a. r 1 ' ' 4 Derated to the ifitcrais of Strain .County. IrjJqihidcnl in politic?.'. VOL. 2 , NO. 15 BRYSON CITY N. G. THURSDAY, APRIL 10 1890 PRICE $150 PER. YEAR', (7 ' . jit P j i ;i i IN 1' :j i ' 1 I J- i i I I T J SWATX COUNTY II KHALI). II. A. HplKiUIvlitor r.n.l proprietor. VIUCK, St.r) Per Year. Jilli'i'.':l every Thurs'larntliron City, Hiraia- county, N. C. . Clicndl AND HI" a DAY I )nn: "!: v. . SCHOOL i' ty of Hmon Citv. ot everv month: m Scrvi" : lir. t ;I:,.t!. Mi ti.o I'M !:im !i, 1 1 n. in. 1'c-v. II. H. lU-.idr-AUv. Vu l' f. p. I:!. in ..Ml'..iy t II n. nr. ;u.l 7 p. r.i. on ' Iit v.: A ( l:itrti V"MVr:-;:'.'o un S.ifr-J nr'Uv )- !. : ftir. r.l rv.u.l:iy :.t il :i, j.i. Kkv. i. !!..'::; i.u, i;iHt..r. h'nridr.y rehool r.i U Y1 j-!:, r. ui. J). K. ( 'ollitis If;iKrin ti'.i'l -nr. , Mi:riiiHr-E."i-e r.f. f'.'rrjr ( 'Inircl. on V;in t-tii t, Hry.-w.i .Me'ii.i: lit: Scrvi. in iTi rv i t!. :!tTl a. .onrfii S:i!i'l:iy r.i. .i:mi i i. m., ::rd n j ii,V t 1 ..'Ill pcv:h "i i:i t':c Mctlio'L.U -ii?rch the -. 1 f-? l m I v in vsy jnonfli. S;iihI:iv i .':ihjI ry S;'i-I::y 1; o'clock s.i. i. I'.. (.' tlv Si; r.tiit'-tulvni. ; l!v. 1. -1' M-!.::u Ii ih nl ;o t!u fol!ov- j "X :ipji.iiijtr:o:iS-: A crevk t.r.-t ;-'u:i- 4,-jy 11 r:m rtonth ::iv !:itr.r'ir I I ;i. !M. .t'.i I 7 jv. rii 8-in:!.ty school ;.t ,i n. I'.:. J Whittt'-v, .coiv'l Sunl:iy in r'rry i'vuals iii'il S e.unl-jv !-:i?rf .i:t i:t. r.i;d 7 i. ! in. S i vl iv ici"oil :-t ; v. in. PryvtT j ' wi-!i''.: v rv V,'.' !ik'.-i!::v ji:lt f V"'t cl: :'! t! r FusiiJuv in. everv :i i S:it miV.'i v !:" ro at 1! a..r... nl Siia'l.iv n-iol i-t a. m. l'rjjvcr 17 p. in n ov-tv !:iv :it 'h '.O y. ir. M Z v I'.AnHT Chiircli. .lr.lson N. . I.-, v. .J. l . l Miuii'. r i';:. i4r. rc:v;crs) lift s'i i:l ;v i: tvvrv mor.t!: t!ic S.;t;:r ! V.::r:ir.!.:::rv I) Ai'Ti t C. trcli, I:irdt.wn. X. J. ST.. Quwjj, p;:-.tor. hV-rvkw hi iK'.v n !ii i! ii.iij -c t 11 it. in. on t!i fciiIi Sun l iy in i vory ir.onlli iu.il !!:. Kair.rsi: 1 ?!: c. T".'r: ':in l.ty Jv; i:i n "w ;-; !iol h-n; ,.' in. 11 S. JCcvnvr F; !ool, J'inltt-nvn, iw; cvory SnrnLty at '.' v. ys v'.vAcvAt'.ni. " L(.j. -.xki: Loinn: A. K.amJ A. M. N. -IiI7 m.-'t It Mun-l-'y ;;ml .'Id "i'hursshi v i. each month 7 j. in. j. K;.C';.uxc,;V.-M. I Pi v. o.n City i.ojioi:, Kxiuts or Honou, Xo.mtKk j "Sic ui iVi Ith J'luliiy p.iht. i:: Ci. li nth. Jl. L. h::AT:i::::vtOi, 1 :ci itor. l. I".'. Krr.r, Kr.knT PlV!Nl-:- AX.') PlIOTE -iSlOXAT. C-AliDS ! Ik I. LEATlIFinVOOD, I ATTOKIEYAT LAW, : .r.r-sn C ilr, X. C. - I - - i Sjic-v i :1 nit r.t'on i;ivoa to C':llot linr. ,f plaims rfn.l invou.ijati ii tf I.an-,1 litkv. A. M. FRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HryMin Citv, y. 1'. 1 .V. xi:yby, ATTOFJEY AT LAW. Ihyson City, N. C I h vest Ii.-oasc- of Women a specialty PitDMOHT VAGCHS For Sale by E. EVERETT Brvson Citv, X. C. I am prcparv.I vt do all kind.5 of ui-'o painting and furniture var- !s:nng. J.M.SLAGLE BRYSON CITY N. 0 I ncnt. tenant in at tii.it timtv. K r BPtion, beats r:nall,and cure., h h cil th, ! fE PITMIJCTT " ? jwlu-n every thin else I:u:-. The , , F 4X ' U Mi bsNJliSi.!,: I Catch an A.heville man lown .reatost kindn I can do mv irltlV" . "'rrenuent ie I Practice PliySiCiill in this sec tion and he has to uc-luanv thousand frh-nd, is- to urgV Arrb Uhzcu. Jim :s an easy B-VHMiCitv XC knowledge that there is roimhin- them tt try it." Free trial b ttle- lvri,u!r am lma lucr? ? ' worth seeing outside that phi e. at B. L. Davis' Dm Store. i,wU. ami tame ga.orr. - ; ' ; REAB ON TIL T: You will mt h Copter S6i pafi 0 a of 1SS9, LOOALS, T. M. Crawford has the sidih -on L s bullae. Hciined lard at the Hacket at 7 -cents per pound, j stora ' The weather has .been,' a! mo t un- S rom'o.