sf4- . . Mai VOL. 3. BRYSON CITY, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4. 1895. NO. 47, Professionals. TTORNKYS-AT-LAW. FRY Jr. NENVBY, Bryson Citt, - - X. C. (llectiao of claim, aod th invrttiga tiof Ud titU a iptcialty. T"i '- T.T TTaKATBEKWOOft. ATTORSEY-AT-LAW. ." - ! s. , 0.Tw n the Court Houit, . ' v ; Brtox City, h N. G. BRYSON CITY, N.C. PRACTICING - PHYSICIAN. WProhipt attention to all call - Day or Nljlit. - J. H.TEAtJUE, JU;1. Whittikr, N. C. . DHT9ICU-V AND SURGEON. Will kit prompt attention to all call. 4j er ijht. . ! 1 I r.W. A.EprirlJ, , ' I?entist- a.WORK AND PrICESJ iU AR ANTEED. -O O STANDAllf) KEEPER jIwain County - V R. II. Pemdh) BrTion City, N. C. EN-TEL-LA. WEAR DEPOT. ' Bryrsotx Oity, 1ST. C v New niintgfiuent. Newly furniahed, .Ai'intnnjodation for "commercial men. Kate reasonable.' J. A BROWN Prop. Drummer's ..f ome, Bryaon City) L isr. c. Clean- robma anil the Ra ti, $1,50 per day. r brgt fare- ' W. F. CooPer Proprietor. Bry son Hotel, Andrew, N.C. Sam. E. Bnn, Project)!-. ' LoCiitUn perlect, Tble the l;cg -Finc-i aumim-r rcMdence i'.i Wet l . North C'aVuliiKi. NATIONAL HOTIL WAYNESVILLE N. C. Kate l'.V) a dar.. (Jool fare and nice lm, Poll'e sttenlk.trto.all. . , WESTERN HOTEL, Locattd on Public Squara. K I ASHEVfLLE, N- C MaU 34 nti. - lodging 23 cents K. McInturfT, Propietor. J.H S!TT0I!, , ' " r- FHE CITY BUTCHER a,ul DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE f. SIMON MOORE' ' . ' . - -J Ererett Iloue, net dolir to BlaeHburn' Drug itore, HOTELS TRESPASS NOTICE! PeaitivclT no Hunting, Fiahtugr, Timber nttipgor cattla herding or grating will be allawed on tl lanifi formerly known at i tha "Whittier Tract" in Swain Count ex cept h.T(writt i permisaion. AH Tmpatraill be prosecuted to the fnlleai extent of the Liw. VPkr Tuckaieige Land Timber Co. B. A. (hew, Manager I . fm',r ("it, y.cj. HOMENEWS. ty Don't let your lubwcript ion laiwr.Yoor su Ucri pt ion expires with the date after rour n iue. Renew i Akk vntirxelf thiH qutHtion. ''Have I paid ntr newspaper KutMcriptionT" Don't forget io date you letters 1895. The new jear being upon us it is time t adopt new pledge. The Ciiizen says B. A. Chew went lo Ashevilie to see "Mikado." Mi Emma DeHari left Monday foi CoUowhee to attend school. The Cherokee Scout says Mr. VV, F. Cooper was in Murphy this week. The recent cold snap has coated the-riVer with two or three indies of ice. . Mr. S. C. Branks has rented the residence of Mr. ' I. A, Brown near the riyer. i Mr. Jack Cobtirn, of Hazel Creek paid his many friends here a visit this week. I ' Vrice President Stevenson was in Ashevilie his week to see his sick daughter. H Mr. Morris ,N. Epstein, of Ashe vilie, p.ud hi brother here a visit lat week. John. Wilson will hereafter ma nipulate the steam ioc the Bryson City Mfg." Co. If tjie weather doesn't object, the Coffin & Macdonald mill will be run ning next week. The loss from the freeze in Flori day will exceeTlvo million dollars ou the orange crop alone. The small boy with a big gun sallied forth in all his glory Monday morning in quest of game. Harlie Welch left Monday for a six months term of' schooling at Miuerai Bluff, I Go t; ,T. M. Welch for Clocks and Watches. Good 8-day clocks, full size, for $3.00. Mr. D. K. Collins is taking time by the forelock. He is storing ice with which to regulate the tempera t u re of t he mi -su m iner days. The bud freezing veather has re tarded woik on ti e new depot. It wiil not lie ready for occupancy be fore the latter part of next week. Messrs.. Ei L. Wharf, Boston; T J. Johnstcn, and J. 0. Harris of I.' ' I ! r if tt ir i rrauKiin; Li., n. narris, Washing ton, and the pulchritudinous Clias. Jolly Morrow, of Africa, were at the Entella thi week. r t Mr. Linden. McKee, operator ; j hi.iirr, has been transferred to SvIvh, in place of Joel Sawyer