y ! .v Olj. 4. BUY SON. CITY, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1895. NO, 6 Professionals. Ar TTO 1 1 N" K V .S- A T - L A V. FIIY 1' NKWIiY, ! hyson City, - - X. C. investiga- Collection of claims and tlie i i Il.n ni mini mics 'i11'1""." T.. IjKathkiuvwiI), ATTORN KY-AT-L AW . jOffice n the Court House, Biiysok City, - N. 0. lAttornoyatLaw, liryson City, '. C Dr.. J: Cooper, IiUYSOX CITY, X. C. PRACTICING - PHYSICIAN. tar Prompt sittciil ion to nil rail, Day or N ijrlit. J. II. TKACJUE, AI. I). WiiiniKi:, N. C. pi I YSK 1A.N . I'M .U''I'.MA. Will give prompt attcntinli to a" t"llls. lav or niht. Dr W A. Sprinkle, Dentist, WlllTTIKH. N. C. 1'ioiiipt attention to all calls in town or count IV. ' " b-WORK AND PRICES RAXTEKD. () -O ST A N 1 ) A 1 1 1 ) K K E M K 1 1 I Swain County Tt. II. Pender, Bryson City, N. C. .i.i . Hotels. EN-TEL-LA. KKAR DEPOT. Bryson City, 3ST. C. Nw management. Xewlv furnished. A renin modat ionn for commercial men. Rites reasonable. J. A BROWN, Prop. Drummer's Home, Bryson City, 1ST. C. 7- Clean rooms and the best fare. R.vco, f I ,.10 per clay. W. F. CooI'k.k, Proprietor. Bryson Hotel, Andrews, N. C. Sam. K. Bryson, -Propietor. Location pel lect, Table the bet, Finest summer residence in "West i .ii North Carolina. NATIONAL HOTEL WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Kates l.-sO a day. Good fare and nice ms. Polite attenjion to all. WESTERN HOTEL, Located on 1'uhlic Square. . ASHEVILLEr N- C Meal 25 cents. Lodging "25 cents 15. Melnttirfl, Propietor. Gea W. Brown tf NDrlR FRANKLIN'S STOKr.. 'eral ahsrision and craniolog. sis; 'Ur'niologieal hair cut ' i ; athieal shaver of . I' vsiognonmallv 1.11 SITTOIN. 1 I'pv' 'D.rc'L- TRESPAS3 NOTICE ! 1 , i"1 -iti'-cly no Ilt.ntii:?. limber "'. L or rattle herding ..r ittailij: will be j owed on the hunts lciinerlv known as 'i "Wl.itticr Tr-ict" in Swain "minty e-. rvpt by written permission. All Trespassers w ill le prosecuted to the nllt extent of the Law. ,1'naka Tuckirscige Laud 4 Timber Co. Ii. A. ( hew. Manager l'.rvson ( it v. N. 0. -J ' JIanv Persims are brosei. ! i';wa f oai overvork or housvboltt ci.ivs. I IJrown's Iron Hitters Kei.uiMs the l ! !niis(lig('.'.tiiii. remnv.f ci"m)( liiln j s fuiluria. Oct Utr isel'Uine. HOME NEWS. :o- tf' Don't let your subscription lajwc.Your subscription e xpir-s with the late after vonr name. Re'.iw it.CJ . Ak yourself this question. ''Have I paid my newspaper subscription?" A. J. Gardner, of Huzle Creek, spent a few days in town this week. The Bryson City Mfj. Co. ship ped 03,CHX) insulator pins this week. The officers of the K. of P. lodge will be installed at its next meeting. J. II. Breed love, of Nantahala, ljronhl a car-loud of pins here last week. Mr. Lake, the prospective propri etor of the Entella, will br;na first class photographic outfit with him. Mr. F. II. Morton, of Colorado, earnest Tuesday to-spend some time. He has a warrant for Mr. Health. Deputy Collector Tathnm came up from Murphy and shipped the whiskey seized at Makers distillery on Cooper's creek. W. M. Lowe passed through on last Monday on his way to Clay county, where he expects to reside, grow fat and get rich. Much to the surprise of his many friends, Chas. J. Morrow returned Tuesday, haying completely recov ered from his recent severe attack. A "play" at Sam Beck's on Little Alarka Saturday terminated in a row, in which Jim Nations had Uie muscle of liis arm cut to the bone. A bank with 25.000 capital is earnestly talked here. Nothing definite has been determined, but the prospects are quite encouraging. Charles Welch and i Jeff Everett left Tuesday for a prospecting tour through the coal fkdds of West Vir- m l 1 "w r ginia. iney went direct to .mount Hope. Representative Woodard came home fro .n Raleigh Tuesday. He went through town without giving anybody a chance to ask one ques tion. Dr. A. M. Bennett and family moved in Tuesday from