4 41 T)r '(,,! ft) fit' ititt'itsfx Of Sirtit'n ('t)iii'tj. Ititjt j,futh'itt tit )ah'?i''. VOL. I., NO 31 . BRYSON CITY N. G. THURSDAY, AUG, 1. 1889. PRICE $150 PER YEAR -U' MX "U'NTV llKI'.AlJ). . 'f j j llf)iii! Ivlitr uiirJ jrjrieror. . j PI! ICE, 81 IVr Year, j ! I pi Mi i vt v Thursday at !?rywn -"ity, dv-r' i-im.' r:i!- reasonable and fur ni applieation. a i";ir jfciT ami. St .MtAY School 1 )i kivctouy. I'l:;. -ii ' l-T. 1 1 1 n iirty ! lryMiv ity. . , I mi fir-f Su nda v of everv month i:i v ,! -:!t ', ft 11 a. hi. and 7 j. fi. Kv. r,.i-n- !' 'h'ureh of bry.-on ( 'it v.-Serviee '.")'.- :t II .'i. in. a.iul 7 p. in. on I' niii tliinl Sunday of even' month. ii.u' ' iturcii onifronee on rai- 1. 1 . i' tore third JMnnliiy at 11 a. in. ,,.. '( : . il. Mt j:cii, I'.-if tr. Sunday school C ,,'( -h.-fc. ;i in. 1. K. Collins Superin- k':il''l.'- Mrrti-'ti'T Ki tM 'T.v I. S r rn. Chun h ,. M .in ' trc-tv Bryson City. Rev. V. V. h ,-( l'.r-tor. vtees lourth Sunday ,.v,.rV mn'Mii Hi I 1 :i. m. ;mi p. nt., and - . .r... l...i. -;,. Ilr f: f f -KcSrv 1! j,; i u It t ii i tie .Methodist clitinii the s.in.l.y-in every month. Sunday 'r, r -. rv Sunday at. 1" o'clock a. m. j ;! I ' ,". V S".ipenntMldelit. If v I' !' .'-1 el .(":! n has ;u'-o t:i" iollnv- j :1.,;,;)l!iniMiN: Showel enek tir.-T Snn tv in i a. rv month and Saturday helore y il i in. ami i p. in. unia.y wnnoi ;n 'Wliitti scrntid Sunday in evrry numtli il ,iimd iy hr-forc at 11 a. ni. and 7 j. i; Sii:v! iv ' school at J a. in. Prayer ;i ctiii,' vcrv WiMlncrsiVay uipht. Wit'-Ii-v-i -'h'nvl tuird Sunday in every and Saturday before at 11 a. ni. and ni. ..Sunday i liool at f a. in. Prayer i -v.n z -c "rr Sunday at X-.'-M . m. Mr. Zion P.M'TtsT Church. Judsniv N. I', v. .1. P. Panther Pastor. Services irl uuil:iv hv rvrrv mouth and the Kotur- ..iv In-fore;- ni tir.t! itv HfMT Church, TVirdlnwn, Vh school house at 11 a. nv. on the lourth ud. iv ii! evcj-y month and the Saturday y -'.t. ,'1'viiiN' Sunday School, P.irdtown. meets in ofv s Imol house every "Sunday at f a. i T- 1 . .. I.' t..A...I,.tit Id. I .. . leeuc: .u j i i ii i i mi ii i. Lorn.- j: ii rti.i:roN" Imci: A. V. and A. M. , : it- 1t Monday and ;'d Thursday in j i :.l) n:niit!i 7 n. in. i It. h. Coi.l.lNS. . M. j MM s ami Pi:ori:.-sioN.L I'akds. ru l li:atiii:uw( )oi. ATTORNEY AT LAW, llrvMuti City, N. C. Soci :it fnt itrti given to Collection of Claims .n f i i; v-s-t Iii'M t ion ut I-iuL titles. A. M. FKV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, P.ryMm Cttv, N. C. A M P Trrr R. L. DAVid DRS. BENNETT & DAVIS, PHYSICIANS. & SURGEONS. 1'ryson ( ity, N. C. All nils pronrjTt1y filled, when the fees v pii'i it seeured. The latter is invaria ; 'loinainl. d. Y.m h one makes his own ""units cnll-cta hie. PIEDMONT VAGONS For Sale by E. EVERETT I'i y s,n citv, X." C. MOONEY & SOMERQW, Contractors and Puilrters, 1-n -snr City, N. C. j .1!., pr,-p;ircd to do all kinds of IM,"ting and furniture var- UlSf iii. ; - J- M. SLAGLE BRYSON CITY N. C For Sale. . .1 '.nn .n Deep Crook 120acros a a.,,r''s h"tom land. o0 or (i0 2 V'M''Vcd. House, well, etc. T;',1' f Ji . h-eni town. Terms reason-"'-'- nnm. J. V.. Sifc;.Kn. LOCALS. Xotuk! I ho name of ('harlot cm I . was oh an fret 1 hy act of I egislature in Januarv bS.O to Brvkon Citv The name of the postoilicl has been changed aoeordijigl v. I) g lays. f Statt1 j no -nn was a rainvltiv jtini'i m saiuiiK.'s lorine fair. i (orn elands alii the- wav. from two to lil'toort foot hih. ri-k lojks arc jronorailMi minrov- inj; all ovor the oounty. A "oodlv numlior of vrouM-lo toaohors aro iii town this kvook. Mr. lillor has his soooixl kiln of hiick com plotod and "stinted tlio liros in it -Mondav. s ' rronnsos of nrtioli'S for i ho State fair are "od. but the artilk-s them selves aro what wo want Forlv Invs of ram, a v the woathorwiso, but wo lncvo already missed two in ihvson C'2tv. Wo understand that F . ( o er int. e our ofiiee has ome jiowerful tail want to 'siijHc ot it in one of those da.ys. f aoiin i . niresmos if! U brought in the fan;.s of a, rattles take cut from a four and a half IV men killed on Kirkland (it; speci- i'ceK. i -J . rv r.mtore iV nrn.. n ive done on their , propar- Hiso.i t . - ltion at urni.ihod considerable exoa va t i niT lot west of the court hour atorv to huildinir a stoic n Tlio' Southern jExpo Montoniorv Ala., has us a nam phlet of the pro niuntlist for tlieir exhibition in November. Arthur Coflin Co.. h-- ve three saws running in their ment now and liavo a 1: idaek walnut dimension . unde r their shed, i Prof. Moses, address, to ers attending t ho- ins! ituti sjxtken of. e ; regret did not know when tin was to be jriven so v. e eo iistem-d' to it too. i ' Wo hear a. rumor Hiehnjond ;ind Danville 1 jiurohased the railroad fr i)!o to Mnryville and ii tending it up the iTonut to Huslinoll. Almost news to bo true; ! Th-o eitizons of Haleiirh an. imiiirnation r.iootin; vote on the 1 )r. ( ! ris.-om bstaldish- IH t ' 1 " tu.j piiieu ho toa,ch is high- that we address id itave' hat the; Iks have ; m Knox- end ex- 4soe river oo good j lave held over Tlio ii vest iga- tion and adopted, .some strong reso lutions condemning the, the boai'd. Similar moot been he ld elsewhere in tl lotion ot pntrs nave state. Asheville had a seriout tiro last weeK. l no iui niiure aniB sasn and i nit r- , Tl f 1 1 door faetorv of Villiam.Jn ' & Son was burned together will t a: dwel- ling adjoining ami the Warehouse wa severely f Farmers ilamaged. )0, partly n - - ' The loss was about -V.O.O1 insure F. . i The bridge span; of 1) trestle is complete and p Up en ok ift of the ohl structure torn aw; f. (Oh that the second Tuekascc woro as well fixed!) Car has done a gemd job on the work looks like a hi more washouts there. joe oruige j Knight :his and (Ige. ' No Col. lioger J. cage, eiuior oi tne or t T ' 111 f t Thitr J!nisf, r of Marion was shot and instantlv killed in Marion on the night of the 2-inl insjt. There seems to have heen a woman ,m the- ease. Col. Pagt4 was an able man, about lift v vears of ago. He was attacked from behind about mid-night, just after aligl ting from the train. i The Ch7r J!rr'.rr hn hands - or rather l is tl Wilev Shook having st Pigeon Piveif parties by Vitfro) Hirer St utinrl will enanged -I 'timet, .1. Id out to vhom the be jirint Shook's ed. Wt! shall miss Mn editorial work, but extend the the right hand -jot" fcllowsh new concern. I p to Le treited re treat t u Last. Thursday we we to" the first gemiinej thnn of .the soavon. ' The db brilliant for a time an cleared the atmosphere, ofiiee avo could hoar the th.i telegraph instruniont discharge of the tluid, : Smathors h-ertod his made a brilliant sprint t tograph gallery Avhero ho till the stonn was ovor. Noav that summer is i?; well tor ovorvone to b I er storni piav 1 greatlv ...... .-v.. ruin for ipon us it ' p iv pa red dren will L take the for the inevitable.! Chil oat given fruit and mu consequonoes. Their clvjOrs some times hint tneniseiyts from summer eimplainti suffering Have a bottle of FosgatoV Anody he Cordial in the house and j you fill never be without a sure, roint good for all ages. For Elraoro d-'Bro?., Iiry?ou Ax- f. i le at J. S. Cit v X. C. The musical and literarv onter- ' tainment announrod last week' to j come off Thursda.y nirht of this i week is changed to Fridav ninht ! ( Aug., 2,). A leasant anl jolly time is -anticipated. The program i is a varied one to suit all tastes. 