y'jr '"W. 'VHgHI Jittmin ghnmt) ifafcUi. VOL. 2., NO. 44 i COUNTY HERALD. 'iY Ivlitor ami proprietor. illLSoN Associatt F'litor. ( ', A1 ..TO Per Yeat . LOCALS. 'Under the Great Smoky Mountains! i","hi- -w-ii-i Who has not lieonl of th. I hiwe, tkWA) ft., tln-ir lirl milts northwest of Erv.-on you want to x lorq thi rji: i lacuna: liikt jR-:ik, ii. - H " II -11 1 T I . I . I M. , I it v- V I If i MM VII !. Ml V- V IT. : r. I ri'r I - ' . . ' . . . I . ... , m , ,. it ;,- tw t.t in ttnviK niis n the most sac red Pri veleees truai i yo warn i.. explore tin romantic rvvn.ii Hitters JiasTfonc 'tiiotfe "Olid lor 1IC nvpw. " r 1 "U- : ... - - : rhurA.l:ivatBrvHoii(itv,i ft"?'1 'r """'V' tnutithan alUtlui im-d. cijies combined, tFlal erek and ivy) this voir anteed by oiir free utttutions. It , ,.,.. V f " streams, where (i.-r. a id wolves still .. ., . , , I ,. Wain WO LV ISO UTe not to be dn-Was reserved tT Aim r:c;l to tOOC'l mum, -V ,..,, ,..,,.,. to RrvMhn itv IV. X "T 1 1 lit t had OOt!ll" iin.-ili: Irani fr"' V-'V PV?- ., ,i t r tl , , 1 wngi omi in i.rrt)initTNi.iiinn.. . n , veti ii'to tht- ntf.i bbcan oartv hv tuo work I the abititv I the ihjouio " - ' : lxatiti nil. (frvi: v i 1 1 : pc. wth It. K.. Klbl'V and l.ivcr ti"uilv. John VLU 11 f , i ' - ' I ' L i K - W, ..!! ! . . ... . . .. , .... . . . . i . t ! i iM.l k-h I.. .! mi ! tmtraiK'tnK ill onr tw 11 ' it i.'HISOUi'S I'.ttu Ui:!i ill. m- rood hotel. tVr. raevriijon r,t,.s reasonable and far- jtopulatum of the villagt hi iai Hirer eai. riu iurr tahlislu-! her to utilize t ht her reisfJurw oi the eo.intv , wealth of the eoimtv hei : one! anrl is verv nn.iiii n applieatioH. VND BtKlAY SfHOOL : is -ju eially atlapte'l to tl Uinri-wiiiv ; aimles. nears. neaehis am j l I. r. - r t- . - ... . . It i-.. i-. M." r i- .. i . , r till' r'ulifMlh' :ii(! I s t V:i t 1 s 1 ! I: S (it Oil 1" t 111 lO UtOni HOI Vt'S alHl lIKti all M 1 u i-o-ii.-. tarntor and Ki'"b " , . . V . , . , : r, Find Eleetriel pnHea! inunus, let n en-wu. -jon; t T sl.;,rii I lie and tbat they alone arc tin li ,,, n I i T ' ' 1 s i j 1 1 ti' -T ;v uni'v aim ian i , . . . . i ; 1 1 l-he min.-ral midlCUlOL liuwh ItlO fcol IlkO a HOW I " T ' ..v. i . .- II i . . .. . ... ... ii li.-.r niu fl,l li Mini I : v H '1 nt i'l U'. M-nuni iv v .m mir stow iv tu vei- id;i:i. .J. V . t-anltHT. naruwnre " v .-.', 7 " . i 4- . ,: . . a I he eo tint v Hit- .I'ti HentleiHte, Pastor. - . Blank W-l-U fr al ( hnr: liot i'roiiv io.-'y"-" aid oiu .-. k. at Ham- ' .-!" ('battle Mortiw.v i i- tll!lHIV OI HI!.- lirw. ...... . ',i't liur.-l, ( onlerence on .Sat- Hl-ltALD ofllOO. nt, thir l Smnlay at 11 a. in. . ( :,. Vour -lolt Work ..-i P-Ktrvr Siiiniav seho! ' . r l' . i, : ( mIIuis j-ut.erin-. " ' Aftor the election wi . ' r to rive.our readei n. J. v . t-aroncr. naraware "r .-', 7 . . .,- 1 . . . i ,.1 i n , ,,..,. t.,v . our iiartt, and Will doit again. e governmental funetiont?. I nlik. id atiT. rii 1 iiiat e. .