Shoal creek. They are occupying the Methodist parsonage. Glad to welcome you back, doctor. The government has temporiarily restrained Mason & Dixon from cutting timber from the Indian res ervation. The cause of the trouble could not be learned. Miss Cooper, of Murphy, passed through Tuesday on her return from an extended -trip to Washing ton, Baltimore and other places in company wi'h her father. ! The first of the week reports con cerning the hui'ding of a now town at the mouth of Lufta were running at fever heat. ' Now everything seems comparatively quiet. In the good times that are coming There'll be a tax qfn d gs, A mule without a mortgage And a farm that 'raises hogs Not a town. Dr. W. II. Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C, will he in Bryson City on Thursday, April 4th, for one day at Hotel Entella. His practice is limited to the Eye, Ear, ose and Throat. . Gtd Curtis Logan, who lias been em ployed at the Cherokee Training School for the past year, has return ed to this place. In ali probability he will open a cabinet-maker's es tablisiimeiit here. N'v IviH A. Giilespif, of Brooklyn I ' ;t : . v ;, ; vi-it iln- wveK in .-I" iu 'I- ;,' for 1 is w . i k !t.i!;u p ,ti: l II; hi. )s 1- poss! KlliiVI. ii. that ; i U' t; :n. ,;h -;tic; a c'.:::i. .' 1 : - o i at ' f , ( to llo. l,ee (,!:ili . ii:' th.e apjH'tite d i in-.a--.' .xi-y. '-!;p .ac;:-'Uy . i ..; . li.-v-.cjivi ..!! a!!'". can i.i -ra-uers ai one slillr.r. jurh - . - 11. Frank. in. who had to foot the hi'.!, deflates he had the satisfaction of seeing the man with the voracious appetite perforin' rir the whale act a half hour later. Some thirsty indivulnal bored out j a plank in Capt. Everett's smoke house one Dight last week and bored the barrels and carried away or wasted seventy odd gallons of whis key which was stored there by the government. Mr. J. W. L. Arthur's general wcod working mill was sold at auc tion last week by Attorney Newby. One side says the sala is illegal, but the other side says it is not. There's the situation. At any rate, Mr. Arlhur ic still running the mill. Prof. James Edwards was called upon a few das ago' for his opin ion as to how the mineral deposits occurred in thi section. He replied by saying that transendentalism was a spiritual cognoscense of physio logical irrefaribihty connected with constant ademption of ecolumnient spirituality of subsultor concretioi; or in other words, if you dispossess the issness from the somewhatnes?, you arc bound to find mineral." Attorney N. Newby says it is his intention to leave Bryson City it possible inside of sixty days. He will go to Los Angeles, California, where he will continue the practice of law. Mr. Newby is just the kind of a man any town can ill afford to lose learned, studious, board-min ded and progressive, and his depar ture will be seriously regretted. The protracted meeting at the Methodist church has assumed im portance. Three services a day are attended by big congregations and almost universal interest is being manifested. Mr. Carpenter, the zealous pastor, is ably assisted in the conduct of these successful meetings by Revs. V. J. Malone, of Murphy, and T. B. McCurley, of Whittier. The meetings will co on through the week and perhaps longer. Ali denominations have heartily joined hands, and good results are '-ujudlv developing. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Lake will be here next week. Mr. Lake is a son of Col. B. B, Lake, aud comes to take charge of the Entella. The change of mauagenient will not take place for perhaps ten days or two weeks, at the end of which time the preseu t clever proprietor, Mr. J. A. Brown, will return to his residence to enjoy the quiet of housekeeping and the salubrity of the invigora ting puffs of the fresh water breezes. Miss Mattie Moody will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Another Landmark Gone. Dr. E. M. Scruggs died Tuesday at the home of Matt Buckner, -three miles west of here. Born in Washington county, Tennessee, in 1830, he came to this country at the close of the war an 1 taught school in Macon and Clay counties. A few years later ke came to Swain, where he has since resided. For more than forty years he has been a loyal and steadfast believer in Presby terianism, and died in good hope. For nearly two years he has been unable to earn a living, and his sup port since then has come from the Masons, of which order lie was a zealous and high.standing member. The funeral services were conduc ted at the Presbyterian church yes terdav at 11 o'clock, and at two in the afternoon, with the honors of Mswnm-v W.o rlirf from wl.enr-P hp asonry, came reclaimed all that was mort 1 of the departed landmark, and his body no awaits the resurrection en Cemetery Hill. Sunday School Convention. The next Sunday School Conven tion fot Swai.i c-nntv v- 1 I ! : with til-' ci.'irc:. a! M;::k.' . ''j' . ". :r " 1: !! 1. r i.tv : , : S'tt-'l .y '.i: At- ii. 1 ia ' t K !'.. to mvhch t..'- ii.tr ; M-niioii, an ! .1. H. (jMe.-n ;'!:ein . . Th1' prorainnie f :h- u W'il he a follow ?: 1. s woman the 1 -o-t instructor for clii'dren ?": ojientd by LMer -I. S. "ixlard. "Are the --nperii.t' trVnt- and j tv;a hers d"ing tl e;r I'.uly with .liii ! ni'-.ins and influence to ;t the p r I 1 -1 1 : . c 1.. .. - ,1 v" ClilHireu IIHO .T""llUit Miimi.; . "I'cu bv Hide- J. M. Earles. ,'5. "Is theSiimlay school necess i.v in moral training for the Wnefit of rei iioii ? !f not. give some hett -r plan:" open hv Elder T. J. Calhoun. J 'Ki. V. (Y.w, Improvement. VAST EXTRAVAGANCE. Korcl Kxpoftltlm. of a Uoad System Wlilefc ' Wsln Many Million. About 500,003 acres of land have boon taken from the farmers of Illinois for ruads. This strictlj for country roads, not including cfty and village Rt:cct& This land, at,S40 per acre, u worth f'o, 000,000. Is 40 per acre a fair estimate? Bonds are most numerous near cities, where I the land is worth 51,000 per acre, and T much more is worth SsiOO per acre, also ' near rillatires, where the land is tvorth from S150 to S-'OO per act c Much more land is worth 100 per acre. Other land is worth from 10 to SJO per acre. A fair average for the whole state, therefore, is not far from f-0 per acre. All the roads in Illinois are by law four rods wide. Hut not onc-Cfticth of the roads are actually utilized for a space more than two rods wide. In many cases the space nsed is not over one rod wide to twenty feet of lencth. The restthe part not actually used j is wasted. Worse than washed it is the great public breeding ground of all the noxicus weeds and destructive in sects! and worms that injure the agri culture of Illinois. Therefore this waste land is a positive damage, causing an annual loss of mil lions of dollars to the state. If this unused land were all culti vated, its profit would probably equal the entire annual cost of road main tenance. lf the roads of Illinois were so clnssi- i jrreat roatis occupyinr foifr rods in width; most of tfie important roads oc cupying ouly two rods in width, and all important roads occupying only twenty ;eet of width, and the rest of to ar,..;r :llld answer or .lemur to the the road land were sold or rented, Ilh- f cotnllaint in said action at said term of nois would thereby save immediately court as required by law, or the plain about thirteen millions of dollars, be- ; -,i is will apply to the court for the relief sides the produce forever of the land ! restored to cultivation. This ought to be law, and rigidly en forced; that every inch of land taken by the public for roads should be ac tually used for roads, and be kept so thoroughly worked that no weeds nor noxious insects could possibly grow thereon. The state has power to restore this unused land to residents along the road lines, either by absolute sale, or by perpetual rental, at appraised valua