1 Miss Kims, one of Judson College's I i young elocutionists w ill fiive us j the best niece she has. Miss Ma rev I i Lipscomb will favor us with a lino rec itation. Miss Camp will also ; recite. . This with music intc rspeis- ed will be worth anyone's l." cts., ' (or two for 2" ts). 1'rvson C'itvt lrass Hand will discourse her j sweetest strains. 20 per cent of! the proceeds to be' divided equally 1 l-t. ween the two Sundnv Schools.! CoMK AND KX.lOV VOlMtS!:!,! DIED. From diarrhoea at the his brother Tliaddeus in J irvson , City -July 2S, James Harvey Iueh anan. 1 no funeral services v.ei hold Monday, 1'ov. J. S. Smiley officiating. Deceased had been in poor health ever since his return from Knoxville in the Spring. EAT HONEY. Thousands and tons of thousands of children are (lying all around us. who. because their ever devolon- ing nature demands ; sweetness, j crave and eagerly oaf adulterated i 'candies'' and ''syrup,' of. modern times. If these would s ho fed . on ; honey instead, they would levelo j into .healthy men and women. ! Children would rather seat broad 'and butter: one pound.) of honey " will roach as far as two pounds ot ! butter, and has, besides, the ad i vantage of leing far; more healtliy land pleasant tasting, and :dwavs remains good, while, butter i soon 1 1 irw -riiii r rivwid nnil oHfn liviiilncis . . -v v "".v.. .... .. i - ' evil Din in tlio Kfitiii:H'li iTii l tt i m ; h.j-jo.ss, vomiting ami (diarrhoea. Pure lioney should al ways be -.freely j used in every family. .Honey oat- ; en on wheat bread is very bench-, cial to health. The use of honey j instead of sugar for admost every j kind of cooking is as pleasant for! the palate as it is healthy for the I stomach. In preparing blackberry.) raspberrp or strawberry shortcake, j it is i n 1 in Mel ; superior. Jt; is a common ox)rossim that honey is, : -'.a. lurxnrv; having nothing to do i with the life giving principle. This, is an error, i Honey is food in one I of its most ctincentrated forms. ) True,' it does not 'add so! n:uch 'to, the growth of inuseles as (lees heel- ; steak, but it does imjiart other pro-' pertios no loss necessary to health and vigorous physical and intel-j loetual action. It gives Avarmth to ill" cj-f"-iiAA ori'iiuiw iwivoiiitL' ii 1 1 'i,tr and "gives vigor to all tho vital functions. .To, the. laborer it giA es strength to the business: man, mental force. Its effects - ave not 1 i k e o r d i n a r y s t i l n u 1 a n t s . a s s p i r i t s etc., but it: produces a healthy action," the results of av hi oh are ileasing and ermanent a sAveot dis)osititn and a bright intellect. St m fit Atlantis'. ; . Thats us exactly, and if some of; our subsc ribers only knew the ; piiung aAvaA- avo have been doing iatclv boeause there is no honey in the house they Avould i brace and make the bees hustle. up A Southern Exploring Expedition. TllC Maiwjiicliirt'r lirrnril, nf I'siltimore, ! ;-jftor wliit-li is ever working for the atlviincp- i r, " p . 1f , nicnt of the South, has undertaken one" of j I he lirm Oi U Jirron it .Maedon tke ;reatest enterprises of the day. With j aid will 'soon be dissolved, Fred M. view to makinp; known to tiie world the ; Miifflnn.ild rctirin-r Afr. Maodon- vast wealth of the unexplorcl mineral and timber regions ot 'the South, wiiich rail- roads have not vet owned m to -miMic investigations, that journal has organized :i iiuiv cnnii) )cu exploring panv, isnucr .