-a. i..n.- .... . 0 , .. .1 1 i t 111 ;i iv:tt!oti el .... .!.,.. ., . I .iL' 1 ii-hrt i-iv.. -i 1 iiiti'il Mini ;vill- 1 1(T. -li )! ' IflO OlU -1 in I a IV I le OI i 1 ii:m:!"- I";',, ww 'l!:; L !n,i liritlMl with us W WHr that we KurojK? our peiiW must be judged completion oi , man wlio i.- all run mwn am lun t .1 ... M.nwfc!iin4(1t;,.,.J f,.,. ;( l in v . v iiiiti 1 v. 1 v ' J toil" power to s, - t those will tvst represent tbeir a ill. and tln ir Come and See for Youkelf. Come! w'l u Convkntmn.1 f v;, interest,. ifbyn,i,i, at ti.e de- itential 1 n ng . ,,,-Mvitv of human nature a rear. - ,1 H. Ui-i, 1 1 1 tl - n - 1 - -"-1 r-emantaoie r.eicue tentative does iuot retleet the m Mrs. MiebaeU'iirt.jin. 01 riain- DAi JTIftft fM HI R ft rf bi- ftmstitneiits. our inst -itutioiis- r sale at the h Id, 111., makes tlte .ftatement that hav- nlai etl a lvmedv in the baud Aiv eauirht oold. wbaeh settled on . uiHtvcoMr finirv rnR nsfiW. -i'.,.. :,h :.iid .-it "tin- l.ai'ut hx r a rrivin . n,.i. .imivs.iit.it! n- m:iv in r. - I UHV I .WJIl.u . ivjiv.i.vu ! ....... ... ! miked and relegated to the walks and !,,r (i-H ies. V. Hh the eon; plet u-.n ol ina 1 1 n ; i : is ;u i ru ; i mm u n ;o i r moi : i , . , t,,.;,. ,.,.i ,rhe u:,iim:l to Mnrphv.th fall, the l,est ,.;,ro wbotbor Fie livu-s r.r dies: lt. mav pvo deiiioeraoy n rousing ma-, by tin n rc) i. narkct in t'.H-r.s.fotho-pro.lnetsv.ill fnml new strenglb, good appetite!,; 1,1 ,,1l lnnroiubc and th- within tlieir v S.ietetTot l'rvson lty. ,v Slvatltihle to our lain 1 1. La ml i- , - . ,-1 1 i.L. 1 v. Ninth ( 'bngresHtonj! district this agents w l:o Sun.iay f ve,y month .,;,,: noT,i l;. ylVa;.ein r raj.hlly. 'J U . "1 111,1 ..n ' vear rSigllodl 1 'K Mm. it ATS of Moll- their temper, i ., l .. ,. and 7 n. in. , n r w ,f n , least' ot It to. ()nlv !). a bottle, at ?V1' I' lh,,y . . t- -h, at li a- mi. , f.nme snti far Yr.n cf- f r.Amf . : M i v f,,vk-vrmv U ,,-,'!, ('idtm. interests. It - u ilieude iv- -u ' " " ' : ' " 1 ." Boot! Crowds 2t cmon uny. ana bw? oi private me; so nun n is pnten- ... 1 .in - : .,.,,rM. Sat ru. ( htireh HOWS. ..... Krvsnn itv. KW. . i.i I It ) i t . o al r. am ., ' s-rVies seconil ana ', '' " - mnnth "it 11 a. m. w'.... i ..- everv sua- , l r- 1 III .-Mi.11'1-. : , l. !i. ("ouh-y snpt. 1 lit more, on Wodnesdj h more loeai 1 Mrs. J. If. v Oct. 2JJth, u i..,,, I,, .. ,.!.. , tv, ,,. ,1... Weaklier, MnUrin, al-o h:.s th folhwvm" ap- r.niousi.ess. tkc . ? I . v i I .r . I M I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 f V , - i ', ,1 -ii VVliittier. i U cure t!Ui:kljr. J or sjtle ,, p. ii .!,;,n UasalM, the lolh .- - - --- -- . I I 1 I ' I - . i . v I 1 1 I 11111 iil ., .. ..'!-;. ..r t..ti h, vtt i tl ml li i i i : . ... . . '., .1 I .. a. . I T ... : 1. i 1 ... . mioWS-s IKOJf B1TTEB. , .wt ml-i t...r- v-.i ""re : "V - 1 IHUlUrotl porsons oemg preset it, aim ! ereti ueni nun I'-hm uum- &.um ; t.v iiU Ut&lers in nersvll ? 