tions, the price to be paid into the high way fund, -to help make good roads. This would offer to farmers at once a great inducement to construct rood roads, provided the law should so re Store unused raudiiunds only wherever tirst-class roads are constructed and maintained. The magnificent roads of France are the delight of all travelers. France only takes so much land for roads as is actually used. The greatest of the Napoleonic roads are only forty feet ) wide, broadened in passing through cities and larpe villages to sixty feet. Every foot of the width is paved, smooth and durable, with stone gutter,-, and cjrbs. . Near and in villages there aro nometimes narrow sidewalks oext to the curb lines. The land is BROAri Tints OH A BAD ROAD. A team hauling oro tbrouKh Chirlcmont, Mass. Four-inch tires: weight per Inch f tin-. 950 pounds; ruts, 14 inches. (Vsl for haaiin.; every ton of freight one mile ever this road, i'i ocr.ts. cultivated clear up to the curb lines. 1 he roads, not being fenced, appear like great gravel or paved paths run ning through an endless garden. All the iess important side roads crcssing these great highways are narrow lanes, oniy fifteen to twenty feet wide, also generally paved. The statistics of French agriculture prove that the land thus saved more than pays, b' its profitable use, the entire cost of road maintenance In I'.nfhnH. also. the. trr.veler finds broud aivl splendid highways between important towns, with narrow lanes for all unimportant ro.-.ds. Do these magnificent roads pay farm ers? Yes. They are t he g. cate.st pub lic benefit the farmer has. In France the ordinary load for a French farm market wairon is four to five tons for a single pair of hor.-os. Often seven to ten toosaie taken to market, driven by three or four horses. A whole 5'r.ck of I;, y a lorrfi sixteen feet long, e. :' : or tn or twclv - feet h - :- ' : :i T n-.:ir!-:. in one load, a i'c of; '...toes r grain. ,.-.. !. -v a: - : . s All 1 lllia 'is ' : ::: t ti mil f.'otu rca a, ' ' . :- ' 1-, t market i'.i on day .'y iais t n is worth S20. The F.eneli .'araier hauls fir, at one load, worth "MOo. So the French farm er markets live times as much in one day's work as the Illinois farmer. The poslrcan goe: out daily on ail these t rem. 1 1 roads, lettir.g the farmer kri'.w cv-ry change of market m io-s. l prtc-.'i- rise, tiie French farm.: r hauls to market at . ne load live or ten tons, and gels t!ie Lei. eft of Ih lisi-. The. i"m is farnir (if lie -hears of the rise I bar.S i-no ton only, real In-fore he can get any more to market the price fails agaiit . Tb-.e arc fact that . "re worth the careful study of every politician, every legi-Iati.r. every farmer. ; nd esj ccially very farmers'' club '-r ot'.iCr f.jraniz tk.i L J- Ute, iu CI. itago It.-arlcj ffl&Wl r 4 -'Lt I ike a Great Kai.iray With its branches running in every direc tion, are the arlerien and vtiia which con vey the blood to every pnrt of the system. A cold, sudden change or exwnre may eause Mi-onus .h-hI to clog circulation, and then conn rheumatism. Ik-ware! if von value life remove the obstruction with J Ir. 1 Irunimorf I's Lihtnin; Remedy. Send lito the I'runituoud Medicine t o. 4S Maiden I .a tie, New York, and they will 'u tw'rge bottle by cxpres with full sifial doections. Agent wanted. Publication of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. NOKTII CAROLIN A, 1 Superior court, S'waix Cor sty. i Sprinif term lflo Charles R. 1 lint and Wallace H. Flint, vs. (ieorue Ilaecinever. Casper HaKemever. ; ,!' d tiwrgf llagemeyer. Cajer III 1 T 11 1 ll "'nieycr, .u;.ry itagemeyer an.i i in i:im Killiau as executors and trustecu un tier the last will and testament of tieorge llagemeyer, deceased, and the Foieign Hardwood Lg Company. The above named defendants, (Jeorge Ilageinever, casjier Ha'iueyer, and the saiil ( ieorjic llagemeyer. c ser llajremeyei Man- I I;tgcineyer aud William