v? 6 1 ill IS I'd :-5- it A. 1 ir-. K il Devoted to the intercut of Strain County. Independent in olitie BRYSON CITY N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL, 18. 1889. 1 6. 4H rMrar AW 7 A l!l .U'lAJ r' vS7v. JrxUUlii OJLOU ITJhJX X iHJCV I .-W.UX COUNTY HKKALD. j J V. IIOIM.'iK F.ditor and proprietor. I'KK'i;, ,) Per Year. LOCALS. Notice! P.v an aft of the t.epiidature pad Jan. 17th. the unmof the village ol t.Tiar- lton Swain eormtv N. C. waA changed to PERSONALS. 1 It t :.. I linn litis I l'uMiie l every inursuaTi, .. ivtottii.e I Vpartuuiit at rcv aanington ; nazei cre k. j. v.. ...... , . T ! M3 IIS " liMir r - f jr..- " " p, ! TldlP .1..' I r 7 j ! application. t ' - 2.000 acres on ucona i.uua nt-i, . j ! 15 niiU-x from I. K. GukI l.?t:ini:! U.'ll. Cathov went to Weltcr j 'stream runs through the land. ! pri,iav. jVU ' timlK'n-.!. l, per acre j Mrs. J, Hill went Umidcto; ...uJ aer xionctav for a vwit. fUbblRSYRlt RKtlliji. to Bushnell to Asheville 1 to t orrMiWMid. "oti of the rhkng will bo j j .j.', ljer Ur j.roniiiiy Alv.rti-i'X r.ttf rcnionallc nj. plication. and fur- 21 (lrrjt'H AM Sr.M'.w J )nti: Toitv. A WackWrrv vine is n our wall now. 'The )nyz trestle on the i;oiiipletc.l and Knight's rijjreon rivor. j A. P.. Alli.-on-.il. is a j ilatlorm srouti'l Htor work ins off la ounl of falling While we wi-r f work's ikiiht. ,th: fret Ions j timber.- rantr through the air. It was nut. t'otilev's hriek bloek but toe rett went i Mmlav n bnsines. V. K. MHre Ksq. of Wclter was - . . . 'r L .1 I i at J arret tn lasv inuruj. I J. H. Oftthev wife' and lahy went : to Qnalla Monday for a vwit Kobhinsville April 11th 18811. Some of our eitizens, and pome fremi Jarrctt.i even, say they want i to hear some more from us. They- seem to enjoy it. , v The farmers are getting their buffings in pood td.ai The plows j and hoes held a niss meeting thej other day and axpo1nted delegate I to wait "on nome of the farmer?. JV m 3 J D They had so gootl time lat biuu r they want tn iw; scue won tin now. strange man is in here riding j Bryson City, Suain county, K. C. liew plank ! ln torn to jieees and the pieces ear- j r, rii wliieh is ! tl !t tl,e property .of ISev. f Mr. W'ilev' r. .. -..vtrpus S.rWtv of Hryson fitv. :l prt.at ; lmproVeTlf 1 ' . c.i .if -rv month in ,.- i nu r..,-.f 0:1 ur-i ... - . ; nun's aiii i" iv :'.t 1 1 ,u- nn1 ' II 1. h awrlni!: to . . ment. (hurt tioi i.iaoi. , , t.l !.,,., and 7 l. ni. on j .1. r. i-iiimu- im lonth. f ., f Fril:iv whieh.weljl 4"...t T K'V .oltl it o '..-..l..mv :il H a- aIHl ' 1 '' , r.i.-.-.l mhv of every inontti. - i will Ik- nlaeed across tl . . . . . v w. . Til IVtmiII t itV. ll -,t 11 n. itt. 1). n- , . t 1 i' . .-.inrdav Ulorc- 'r-..'- . oiMii pr..:J-h'in t Mvti..Ht,si .nu . ... . undav in every mom .. -"'." V Vverv Sund3j- t 10 otluck a.m. V C.nl. 'v Superintendent. .,iMt!ientv. . ;. ran over in . 