ft '7 4 y ; fc if 33 i 15 C ?Sr' - 3 x ;S3 ri in 3 i it- rA 52 iii iT-tSl ;S ys WW W j I Dceoted 'to the intere of Strain Cotwh. Imlejwudfnt in jmolitic. VOL. I, NO 34. BRYSON CITY N. C. THURSDAY. AUG, 22 1889 PRICE 0L5O PT3TI YEAR .VAIN COUNTY HERALD. II. A. IIOIXJK Kditor and proprietor. PRICE, $1.50 Per Year. luhlUhed every Tnunwiay at Brrftfti Ctt, 5 wain -ounty, N. t'. Ciicnni and Sinday DIRECTORY. School PnKVTr.itl v Swietr of ItrvKon C'itr. fiprie on first Sunday of every month in Ard'Irniy, at 1 1 a. in. mu 7 p. ni. Ilev. i ' ! v.- i-vrvnv :B 4-vfe.TT at l i a. ;n. n xl 7 p. ni. on rnmi and third Snndar of ererr month. rfi-hinp and Onirch nferenee on Sat uriT hforr third Sunday at 11 a. ni. ILr.v. 'l. II. ('iirneii, I'antor. Sunday achool ,t oVlork, a m. I). K. (.'oinnsSuperin-tcrxl-nt. Mrr" i:. v : i : i 1 1 1 rear. i i;i in .i'ih..- .... i ' ; . ur-h the -oii'l Sunday in erery month. Sunday j,.v,0,,l rrry inta at I rloe a. ni. I. 15. (nlry F iXTintcnden. H v. I". P. Mrlan lias ! th fotiow- Jjj aji iuunc nt: Show 1 rrrt-k first Sun ,hw iii rvrry month and Saturday' he fore at 11 V.. in. ar.d.7 p. ni. Sunday Mhol at ft s. in. Whitiif-r. second ?UTuday in erery month M- S.twrday before at 11 u. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday nehool at 'J a. m. I'rayer mti ' " rv WVdnevlay niht. Vi:Ti r i nui- thir l Sundav in evcrv 1': t.-.r. ; ''!-.-jrc!i, llixdtown, ; i .:r"r. ServireH in rv V' v. w. on tho fourth i. rtli ;iu'l the SsturdaT V. r. J. I!. --y Su:' ill f. vrv h.',r.-. I'mion Sunday St-ho-l, Hirdtown, idmU in n w nrhMl house every Sunday afr 9 a. ni. F. S. Keener SujerTntndent. Kr.irs ami Iuor ession ai. Cauds. li. I.. LKATIIKRWOOI, ATTORKET AT LAT7, Kry son City, N. Sjvci.ft attention t Collection of n.ilnis nod inveUj?atjoa of Land titles. A. M. FRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, V.rTBon i itv. N. V. a M BiititiTT. t R L. Davis E3. CaillETT b DAVIS, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. i Rim. w Cirr, N. C. mi rus nroniwniT mini, nurrn mr im ft MlArSVrurWL'. The Utter U inrtiria- k ii 1 1 j iin.j i . t i M -Un.an.'fcMR fTaeh one make hit own '"''rtnnti eoPleetahle.' E. EVERETT nrysoit City,. N. C- ltra c t orr a ml BiiirdeTS, . . Dry son City, N-C. I ttv! prepared to do all kinds of nonr pointing and furniture var- nif!h.iij. J. M. SLAGLE' bryson" crnr n. c ' farm on Deep Creek 120 acres, .aerrs bottom land. o) or 0 vreg improve!. House, well, etc. - milry from town. Terms rcason rirv $:i.000. J. E. SnrLER. LC3flL5r i Notice! The name of Charleston N. C. wan than pet I bvaet of jcgislature in January' 1881? to BrVson City. The name of the wistoffiee and rail road station have been changed to I 1 Such delightful !Aujruit weather we never Haw before. Laying water pi pen on the north . has our toniates. is progressing at last. (1. W. McCracken thanks for some beautifu The (lee-Trotter rawmill on Alarka creek work. Hie IMl is doing wrae gootl ringers g:ive quite pit as in (r entertain men t.4, r riday and Saturday night". The editor is in great hi own house will Hoon hope that pharm' the eyes f parsing traveller Mr. Arthur, acconiranied' hv several men, ,went to j?riartown Monday to set the new sawmill in motion. T T!i;don, of M-aeon eounrv, h if ! r;i :pp intel (iauger of Dis- 1 1 if -nes for the .th Internal Reve nue District of the state. A two week's meeting Kinder the auspieesof the rreshvterian Church is in progress, and is well attended. It is hold inj the l-Methodist church huildinLr M. McDonald has startel for . s r lirysou. Cit v hv wa v of Nlcw York, Fensom and his familv tmd Moo- noys tamily will tart cars for transacting can Im se'iired. 1 as soon a,s ?ir gornls tl n;; ounces. Jt was '. 