ti 1 w MY -f-AYTi" Derated to th intercut of Strain Count). Independent in politic. VOL. I, NO 38. BRYSON CITY N. C. THURSDAY. SEPT. 19 1889 PRICE $L50 PER YEAR 14 1 1 1 1 f A M hi I M -W AIN' COUNTY HICHAM). j . IIH'tI Kditor mid proprietor. j'KICK, Sl.oO Per Year. J'u')!Mi'-I every Thursday at Iiryson f'ity, Swain county, N. . 1 rti int; ratrs rcy.onnhle and fur iiihrd on api lication. " I'liniCII AND Sl-MiAY DlKKCTOKY. School J'iii: nv r;:iii v" Society of Ilrynon City. v.rvi-- "t: first Sunday of every month in . :i at 11 a. ni. .ni'l 7 p. in. IJcv. l"; :. ll"udcrlit( I'Aetor. I'.trii-r Church of Bryson Citv.-St rvice . i!' !iiy nt 11 a.m. ami 7 p. ni. en nil tinl third Sunday of every month. r : 1 1 1 1 j r :i nl Church Conference on.Sat i.rl.i. Ii-i'ore tlii rl Sunday at 11 a. ni. ill . .!!' itfit'it, Pastor. Sunday echoed lo a in. I. K. Collin Stiperin- t-i4- Mini tivi-T Kr i "for a I.' Smith. Chur h M:ii:. r-tn-et, l'.ryson City. Ilex. 1. P. M 1.i:a v r.i-mi . N-rvicfi) tourth SMiiwlay . li: mi:Hit ;ii i i u. in. auu p. in., anu r l r before. Dr. i. M. Massie t...i.i:... ..u...u ,i.At ,;! siin.liy in every month. Sunday j .!....!" vry Suixlay at 10 oY!o-k a. m. ' I. ' . ; i i -v npi-rintendent. !! v. V. 1'. Mi-Ix-an has also tlu follow i i- -ij...int:nnt-': Shovel ereek firft .Sun .!.iv i:i rvi tv iiionili and S(unlay iK-fore ,i II :i. iii. :i!'l 7 n. in. Sumlay whool at 'I ;. m. U'liitii'-r. veowl Sunday in every month i i l Siiurl iv !-fore at 11 a. m. anl 7 p. S.:;nUv S'hool at 9 a. m. Prayer ii- ti i- i vi rv Velneilay nijht. Wii' U r ha pel third Sunday in rvery th :i:nl Saturday beJore at II a. m. ami 7 . in'"! ii1 Sunday m hool at 0 a. ni. Prayer ivrry Sunlay at ":-0 p. m. Mr i 1 a it i st (.'inireh. Judson N. ll-r. .1.1. Panther Pastor. Services i"r-t Suti'l.i v in every month and the Satiir- i.ii nr.nr.T HviTlsT Church, Hirdtown, C. .1. II. On; -n, iaiitor. Services in N nr-Av -v x.i. lioivM' -.it a. ni. on the fourth vuik1.iv in cvriv nioiith and the Saturday 1, '!(.!. I'M' i - Snmi iv Sehool, liirdtOMrn, meet in !K vr rh'id li itxe every Sunday at 9 a. pi. K. S. Keener. Superintendent." LoiKlE. ii i.i:-T'is Loii.;k A. V. and A. M. 1 1 ' Ni Nf.inday and ."5d Thursday in ii !i in-i:i! h 7 p. in. I; K. Collins. W. M. )S ( 'l i"Y Loim;k, KNlvillTS "1 lloNOIi, Xo.'Ml''i. t.e.l 1 Ft and lth Friday nights in i ' 'i iu.iu;!;. U. 1. l.i a utriiwoon, Dictator. D. 11'. Kfrh, Ueporter. I'i 'lNK AMi PltOI ESSIONAL Cakds. i: I.. LKAT1IEIIW00D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ltry son City, N. C . ial attention given to Collection of Maims and investigation of Isnd title?. A. M. FRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, P.rvMin Citv. N. i A M. Bi::3TT. R- L- Davs DRS. BENNETT & DAVIS, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Iiryson City, Ml i--a!1. nr.inmtlv tilled. when the fees v illi or st-ciiicl. i ne latter is tnvana- 1--manded. .. achone makes his own ;i unT collectahlc PIEDMONT 'WAGONS For Sale by E. EVERETT 'P.ryson City, X. C. MOONEY & SOMEROW, Contractors and Builders, n Iiryson. City, N. C. i :nn nrfivir,.,! tz A -ill i-;,wto ho 'x' J'aintiiig and furniture uiturc vnr - iiisii in-r. J. M. SLAGLE I - - - - - .... .x.....-iviEJiV.. - .i . .. LOCALS. Notici:! The name of Charleston was changed bv act of Lc Mature j in January 189 to Brvsoii Citv. " C "?"fxthc IMtofilc? jnd ' ! riuu. il nau in.-i.-ii tiid igiu iw correspond. Another murder in Ath4villc. a . ' J ' wii last wreK tiie weather was delightful. j Criminal matter seem to be looking upi ! Will. Bryson is having his house plastered. Fairbanks has the job. a not ner cyclone in repi the Gulf, .moving upj the coast. - f .Two larjre traction bound for Jarrctts, passed bore, tSaturdav. j Tliereare no idlel men rted in rvtlantic pngines, hrough arounl r.rvson Citv now. In fat a few from outside could I lind inent. 