h ftf.tl OL. 4. BRYSON CITY, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 29. 1895. NO. 8 111 r in ii Ill 'Professionals, -fr iTOfi N K YS-AT-L A NV. FRY' t NEW BY, llectiwi of claims and the jnvetttiga- L nf land titles a Hpedalty. T r.tiir.nwoop1 ATTORN EV-AT-L AW. ce n tlnj Court House, BlilRON ClTT, - N. Cv , , 4?. X. kttornoyat ItryMon City, S. C tor. 3: TSrebppcp, BRYSON CITY, N. C. AttlCING - PHYSICIAN. y-Iroinpt attention to all calls Day or Night. J. H. TEAGUE, M. D. WllITTIER, N. C. JlYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Vfill )ti prompt attention t all calk fr ar night, i r W A. Sprinkle, T.i. A Whittieh, N.C fl'tempt attention to all call in town or jatWORK AND PRICES lARANTEED. -O-O fANDAUD KEEPER Swais County R. II. Pender, y?n City. N. C. Hotels. EN-TEL-LA. REAR DEPOT. - . ' Brysori City, 1ST. C. Naw aiauafenient. Newly furnished. mianid attaint ir wmrarn-m Mini. M reasonable. t A BROWN, Prop. Drummer's Home, Bryoxa City, -N. Clean rooms and the best fare. ft'cd, 1,50 per d;iy. W. F. CooPer, 'Proprietor. ry.son Hotel, Andrews, N.C. Sam." K. Bryson, Propictor. Location perlect, Table the best, la'inext summer residence in YVes-t ri North Carolina. NATIONAL HOTEL WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Mew 1.50 a- dav. Ciood fare and nice l. Polite attention to all. Western hotel, Located on Public Square. KSHEVILLE, N- C It 23 cents. Lodging 25 cents 11. Mclnturfl, Propictor- led. W Brown INDF.U FRANKLIN'S STOKfc. Lcuteral ab-cision and craniolos.- tripsis; phreniological hair cut ami hrdropathical shaver of rH. Work physiognomical. k'utrd. .H.SITTON, tE CITY BUTCHER and EALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE TRESPASS NOTICE! foMtivelv no Hunting, Fishing, Timber tinker rattle herding'or grazing will b ed on the hiiitls foniuMlv Kn"n W Wittier Tr. i t ' in Swain tVnnty ex it by written pcrriiisin. Kll Tresji:is.'-t. will lie pr'is-r. i.finl K. the t extent of tho Law. axka a Tuckaseige Land Timber Co. .' B. A. Chew, Manager Bryson ( ity, N. C. t : UManv Perswns are brown tram orervork or household cr.rct. Brown's Iron Bitters Rebuild th fm, ild!fllf'lnn. remoTe xce ef M! la"! '.urei mularia. ?et the g-?muna. HOME NEWS. L9 "Don't let yournuWriptiou liiime.Yotir snlxription expires with the date after voor nuioe. Renew iUf Afckyountelf this queetion. ''Have I paid my newspaper subscription?" Hon. Kope Elias was here this week. "What we want ft orders'1 for job printing. Salt, 75 cents per sack. How's thai? E. W. Seay & Co. Jack Coburn, of Hazle Creek, was in town a few days this week. Come to as for goods at wholesale and retail prices. E. VV. Seay t Company. Granulated Sugar, 20 pounds for 1.00. Regular prices for less than 1.00 lot?. E. W. Seay it Co. Iter; J. B. Carpenter goes to Murphy to-day to assist in a pro tracted meeting there. Mrs. F. S. Paddock leaves on Mon day week for a protracted ctay with relatives in Vermont. Miss Mattie Moody went to Sylva yesterday to spend a few days with Miss Mamie Stedmau. There will be preaching at the Presbyterian church next Sunday at 11 a.;n. and 3 30 p. m. Candidate Blackburn hi a taken off his coat and gone at it. He says I he votes must conte. The stock of goods in the store near the depot has been moved to the store of . W. Seay & Co. Mr. J. A. Brown, who made a name as proprietor of the Entella, moved Tuesday to Jiis Ilivershore residence. Marsh Henry is driying his Iocs this week from the mouth of Kirk land's creek into Coffin & Macdon- ald's boom. Miss Jennie Cooper leaves Mon day for CheroW, where she goes to accept a position in the Indian Training ScIk ol. Next Sunday being the fifth Sab bath, Ikv. F. W. Wey will hold jervicei in the Episcopal church morning and afternoon. Wilhide's mill 0n Battle branch has n:ade a contract with A. B. Al lison & Co. to cut 200,000 feet at. the mouth cf Laurel branch. The Bryeon City MTg Co. is making some much needed improve ments about its property in the shape of ditching and draining. A big crejwjjf men are - working on deep creek, cutting logs, and the prospects look encouraging for considerable steady employment. Job Printing, remember, is what we make a specialty of. Old prices are now split in the middle, and the quality of word has advanced. These are the inducements here, ' Three wagons, drawn by four horses and ten mules, passed thro' town vsterday with the first