- i ? . i tfip nianageinent ol .Major nanairemeiit of Major (Johisnntli 1'er-, nard West, ot 'iirniinglt:ini, anotcd expert in the explorarimi jof mineral regions. In making this ; announecment in its last issue, the 3fiuitffTFttri-rr lieeortf savs ''we have arranged to place at onee in the field an exjK'dition, st-ientifie ami.-, practical, whose duty it shall W to visit, iuA-estigate and report upon all mineral d,strK ts of the Southern States. J he exjKMlition has heen organized hy the Maniimima Lr- "I T1' ?' t "1 "iH onlv in rhis Journal. It is estimateu that . the mission will last six months. M jor of his ow n selection. ::nit will remain in . i j- i i . .: . i: . 4.. l 1 i X v: i?? i -irn ii iniLic iui ine neiu ior me ne.xi M.t iijimu.. ui- hlK'l llli. V tl.iIUl.UJ( 1 I II II IV 11 ,IJ' ' 1 r.i r ; i ,i; ;.... -i.:..u T..;.,- t-liniate, conditions, resiun-es and" oppoT umities, and to give the puhlic an nn- prejutueel anu jnieiii iii r.rt. i m is uudoiibtetllv one of rhe mvt reTiuirka- :.( ....,...; .. i.;. .w .. Hit IIIiIiHV Ui mill i IJl nmill 7.i- ikt in this t'ountry lias ever undertaken, and lar aneaa i anvinmii ; i oie una i 1 I L I the kmdj alin Amerit a. The JMMdrr." i ir-W has done a. preat work tor the South in the pasvmd to that it now adds i hi hrilli.mt seheme. in ,Uh , nll m.,re lor tl.Ls ;vtion. the hea expense t thi cx - plorjiion cspediti.o will U- Iwurae .-ok-lv lv that iournul. ' a a-.-.. slIHMIl IIIt'M'lt'I .11111.1111 l. lltl Illl II .UtllOl - 1 ft & n ratt le of :'Wwt has intimately connected, he t lingmans iJoino. i . ne expert to t : 0;n;r jn saving their iniSlirnaSSOd 111 imei lCil. !., ovorv ' will earrv with him a iceial force, pro- come again and see some more of i t t A 9 c At- j t jit- a. ! ilrtX'&'l ".mntai,. . ! ' X nu,i,,r of vos ,cn wont i Pre spring water. Scenery that charms lesk anl -ctjjpnwrana tretlogist, a tnnlver erqx-rt. a A. A. Gallagher Ni:tliern ps- in bathing Saturdav evening Avhcn fl10 g'n wllllo' ' it dflfW llllt- diseillirilffl1 tllC the pho- Secretary and ncnessary servant,. The songcr agent of the Missouri Pacific uUcnlv' oneof the cnAvd Ava at- l,lt 1 J L' "JlIlt 11 n J1"L UWluiuUgt remaineel ;-f and Ed F. "th- tac! by a turtle Avhicl, f caught famier. TllC - pluCO for U XX)!' mail. Jlw tHuui in a- lcisnWlv Z-,uhIv its : panger agent the. JNinta llim hv thc Utz too. ."Uh,..rh! help !: 1 ' PERSONALS. Prof. Ilavdon wont to I lorn in v I Mondav. ' Ii. P. liingl i town Monday am parsed through Dr. Scruggs spent the dav Tucs-.i lav at hittier A. L. Walker returned from j Asheville Friday. j pr,,f. Sprav was in town Mondav i for sl H,f-t tini'1 i (i. M. Jelton of Kiioxvillc was in town Monday night. Hewitt of Hewitts wyis on the train Monday morning. W. W. Kinslaml went west on the train Thursday last. j Samuel Massey wont to Ashe j ville and Marshall Monday. ! J. L. Davis went to Waynosvilk homo ot ; Tuesdav for two or throe da vs visit Kngineer Fulmer took his place "ion the foot board again Mondav. oi . I rot, la. 1 . 3 loses arrived in town Saturdav and is quartered atiSwain Hotel. ' ' Va. (i. Coflin and W. D. Crisp returned from their trip' to .Knox ville Saturday. j V. la. Frm-h is taTkingi of or ganizing a choir of Chorokeo'S and traveling witli them. J Mr. Xeil and Miss (Jertrude Pmehanan of Webster have been visiting at D. k. ( olhns tne past AVOOK. Miss McLemore conflicted her visit and left on Saturday. She said she should return again next summer. John V. Shuler Esq., of Deep creek isited Brvson City on Tues dav, for particulars Ave refer to Dr. II. " la. Davis. Dr. Harrill and Avife of Statos villo wore on the train Tuesday morning returning from a trip to ValloytoAvn. - Several ladies and gentlemen from the eastern part of the state avo re on the train Frida' going to the end of the road. E. B. Norvell returned from WaynesA'ille Thursday hist, Avhero he had boon in attendance on the deathbed of his brother. i II. J. 