11 a i wen. i.ow u-. her own "Wi j..,..,- Sttojin rirK him ;- ' j 1 as sne cvi'.'r was. rue iii;:i mni "?rv "hi i.mtb and Sat.M-.h-.y heh.iv inj, ret in the gi"o-er store ot".I. '(f j;is (x iicjveh' at 1 m :,tt,i ; P. m. Sunday school Massie. The ilirm i now . J. E, o,intral I bug Store, large bott ,.-,..nd Sundav m ever mo, eh - " ,Ue. and AJ.(S) " r,"' ' -i n, 11 a. in. anil p.. The i r k 1 i 11 ITS ol 1 be Western . - i i. i . . . i: . liii.ine w mm ?:'- i' rcscti i ; m i n:ite a miluumii. i wi vv.m.iuo 1 1 1 inlieive.vL- mik! is as well , ..i . . j. :.;T. -" r i... ..... : i... , .' t,.:i'lh m , , ; (imilH IIS III iilllv.l Ml I in ' M if l V li n.r? i ii 1 v. . .. M'irlit a Hall a,,, K,,.;.. r;.l boll los , . , .1 :. ..-r -l ; !.a . 4. iA-..-.a li, ,.,-. ...... .... till,! X !W i . I 11 I e .!. Mill I il 11. 11 nu.ll ivii,vniu.n ..1. lite i ... r. ....1 1 .... ' in... ,i i u-.n. 1 1 1 . hi o 1 (.in. li.ivt nl fiiii' vii'uri I ' 1 m 1 1 1 1 ! oi 1 1 . ! V I II H UM U II'.'. U1W turn 1 1-' ? ' I ' I t "X . KTlfand eveav man ot them was do-ihwart waselecied to l o-ugn ss ti .. .. tin- .:i . . - -........ - ..',.M.,.,1 at a. m. Prayer, ( laitist ('oil Veil! ..verv W. Ineday niglit. jj x r!S? ,iH..,. n.x. .k. ' Sundav -ehoirl at a. m. Praver Tjw, ( ';U)( ( M tes for ( tfundav at..:.up. m. I v i l-k lie ill 1 1'Vsmii tit on are ei'ow- 1 nl .: ! 1 is Week . w e 1 1 1 e mlinc verv A J --- ?A. Let vorvfii Mr .to-. FUiTi-T riiim h. - huli) N. ,,uk and hear t hem. r ' a P. Panther Pastor- St tvh , MtnWN'i IRQ'' . ' ,. ;' ..V, rv -lonth and the Miiar- fc-iff lrUXNi it.U.. tl id lll'l -----. who can turn 1 t nar.tey .viexanuci nem " j count v two years ago was 114. vr ! bwart is a romuuioan, eneriswiug nesville Momlav. Uaw no democrat who tbomiht all of its tenents and hohhng dear ..." . . . - . . 1 M ' .. . . , , ! , , . , 1. .. . M .. ... BITTERS lull tor .Newhy is uitimoing ra- ('raWtorlrf majority wotinl he less an .01 us iia.ution. an. j.w.m ,"f7iu.n-..-sti,.n miiciwn. ibiiia. Muia- ham eoimtv court ibis ueek. than 200. One oi' the most reliable I behoves 111 "protection for protec- I riNtM-vonnes. .in.l a.-iioial llsl-'Miy, l'hyi- . vi- . rilmr iv.hni.d Lnst ; n..n in be COUIltv told. 1UC todav j tlOllS sake.' and tills IS the first M-h it. iM-iimuc " ' Lli' . . 1 , , , i- i :..i.; .1 ,..,.,,1.1; unpun istiCM i tine oi inu ii;Hi"i 1- , can party in the Newgate calender j that we will briefly notice. Ours iiin- reommn) it. All 1 a ' ' , ,,- . . . .. has truth; i,:ark and. cruised ivtl li Br.:,fr.r.?iT Uvretsr "Jin Sundav was a regul; r winter dal ..''" ' ' i'i .. ... the fourth wit h a cold rain. Moniiav mornii . . ;,,,,,rv month ami the SaMiroa.. tK f-,.st suW tU tJ,,. 1 ..r 1 There was i onsiileraldd mounbiini . 1 .1 lit -.1 , 11 llU'l't ' . , - .. .. vjinwinv at a.. .1. H. Wr iiiurenheni 'hihh-Js Sun. nirteiwlrrti. 1 .Ol)' h s. ware 51-or . .ihniilav 111 buildimr hi .Niain St thai he intends to kVrp in stock 9 ! .UH.k A. F. ami A- M- 'i.