re- iigtied, and Mr. W. A. Angel, who has been running the railroad din per house at this p'ace, has accepted the'poMt ion vacated b Mr. MeKee, As the Lntella is uow the recognized raiircad dinner house, it is not deft nitel known wh at function the old establishment will perform as aw ay side inn. The Baptist Christmas tre at the courUhmise on Monday night was noiiung it not a success, ilie loug curving branches of thefestire holly were fiHed with gitts, both mibstnn tial and oovel. The reflections of the flickering glow of variegated lights combined to show a harmo nious hlendiug of beauty and ele gance. The most prominent and really commendable feature of the event was - the fact that the most valuable and helpful presents were distributed among the poorer chit .Iren" Figure ou Thiav. A certain! man was lorn on Suu day. His birthday comes only every four years. I 1st. Ou what day of the month did his birth occur ? 2d. How,many days were there in the year in which he was born ? .3d. How of ten does his birthday occur on Sunday ? i he first day of May in any Tear comes on the same dav of the week that the first day of the immediately followmz vear comes in on. . Picas show the reason for this, and why it never fails to be the cas $. Is everv vear that ic divisible uy tt nr a lean vear ? If not. what years are excepted, trd why arelhey .i i TIio Methodist Christmas Tree. .'' ' Christmas has come and gone, and we, by special request, notice a few things that transpired. The occasion will ever be lemembered as quiet and enjoyable, and no doubt all the people enjoyed themselves. The special feature was the Chris. mH tree at the Methodist church Monday night. It was the writer's pleasure to be there, and it indeed made us feel glad (o behold the beautiful arrangements and seo the children enjoy what had been pre pared for them. The tree was a success more bo than ever was our opportunity to w ilness before. The committee appointed for the purpose decoratec the church from end to end in a tasty manner, and just back of the center of the church was located three beautiful holly tree leterally packed with; valuable presents mostly for the poor chil dren of the Sunday school. Wait caudles of various colors sparkled over the tree?. rJuring the program Superitijteii-dV-nt Newby introduced that pleas ant gentWian, the Her. Chalmers Moore who delivered a very appro priate address to the delight and enjoyment of all. 1 After the distribution of presents everybody went home rejoicing with the children iu that which they .had on g beep looking for and feeling that the occasion had been a success. May , the richest blessing lest upon us allithik rear. . ' ' i ' . ' E.V. "The Kou,'h Diamond." This comedy was advertised for Christmas night, and promptly on time the curtain went up. on the first scene, the pretty country home of Sir William Evergreen. As before stated, it was produced y home folkd, but the reader must not allow interest to wane because f it. Every character was selected because of individual fitness, and nothing was left undone that would enhance the appearance of the pro duction or augment the ability of the players. Limited space precludes the tak ing up of individual parts, but it is sufficient to observe that every act was libera1 1 v applauded. The monotony of long intermis- sioi 8 was relieved by songs from good singers, the duet, "Cathline," by Mis. 0. K .Collin's and Miss Mary Stedman, being among them. The introduction qf these names is a gun ran tee of good singing. The success of the undertaking If'geiher with the expressed . wishes I our people have induced the man gmient to 'reproduce it. Next time it will le magnified and add.d to, making it much more enjoyab'e than even the first. . Hand-bills, local notices and other advertisements will notify you of its advents. Look out for