'Elmore traveled Wednesday.- all the Avay to Whittior. We expect a thrilling chapter of incidents from him next week. Wo avo re favored Avith a call from J. M. Clement J r:, of the Wctmi aidraurr last week. Journ alistic labors seem to sit lightly on his shoulders. R. J. Neil of Nashville Tenn., Avas a jiassonger on the train Mon daA' IkjuikI 'for " ValloA'toAVn- and . ;V-Vrl -V He Avill stop in BrA'son City on his return. S L. E. Lancaster sujierin tendon t of the Star Route mail scrA'icc AA'as on the train Tuesday, bound for (ieorgia. He said our W. N. C, Star Routes av ere running all right. A. H, Moore, reresentative of the Thomson-Houston electric rail- Avay system jiaid us a call' Tuesday to learn about the jiroposcd line to Franklin. lie gave us some valua ble information.- J. W. Ellis and wife - who have been visiting Chief Smith for 'two or three weeks' started for their home at Atoka, Indian Territory Monday. Mr. Ellis Avill be a reg ular reader of the Hi-:kai.i here- ! j iU loyo to wnin COl , ".' , -, ! : rth. Carolina, in a few mo countv. nths. and go into business thoi'O. A!lCiut ... . i ,,.1, ) Arnim Chief Smith and his son-in-LiAv J. W. Ellis of the Choctaw Nation, spent. Fridav 'night in toAvn. Wo are informed privatetv that the ('hiet O0ilsod all his JirCAMOUS , Ojorts-at riding and he Can sit a - y wiUl thebest "of them, . 1 1 r Q C'arpentor and J. W. Fos- tor of Boston Mass., j.assed through , , . ' Lr , . w toAvn w eanosaay. i ney iiao jusi i t MUl iil Jiotii iiiouniuiii t4ifif;. which started at .Mary ville 1 enn., i i took in iThunderhead and i aoo - 1' e loutc lioth ot i naitanooga Tenn., went doAvn to Epp Spring '-TlIOIaV AVllOrO thCV AA'lll. tie gUOtS I r r, , . ti,' ;tn!l t., f? .1. j of C apt. doe. J Iioa mtcnl to in i ' a and otherwise enjoy tlioiiiscl vos. XT' . t i Mi n:ir,i.M1 :in,i Mr. Warren i wlio-e presciuv in Lryson ( ity AAas I noted hist AVeok ill the H KIJALD elt ,MlUer than thoA' had exieeted, . , . , ,xiisint. of ; , - . , importance. Loiore leaving they bought two lots frora Col. Jirvson j on the hill nortlnvest of town. This " is an indication of their judgement of our toAvn ami its prospects. l a jit. -at. Atkinson Avas m toAvn I OA'er SundaA", and brought Avitlu Shim the folIoAA:ing gentlemen Avho aro looking at the Whittior tract.! Judge C. (J. ltutt, Nat. Poynt and I A. Johnson and son of Orlando,! Fla., and Ilobort Doyle of Watseca 111. These gentlemen, constitute! the party in avIioso interests Judge Butt paid our toAvn a Hying visit some time ago. Con'. Fowlo and daughter, Mrs, P. H. Andrews, loft this afternoon for a jdea.su re triji into the Avestorn jiartofthe State. Miss Mary and Master Dan. Fowlo and Mrs. An drews' little oliildron jiccoinpanietl them. Cull (Raleigh.) The above jiarty pa.ssed through here in Col. AndreAVs' jiriA'atc ear last Thursday, going to the head of the. road and returning Friday: Some of our citizens were much disajijiointed at not seeing the goA'ernor. ?. L. C. White Supreme Keejier Seals Knights of Pvthias, H. T. 1. A l ' i -'r I 'It T iasKeite, editor jti.sn irmr iic.iiutr and. H. M. Doak Clerk V. S. Cir-i ouit Court all of Nashville Tenn., I wore in town for a foAv minutes! -Monday. i no gentlemen Avere traveling Avith covered sjiring Avag on and one colored factotum and were seeing the unox jJored jiortion of . .N. ( . 