S WAIN COUNTY HERALD, BRYSONCtTY, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH. 28, 1889. is inset SWA IX fli'M'V IIKHALD. thss.weck, " request of Hkyson City X. ' lU ivi(.d- U. A. Hni-a: Blitor and Proprietor. "; to islloWltlL' any SUCH - . ( ' . "pear because they an- I tin1 writer aild hoiik- of . Asaruiev z an v such ;i !' : ;h Faltered a- second ela-s matter :it 1 1 1 ' 1 .. .. harloMn, N.C., v..-!,.Hi.-v .I;m. !-'.'. v 11 M " -pace ilal" e'hjrfS t uv. f Hut in tin.-- ruse "" " "" " M-i.'iniiiiilv hoiic-ijot an Noti-i;! iri nc ns.t ra V, to lift 1 1 i 5 V.v an act of the Iil:iT'M r- pas-ed-Jan. tin- t 1 l.-f into which 1 17th. lss-i. 1 5 - - a uii-..i.t!,-vi!I:i-..i h;,r- j. ( j,..,- M,r ,,f sviiiiatlv ami help-! A Jr,on Sw:.;,, nrZ oU n teha 1 und i this devia- X i.rvson ( Hv. A p I !': -' a.i nu ll i.i.mc 10 . 1 , t . - .tli.- !.-t..!!i( " Department :d Wri.-hinetoti t ion lrom our rule will lelphnn in, 11 tl,-.M. .... . .1 .! U hick otsHci'o will vpu find all t,CC the natural I sVlrv"!',:',f -for a home e na- iaiien 111 1 V.. h IV- the Il'inie of the po-rollice chantrcd', nnV VU V kV shall 1 C W r correspond. Notice of th- chanf."- t, ill ! ' L 'l,r.iiipily.Kiv.n in the llnau.. s 'I careful count of i Hryson- ( itv 2-Ui inha - . , ,, . 1 ... 1 .1. .. ! increase of HX) JnT coht VM Mil Mil 1 1 , ..U live., o.-j,;. .- y '' ll.S is do rig II - ...I....- . . . ! - I 1 1 - v. .-1 v or .::oyj!r.j i-;uom.- .u . -r, i ... f- k ill l.iri cn.u:.- tlc irr-.wth ami projects, ot ;;.,,-,'.-. UH,. Urop,.r n-!,l.orn fewf. ami ait.-mpt injr , M.xf ,. wiIl makl. j, n To n-Tnnl to.: 'V'" .'" 1C''.!, , 'J' J,,. ,,non,te limits ! of roui- of uiinifiuh ;.r, mi tHlin- : V;.rv wi1,.,v ,.xt;nl.-l ;1 svnfu ;...-! In-:.?; 1..- al-out th- ,,.:, (,1!,,:ultlM,),ll! ivnltl.-ot Mrv,-nMii.fy-r.;iVl'.v-,-t (.;(U Klfc.,v ,,.1., :m iii'-i!!' ol :!,) v v -''r a v j )r.:n t !'(!. 1 if 1 1 1 1 1 " " 1 1 ; ! .- l'o i i 1 1 i tar. h;-- - i 't ' ru m n n I VV , , . , r t hi- Wi-k 1 ,:;-!..,,. I.n.ijjrh't fo our a'f.-ntion ..f t !i- Iiill to vali.Sntc v.i'iiij' .lunniM-r tliat w.m an no w-ult- s.v.,jM c m n J i -s. v l.ir) i jvlr.un rrojn n ..nur otn ni,.1 ;nt(1,..t t(, m on tin- .-ubj-'ct . . :i!tljoii-!i : a p-n . J.(.;M , cial nil'- vf kfiow that raiunmii-.i J of thi- o.i, .'I.c-st ;Mi-u.T-H.f '!: (.;,n attention t .-il.-nc.-. la t ii ii" (ii.- iiu-I jy innin- ',, ;, (." in.Tt-M in t .-food that uv lo not incluI- in ),v j Shul-r. j.Mr.S 'flii- cliar-.- fill of our i, i u n iri j .a 1- i.J (.rairrifnllv l.-a1rl. iji;L'!iloi-IMvVilry . will cxir-f mul - -...'.. i-.a nio.-t hc-'iltliful-' If -ti i -i i f in th- Skk tin4 ,j(l vcrti.-cnic lii'' o- Mtil invib',v ainl t 1m- ojn'ji .lies ( )nlv"' in tliH isu' nml alioVc hoai'tl - rivalry .y.'lih'li t'i- t 1 . . L.' -. 1 f. ' 1 i.-ts- Ix-tv.fi i! ni v.on cii v ainl .-omc A. F. and A. M.'Uodq noses irivos itants, an ' in flu' Ki.-it , iln4tt v well. ;av4 us 'S( : UiK..rts fh" arcr x.fj'if). : iiw arc not id we Jiav- V those who of h-r iieiIil.or-. we trust will j,v 1.,-niii-si'oii ! never jrov le.v-- or less honorable. ;1ter. Collins wf Uav Our eliief eoiuj.lainf lies nirainst ' mittcl to 1.,U at'tln' in the hi--ei li.,h in tie- j.uuule. 1 unt :',.w A. V. :in.l AJ M . L arro-ant. -ci.hlv hea.le.l. sky s.era-j.-, w'e wer!- l'-l u the i in- t'ity of liairow. Huiflily. vim'I-: -;t:1 jps, which snieiieil , lay Mrei-ts. ,. heville. A S l ! V ! 1 ! c- . , , , . u i,;1;nt. to thcUl.l : I . I .1-1 . ' 1 lie- T-i! S3 r.Ill'VS Wliu 'I'illK o! . tj,. (..i(,.,ilV lH. .,, j.ayiiiL! P.ry.-oii City a vi-iC that ;.,,it.;!ooins usualJ are- he;- ejtteiis . arc.- .lyiiiir ! - scores i i,(lN: oi- a r,,oni.. witli tin tl'olii fyphol'l ic.er. . aiitl ; i io'.jht less : ,(. n H. i.. nr. I U( Tin- lia- v !-lit u-tli many. : v,(.ri. .n,l mto the lliis ju-t? is it lr.ii.'! We have , j ir, ,j :-- h- : n. ver yet fail -il to j.ut Lii.in;f-!on ii : (.n ((1-tu-ivc u-,-V hi-h. in h lack and white just as they arc. ,u i Id i nr iron t s and shall . !. : .. now. Two years;.in, the' hrethreii hav a-o ihi- jires;-nt siun nicr t In-re were V;i ,, t ,,i"this fa-t. ai . .... l . i .. i i .. 1 1 : 4 ,' . j .ii c m i ii.-n in i'hniiii it i iien ; t tieir . l'oojn a novel ai 'harlc.-ton. I'arl of these were pa- which is ore of t lie tin I ients v. ho had .-u-keiied w hile away . W(, have ever seen. 1 from town", and died after return- t1(. lnjdd!e of theinortli in;.'. Tiicrc were tun that ,:. V()U t.