-tubly warm fur a dayjdjtwo.-.i (h t the ha?kct ; t?re j best coiiee at f oiuun U) till lar. :' " ':. Fine.- t (.Jen is'. Furnidiin I rr ;oods at the Kaeket store su xcaj cannot hel: but buv. r iyu Aivde blossomh are airinir tuiem- selvrs iid tli . wihl i.hiin troth lad- ? tit the air with their pel fumel' j I.aaies are requested to cxdmine kef store be icr-;- buving elscwihere. The machinery for A. B. All ; rr i . i.. u ...,.! i 'V 1 V 11,11 '.i 1 'litell what wonders: Dr. King's New will be. put 1nnmtionimmeu.ihte.y.h - r , . f , - fv D3F ' w.;. imicsticri e j uing. wcre.lKidiy o.iascdand my mU&U5ltS xuon nrrTEnsJI I Parishioners tn.mght Leonid live t mr on''n vr s.iia Lv uU ticaicrs in : only a few weeks. 1 took live ClcrL.(iiLs'n has reecivvHl iioticc : iim the-State Auditor thatjfctate ' vitti Will re any magistrate. - Cutvs lu'lip.'s'.k-Jn, r.ll!CiKc, D-srcreLi Mtia- clam tociia;caa 1L AU dealers sell it. Ctssumo baUade toark aaJ cros&ed red ILics on irtapper. W. t. Lake c 'CoV., j machinery is reported as working nicely. They hope to turnout two ca 4-J r ' I i- 1 c a week of iio inch s ic-cx ior i tor'xins.V;-,t - isuia The band-wh:Kd to KcrlcoJ'saw mill-burst, Monday morning. cifcctually stopping their vvobrk for a time, "fcriunr.tciv.no one was Injured by the living pieces - TliC cxexntors of the Brynon es tate have lccn busy the pakt few la-s, with a snrvtyor, laying oil romo choice lots. - Anions tcm. a number on the hill nortlr.i cst of 1 the depot. t. .1 r i. . I .1'..- Dr. KinesXew D:-roverv f.r ( on- Mainc-r lov. nr ftficr thvir cymbau and tr:rui?:Ie.; Thoy fiy thev know wlierc tbcv s rc ami .!c-- f sire the -present poicsors of tho:n to j brins tliora in at once and pave all of them1 an v 'trouble and 'annoy. The mcralKir; of the l?aiid have decide! togtve an cntertainnient at the carlhft practicable 'date, the jn.iin object : of v:h:ch Shall be to raiso, funds for providing tli'eni selvcs vilh .uniforn:. , liear this in mind and wive up tin; dime .'to heln ewell their fuinl. Watch the columns of the Herald for further a ! ; d i) lore eon $ plcto aniioirn coin en t . Eaikisn'a Arnica Ssfvs. ; Thk IJk.st Salve in the rr.rld forX'Kt,- Bruiser, frorcf, Uic-i-r.-, Salt H heii m, 'Fever Sorc;? Tetter,' Cliap jed" Hand, Ciiilbhiin Corn, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Jiieif or no piy required. It is guarant'jed to give perfect eati fictirvn y or money refunded. Price cent per box. Foj: sale kv I:..L. DaviF. ' t .' ' ' " ' I) id yoi know tliat D. K. C'oltin-s Iial occupied his neiv store room and that you can bin goods there cienp;.i than you ever bought them before in vouu life? It is a; fact, and that it v. ill pnv voii to jro ; and i see for Yotirsei t , - i . e . selling his entire Ktoek-of C'loildnji Ih'U; and cost. loO d. .bners ot salt at DOcts per bag- 125 11). bogs of salt at So Ci.s per bag. Kerosen e ci I loOc 1" cLf. per gallon. And all other gcoik at (prices fo very low that h will surprise you. - Dont fail to go a:id.M:e him. -' T' ""-;::Vv - :':4: : ""' -'".' Enoch. ; "" "j :. The transition from long,', linger ing aiid painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life oi an individual." ; Huch a renarkable -eveiit i.s treasured in the memory a nd the ageircv wherebv A he good health has been attained :s grate