . I I i ! Six men ;;nd seven a advantage of lire .-aiow dowii . ;;toUiit JVushm r- i !x hunt. 'j'hey ad.Jired 1 wo he- i fore iKiin, so savrf-J'j. ( i:';t.:r. :-e!'V!l'CS S v . .' r . . . . - i a . . 1 1 .. . :u tu - i:iV b The -'railroad comna Sr;i.ei'eu lion oois ai for mar-kim: the seetion theV AVOldtl liirike li ! ' 1 ii'ovision lor nriiiu'e.s i !!; : :i ni l: i; v' I'.a ! ! hurrli, llirdi ... . .1. 1!. ( Jm-c;). pastor, rv! t ! iifjj i . , .!.. v. ...ch.-.oi at U m. on Xhy folirtU!. ji(j V(u no.J f,c S.ti.he. in e-. iisoutit antl tne :t u. rna-T twforv. i I :' 1 ) V Sundav : !,.t Pirdt-o'.vn.; meets , 'ur ijcaa si lio.d hoi:-c ( very Sunday at ' a. I. if' Y... Keef.cr Sttpertnt indent. ' eomliture vhen 1 that jlas- v.'as p i n r rou n d at Mr. L'a fierwood's Iriee rttid lr. ciuvj nea . ii-.. i ftifii n t men t . .; Rev. Ch II. ( hut h lattieo work :unl- rail in J poreh o!" iiis ioue, tl i.m')i"ovii!.u" its j Me.n m ii v in s:m. 1. .i,i: A. 1 and A. M. will l.c ur.-ai.;.! .semeiii !ui i,-rr the eeming : '' S;o!!r:'rov. r.:- n i.iootii. I . Iv .' 'oi lias W.-M,.' The led-e ! a 1 n v w; ndtw on 1 lie sat; lAiM.lcliiv is one oi i:ie imia-si ! ro-u:: in tn M . . AI .,.. '. ; .31 ; in V..-t.-r:i Xorih Carolinn. As .mkhi ! '--V-' -'r' ' t'l'i:- i i rii i t : : : arrives formal posesio: Irtra-K'e Coojter m. A vjil tah ! i ! ' s i : , : A.Ni) 1 ;:or !()XA!. ( 'AKOS h. LKATIIKHWOOD.- "ill IURHEiI -ftl L.1Y,, Uryson City. X. ('. S'n ei.d htt.-tit.t'n given to ( 'ollcct ion ol t'l.iir..- J.nd inve-tiii.it ion of Land titles. ' a. .f. fi:y. ATTORHEY AT LAW, (frv.-f.'.i ity. X. ('. . i .1 ti . ; ' - .'7 mae.e l':e l: i-.i!AJa(. om Sain rday afteinn; in a ii utter and thr o really dark after the: I ) s.) si :ne ylorel .l Will: Bryson yillUt i-i'lent, mil ;ly ren I I e has houirl 1 1 - a ! beaHtl ('til. )von on .the. hill ( ""ol.V Jioiise,- i: ii t il I ntei imni,etliately." Bohins will supidv him Avi ' i : Aratt. Mass.-y was in lav ami in lesitonse said that trout lishin would he slow spttrt. o' I and ice in the) reel j rain would lix thinirJ I Bui he said that if an vIodv wanted Ivottr door, rk tints helps : Yng a fence : hased from lie intends ! The memlters of the band met Monday night iu a called meeting with Vice President I. D. Coiiley in the ehair. The ro41 being called and minu ten d previtjus meet ihg read, various motions were -entertained and dis- ussions were pointed, evincing a determination on the part of the members to succeed with the work in hand. Collections arc coining in grad ually, the citizens seem determined to help the boys and a flairs are assuming such a shape that suc cess is assured. f ,i The instruments are now in the express oilice here and the commit tee .are anxious to 'complete the full collection and take them out and desire to enlist all the pecuni ary helptliey oan and this promptly. The directors are in correspon dence with one or two gentlemen who desire to teach the band. It is well known that the instru ments bought are of brass the best matle and remarkably cheap. The -meeting adjourned to .meet Friday night next. 1. B. Conlev Vice Pres. N. B. Thompson Sec. Yoang Mens Literary Club. new oflice is s 1-4x24 feet ' will contain- loumls took ': ast Fri.lav.l 1 and had;:.' j .Montoith.i tv has dis-! in: the line i i '..Wo wish': ! permanent i hd trestles. : ! .1 . i oks of; dis-; vham wine itMipening" v;ts a st lid v j i' y wept allel ; do iWc front ;' 'rcM" much .nowiiex I , i l iv t 11 le builtlinir. i i ; f t fgie v ranks ; The above organization met at the academy Thursday night Feb. 21st antl discussed the following question. Besolvcd that Xaturc furnishes greater attractions for thi eve than Art. 7 'The meeting was opened with r"aver bv Be v. Mr. (.'itureii. Much belter oniei- was obseived than at the last niceting. - Ak iter ii .very thttrough diseusion of theubjeet on lxitli sides, the decision was left to the president, Bey Church and A. Franklin, wh decided in fay or oi'the allirma ti ve. A small number of visitors w( re in attendance.. We were glad, to see them ami extent! our thanks to them for their presence. We heartily wish all living with jin reavli, to attend our meetimrs. -; , V.E. Angel 1 J Secret arv. Large families. line Massie e a call la.