1 ! iuster of t i ree. learn that land Ma- iTom . w. .Miller, wH the new irick Academv sonic Hall known! ns the Bethel Academy, in Hay woo was burned,. Sunday uii I county. tl- ttlC tcendiary J. R. Edwards brought! in a lot of corundum from hi Mountain tractr Monday Beer Pen 1 There is 'o id k that this 'i r- r I - .i.ijWiil'eit silver! ! oi the coinage of 1888. De- Mcctive Deavcr of Ahevi Lle has dis- , ! covered wnif- dn4yrrou ones in ireulation.On of j the hov ,ers of the queer, has been captured by the Ashevillc imiIicc. 1 i The game law, at least i its provisions affect the killing of deer, is suspended-" We did not need towennlfc the tattsfces of the stat- tor find this outr it waj enough for us to seo that old veteran uIoc" .lenkins making a snca iv lor me r ii.. big mountains, with liis trust v rifle on his shoulder. Wd wish him gosl luck. j j Cicklsa't Anita S&t TnE Bkst Salve in for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, I he world ! leers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, .Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skiu Eruptions, and positively cure Piles-or no oav rei ttired- It j is guaranteed to give penetft satis- i faction, or nionev rehuuleL rriet' !." -ents ier lox! For sare by R-LJ , iuvia. i ! . : j Now that stwnmer is upon us it : is well for evervone to lc prepared i 6jc the inevitableJ' Children will eat green frmfeanni must take the . i - . . Consequences- Their eh ers some- tllUCS kml themselves sufierihg from summer complaints. Have a UttIeotfosg:ites Ancdylie i ortlial I ti I i.tj;iiiv n .iiu iijjnvv"iuii he house and vou will never rfthou a sure" rcnufdv- It is in We it i i ' ii the good tor all agcFor salfby J, S. Elmore & Bro., Bry rVSOll i HV M 9 A m ' M T Ctrtt We desire to say to up citizens, t hat for year wer ha.v been, selling Dr- King s New theoverc lor tOp sumption, it. rwings pe ew Life I I I IS Bucklen s Arnica aive - Mm Sal aoul Klectric BLttecA. aoid have aever lt 1 handled remedies that sell as I that hive frrren such universal r : : .------- - i - . satisfaction. We do not hesitate to eliaCfcatce theoj. evcrv t ie. sua we ? i i . c 'l lL V, -. ! price, ii ts:uisracrcy cpuru0 ni follow their use- j These! j rcraedres have won . their creat popularity nurelv on their merits. 'R.L:' Davis Dnrggist. Is' one whtrh is jniatauteed to., . . ft e. .a bring. you wusiaciorcpu.; fc.ase OI a ia:iuic a. -, iiiwii chase price. I m. this sale buv from our advertised plan you Druggist a lottle of Ir. KingV Nfw Discov ery tor Cousumption. Itp guaran tecd to bring relief in dvery case, when utrcd for any affection of the Throat, LungH or Chestr ueh as t. o n s rnnpt ion , 1 n n a ma t u n of Lti njrs Bronchitis, Asthmar Vhoj)ing Cough, Croup etc., etc It is pleas ant and agreeable to taster perfect ly safe, and can always be depend ed upon. I Trial txttle free at R; L. Davw' Drugstore. - One of the lioilers for the kaelm factory arrive! here yesterday and attracted much attention, we up pose on account of it dirnlnuative size. It measured only- li) feet 15 inches in circumference,, and only weighs about 28,000 pounds. Its mate is daily expected and the jair will be placed side by aide in the brick house now being built for them. At the mines shutes are being constructed to convey the kaolin to a convenient point for loading on wagons, which will be nwd f r hauling to the factory until the tramway is built.; Ttn-Lasietar Dem ocrat. ' A large crowd of very thirsty looking men wa gatherel in front of Conley and Crisp's oflice Thurs day last. The reason was that these enterprising real estate me i Itad .brought a promising piece of gold ieanri rtH'K irom Jiriartown ana