fully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in' praise of Electric Hitters. So many feel tu!v owe their restoration to health,! to the lite f tlio (Jreat " Alterative and Tonic. If you are troubled with nny disease of Kidti'ys, Liver "or Stomach; of long or hort standing you will surely, find relief by i..e of Electric' llittvrs. i--Hoid at oOc. and SI.00 per bottle: at 11. L. Davi Drugstore. .. , ; ; . Big trees? Well, yes., with a big i:T"' too. Th.e Bushr.cll--company shipped to -Baltimore, Saturday a car load of big logs, consigned to Saxtoir and Co., j and destined 'for Germany. The. load consisted of' two curly poplar' j-logs each 12 feet long, the smaller one measuring GO inches in diamtcr at the small end and sealing 5880 feet of. .lumber,, the larger one measured CO inehes in diameter at the small end and sealed S1G3, feet of lumber. tree from whicli these legs were cut x lie The ban'l v i-rrev- en land owned by James Mon !."! 1 t.'ith, about th.ree miles this side of Buhnell on the south side of the river. On aeeount of th.e ftne curl will le hewed and polished 'and cx- Idhitcd at the German ; Fxiiosition this summer. Ve under-tand that the liushnell Co., received the neat sum of 00. npieee for the logs . Kev. Tk M. lurout. Pastor Unit ed B rc t h re n C 1 1 u ri h , B hi oil o'a u d , Kan., sats: ';I "feel it, inv duty tt bottles of Dr. King's Xew Diseov cry and am sound and well, in-j l!s. in' weight. Arthur , Love. lanager I.ovc's Funny Folks t'ombin,ation, writes: 'After a. thorou-rli trial and con lar sizes oOe and SI. CO. PERSONALS. -- . - t CL 8.- Hill was in Urxn Satuniay. W. A. Dorsev was in town, ifof.- day. . Goo. Tihon yas in to--n"2sIonday night. - W. D. Crisp went to Ashcville, Monday. i J. II. Everett went to A.heyille, Tuesday. J. M. Hyde wr.s up from Bash ncll Friday. T IT Tl t A i 4- ir..n- )t. Ji. imiooic wink iu vilfe, Mciidav. ! Dr. Mcldva ucnt to Vavn viiie, Tnehdar. Mis Pc-ile 1 1 ill is at Governors nd, vi-itiijr. '''-.t :'V-" Ca?)t. J. A. Irvine is reported a dangoron.-dv- sic::. " 1 t lv. u. jeaiiKT'.vcnrvi v. ent .io ra -neville, Monday. L : LMrX -J.' S. Elmcre went to Lills' bro, "iVednei-lay. '..-- . , . ' ; Lee Jarrctt was on the morning train Wednesdav, - - V iAYr -F. Cooper i of Itobbiiylle was in to'.vn Saturday, - i 4" C ; J. It. -Bradliaw, of Proctor, !nade VLB a pleasant call, Tuesday. . i Dr. Davis went to -Hushnell'yc?-tc rda' on professional busines?!. Joseph Lpton made us a. r.hort (av. - '. " -; - Yrill. Brytan went to Sylva, Sa turday, to attend t !ie fuuei-al of a sister." ,:"'; 'i''- ' i'-- j Jr. : Renins spent a'..;ppiiiori; 'of iapt v.'eek at B tishncl J, . retu rni ig on Friday. . " ; . ' ' '. Lou. Lake wont 7 down the Ten- mil. nt-niy. apprecia;eu caii,ion-1 but wc havJ hcanl f noth- aJ . ; t 1 ; ing wixder ti:an gumcv lovils com ; Wm. Trull of Cherokee county j ing lo an untimely end. ... , was in town between train?, Tues- ---- -" ' ncssee river, , Friday, . returning n ' and Ills dc.ith- camc tolallv irncjc Tuesday. , : . . ; .. I peeled. A little before hi. death he J. Fnlmcr' yas on his:; engincl waken? d one of his daughters and Thumlay, for, the '-first trioin sev eral day. j : . AY. S. Thomas and Ik BTtoyal of Hewitt, i-pbnt Monday and Tues day in town. . 