' i J?? r 5 I Di'cotal to the ittt(.rC't tf &ratn Co'nf. IiuTcpm' at it politic . 7 Oh. 2., NO. 22 BRYSON CITY N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 29 1890 PRICE $L5Q PER YEAR! As. f if ni P t S3 P If i I V COS XTV HKIiAI.D. K!itr :md proprietor. ::.. !;, -i..m ivr v.. at. I T!; ;iv :i; iirv.-..ii ( i; .j'.i rtiii t-i iiMi v, . '. ra't' r4:nnlle ami lur- j , hi ii i:i .-ipjiJic-itioj!. i Pft CBi s EST, RfentJ iff iAY Hool, OX THE -v !':! v ' S iri' iv nl J.rvon lit V. . i fir-t S".:;ttv of cVtiy moi-tii -i.itrrli, .it i 1 : in. :i:nl 7 . .. I !' ;:Ir-ri:t.-, i';i-!.r. !m" ALTERNATIVE RQAD Hi. ( : i : i r -! i of IIr -on ( 'i?y.- -Serv i! ! 1 :i. ;n. Hint 7 j. 1.1. ri.!!i! S i :"1 : v "! -v. rv niosth.f ,.;! ( ''av.rr'i nl; !i-n-Ti''i mi S,t slii.:! S'liniay :it !1 :i. m. ( I'n-tor. Siniv.iv m !ik! !. in. I . k". i i - S::;.. ; in- . r.;y .,n City. K-v. Y. !. r. r v i i v s t'nrt!i S'mihIiiv t'l :ij 1 In- 7 in.. ;iiii! !,.!".. i... C. . M::yl- :i !( ' M t'i" i I m i! ii if ! LAW r;'.iln;:il !::is .. -i I !.!:jnl, of Xcw Vsirk. i liH iicf v.(;rk; by .fane ' iiui.-h Jy I e.vi nb.-r 1, i th- is' ' ' 1 raiir ;( n 1 ' .i ... ' IT'. iaL s l'( h. J ! :i! , Lt'Azrz rtnv.tir-z uncalled for, to date, in o:Ss; Wra. T. nri-.'c i'-wti Surnli JJ.iirlnivhl 1 I C;M.t. i:. a. Iiu'iiv ; ( Ixi- II::k'-r ?.. S. i!. M Uv.i. 'iVrt-r. i: i. . v i:.y lor Cuts, llruise.v, Sof. ricors. ;:!: Hllfll!!!, F V"- So!S, 1i ttvT, CLnji K.---1 Ilu'.ids. CjiiiUiai:-..-. Corns.: ir,n ill hn'.i'iions. a to .Tnuu-s iir. v- I Ic -i toV"l!'.- . Ii: fnior -5 (. !1 ;iHSS I. rrixrvi l! .-.T.jiis r. .s., Cily X. C. ;:(.' v.'oiiM Mrs. Ii. Iiir.1 is la town. to.lr. 'a!I:ijv H 'i::s n sjiit Suijd.ay it iioiiicj i John :?.;; iv lias lut'n in town i 1. k. Cr.ll; ns went t iMinx' yesterday. II w:tt wnt to AsIk- 23 i s vi i B 55 F. i:. ye.-tfjrday. I'ili's. or n .:; id positively no'iiivd. Jt r I You will find it in Chapter 351 pages S53-4-5-G Laws cf N. C. S of !8S9i ( Vi I V Sinn!:! S-Liila" -stt l'l o'chii k si. in. j . V r- M '! i " ! t : -O M 1 ' ! . '. i I n li.i- :;H t!i'- lul'mv- ' !:..! .-." k fir-1 Si:n- I v'li.i.iit'i :!;il :: :t n .'Liy li-i:- j i. 'I. 1.1 i" :ii 1 1 :i at '.I :i. S.j!i-iv .ri!;ol ;it 1 - eve ry i,.;Mi'.)i i i.i. :uui 7 . I in. I'mver o t 4 .-s. J a v rr '.n'-.lay nivii!. I r-i f;:i-..- j thir.l Sii.il:iv in vrr. j u.r:l:iy hi lorc :it 1 1 :i. in. j Sum1:iv -cii.in! ;i t :i. ill. PraVfl t vrv Suixlav at .";.';o p. ni. i Slrawlx l i l.' S conic in slo A notiicr grocery inn is cd us. shortlv. j a la iru ( ss m oceii jiied ; s I A lTI T Cluinil. -J mlsoll N. j J. S. Flimtre. v. .Li'. Iutlu-r -.?tr. .'Vrvlctr. j , ;,.,,.rv ...nn-h S.tnr-1 .h-L l.ililol- ; Iiousi' vc.-tcrd;: v. - .... 1 Work on Ih vV ofTice coni M ; r.!-Tis-r ChiirWi, Uir-hoii, -Tuesday and will Ik- jiuhc .). 11. Qu-.:-, j.t-.r. s-rvarsn.; The iradin-on thd I'nI ' . . . .- 1 1 n j , . J , I . ,t : - ! 1 1 in ; i ii 1 1 ? 1 1 1 .i..u;!i an. I the h'aturuav ; "l i I:, l;. Hoyall of Hi witt " - ; ! Iiis iet deer to a i'riend in A A"orkii":e:i eonnnenriHl o on I'laekhui n's iiew 1:1 ( (rr s S-1:'i.Viv S- lio .l, litnltovn, nie t.--- !:i.ii !...;!. v. Siin.lay at 'J a. . luriu r Sisjk rii.teinlei:t. w I.OixiK. i). V. K:ir lias two ! haeeo lertHi.i ieil lu' -: e L- A. K. hii.1 A. M. No. iS. 1 -: M i v ami .'