- ; set us a tl ' uee : seemet i dep.arture. ; n be inde- io no man. ' a! lot tVm north of the ; Is builtling n's saw mill ; h material. t ! iwn Satur- o inquiries. ' g jut now ; v im; to snow A warm favorably, i I Here is a sausplo of wh;t the nViountains of V. X. (.'. can do in the way of large families.- Major Campbell is our informant.' S. I!, llogue stud wife of tb-e county of Graham, both living and about fifty-five years ot age, are the father and -mother of thirteen child ren, all -living, have sixty-three grand-children. -sixty of them living and three living .great-grand-chi hi re n." ';Why .pshaw' says - County' Clerk, (iibson, "1 can 'tell almost as good as that. There are iWwrteen of us children and eighty-five grand children. Father and mother and ten of ! the grand-child reii are dead." The Successful Farmer. 'to idi i ve deer r take a a v ! to call on him ami 1; R L. Davi.;. ' eoiinnodate t heni. nna P?:4iU?TT nfiUSQ ! We were out la.st Th UilOi Sk2.rin(.l I IVi mi?tg A. M. Bunjtstt. '3 PHYSICIANS i noon with ( S. Hill ft i secured some verv i-it i t 1 a J lOr rAMC i 1:11 eleeimen. j i ik Cfc ounvauviiiu.!. mentlonct P.i v son ( 'it v, X. U'. Ai.n ltroyetl exceedingN 'All calls sf.-m',tly idled, .Ayhen the tees ! Part ot tile material IS are paid or secured. The latfAis invaria- , rhiV, crumbling Oil CX blv .lemanded. Kach ot-, nntli.w his oavu - " , , 111. - M ...I.I. ' -'., ..tw.,W, .. S containing olack. leal j - - Pierre (,,'aub'ctj ami : from the Department ; r ranee crime into Iry i Saturday with a lard j brow n bear. Hvervb trsdav. after-; ir vjuide and ; vstihg min-1 lead of lire ' I in lathveekVIlKR-j intf-resting. j 1 iiiic brown 1 it , , 1 osure to tne ejyidentl v d ! PifcDMONT WAOONS ; For Safe i'V B. EVERETT Bi;von Cit v, N. C. .- out to sv. thi' bear per3orn ami the.1 MOONEY & SOMEROW, ( ''!itr!;?'tir- ami luildrs, ' !h:soh Cit v, X. C. i st-eivs ot' t ire hotel Avt 1 1 . . . - j As tlte wind up ot the was made to climb .a tnorcs were not to his i an oak was selected. i li ; or J'hirty leet frot.t a li tills broke, the b '"struck tn his httnl. ii . ' ' heavilv that s'in" of ... ..ri.i .I.,. 1 ;rirans were r u 1 tu i'- d ; resulted ijistantlv. T.-v.t. IV-Sdo, Want, cte., twrnty-f;v : 'Mr, Charlie Hudson . ' -V" , ;die en r.ju-mg ana prop i up six hundred head. " : ' ; ' " hi. 3 phtee a fv.' da v.? si . Fcr- . I bc"wVc:i o; and two h r. . , 4. j i'n )u::-aoll. .Thi. it u . o ".-,, . i.'O n ere.; iHiC-ly tim-:.- ;,, i-j,r,i .(, 1 . , A . 1 . . . 1 - 1 x' ..... - , ;v-1-1-- - -y" ll;1L t,ccn written up tor yt .X. :il 11-11 J ! -I .1 I ..--..- ..vt--.l t 1 ncamsiw mui.j t no aiviaca cxtirc?r f,;th in, but th .-run muwrur. l,-.ft it inl' :l tl'Mr-rr I v " ...... j-j practical operation. Aj vteorne to moved c Baku, Mi; it win X: Hodge. For Sale. j sec' Mr! Ilu-dson ljuittiihg into prac 1.. 1. i 1 4i . At the IlKRALrt ofnee, Cbattle Mortgage blanks, Land Fntrv war- rautb. tice Avhat we have h this country was peer. ted to, and we most 1 him biieec Frai'l 'u urkey hunt. ; won hi ae-, ajies' ( 'an ' i Ariegt: n "(fit v last ' ? European dv turned i re frowded. show bfaftin ; t rtvk SVca- Hiding a lid ; ;hei twenty I thi" uround hrlhl aiid b- -t ruck si tis internal . J aiM death is gotng into tses huyiiig Wo jiassed I ! . 1 , t L(Li ami f aw ; i ml red ii..;i line t T I - -ked up and r: ;ml a lus our citizen.