Killian, a executors -nd trustees under the last will and t: stanient of (ii-orge JIajrenieyer, de ceasi!, and the Poreigh lrdwotMl lo (onipany, will take notice that an action entitled as alwive, lla Iieen hrought in the s"l-ri"r court for the countv ot Swain, to Its spi nig term. S;l.), winch In-gins on the 14th Monday after the lir.t Monday in March. JSOo, by the plaintiffs ag;ii st the defendants hereinlefore named, for the re covery of judgment against said defend ants upon a balance due bv said defe ld nuts to the said plaintiffs upon an open account for the sum of i4 1 1 with interest thereon as will fully appear from the pleadings in said cause, and for thf costs of said action: and also that a war rant of attachment has been issued in said iiction against the property of said defer.d- ants in said conr.ty n secure the payment bv the saul dclenduiits of the am unt ! claimed and sued lor in this action, a stated above, said warrant being re'urn:- ble to said spruit; term, lWo, ot said cour ; tind said defendants are further .totifitd that thev ami each of them, are reonired demanded m said complaint Given tinder my hand March 5, lfi". J. K. S(vv, 5 Ml Clerk Superior court. Publication of Siiuiuioiis and Warrant of Attachment. NORTH CAliOLlXA, ( Superior court, Swaix Coi sty. Spring term 1895 Charles 11. Flint and Wallace P.. Flint, pso-tners dni g business under the firm name and style of Flint & Company, vs. "William II. Chew and John M. Kadie, 1 Jirtncrs doing business under the firm name and style of (.hew & Kadie, (ieorge lrag'jiiu-vcr, Casper Hageinevcr and the said (iinrge 1 1 .igeineyer, Casper Hage niever, Marv lfatemever and William Killiat1 as executors and trustees under the last will and testament of ieorge llagemeyer. deceased, and the Foreign Hardwood Log Compan v. The above named defendants, William 11. I 'hew. (ieorge i Iagcnieyer, Casper Hag- jeincxcr, and the said denrge llagemeyer. a-pi-r i 1 :ictMr cr. .xinry 1 uiienityer ano William Killiau, :u executors and trustees under the last will and tc-tament of Ceo. 1 iagemever, deceased, and the Foreign II;irdvod l-og t oiiin:oiv, will t;ike notice that an action, entitled as above, has been broiiL'lit in the Suiierior court of Swain countv to its spring term, ISSi.'i which be irius mi die 14tii Mondav after the fir. t Monday in March, 18; . by the iaint ill's above named again.-.l the defendants abovi named, lor the recovery ot judgment against the saiil defendant as endorsers and makers nl a pramissorv note noLe for the sum nl '.i"i,nun, with ititcre.-t thereon from the IHlh dav of 1'chruarv, ito, ami for the cils of the action: and also that warrant of attachment has been issued ic isaid entitled action against the projietty 1 i th said defendants in sail! c maty to s.-cia. I the pavment by the difeudauts of amoiia. i cbtiiucd and sue ' for in this action, as st;. ' t. d above, said wan aiit bein;' returnable o s ii 1 spprg term, 1 --i j , of said Mipeno: oiii'l I'm- said colon v and said defendants ' arc fur; her notified that tl.cv. and each oi i tlicin. arc reiiired to ap;c:u' and answ er 1 ur I -1 1 1 ; 1 r to t lie complaint in said action at said term of said conn as required bv law, or the plaiutills will apply t the court lor the relief demanded in said complaint. (i!cn under 111 hand Match olh, IS'.!"). ) H. SNOW, , atii Cl ik Supeiior court Swain county. IMtbli a'-ioii of Suimiioiiv itml Warrant of Attachment. NOUTi! CAl'Ol.INA, Superior court. 1 S'.v.ms t ors'TV. I'SpiniR term, 1'.'" ( barles U. 1 lint and Wall.eo B. Flint, partners doing busir. s under the firm inline and -t.. Ic t f lint A (.., vs. William H. ( hew and John M. Kadie, ' partners di b'g business mid r the firm name and stv le ot ( hew A Kadie, (ieorge 1 lagc anev. r, ':;sper lligeincyer and the - od 1 ! org liagciue; er t 'asw?r llag iu,-yer j Marv Tag, am ycr and William Killiau, as eve',,1, rs aid trtistcts under the last will! ai. d test. .mi nt of ieorge Hagcineyi r, (le- j .