-t?7 ! M n. lay if, cvei -1 h i i ; ii- kept in a d wa re store!. i ; ..i l - I . . ...1 1 ; , i. .e so 1. ii 11 -1 ...,.l M.l 1 hiiTso: ru. - . - . , 11...... 11. . ........ 1 - Ml 111 . .111. . 1 1 I . 1 : I ' 1 I .T i rl P- Ml. --..,-., , , 1 1. K. Cot. 1.1..--. W. i-'. last wee K wntie main ! 'the liantit ( 'u jentio ' 1 .'vs.-v 1 "itv Lone:-., K.N'iou is .-truer always nangs u .. iiav.iii v, , :.4j:t ! brethren '4f the oloth. ..I 1 iw. - V s t- ..n n-n irnnitii. K. f'.-SiMrklSis, : hirtator. A. M- !Ksv;rr, . "v Kcporter. :,nd bh Friday iHjsh.ts m Buckien's Arnica Saive. Tin. he- t s liVll in I It v.; 1 .. v-..,.., it . Ill IIIIWL. , . ilf - fSorcs. Yet'..-!-, i ..app. '1 !b I frns a mi! all Skil Km; ! tively cnrc4a Piles, hi tin . is L-u'aranteed to iv.M-ati-f refunded. Pi ie. 2p cent -rile -a tin Central iTfuju-t M.l,l!onS!ON.U.l ai:i;., Misses Alice Oalh bath. 1 p LKATHKUYVOOlb, ATTORHEY AT LAW, itv, N. ; a -.tt. union L'ivcn to (..Hci tion f 1 1 - nud investigation of Laud titles. .Matlock, MonisMM .1 'and Fannie Malhukj. t he editorial saijetum afternoon hv .a ';sit. ' ed n lief e t he bionotl : ial life. As a family! med cl all other 1 teij to eo n .i v 1 A.M. FRY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, P.ryson (itv, X. '. ' X. NF.WHV. ' mORSEY AT LAW. Toy son City, N. (. v, ''Mijfatinh oi land titles a speiialtv. PIEDMONT WA60NS I'm- Sale by E. EVERETT Hryson City, N. C, nUfiS AND MEDICINES. M kind- of Drupiaml Medicines! n ) procured at Drug Store, Dryson City. N. C. tlu-v are In 1 h tioti .,1 V Oil 1 1.. t'ii-.i -! :i Mil ll'..sl I 1 ; . . I . 1 ever ottered m tne tram . vent I irtaj from tM ''; .. r! nm. . rii 1 - i..j-,..V 1 v r.i.mv leadinu n.untrv. ' It haVis a hk-l l u.utl . It i- ikdtolr inlt 1, Ti-v t he utt will ehev. no otln r. Did vpn km was selling lij very low tliat and thai He t; furnishijiig bif best elajs f livarketa Ail Ftc Fllll -toek .1. lb tjlh and Co. r IhcotrJ to the interest of Strain County. IwnidfTaiic n- poitftes. BRYSON CITY N. C. THURSDAY, OCT. 30 L890 PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR To Our Citizens. with him lw-forei a lr o,'oritv Af them htive irouo bark to-, tbeir old flesh pot . W ol . O -.1 j.) w . . .. ; 1 1 I 1 . . 1 1 ' ". 1 I 1 TII'I M I . ! I T . .' Win. TS,!TO..l.-r .,flK-lilmt.UWv-li..!cnffiii. will j On; m,t Tue-s-luy ,uv .-itiz.-a. ci.i-ii uci- to too interest ol T he item- ifl ll oe .turu ii m;i i c-en ise mil- Don't buy Wind and Water, or Tobacco Juice and Pepper, Avben von can sz:et to Whiskies, finest Brandies Whieli have he n lvcmumcndi 1 hv hading jd Viit itun of the State for Medicinal purposes. AT THE WHITE MAN'S BAR! ilrt.w. tbn lel I'.iriLrs; .-lie was treated h ' ' i in1' ' -' -. .. iinoiitJi hv wv f;iuniv physiyian, i hut grew nurse. Me told her she j)t ton was a liosii !(.-: ricfiui of tnn.n,)i. art In the Dumps as Usaal--TKe Chance i-e lly impossible for an y people toi i 1.. I..