-1 cy ha-vc ' j to put into "c are a ?iow arc triad to mr thought '. .liarly alai-: eartil v wish ' The question may heaskel what constitutes a sueci'ssf'ul farmer? Different. persons give different an swers. To one farmer success means:! continually increasing bank aecounB to another, farm improve ment -and improved farm buildings, but there are some men who do not seem 'In ' know what ; success means. To our mind the most sueeessful farmer is not always the man who raises the largest crops and sells them tor the most money, or who lfas the finest stock and farm buildings, fir the largest in come of money, but be who most benefits himself, his? family, and the world, in whatever position he may fill. A fartm r may have wealth, fine stock .and farms, ami still there may be no sunshine in the home. The outside world will look tin such a man and say. '"There is a successful farmer, he is making money, look at his property and farm." But while his fields arc fertile his home -is a desert. The, farmer to be successful in life musl cultivate his mind us --well as Ids land. He must bear in mint! that he is dependent on others, as others are upon him, he must bring con tentment; happiness, patience and a home love into t he work. TlieUarmcr must realize the fact That he is ;1 citizen, 'and that he shou Id Vbc public spirited. A man is r omctime:- said to have reached the i j round in the ladder, but if he ha- reached the top by pulling other- down, wc can hardly call his effort a success. So if the farmer has grown rich, in landsaml money by making others poorer, w e do not by any mean.- class him with the sueeesrsful. ' ' - . Suecerrs in life means intelligence, brotherly love, honesty, public spirit, generosity, and a continual desire to do right, not from mere poliev, hut from the heart. , Truly II. D. C. - PERSONALS. ' A. J. Wiggins went to Stecoah Tuesday. A. V. Calhoun was in town on Saturday. - D. K Collins went to Yellow II ill yesterday, Charles Randolph of Stecoah was Up last Friday on business. D. D. Hanover of Alpena, Mich., started for home on Monday. James Graham, Asheville, has been in town for a week or more. E. C. MonteithandJ.E.I). Welch came up from Bu.dinell on Tuesday. Geo. W. Tilsou, representing C. AV. Tliorn A: Co., Richmond, Va., is in town. D. G. Meadows shipped a wagon load of chickens to Charleston. S. C. Wednesday. Col. 1'ryson had another poor spell last , week, but happily is again improving. W. II. Moynihan, Asheville agent for Singer sewing ' machine, is stopping at Swain Hotel. J. Cathey was up from Judson Monday, and handed in the 'names of two new subscribers to the pa per. . J. L. Dalton, a ctusin of J. B. Baby's wars in town last week on a visit. His home is in Macon county. We were pleased to see Mrs. W. C. Memlenhall in town Momhty. Farm life seems to agree with her. Martin Hoyle moved his. family ami household goods to Jackson county, from Bushnell on Tuesday. Chief Smith, passed.through town Monday on his way to Cherokee county. He will be gone two or three weeks. I). D. Hanover, li. F. .Adams and (ii'ii. .1. Bobinson of Alpena, Mich., registered at Swain Hotel last week Wednesday. .1. V-ttes, Texas, appears on the Swain Hotel register for Tuesday. Mr. Yates and Mr. Tilson are trav eling together. :. Major J. C. Campbell came in from the mountain's Friday last and put up with his.oM friend. Capt. A. F. Bice. ; W. A. Ownby started on Friday last for Hopewell Springs Tenn. to look up testimony in support of the pension claim of Mrs. Ditmore. W. A. Ownby returnetl from Teimer-see Wednesday. .He says that farmers are very busy the other side of the Smokey s. plowing ami sowing oats. l)i". J. A. Crisp of Welch Graham county made Bryson .City a ca4I last Saturday. He had some pen sion business to attend- to at B. B. Lake's