.A i'lmrsl iy ir. ! t : i i : i : ': 7 j. ui. , 1). K. Coi.t.iNs. W. M. j :v. on ( 'rrv Lo!x; k, Kniowts ' oi-: HoNoi:, No.ri I Do. u J .! an.l Idi l"r:l.iv" ni-tits at t ost. Til west bous id train w two miles wot of l:eiv, nitdd. oi'odv iint. Capt. Knijilii's joree -wliil com-; wima tins, wcck ( nie:i i i,iire :n-ross rorn.ev s e I . 1 .: . i i! t, 1 vicr::;; i). Jlr. Kvi;n, reel vim Tin-: j;;j!ii. AVor.kiiC-.s. JMlaiu, iii.;;: l;ilku.-i'os. tuicf i;OW. S IKON IIITTi It euros ;ii,,Uly. 1'or suit; by nil iiicl.cinc. Uct tlio tH-iiuinu. i Tlu iv is a rumor ti - thiomrii ireiiriit trains wi ' r" " " on this road "soon.. Tiiev : A Nil PkoI'KS.-IONAI. CAKUS. j Vi badly. j j : jr- BROWN'S iEGli till IS Ulia l'a 1 1 1 -e l to IVe pel 1t 'a'tio'i, or moiiev rci! ts .r I ) : Col. Lo!: re(jUCstcd ;t ;s- .loded. Trie; A! E UV ii. L. us to make . lestatt. their iot;.to 4i) cents j er '." Moman o. ill-: aeiia::iianee is senin ;:ers, :i; . ikt bu.--.liel. Tins is ace m- nlislicd in the iollowiiji way. All s a iv ii'ia-.le into raratou? i or oiii se;i:nr an v: nana no:: tiiat l:lell were crop a.t troni o t liusliei, while a v.'ido I S. iius-H-ll o;" Jarietts W; town, Monday. I A. M. !Fry Fsn.. went to Wav vili". veSterdav. Mr. aiid Mrs. i). (. Aber wci i i i 1 s ! i o i o u i.d i - y o s t e r d a y . Ii.. L.i J.eatherwood, Ks.,'."v to vlva,,' thif?. inbrnr.i !!i,C A big crawd. Perfect order. Gte.i j enttusirs.':. Stirring spseches. i Ho disorder. Safvird iv. Mav 2ttii 1SD0 V ENGiJES -BOILERS, i ! SAW MILLS AND MACHINERY J. M. Tenn:'- went down r .'i out la v liobison ' rivt. Indian - ir 1 1 i Jilvthe witli wife spen,t Sunday in tov"n .1 !a. to U'.'" ot:Hoe Coil'S,. Ill V.'UiCil tO! !il ti eonts. u r pound. Anv one interested in the i-iek benefit, funeral-aid. aiid death 1 en efieiary assoeiatioii.-. ol States can he! n make of their oriranixations for the i rth i csiiiin census more complete anc 'disseminate the kuo led;:e (it t In hev lrn"ii:' the Ui ited :e statistics i irnoi! work thev a.re io;u!r bv n,l- l.'lV. iromi i mir ine flames ol Vitcit societies as thev mav know of, amfl tlieaddr es of their principal oi j . r i c i . . i . . I 1 1 v i i i." : 1 ;- v v - s IKCr. 0 v '--"- , is new leers, to Mr. iieeiai gent i of tlie Klevciit ii( 'ensui:. oS 'iiiian street. New York City Did voa know-that ). K. Collins store room T i 1 'otKis , thei Ibomrht them is : fact, ad inliiator stock. . Capt. Mc ?-Iurrey was a in yesterday's east ouml -train Fred. Claik started for Ids h in Carratluidc Me., Montlay m .1. Keener OJ iarretts too; a red letter day in the Calender of t to ; rju. termers alliance torSw.;i:i coun ty.. In the iirst place the day St ent -se.it was a iieriect iinieday, warm and bright. th.' few clouds thai floated la.il v o'ei head se(-mimr but (;knk:ia! lv. :ne o temjxr at intervals, the warmth ..,.1 i...:u: l.,..: : i.wui oiiiii;tiiey 01 i . e i; ioi ions u l ri i sunshine. A gentle breeze als i !e:if if-- :iid f iiimI'c tlie fl.