1 1 1 1 - ii.. nn'i 1 ttlaUini is loldfmmeKtrtTrnrlreontlie4ornerop- .tliry teiurau mu'.. ang is at j posit e the postofr.ee. It now ics jwrwi-th the hriUgegang .-tonua. jk? ar- vl -3 Swain Hotel Whines-1 'nina a wir .1 .m-h x.u.i... fA lav. I. I McLean and its demolition j (. M A . st-rtj ttnlav on the result of having a good j a i,, trip to Chattanooga :uid i i' i. mi ii.k i r r :iir ro in i Un,,- from Avill, t . ur .U.t, , .." ,.. villa t"' I :"!!' m .:. ....... .u.,, Knrni. oul.lcnie .1owd ; h, - "nf AUIc -m- :.Wn kill-1 a t..,.-tl,-,1....h,.f,.r,. l.lj:. Tlllll,,:lv. i - - i i i 1 . a. . nl.,..4 al.- . - led l.-XM .Mr. w iley sjKe .HH a.Mui. i. ; . K R Xorvell Ksq. ot Murpny nt. I i v Tri-tor. " . i iiiitiun t. Chureh i soe0f. a( tunnel. rtl.Sundav! 1 lie.-lay, A. M. h v-.v rv n of vol mir cattle lip wliieh In ID s the dis- it p.t Sets ating hou.se nffair at Halsam, f mentione.1 recently in inr hm;a,... . f , Klmom lie savs .Mr. lingiu i- hoi i. oi,.,..t : i,:.,i, .kf Aj-villo is in town looking alter the Prown heirs land. A- H. Brown, KmxvilU is on the register at or Friday night. H. Sniith a travelling nsv man made his, first visit to in town Wednesday, the guest iver now Dec). and 1 u .1-. tl nun -ii.. i.i f.ll'l I t. -I'V ' v - ! sitn'rilav ' !,v" schW nt. 0 ' '. w-.wliod.iv ni: V',v;r.l SurnHv in " . .. . L i ... nt 11 n. m. and i'i Trnvtr w0. ond Suml.iv in ever.r monlli l,ofor ? at 11 a. ni. ai.o . i m. ht. evrv vturd:iy l)elor ...ill TUll n!l) -MlM'ia. M IK"" ;,i".litf evcy Sunday :,t 3:.W,f W and i head will hatv to Andrew's Uald soon Fire set bv workmen wood's rperty iti tlijr tart ot them Met the tnonntajin. 1. K. Collins has had th in front of his property; oil Mai traded and has therebj gh'.itlv i .T-v.-d i, looks of both t 1 ii 1 A i ii rrj I 1 1 . 1 Cii.t. A. F. Hiee andjlL ! I -.i.-rk ul tViTi"' OUT OH 111 ! nin Timrsilav last witj a - :cttUnLr a matter of is ju-ljon N. ! 'some land boundarieri 11 T. LeatherwoMt in the matter as an understnnrting . hat been entered intoln'tween him! and Perry the conductor, that U i : tl,.. fr.M.i ..,tmnr west was lllteen ! - lilt l t 4 i 1 " ' ' ceivetl ; . , i., ..r m,r the train; 1 . ... Hill. III". - - - , n Iredell j i ;h(,ull take: driven ;Jinner flt lnlsani. That on the j !d:iv in .itiestiiin. the train - was j I ! w .a t ii 4aUier-: ,aori. j panes', ami trying to see the ioresi-. j ' (iuess he is a lumber man. i i SomebcKlv at Whittier retviveil ! .i .i .t . .. i u:. i ;a telegram xne oiucr ua uiai i would weigh aJiout 180 pnmds. ! The railroadagent wasgrumbling about work and our loss went over to sNr nlKtit it and has ""not been sent baek yet. -Hope they will i start him soin, he is a gool logger. W. M. Taylor, rrtairman of the a.. ....... ...I.-.