'j mploy- The business ff this ofijee, ays agent Smathers, was heavitT in till departments last month, tnan ever! before. Sniiir nt tlio orft tifwt. I n t her i , we nave ever seen. is iemr i ki eifti i ir l from .the Gec-Trottcr mill kit T'ck. I i i The rain, Tuesday d:J menel evervtlunjr, but has been ol lowed by some perfect fall weatho The air contains just, a hint of rost. While preparing? dinner last Mondav, Mrs. W. II. Collink iourel isome boiling water on her left hand scalding the back of it in K shock- ing manner. I sav. "citv dads" slick up a the II. little! Kverett street froni 11. to the ))ridge, needs r leaning ami the square ought to bj fifl'and ackcd down befj ! leveled rc c old weather sets in. 1 Jelef.'itc find others .HTenilinT the S. S. Convention, are r q nested to repair to the M. K. Cb irch im- mcdiatelv on their arrivaljin town nm thev x-ill lie nssifned nomcs during their stay, j J. S. Klmorcs new storcj is grow ing: under the supervision of Moo- ncv and Sumerow. . j These j gentle men also have charge of the wotd work fin the editorial man non and are doing some first class work. Squire. Fa weett ' say? there is a groat !enl of curiosity manifested as to bow long he expect: i to stay hcre and he desires us to ay that lie has about decided to ?end for his wife and remain till November. Gen. K. H. Vance will in Brv- json Citv on Sept. 2:M anc will de- liver an address to tne iarmrr s ai- liance at noon of that da v. On the Idav following, he will be ! . ' i. i:. .' :n n Whit- itier. w c nope lie. n hnve eood audiences. The boilers, two in nunilx r and of cood sizo, for Fcnsom Donald's mill have arrived. A third carload of" machinery, m which are their tools, has not yet arrived. This car was loaded and dispatched first, but naturally could be relied on to le the last to come. j Arthur and Sowerby' shingle wagons machine was loaded oil and moved over to Ala ka creek, Mondav. Mr. Sowerbv fcavs thev will offer for sale better shingles has ever i and at lower prices than! before been 'done- here. We hope so and hope to use somd of them ourrelves. Cant. Knight's force hd s been at West field, the first of ti lis week,! set tine the turntable w lieh was taken there some time ago. Now that the question I of taxing the road in Macon and Cherokee coun tics has been settled, we hope no further obstacle exists to i prevent i the running of trains to t lat point. I McLean ! Denutv Sheriff' W. K Willi Mtrat asMMuuir, n pnt down ' on to Wcsser cnxk Friday, and rc turned Saturday j morning with several prisoners, chargcl J with the;sl m' hottle at j L Davis. i larceny oi a narreij oi oil iioui me I Railroad. They were examined be - t i r , ... f, , ,1 , ; for trial at the Superior Cfourt i i i v :ipt. i-micu ni-- . iihu i 'ti.I iiorvmio hlni'lf mil et ttl:lt TIC i 1 1 - 1 i .. 1. ......... ,- nm v.. nas noohni up luuia ijimc n ccntlv. Saturday,' they were star - tied by escaping stenmh from the; loconutive anil for a fc v niinutes made things look like a Iwid rnna - wav. Just iK-fore reakdiing thcj ! bridge they were ptoppcll, without: I anv damage having het-rt done. I . ow that summer is kjpon us it i fr evervnnft to hb nrcnarod - for the inevitable. Children will; lore Justice ricrt:it an i one- mi. - - , ,. n. : eat green fruit and must take tne; hours plex;int conversation. une; 1 COnscO lien CCS. llinr uvns 1 f)l xnu picainiiATt. iiauiiii! wi ii- . 1 i ,t.. t ..v.-;f : . vf m;m irom a I times linl llicniseiv.-si puiinnipiwiMMUii n;is un: jmim. -i r ... .nmliintl: T i :t 'f :1 '. n in f o ri the frrIinil. All' R- . II viii- ui rotates -vnouync u-oruiai ; were pleased to pec ner so lar rccov j in the house and you will never Sered and hote that her complete j be without a sure remedy. It in j restoration to health may be rapid. N . ' ! Kood for all aires. For sale bv J. S. ii Lots do so kohip morn. " It i n-ood Elmore & Bro., Brvson Citv N. C. Tim r.r ...... r.i.... ate soldiers last week was somewhat delayed because of t layed because of the proceedings of the Inferior Court. When it was called to order, I). K. Collins was elected president and W. L. Morris, Secretary. An aiJjourn ment was then taken till, the first Monday 'iii October; at 2 o'clock 1 M.. at which time it is hojeil there will be a large attendance. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. , Tiik Ukst Salve in the world i? i.,,V V r 7, -VI ' 7 7'i : Kncum, r ever Sores,: Tetter, Chai- ....i u.'i. Purn.i -l . i t..i Un,i.. r'uru.i..: . . i i an rtKin j-.rupiions, aim positively cures Piles, or no jiay reuired. It is guaranteed togivei perfect satis faction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Foil sale nvli. L. Davis. The Tvckaneigc Democrat devotes considerable siace in its last issue to a tiiscnptioii ol the new kaolin . works. lite machinery -is being pm in piace ana soon me )rouuet $ KUUshinev btvs and cool, delight Will be in U.e in thf potteries. Ajful mVhU It Sl.m tnerec.ihle potterv is said to among l,p Mi, v.,, ...;i.:i:i:- jc ii iimn- K.-iuiiui(.r -ji rna We i htpe their antic?i.iiftions mav le realized. A gixn$ thriving trade in kaolin and its manufacture there will soon firing our own valuable and extensive deposits into de mand. ! Deputy Marshall Battle had Jim. Nations before Squire i Fawcett, Monday, for violation of the Inter nal Rcvemie laws. He was bound over for trial and when being. put in the jail nade a successful break for lioerty. The officer had passed the first door Avith him and was unlocking the inner door -when Nations jumped -through an open window. Battle gave chase 'and when near Arthurs house, seeing that the fugativc was gaining on him fired one or two shots after him but without effect. j Capt. Payne informs us that the work of placing new tics along the road is progressing in a verv satis-i factory manner. About 10,(X)0 are being used every month ami as 2, 000 are needed 'to the mile, our readers can make their own calcu lations, lie also told U3 that he understood there is: pome-talk of replacing the rails on theSpartenj burg road with heavy steel and list ing the present iron j on that roar for fixing up' the' Mttrphy branch .If this is done, we should have al most a railroad out here. Is Consumption Curable? Read the following: Mr. C. II Morris, Newark, Ark., says: ''Was down nith Abcess of Lungs,5 and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive;. Began taking Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, am now on my third hot tie J ami able to oversee the work on J .my farm. It is the finest medecine ever madc'j Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: ''Had it not i leen for Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sump tion I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doc tors. Am now in best of health' Trv it. Sample bottles frco at i. L. Davis' Drugptorc. Electric Bitters This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention, j All whohavc used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medecine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Boils, Salt Rheum ami other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the svstcm and prevent, as well as cure all Malarial fevers. Kor cure of Headache, Constipation and In - digestion try Electric Bitters En tiro . ;itiaf:ie.i ton guaranteed, or ..... .rf,,,1(Il iri4 f "tV and j)rUfTctore 1 Tr ,.,.:,. c..i,,i The Sunday School ! Ullia , V11. Ill I l II Mltllllll. UIIOH, dav. was a v Alxuit a hundrel children were in ! attendance nml fullv as manv old ? folks. A .long, table had iecn set i iii) an ' l v as iicanv iinei un ' t .. 1 .. 'lU - - . . . iirotHi thimrs lor the stomachs sake.' , t tUknn rhiMren assembled at : the Academy and marched to the jprove jier'e tnev werc seated in 1 vatin2 m-ovimitv to the t;ible - uM., thev listenefl to a short and a- blcatldrcssbr Prof.Rickman. After ; tnat the table was quick v cleared ; and while the young folks engaged S ?r (9meM. the older ours cniovc-df O . . . - - - the coolness oi the shade ana an for all. hm ? . weather,: la,t week, the Atlantic sealxard was swept by terrific ealee. The damage to seacoast railroads ha. been immense. Summer re sort along the coast alio suffered heavly, bath houses pavillions, beach walks and drives b-ing quite generally demolished and swept out to sea by the waves. Several large hotels also suffered from the same came. The storm is said to have been the heaviest in thirteen i vears, lws" to sbii.ping