ill-., D-rotcd to thr iitfrfxt. of Strain County. Jndjttndf nt in jftlitic. VOL. L, NO. 15. BRYSON CITY N. G, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1889.' PRICE $150 PER YEAR ar - a L VU LU SWAIN COUNTY HERALD. if A. llOTifiE Editor, and proprietor. HHICK, 81..-, per War. LOCALS f I I. B. Conlcy complete! the work I: on ins oia-uweinmr nousc, aim TV M. Crawford has moveil his ! f-1;-'?!?01 ,of ,h" W"1 "'"J? H:1 m- stock of canned goods and grceries ! I tli. 1S$'J. the nanwot the village dl har- Ti 1 Ifrflort Swain fount v N. C. waa'cliai ' into it. It affords him bettor quar- VAAwTi7nxr ht; ha1 U1,,1V' tholl"h- V . - - ' i !.. ............ ... " (.:.... !,,.. .... I. ........ ! ' wniii coiintv, X. C j th l'tfetofliicc lK-pnrtinent at WasLiujrton ! Hot quite sy largi to Have ine name ol the po-Toun-e c to r-orrejxjud. rwtiee ot the rhange promptly given in the IIkk iij.. AilvvrtiiUiii? rut-s ni-.V-.l n ri.-ison:ilIe an J itpplu-ation. fur- ( ill U II M Si NUAY Dll:l-:"l'ouw School l'l.i -iiVTi:i:I w SM-i ty i.l Iry-n ("ny. S ii.-- o.'i l'nt Sunday l very month in ! . i.l. iny. at II a. in. and 7 l. in. llev. ; S vii i iv I' tor. ; ;uTivr Churrh of liryson City.-Serviii : i:i Ar.i.lvinv :ttU a. in. ami 7 . in. on! did anl third Siindny of every Month, i 1'ivj. Iiiiiir and Chnreh ' inlVrf-jire on Sat- nr I -iv lwfxre third Sunday at 11 a. in. ' . H. ( "itriten, I' Snnduv rudiool i . . i i " i ii:.. . J " ;if 'l i i jock, a in. i . i. oiim r-itjH-Tin- I ll-I. Mt. Corn plan tint:! . ! . i nis imks ana nils like summer. 5 Landlord Blackburn has f A . 1 ! ' it a nne nine skiii on uie nvotf his hotel. j Will. -lrysons house hej4 assume homelike form am portions. 1 1. A. Woodvst.irled for thd of Forney's creek Saturday hunch of steers. Sundav, vi-atinf.' Si.mjred r A - i i ,, . ! ... A. W. lirvson unent Snn.l.iv nt willlxs -r. ivnisiy aim i. .Mooney were . . . . , 1 I out at the. head of I )eep ereek three i "l "-nw ,u. 1 u. ! da vs last week and had a line time. ! F- Hinnham retinnel to thev 1 "obbinsville iondavv Tre CJlenn has heen J'l'lH PERSONALS. Mt 't'srs. leather wood ami Sohrci jler went to the Keservation Weil- nesday. i Win. Simpson of Knoxville was "Jonas" made our office a call l:l-:t 'rimrfl.-i v ir.... at. i ; a pwt at Swain Hotel the first of ,-....' . Stheweek. i Thev caiiplit all the trout : wanted and had plenty Iturkev to eat. It u:oes ! W. A. 11. Schreler f Welster ; is in town jiartakin of the hosjii jtality of Swain Hotel. j A Mr. liaker of Vilmin;tn is in wtnr iAf pJlfnYTPP Juvl UiIIUJlIE 1 n i town lkrtkwiuvt itir HIjo iiinil!tibi) jf" ..c ...:i.i -oii?... x. -w ... .""IT-", . 11 : ..V- :V r.V r" l- ul u v;,ynt- his health sent him to tf witiiout vi lie Mondev to attend court. ic moun- t:liiw daeed:'"" J'" ' J)r. .Mebajrin and iarnily were on I I), i. j. Pntton of lin.nelH near! The machine for making horse 'the train Monday hound for Topton. started Veilneslav morning on an ! ; collars, which has occupied a irom'-; Dr. Davis made a professional, extended visit to his fa mil v in I ivkti f iiwif inn on i I i i-t 1 1 1 i . L-i 4- 4liit A r..- .7.. - , I . 