-C. . . lis-hii.! i n ' sale ot the . -, . , - , ! jroofi enairman uir a ioj; -niii..m , n cntirelv new Iiouko, Kiciint now f urm- tun Goramodions apartmontft. The best house in Western North Carolina; Travelling salesmen, will find their need of a room for displaying goodx fully niet. L CUM., I Swain Hotel! Brvson too, he makes things fly. Reuben Rogers savs Htnce he ha , - - C"5 - Hr.u. take it and we seen tne iikuai.d oe is uimi '" rrDnnc (rastlniaHLrl. MIM U I think him sensible.! tmniw .-r-w . AW Ml 1.1. 1U)Y.- Ser ices KMl VLXt a pttei He d .'- '...v IUitist Cluircii t'.' i v l:.Tiihr rastor. 1 . l.ev. ... .1.. Ktur- tir.t Sunday lav ry moav.. . . jn r t ap,ly for ' ' new iront rate. lie "... , ,.. , .1 himself ami nerrfonally.su N.f. -I. Vm-T'.' ... ..,,,.,1, I A- . -...1..1.,!.. t..,..i v,...w,- ii n.m. ' ... l no lime wiifiui- .1 11. w.'tll l-ri ! V a . 'k l W 1 a? J ?v in ffrr .m.Mtn ...... J Uawwv-w Tir14' i tv next .Moiaa.i lie the terminus Uteu Siitii!:i'v. m evry than liftiMMi minutes late amijCitv J hursday last. llage got i Mr. Bricht supposed the agreement ' ias y. Bviuim Waynesville s r r hursday 1 1,. be in force. Mr. P.rielit is now Tt. .lirnn,., l'cnt came down to ! i endeavoring to relund ail t lie j r$rysoh City last 1 hursday. street ; nionev taken by him that day j. t- l)ora Crisn returned to from the west tnuind pavseng.-rs. RrVrSon rjtv Fridav. he will We are glad t hear some sort of j fi" j, ti,0 torul of seh(MI here. LI. Tl... tlill.tr lli.'lt. . . . exptaiKiiiou. . v...... i- ., ii Ki.rJmi w in Ueiit. the - . ... a 1 A A I 1111- IJ.UlOUllwii "ii- " I hotel at Pigeon river, dil sudden lv at that place on the Hh inst. Dr. Seruggs went to Asheville it 1 Mondav, to buv a stock of drugs - i a . a a w i i iiii The HKKAi.nfand meaeeins ior ur. matter w-eured. ; fdore. tte- Hcrml $cboJ Uw. Main st. im- j tr'et ami ; i L. Leath-i mount- urvevor, '. i lite "S tol he is go-j it on his igned it lerintend- t - thi Mnr The only thing that j '.. !i i . ,i lr 1 seems lame in u to u, Bright tlid not refuse to take pay that dav. Then was the proper time to explain matters and plac th bhime- on the conductor 'lelonged there, i reffrets that the ! U'eause no amount j will make it right. .'t.diii"- Miiinlv for .... -"I-. 4 . the Brvson f .iftcr tn k Mr- .T it. Waters was at -s 'f nre rnn-' vill,. tlw lirst of lat week on busi- the jiriheipal ) ness -onne ted with . . a i . rw of the tiling. Bright thinkJ- ho is (City postoihee. not to blame, and Terry eertanm : i?,v. P. p. McLean does not was -in Brv Thr law patted by the last cwion f the (iencml Assembly "jrovernini? our public: school fvstem ilors away with the white j normal schools, and appropnatos the lour thousand dollara heretofore fpent eTery vear in conducting them, to the holdinjj of County Institutes in each of the counties in the State. In order that the Superin tendent nva comply with the law, the Stite .Board of Kdncation has elected Profeiwor V. I. Melver of Kaleigh, and Prof. 1- A. Alderman of Goldsborough, to conduct