-K'c the i : i . . i . i .: i . . : . . i , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e i ", i ii i iua lie i.iiu i o on i -j ,, , ., . . ... -.,-it mm t ic proom. -or,-hipful j heen jier 'erior i' the dom-r-. They had n fev r and -wi-iv i .lIn t. senior an.! jun the (udy deaths from tever.u hich i 1;1Ve their ainH-odriate can hecharc! to us. 1 .a.-t s-m mcr i 'ej ,0 arrangement: hrinds each of 1 ,VS''i' Tli.-rc was hut on.- death i n town rl!(,,(. uflj,.,.,:: . ;n fhll vi'.hv of everv r,"vU'a a-ii'l two more within a radtus C mi-inher. ai fen hiil-i'. )ne :.f thc-c fatal eas- dd at lir-f tl V. llllr !t S is. really pie i i ... i : .. i . .. .1... i ..- . . i r i 'mi I i irin i i i i Li i"M . r'H!i;t . . . 1 j f( ij) V j V!1M : t . . . ! . . . . iliaooill'i Hlv j i a l I e 1 1 '. o ; , . j . co ! l - , , , pl?, ,!.,. o! Jj,,. va!e-cn.t, ah- two lar-e turnips ,..jliM.r is am ert ) ria t I v. liad a v. lap..- and died. Is t h is j j,i ;1S are alo the' (v deatli rate sutlieient to .rive truth-; ,(M)1. ,.;1.;n,,Vi; Ahove il lul tountlation tor the stat- nient ; ti(. wall- are iilasti that our citizens ''w '''' "" 'si- ' ';- ehant hanirintr iamps phnJ.J j) r lib' yn. :i-;l, t,y A.' ? ,)Vrr t. princinal ollic Apun, tlic teVer has heen tei-nied tliree lami) chandelier "typhi-id". lever. W: have yd to-- ;dtar and t wo hracket laiiips furnish tienr oi. a-genuine ease 0.1 t y pnon I - .. :dundance -nf liul tevrr coidract(-d in (riiiM lh-yson ioor is a st ripped j niani City. We heii.-ve 1 he., disease to V it h plenty of padding nave i.e. n ;r mountain ewer, char-; The room without 'th act. ri-tie o)all niountamoiis conn-1 j, it lire -proper woul-l hn tins, ami liavin- tne.pe.'ul'.arity ot jIlVjtjn.r, l,ut it is n th , i. . 'ri ... i: ... i ami rise repalia tliat tl r . i n n i i : t h r.v seasons. se;.o.r provin-jt s.-v.-rc. the second parlicularlv pridHtheim characreris.-d hy more eases hut furniture is of wood hoa (ewer .leatii--, the third sear-on hir- ,ut xyft, nothimrjawdi nishmir e-.-ral IiLrut. cas--.- and al- '. i l i i a-1 1 ooic.uo oi. i omc on . ppropri:: t e article--. aiJ e u mi eom;.are ine ueatn rate m p.-aj-s with irood ell'eet i:ry..u City and Swain countn:. ohuvs. Th rc-aiia an with that of any -t her town or wht ... -atinjsilk c.-unty in .-tern North Carolina t;1I( uiarim... trimmed v an-1 not t-ar the. result.-. 'u des- Vcr fri n-e a ml einhroi -. . 1 . I 1 it. . t .,.. : 1 ' .. I .. ..! tl... 11 . 1 1 ! I ' in.- tn-sKs ai'.f ot mack w health of our tow n to sfra np-rs on , .,-,.,!, haike covers! Tie thetr way hen- will. mt nn-wei. ..u;j ,-...,.,1;.. w..u. uvu I. ike the evil iti.-of liih!.- times .'(. LiWev A- C.! iurni our enviou- lieihh.irs . co.itaiu (f , , ,, In!hUs ( h i. I. some -(Jod and honest., citizen-. We ha.v.- he.-n in-rmit W". . . 1 :. . a . . i i ... i . . . o e oo inn incnai - s ucu 1 n on r lc- the interior of seVera nuiieiations hut for : he others we , j,, ,-ooms hut jiave ' li:te mo-t hearty contempt. one tastier or hetter jarr ... , , , . this. The fraternit vi in W j: w.-re shown a let tvr t h ,s last ,n? (,)UHt :rs i V; to week written hv a.Novlnern la.lv ,a' ,,, i M....fi..:.. r..i ! i -1 COME TG Vtii MOUMTAINSi il ome ot I e arc avers" GOME TO SWAIN COUNTY. tide to ap- nfs9.v- nnuony nirv l ie to call burnt iu iinioun uuii eleiiKMits chine to lrvsm (;itv Swain eotuitv i Nor li Carolina. OIL L ': CLIMATE Dont 1)0 friliton- od lv tho malioious storios of oitizons of rival towns. GOME AND SEE US. Report of minfall for week n iiin? Man-hZT. Kept by M. .1. Ik-elc U. S". S. S. correspondent. Anit. of rain or 1 1 V-jtIi ol"( Irour.d in, nu'ltM snow iu'; snow in!zi-n or nol. inch.--; , jih-Ik-- , ! was in tlicir company a hundred r'.nls away ! from the scene of the shnotinir at the time it orcured. They heard the shots fired. Ihad ley and Fivcman liave had a quar rel recently. It is :Uo .rttmored that .somebody else says he loaded Freeman's pistol that day for him. and that when found four cham bers of the revolver were em-j pty. Hut how could a m:tn sliooi j himself in the manner indicated?! For Sale. i i Mv farm on Deep Creek 120aTes. ' SO acres httm land. .u r wn acres improved. House, well, etc 2 miles from town. Terms reason ab. price 8-"JM J. E. Snrr.r.i:. Mi i Hi ALLISOlj CKAHLESTCK, H. C. l;;V!l-r Ml :1 hn.k t' 1.. I Marriage Licenses Cranted during past ; n" J. A. Iuv:iul age -2. to Nora I. vans 1 ol .Imlsoii. T. X. (inrn a'e to Julia l'atu-r- le-l v At pnwnt it is 'a' a muddle Ld1 little. t u.. at l. l... .. I has. A. iJiticv aire to i. i .:i i a i i r n-iv mi'iii u .1 ii :ii . - - I son :;ir ! of .Tudson: ( lias. A. I.:;ncv ap ' aire ! ol .AiaiKM rrt-K. .1. Wriirhl NOTICE ! im'ir is.jiiu -Mm-i- liose wno . . 