. ! : - 1 - ' : . i I , 1 - : - ' - j ' ; ''.; ; : , I I - -H ! ! ' ; ' I mi II:.. VOL. 2., NO. 42 - 1 ' i ' 1 r r r s .1 Deeded to the in?rrci- ff. Strain Couitty. Duacxratic la politic. 'i i i i BRYSON CITY N. C. THURSDAY, . OCT. 16 1890 PRICE $150 PER YEAR S.U'AIN COUNTY HERALD, v NEWBY Kditor and proprietor. C, A- irOK Awociatc Kditor. ' j HI ICE, Sl.oO Per Yeai. Puhlihed every Thursday at Ilryon City, .Swain county, X. C. .Ivtrti-ins rates reasonable and fur nished ml application. r fiiriirii and Sunday Directory. School , ...nvrraiiv Sncietr of Iirvson e.,'rc r.n ftrt Sunday of every month in -hivVnt church, at 11 a. m. tr K. V.. Ilenderlite, Vastnr. Citv and i p. m. vr -Church of Krvson ( ity.-Servicc in Tl . ..it i -it ii aj in.. :um i. MU'lii - 111 month. ... j . t A -..rl t nrrt W1S ll i muI (livirt h Coiif. n iue on Jat- irl,v b-.fore third Saistlay at 11 a. m u. v 'ti H Ckcrch, P:i!ur. Hnnday school ;; 10; oVlock, a m. I- K. I'olliiw Huponn- o'f uin street, Bry-on Tity. liov. W. I . vr.i-.if'V: Pastor. Stvio.s kccoikI anu Lurili HnnJar of every month at 11 a. ru. 1 " ",') i. ni". Su-uImv pcbool t-vfry .Sun- iv-f. McMhee alo hns the lollowjng ap- .w.inliutft: nrMP"! . . ' ..i . , Ii i ni : i l : rv m n.it h ami . 1 7 r m. '..UI1I1 Mium .iv 1unlv at Whittier. lias also thf fol'ow- ShAwel creok first Sun- SaUirdav before : 1 1 !i. ni. ami V-r -ticr ".oua Hundav in every month nl' A-iturdav before at 11 a. w. and 7 p. n SMI..UV " 8-hool at a. m. Prayer Wit.-1-rM oh;.pfl third Sunday in every ,,..' ?nd Saturday before at 11 a. m. and - n ri. Hundnv school at 0 a. ni. 1 raver v.tv Sunday at -: 0 p. in. LOCALS Under Ite Great Smoky A ho has not heard of then Dome, ft., their hiieJt ,k -ak. H.-s m ! '" KOi:. . i ai treau-ri nilKC, KiNV muef noriinvest ol lirwon ( ami that he 'takes' ri-atjiride in furuishintr liils customers with the j bct class of go:ots there are iu the Mountains! itV'X 4' If i I'lUL.'. l.lll ll'.lilJl"J lHJJlfM. VllJin you want jto explore this ro inantie ivriAn ' and measures guaranteed ito those of forests threailed by innu nerable trout! who favor hflU.' with tlieir 1 custom. I wolves ttiil j i ls i j ; Swain Co.. N. Catarrh is in the !ool. No cure Ire, with li. K., j for this loathrhno inl dangerous ft. The trebled n the :ire r.intr e- euitivatinn ot it tl; RVCOK. Mr 7a v Rvptit Chureh. Judson N. : Tli-v. J. I. Panther Pastor. Services 6rt Snrulay in every month and the riatur .lr b-fre. . ! lltnnuniHY Biitist Church, P.irdtown, N. C. J. It. Queen, ptor. Services 111 new .-hol housa at 11 n. m. on the fourth Sunrlav in every month and the Saturday k.i re. r.sts Mijnday S liu.d, B:rdtwn, mCi-tK new li.ol bous ' every Simday at 9 a. . Chihleis Sup ri:ite!sleiit. strean):i, where deer, bear'ai rane, come to Ilryson City C., a le--iutiful, growing villa jjood hotels At. IClevation. iMipulution of thevilh'e has last th rl' ve:u. FaetorieJ tablisheil here to utilize the soundless tim ber resi.uncs of the county, weal tii of the county is lwin ojed and is very pronii.-ii'.f: is spt-cially adapto! jto the apples, pears, jxaches and and tor dairies. ' With the tlie Railroad to Murphy, thi market in the I". S. for'those ik; availuine to our tarmt clicaji uow, .Lut i- adviiiicind Come and See for Yourself now is the It m i I ST E It. j lilank Deeds for kdc .vr. oliice. ClialtlejMorlatres for sale at the IIkkalo oliice. j Ciet your Job Work IFkrali) ofiiee. j The Central dnm.stor dooiv to the public jast Evervboclv" turn- ou lell speak on Sat unlay The new 'bellj for chureh has been ;reeeiv good one. J II. A. llode and Llu. L spent Sattirdav j nihll man's Dome. j A. II. Elmore is get't on the ground fur the his new house. I Candidates are nun days nml are navingtid by the thousand.