were preparing to test it. Mr. Young ground the rok in a lig mortar long after it had lieen rodu etltoan impaliKible p.wder, jitst tor the sake of seeming to be busy, j Tatham of Robbinsville helmnt run i the lire, under the able direction; of , Representative Franks. V. K. Mc Lean wore an expectant smile. Mr. Clark sat in the ofiiec door and seemed an emboliment of all ihe prohibitory knowledge of the Pine j Trf-c tae. Several others were also rind we tricl to learn tr mic . it' lite washing, would co or treats or not. Nobody scenieer inclined enlighten ns and we asked to shown a sample of ths rock, think - , i ri chances of our securing a little :of that invigofator that comes from NVavKcsville every day or two. A piece of rock was shown us that 1 jMl-n44l1iful fatim 4r i i,, rvtk nr-kll on.Vtn 1 - i i - 1 ' 'tuaniiiy isr extecuing anyrmng we- have ever b6e seen m this state. Bat the chances of realizing "invigcration" werenlueed to a low db It wasthe rorest n iece of ore i .r i - -hi-: : !-at they hal pounded ii., t.. piivces. of burning the 1 -,-iviftSe irom an old fryingpain n which to wash the precious powder was a slow one, we were not in I a very feeble condition anyhow and when Budd-Thompson offered us a last year's-. county order for ouir chance we ttook him up s quick he forgot what week it was anl nwir- said afterwards that thay got a feie showing of gold but none of them were undulv elateel, Joking asnle. the find is a valublc one. Clrdttwa Cibblzs. We were pleased to hear that t ie Sawmill Boy ae yet alive and tnjo-yLtaj? hearth and plenty, 11 i '.j " : J. R. and W. T.' Ri misev ant L. (hilders attended fhe-rassociation ill iihmi (in , I sympathise with Ifill, iramil - ton in his recent loss ,of. the, twij chickens and iroliablc loss ofhe' mil . i i :oM hen. fluess he wilt q,uit' the ichickcH. business and the farmers alliance. J. R. C this home- on Indian creek. ' from heart disease and dnpsy, W. ; ll.xatiiey. i ne ma?ca rati j j ji. v am.j . sick for several months and for the j last three weeks, had been obliged r i ...Anil,.. i x- 4,a 1 to sit proptcd up in hi tha r all the I A. T ..AA. a. A a u m W. :lime. lius miuiiu hi m." ii.li! niv i seaper found him,and cut the frail mmh that held him in the earthly tenement. Had he lived till next October, the deceased wouM have rWi m vears old. He lease's a wife and a laage familv of children.' IU was buried at the Shall creek i camp ground, on Sunday. ( . . . , m t .MWW tm Pf. ta HMiim ' r l-rSwa eaistt totaa wttk , M Whittier to E V 5tLcan 2 lots in Whittier j MrwES-CJoodrake to P P Mc - f Lean lot in Whittier C18. J M and S M Enlr-to Ellen En ! loe 4 lots in Whitricr$400. state Grant to P S Jenkins assig- x.- t. i i fwur uwcsjc .iniiu eres-on Turkeegee river. Seabram Pilkinton 18 t Saran Ann. Welch 21 Mh of Pu.hrie! I I - t ! I II. ! II W. S. Thomas in in town again. I)r. Scruggs was at Whittier Sa irday. Joel 1. and W. D. Crip were in town again last week- Mr. Hewitt was on .the train, Tiiestlav morning. e- A. M. Edward was on the train Saturday morning. A, M Fry Esj. retnrnetl frrxn rorganton, : .Tuesday. F. Russell was at Swairr Ho tel one day this week. Ilattie Rattle w visiting her sIsf ter,who live inAheville. Capt. Jack. EdwanU has beett taking a vaation evidently Mr. Moynihan, of ABeTiMe, was in town one night hist week. 7 Dr. Rrinklcy of Jackson eouuty has passed repeatedly of late. Mrs. W.. A. ftibson is- visiting with friends in Macon eountyv S. FChapman of Asheville was on the train Saturday mornsng. A. N. Saxt m Jr., of Knoxville, was in' town the first of the week. Miss Marv Rrvson went to Ashe- ville Saturday for few days visit Col. R. B. Johnston, of Ashevillc wasthe guest of