1 ii I h -vinhabi- in tho world whoro - -I n. no. n. n.i. no. r.'o. The si loot in tr ee u red Sa t - urdav- u'v'hx after dark, in a cut I Real estate transfers received in Regis near the com mi two holes in tho man's scab back of his head, and as the man had been drinking the idea seems ' Within 00 days I wain lm,. t Icrossths delivered at the -', '' issariat. There were i ters office for Swain county during week ! otTroen vv i mot. .lacK-on , , leman's scalp on the! ending March 27. ami ImdindL Swain wttmv A. B.ALLISON. to trrow that h? shot" himself. This seems ' possible from "the way Mr. May tells the story. Letter from BiW Hamilton. ending Sfaleof N. C. to IC. C. ConK-y :.t-r- on (Xon.i I .uft a. S2:i.$i. Saiuiu-1 Con Icy and wiiV to S. W. (.oorx-r .juii rlaim ilectl, 1 H acrt's on waters of est-r crtn-k. V. M. Jenkins to .1. H. Smith, option n :"ll5 : rs of lan.l. t'onsMi-rnt ion to Ik-"Si "'.. F. M. Jenkins i t :;l to J. Ii. Suiisli NOTICE. naturo lias boon so h- hill text 1. tt. hi.it.. ' . i ...i I ' lnll cl"4 m 1.1 . CJ lam laim :i.--L-i;i in 1 1 1 1 1 1 (will nro-ve. in V; -oi our nome ana see thM,otw. FRUIT i RAISING. ii number ti,;h is one of lA4 kreat! future mlerjslnrm indjistries; of this section; Tho THERMAL i BELT -'W. 1 ... ailords a commete ii iisuinuv lrom killing irosts over .- the countv and in I vast area ol this! belt the PEACH CROP MARRIED. ! ( I i.'KKX Patti:i;-on. At the resi lience of the brides father. CM. Patterson. T. X. (irecn to Julia L. Patterson at 1 1 a. jri. on the 24th inst.. C. C. ihyson. J..P. oflic.iatinjr. lb.'KNiu.i: (Juki:::. At the resi dence of the brides father, W. M. Civen. Fri Jh'cndle to Sallie P. (heen at d p. m., on the Hdtli inst.. 0. C. Pryson. J. P. Mliciatinr.. j The happy couples-have our best wishes for a lor.tr. suece.sl,ul ;id hapjiy life. , ('. Methodist Ouarteriy Meeting. - oi.'tion on -Jl'.iO acm-, March 2oth. 1 SS!. ' i:;7. consiik-r.'Uion t fi- Je:iktrs ct Webb I often hear the remark "Who is i Hill Hamilton who writes for the Swain Coi'Xty Hkiiai.I)." , Hut I never pav anv attention t. su.eh I A Bill to be Entitled an Act, t? Validate i M tion i is.7 ."(, I the arult r-i nT.rd v. i.'I .a M..-..j -l.-t tkiy .f April. 1V.. .-it ik,- "..;:;- jj. lixir in r.-?o:i Citv, s.-il kt i ... hiiib--t hidihrr one a;sii i.i -it - ;: option on -'KM conversation. I shall still write.; Certain State Orants in ttte Gounties and let the i;ood readers of the cl Haywood, Jacksonand Swain. 1 1 K : a i.i know what a good ami j L pleasnnt coltntrv we have down: Whreaiorth-.'puiio.-.j jii-si-i-. injH-aeo here to live in. Our t.eojde seem hf T l t!'t'w:!,isfi!, tI"-Mu;rokw Nation . 1 , . , ot In.tians. tin- l.eei-Iatuiv ot t his tati in ...i... i. t. .. I i .... ... : . - in in.' intit-.aiu iiiiiidin -mil i i tun i i... v-'-ir ;tl to .1. II. Miath ;:, il.r.-i- .,..-i-r il. tr-i.-N ..i I ... I l- eonsi.lvration to !m- Sv, :iin i mimv r-n.i oiitaii-.i.M- in" same i-nnis so;vt In i;. . J. :, to ( :l:iik WhiiTii r. aal to: ;";; .im-- ii-icifiu'.' j ir:vc:i -i ot trust iM.ni ( kuk V. hi:S r .-..i i U. ' ei.-u iKTirinir n.-ne I took li.. ivsri-tciviS i.'i :::itl -17 . !k- ni:niv to s.-:t;.s:v 1. .....1 1 , ...... . ..vv..v.t WU-llllVII 1 1 U 1 m Lfll ;iiui .-lLTIJl- . ABSOLUTELY mm iuc room. (jnnes. lilum- am ajher steep .,n p,,.;.,. slron-iv ol Vi- EVERY YEAR ies. pears ami er s.toi v ol in a-toni.-himr attain i-room irofusion and fvyas a plain :" j inevitable imr thi.- c ."'' room nnr i(s-i- n krw hmvv eeilmif uort h -west. 1 t:ikeli Mil- d 'dv.-n to fThe climate i.- so mild that sheep .1 ' . !:.- . l..:..: r, .... ;--l"cment aiKi 'io ne ni-ir , i .1 i- u:ici- t in elfe t .Vra!'' u'1,1,'ut lnuisi-iiiif .r lociuiiir. ifterifijr in The soil i-- pecuhacly adapted to icst side of grass.-s. orshiptul Sprinii-and sprinir hrooksahound. i.-t comer. . x,.,,-!,,,;- ,.,.- ir 'wardens ((r s f, ,-uiii:n !)