-iv -ill Th.id I X 1 1 1 went to It'iodo, Mon-1 ,...,,1.1 i.....,-, ... i-..,i J Jhiirht and tarly in the luornin:-; 5 1 j t h e a 1 i i a n c fa r n ; , rs a n d n on-a i 1 i a n ce I -armers. too Iieuau to come into ' ' H-l w I i Z2 yJftJl xmmmu o o O a a - "i s sr js Tho olf?f shn'dt. most dur.:!.!e and frt 'Vr .r?r T?n":?:r. Poifr tli? picnic and remained over day. . Chief Smith and his wife attend ed the picnic and remained liver Sunday. Quite a number of vmni pc went to YVhitiier, Monday to at the school closing1. Misses Sallie bud Susan Ke '.ttemkd the picnic ami rema hi town till Sunday morninr. ATt-;- it t'i ! ii I - iron Asheviilei Monday, in comi ; mm j town, thev mvmri-t their wives, i ! !i:n-b-hildren, sweethi iirts, sisters and : Has- Materi:-!. (b.o l Workiiiati.-hip, how I'riees and .-ati-- J friends- with them. Fyer body V -:. ;-:i:oe i;i ve.m- fhe l.ne.i i tloil (ill SVailtee 1 m cverv 'nn-1 'halt and f !ind as well ;is those; in j .. " full liossession of all their faculties.! 1t,.j k . . i d j 1 4 Wit Ii very tew exceiitmns they i tt.v u.i. iw.i piiiv,.. niiunit juj- "intc )Vile eml n ei-ued . t ... were .iresseo m tne;r best Sumtay- .1.1 i ,1,1' . ti... irt it ii 1 1 I illiltll ;iivi 11JV. Ullill WIV I 111 MIM : 7 nut? to 1 anv nicnccd ! occupied his nev and th:it you'caii.buy cbf :ioei- lt):i:i -n ever vtcrian . -i . - : ; l belore m your ipc. i 'ami that it vrill nav vu to.ud ami las sent ; ..... r. ....u- 1 1 . . ; i ; i . :.. :C ville see my yourseir lie entire stock of Clothii raiHsns.. (;,,;.; joots and Shoe :n 4 ims i -or. lot) b. ba-s ot j pc" bag'. I Jo lb. s of to- ; S." ct.-- per 1-ag. Ivro.- v ill sell ; lo ets. per gallon. ... . A ' LCotxis at. priVes :i c-i; s ditct:-' u surjirise you. "uesda v ;in'd f-'-'C him. g liars and - at a.b: olute alt at ;1 0 ets j oi salt tit ne ...ii loO n d till other y Imv tliat it out fail to tro I a ne w This is what vou (aiiiht to have. in f:lcf- llUKf li.-if.- if (iv I'ollv ''n.i0.V lib'- Thousands are -eareh--f.ion and : ing for it da.ilv, .and liiouining be- , '.. .Mir-i i 111 hum xi n w i.. i ir i; .itiiiip iiracrs ia upon thousands of dollars are spent annual v bv our neome m! tin- ll tAVO; hope that they may attain ' this "v boon. And vet-it may be laid bv iv lK-ef.i-. ..n w.. ,'-...-, u..t in- a,.;. ill. ,1 I ' I l.l ! . I I I I . V I .1.1 I 1 ill I till I .. LFATilFUWOOD, ATT0I1NEY AT LAW, I'.i ..:i Cit C. ii. iina -ivvii l- ( -lli v tj;Ui il Cims Iiiili.i'o.-.tion, i;ilioii.-:ics.4, Iys:K- ri.v. Ncrvinistit ss. and Ucnernl l'cbuit tiiins recomiiK'iiil it. All dealers m-U it . ka trade uiark atid aroused rctUUics od wrapper. ; instead Fupepsy. We rtvolliineml A baptising, witli sevi : dates for. the holy oidinamk. occur- a diseases of Liver, Stomach" and rt d in the 1 oiiiey -retuc invi .-It ' Hi ai ol l.a:.l ta! - A. M. Fli V. ATTORNEY A? LAW, Urv.-nu Citv, '. ( N. XFWP.V, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Tivyson- City, N. C. a. :i of luinl vitlos a hjH-eialtv. OS, A. M. BENNETT, tTdcticiBg Physician I'.rv: i 'i :m ity. N. C. ef Woiiuii a sjeet lliy PIEDMONT WAGONS for Sale by "B.EVERETT iby..n City, X. C. ! last Sunday. Mis.-? Fmi! told is our informant and i tlu re. I 1 i We. are -lad to see that t : AknV sUggcrtioil WJlsl ' : 0 a ti-o on. ioree Oi men to work on the jstivet under .1. A. Franks suj .ma i:avc t:rii ttte-ir ooe div;idfu!iv :-im e tht zl. The proper raekct jthte is to g-o to the l!ae!et .-tore . vour.