the County Institutes for the sev eral counties. Thorie ,';ntleiiien are to le n m-ort in .Ttilr. and will endeavor to hold a County Inetitnte in H-h of the j ninetviiije ooiintieB within a year. This t will iTe each Professor forty-eicht count- county, allow him but lour weeus ior rei and recreation. The law makes it mandatory upon all FACTION GUARANTEED - i C?H1 ALL THE YEAR. GEO- iJ. BLACKBU Proprietor. i A1,s.u,aavS:!1..i, i,4rIltV!:-"'r!rw.sanv.ct (Bn.n (Uty but lnr riv-.i r.: : S. KeotK r r-i lieiu w 14 ( f:iet 10 eiiang-j themel 1 slightly. I:. Trains the Mpplif i have run with Loptir.-. I ...-.V V -I . and A. M t IIAKl.l-."." ,r. , v tni-'-t 1-t Mui . a- ii, tionth 7 p. W- " ... ' " " "" . p., im:-anoPkokkionai. Cakps. K. L. LKATHKBVOOT. 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, r.ry,.ju City. N. ) S,km il atteutim piven U Vdle- tion o t t:,im, and instigation of T.and titles. A. M- FH Y. ATTORNEY AT LAW, rirvson C'itr. larity itiuiii All 1 in ' A heavy thuuOer L.v.r town Friday; -full blowing ot muci ot lnte, :nul common has f whit h maker M t.rritefullr revived -1 7 . i... 1.1 to th1 been so hold himself responsible.; on cjv fno latter m-rt of last week the teachers of public schools, m each . .. . . - - . .l t . j.-i 1 ' . 1 : Vk.;hf Ik.i.1 s ! ueavorcu -io iikiitk aiiA.r uuuuH'tM,' v" v . V- " jr i.4 j v . ''yi,.M"' . .v - - --Trr.AtW T4ltflet 'tFmiinwr7-- V - ffs. ! P Shanks a KrK'K wam " ,T" ..1.1;.. ,.,L,U. lWibly branch ! gntuer regu-1 liHi? ln'im 1 . 1 1.1 uslfe 1 gool. hou-er passed .1 1 t . ... - . IgllU.! il " iJ" . it hut a srotn lnt that had demo One Hundred Tears! PROCLAMATION! 1 . " bnn.lred vears baye passed sintv the I poremment ou'r fore-fatbers lonnded wa hnaily orpanize-L At ; aay 01 .M... . -. - r,f J t ni! in the trf fence i. - . hero e Jwhn P-triotic dcn had ! rar( j the colonies to y ii tory and t BLAIR Furniture - - 1 FURNITURE CO., .t ence, t.eor5c. r r.v ,r flw:l-trB atSwam. Hotel over .7 dnrini the day - ! T Jfi .. YlHe. Thi, impressive ,ctwa t l..iW.l effttt W4nv T K.veti o.. h(. cnnrciies ot tneeu, . :i::,1n lin I 1 J 1 . , - , .T.irrniuein nn i.r- ...-. t into the eormtrv y 0-3. , The centennial Kht Mienu jei. 1. c "v-:!;.; veilt t 1 tlllite the! rmmtry may join in cnnj."t; il ! ..r.ir.mrintc tt tlie ua . . 1 : -1 .ii.i'.' i'. 1 a.-- . h-! need i jstciaieo. wiii " 1 I 1 -.u till! in town Tuenlay anU mcj; ay . -. ,-th? " that caii be doiie to ti-uring on work tor 1. "l" ' improve them, una " and 1. B. Con ley. i . .n. rerdit. 'rifc 1 n ,h-v.has moved into-ir "" ; earrVinc oirTthls 1 nwn ; " . . ...1 uwl 1Iiatr Mrs. Buchanan s nonHv- - Uw t in h?TC a "Vnte nrad- ilia. ..... , the interests 01 mc trot, we arc well 1 .h An 1111111 e a it a a T 1 :!. l.mtn lia.. r. v . 1 , T-t... ,,.. .U lahor earnefiiy I.. -mini, .1....