!Sv:nt till' full! tv IS lliiisfiv i a dense ur wt h 1 Perfection SO y se psss gss (torners a is . llili'f iifif II i'l W'iii'. m a little in- cot.'d with li:ed. The jainte'l sky :i !H iow a no e wa i nse t ret!. Full) jsuspended ji-s' seats, a oyer UK r "PT l T "D TjZT o ()ak.. ash,.! hickory, beech, 'maple, pine,; hemlock, blaejc and whit; wa I nut , popla r. i.'inki t ree, i-h'-rrv, hiack hi tain ma 1 ioj;a n v he-s!'1 a re some- but not all' the varietiets: which ve. eucumoc-r eh or llintl!!' t. On tie. la matting. under it. lodge fu.r c -eozv an-d s furniture attracting tin- attenti men.' The lumber trade needs no pulling -from thriving indust ry. After the timber and o-oJ1( to make In -a n of iumbe I' if Swain Co. u-. It is a cut down ht iful houses. The quarterly lneetiuif of the Methodist church was held at whit ; tier : on Saturday. There' was a j-large -attendance many going from ; Hrvsoii ( ityand some from Hush-n-eli and other distant parts of the j count v. ! Pn-si.ling Fldcr Pev. W. IX. Harnett was in attendance and led ; the services.' Of busi ness of general i uteres! the fo! low i ng was t ra nsact cd. : Th'e committee appointed in De cember to see what could be done about building a church- a.t. tlie I Patterson farm east of Hryson City ' reported 'tiiat Mr. and Mrs. Patter son were very anxious to have a 'church ol sonic denomination -r. c teb iherv4. and that probably 'the ; ilenominat in olfering tl'ie best inducements would 'secure 'the loea ition. A eommiilee. consisting of Mrs. P.O. Patterson and Messrs, 1. 1. and W. T. Conley wasajipoint ed to sei' if a deed of a lot could be secured, ami to make a careful study of the situation. A commit ie-e consist ing of l aiia : !-! Iart, J. Cunningham and Let Marr wa.-- appointed to secure a lot and make other preliminary ar rangcmen.ts for building a church at ("ohl Spring. We are assured that a church will .surely be erected 1 here i n t he near flit ure. Pev. . Ha met r remained, in Whit i i-r eeC n ight . and preached to a crowd.ed house Sunday - mornimr. X".. s .., .. ... V ...... . ' - I r ill -ii oi J.ccor.i oi i . - sai'l !::.)ri.-.i-r,- '.:... to si-ei!T5- t . sro.l - V..'.j. e " i . : . . . . . . . . . sim m si. lis urn ik..;......... .1 . (lav. wnen we can eniov a country three aUotteu to t ie saui tniK- oi Indians- .... with all the imjirovenients calcu lated to make life enjoyable. True we are to some extent behind in .i j p ii i i . ... ..... . wie improvements oi ine oav nut t states-ami tlie .-ant lu-roif e Indians, on we will "ret there" 'by and by. es- : ,Jl- -v:'-'t kiy of July in the year Pt-vc-n- ii . 4 1 i i i tevn tiiKnin-e. and niiierv"-o::e, :m lieu lior- -,. ii- , ti, , ,- o , , , peeialiv How that we have such a i .. .- :ii.i. i..-- ........ .i. mV:.. . . v 1U r ,ni ?m-'U :ei.l ,h lielp as the 1 1 kiiai.p. 1. A. t ahle is opening lus no 1 I j j 1 . J I 4- ; 1.UU l.lliU., dilV L I I IV V AlliltCTti;:ti 111 fi i mock oi goou ui-oas aim i mu ice ; .j ludhm lvyertci t(, tiu. State ol K1IUi ,ro!" l',WIK 'la-w. he IS marking them Very low. I North (.arolinri; and wh-.-ioas rtie ."aid -V. V. UOh.-ivs. ThU is v,.-n i:::-r. v. wouhl make him a. good customer Stato. hot wci-n the years seventeen Isimdred ! ed. adjoins ih.- vi!!::;;.-, ha- ..,.,1 i'...: . sh but h(4 savs h4 t :in'1 !U1U'1 and seventeen hUiidreil atid : t,r n-ro e.i-. i rice on :ij.j.!(-:i! i,,.,. nmetv-sevt-n, iss.iu-d sundrv grants witnsn .o. J. l.o acn-s on iiiree auoueo iu wios:no iriiK-oi inuciiis- . l i -" . - .. v.x-,,-.1 ... a .'.--rtain t.oiind.irv of lar.d, de.-crilK.-d in' H'V" -ju,.! K" N V'' h lull i..vpto n, ,k Section Volume of the Code; and ' "I"'! "J c:iSo ! "W1l'-'vi.-iit of :! whereas hy the treaty of 1 Tol-ton. com hid- V :"id mU.- 1V?'- - ed hot ween the (lownnnout ot the l.'nitcd ' '" lacii. States-and the .-aid Cherokee Indians, on -Ion-rap-, thesfeoiid.lav.it' July id the year st-vcti- - I, a i tl:-"A h.u:,!.rr and "l11'"0"0' 5,.h !h;i' ?r- W4 oiler the follow ?m:,ll itionol .aid lands tyin- easl .ui die Mf-i-s hu. f:.v:il m.;!i. j;,.,. ( -itv, u: i ur.Mi.ni line was ceded and r-euiujnisheil , MV ! hv the said Cherokee Indians: :n? whereas ,. 0- " ' ' ;it',. ' 'H "4dh hr-.k Isaid lands. :Uer the extin-aisknient of -;"- "'P'ved. t hree and...... n 1 had thtfc cash imr tie will not make anv armunt: '.111 k.- !. . ... . ' - . . ... " 1 ; IIIC .UU U liil'M V. I I ll'pt I" ll l V. . l I iA 1. 1 i ivl Will ( i i 1 1 I X T I , . 2' , j . . mat ici- inc.- uiu, inaiiK iisi-si r. i fre.".tv of HoNion east ol the Meirs A 1'ur- from town. W. II. Crisp lias his store house i man line; and whereas the Supreme Con it i e..o...La-o -.0,1 f 1 1 5o . i',.u- of this Stat- in the ease of St ra wthur i ;.'U i t. io i ill i . t : 1: in- r.ieivlv uavs open a nvsii stock merenan disc. His business will be conduct ed under the spot rash system !l'-i!l..- 1,1 Miirnliv 111' l.