1... -. " :.. j , " 5 AY. Ik Rutlcdge of Hiclimond Ya., Itegk-t? -red at Swain Hotel on Thursday Jast. f . .'V; '- fL- :l; B. F. ICinncar of tho Catawba V'ood AYorks, was in 'town oyer Thursday night. - " Dr. Scruggs went to Dillsbqrough Tuesday mem ing to bo gone the bnlenee of the week. : :i i 1 - 1 CapL J. W. Terrell passed through liere, AYcdncsday, on his way to Graham county. - ; i - E. G. iryitt of ; Jackson county" was the guest of Drand Mrs. Ben nett one night thjs week. " jU .; : R. S'imrrow went down. thc Ten ncssee river Saturday, to start AY. G. Lake & Cos ricw engine. I A. LaTourrette of jilarion, 0., a manufacturer of tile mathiner', stopped off here AYcdnesday. Miss Addie Cooper is locking at the crises in our ollice and trying to make their ettcr acrpiaiiitancc. B. .T. Lake went' to Wavnesville Friday to . load car with locust oins for the Catawba AYood AYorli-s J. E. Battle and v.ife caihe p from Topton, Frilay morning on d visit to Jlr. Battle's rjla fives and friends.' ; ... X. B. Thompson started , on horseback, Tucstlay for Madison- villc Tcnn. Ho will he gone all the week. B. Gilliam, lumber inspector for disking and Chapman has been here tor some days and;-, lids gone on to Jarrctt?. T. II. Moores .of Lan-dhg, Mich., has been here since Saturdn,y, look ing at the Wh.ittier estate. Wc en joyed a pleasant call from him. W. f. Barr of Baltimore., Md., was in town two or three days last week, pie was, looking after his real estate interest in this county. II. M. Brown of A sh cvi I le. rcpro" souting 'M. Hdsenbaum of llich monil, made liis maiden trip clown this way Tucsduv,' going to Birsh nel!. " Fred. Clark camo up from Bnar- Vini.ai!iv l.Mi!.:?iirr rnwrtfl -1 and. iicarty. Wc wonder if he will tfwear that auburn -..whisker, back to F. A. Holton, formerly of Kan- Mo., but at present resi d- Mr. Hankins, the Engineer in charze of the railroad construction towanls Mnrpliy, was on the train Monday and said that 12 milfti of the niadbd is "ready ftir tlie iron, and that tjro road .will Incomplet ed to Murphy Sept. 1st next. A. M. Fry Ks-j. started Frilay moniing oii'a basinet trip to .Win l(ck, V.'ash. " He oxp?ets to travel bv the Union and Central .'Pacific ' . IT- i ' i ;-" ft - - 1 i?g m anmgioa v. W; iMcv . It will answer aWut as well through here Monda on Ins way t , nd.Ies to Bryson, all in to Aqnonc, Macon county, to look fon1t we fetiII U,e change at fonie lane imade anrwav. TJicn wc can crow read.- going out and to return by tralTic that i carrictl o!i over our theCorihern Paein. He will Lv r.;ads, t!icy will bj mvA alj:ni:ia gi::e till alnjut the first of May. j hie mud holes-l CV!t. - CJoc' .returned from A? I. e- yllle, 3Io!day.- I'c vas rrone ten days - longer tna;: he e:;p-.cnd v-iici he left. By the way, he-lool;s? rsie and fatter than ve, liave vtr him l)efrc and Fa v.? he -can-outrun out-tilk and oui-d dance any ol : the Jjovs. - ; ' Kov, - if. L. Hickman dparfed Friday momin for hi-.; new fulil of labor in Montana, lie will-a vcl in "company v.ith Mr. Fry as-far as their roacis .ho toetiitr. Tht best wishes of all vho know him. i ere, follow ilr.- liickiixan .jntoJbig distant homK - - Col. J. M. H.ia- and Mr. Lovo ol Asheviilc were here from. Friday till .Monday.. In company with J. H. Lvcrett, tlicy made a frip.ni Con- lev?: crock, baiurdav. 1 iicv carried Isreal Carver, an old ; and highly rcspci'Mi citizen .of the- county, do parted this life ', Fiid-iy morning, the 4th inst. at about 4 oclock. : r He had been in usual health, the day licforo having been cut fishing. requested Iivr to cook, sonix? of the hsli he had caught the day beiore. He ate hfavtily of .the. iish .awl told his "..