- 7 i a5ureu. -,.. . ..uh Knoxville ami " -ito improve the w""7d- M',.... -.n rriicSlS i ami to artyance uv-' " n i...., o-- . iThfT arc exper- ,on, . . " V- deVoted to the Dealers Un dertaliers. eiTeet" being located now in amuci . tafk to perform 1h ConleyV Infuse on the hilh I , en ; careful HT7 Patton Are., Asheville X. C. rth ot. lulien. Lenoir s s aaivrtv. t-...-- - aaii'i av s a ai I 'm;.,- s llhief MaRU.trate of the n.w-.ra jatnr .. . 'TtT. of North Carolina tk: ;nir.r-ive ct was pre- l Vlev was ai -r. - iwiicmwu' - ;- and i iim.; - - . niorninK in all . - V-. 7'" : hadriut- lrc regret that such a law was passen lav night, lie nau jn- nui. wi tltwUture It too dictatorial, ..;,riiitf for mile posts by the .-fBW'. c hanl9 .it mill It? BRU llUMitu .... . . ., . .t. ununtiUKW"""- ..... i:v of this illns- between Asheville ana mis P1- two or 1 t ha? leen ie- f i t Havderi . of Catidler ; amendments net .i'on?:rs?, in Swain Knoo u----, iksed in He 8r 01 B' Tiiibti" achoolH. Ill fore 111 ! Hums had ; house. I lwfinl fenos are 1 thing in Bryson ('ity. i i.,t,wi imorovements ft . .V. . ... nnii.ni II tare .!. - i ond the lots 04 iSherilT Welch. 1 The rain Sunday an i was verv benelicial. 1 .rentlv so that the gnun it all. ranuers tn'i t snrin work now unter V 1 . cireuiustance; 1 - . a clare.1 a peneral holiday wr a y ""T;:; .m.nnonilH- efrttntV end that t ie peop.e l" ...... in 1 t.v t Iltf liai . in : 1 . 1 1 U hi P Hi B 11'UIP T,m0"", tbat thV JoV .of "the occain may ne in our history h. R. ALUSBti. ACT. mtM ,a-r .- . j BltYM.N Citv, N. ttiiu j". ' - - . ... tnre uei. . 1 .ii.mHXi in our .li' and we. lway nr .WT in ... 1 . . . . if-1 - .. . . xcr-;..,..,.,- on a. mineral our mibta-Rcnooi -: ii"uui' . it. : i,r ..1 1 - fr.ve 1 - . -i 1 a; :.. t1n teachers I e 1 1 .- .1 . 1 ,v.w..f. with 1 rI. nAO.li A TlkT SIX IfUl I . . - . - 1 ' l.f,fie1 fir- m l nCl Ol 1 II" 1W"P'V i 1 wa" I kT 41111 i l Kv imilrrll ftCU. m ..i-.fc Kilt I ri 1 A . t n 1 r av 1 tifi' , ltp,Hlby;.rctbe wnU.nee in the - ritizens .the Elmore " . r i:n rinti. 'v I " . Tl.i- irn REAL -rn:lsK I." i J. XELEOBE & BROS. HKAtE I that line Klin ore th law 1 of the Profe- :-A witK deen n( i in neoiiie Ir i . . - - - 1 . . .t 1 .,n.lrtken. worn iney uj" rortfr. uTT.nrv CRISP GENERAL W1,uui I MERCHANDISE. n,vKnn Citv. Swain Co. N. .C, d j Idoor north'of Conley building. R L. Davis. future. reprwyy 1 irt iim. PUliuaj. . o X Monday I b Cllr herc toChcni ., i ahKoriKM., :,m;nifarriso J Ionian Hamburg cr V;- . . 111 n-rponcc 10 . 1 Twlav. 1 L . , n rwvnt, truest S rii.t. do ifcommmu i. T : .t: nf Sa una a..., v11: c i DRS. BEimETT & DAVIS, duvICIANS &SURGEONS 1 1 K 1 :. : : n'.l Asiorofh and AiV.l the hour .of J o J m - . . HoteL llliai" 1 ,',.. -,:,. he netilc ol me cnw.v . A..i t,i h " iar one nay ."-r. - . ..iv, ,cc? ot aiTine t k i:0n pv rc.iurm from the He NOTICE i The tvame of the town of Char leston, Swain county, N. -boon changed by act lature to Bryson City. . I y "o ; Vr town within a little o .01 - .. I..,.. over two rears, oin r p. - , OtllCM 10 .