-i'lririil tli-iT !!.. he! of 17S." was it p.'aled hv the treatv of Th.se L.vki:. Mi:i:vin and Ih;-r n-r... Neither time nor discount, that lets me out again. Welch H.ro. i... .,,...,,...1 . a sav tnev will ere-oit no one. llok-lon, :-n! eonliraii-d th.; title to said land- Iviiur. eat of said ?.IeU-C- Fnrtnan .", n,l u ! I ::'.: :;n.i w heivas t'i" ureater portion of i?vi-n iiuii-iias-d in- eit iz.-ns For Sals. said lands ha ul ;!1 tracts lor h. k's drug Store will ! co!-o.;v.o::e of- tr.-c.- 4 opened up in a short time. Thev uiirenie oust ol ti:;- r.nd woesviis. in l 1'eevT.t c,-e:sio:i " oi lae t:-'.te. do'dht e.xi-ts to Variety. A tine assorijiien? of vi.nn-r-.. i . ; : i c:.i- of these merchants had better wati i -ill ..i .. or i win neat tnem ai last. The i sos.t oiiiee h.;s been movc'l I j i j . in : ir l .lllijlt i ui .n.i i;i. ;:i iii.i . ;iv:. Oil I a II I .... .., I i I ,- ......l.". I 1 (' Us" a lew Tiear A rees. SAc. !2Ac, and l"ic eat h. Call on or.-.ddrc - is e:-: t::i!l rl ies have r(-e rre en trie-- of said laud- for .--peeuhition. yr.-Ht- ! v- !i tw )'!lliiV:l-rl ?!Illl fillVh'TV ot tilt uood citizens resi.iui in said e rrirory: and to the injury of their jn-t ' right, there fore: 7".' (tf!n,nl .1,vm'-,'iW-.' ":(ii '.( (." ' C::i!!: ids assistant Mr. Crisp, take so much I Sccri-.X I. That all grants isued hy the interest in keepintr the v .lliee so ! lM -N,:rV1 1 :4l"":V nice. o . ii. v ri.-p nas ''(ii iipo ins new into the drugstore building and is lilted up handsomely. We are r!ad to see postmaster Welch and lo IT. W. Sl'itAY. Cherokee. X.(l. II.'J. Ki.Moiu:. , Y. T. KLMOPi: ,V COXI.KV. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLE, j)j(iito I. 15. or.loV tli.-,-. w dwelling and is '..okin' a- pleasant as oossiiue e savs ol l.'.U and .fae.u.irv i.-t, 1S. lor lanov lyipjr on the east of the McUrs- .V Furnian ii.:e vithin the tctrirc-rv al'ett.-d to the 'iiero:-:.-.- Indians. .-nii.--.-ri.-Mvl ir. S--.-,i'! -.a - ,i... ' .i.. v....t. , i tu, ;.. in.- , .i ii. i - ...ii ui i am e-oipo- it.,,, ,- 1-. ; 1 ii . ot ni.i, . . v i oi ii. l'.l vsoii Citv. X. C. ..(food 1 lor.-..-.-, u'ciui -.,.." i . ':rj " aim iUiih-S. -.1 t. r::s s i-t:on Iiw he and to renew my paper in a short time, ! the same are herehv ratitied :uid e .ulirmed ; aiid v;.ndateI and declared ur-n-l ami I'.ect : a -.!, to pa-s all th.' riht. title ::ni interes?" tin- st:tt.- :n ard to s;ut l:i::ii-: tioni Mu- i JiC it i . i i -' i : i lie tt f xn i ii vi"' " ' . !iii:( will for t hen .we can let the out s-de world know what a splendid j .?..tv. (.t- ..... 1. ..... II. ....... .. . .! - .. uiuiiv ir nave. rums to uic i iv, r wr.lu l'rovidi t a as aT'I territorv :id witiiin s:;id Clocks, Waicnesi Jeeiry and Silver are Full Soe!:,. all n.-w -.i..d- 1 1 !:!.'A1.!. Pi!.!. lI.VMif.ToX. Intemperance. 1 members fil('' P :,u, vim j-ards will be en rich in ix t he ownei Jk'A Marrow Escape. work J. 8. Raby thrown from his horse ant! nearly killed. valleys and hill sidi Ti if our fertile s, the irreat present o-llieers: I). K. Collins, .1.11. Kverett. ! W. K. .MeLcan.j K. M. Scruggs, j loSipll I pton. j T. 1 1. Parrish. i j P. Pvcrett, j A. II. Welch. I .Ml !- -uli'icien t a I V" mala ria v. m. s. w. j. w. s. 1. .'. 1.. See. 1 i-cas. Tvler. RobbinsviMs Rustlifigs. ' Pohhinsville March I'oi: tin: II i:i:ai.p: We are he -awmiil takes t he 1 1 i:i:.i.p . . . . i :.: . . i : . . .. .. ..-ii :' ": , Ut ' "l;!"''' 1 and wholesom 1' fill V K . l'IJ..,l t . . tin ii'ii' ... '. ' v" " --"'V w .sanctuary. warmer ( Innate, and must hud one .... , ', . . . where l.av" fever does not thrive. . 1 h V 'f 111 ;.v,-,,! -II...M .I,..' ... i'..... .,. ,-:... tion. l olhiwm- 1.- a . 1 1. i i rtn . . ' i i 1 1. u i I i s o I t I l . c helicve t ha t' a s a. genera 1 rule. i i ' - even nur J st piiysicians .cannot t.-ll with a certainty in what par ticular locality a patient will l.e benefited. Some make previous mi-ta kes w hen act i ng on t he :udj ' ice of. food medical authorities. ,'Put t'..r ourselves we have much faith in the elima-'e of ' II -ft n .V" ' ' '' !')' ', i,n . Tl.ecl.-Vat io put its inhabitant? nd all it- ills, ami et doe.- n; -ubjei t them' to t!ic tfrials and dan gers ol a highly rarifjl-d atmosphere. We hav.-mver heard of a case ot Il l" level- 111 tl,.... i.i. . i , f ! i , .. '.. 1 1 i- ... t i ... ... ..:.,. ill. on.-. ie e;;(i ior iUe.'aV to COlll dont believe it eX!st here. AVe ! ' : . !. p ! ,r i 1 : -s Ue W S of 1 ... - ..- 1 ........ 1 . . I . . 1" . " ' I .i i k 1 1. .! 1 1 1 i , lew e. ,-e- o i con - i ' . 