-..-,... iiiL-Miimcnntm tli in ihir. 1 and that no medecinei oi; Id cure her. ,n inrfia Vntc Rn tt nd tn he Larae. 1 be limw misreiiresented than dur- . . ( fit Ml V II I i I ww J - v i Her druggist suggested Dr. Kings Hrvson Cite, Oct. 1-1, ISOU ! ing one Urin of odiee it an v one New Diss oVel'V for CoiiSUlUptioii: nbl t tl-.,o-rm..l.lc Mi-nnsed 1 cli.mhl hnve ihe teioerit V 'to bid '" ..ml tin- lien ii .ernts :ireibi:ir line i deihmco to the tiMpular will. So; 1 : .a . r 1 li ....... .1 f jlH U . ..1 IV. ... i ! . .... i . . . i . i , j. . A ill; oi neinu nciseii ih-.u im 'i ii"n Jiiiiigestion and First lb ujud herself benetited from Lvoyk Tb--urt house was til h-rl ; much for the abstract propositb ise. She eontinuotl its "Mltoihtv between three and four 1 and now let us descend to the oo . .1- . ii ij. il i: . .1 ; . , . .., i U HI- roui ! nilltv ofliees Fridav Oct. lighted w ith the way m which be -the ninth District. iow ttie iue.s gave Kwart his medicine. I heard Hon arises did Mr. Kwart ret I eft j mimv men s:iv that thev never the will of his constituents? and in ' lie-ird Fv.-art make its noora sneoeb order to decide this uiusticn it is I l .1 ...1 1 i1,.m 1.;.. Inil-ii l'Iiiwiiil:l iMioiccivvi' In iivuniiiie os iui hi !':! I . , . , . , 4 I i MllM UII III I 1 1 lll.lv lliri i 'u'i-. piiii. vii j ill ,-.-.. i , v. , x ( . uRiii went tn Janett' , . . . . , I .. , . "i :.- :, . i. ... .;ii, PERSONALS. R. Mm k EASLE STREETS. DOWN STAIRS. MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. ORDtiliS FROM A DJSTAXCK SO&l CITED. THE ONLY STRICTLY WHITE MAN'S BAR IN 1 HE STATE. JAS. H. LOUGHRAN, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Mondav4 , ( 'har.Wv Alexander went to W'av-, that he realized the defeat awaitiiisr creed and set him. John-ton's majoritv in this ; the interests of -our . . . . . i . . ii- . . . ......... i ... . : i i j eoiiiei'a .i 11 n i i i icopie. Ai r l el; U. oi'liuilic - 1. . ... . . , , i QtsuuwriiPia. : l.i,l-iv f'niin TiTs northern trip. itnat he did not see how t rawtorft - ... ; . i I 1 1- , , . ibv , , , r ...... i I 1 1 1 i ! iiv! t ciiihlbe 1 i-ss tb an '-UK). Mr. ami -Mrs. . '. V . oiun reutrri- y ev ' i , i season fell, snow on the ed from He- moth last Thursday. I Clam i i .1.1 a i. ... i" :..!,.- .... ....i.i.i.'.iliii-.il OOt.i- r si.Mii recoivea oniv z. votes tn is Lveiiuiiin m uiuuui . t . i - ., l ii . . . - t-onnt ;r munit v ana tne niauiii mi n- At m v precinct" he said,'i -lohn- . . r- i i i ston recoivea on v Notes iwm li eiilcv an'UisMfis, r red anil i . i i n, " v ' lr ... viwiN nob. todav I can count o'J ile vrentto AsiieVli 0 FllOStlaV. ' , i .. j - i I " K....U1 1 )...-. A i. - i votes (h ail sure Tor t niwiorn. aim . ciiizen.--earn n iih-huwu --. m- duo-i H'rd ( "'" ''" :nn;'!oU ho'PP11 IU" no amount of monev that mav helms tie Ihvmc injuneimn oy tne the Ni-ivill for ,lnin, J Monday. He was on ; rUjeeted into the canvass, by the re-sweat of thy brow .