Col. Bryson Friday. (i. T.. LaDue, Ifeyser's foreman, wa,s on the train Weducsday inorn-i'g- E. G. Coffin returned from arn extended stay in Ashevillc, Tues day. j J. H. Cathey and wife have moved back to tlic larm on Shoel CTerk Tatham of RoT- oinsvine was on our streets again Uast week i 4 i gone to W il mot or somewhere in John Jenkins of Vavsi'ue"was in town Satiirday Kinsion claim. looking after his W. S. Kinsland, of Wayncsville, was on the tramr Welnesday, on his way home. Miss Corrie Camp, who has been at Col. Brvsons all summer, left for home Thnrslay. Mrs. J. H. Everett and Mrs- J-H- Ditmo.e came- up. from, the spring Tuesday. Hiram Gunter of" Robbinsville visited the masonic fraternity last Thursday night. Sheriff Fleming of Graham coun- ty made our offii a pleasant call one day last week- lisses Sowerby and Kerlee, of Whittier, nave been making a vis it with friends in town. Mr. Longstreetof the Geological, survey, and n is-assistant have been in town several days lately. Squire Fawcett came down from Wayncsville Monday,, tao rmjuire into the ways of the wicked. Ceo. A. Letford, representing H. i E. Bucklen A' Co. of Chicago, was in town the first of the week. H. V. Maxwell started for Knox- villo Sitnrrla- lit tfe fohl pros)eets at Briartown are gooi. K. C. Montieth raad- us a call, f Monday, while on hi way home from the Association at Shoal creek ftk. Frederick. Hunter, of Wash ington Ca., arrVpaniM by -her two sons is-visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur. - i- ::m A V.i, fl l7iArl iml rw4 ttnttJk Miss L- E. Krepcr, of Worcester! Emrland.. were at Swain Hotel over i Sunday. . . ii ; A. H. Walker tff Bushnell was . v,, .IfiAA Siii n r i M loft im i name on- our look for a naidun nilDC Oil' OUt RUntiptim; ' 1 v i : V -: V- (111! - - T - - m mw mm. m - . Y' i iwp uunr. w out. speaking. J-Rcvi W. P. Williams, who has been in town for the past two week ifi- the interests of the . Knights of Honor, departed Thursday last. ! Harry M. and Burt Gee, sons of iCapt- (W, arrivetl in towaTuesday u-ilh (wbinrr tilPKI frnna 911ft il i . fe . . ' ft . !ind nrntmnp to navo )nw wxn. i -;il m-l. hri iron with irr Ah tr' Mm N- R. Thnmnacn for time went home Fridav- : A party. ccnvstMing oi musses liciie isngni aim tannic iicv,ov, - ' Thoma Mc 'oy and wife and ThaL I Thrash, went down the road Friday . i. lfni : ..if. i nail .iii-n !ovrr Sun1ay orervinS how Mr. I Miller conducts himself and learn ; A.L . mmmm mm, W m9k. mm Sm1 WKa mmw-mm m, tertainc-d at D. K. Collins'. Rev. R. E. Henderlite, our new Presbvtria Mr acquaintance of his charge- and conducting the daily service at the j Methodist church- R. 1. Davis of Robbinsville was In town last week and made him self known at; the Hkkalo oflice. He said that the Sunday School picnic near Robbinsville, of whith one of our correspondents wrote us would come off the last of Septem ber,, and he promised to see that we an? fully informed in relation to it. Two New York ladies did the mountains alone last week. Their names are Bromley and Schenck. They went to Jarretts ThursJay returning the next morning. They tiid that Ashevillc people tried to dissuade them from the trip but they were very glad they had come. The scenery they thought was grand, the accommodations afforded them at Jarretts were letter than they had expected and the only objection they had td the trip, was the poor accommodation n given bv -the railroad comjany in cars and i ; n i .i mi running iime. e nope oiners w in be as yentursome as they. C Lxara far Crrm City Atttaact. 