1 i- i - . .... . A e ifciit want ur to! s M.puon. oul a,m..s it not .pute Ut thuU v,4. ;!lv .j,..,,,. , all o! themciinld satelv be attnbu: jl:!V, ()V,r !.-.. MM p ,,t tc.l P. inuriic;ent lood ;:lld clt.jh- tl, ,.. xv- , , , : , . . . . 1 1 ie s T icKs n o v. . e ha mg amr oilier indiscvctions mthe . ; . ,- . .i , ; , ..... ... . . ij ;ui loj- tliree Wei-ks I titiniii.,1. ..i i.,-ii...- w .....i i in 1 1 ie i i i i 1 1 1 . i- i per- ... i . i . i l ' l it- . . . .. ' . water wsi! mix next Mohdav. W teciiv saie in rccoiiieminiL: ins i ... , ,. . have put ..'!) Jolts n t ciimatc to anv am! all. suth-ruee: . - i , . i 'r i .. .-'.I i i I. '!a.-. l . . inam-.l lrom disease ot the luiur. throat or ' j nasal passa- s. Com,' and sec u; u "u-1,t ,"1r,)!ir If you !are p,,.r von cannot find a Uh' Vj1 steep, mmi idaee wh,.,-.. livbi.r;. ,.p. it- 'r walks- on his pani v.m dec?,... ilr.f ,.1.7clw,t. 1 l:,rt bis 'u-ct arc .in. thesJ dations you can laid them here. :ur niT ol,tl,l"!lK' Come and see Lr vourself Tnjov V"',1, ul ;l hrr-y the lite anfi h('althLrivihe-i,rm.erti,'s r'11' T'H' of our mountain air and drin k ih-en 1 he kilineis are ,oi of our pure springs and be healed, business-now. They an .y ; j.. plowing and -icnciug. Tiii: communication from the ture is making hsr aii Ives. The vilv uilded, y in it's ap- ; is Used on d hint.' ap- m various : ofblueand weaitii of the county1 will be (4m plush -and pl".ving and enriehing thousands ith heavv of -itizens. Cold. . Silver ( 'opper i..-ad Tale Mica Asbestos ( 'orundnm and other valuable minerals and iiiired t ban ' ,-eius a re here. Uie wor-K ol Swain and be eomirat- -i he as fair is ' just commenced, and while their new many rich leads have been dis- ' covered but little sv.-tematie work uis eundi- bas been done. ; list of the Jesse Pandall came into the vil lage on horseback Sunday evening about six o'clock, and created a great excitement by saving that John Paby; had been thrown from his horse land killed. Dr. Davis was soon jnounted and hash-ning to tin4 seeni' of tile accident.; 11. The evils of intoxication are uni versally admitted, but great diver sity of opinions exist as to the means of restraining and- eliminat ing them. Some persons are for prohibition, some for high license and some for moral suasion t on! v. dates any .-uch'sran'.s may eo-iU'e. t r lap rea-'-omi 5 de. ami nuil.-i ni the junior i'ants sii.-tli he vriven for,-.-: :;;.d ellV-ei. p;;Sl stock of CenTs ami I. SKcre.N That this act shall h? in force V;tt.1(. U-;,tchcs.. Clocks Jewelry Pepaire,!. AP. Dr. Norman Kerr, of laiirhiH'l, Ueuau ranted. invest lira t ions in le.d to .u-juove the slat -men: of temjM r.-in.-e advocates that (i,iH-ll p.-.ji5f die annually in- laiirland from the eli'eets of .-trono diunk.. Tin- result of hi i l.juiry proves tliat the T4 t;lh was only half to'.l. He estimates th.- numlx-r ol .death.s pr:e W.G. BUDD. Bky;5o:i City. Ie C -1. Ml more and buggy, was found followed with a burst4 The unfortunate man ving by the -roadside, a annually from intern pel :inc to 1 ie 1 :!( MM n I Si! (ii-erit !lril-ii:i! 1 '"'.lilHI i:i li-:i ii-e :md 1 1 i 1 1 ' not i,nt''nding to t liter se.ui.n in the I'nited states, or ::f,4i)i in fullv into th.is question, We Vent Ure I a.iT'-'rei.'ale x.T.ula-ion of 1 12.H,OU . io -ULTucst a very' eticetiVi4 means of restraining tbos in.'iined to iiatron-j , 1 !",m1 th." ''ridp- at midnight, as ... t i . ; drunk ::s a son-oi-a-jrun, two 11:00ns ro-e I." the bar room. Make some place ; uVj. t,K.,.i;v v,h, n there oueht to have his-n more .'-ttraetive !or them and sub- ; ,.,i o-u-. I -oul.'. see t!i. ir hrshl rt Ih-eti.-u, stitUte a harniles'S itltlulirence for hi the watt ,-s under me, and I ex peri, -need Piedmont Air Line. iery. Tin dnut with j furniture led by the tire factor v hurt di-jiee lVoz.i W. P. Puiidall's 1 1, to VleW Masonic piever seen pen of "(.'; C. M. " w hich apK'ar' Oraliain. i.ook out Sw PROSPECTING tarm .n Deep e but insensible, ken but his lu and hruisfed a and also back o He was place driven- to his 1 as quickly as f doctor made a e which develop! the dangerous one. vek. lie was alive o In uies- Were bn -ad was 'Paally cut 1 nit t he right eve. f the riuht ear.: i i n the birggy and omc in the village ' ssi ole. lere tuc a reful examinalion ed that the injuries The establish ment of the North State Club in Charlotte has had a great influence in improving the morals of the young men. It has furnished a substitute for the bar room, a place to cu i it; regal wi 1 u 1 sre a Ii-elinLT of wonder and treat eurio.