oflice. Capt. Lester drifted back to town on Monday, lie says there is a little hitch in the' party from his pla-ce who start shortly for Alabama, but that thev will get oil . Dr. T. K. Welch of Showel creek was iirtown Monday. The Doctor anticipates buying property in Bry son City, and beeominga permanent resident. We hope he will do ro. J. B. Franklin Ksq. of Knoxville Tenn. was in .Bryson City on busi ness last Friday. He put up at Swain Hotel, and was a pleased on looker at the jollv time enjoyed bv all. A. M. Fry Esq. went to Raleigh last Saturday on business. ; We believe it had something to do with the hind grant legislation now pending before the General Assem bly. C. D. Farr of Detroit, Mich.Svho made Bryson City a' short visit last week, was called away by a busi ness engagement. He hoped to re turn soon. Miss Duggie Franks is again able, to attend school. - Her eye have leen giving her much trouble and for a month past she has leen stay ing at home. We are pleased to note her improvement. - -- J. J. McCoy of Buddington came to Iiryson City last Friday and brought along a fine lot of mineral specimens which may Ik? seen at the Hkkai.d office. They embrace iron, copper, corundum ami pro bably silver and gold. W. T. Conley goes with Ins head tilted foreward and to one side, and the !iher day when a plank he was carrying on his shoulder interfere" 1 witll the comforter un his neck his misery evoked a ;r,-W that would have done credit to an artist. Henry Campbell of Statesville. X. C, who was recently admitted to practice in the cnrts of thestate, made A. M. Fry Esp a fdiort visit last week. He went on to Robbius ville where ho will engage in the practice of his profession. He and Mr. Fry will be associated in busi ness. Grahs-m county will gain a good citizen by this and we-. hope the new firm will reap abundant reward. i Kerr started for Wednesday on ofli- Prof. D. Y Macon county cial business. U. Cooper was in town Monday and icalled at the "Herald oflice. Mr. Cooper reports much trouble j with wolves in his nock of sheep, i Says lie expects to lose some more, j He has great confidence in sheep I husbandry,, providing the wolves 1 can be exterminated. JuJ UUvL LI LbLa d i An act ta change the name of Charles ; ton in the County of Strain to Bryson City. I ' - "- I The Generab Assembly of Xorth Carolina do enact: Section 1. That the name of the town of Charleston in the County of Swain beehanged to Brvson Cit v. Section 2. .That this Act shall be in force from and after its rati fication. In the General Assembly read three times, ami ratified this the 21st. day of January A. D. 1889. State of North Carolina, Office of Secretary of State. - Raleigh, ISrh Fcbruarv 18S0. I t 11' T . . 1 . 1, i i.li am l. fj.vi xdep., etrre tary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify the fore going(one sheet) to Ik? a true copy from the records of this office. Witness my hand "in office at Raleigh, this 18th lav of Fcbruarv 1SS0. W. L. Saunders Secretary of State. (Siirned) Bryson City Swain County, N. C. Ail entirely new! house, Elegant new furni- ' ture, Ccrnniodious apart nients. The hest house hi Western North Carolina, Travelling salesmen, will find their need of a room for displaying J ' - j pMnls fully met. TERMS REASONABLE, AND SATIS FACTION GUARANTEED. oi The above documeiit explains itself. Now let us ret the nam the as 1 tier sta we postofliee changed as tpiickly tossible. . The railroad authori- will have the name of the ion roperlv regulated and then shall have no further cause for OPEN ALL THE YEAH. ge-3. !. slac::oup.: Proprietor. trotibh NOTICE. I itlte undersigned will 011 Monday the 1st d.ty of April, lS.'