- i For some unknow freiuht train did not ri City last I'riday. MARK I ED On Tl 9th, at Whittier.! Mr to Miss Kansas McCon Crawfonl and lEwar yesterday. a reort of appear in next weeks l Jones and Sin at hers Eridav and Dell Sat fail to come out and h disease is possibleHuitil the poison is thoroughly eradicated frcni the system. For this! purpose, Avcr's ,The -mineral ' Sarsaparilla is Che best and most lowly deyo!- !won-omiral ia.dicine. ' Price $1. -.-'Six Ijottles, So.; Worth o a bottle CRAVFORD AND EW ART. y. Mr. Ewart has: failed to meet Mr Crawford' at three! appointments and no excuse lias been rendered'; for hi.s failure except the first and! then he slandered nature by s.-n-ingj he was sufFerini; from sore throat. liance against Mr Blaine which makes the latter gentleman's chances of Wing nominated for President exceedingly slim, j !-Democrats and honest people genvrally are mad, as they . have a Hght to bv. lKvau.se the repi;)liean Cnited States District Attornev for bos to Don't in y Wind and Water, or Tobacco Notwithstandinir this excuse it is MV Dfc-'tm-t has taken no patent that this is but a pretext to escape the '"'rubbings'' he and his party have lx'en subjected to under the vigorous treatment of Crawford. arrest Wheat, the republican ex- i c?st master of the House ot Hepre sentatives, notwithstanding liis ue knowledgement when his attention It is no disparagement to Mr. Kw-w"s called to the matter, that the lie ran not ?cr!W( S commiiteti fy v neat arts abilities to sav that - ; successfully compete Mr. I punishable under the I were rnited K :.. " r - a ! 1.x T T n.t;u iti;iih-s. i v iiiitii - n hit i nm c i. -i i comiVirti,-, Wl !(;ib , X: rjCrawford ol the stump Ibr the his- l:nof utiles ix.th line and fall' the:b.t LViVl ft v -7 , ' V,; . I" tv of his partv is one long cata-. imprisonnu nt. No one was great produ. ts will t ;-V V' "-tiyction lo - 0 t i riciclt al(U of pmv. f ly surprised when the facts leaked -i-. Land is iiis oilicial duties will be attended . , . .t ,f ,iu,,.t ii,..,.,i-,. iv.-i l.,;, t':,i,,. :t i i- t . i C1i extravagance .and mconsisten- uUt oboiu rpvakei.lve -.1 la tug ad rapidly. to during his absence by thei-' T,vf r ... ..i i . ..r. i vt.,l Wl. ..... v..f,M .t... ,sw.,... rA i.'jin;.B(.ni. i,.,i i.v.i,.,. cu. a .ur. r,naa uuw m:inuu-1 . - VvLlui .. . ' I!t Ji vr -in t 1 t ci w 111 iiu I ! .1 1 1 1 1 C 1 f t, ition. Mr. Gibbs has taken a sensi-i , .,,-, L ' " , ? ih, iLin iiniiuiiLV L iulu; . 11:1 1 . r " J iiiee and Pepper, Avlien yon can get ble course and no dou fl!l' M.'lll f..I tl t - )t our school em will leel thuieiieets 01 ms V" I - . . 1 C i 1 -R- ! t r: ! n m 'r m 11. e exci lleiit i-ollefe be i : o I is attending. All who expect to attend the coming session of the Paptist Con- one at the I vention to meet in Jhyson City on shoiud send J. S. Elmore, Homes will be ! the 22nd of October, of.cn od i their nam?s at ence V i iirvson t. iiv. C. ; and hear Oct. lSth. he Baptist led and is & on Lake CTin''- n LODGKS. I ), kk I.oTMiK A. 1'. and A. M. No. 4 '17 M l M.nuluy and :!! l'hiirsday in cu lt lAoiitli p. m. 1). K Collins. W. M. HkvsonCiiy Loi;k, -Knhmith-or IIonoh, No.IM'.Uk M.'Vtn mi iVt and 4th Friday nip.hu in ( .. Il li.dtllii. K. ('. SlMI'KISS, lietator. A. M. Ui.NNKTT, lie novter. litem 1.5- Rrv B Iro-rt Ii I'livsirimis reci;RiJieiiil it. ' All dealers keep it. $1.00 per llottle Las trade-Riarr. ana eroded red 1 T. M. Crawford is another house on his. st.. John .M.'irein ih work. Swain Hotel Ito !H closed iorgood on the isi'0. I Mus. (Jko. N. v Yit .j7Z TtACK AtJft Or tou are all worn out, renllr aood for nolliing it is penenU .ieMiityp Try 1 fippctite. Sold It will cure vou. and xive a kkJ L v all dealers lu iiiviliclao. Trv SWEET WAT! E LOU 11, Holer J 'rot will' use no other. Hi sinks and Professional Cards". J D. K. Collin.