1. The hours for opening the alliance shall be 2 o'clock I. M., on the first and third Saturdays of eacli month. The sc nd ringing of the bell at the schoolhousc will indicate the time for opening. The first Saturday in each month is to le devoted to the ordinary business of the alliance. The third Saturday to be devoted to the dis cussion of the interests, science and practice of farmiug. 2- Each male memler coming in' after roll call, without a valid excuse for such tardinesst shall 4m fined five cents: and each male memlier who shall le alseut from any meeting of the alliance,, with out a valid excuse, shall 1; fined ten cents. No member shall leave the alliance, while it is in session, without permission from the Vice President. 0. All fines collected in the Bryson City alliance shall be ex pended in the payment of sl seriptions for leading agricultural papers- 4V A riy member guilty of the following offenses shall be cxjelled from this alliance; three fourths of the memlters present, voting in the aflirmative- a. Habitual drunkenness, or being habituallj under the influ ence of Intoxicating liquors. b- Coining into any meeting of the alliance,, intoxieatetl. c- Living in fornication and adultery, d. Refusing to pay just debts; or failing to make reasonable efforts to do so. e. Being guilty of any misrepre sentation of facts, to advance one's awn raterest-- ou to injure the inter ests or character of others. f. Being guilty of any infamous or felonious crime o. We urge upon the special and standing: committees the importance f making their reports promptly at the time required, and the interests of the alliaucc demand, that du attention. He given fo making out these reportt- -,f ,,,H t 61 We .UTgw. a-nti insistf, upon each mem ler. of- the alliajnce, to subscribe for some agricultural paper, publishetl in North Carolina. 7. We also recognise the great ns tynVWflWK a11 enterpnsnd-would r our local remind the members of he alliance, that none of these is- doing more for their welfare than our county paper, thr Swain County Herald.- We wmild therefore urgently recom mend that all members of the alliance- subscribe for the same and tabor lor its advancement and; prosperity. The above by-laws were unani mously adopted at the meeting of the Brvson City alliance on the third Saturday " in August 1889, and were ordered to take effect on and aftCr the first Saturday in Sen- tember 1889. n -a r I U. V . .1CVKACKK, I RESIDENT. G- Htm JR. Secrktary. E. Liu U La i All Confelerate Soldiers are hereby rcfjueslrd. to meet at the Pnrt Tfoti-e in Brvson Crtr N. C. - i t-i rf Aim-. I - fcTtheptrrpose of enrolling their numis. All come as vou will le yn(,i i.r -.. f ? I.. .U . m' j . BLAIR Forniture 37 Fatton Ave., Pol Broun and Uilliaos, This firm will' tiHvc an ADVERTISEMENT in the paper next -week. Help tuppor your ceuntr paper. By so doing you will le helping to build upTou'r ewunty- REAL ESTATE OFFICE OF rV C GRISP Bryson City, Swain Co. N. C, 3d door north of Conley building. Tywn lota on Tow Commit ion. Ttmher lanHa a FpeeiItj. TIamtl all kina ( Mineral froprtT. Arri.Y TO CONLEY & CRISP. R. B-Lake, Brraon Citr, N. V. nr LILiL Lare and smnll faring well tiotercd end well watered. A deep,, rtrfi eoiL A climate unsurpassed in Aimiwu Abnri!rr,re. cf pure sprfng water. Seetiery thzt clinrnir; the eye wliile it doe not dfrcunrse the farmer. Tlie p!:iee tef fata foes at iegd t'S, ADDRESS LAKE Cz iTOIIG: iniTOBsea AND M Tl Anhcville N. C. BasN City, N. C. i. s. uzzzi & n:i . DEALERS Iff C3EKCMAKDICG. ' AIT kiasj sf Cnrfr rrw tc;Vt mr taken in tragic. Ithat ea rria paiC for ItorM, Mdtea, C'artW, Kkwf m4 Tims. rnt forjret tke plae. J. S. Elmoik a Bios.. TtrjviTt City, If. C. IL A. noma, Braoa Citj, N. f". M UUOLiUL. In -IN"- W m m mmmr (iir a poor man V.r N. C to

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