.t, at the Court House door in Iiryson City, sel! for cash to the highest bidder one undivided half interi-st in three several tracts of land lying in Swain county anil containing in the ag gregate about '2,0) acres, and lxdng tlte same, lands sold by I. V. Welch and others to Clark Whittier, antl for a full deserip tlor of saids reference ;-; given to :t deed of tri!-t from (. lark Whittier to said II. V. Welch bearing date March 4th. 18; and rcgi.-iered in liook II., No. S :tt pages 4i and! -57 of llecord of Deeds. Saitl sale will be made to satisfy jsaid mortgage which was executed to secure to said Welch the sum of sCS.K'X and the interest thereon ami irivds .- aitl II. V. Welch full power to make tiiisis;:!c in -ease of the nonpayment of the nforer-aid debt and iistcrest.' This 1-eb. 2(5, Ii. Ii. I.VKl Iiryson City, X. C. V. V. R Mkkwix, Jaekson, Mich. II. A. IIol-K, Iirvson ("ilv, X. C -IN 1 S'.l. Wki.ch, Mortgagee. II. .J. la.Mouic. W. T. Cisi.ev. ti. WORTH CAROLINA. Farming, Grazing, Timber, Fruit, KI.MOKK it CON' 1.10 Y. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLE, i Opposite I. . Conley 's oihee, Iirvson ("itv, X. C. AND Good Horsep, good Kigs, and ternirt rea sonable. Will buy, sell, and trade horses and mules. MINERAL LA 1MB 8 REAL ESTATE fllticKOF t . CONLEY; & CRISP 1 ' Bryson City, Swain Co. N. C, .id door north of Conley building. Town lots on low Commission. TiniWr lands a Specialty. Handle all kinds of Mineral property. . - Apply to CON LIC Y & CP ISP. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Sifter ware Full Stock, all new goods, prices reasonable, and goods of the best. Full stock of Cents ami Ladies Watches. Watches, Clocks antl Jewelry Pepaired. All work war ranted. W.G. E3UDD. Bryson City. N. C. Improved and unimproved town property. For full particulars address Lake, Merwin and Hodge, Iirvson Citv, N. C. or Jackson, Midi. w LOOS! FOR A FURNITURE MEXT ! ( j NOTICE! Tin- n.une f the town of Char leston, Swain county, N.,.('.fhas ixvn chauel - by act of tKc Legis lature to Iiryson City. I have Fold "S ltrf in the town within a little over two years. Other parties have sold lots ami have others to sell. I have several more lots to sell on ten years, time at six x rcent inter est, payable annually. The , town is building up very rapidly, not with a niUfihroom growth but Mil stantially. The town is located in a beautiful valley with nice eleva tions on either side whicL make de sirable sites for residences, and a beautiful mountain t-cencry pi the background. The Tuekecgec river a lxautiful stream, runs through the center of the town. Nice bran ches and springs of clear freestone water are convenient. The soil is rich even on the hill hides and i adapted to all the different grains, tobacco and grasses, and vegetables of almost all kinds. A truck farm could Ik made profitable. Applet, jK-aches, grapca and ctlur lruiti prow iu abundance. A caiiiiih fac tory Could mt mrltlf prolltablc. havecdl the diiFcreni timberr Fuita ble for luaLing wagons, spikes and handlv.-. and up to- the Ihiott grade of furniture. The Western North Carolina raihoid run.-j thro'uj.L the town. The1 town has 'jood society; Three organized churches; One ho tel equal to almost any in the state. One ncw.-papcr and job printing office. The climate & delightful, free from the extreme cold; of the North or the extreme heat of the South. 17 T. D. Brvson Sr. D. K. COLLINS, ; liKAl.Kl: IN General Merchandise j r AND COUNTRY ; PRODUCE. j Customer will timl our t-k complrtp. nipri4in; Diany articles t i itnp.j.il l bom fc cnuut-rate, aud all r-dd at ui.wJ.-rai.r prh-cn. J. S. ELMORE 4 BROS. 11"AI.KK- X GENERAL MERCHANDISE. All kinJj oi Country producr )ajuA t or 1 tL-T in tn.l- 1 1 i t.-l.-it I.r!i0 nmLl j - - ---o f--- r for Ilonej. Mules. Cittl, ifh-p en i Hoi. D-t fcirXt tLc flic.-. .1. S. Kl M'K L H" " . T.ryeozx City, N. C. FOR JOB WOkK Call At Thl HERALD OFFICE, Brvton t It-. , C.