is prortionatelv .... w 1 . Kreat. recks are strewn alone long coast, from Cane llattaras north wanl, with pitiable frequency, and tales of deeds of bravery ami endurance by mariners and mem lers of our brave Life Saving crews are coming in. Altogether, it was a storm that will long be remembered. During the time that this terrible storm was raging, we denizens of the mountains were enjoving the lln0st deliihtftd weather, britrht. that so terrific a storm should have passed so close to us and not affect us. A few days ago, an Indian nam ed George Giving stopped at a farmhouse near Sevierville, Tenn. and offered to sell the horse he was riding for thirtv dollars. The farmer offered twenty five and a compromise was effected at twenty five dollars and a night's lodging. Officer William Parton of Sevier ville learning these facts and think ing the price grossly inadequate, decided to place the Indian under arrest. He did so and in a few lays learned that his suspicions were correct. The horse was the property of II. J. Beck, from whom it bail been stolen. J. II. Beck went after the offender and return ed with him,passing through here with the prisoner strongly bound, Monday afternoon. He was taken to Webster as the offense was com mitted in that county. Mr. Parton is to be complimented for his sagac ity and the people of Sevier county are fortunate in having so efficient an officer. It is rumored that Go ing has a bad - record. It is even said that he is wanted in the Indi an Territory for murder, lie is a Cherokee, but whether a native, of the territory or of this section, we 'are unable to state. We took a buggy ride Iehind a gootl steady joing old mule, last Sunday, for the sake of seeing the mountains from Shuler Gap, three miles south of town. The road is a very good one and the view is well worth the trouble of the trip. The farm lying on the north side of the Gap belong to A. Jones and among its other attractions, has a peach orchard. It wiw in this -orchard, when we first visited the state, a year ago this month, that we were made fully aware of the great possibilities of this region for fruit raising. A second visit tends to strengthen the imprssion. Wc noted one limb which wm lent to theground from its weight of fruit and estimated that two or three bushels of fruit could have leen picked from n witnout climbing or even moving. Other tree were as heavily loaded. No attempt is made to market the fruit, but a great many go there and pick and carry away what they can carry. For these, the tenant on the " place - asks thirty ccnts a bushel. Wagon loads of the fruit is wasted. This orchard, like almost all of the orchards in this vacinity, recicves no attention. What it produces, is brought forth spontaneously but suggests what ""gut nc none, i t PERSONALS. Squire Fawcett is with us again. Saml. Massr was iu town Tues- da v. W. S. Thomas smiled on us. Sat Dr .Serum's was at Cherokee over I i. wpe , l ' l U U1 . c,.n.Uf - - - r- Johnnie Wilson is viPiticg at Weister. N. B. McLean went to Ashcville Weilnesday. W. D. Crisp was in town the first of the week. Gen. Vance went to the end of r,,ad. Welncsdav. i- ' II. Smeltzer registered at - i Hotel this week. cathcrwood returned ncsville, Satunlar. ild is in town again Y. C. McLean has gone to Briar- town to cook lor the sawmill hands. F. M. McDonald went to Ashe ville, Thursday, returning Satur day. Capt. S Whitaker, of Valleytown was on the eastbound train,Tues day. Robert 0. Patterson has been ap pointed Special Revenue Agent for the state. A. L. Carter, of Asbevillc, .regis tered with Mr. Dearer at Swain Hotel, last week. G. W. Battle has moved his fam ily to Morganton. He will contin ue to read the Herald. J. A. Brown has moved his fami ly over from Franklin and is living in the rooni3 over his store. Dr. Brinkley was on the train Saturday morning, looking pretty bad from the effects of milksick. Detective W. II. Deaver of AhIic ville was in town last week work ing on the railroad stealing case. R. F. Jarrett of Franklin is put ting the roof on the Collins store. It is of tin and makes quite a job. Capt. Rice