1 hey Had come from i Tenn., uj) Pigeon river and John-! ainan s cret K to roco viaji, thence doAvn the Oeoiia Lufta stojijn'ng at VoIIoav Hill. From here they Avorc going down- the Tuekaseegee and Tennessee rivers to MarA'ville and KnoxA'ille Tenn. They said was ; rough triji but enjoyable. it ! j Letter from BUI Hamilton. Wolcli, July 20, 1NS0. Editor, Sir: Wo Inno been on joying some fine rains the past few days, and iioav that corn crojis are in good groAving condition, avo may exjioot a good turn Out tit gather ing time. Our farmers are nearly all done 'working their crops and taking care of their small grain. Wheat is looking good, the only trouble is, there Avas not enough soAved last fall. Wish our jieoplo would sjnead out a little in the way of farming, learn to S(av and plant more acres, and they will bo sure to reap more. Our farmers may all join the alliance and pass all the resolutions thov see fit, orv out against the merchants and speculators etc., but if they do not learn to make their sujport at home, sell the products,, of the farm instead of buying their meat and bread from merchants or sjee ulators as they call them, they will always ho cramped and under the Aveather. I wonder Iioav many thousand dollars Avorth of provi sions have boon shijmed to SAvain and Graham counties this season, well I cant say,. but I knoAV it has drained the county of about all its spare change. Our toAvn is still climhing and some day Ave will "get there" Avith a nice flourishing place. W. II. Crisp is having a fine trade in chiohons, he has in his yard about '2)0 or ;00 chickens all doing. Avell. The stave business is progressing finely and avo are looking for a big thing this fall in that line. Success to the IHkai.d, it i. jajer avo may H he" proud of. R os jieot fully, Bu.i. Hamilton. a Letter from Swain P. 0. Swain July 20, Mr. 1'dilor: Feeling interested i in this portion of the ' eountv a well as other Avriters from olht portions, 1 Avi II kindly ask a little spaee so that-1 may give the items i from hAvam I . v) . The farmer, rs are through work-- rn and most -of tlcir: their corn M1V; P-Qinething got me,r' he i an,i niatle for the - bank. sam IT ; .1 e ior xno- nanw. ins friends Avere so am u set) at the cir cus that thev couldn't render anv ; h j , hr lall;rl,ter hut he inanageil ! to hcli himself. Hesavx he is not going in sAvnnnung aiiy more im- : til ho loams hOAV to SAATni and then , t he'll be dog-goned if he Avants to ; n in a ,!,.' ".'.f llUld turtles. - T f.,ii,- 1 expect tllll . G. B. Iialcomb, i "mix B Juvl Ul Bryson City, Swain county, W. C. All entirely new liouse, Elegant new furni ture, Commodious apartments. The best liouse in Western North Carolina. Travelling salesmen, Avill lind their need of a room for displaying goods fully mot. TERMS REASONABLE, AND SATIS FACTION GUARANTEED. OPEN ALL BLAIR FURNITURE CO Furniture Dealers AND 7 Patton Ave., 4 A, B. ALLISON, AST. REAL ESTATE OFFICE OF CONLEY & CRISP Brypon City, Swain Co. X. C, .'Jd door'north of Couley building. Town lots on low Cominissi'n. Timber lands a Specialty. Handle all kind?rof Mineral projterty. AlTLY TO CONLEY A-CIS ISP. Ii. H. Lakk, liryson City, N. (. Vii U U LZILrUU twain Largo and small farms, well timbered and wq1 AvatQred. A deep, ricli soil. A climate i a a i l" Good farm lands at fro $25. per acre. ADDRESS LAKE & ITODGE, 5 i THE YEAR. Projrictor. Undertakers. Asheville X. C. Bhvson Citv, N. C. J. S. ELMORE & BROS. DEAL EHS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. AH kindrt of Country nrfKlucc Iwnipl-t rr , t.iLcn in tr:ide. UirhcttC cat-h price paid for IIorwM, Miilc-f, f'attle, Sle'i anil Hog. Iont forget the place. J. S. Kl.MOKK A Bkos., Bryson City, X. C. II. A. Hoix.k, lrywn City, N. t nn IX- ha ivuniuiiuice oi $2. to IJrA'son Citv X, C, m CAROL