-eif ami yo;:i- wiie dren se.nie cool anil cot sumnur ch.tliing. j The man b.as jutt.- his prices low that everyone j can .buy. ' . At last: W nte we wcnl , offthe paper last week httllds was put to world : away the jule ot nidi ties ; ' rabbisi -along the track ii this ollice jt looks bctt steps to the depot are an . iiroveiiient. I L'st af jurors for S?e-z;r C Spring term, 1S3U. i t iaw she was ic IIkt:- yomj.-tlv pit i UCsvl; y. hvision liandies Bitters. if usetl according to direc tions and the use iersited in. will brimx vou Cood Uige-ti'on and oust ill. Jt.-lil- uoiiuiiio i the demon Dyspepsia ami install Us K -or ris tiox- -.vith Col. Long to visit her mother kinsfolk. ; - Cliarlie Iiussell went to- ILiv- wo-"xl eoiinty, Moiiday,.to visi father. He will be gone a wee ten days. ' " Capt. verctt and W. IX C returned iroin their triji to Ki ville, Saturday, several days sooner than they had expected. Mrs. Hardy Xolan of Fines creek Haywood county was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. 1. P. Ferguson, from Wedjiieday.tiil Monday. C. S. jWhite "was down from W hiynesvitle over Sunday, to see how the Work of grading' ibr the I'resbytcrijan church is pivgivssim-. Dr. Scruggs went to Whittier. Monday, to attend the closing ex en i: es of tlie school t there. W'c wish Ave njiiglit liave accompanied him. ! Col. T. D. Long niadp iuirofliee a call, Monlhiy morning, and left a solidt'okcu of the value he puts upon the press. May his power for doing g od de'eds never grow less. ' 1 c: mdi- Klr(.tric Ditt,-r: i.ir 1 yspejisia am ;ountry, ; Kidnevs. Sold at oOe. land 81.00 r-er bottle by Ii. L. Davis Druggist. A Scrap ci Paj-cr Cavas Live. Itwas just an oniinary st rap oi wrapping paper, but it :-avid her life. She was in the last stag-.'s consumption, to. I by physician. that he was im iirabie and could live ordv a short time; : he weighed i v r. t J..I ii sevenf lot davs t , i ami iuv piece ol wrappiii! Y. A. Gibson and wife returned, londay from a visit to relatives in Clayton (t;i. They were accompa nied by J el L. (iibson and nis sister,'but left Joel behind, sick It is not iH'licved that his indispo sition is or a serious character. Glrdtovvn Bubbles. Dirdtown, May '2:, 1S1)0. women and children added warmth c,f color to a truly live scene. The train from the east, on Friday brought "many, the Saturday morn ing train brought many more, nut by far the larger number came on J horse, back or Avitii ox teams and, wagons-. Kvery available place-for wing sii"h stock was utilized. 'The estimates of the number of at tendants varied from loOO to "2o00. but all agreed that it was the largest crowd that laid assembled here in manv a long da v. Seats and tab; s and a speake u -stand, the latter ttistefully ormt inented with wreathes of greens and ivy lilossoms, were erected before hand under the trees, on the river bank, a short-distance east of Swain Hotel. (The cli; nge from the is land, where it rail been intended to hold theexcrciscs, as announced in the IIekali) List Aveek being ma.de in consideration of the num ber of old and infirm people and children who Avould have had to cross the dam. ) All the morning baskets and boxes 'of proA-ision, nought by the pienieers avcic placed in the charge of appropriate committees and the contents