sec tion of Mr. Pender's saw mill from Alarka going to Kirkland's creek. The saw mill of Coffin & Macdon ald will in all probability start next Monday. Logs are being floated down and everything taing made ready for work after the long sus pense. To-morrow night is the appoin ted time for the fortnightly dinner jf the Lotos Club. Preparation have been made and every member is stinting himself so he will be hungry then. Mr. Lewis Lake has arrived, and is now proprietor of Hotel Enlella, where travelers and everybody else will be well cared for, and, if possi ble, the good reputation of this well keept hostelry will be added to. It is hoped that no producers in tins section have been duped into making shipment.-: to the fraudulent concern of Divi-. Hill it C., of Wiisliii'toii City. Inveistia'ioti orovts tint there i to he fouii'i at th-.- - Mn f tlifse sconn-h''is i- i dilapidated dek, one chair and a x iiice-haire ' offic. hoy who is stav ing his month out and telling peo ple who inquire that his boeses Went out of town a tew davs ugo. 1 he Timts is a victim. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C, will be in Bryson City on Thursday, April 4th, for one day at Hotel Entella. His practice is limited to the Eye, Ear, iose and Throat. , Gtd Fresh fruits, Oranges, Bananas, Lemons and diied fruits. E. W. Seay & Co.' Ralph Bingham, the celebrated boy orator, will giye one of his orig inal and unique enteitainments at the court house Monday, the 8to of April at 8 p. m. in the interest of the M. E. Church, South, at this place. Admission 25 cents; chil dren 15 cents. Tickets are on sale at L. Lee Marr & Co.'s store. For further information see bills posted. Governor Carr has pardoned H. J. Elmore for the assault upon Bert Gee, The imprisonment aud fine have been rescinded, only the cost remaining. Strong petitions were signed in Mr. Elmore's behalf, and the governor's leniency is highly satisfactory. This is another re version of Judge Shuford's wild rulings. Mr. B. H. Cathey has a big force of men at work on the streets. The kinds of improvements he is making are both beneficial and substantial. Everett street, running from the depot to the court house, is being ditched and thrown up in the mid dle, and the miserably muddy places all along are being filled with clay and sand. Six days a year seems a ong time tor each man to work the road, hut a glance at uch streets a Bryson City has had for six months will convince anybody that work and a heap of it is needed. Curtis jJogan and Alex. McClain are housekeeping in the old club room in the Coffin block. If they had any furniture they would be fairly well situated. As it is their bed-room suit consists of one stool chair, one gun, a wood box for a tvast-stand and one bed. There is nothing for them to put their naked feet on save the cold, bare floor, and the first man to wash his face puts on eneugh turpentine Foap to make a right good mirror for the other to see how to make his toilet. Mr. Logan says as soon as he opens his shop he certainly is going to make some fixing-! for that room. PACIFIC AGAINST ATLANTIC Western Fishing Companies Compet ing in Eastern Markets. The prediction made at the time of the acquisition of Alaska by the United States that her halibut fish eries would in time compete with those of the North Atlantic seems about to be verified, says the Boston Herald. Four years ago companies engaged in halibut fishing at Seattle conceived the idea that their prod uct eould be sold in Boston at a fatr profit and sent large shipments to this city up to November last. It proved to be a financial failure, how ever, and was abandoned. In November last four companies at Vancouver began to ship large quantities of halibut to Boston and their product was handled entirely by the Now England Halibut, com pany and the Atlantic Halibut com pany for New England. These ship ments are made over the Canadian Pacific railroad and the car load of halibut is attached to the passenger train, which makes the trip in about seven days. When the fish reach Boston the two companies dispose of it to the dealers all over New'sEng land. The fish of Vancouver compares in flavor to the North Atlantic halibut and sells for the same to th? con sumer, but the dealer has the bene fit of 1 cents difference in cost, the eastern halibut selling at 8 cents p r hundred, while the Vancouver halibut