went down the road Monday, armed with a whole lot of digging and rock breaking tools. R. H. Bird and C. Huneycutt were in town, Saturda after wit ness fees and found time to call on us. II. J. and A. II. Elmore and their wives visited their father, John Elmore, near Franklin, over Sunday. Capt. Gee and Thomas Hill left for Chattanooga, Saturday morning. They will take in the great soldiers reunion. Chas. L. Swaim inscribed his name on the register of Swain Hotel this week. Mr. S. hails from Knoxvillc. Mrs. Jas. F. Teague went to Bun combe county Monday for a visit with relatives. She will be gone a week or ten days. James MeKee of Jackson county who formerly clerked for I). K. Col lins, was in town over Sunday, a guest of his former employer. Dr. Ellis, of Wayn5ville, went to Topton Tuesday night to assist Dr. McFadyen with his counsel at the ledsidc of the latter's daughter. A. M. Fry, Esq. was called to Statesville, Saturday morning, by a telegram which stated that his brother R. Q. is dangerously pick. R. Mooney's family arrived from AIjena Mich., Wednesday. Mr. Mooney has been here lor sixteen months and, as may be imagined, i? mightily pleased to have his fam ily with him once more. We clip the following mention of a former resident of our village, from the Raleigh Call. 4-Mr. N. T. Cobb, of Ashcville, has been ap pointd stenographer in Maj. Jno. C. Winder's office in this city. Letter from Bill Hamlttaa. Welch, Sept. lGth. Dear Sir: It has lecn some time rince I wrote you the Fayings and doings of this quarter of the land. Your Bushncll correspondent, E. C. MM says, "Go ahead William ', and youcan lct your lottom lol lar I will and I am going to bo a little more plain than I have been in the past. Times arc good here. Farmers are busy saving their fodder and fixing to sow wheat except a few who arc engaged in the interests of that grand lodge called "the farm ers alliance". The alliance is a good thing, bnt too much of a goxl thing is liable to spoil everything. Yes, we have two alliance stores in Welch. They have, I supiose, obligated themselves to sell at 15 per cent and they loth get the enormous trade of from $2.00 to $3.00 per day, and they have to board themselves. Its like the joke I have heard, "Hard on the pig but its tha making of the dog' The Racket fctore is still running, and we wish to notify the public that we will still lead in "low pric es.'' But I clone thh letter with the best of feelins for all in the uhftrrtwuke.lthe eye while it docs not discourage the greater interest m the subject 9 - raising crass and stock. There is not a better country in the world than thia for that business. When it i rightly gone into, wc hall all handle more or less money. Then ajid not till then, thia grand sec tion of North Carolina will be full i of life and pnsneritv. Let us hear! from you tnrough the columns of the Herald, on the subject. Respectfully, Bill Hamilton. J. A. BR Furniture Dealer Br yson City, Shanks and All kinds of wood working done neatly and promptly. Call and see us, at the old planing mill on east Main street, BRYSON CITY, Help support your By so doing you will be helping to build up your county. REAL ESTATE OFFICE OF CON LEY & CRISP Bryson City, Swain Co. N. C, 3d door north of Conley building. " Town loU on low Coromtioo. Timber lands m Spciltj. Handle all kind f Mineral property. AlTLY TO CONLEY & CHISP. B. B. LAry Brj?on Cltr, N. C UESTERM MOT EAQ9LSCJA. Large and small farms, "well timbered and well watered. A deep, rich soil. A climate unsurpassed in America. - Abundance of mire snrintr water. Scenery that charms faraier. The place J. Good farm lands at fro $25. per acre. ADDRESS LAKE & IT0DGE. 0WEM AND Undertaker. Williams, N. C. ceunty paper. J. S. ELMORE, DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE All kiWt of Coon try produce boojVt rt Uca in trade. Ilighett tub pric jid tW Ilocte Mules, Cattle, Fbep and Ilojt . Dont forget tke place. S. Elmorc a Bra ,, Bryson City, N. C. II. A. IleMr, Erj ton City, . C. IT IX- lor a poor man. 2. to Bnn Cifv N. C. "irinr radii I - -! - ' ! . i : provided he has not walked out.