-i;v. If. only on - had h.-.-n there. I would not' have !iei-:i in douht. hut wh.-it iwo lU'.-ui-i wt-r-doit ir. I could not Well make. out. The tide was -lowly ehliin-. I eouai hear the waters roll, as I stood in shadows, to hide from the 1 mu 11, o'. olien 1 a-muse-eiations HEALTH RESORT were not so severe as at tirst sup posed. A bad cut over the right eye, which caused the eve to swell badly and become black and blue, being the worst. The. patient re mained uneonciais nearly all night-. but the- next morning was better. niiiLr a irood deal of noon was out on Hryson City has attractions for invalids UNSURPASSED though coniplai soren-'s-,. and by the street. At the tim pened. John wa pace, his hors ments wit li'iut tie- bad a ami the strong i-rtnks. A stiil further eifective restraint on patrons of the bar is to furnish them an attractive home. Let the home be more charming than the barroom. Pet it be even more charming than the club room. Every one that can, should have an attractive and "comfortable home, well furnished, lighted and heated: the eye should feed on works , of art, the ear on melodies and t he mind the wav.-isnir ninht patrol. i:i the daV - of ai.ld ;r.;s syne, 1 have tried to cr'- at Msdnitrhr. ami rot left every time. Ih;t !o-niuht 1 was hoi ::nd r.-.-tiess. my mind was i: of care. Mtd tii.- walk that lay Iw--f or-;, was most- than I could hear. 1 h:i. no I n teli kc-y with me, nt:d loehed w.nihlli. the4!.. or; and I would have to -it iu the doorv.av. as 1 oft have d:?no l, :oiv I'd have to sit in the doorway, in a;onv and -fear, ti'l-a voieo .-aid from tin- window, "Did the lodire hold late, liiv!i-;ir?"' So tw ilight 1 stood there dreaming, and wateh in.' tiie restless tide, till :t rop ca n.' with a wagon and invited me to ride. J'.r. The promise of forty acre- and ae mill a- a' reward to tin- m-pro for politic::! ser vices, i- thrown completely in the sli.-id-hv tlie .-torv that Arkansas immigration elsewhere''' in tiie Cnited States. lilind 1 ssp. ' Innate Water ' ! Air ;dd to t hese that eh;: Mil i n ir requisite- SCENERY ili.l what more can be desired. Our elevation above sea level is oys. hir lid we are j when the home. ik s at home th.r. We umber on the accident hap- i riding at a rapid swerved from the beaten path on some rocks where he stumbled and did not recover quickly. John' was thrown heavi ly ibrvvard striking on his head be tween a tree and a branch of laurel. The i-.hiy wonder is that his injur ies were not more serious." pound, i- a hi; it is ni.iviiiv the ind'tii-m. nt to move, and iii-i'im-i to the other side hv th ihou-uud- of th.' ,M i.-issiriii S!.-. (.f i:,.t. .-..-iV.'. The voting folks of Amity ui-ighlriiood ih-rirei! tliat if the A lliance was so pl.-ar-an t and protitakle to th- farmers, .they wouh't Shooting Scrape. 1750 FEET demies vet not hiirh I'tioU'-rho oi.-e "k- not saw- i '. , - . aoove an oaiurer or malaria or epi dt hie and ., . .. ..... .. " , . , . , . a troublesome rariiied ' at most ihere. TROUT riSHINS ie skiii- in I he gang. "SS i r Ve itain side. ,s n..w in season and the waters of i Jtt t the :! "'''' of ''"Ax a re teeming with jare in the "'p''klel beauties., lie siid js If you are seeking iT'.-ts there : HEALTH hir a irood j grubbing. 1 tine fu- WEALTH :a ranee in. in: a ,;ri Jr i. Hoys;. I ' or PLEASyRE A- shooting iaftair oecurcd at Hewitt Sunday, about which there seems to be Mime mystery, or con-iu.-i.it or something or other or something else that at this distance shrouds nil the details with misty uncertainty. Four-hots were lin-d. Thomas Freeniah was found with a bullet hol.-in his head. Dr. I. W. Ward was,, called and discovered that the bull.-t had entered behind the right ear. ranging forward, and '.own had lodged in r m ar the articulation of the' jaw on the right side. He did not consider the wound necessarily fatal, and Free man seems from all accounts to be doing well. A man mimed Hradley was ar rested and bound over for trial for the -hooting. Humors have it tiiat two young ladies now come e "rW;j;'d ;;-;d sWC.iT that PlMUiy on current and standard literature. The wilb or mother should be neat ;',v I'11"- l" " Srvlh ..... , . , . , . arohna to nuliicc tlieni to -tiiic;rate lr.uu anl tastily dressed, whjeh never 'that state Forty acres, a hri.-k h.ms.-, tails to charm, and her ."disposition 1 'rl. "" a ihiv bacon at of a cent a should be as a suubeam. Man is '. 