ar ranged on the Ion ir tallies. A com-: mittee ay as sent out over the village to invite all to attend. , Promptly at twelve-o'clock,, the work of unloading the 'tables began. The crowd Avas great, but the piles of provision Avere suiiicient, and all were satisfied Avith some to spare. At one o'clock tlie speakers t tand was occupied and I. A. Franks in troduced (Jen. Ii. 1. Varfee as the first speaker of the occasion. The (icncral spoke in his usual haopA- and loreihle stvle lor over an hour and held theeloseattcntion of the vast throng. He spokechief ly on the hardness of overtaxation borne by the farmers, of the evilsof land and Other monopolies, of the demand 'bv the alliance for the re-, peal of National Hank charters, for the unlimited coinage of silver and tlie institution ofthe"Sul-treasury-Warehotise" il;m. He tnged upon I ;! toiyf liiehmolid. Va. Tai.p.ott v Sons, Charhitt-. X. C. ('., S. JollNSON', . Manager. JL An FURNITURE- Dt LER AND UNDERTAKEF, Bryson City, I. C. Undertakers from a simple walnut casket. goods of all diseriptions, hospital ease to the finest Call and see me. Oiuh'rs In trjKjrujth irill ren in' innntdiate attention. pounds. Kin a paper she' read oi ir. Kings Xew Discovery ami ;t a sample bottle: it heined -her. i;d cliii- - 'ive bou-lit'a i-rire bottle, i'thehx-tl i.ouao.t ju ,. iiiovo,.ou;J,i a:; tm r ; ml irrew p.,p., ind -lh ver- i-.a-K( I ,K Iter ia.-t, continued its use i . . , "' " is iicv. miiksu, j i ca 1 1 1 , , res. i f i m-... i . - ; - . . , eu. i t loom o' piump. Avcigiimg J4U pounds. "! o i roriuuer .utHiiiars st i i stamp; ... ..1 T I I . . T : i ! V. X V. oi K 1 1 111 lo , . ji. vimc. i'i iiu.ii,: I W-U i"l I mm WW I ) L3 the fanners the in ed for more and better educational facilities and the taking and reful study of-neAvs- The ouarterlv meeting was held at the liirdtoAvii school house last Saturday 'and -Sunday. Services o pened Avith singing a good old liA-nm, and praver bv Kev F. F. Slater, aftr Avhich liev. FroAvn, the ! papers, especially agricultural jour pivsiding !eller, addresseil the coiv-- nals. He detailed some of the irregationj kis text lieing tlie irTtl'i ! linancial l.ienefits that had accrued West ! to the farmers from the .Alliance '1 j si mke in the evening. i and urgcl them to stand together linoti f Asheville Avent mnl work together. orningon business j W. F. Tonilinson editor L. Chihlers and! '' W was next intr tins m ml Y NEW GOODS FAIR PRICES SMALL PROFITS Come and See Us! a S1LEYS IY O n ill Ct( STORE II. I!. bAKK, I'.rvn City, X. ('. II. A. Ilf.it.i-, Urn Citv, X. f4. of the ihfJUtt Lhft iducetl, I 1 L- W "I. , , - . !rt,-..I.L-.-. L. i.iiflm hit; Horn M I nful I , ..t ,;,n Ti-;-,i P.ati t. -i.;- i lieiiocn ieasiv came i i iru ii' i i"" - ... .t -angot mnh. lual Lottk. .o. ,Iu, m m-1 f; . :,;rth. tuln . uaconouorablc tnmdity and nuvl-f clearing derlul jJiseovery live at if. Ua- " " T otv fofbiddin- him from makin SAJP FBS"8" .Ah i)M1,. f. r. good suiiplv of speckled trout. est ioruiaain0 jiim.irom . uiaKiu hb m m b idothet A:s Dmgstore. .v 11 ; , a engthv sviceeh, as he said,) .ujon r W g g" m . . . - . - I lie beet marKCv man fn-m lirv- ,...J , . yj,. , u V &dr a sm ;""V. ' Shortly bcloiv noon to( lav. a tei-: . , i the .