-daughter .that it was se me time yet till day, slie had Ict tor lie dowii. again. Ail he-was troubkd with, sleeplessness, he sat doSvn. by the fire to wait for; dav. Tlie daugijter liad but just laid dtvvn when she noticed l;er fathir fall fro n his chair. She called. her bro ther and lctwcen them thev raise d tlieir Tatiicr and ,daced him on his bed. There was. no recognition for them in the glazing lyes, and afUr one'ir or two gasps., ho ceased to Ire;itiic. ;'."' Ho v. as a sufii rer fit m broncliitis, and. 'death, probably : c sult;:d cither fn mi a sidden av d severe paroxysm ol . that disease or tfroni heart disease. - He w.Ls 7o years old ami had liv ed on the upper Geona Lufij, wi: re he died, for the last oO or CO y. ai-. He leaves 'a. widow and nine chil dren. , lie va3 a in?mlxr of the Baptist church. - - .The funeral services were held on Saturday i Y. II. Queen oliiciating. - Wo need not mdum, he hal liv ed his full complement of year.-?, and as the ripenevl fruit falls in the calm of an autumn tiny, so this ijn-4 mortal trnit dropped into tne arms sot the Great I lusbnn dm airraid we may quietly trust His gaVnering.' - Letter Iron Sill Harallton. '. V.'elch X. C, April 7th '00 Putting out gardens is a general occupational-tins - section now.-. am glad to sec so much interest be ing taken- by our people in that line. 1 ho secret ot good living jn the country, lies in- the propel management of the truck , patch and garden. . i The lie venue officers arc not bothering us miich this week Some of the fellows who were in the bruh are getting a little tin no.' I dont want an vikkIv harmed; but I will report the -man or men that sticks up another "''moonshine still in this locality, provided I can get anv trace of them, some dont like a reporter, but I think I have the good people of the country on my side. . ' ' - " Bev. Mr. Thomay of DiIls!oru delivered a striking-termon at the Baptist chiirch vesterilav at four P. in the jcsorico of a large audi ance. He will nraach here month- I iv the baleiice of tlie year. j Kev.B. M. Aldrldge will preacl j hero tonight. Frank Cook has gone to cast Tennessee to live, until fall, with his uncle, J. H. Cook. W. M Edwards was in tov.n to day and tohl ine that he liad a Hue stock of gods on thf? r.vjt 1, tlie re sult of his tr: x to Knox villc. We want the Jvillon zihlcd to! ionr town only for a matter "of fan- "towir without being straincxl up so. - The roads arc getting nictand firm. : I tidnk our - mak lcat Swain county rtaLi anvwav. rusii np or we 'filial I get too far Yours, ur., . '" - . ' , Bill IL?iltox, Pshaw,' William, when your j nob have to, bear the" amount of a h3 uD d -BOILERS, SAW MILLS AND EVIACHIWEBV GEXEHALLY. o The oldest, simplest, most durable and satisfactory Engine, Boile r etc., made. Best Material, Good fiction Guaranteed in every case, Write us for prices, stating just vsh ii Is ;wiuited. Address, Factory Biehmond, Ya. 0 uFnltnre iponMy, Dealer AND L-U LM Liil u L-U Li U viz i3 NEW GOODS PAIB PRICES SMALL PROFITS Come ana See .us! BRYSOMC8W5 K. IL Ik I.Kr, A3 ULnL-AU Large and small ltirms, ycII timbere:! r.:: well watered. deep, rich soil. A ellni:: unsurpassed in America. Abundnnca ' pure spring water. Seeneiy tliat elinr;: tlie eye while it does not digeoura ;e 1" farmer. The place for a poor man. ti n t lariiiciiiiib'-aL II it 1 VJLL u ; r J i - - HI ADDRESS LAKE c: 110! U Ln J IE. !i u O . , i 3 - I Workmanship, Low Prices and eiti - , Taltjott tfr So:;:-, Charlotte, X. C. S. Johnson, Mar.accr. UndGPialrois r' i t II. A. Jfc I yt trsVcn dir. TC. C. i t i U -IX- - ' i n UI j. W(7

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