1 . " til 1 1 iiomcsuc, ami tiiere is m jiiac to him like home, ami if it has the rcqusiti' charms, in- will not be apt to desert it for the depraved society, of the barroom'. How many men have been sta.rt'-d on tin4 road to dissipation and ruin by ansjntidy or grumbling; wife, or a ulA.-rlcss. iH-u'"cte. home? The above -clipping from .V' r;h ,(.-. Ttii's expresses ulir own s ntim-.-nts ejy exactly. We could critisise but eiie thing, and that is the making of worldlv pos-ses-ions a. pre-rciuisite to a hapiv Hitrhmond and Danvii!.- P.P. C... Conden. i-.I -i '.ediih- i:.. ::V i : 1 1, t.-in r l--S. Tr;iin run hy 7-".th. M. !i.'ii.::i :i:;i -s- i -: a ii. a .'. 1 1. i.-.u.v. I.v: X.-v.- York. VI 1". . 1 :; i r. m " lM;i!.-i.!i lphia. 7 ' - 1 1 :,7 " - li:i!fim. tr.-, . J". - -. - W::.-!i:nvto.i. 1 1 J 1 - J ! i o ' Cli;irlotte- ii!.-. tor. m. :.": m l-yp.ehl'u .". !-" - Ar. Dan vi I!--. S :;o - 7 J". '" Stat.-svi!!.-. 1 "t ' 11' !.':. i ' A.-hevil?.., 7'.5" Sit " 44 Hot Spring-, -" ' ' !" " :"ii;:h!imi!m'. tu v. . N... ".!. .X .. I.v. H..t Sj.rinir-, S o.". c. m. 1 lo i- i " Ah.-vilh-, ! p; 1 ."-J ' " Stat.-.-ville, :: :;o i. ; ei " Sali-hury. . J7 7 1 Ar. hynchhiir-. 1- 1 .". 44 'hai !oit.-s it!.-, 2 . :; oo 'a.-h:n;;t-.n, 7 a". 7 it 44 l;.i!tii!-...i-. s .'( s i'ii rhilade!piii;i. :; oo .... p ; t- Ncw York,; 1 jopm W.- ttioljinl,. read ih'Wu. N. is. Mciuiiv !tisi..s. S'I'A'i'M NS. ICa-th !:!!.! i . a.L uo. No. 17. -h ! . 1 So 1 or:ran !.- ti...: " i - i liome. c know jM-r.cctiy well, that abundance of wealth, properly : used is a great help, but every home i may be n lade an epitome of Paradise : Uu- matter how ban- ity walls and Hour. IV cl'-aii. In- forebearing. be loving one to-.var.'s another. !. t your face" ! wreathed in smiles. I Pet music. :tnd story t'-liing !--nd ticir assi-ta m e. Pet each one in j th- family study tli ta-K-s of the! ot.h-r- ami fo,u'et" si'Hl" aUivc all lil. r:iry 4-hih. Th.- I'ronss Literary Cjnh, f..r jlieir ph asui - and mi:tu:.l i nip. rove m nr. It was reani-.nl at the rc-i!eme ; Mr. Nathaniel Alexander u theiven in;: of the 11th of J:;:iuarv. I,s'.i with m ndn r-. Th.- ( li:li metis at private houses on Friday evenings at :'Jt o'clock. The memher-hip lias i:i-rea.--d to m-ar forty, whi. 'i .-h-.ws the interc-t maaife-ted in the liurary ork. Tin .rime ohj.-et of th.-ir work is to in-pire :i love of literature, -eeure ae.-ura. vol mhh !i and r-ehol irship, to cultivate all tho.-e art.-, e races and talents which y'xw lVe, to readir.jr and oratory, force to anru in.: .,t. and hy th.- various x. rei.-es of .-xii-mp..rt-rM-:.kin.L'. nml tr. acquire rh.ir knowh-di,'.. a id cx-jw rl.-ii. e in the xpn r.-i..:s of i l. .is a id the u-e of lauirnaire which are rcn::- ;ty t-i-.-ii.vi ss in private fr puhlic life. 'I he chlh, so far, i- (vrtiiinlv a ,-ll. ns- 4 a i i .Uli.-vilf. :; 1 . p i s Jin M urpliv J !n.-ti"ii :: s " l jni.ia ;: i " Sulphur S, rii:.y- .": s t 1 I h.ne'ii v- :; n7 ? Tut n I'iUe -J I . i 17 I'i-...-, Piv.r j: li' I- lyde ' 1 ... 1" W.I Vlle-Vlll- 1 11 ?' Faham 1! i-' i 12 or, p , ip.i- . ,, , I - 'aihoe.jj p p. 1- 4d Sv Jva pi J . I I" PUbboro lt c. 1 "id Wih.K.t '. J 2 I 1 Whittier '-" Cll AIM.II.-InX 1 1 Ku-hm-ll 7 : i I -'.2 Jud-on 7 :: 4 Na::t:ih.sl.i ' ::i Ili-wiit .J o ts J:irr-tt"s . ' 'I rains daily, except Surd-v. Sl.KKWNi; CALL SPItVl' i- ln train- .i r:n.l "!. Jtiltm... Sh- j-r !-tv.-.-, ii N. w Y-.-k .-. ; ! f r i . ;o . ir,.. . ... li-nu. en ".'J rin.l FuLlfr .r. !:" y h 1 it..- neyor.a u:,. hr-r t-xp.stitK.ns, uud the ; ..an" trlks-:jn- ln-ir..' non h l-n. fin. d hv i ; r t l7. . r. I AVhy not s.. me. one in , -rich n.-:.'hhorhood a-sume tlu- n -tv.n.-iltilitv f or.eiioyo. -Olllt I Ft 1M. lei tl... it ..... .... .... 1 . ...,- .... H".. u . .1 I : - . . . . .... imi d.-u t' :iii:i in iirrivi-. - 'n t it. : m .1 1 : e ' . re.i '-.1 things h.' simp Ivan. I umilhet dly j nu at of the y. ,.,-? nu.v. mut hare 'ctwe.n Sdi-.L-.irr :,mi tC-x4 , Ulisellish. A home hie so ordered ! tli.v v.-ll meet toother, ihvv Through tick. .- .-; : ::! - : ;.r::.i - r " will prove more attv ietive t ti n 1 n-- "-n. a :id these ajc-vtiu-.t? call tii;s t. all .:ut. amiiit else ami were all .b.-roes -o p. , A'n'r,,!Ic'Vi;V1 m.:V,1,; rf" t V?r rutl'' 1w'rf 'i!"" '' 1 . " iii i ",! taat tiie younr tolks -will Ih ilcb-'hted apidv to ai:r i.-. : ; t1-- ' .rrp : tue oari.-s v.ouM be .!:ut lrom, th them, only an ufenv-rvi: A-.'l..T.iv:..;, A ; wv.nt ot patronage " . U,,i.i-J r-v,. .. i,-n. 1. AKt. "v :vi V:ihinef:i, I ' C A--- T " r