them. Indians Allowed to Work Out. In the Washington correspond ence of last Sunday's News & Ob server the following paragraph ap peared : 'Secretary Hoke Smith has De cided toextend ti.e "outing system,'" so called, to all government Indian schools, both on and off reservation where there are scholars old enough to profit by it. By this system a certain portion of the scholar, both bovs and girls, are allowed to work for farmers in the neighborhood. The Indiana are found willing and efficient and the demand for them 1 .. tl II I 1 lias utrvuuic uirutci iuau mtr si uuuis . . i i can supply, a circular nas ueen ' .i t o- ,rc . I prepared ill the IndlHii Office to be -eilt out to agents and School super- i tteiidents asking that suitable faul- ilies be soughtVnt where the young Indians are w fnted &nd can find good homes." Card of Thanks. A pleasant surprise came to the Presbyterian mause ou Christmas morning in the shape of a nice Christmas box. It was filled with valuable presents, and was sent to myself and mother by the Rood people of the Presbyterian church. This thottgbtfulness ou the part of mir rwinlrt has tnnrhpd nnr hpart and we pry that in return God s . richwt blessing3 may rest UJion them. We take thh opportunity to return OUr SlUCere thanks ''Here's the Last of Hetirj Caay. A s.ranmp w( seen lrnnJuin cr e around about tc miles frow Dills- boro on Wednesday. Ills appear- j V i- i . .i hucc was aiiiu iu uiuicaie inai. me holidays had been pent in a de bauch. He was seen next morning, after a night of exposure, in a half frozen condition, and carried to town, where the prompt administra tion of stimulant Sv-on revived him. After ' regaining femscioosnes, he was heard to rerhard: ilI feel fo bad, I have a great mind to down myself." .5 As he seemed to hdye no money, he attracted no further attention. The nest seen of the great Ken tuckians namesake was two hours later whenfour men walking the railroad about half a mile below to.vn, noticed him standing on the river bank. Upon being approach ed by the pedestrians, the stranger faced them, pointed towards the swift current of the Tuckaseige and said w ithout a tremor: "Here's the last of Henry Clay!" He then walked out into the wa ter, and when it reached his waist, stumbled, toppbd aud fell. ' Seeing that he did not cu.e up, the dumbfounded spectators started to his rescue, but the rushing tid. caused considerable delay in reach ing him When he was carried ashore he was unconscious. Dr. J. M. Candler was immediately sent for, butfoiud resuscitation impo.s- sibla. In a few minutes he died. In his pocket was a card bearing : 'Henry Clay,' member N l. 221 ol the Biltmore, Branch of the Journe man Stone C qtters' Association." Mr. Clay was a native of Sheffield. England, 3 J'ei'.rs old and single. , The body was buried Thursday in Riverside cemetery, Ashevilie. If you condense the year into paragraph one ot.theni would U?scribc the wonderful succe-ss of the new reniedy for biliousness known as Kamn's 'pnie Iaver Pills. It is a' remarkable discovery in the science of therapeutics. There is no longer any ne cessity of sulieriii; from sick or bilious headitclus, disordered liver, soui sto.nach, dizziness, ctc The tiny pellets which ac company the pills are tor bui ding up the system. J, ,11. Sjkmore has a tree sample for von. ' Anv oi'e who has children will rejoice witb'L. 15. Mulford, '.)f Plainiield, N. J. His little boy, live years of age, was sicit with croup. For tw days :uid eights he tried various remedies, but he says "I wax sure I would lose him. ' I had seei cham berlain's Cough' Reniedy advertised and thought I would try it as a last hope and am happy to say that' alter two doses he. slept until morning. I gave it to him next day and a cure was effected. I keep this remedy in the house now, arid as soon a- any of my children sh8w signs ol crimp I trivn it to them and tliA is tlie last of it. ' 2-" and 50 cent Iwttles for sale by E Everett Bryson City, anil T V Cooper, at Whittier - $ 1 OO for a Bottle. Mrs. S. H. Winshin. 