- ii . i i - . L. I E ATI! EH WOOD, ATTORSEt AT LAW, I.ryson 'it v, N. C. Stov-i.il ;ituiition iven to Collection oi t hinb and investiation of Land titles. A. M. FUY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ih'VMin I'ilv, N. C. N NEWBY. ATTORNEY AT LAY. Bi VM.n City, N. C. . i . . 01 I.uiii I iocs a T ir.inf .- Viith it K i II 11 .1111 I" '!' I lutelv necessarv thatjl you register. The book Will b ten davs before the election. If some' of our su' bring a nice fat po cleaned, to the; IIi:r. will be glad to take it H. S.vmerow 'and . . s . . i -li ai' lUiilili',' iin;a liiaiiiui neat Maedonalds m ' such enterprising u ' .nur:!L."'lilvi!t. iTliC 1 . them .-ue. ess. p-rovided for all who comply with this request but if any fail it will be their own fault.-! Also state whether you will go by public or private conveyance. List of letters remaining in post- j oliice up to date, Oct. l.'Ith: I Wilber McBride, J. C. Brvson, i W. A. Bailev. Part Battle,' ng materials prof. T. J. Brock, J. SI Bradlev evr Co dastering of i j. i Clements, Nelie Cambcll, j Kearden Davis,.. li. -M. Gibson, . rous these; H..M. Cibson,i H. P. Garrison, ets printed j J. N. Hihtowet, Hi chard 'Johnson Miltin Horner, li. M.McIIan, cuise the! Frank Livingstone, J. C. Jones. ach Brvson T. II. Pace, .ih. Moore, Mrs. Nancv Hennels, J. Jj. Hov, Z. B. Vance, Miles Woods, Hiss Josie Wooy. , . Ella N. Waters, P. M. Tine First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, e.:n't think, can't do anything j to your satisfaction, po! ursdav Oct. C. Cogdill iell. Vo noro will sue. peaks here vrday, don't ar them. Jieecnc Crawford on the issues of the cau.-uavui naiirn he would do his manhood, pi-itter quiet about .which he i so much LoastsJ''11110 nns heen fastened upon justice and his nartv no iniusike N ll, :!t nn(i be has been dismis.-cd urelWhiskies, Winesg Brandies ! V ' i Which havo K-cn njnmioiull I.y l.-iulin; j.ycU ians of the St.-.te FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. ! ' : : " I AT E?f'S'S:THE WHITE MAN'S r quiet, but now that the. ! ; ! i BAR! and vou wonder 'what ails you. Genuine ueti on wrapper. Hitting up t on Everett vous Pio-tratioii. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters you will lind an exact remedy for restoring vour nervous system to its norma!, healthy condition i oecause it lias gone oae.-c on every .pledge made to the people. The Asheville Cith-n correspondent commenting on the failure of Ew nrt to make his appearance sa.vs: "Logan's Store, Hutherford coun ty, Oct. 1. Mr Ewart was alsent again today. It looks as if he had finally -bolted the campaign, and if he does not turn up tomorrow at Putlierfordton, we think it would be in order for the republicans to pu.t out a candidatH to represent them in this district. . Tomorrow we go to Hutherford ton, and if we do not find Ewart we are thinking of offering a thous and dollar reward 'for his delivery into Crawford's- hands on any stump in the district, with his throat in good condition." Where oh! where is Ewart? His darkened legions ask. But in vain"! is the j question asked for no re- ! spouse comes back and Crawford is compelled to expose the villiany of the republican party without be ing aided by the look of blank dis pair