4. i '- j veranda lor some iimc past now j J. W..L. Arthur returned from, Hosetx-Davis chargeil with false! ; rests under the waters ol the J ucka-i .1M vto1oJ trit, M.,; ' v- i r.'....i .... 4- -secgee river ho put it there is ; ,hiy. i violating town ordinance went to r ' J ; I . M. Crawford has l.K'en vcrv ' j j low with pneumonia but i.s on the ' ollhtr : j Ditmore ilJOVlI Vltjj UIIUIU county W. C. pro-; 5n ted I The east bound train Saturdav -.gain. It was held; Mrs. J. M 1. 1 ii ii r Kr i-c ri. Socru x'ri Main Mr-vi, I',rysn ( 'it y. Kev. I. P. I. I.i:v I'a-tor. S rviv iVurfh Sunday j.'i n;rt month at 11 a. lit. and 7 .p. in., and ii S:iturtl:iv hfori'. Siiin'ay s-linI every Suii'i.iv at 10 o 'oc k a in. I. U. Conley North Carolina. H. .1. Elmore is ditriiinir a I and building a kitchen' on hi- ! south of the church. j Chnreh i Hard coldis with a tt ndeiiev to pneiimrmia havi b-en quit few .'inrMiaii lor i aeu ecrii us rici oi . nt J:irrotts to wait f.,r Col. E-ar confined . to the house lor a president of the Marietta and North ! davs past. !eorg:aK. K., Col. Kissler, a New j l ork banker, one ot the directors of the Iviehmond their wives. S-'n L. ruil. tidt nt. i . l t f 1 -V. I. M !. i , . i r ii an na.; :in tne loiiow- :ij-iiitineiil: hovd ereek Iirt Sun-iri'i-Vi rv moiYtli and Saturday l-tifre ::f II a. in. and 7 j. in. Sunday school at '. a. i.i. Yi tiitti.T. unl Sundav lit everv month jui l .S tiurday l..forc :;t 11 a. m rn. Sundav Ki-hod al a. m, n. t iinir evi-ry Wednesday nirrht. ' Wit, hvr Iiaix-1 third Sttndav in everv in !ilh und Saomlav hefi.iv? at 11 a. in 7 .. ei. valcnt the lat f-w davs. II. L. Leather wood ha ollice brightenel by a fresh hard finish on the walls. T. M. Crawford has nine pnved the looks of his pi grading and building a board Some peach buds along th the ft crop is bcli Snndav si-hool ut a. m. Pray, r in,-, tinu every Sunday at j. nt. , I,i. Zkn I'.viTi-r Cltun h. t. l:-v. .1. P. Paitdi.T Pastor.. Servieeri t'ir-t Siuiil-iv i:i ervry nioe.lh and th. Satnr da v -lH-lire. id 7 p. i have Ikimi killed bv 1 raver tj uUt of th( i In uuiniured. " ! md j "There has! been unite a let the number of locust pins re latelv. The farmers are bu.- I ai;ing ground for corn and po Judson N. ; w.. i , . ..C1.I....I. t ; iieai i"j.Hiis i oiai rw vines from 22 to ft) feet in 1 i We shall keep our IS Toot .. . - ; place till a better one is pro :i:iiii!i:ki:y l' ti-r loneh. Ih'r.hown, ! .Our cold winds since last dav came from a snow storni X. ( '. J. II. (iteeii. Jtastor. Sl Vl es ill ii. v ehxd lioti-c at II I. in. on the fourth Stimlav-iii every month." ami the Saturday h'lwr'. 1 i I'moN Sunday School, I'irdtown, lnettsj in n."w seJuM.d holism evi-ry Sunday at '.t a. j in. I'.. S. Keener Superintendent. j i cellar place Wavnesville Wednesdav in charge The oilicer expects to' return today. Kev. T. A. Wharton of Wavnes ville was in Ikyson City over Sun-! dav and neldt services at t lie. Met ho- i l i i i eainerwood made a nusi- ihss trit to Tr:invlvfsiii;i einot- Jernnual and ; 1:it wt,t.k I pre- W. D.' Cnsj) was in town two or : dist churcli ; sents the V. i received thn U'hurch on e ; upon baptisnf i lart ot the James Teague of the firm of j three days last week, looking alter Randall anil Te.Mnie ntronts for the I a. land deal. had llLs : i,t10o.,-..i.i ll-- f 1...