-halt thou oat l i.-eL-"- J. c". dns v.- ay to Robbim-viUe. ; iniblicans .ran change them. ' thy bread.'' Now the policy ci llilrv rll. p I - v ., . . . C..4.... ' ! I T- . A ;; I. lo Mm in ex- e:iime tin Fro in ! Tia-u v. mo .e-.o leneni deebir.d i orotect ion is to nurture infant eei lil StOCK "" ' . : " I'" . , , i t i ii. r i ; Wav -ide hist Satbrtfa viand return- that other sections ot the eountrv luanuhtct urers and provide a Home elie.i.i, llfll-r . . . . . J . , . . ... , . . I i . c... ai 1 (..;,! ad to her sfllooi aionuay. ; wcri so in if to do as wen .as ins pre- inarKot. 101 tie.- pi mum. e- o, iu b lion. Tho-. i. .Johnston jiassed ' einjt." ami that tie- eh ange in the j inanufactori -s. Now it is an m-j .i .. i ., m!,..,:L -Mv.n.l.u- no In. Fein vote wms bonod. to be la fee . ! ( 1 i .- outa be ; sro ! h is; I o u that protee- ...,:,-., ,,,, ik inrouii.i on i.c -wi.il ii. " .......... - , x ... . - , i . a. .i .. n. . . .i ... -ii- u . . - ...'ec..:.. r; ;,.r., ,.4 win .i.t ,Mif,n mh luon. it mi an nw rv n lie . .. I . . I ' r. r . I . 1 w v-1 t i . T l I 1 -1 e .'! i 1 I, .1 ; ' UM.h "11 1 I I l I I I V l w I v v . . i i ...... i . . - - ..- - - i M;.'ll..i' llllf 1 ;- Hill II llHinrnit t Hi i ' ....... ........ . ... .. . . nu..i.t op-... . mi.... n ;. : ., ,... ,.r !,., .'..unit v tt..L-.a lln.Oo-li nvn.-.rrntions are LU'eatel th.au the .,.,. l.t-.i, del.iMciaia- Spceen. nun n.i.- ;occn u j ..li i i . n vumti v., - v..v.r... . ..j h i f-.i iirldmmonie od work for Craw- it is thought it will be all elected, j importations. Our larmers annu-i.-itK lei om - . , a,;, n;uv...t5f.ettoi, .-ivill in noUillv exoMft about six hundred Morn ints laii. nn uu.i i.. v. ...x ...... .-x . ' vmv eileet Craw lord s vote IgLibSCRIUE FOR THE SWAIN COUNTY HERALD THE ONLY IM PER IN SWAIN COUNTY. THEY ARE DEMOCRATS! x- e nl mr ' in--. ltlti-ii in. l'cver j ib. Chilblain .. . n mi vise .si , 31'JP.GMN UUeVtN ii ilil . fUl m n nnis, ami mi y rctnired. li H i"!; .or 1'ionii ei T box. 1' e RIGHT TRACK. rrhere ; millions oi oolhirs of produce ami , is no doubt about the enthusiasm 1 only import a small .pusnnty. .-.: .... ! l.eiu'f greater in every county in ! Hence the conclm-ton remains that ; : the west amond the democrats than J our farmers tire compelied b sell B. b. I.akk, . l,-.s b.-cJi known for veins, and their -produce in the free trade, hry.-on City, N. ( i Crawford will eertair lv poll a large market.- of Europe in competition IF A. Hoi r.K, Hrvwin C'hv N. x" , ,M They Have Come Sack Into the Prty, 1 ." Kansasi They Can Eect Hlc There than j v: number bi votes which have with the world and huv their ri'ifiihtrlv for the re- j iieeessarn life ie. a highly r lice Matlock. brightened on Saturday Cone1 again On the Outside. Morgan Hill. N. C bet." 21. u0. ,ls thi-- i Sleeted home market. inuscutimg BB wv. , v- -.1. .- ,.-ol.'