-en. Town lot on low Commisaion. TinUfl,P1-UUy- . Handle aH kinds ef Mineral properfy. AlTLT TO CONLKV.A: CHlfil'. Ml kin4 of Cmmtry procure bou gi t or taken in trade. Hict raab price p.. d for Horse, MK ttW, fip pont forget the pl e. J. S. Prt MOBE A BU Prvson City, N. C Mr.twix, II. A. llir. KrvKn City, N. . lirvson t'ity. a (1 11- nril11 fft If tilted, when the Vr; nY: Thelatterisi,,y; Uv demanded. Kaeh cue ;vo wmuts . oIIin table. . 1113 kcu bU ,".' . - ,.,o,if.!n-ii v...-- r n, that . . 4 prnoOQ. 1 week. The aaugni 'rv .: . ,,0 to P.,V"" and i mountains '-. ,iti.. i A n I V:V.D. U,rmnlaintagainstAMllim ana nt the bkn ."-njv i-; ad reports eyervtlmgi ' . V '7 have ; veral nior, . "; V- Jk,of 1 b nrxt- term neace. may a ni" "". . .v, a,. n the PliT laun . 1 . t at wx wrn-"t . iirvwn 17, - . Uharge ot Assault ana , "in witness . Vof tUe V"1"" 1 " 3 in,Um".urwtt hut 6uh- II II 4 I H U V V i We have found a name ior VL Wric. tol affixed. S tine noncy. . r ' if itnani.r - . . 1 U v 7 1 . 1 t ii rn 1 aria- .......... i,;..h have lbn bnuight i-n: -.. v " f vCaAinev, thi ,, W; Bekling i,iV." V",! stantially. i ne wa . r i... I 1 M I I I - i 1 1 IV If II ll -IV J -nf' ..r b, e It is a thwy our ; itroK.. lk fiiamtlatttjref.u i Wautifui valley witn mrer.o- 1 . , . . HUWU U I r - nilWn....n.-'.::'r nmH r..o: -t, Vi ibe Indrtwwlenre of the east bound t J.. n nUh H;fic which make cie-, V J UUJ" . tut a 1 , PIE0M0T"-VAC011S For Sale, by E. EVERETT p.rvson City, crest sati ifor them even ininn nitteh t tU kiimo dontSthe I niUi r?iaes It sounos : teentn. VTU N.C. MOOUEY SOMEROW ( nt ro tors and Builders, P.rvson ity, N. C. I 1 m nrenared to house painting, ami mnmu llihiug. . J. M. SLAGLE BRYSON CITY K. C . I! 4L.in luiirr iif 1 1 I'V l - i.h.iit know. - I 1 . W r Punus i gottn g out sonu . " . .. r 1 ...i;.i t..fv tor the iouimai.o.. "I'" , .t..l He retr TO 1 . '-' 1- them from the mountain .. 1 n i.veiT-ii t ril ... . - - - . . . 1, .. frrMV trranite an are r o . for the iuriose. 1 rni 1 wiiv. wavs than one ii-taneeof such a quarry Ui TiUaae will! prov innv future building enterprise. 1 . 1 . !'.: .: The readv aequieso ,.', f uart of our citizens in do all kind of; g . lloanl of var- noen P.KNJAMIX liABUI'N. P.v the President; J a a I- i. Iit.AiNaV Seerctary rf state. For The Swala Ceity HytaW- train Fridav morrvmg The iirm : . bJe for residences, a Cottntv :.i-Ki., it in Chcro- . i:r..i ,,,!in ticenerv m tne v,o Urahani and ' SWain ntie . . d The Tuckaegec rxver ! which he had been looking alter. J a 1)Cautiful trearunnr Maud Blackburn , received a tbc center of the tow N .ottoa l J S fell iSLJ ,iKle a few dar ago. ruiPhw aaQ eynuc "- ., - i w w U ' .-. 1 - TterieTH t : k kitchen door s wator are convenient ' 1 Am L.'Tflll 11 11' III W W ----- i VV W- ' c-i..... . . . . , .U.,t . . Hill MM 1 mrni i va.. vf-n- ?ratilvxng. t m deeds done since tfhe most noticeable is of tlu J.. .t : . r, r;.. 