- ;,-,.! ' T-....: . t i... i ta wit ot ;l jM)X (f HOrmm (llK. KOL.,i of a seems to be some stomach trouble j I very fine variety which he will and a severe cold. . im- distribute free of ;harge. j Those ; (Jrandsire lirindle was in the M e nv :. ilesirino; some ot this seed can call i n:. ... at v ; n.. : . . t ouice -uuim;n iiioriung. lie i.s as on Mr. league. 1 smart as a cricket. A northern com pan v has bought ;r "nicl Conley will move his out the Asheville funuture factorv Hmiilv to his farm on Alarka creek, tl.o Tn,.l-.i-.,-..-r.M htnthor ir . ; so m . tor t he summer. ! . rnv and will imite them. The I W. T. Conlev will 'move his j Ml-n's AsstK-iation be preiKired. i I i K it f . v i t iii v . xiv i .mpu ii v " - - - ' - j dx i r i l fence, i river t, but 1 ro eve Mr. Wharton rejre- bytcriart church and e members into 'the! kamination, and two! If he stays in this j ate, w shall see and ; hear him again. j II. C: Martin of Co I well Co., was on the train Tuesday ging to Murphy. He desires to establish i himself somewhere in this region in the hardware business. 'He had j heard favorable reports of Uryson ! City and will make us a visit ' Saturday or Monday. What shall i we do for him? "Let the IJusincss ; Ail entirely -'new liouse, Elegant new fiirni tnre, Cthiimodlons apartments. The best house in, Western North Carolina, Travelling salesmen, will find tlinr ntvtl of a romn for displaying gM.xls fully met. TERMS REASONABLE, AND SATIS FACTION GUARANTEED. civ V pr : is ,Sl.aT(K)0, to be increased to ."GM). i T. M. Crawford's grocery. Letter from BUI Hamilton. OPEH ALL THE YEAR. II, BLACEtBUEi a toes. (KXJ -us mav be her rv ;ngth. ne in lueed. ' showed sim atur- nesdav I. Ik Conley': ccurierl bv J. ol morninjr. brick .building i 11 more & Bros. crumbling Wed- : i fl ' ana caused a J L:;i:s. 1! ii a i:i. RvTos 1.(iIk;k A. V. and A. M. a. i- l.-t Monday and '.'A Thnrsilay in i :ii It month 7 p. in. wild turkey gobbler hi inorninir over on. the wa 1. K. 'i.i.ixs, W. M. I'.i im:.-s ani I'ltoi r.ssioN i. Cauhs. i:. i.. li:atiii:i:wo()D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I'.ry.son City, N. '('. ' SH-ial attention driven to Collection ot 'I.iiins and investigation of Lund titles. A. M. FRY, ATTORNEY AT LAVif, Hrysoti 'City, X. C. A M Bznstt. ' R. L. Davis. DRS. BENNETT & DAVIS, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. a tint dav Alarka creek. The brush nu nearly eleven inches, j The Hoard of .Health ma other tour of the village M They found everything in better sanitary condition, gentlemen. you are doing goo Who would have thought that 'tin shot hi I'll-l.hnreh-hell t would have eome into Mien prominence Li-hoii I.vman has di-eoverel 1 1 ttt t thev ! will ere insomnia, ami sLim- ' laim that thev are a Mire enre lor I other' ailments. Now look out ford t rtisit. ll'nil, .".liirlUr 7V.t'fJ Dr. McFamn tells us that s the convicts made- his est Topton. Fndav. The gahig 1 which he worked took to the 'during the firing of a bjLtst i slipptnl. a way unperceiyel. .'Whittier Cobbler' forgot sign his name hence J will 1 vain for his 'roduetion to ; j .lust for good' faith" we have I the names. We thank h 'his compliments to the II r...,,.l ...... .... Alr " t rni . . .a ii . "la- i , " V r ) "oinasat ne; Welch N. C, April th ISSl lepot for a few moments lhurejlayj Another week has past but l .tao... ,,.,,auau;avi,n()t gathered much to .write County Surveyor Tabor was at .iiMnit 1 lmv lt.i.l :i Imuf fin., nil work between Rich mountain and the week caused bv a dreilful tooth Rattlesnake Den last Thursday . ;K.h0. Therefore everything has lw.l I.evte ovnenntion i.fthe torr. S "ecn wrung. OI W1I tisiauu- ........ v . ..... .- --......,.r,. - , . ,1.,. Tl 1 j 1 Penn-: Steps were taken immediately to! J- Soniey ftarwa nr tne ang an un i nave nee, waicinng agthen the walls and the . Kl- j vi u.,m,. n ...i. ; i.,wyi,t,r, . ' "'"'i md mores sav thev will not move Tiieir . , , , 7 ' ' V . ,, V '. , ! ; ' oi itiiiHU uuut wiirkii. , it Mv.t(.-.i m ii iui nil uui it r, v. t II. H. Wetzel I of Knox ville and Money is getting plentiiul, and ; An exchange says. "Ott the inoniinprof j Mr. Hoirle a-survevor have been in 'everv tiling is bearing ;i good price j April :i0 18S'., at nine o'clock, U has t n f-r few d:iv ivit Tl.nv I n f-.xr n T e-m l(-..,ri' oveoi.t o,r,r I lio.-.n tli-tt tliv,.l,n nh lu.llvll over i '.' ffr" 5 ..m.t;V !,.-, u vin.r to crichrate tv putupat .Mr. liitliov s i wliuh our merchants will not event of one hundred years -ago, when the' ' X. H. Thomoson dcoarted Tues-1 handle. . :.'.. w I t r. .t.t.. :. n: 1 f ; tl .1 - 1 .-.! . . ii r.tiniiwiir tut' n . ii - ; x. .i. a aini: i. priiiti" . 1 11" . 1 A of tin on that i tine copying book and ink. Proprietor. lt.H.- L.VKE, Mrysoii City, N. C. V. V. II. Jackson, heaviest of the season in vlvania ami' neighboring Mates. Hstrengthen the walls and A 'march wind fo'rtrot itself staved around Until Sat Angrv at being belateil it did i r . i i 1 1 . 1 1 ' i must, and iikikc nseii K'iieiai ;i "liveable. Jenkins ealleil ui ami inlaw throw v dis- Mkrwix, Mich. rm LTU II. A. IIotKJK, IJryson City, N. C (OjJVU ' WD IX- Uirouiriiout i lie tmrtocn nc." nu .inn u v i'."d i. ii ir? v iicmv 1 itnt . tiiu a iui luiu i w ri t lit iK'imr patronized bv the good- .3 WESTERN -N ORTH CAR Buna, is 11 red pray for the sucetus and prosperity j 'jeonulrv tinder Ueneral Washinptt " . c n. ti. .oer mis made a ti ii i iau r. can inauc iiiiu iiiv nututi i-v. . - . . r-, . T I havinir the matter in ehar-e that in everv ! "lin tne 1 tiCKaseegee jminiKT v. o., hnreh services e held to implore'" tin le unlaw ...... .1. ennren services i. i continuance of the favor ?o on. which has heen Large and small farms, well timbered and 1 1 go into the ' sky Land Racket j well watered. A deep, rich soil. A climate Abundance ol D. G. Aber has made a contract citizens of this country. Rut when oy Which he Will MVe them the1'-1"11 1 foon ikviiiiii: umuiiimil-u ai j "I A viihieofhisservieesfoVsonieiiionthsJtl"-lrh-es, they are so low. UllS.UrimSSed ill Amei'lCa. Wm. EdminsttKii started for Saturday Jas. L. Hoguc R SDlhl 'Water. ScClierV tllllt cliarillS Ohio Saturdav to Ix none two or was in the village, and -all at oneell'1- . .. , . ,1 three weeks He e.xixcti; Mrs.jheeame very sick