-i.dition anl strcngtn ol tlie : " . egram irom J. L. Armstrong, tbe? ,, t i ,. t ,f irdcr in the state and particularly Tni'f'OJ thcr iiu- .i. Ar.,, ;n -r i l:t.-t w eew hunting lor tat ;n-i-..,,.. inn(rr,.fill(ll ,i;etnV nn.l , -L" i . .Miciiii.ii. .M.M ( me ic:i!i., .as te- .,., !,.,,. .,.,,.,.., .,i.i:,..,. ! IX- n J l -JrM .)uo. D.fal'or S:oie.ul Conley M. vr. 1?vxm l-s I'. M. HiH-h.e.ian K. (J. lly::tt . -I. Fniis klia 1. K. follir.s W. I'. S!m!er .b l.eniiiis; 1 It C.r.ky r.ro Aidow Marr I) V Fov,a.-oii T. i. Cha J. A . W, S. W. Mi.; .1. b. V,e Wi II. ( o! Win. Xu ; T. F. M A.U. M.v W S Ihiricv Jo!i:s .lonlJ Ii , I tor ll i l o :cti (ir-.vuv.l t- .hi all knn:s of .'it ,iri,;t:,U wil Ifn . .1 II i -'. ".. Jr.:es Jvii a 1 ( '"y I-untnig ami furniture vnr- j F Va' - A' lb Haves j r l viov.i J-M.SLAGLE ERYSO CITY N. C ; K S Kcv-uvr Wm irvct i readers tlult the -contrad i huiUlinu' oftheFrcneh Brd iurt, ceiveu here (iirectiitg the sm nn to , ) ,;im a j thelUoncv for them, arrest Dr. D. V.. Ilanniel for the TT.,f " . . ' ' ,," murder of II. ( ). Wilson, at Marv- 1 lH J11!11 wa-s 1,1 iirdtown to-day 1 jolt. ville. In the absen.- of ,ii t.ith ly lb " lure T I nil 1 iti i T, . .-.iorui ! Welch, tiiis Avas deliveivd to ileriutv t ' Uc'Y 1 W. K. McLean. He mvived it .a"t. 'urcli Titesday 'la-t, Ad:ere I-e will F. Slater went to Lufta the courthouse, re.ul it cure fully M-'hhess t and going out mi the street saw a 1 ",,r 'liiclij he is sent oat; lie will ic.-s lam 11 ht!r:j r.l !::r.- Welch hx kup. It Avas considerably k-s ! We art glad", to an mm Ace to our i xhaa iiAc minutes between the t for the ! receipt of the telegram and the ar- au ap;Y-rest. I'retty quick work. le people in the good cause ! stranger coining across the bridge j m ake I:rj . who misweivd th.e t imt-on Stimmer, :Jhe fugitiAe. Attemj.ts to see his j face Avere evadetl and Mc. prtKuring 'a AYian, demamic-.l to knoAv if his j name Ava not Ilanniel.! The man jsaid it Ava.-j and promptly riaohed ! for his gun. Mci.- .m had t lie drop ion hiin,:ind landed his man in the ltown headquarters this NORTH .-GABQUrJA. iiiid. small farms, avcII timbered and urge 1 tl e inenilv ri to be hiire and well Watered. deei). FlCJl FOll. A tWio attend the meeting of the stttealli-l , . - . A1 - nueto beiuhiin Asiu viiie injidv, uiisurpassecl in America. Abiununice of .Sm tirpltjpuro spring water. Sceneiy' that charms alliance iiiet s ; i-lm . - it1ii1v 4-' tt 1 ,. -1 . . have the state near tl em. coi. t. s. Long, whose presence j farmer. The iilucc for a poor man. had been promised, failed to come on Friday Arith Ms-rs. Vance and! Tonilinson, but Mr. Tonilinson an- 1 nounccd tkat he had just received j on the train due at 3 o'chK-k. I. I'm sorry to Lear of the fracas which hajs taken place in this com-munitA-. AVoudd thai all could get along in peace and unity. The saw-mill was moved from To fill in tlu time till thearrivaF Coopers cn-ek the other day, to c of Col. Long, Mr. X. XcAvb-vas in- . T.rd up the river. Urodurced to the audience. lie en- ! . i i i i r . . i . s tl.. -ii: '. Xru.v. I tiorseti ine oojocis oi me aiuanx j J. R. C. lie touched upon the money qucs-! (Continued on 4 th page) 1 Good farm lands at from $2. to $25. per acre. ADDRESS LAK E & ITODGE Brysoa City X C---