..U' IV. n net 1 il-ilfcrk. O I t h CI i" hi 1)01' ( llll'i miHUI came im mm. h i n i. on in- ' ! .... , Em row Ti; v. 'itii--:.n to sav through vour paper a horning, and is Wo desire ! at work for CraiW ford brnostlv I ;it both end? It b im iKissible !r me class to iH'eonn rich u;d LV uv oi editor- ,.,,, ;r al'ianeeiut-n in d.-m- Noi t h ( "an )- It is tlliirt v-oti? miles to bobbins- a not In r e vi lb . our nppmntmont tor o-m or-. tor , I S . I i I : line .'thai we are .b eided to sun- row. and there are two neeant.ijns manutai;lm ; pavs i:. It is a mat- tliat the protected - have trrowu enorm- m NORTH CAROLINA. - 1 . . . . .1 - l ... I ... 4... I ....... ...... i iMStHH a;,,-v rrt .i.c aH-nai, lu-kr, ,,..- , ... ,nr M,t ijjvvi.im T,irt?f, aiMi sinill farms, well tinilieird and lev are the ted. illOUgll v. e nae i.eeo .- hi m u i.m i nMi j - . '. A- 1 . . ,. . , ... . .... a...... i iL J. ! . ,.,.;tv ,.i V.ei mav t .his Poiiut v n the farmerH do not?- -, , . i . . l 1 1 4 . . a .. ited to everx ago a .1, U-ing su- uu k imny am, ,. te, , - k ,. rr ";" i'l' Mr.' Ewart supported the MeKin- WCll WaUTOtl. U'M, J !CI I MM I . CHFUSUe dilnind ;v::;,gh -in em'ei: . rZ;L,L, u uu. v K..bo i,,v UnsuriasMHi in America. Abundance .ol i, . . .. . . 1 . . r. . . l i . I I i'i t I rl : -. e. in. i.li.umi Ml Mi'- riWI II 1 II 1!. Ml' IU51I' t! i.iiiin,.. ... i . - ....... ami their u-c ishtten led with t.rexp cur politic.- to be slaugh- no iniurious result-. rhe tir.-t .-uecv tul 1 vi r ollereil l1 tin ver s Siir-ai);ti"il!a. li U.". .1 il...il i!m v but sol ii.iii iii... . the lieldl bile ihe this i ncompai at le nu veil- I iv v. ar. a mil at a- it' I'lfc-e'ot. j Have n int P.m. U tbat 1 I'l 111 At ( " !. -'I It easnnt in - r i . . . . . . . j to rod in tie heuse ot our enemies. .,1 : . .... J: a ...I ,.,,,.;.... The same t.kt ileinnoralio nag mi i;i i hi iu i in. i . . . . . . . .. . i. : . .t . ......1 . .1 ii ,-n, in mi r eon - oiiO ie was ii r..i..v. v.- t : . ; i . . . . . : .. .,i . ..I.. II. 1 . ...... Ill NOTICE. ..t i..,..,.e, : i.. ,.:,... ..r ., .,w.vi.,.fi. ileed e- ud ami pav sixty cents tax. Tl ne 1 'lib ' Vnd tliougl s:; venrsnld, it ,,Mte,i to the nlndei-signett by I. B. who gains the atlvan agoscmiforrod V i" i- ibivitaod ,nl, leks voumf CmlevMudhi- wif Ida E Conlev, by thi monstrous hill? IWs the demand lol 1-- :C UV "... - , .. -x- I.. .. I taivurnmi.lil receive le tiiX.' Not sixty pa cent. So .that upn the nnre SDlilllT Watt1!. ScClKlV tliat ('liJinilS average everv dollars worth oi . i a r' . merchandise bought by our !H.Mploj-JiC OVC nVlllie it (IOCS llOt (MSCOU I JIgO tlie thev tret fortv nt- worth ot mati r- J f . v i tanner. J ne piace ir a jmmm- man. was never s ri,l - "ureal- e -eive in ver eon- oU t .e un ;av oi .oin..ei . i. - lemeinereas- ana ijoi ......... , ,,t , ' , "pi wf.n at the at alt for. for everv dollar that g .ii. I...I I.i. l.iri ii. i.l ii I'll, 'ii lie- ... i ile II. ' lilll J il .' i . 