and in a f iw - 10 0yC wllile lt!d0CS,110t lllSCOliragC TllC Edminston will return with him.! hours was unable to turn himsell j ' (l Deputy sheriff A. M. Edwards ! - this writing he seenis j ftirmer. TllC pblCC for U )OOr milU. ; I 1, . .,.t 10 ipv iieuvi, 1011 ir? ct iui m i. w n 111 nrvMin t 11 v t-eiv jiiuii - j made th. best arramremants pos-l lv. L. M. Medlin of Jhis place! , . -m w I I1.1.1 f,tlio bt IIo'iaI 0P00I' ti'ii 1 It are an trooii ones. 1 ne sinie lor reading the 11 F.itAnn nere- '" ft"" lw v., v...., have sai.i enoti-h about. ! after. , attending meeting at that place. The second was misl adintr as the1- t t ,d.l. ' ..n.i -;r, rotn...! J. S. Collins of Swain county postofiice was not on the Nantahala frolll Texas Saturdav, Thev en-! ha-s len in this section the jiast I nver nor in that township. Sophia r;(tXiH their visit much, but arei wec.T JWJflr UP "n? attle tort g the moun-p:,u- j The tixtthache is "gettimr worse, 1 Hii.IwHamiltox. j wuk. peanut m 1 worlds iid he 1 o!v to in ppear. 10 have 111 for :kald. shown this nation pinee its hirth."'- Ch:inges in Ithe names of post ofiices have been quite numerous around here recent lv. Charletftli others j . -. i x- !.t....i.. a dozen : ... . . ' . . , ... pe-mut ! Sophia to Aantahaia, and irvson. s . ! Cherokee Co., to Slate, j these all trool ones. I he t- 1 . kne ot (-nanges ipe at first we was at tne .mouin 01 .anranaia i.u to m. back amoim the river and the change is quite ap- tains. propnate. J he last will relieve both them and us from ' need Its i Good farm lands at from $2. to .per acre. !!25 lo.- e. an novanee ; i or (' o uc t 1111. huh 1 ,ii mi --,, ;4 l errrji ritiztii rf Jir);.iO fit, "Alt e:tll :;rr i:iid r s-urcI v dencinded. aii'ijuut edhvta!de. tlint thrrr will bran important r.ryson City, N. C. i VV niqht at the office, of promptly tilleI, when the fees Unti l ami a full attrndq iW V I he latter is lnvana-; K;ieh one ni:ike his ow n Our I.iterarv Society mt Swain , - 1 n tiiyi 1 in. Prof. Kerr's on Thursday ets at npght at . posed purchasers aro 7:::0. - l..rfion of A lYl.u ilke lml Co., of Knoxville. Title are ' land purclia.-e.l hy Mr. Wetz. ll, is I'lllHui" up very rai.l.lly not PIEDMONT WAGONS lo r Sale by E. EVERETT Hrvsori Citv, N. C. MOONEY & SOMEROW, Contractors and .Builders, Krvson Citv, N. ('.' will be read and Capt. Law tell a storv. A is extended to all attend. jrenerai is to invptation dekire to a iiiieket td honey tnfpay a subscription for the Hi:ual) hoiM1 when he sees it his lie 1 :a 1 ' J 1 reiueiiiiH'r 11 ami iuiiin "IN 0111 1 sweet tooth is in irreat need bfsome of that same stuff. 1 i Mr. Trotter got in from ; Saturday night. Heihas j bought two new saw mills ; be used here ami another, I tu 'prepared to do all kinds o( : 1 ""Use paintin; uistrinc. and furniture var- with the Bushnell comp; o,0fM)Xw) fivt of lumlior. f J. M. SLAGLE BRTSON CITY N. C "tr .T-iitiM Tvtwlv 4.f Se itts ' mUSl CI crei'k who has been visitimr her! il-imriif r ill Tir-ui 'it- ir o voilc ' r, ...1 i . ' ; or ten davs twist.- returned home! t : . .1. .i..i.L. Monday morninir. The name of the town of Char- Add r Lakk, M El 1 win and IIim:i-: Brynm City X. C. or Jackson Miehigan. REAL ' nr imi 11: v 1 1 reiiii 11111 111 111 11- - .Messrs.. C ouley audi n.p our ten in si iter r.