written upon the lace of Ew art when Crawford speaks So so licitous, have we become lor Mr. EwarU safety that we herewith publish1 the following notice free of charge: You should heed the warning, you are taxsmr me r.rsi step mio alt- NOTICE. Lost, strayed or stolen, one II. G. Ewart, formerly of Heiulersonville, but now of parts unknown. Anv A Oil J erTl- l 14 i" U . -i ' . -, ... - j liv-irmi ni . iiiiiniiMiiuii in- .Ir.ui.r ihe w. V - . ;V Whereabouts will receive the um 0 itnis'-reat Aervc xoiiicaa': -viicuj- ,. , , , ! ! , t , ol one inund, one shilling and oixnenco bv calling at the Hr.r.Ai.D in disgrace by the House of Hepre-scntativc--, it docs excite surprise that the District Attornev shouhl be derelict in performing the duties which his oath of oliice entailed upon him. Shall a man's jwilitics prevent his being tried and punish ed for having wilfully violated the laws of the land? It looks most decidedly that way in this cast4. The new tarilT law has not been in effect a week yet. but the rapidly rising prices of so many of the nec essities of life has raised a howl of discontent that has frightened even this hide bound protection" ad ministration, and unless all indica tions fail it will be lriirlitened a good deal worse when the returns from the Congressional elections are all in.' According to the annual report of the - Commissioner of Pensions there are ?ul.) pensions on the rolls of the (Jovcrnment now, and more than half a million addition al applications are on file in his office, and they are still pouring in. Great Scott! Think of more than a million pensioners. It is feared that the Democratic Congressional Campaign commit tee is trusting tot) much to Provi der.ee and a good cause. The Ohio republican office hold ers here have been assesed b per cent of their salaries for campaign purposes. gi n a n a s r3 EAGLE S' STAiRS. MY KOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. oi!Di:nsri:oM.i distjxck solicited. THE ONLY STIUCTLY WHITE MAN'S BAH IN THE STATE JAS. H. LOUGHRAN, ASHEY1LLE, M. C- closed and 17 of October I '. " Bl.ACKlH'KN. Al V ALLEY and vou vept only by tive. l our appetite.) returns, digestion is restored, and ihe and Kidnevs resume healthy a Try a bottle. Price o()c. a Central Drugstore. ; The Sw Discovery. You b.ave heard neighbors taikinu a iver tion. t the ve heard vour friend.- mav yourself t.e oncj of the many who-know from pers i list how Lrood a t: you have ever tried of its staunch friem -.out it.-- and You mil experience imr it is. It it, you are on- because the oliice; or as there is some danger ot a number of his political friends becoming a charge upon the coun ty, if the information is given ear ly we miuht increase the reward to one pound and two shilling. EWART ABSENT-AGASH. Washington Letter. abso- . --rftil thine about it is. that should. wjlcn once given atrial, Dr. King's closed i Ww- Discovery cvei! after holds a -place in the house. If your hav (Kroiit our lleular ( 'orrc sp;;ident. : Washinuton D. C. Oct., 10, "00. ?3 He Setting Rcadyto Bolt Altoseihcr. Mills Hiver, Henderson county, Oct.',). :Ewart was absent again to dav. And this is his own countv, too. He is so nervous tiiat he is really afraid of his. own shadow. Crawford's speech has taken such a hold on Ewart that, it rides him at niidit as a nightmare. He cannot stand it to meet him but once m his own countv. He declared that SUBSCRIBE! FOB THE WAIN COUNTY HERALD : i THE ONLY PAPER IN SWAIN COUNTY. B. tl. I.aki:, Iirvson City, N. C. II. A. II f '!;, Hrywin City, X. In Ex- Gov. William IL English, of uhe had business to attend to, and irt tin4 