1 . . ... ve. ii Nil Ti rni ii. k. i v.iii-i iciMiilar tohaitco (amb' lt: M-e ivill pre- y . Mi tue !,. tk tnl , ,,. 1 ula has IAvh rn- Lilian tlentl-t- nl ti..-. 1 aceot'i :li-.t t JtV ill the chlf) aver ami a fry i . j. um.I 1 iKiUi anil .1 I . I (i.l-.'i .IVi. Thl-i. ,ur--and simple. AYe are wi -! Court lhuiH' (r, m the town oi mio Lite i a-u. , . ' U ' ' lT 1 . .' - . . . . - . . 11- 111 , ..... .... II, t ,1. l.ll, vt, I, t .! I h mto rdvt4 tip our Fdaborers t n k-' Ihvson Cit v. . . at pupnc am- umituiwip. .o..M-.i. . et "for :"tbi reason that a certain ' tion for Oa.sh, 4n the 31st day ol protected maimfaoturers It w un- 1 1 n ii;i'i v. i i- - - l Mortoade Le d. lor tie- mere stateioeil pip. he ;;s our hiw eligible lo ... a,., a; ,,,.,1 irtgage i M 1 1 hMvlno le ver been ubh-. is lharUter.-d m lleoi; A on ; lilitl tai5C linnwit-u nmiu " 1. K. Collins lie W! .. 1 ; ii Ami '!. v. with Us li am me 1 1 i SWAIN HOTEL Br y on City, North Carolina, 0IKN ALL THE YEAR f! o v . Ri. etc i a-PTii-h v11. eat pride in i .1 eu-thmet s Willi 1 li" :lt re are in tin- All are tnttted alike, low .1. M t'-. with the in .at t le v m d .-- he-i-un mve V w. w hat ii i ii ion ;! and ill. -lb-cord.- of ed tor the protection ai of Mortga-'i for Swain eiumtv: sums to have tie- I -aid' pi.-e" ... lam'. Mile b -cribc a- through i- suflieieiit t foih.ws, t wit? Situated aid being they are tho benohciar in the town .f Bryson City N .. were bot so why did I and in the . county of Swijin. it be- Ami il the j.eople -.vie imr a nail of lot No. " in said town art;. 1. .- uo not pay t be'iiiiiu ing on ( lushing Lafcie str'-et, then w ho is it that b at the orn r of said ( ordey"- brick money to bund marolc Iforo house aiid run- w ith raid donate libraries to . eo street '.. feet to "the oorndr of said Mi'. Ewart represent th Conl-vV oibc- n. aii st the riVor, hi on-tnmmt- wn-n i pa in ; i?ll lobbi . prove til k-s, tor it i ... t. i buy th- his I ion 1 1 et -1 Good farm lands at from $2. to $25. per acre. ADDRESS LAKE & 1T0DGE iii.. -. n citv x. e. .1. iii "ll I'l i M, til1 1 , Mil V ' I i towns . ti. 1 :,. J: : 1 1 . j . v; i i 1 1 u kot. bous iMieo a - iiitb t-asu rl i- t to the. corner of said Cowley s lie rii : store; th.-nee with the wall oi Ci i 1 ' 1- .. i .t ,.tl.e Mi - li' .IM hn.'k -'ore .HI le X im in . - .i . tr . mcitimne ino imme store id the otFte. on tin- aljtlve gw d 'ami to satisfy the b d m iid Mortgage deed of lo'U th interest, csit and chai r' ' M ! j I . ill . 1 1 "N l't 1 rK IS'- : ' no in tl ' ir and tltU- We see t-j . t mi ,-:i v i it i 1 - the ( le-Mr art thoutrh an 'aliianoomaii in i -tMieiimr" i.- bopeleIy in the mritv in hie order. Mr. Blaine. foremost republican in tje ited StateJSn nays no, for it 'defae COME TO THE SWAIN COUNTY HEHALD OFFICE it vim want to gel your Job Work done neatly h4 promptly TSRMS REASONABLE. ll

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