-ii ewr-ite OenleriS linve leen workin" on a lar'e deal for ; A.T.Davidson Asheville, II. H. leston, Swain county, X. C, has w.etzeu ivnoxville 1 enn., uuy m. : oeen crtaiigeti ny art 01 iir- mi;is- is 18,000 'acres of timber land on : Helton Knoxville, J. C. .M. liogie . lature to J.ryson city. iiiaNesom. ' . ! Hazel creek known the I?ox- -Miuld,v creek lenn., were guests at o- 101s in tne totn liuin a uiiu-j f''"?! Greer and ' Walker tracts: Tlie -Surain Hotel over Sunday. over two yea 1. Other parties have j leal is brought about throtuxh the Col. Davidson and Mr. A etzell ; and nave ot ners to sen i instrumentality ofCapt. J.M.Greer i left Momlav morning. Messrs. avo hcvcku more 101s to hen on j of Knoxville Tennessee. The pro- Helton and Bogle started for Hazel ten years; time at six percent inter-; . . liv fi. nrvnv thoiest, pavahle annualiv. I he town ; rrvson cu , nnam v". v ., ... OFFICKCiF. CONLEY & CRISP 11. H. pro W'ctzell creek the r-. same d heimr investeratel lirst then a sur-i and to make an es vey of the land ami estimate of;timler on it. .. timber will be made. There has j pro Holgood of the Murphy been no hitch so far and 'we hope! Advance, was on the train Monday the sale will le consummated. If iv.r.w.,.-.IP.l l.,.in,l fmrn Jir.vill . . ll" : llOIIIV 11 1U inruil w Bv. aa. aa. SoineluMly av:w gomg to l.hng us it y a valuable tract of land will ; :lllti we had a chat with him at the (year s 0pCUC( llp The consideration ! depot. He has sold the Advance, u t is not given, but is said to be a j lin, Hooii start a new evening Will : Inndrmii- ten-tro - ' ;.,.,..' ,.l,...:tt C:......-.. .....v..,...v -. . . . . 1 hi 1 h i 111 .lMii i 1111. . I'umrn wv . . 1 T - .11 . 1 ! 1... 1. . -ontific Atnrriean "the great Vnan- j l;i-y, started for Alpena Mich-; rich even on the hill side and is; Frank Attains and timate of thei with a mushroom growth but sul- stantially. i he town is located in - a beautiful valley with nice eleva tions on either side which make de sirable sites for residences, anil a j iK-autiful mountain scenery in the! background. The Tuekasccgee river j a beautiful stream, runs through j the center of the town. Nice bran- j ; 'hps .'iml siiriiK's of elear freestone 1 water are eon venie-nt. I he wjil 1 door north of Conley building. Town Ux on low Commission. Timler lands a Specialty. Handle all kinds vf Mineral jroHTlT. 'Apply to CONLKYy CRISP. Atlanta i ree OIK' cial )re.ibet," preilicts a gre: t ad vance in the prices for iron, sock- Fer Salei ! ville in reirard b railroad affairs. My farm on Deep Cnek PJ0 acres, icntcr New. vh, ;!i-r. "-1,,. .