Natifuol I could not be nresrnt." He did not &- liana, who ran on democratic ticket with the late (Jen. J say what the business was, but we i Hancock in 1 -SS() is in Washington, j will just mention it for him, in or- search me- amonir the archives ol tier that tiie neooie mav Know GmA kiii wmm -IN -l . ll lull .dtv. PIEDMONT WAGONS For Sale by E. EVERETT Brys.ui City, N. C. DRUGS AND MEDICINES.. Ail kinds f Druesai.d Meiih in : be ore- ured ai Cucklen's Arnica Tin: lb:-T Sai.v;: in t! ilruises. smiv;;, I let'fs, eli, Tettr, i !K:plH d H ( 'urns and all Miti J'.ru tivi iv eercs 1'ilfs, j or no is iU;!i':mleed to eive .-n 1 1 ivlunded. True - ei-n -:de at the Cciitr:-.! I'nier- When the hair 'i falling, begin at om Hiir Yi-er. Thi strengthens the stalj novt h ol new hair. natural Color to gi 'im. and lein Sers i"J and jdoc-y- J ; (u-e. ( .'athevl V: (it wi 1:. from Husst 11 i1 ..!,,'! ( tiii.i ' a 4H hi -?s Hi" e'C'lle ami -s; I .. i. e. i! ATT lap;, toe uoiuiu man of vei v i- v: w that -it t!ic :.lx brotigb.t to pi'U up n 11 i ;V.T1, S-.on -C .Uvka i i I- rcsh iroVnls. 1- nil stoi k. r i luai to tru-d tii.C i.'M ,-t and mo- 1... ;ri. ;- 5WAIN HOTEL P.yson Cir North Carolina, OPEN Ahh THE YEAR. Gi:0. N. iPhACKPt UN, prorri, tor. V Vftil ,..vt;;r iii--nc Ji.vum:: pi!- .-ve-vthe rat '.. l'; d.i-'i-std . by !s::.iy la,;. eountry. It .h-avt-s n p! month. It i delic-.-te i fine e!ie weir. Try the vou v ill chew !K ihi-; Did you know 1 1 1 . was Vet ling l.is go very low tha; it wi - i senbers will ; never used it ami snouid 'Huiiict- j he Gov;;rmnent for materials to be what Ewart calls -business". When Ml EC "FED HI DlSiP llH P APPfi IP" A sum,- already ed-with a cougn, cold or any 1 nroat, hv a hUoYy ()f Ill(iiana.. upon we arrived at Ilendersonvilie today Wf Eglg'y If II 0 61 h 4l EO LI LUZ4o i.n office I we; Lung or Chest .trtdible,; secure a i wllk.jl 1jc is: ww-d, at the' request we found that Ewart had driven ".uwaiyui u oh his hanus. ; bottle at once and give it a lair j ()f .y lueinb-rs of the Con- nearly all night last night to reach LaigO iUl(l Slliall famiS, Well tllllbeiTcl Uiul M. Newton: trial. It is guaranteed .'very time, vention which w:is held in 1850 to ! his home from Bievard, ami that ; , ' 4 g niachimlor.money.reiumu-i. i nai .x.uies vise the Stater Constitution. Mr. I he had been closeted all dav with ; WCil AVaiCrClt. : (1001), l'lCll SOU. j Climate U. Let all cree a, v ciin.e. iu-.-e.u,. En-lish looks little, it anv older! K. O. 1 atterson antt .Mr. W . N . ' 4 ,,' 41 l i m receive en-! -,-.4..--:---- i than he did ten rears airo. and it is I Rollins. Now it is well known : UHSUrpaSSCd 111 AlllOriCa. AhlUUUUlCe Ol KIIAI.D WlrilH Salve. wm Id for ( ' ij I "lit inn, Fcvf r lid.-, ( 'hilldaiits, tions, snd posi- ;iv r v. j u ; r u n low. or mo:i. y 4 pvr I i x. I or i u e. E. (i. Collin left Monday.. Joel W. Crisp, of PERSONALS. or i josion. on certain that his history of Indiana i what ! will nrove a valuable addition to'Thev r i i . - ii-. it., i' i : ' : : i 1 im: the Pt.dk atimiui-tration. that were combin ation tlevisin;: wa rnd;Pie pving "water. Scenery that charms pliticnl literature. Mr. English is! ioe:ois, particularly the mt ans Jor : )e oye nJC it (1()CS lH)t (llSCOlirae tllG 10 stramrer in ashintrtoivnaving attempting to stem the tsue whic.i , :. - jcen a dejiartment clerk here dur-;is overwhelming Evart. The "fat" farmer. JLJie plaCC iOl' U" llOOl' mail. I must be fried, out in large quanti-; lows seros oi ) use Acer's lire pa ration , promotes the re.-toivs the ami laded V' oel u. riso, ... wo.