112 "Washington L -j street. Providence, 11. I., after using one bottle ot Drumraond s Lightnurg Kemeiiv for Kheuniatisnj, wrote the Drummoud Medicine C)., 48 Majdcn. Lane,. New York, sayiug that slie would not take one hun dred dollars for the benctit received. It you have any form of rheuniatism, arid wish to gut rid of it, send 5 to the Druni niond Medicine Co., and they will send to your express address two bo' ties of their remedy enough for a mouth's treatment. Agents wanted. ' .Execution. Sale. By virtue of an execution to me directed from the Superior i 'otirt of ltuWomhe countv, m favor of the Actional 15ank ot Ashevilie and against J. II. Barnard for the sum of Five Thousand '1 hree Hun dred and five dol ars ;md thirty-two cents, (Sj,30"..'2) intercut and e"1. ' have levied upon 470 acres of lartd conveyed by deed from K. Hyde to J.-. II. Barnard, ad joining the laiids c f M W Buckner, Wil liam Jenkins and others, and will oli'cr the fame for sale for cash at the Court House door in Bryson City, N. C . (on Monday, the 4th div of I ebruary, lS?r, to salisly aforesaid debt and cot. ThiDeceuiber tii.TV--' J. F TE.V.CE, Sheriff. - .. 0 , Execution Sale . . :. r .. ,j, Bv virtue of an execution to mc drrecteVl fronythv Saperior Court of Macon county in favor of K. Elia.--, and ag. iust D.t). Miltimorc for the Vum of $sf,.W), mterebt and cost, I hare this d iy levietl utxirt 'the 350 acres ' of land adjoining the N. G. Alman tfait n the Tennutit river, known as the bellar! '8 rins lands be longing to the aforesaid I). O. Miltiniorc. and will offer the saiu fr sale to the highest bidder for eah at tlie Court House dor in Hryton Citv, N C, on the 7th dar of January, ISSo, to sswiify said debt and cost. This DocemberfGth, 1S34.' J. F.TE.Uit E, 43t4 Shc'ifl of .Swain comity. Notice of Execution Sale. P.r'virtucof an cxrcutir.n"Vmcdirettd frvmi the Snpcnor Court of Ntacpn countr. in favor of K. Klin and agminst'T:. jinx, "r-fr" "-J'flZl ' unon S.'2tl aC UIVKT,I.IIIW ..... - re of land on the water ot i Hazel Creek, beIonirixiT-tibc aforesaiil T, Cuims, H. 1. Wrnian and f7X; Hall, ad- t join ing the lands of II. A. Juhnsn and i Uhirs. an I ill offer ti,e same for sale for ! ZUkJ'j le'M to aatwtr said debt and fU A good correspondent is wanted eVerj for every towi. viiLge and aeieh- borhowt in Swain countv. Good uiu county. Good couuiensation will be aliened to the man or wo.nan who trie by. a few niinotes' .work each week to earn it. v ,.., u.. ;.... l matter now incoherent, v or illeg ibly you vrite, the edito.r inhere for the pin pose cf nntunirling tl e sen tenets. Yon may write on"as many sides of the pajer as you can find Let the items come. lr. lriuninonr.s Light ningr Remedy f(- rhenmatisni ha? receivell the unqualified endoiMement of. the medical faculty, s b?ing a safe and remarkably efficient preparation. Its work Ls so speedy and miraculous that benefit is felt, from the first dose. A treatment consists of two bottles, and lasts a month. Price, $,"; sent by express on rei-eipt of price. With full special instruetioiLs. One treatment will cure any ordiunry case Druinnioud Medicine (. o., 48 .Maiden lane, New York. Agents wanted. Mr. Ira P. wet more, a prominent real estate agent of San -An.elo, Texas, has used Chamlerlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kei'iedv in his fainilr for sev eral years as octasion required, and al wava with erlect satisl.-u-tion. Ite savs "I find it a perfect cure for our baby when troubl d with colic or dysentery. I now feel that ni r outfit L-rnnt complete without a bottle of this remedy at home or on a trip away from home. For sale K. Ever ett, at Hrysliu City, and 1. . toopcr at Inttier. 