-.,.. " r.ix if i TIiij' tiii rik'iil it i i-i nr I'llllH. II I III : .11 I I I T I II I A1IZ.1 I - L t I V .r. . I .uonitay moniui". in anoiiier i 0r0Tt,i f. oil .lifl'rent w. j column will le fund Mr. Adams' ; t.dmeeo nnd oths: and veiretables 1 cntl and products generallv in fU'a,f.t J" ""v and y miate. ; of almj.t all kin(K A truck farm j ;-in ;uh1 concludes as A.llows ! Mr- Kf . OTdh ixuld le maxlc profiiable. AppUr! with a wi k I.;,.,,;,,,, pressed, ami noiH-storeturu suorii . cn-.r .am other fruits' j 50 horse power engine, to te put up lg01 speculation Avill heat its Kev. CL II. Church was gonej TOW i abiindan-e. A canning fac at Bushnell. He has a c uitraet ; i Tt t n ro.,t hniines inflation f from home from ThursIav morning Ttorv could 1 made profitable. We; ny - ior :rAn co ner ton in the! to Saturdav evening. , Friday he i,aVe all the different timbers snita-i riinklin. .....i"T :. ..,. ...... i i.m1;,.i - delivered an address at the closing ; ld fur mnlrin'r wiim-ia iMikei anil nial M l. t'l "ui v-"inii. - m Hiiii.. i , - " - -- m"f f- i f i . . . . . . . , 1 . , ' . ... . . : that there will le a panic 1 VUl lJI7 1 At V -v.' a. a,Kva.a , liiuiiir 'iml time ami saw wme verv nice r-im hn:i railroad runs tnnitiili me i and conitdence . country. town. The town has gixnl s.eicty; this result. The' J. A. Brown and J. F. Williams Three on;aniztMl clufrcbes: TwoSun- Mondav and went over to Mhdison-E ..wni,. hmFwhlv will le bmn.dit ; were n town Fridav Ltst. Mr. 1 dav hooIs with tevtv niemlers! LAIR i j: vear loJi. i ne ov Col. (ico. B. Cowlam, engSneer of criCMi inflation of the Nashville ami Charleston road, ; expansion of eretlit a I came down from Was.hingMn City ; v.jj produce toin a rt-s-unproveil." rnb s from town aide, pr ice ::,0()0 House, well. etc. Terms reason J. E. Shi j I enne." i lenn. ! Falls. see river from and running jiredict : delivered an address at the closing j nle for making wagons, sjxikes and j ' c in thei f the Hamburg sehod in Jackson handles and up to the finest grade; - B t J ing ami ' county. He say he had a line Gf furniture. The Western North j j?ll1TllTIT'fl I A ichh and! time and saw wmic very nice ; Carolina railroad runs through the j UlU G VJUi name rironaniv will ixr rroumi were in He was as mum as ai) oyster : a)0ut t)V the effects of heavy rain-! Brown lives at Franklin, is a cabi-l each; One hotel equal to alnioft any ) wriT- fyij anti Hoods, or hy the collapse net maker by trade and is thinking : m the state. Unc newspajer ana t , . - . . : of some lanre financial bUsinetUf 'irin-r "to Brvson Citv. Mr. iob nrinting ofluv. The climate U AS M EV I LLtL lM . w. FP t,,c; firms. This panic will be a com-' W ihis is a painter bv trade, Iivesi delightful, free from the cxtremej UlVlIIe ,r,-.;.,l otifl linanrinl revulsion ' -W ill-:l-w-krroiTh and wil 1 rtme with : tci of the North or the extrcmet and will be followetl by a long ' Afr. Brown if everything turns out beat of the South. down-sween of ntriees.'' ri?ht. ' '17 T. 1). BnvsoN, Sr. iMadir to Tlillulah D. K COLLI NSf IS r General Kercliaiidise : A N I) COUNTRY PR0DUCR Ca.-tonicm will find our eto-k complete, compriinpr manr artii lf-4 it i impi!.I licrc to enumerate, and all mM nt nuxlrrate prices. . J. S.ELMORE & BROS. Id'ALKI'. IN . - GENERAL MERCHANDISE. All linb of Country iroJure UiUgl t or taken in trade. Highest cah price paid for Ilor, Mule, Cattle, Meep anl llon. Iwnt forg-t the da e. J. S. Elmokk k Bjas., Brvson City, N, C. For Sale. A fine assortment of young apple trees, also a few pear ami cherrA tres, SJe, 12ic, and l"c each, owing to vanetv. Call on oratldress, i 15 JI. W-. Srn.w. Cherokee, N. O. X. 4 "0