- d. rial the Fi reigh Hardwood l.g( o. I iM.ve 1. amcd deteialants, William! ( , . . .corge 1 agi'iic ycr, r.is;ier llag- i..--v. 1. : r.d li.e -:.'el ieo,g- 1 i ageli.ey er, .--ili r i . ..irein. yer, Marv liagemryer aad i'. iliiain ;- iiliaii. :s exei iitois and trust.t i i-. I t!.- la-l v. ill and tes'.atllelit of I b o. ' --g. -a.-v. . i! ee-j-ed. and the Foreign' .M'-.vood 1 og coMjianv will i-ke notice ,. .w.tt . ,.!!: . iias Id i '. o! - ain . w i.n h b - ..... .a. j '' "" - - . a -i r- ..t.d i. .: K r- r lb. r II lit f Ml i !n an ;ti- iUlh day f i.or- -i .-'a-;, ai.d lor the o-t f the ;!-.. thiil a warrant of ; ttac!i- al ... t j..isl c'i is-iled in said ililitU tl at --, .:aiust the prop, rty tl li.e mid de .I a t- i' s.:i! if. iiav t eci:re tlie pa --nt l.v t!:c li.-i. nci.ii.t.- of ti c anioiu t .-iiuicd ami sued ..r in this aciion a sta l l- ve. -ai ! :.rr.H.l 'nriug reluriial l.' to , ici sj.'-ii 8 term, !'.', said SHperh.r t.isit of '-'Id rciiit;. ; and -ail il-fcinlinK : r. t a rlh- r r...titi. i that th. y. ami ca. ii f il..'i ar r o iir.-i toai'tar anl answer '--- i r ,1. I. lr I.i I 'll. I'., '...I .ti -a;l li-rm oi -aid i-oiiil as rciiiiiril by law. or lb- T'l-.i"'ios vill apply lo Vt c ...M for the rvlicl tk-iuaiMletl ill .'il twui- pla nt. i.ixtn uiuier" n v hand Mr rcli "ih. K'-. J. K. ..('.V. " ; . ic. I. "-..p. . -i t oull. Model Steam LxaundFy, Asbeville, N. C. CLASs Call on J. A. Brown, Agent at McCLAIN'S LIVERY STABLE. O ' o BRYSON CITY, N. C. , EVERYTHING FRESH ANDNEW O ; O H. A. McClain has opened a general livery and fWl talle in Bry City, and he 001111-8 well prep.nred to furnish stylish aud pleasant dririnj horses and comfortable new can iages at Lining Frieesl fa A trial will convince you that mv horses are the fastest aud prettiest livery slock that Teimessee produces. RrS-0ive me a chance. Very truly yours, Ji. .- McCLATX. EGGS, BUTTER. POULTRY And other Produce to Davis, Hil!& Co.," 308 10th Street, N. W., "Washington, D. C. You will receive highest Jn.li Prices. We buy outright or handle on commission. ''Quick Vales and prompt return." CoinmisMon fur band ling goods, five per cent. "Send f r our price list. BUILD YOUR HOUSE OF Lumber Cut to Order n. v Ii M ri.Mt ! :t O ii r.'.. Special ;t if (mm i-'iii will iu o, :o nieas.ip.' all 1 t t:! 1 1 - uj to lie:l ;iii'i Whin- Hiciv !!' and r- ONE GIVES RELIEF E ItlllMlltlllllMtllltlMIIMIIIIMimUINHINa 5 Bait aoda ia inferior to package ttodm. FTO BEWARE el Imitation trad marks and label. b the about ARr ABP HAcfffi SOPA f iiirlriffAC Costs no 4 Made only by CHURCH k CO., Krw Tort. Sol4 by froccrs cmjrUtt. Write tor Arm mad Hnmmer Book ot trntumblt Kertp-FMZX, ELKHART CARRIAGE Hare Mid twwir tmr yemr. sTln tbain Ui dler pnrfli. W r taa UI4rt b4 Lartnl nnnalwrtarar ia A mf k-a Mllin Vntitls and llamca Ihf ar-alP wild prlTilffl lor lamina hton aaf mout f J paid. Wr .f fraizht bntk wart if not aturas- tIT) i.rii.rHpr (r T.n- 7, flrr t"T yn . Wo Bln( f.-e. to liie ihlppiug. Warrant (wliMn. War W aaall WHOLESALE PRICES. 9prtng Wagon, S3I 10 0O. OaaraMd a..w. wiit.rtvutu. Surrey. MStottOO j Ko.r. garry Uarawa. ii ii .l l rD.Miiu lop uioii f37 17. SO. a- to SIOO. Firm WagonB, WacOfMttw. .'.;aon,De!.rrWatoii It C -r-. i. einiLLi t Do. :u-t. top Bosrr. $43.00 5a. t, i JtlX vo-iiummifm. Auxtn W. O. -C ys I m vm. barfw (C rTfSS. - WEf 1 .'aS? tit WOK (j V A K A STEED. HoM K ii i. .1 I n- :iw rt Ci i n Jlaiku , , ,-t(; n,:, ;i.".nni'0 aef'-rd.: l)!l li 1 1, Anv U iw of wtxid. Onk Wui I'i n:1f .r est lonnlrr w f .MD HA. whole story more than other package sod- nevtr ipolU flour universally acknowledged fwrxaX la the VPrli. and IIARHESS UFO. CO. Write ronr own oraar, an nam ai aaaiaaa w lic. K-illurl PhatOO, au, arm tarha. aod rLT MET. r.it at inr. a"'a. . la tiBtiiuaua ttraa. di PRATT. Scc'y, ELKHART, IND. Ho. 7t iarnr a.r. ava4