2 i Price! You have sick-headaches occasion ally. They are not pleasant; why not get rid of them?- If you Call in a physician it will cost you from fr to $5, How can you epcape this cost but secure the physi cian s treatment? Let us tell you. Go to your druggist aud ask for Ramon's Tonic Liver Pills. They will cost you (1 box Pills and 1 box Tonic Pellets) only 25 cents. These ere the exact medicines that any doctor would prescribe for a sluggish, torpid or disordered liver. You take one ot Ramon's Pills immediately. T.hat causes a com plete action of the bowels. You then take one of Raiuon's Tonic T'ellets daily for a week or longer. These keep the bowels healthy an4 WK.11, but at the $aine time they arouse the appetite, purii'y the 'blood and "time up" the whole svstem. "Try this just once. It can not harm you. At all dealers, or mail, for 26c. .6 boxes $1.00. BEOWK MFC. CO., Ksw York. 10 YOU WANT A SITUATION Prof. ATi'barB. Smith, Lexington, Ky. ,1'or l s reir.r it -si-' d'-nt f the ronown ed t-'o n:nereial Col lege of Kentucky t nivewity,. gives special attention to escitrin hituations for his tj-adiiates. Cost of IJn.iiness tuition . Course n- bout $90 including boST.l in a family. Prol.-ruith has kept liook.;; several yean Vice i rc'-ident of a Hunt; World's Fair Prof. Wwi R. Smith, lsuwton KV. f'onimissioner from Kentucky, and relia ble business man. Among the 10,000 successfiil gra'hiate of the Profs Smith, are 100 in banks, KK officials from this and other states. J'rof K. W. Smith. Principle of the College re ferrcd to, was awarded the Mvtial ut tin World's Columbian Exposition for book keeping, etc. If you wish a Business Ivducat ion, or .knowledge of Phonography, Tyjie-writin or Telegraphy at the l:ast cost, with' Ii plomafroiu Kentucky t ntveinity on grad uation, we advise you to cut this oik and write tor circulars to Prof. Y. R' .Smith Ix'.xirigtoii, Ky The Toledo weekly lade Of tlie now nearly twenty tho s and regular publications in theU.S there are but two or three weekly newspapers published for ne!rsl circulation in every sfatc hikI tcrri tory, and of these the ToleJo Week ly IJhide is the be3t and most popn hir of them all. It is the oldest, nest known, and has ie largest circula-ti-'ii. For more than twenty-f v'e years it has been a regular visit 'i- to every portion of the Union,. :nd i; well kiiown at every ne of tih six thousand old' jiost tHces of the the country.lt is made epechtlly for family reading. It give the entire news of the world e.'.eh wefk.in such condensed font a will save reading scores of pages uf ilady p:ij toge'. less informathtn HIf nblicai, in pol itics, Te npr-ianc in principle, al ways Oil tin- lr of justice and ri:ht it is ju a- the p.:jr:-r fur the risiuir K-ncn i-n. ati: a jzreat educator for the i4!le family. Serial sron. wit and humor, hrt str-ries. Household pepa tntetit, Que-tioo U.ueaii.Fartii dep.irt ent. Camp Fires, ,:tid.n Stlnxd andYoiiugFo'ks are a fr-w of the nianr other proruiu-iit fr-aiur-t this frreat pawr. A sprrimen co i py will be mailed free tiaiiy adiit I to whom ther will mail sauip'.e c p j ie. Thev would Ik? -glad 1o mail a counle of hntidrm SpecimtDS to read I efH tf t(js eoDtT.T'ie '.Ve.-klv .Blade Y U,, and the piic . . , ,, U oniy one uonar a yrur. Address THE BLADE. ToLEr6 Ohp. Slany icrsons are br. a flown from pverwtxk at hooathoMl mm. Urowa's Iron Bittr Fcrtjflni a4 C9& a C the S Jtfodel Steam !iaund Ashevillo, FlItT CLASS Call on Curtis (J Login, grnt MONEYI Tliere is nouev for the farmers to bu Fertilizer frooi CLARK & BECK . - They handle the old reliable brands, vi2;'Star, Anchor and PieU mout. Also cheaper grades for corn. and vegetables. Also daelcrs iu Mr .. General Merchandise, - : Dry Goods, Hoots, . 