-.y, wa- n. m x hiu-l tic-, and as Rollins and Patterson fi 1 1 J A. , J. S. Ehaore 'returned to Ashr- j ..lfilJ ,.xK.cU.,i by his 1,artr wtirk-jput up the mor-t boo-lle. This isj VlVvU I ill ill iUllUO lit 11 U. villi-on Friday. t t.rh K,t he would go to Rcprescnta- the '-f.'Usinf-s which prevented : . $5!o. per acre. i soli, imam. - Tom Bell, tin was in town a?ur ay. ... . , -. - i Dr. K. l.. Javis niaot s'.oiial visit lodii'ison iHl Mr. Ewbanks, tlc roe insurance .man. paid, our town a visit th week. I .1. W. L. Arthur has gone east in ent ml crowt j tO K i tianta drummer, ! tive Mc'xinlev's district and make j Ewart from 'meeting Crawford to-j severa.l sneeches in that gentleman's i dav. Tin re wa- behalf,-. but a dav or two ago Mr. ; out. however, and Craw fold Blaine stated that he regretted that? lor fully two hours, and more than ; pressing bu-ines would prevent; one republican declared he was; liis leaving Washington, as mueh ' done with the (J. O. P. for all tin;". J i as he would like to hel'i Mr. Mc- One of the new converts li'eami oj eh : ii $2. to ADDRESS LAKE & 1T0DGE Dry son City N. C. Kinlev. etc. This heatetl the bhjod enthusiastic that he made a sp, j received to is ! Ct of Massi I pwcr orta hill j;mph'tr. itanding. is a ii ks. does say ! c.ngi iu' vi r -." it is be'...:g vek. live miles i M 1 ( m I i ii v I . K. Collins? l.ei.il'nr t:t'it;-.-i-ii the intt ixst of thi imss. .1. A. Brown am returned from Kin ure.ay. I mar Clark ar.d Mondav S ieert 'ri )'" ot" ,I('"n'.v vepublierms, and to a circle of his friend.- immcdiat- oclis pm .cis t,,.v :!ive ever sifice been -landing lv after Crawford clo--d hi.- talk. ' O. Henderson Jxville. last Sat- telt on Maine Rev. II i: tl: N. ii honu Merrill lis u-e v. I on tiie es I pre- Ht.-!i 11- 1 '1 .. I ia ; i bp the Mes, 1 r . T. 1: i.-ia". : : R. L. XcH'bv v -I v 1 inula e,' iitnti-t- 'I tne taste in tne i t'avor nl a vi-ry N'lird Tooth an,l it D. K. Collins s at prhes -o astonish vou? are at lenoi ig court . d Strawberry visiting lii A. Gib.-on. it l.erw o ,.d, A . M. i aid. Ev r tt. M urrh v. Missis Jennie (lolRus and Mary Brv-on rt-turned on Mi.dav from Wel-ster, v, here 4 key have be :i visiting their lie' d, Miss tiertru le Buehauaii. 00 AHD REGISTFR. on ciui ami nurung ugiy epum is ! t Mr. Blaine's head. They nk ! i how could Mr-Blaine leave Wash-; : ington fr tlirec months with Con-; gix ss in session . as he did this sum- j , m r. witiio'ut endangering the wd :are -f the Goernment. if he ;!! not r..w get .;"v.;y f..r ringle Wi ; Tbev charge that Mr. l'! -im- wish e t i -ce Mr. McKinley dHc.ted, . learir:g that if he"ls eheted he will ! hi- rival fo.: the Presidential nomimlion in is'". In i faet they ale enaivmg so i,an loiugs. against Mr. Blaine that he wiil :Vttiablv h- glad to rccT'ii-ider l is ileteriuiin tion about going to Ohio in nler to stop it; but thai isn't going to stop it. "X he Reed una j McKink-y republicans havecr.:erc I S into .in otP.-n-iv-j and d- nsivc al- .) . P. K. ArhrciUt-Ctti-lH. ComftunicaticB. t OOlvlE Mr. will g flight l.'ia.ce. Widtti. r. N. C. Oet. c.. u. ; t. r..; n th SWAIN THE HERALD E.I i tor: The W. C. ve an eMtet t.d o n;ent ni.-:.. a Brass B. i.r'tiie ltn 1 he mO':.il 'el :rn;s!i p" 'it d t music, through U.o part ul kindne.-i ':c of : !';of. Spivy. Preparations are ne-; made to entertain the sudi.-nce u d.eli' ht. Admis.-ieii for adults --" cents, children 10 cents. The en teit.i.nnient'is given by the lad'ei 1 - r the benefit of their "Uiuon" and ; a l.ri-e crowd is solicited. -M its . E. V. McLct y , i i Sccr tare Tl COUNTY OFFICE if you want to get your Job Tort done neatly and promptly. TERMS REASOHABL