41 . 1 1,-w-ir trintl .-An rn ttie Ulll a. 11 w a . 1 a avav a . 1 1 w a t a a m -v aaax1 aai a r r m -" - a r x a a - ' ti,. Assemmy neci - r M when tne n v Wr! I. rt ,11 thr different iiivi 1 a. -j a a m - a a rinr , 1 . .-w iatimi i niiv av 1 a v v a t -w 1 a r a a - - .-v. ----- in .1 m . raiurua tn mien uttiiuv. - . . T-rry ..... h hone the Irienns 01 t-umTim .. , f4.n 4nc gtcps snrar ; ioww. , . ' . r ...... ! . x j i -" 4rv wiif is;r . i.ot siii rtniv. r .in Swain county, ana pnitu.-uj fcet. c are giau u. joi Ti. mMp I li.l ; a aw - T fill 1 I ..Aaall 11 Tl 1 AA 1 W 111 VU ' . 1 in : The soil w sides and n ; gram?, i vercUWes truck farm pplc, OflBSSJCJfl. right f 1 useiui rmntv in i 1, Viand on that dav. The following subjects ana wnv c of the Board of Directors of the was on int hound tor x .i Mmnll farms, well timbered and wSS. A ?cop, rich -fcj iinHiirtiaftHcd in America. Abundance 01 unurpaMw.u , af (.harms CVllVlJ a.' a ..11 oxTif-ct to Irani 111 : :.r.rAiinc - - , r..:-t an t..." -j--- . , , anri oincr iiu" - x-. Kitntiorv urii vi' in 18S9, will,, notexnisauw. Unn L Overman ot 6auoary j peacne?, " A r,nnin2 fac- miro KYI 1111 IT WUlCr. a. j - .1 .1 -' . . ihn 111 nnniiaiiv-t:. a , m.m mm m - j . w . aeuh PVe while it does not atscou. tw.o!1 VuiMings poolroom nuisuuit-sand v , Far Sale. My farm on Dtvp Creek V20 aerej- S land 50 or WJF a res im 1 milrt M - I a i . . . A 1 . .. v n 1. .. .1 . 1 mir tasw ; Teacher. i-. 1. IRV , . ' the teann't 4.T...,.-i:' Heirt. 1. " ' - w 1 t. lv a. a I 'ilnu-rt VwnNl by Crandsire i m.,; St . wet of the Thev hd ! 1 r ..fii1no4 Jm till UOl 11 livru 1 ieva an Tnlf r Merwin a Vrtri kntl lot tions ai For 5itlc by , lottom laud, w jirw M X " i time c proved. Uoufc, well, etC!;trCctonpont sitTlIn1nrtC roll: to-v. Terms rcoiiOBr r rcSt tbe ! ..twfj Term. oulDellart. ni - ... - .. . r particularly with tni -"Vhtn ha. rod society . .. . t-t niwdriinrchrr, 1 worun Finger lrtt ior , 1 . nicrabcr, to cure ineiu. . ... - . Wedncflay. . ; ui .nl to almost any i , - i ". t . ..- Udtea . eacn, -- 1 ,r a j i pasm lue; -Best mrtm? 7"; rtlir li-t of resident miiwt !" k T- office The climate 1 - - . . r . 1 .... - nnrnr. 1 wu -0 . ., - - i V.ni vttCKl lUClc ULto- " . ' ruf.,l fr from tne extreiu . - . iii . 1 npiiTUUUii 15ecK ana 1- 1 .-.i- . i of Mnnihy wm "r ""rr u Wh or the Itrindle onl.. ..M bnii.?'- S. B. T - 1 11? V - Mcndenhall j aucj jonn M. Smiley. tuc Uan habits j and conducting recitations. cc for a poor man 1 Good farm lands at iro 25. par acre. $2. to the extreme price ?3!0. J. K. SuvtS! -id. dav." Antanaa Jno S. Smilly, rnEs. have made friends of alL Bryson, Sr. I I r MrRwi; and Hodci: Bryn City !- C. or Ja,. -n Addre, Lake, Mek MUigan. - A . -

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