'Shoep, Clothing, Hatf,- AND Gent's Famishing GooDs 31 X. Main St., f Ashevilie, .N.C! McCLAIN'S LIVERY BRYSON CITY, N. C. EVERYTHING FRESH AND NEV l. A. McCiaiu hn opoiied a yeneraj livery and f d stable in Bnaif City, .and he conts weil pivpiUifd t fiitnia'.i f.u'" and plcasuot driring' horses and comfortable new carriages, at ' ' A tri;iJ,'.ill convince yon lhit uiv horses .ire lite t.istrsi aiid-pif ttirstr" iv-Tv -to ' that Tennessee produces. , KtiiGive' me a chance. . I' Very truly yours, - '-C ' AVOID :BulH Sodal . . ";,: J Bad soda spoils' good flour. n-o eriftio rvcf cni rnmcc itlD HAL . oniy m pacKaes. bearing this trrAe mar It costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour always keeps soft g Boyaw of . irritation trade marks, I and insist on packages O I A. 1 Made only by CHURCH & CO., New Write for Arm and Hammer ELKHART CARRIAGE i ARM kM l Ilav old to eoniuoierfl far CI year. avlog tUeiu tlie dealer profti. We are tbe Oldot and LnrBeit manufacturer! In Amer ica lelllnK Vehlctu and Haroasa Unawaf-ahlp $11.00 with pilvilfirc to eiamiu paid. We it frnlaht both torv. Warrant (nr 2 rtarn. te30tocr4tcrl'ryon? Iloilng free. Wo lazo aippiDj;. WHOLESALE 8prlnc V6sons, S3I to $90. Onarantr fame cWilfart'OtuS'-i. SurrtVI, 38S tO&lOO m w'.l fur to f,a. Top Bugziea, $37.30, sj Sac ajfoI.lfurWS. PnatoulS6 t- Siorr. Farm War;or, Waconttor MHiiVnKons.Ool.vcrvWcaona'wl Road C3M3. M V( ',.:.. I OH KM, VlllUlUii. lia.V. Sarrey Earacu. Ko, Trip Baggy. $43.00 So. 1, 1 arm M1BUH1 i ADDLES S immL aa? far raak Mo. 3, Farm Wagxn. LOT' i at mm xtw OUR GOODS ARM TH OUR PtC3 TH L0WST Farrjr7ffflis- ''?"vabd. B5 DOLLAR'S;' per tmmi In Youn Own Locality maile cusilyiin' honorably, witlicnt c?.pl-f-'l, ib.rinj your i-arc Iw.urn. Any inan, vtOHiii,liy, orgir! caudotlievnk Jt: nl ilv. witlKnt exw-riciiec. Talking iiu- . ivr eirr, . SutMnif- like It Xr inonrjr inr.kiiigetrr offered l-firc. Otsr workers j" a'wav prrr.cT. N Un" wnttl jn i lesniiag the 'bntiK-w. Wc tench yil bi j a ni-bt bw to M'.t rtcd from Hip r.t. . l our. Yon can tnak a tri it wi:bt x- 1 J--HJ- to yourself. Wc start jrni,nm!.4i 1 t vs rj tliii n-!ed to carry on the !u-- s tics f.ticcfSf.fallT, er,J pisnntce r ! azainst failure if yoi but fallow our , Miuple, ilaiu l tro.tkm.: licadcr, if you are In ueml of ready momy. end s want t- kuv cU a)mt tbc best -ayi.-.g , -bnsiucss U fore tin: p'lbtb-, wmhI u- your td.lre. and v.e ill liiait yoa t ducU- , tueut glTllig yoa ail iue iuuctuar. TRUE & CO., Cox 400 je. Augusta, Maine 'UT ICE. Apylication will be male t the ('ft t A nblT ot North tan-liwa. roarmit-i January' 1st, amend ba;4-,r CU ; ol tlie law ol lV-."7. N. C. WOUK (il'ARA.NTEEO. f Brown 4 Logan Shop.. J MONEY! iEf vr and labels, STAB 'Jj- mnm mu York. "Sold by frocertrerjrwhr Book ol valuable RecipM-fREB. and HARNESS tiFG. CGT. before any mooer li wartlt not atitfar. Wbr par aa atranillO Write your owo order. all nk of dauafe la PRICES. lacle. Ko.TT. Koa4 Waac. . $55 HameM. a4 FLY SKTB. riliaart BlCMto. 1 wh araen. ftaa44. ta vneOMUe Urea, aekaieaal iVTir an ,n K-arkeeM.. ataaiaa ta pay pnta aa I It eaaa eaialagaa. at I talefceVae) KnUmm- Addres. W. B. PRATT, Sec'y, ELKHAITTa ItiOa ALL WHO CULTIVATR FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Shl ace tHai tke Jowrt 1brim to U thecal an4 mjet ftt&m . aettortta fttfrairfWaV ' STMXDS F0HM0$7 IB JB UST. , It ealarraetieailr wftf. fraHs a4 TtfeteMttv irer, ahrdb ae4 lower. a4 covarf t &rU ol twrtlewUtpr aywemallrally and thoroBfclv. It Uhiatra aad aVacritea methods o eaHivm . tion.iniprordvarlctieaa4 labor-aarme it ia, wtthoet doabt. The Papsrforthe PesIel $10 m nor (S4 gpcfran co7 ' VP eaialawwe of ; orticBUaral book FIE cm apfHyaft Aroericit Gardening, 170 FultooSUlLte tuj.yy ano cootmt U a bote wtth " t ft . , rbeccn a Ixnp wiA t!e B;?t ba oriCa ; excepted r " ij, W.Kehji. ' i am ma aay oi i eocniT, 4,f,TE.AOlt.ysi5, v.. i