sells at 7 cents. Thre have been 200,000 pounds of this Fish shipped from the west this week. The price of western halibut is so low that it is impossible for the eastern fishing vessels to do any business, as they are compelled to run at a loss. After March these shipments will cease, as it will be impossible to handle the product on account of the risk that is attached to perishable goods. The goods will spoil before reaching their destination unless re packed, with ice along the road, and that will not be profitable. This is the first season that these companies have shipped their prod uct to Boston. Their object is to drive out the halibut business in the east and to unload their product in Boston. These western companies can make a fishing trip in about ten days, where it takes our vessels about, four weeks to make the trip. STOPS THE POWfeR. Many Reasons tor -ine 8adden Stopping of Trolley Cars. A Way la WWa MtM May B Eb4m aerad That Bat fmw Ttm Han Tnoaght Am ImUim la Xaw Vara City. A new possibility in the manner in which persons may be endangered in trolley cars was developed in New York, recently, says the New York Sun, when a trolley car got half way .across the tracks of the Pennsyl vania railroad at the Market street crossing and the power suddenly gave out. An express train was approaching and came within thirty feet of smashing the car and killing anybody who may have been in it. An inquiry as to haw such a situ ation could be brought about de velops the fact that the trolley cars are liable to lose their power at any instant and from a great number of causes. The most likely cause is from the grounding of the current caused by a careless motorman anx ious to get ahead too quickly. If a motor happens not to be in first-class order and it is started too quickly a ground connection may be established instantly ' and all the power on that section of the circuit goes to that one car. Of course, all the other cars on that section lose their power and are stalled. If one car is crossing a railroad track just in front of an express train there is no help for it. This sort of accident may happen with experienced motor men who are very careful. Such is the perversity of the trolley car. Another possibility is that a tele graph or telephone wire cut any other kind of wire may swirigagainst a trolley wire. The instaut the wires strike the electricity runs away and the power on the section hi gone. Delay from this cause may be for a second only or it may be for a day. It all depends. Still another danger is in the key or plug jumping from the twitch board in the powerhouses Plugs will jump out, sometimes with rea son aud sometimes without. One thing that will" make them jump is the starting of five or six cars on the same sectiou at the same mo ment. When there is a block on the road and five or six cars stand in a line with passengers fuming against trolley cars in general and the very one they arc in in particular, of course the crew of the car are. anx ious to go ahead at the earliest op portunity. Sometimes all the mo tormen start at the same time, and when they do the power leaves them altogether. If another car on the section happens to be in front of an express train there is no help for it. Sometimes the belt in the power house that runs the great dynamo slips and then the power is gone. These are just a very few of the causes that result in the trolley be coming powerless, aud they are things that cannot be guarded against by any system of signals. The Market street crossing of the Pennsylvania railroad in Newark is the worst crossing that the Consoli dated Traction company has to deal with. To avoid accidents there the railroad company has gates, which are turned on the approach of trains. In addition to this precau tion every trolley car must stop be fore It reaches the crossing, and the conductor must run ahead to the center of the crossing and look in either direction to make sure that no train is in sight. The motorman must not start his car until the con ductor signals him to go ahead. All these precautions go for naught if the power gives out when the trolley car is on the crossing. It is sug gested now that the possibility of accident may be avoided if the trol ley car stops far enough back from the crossing to gather speed, after the safety signal is given, safficient to float the car across the tracks. He Was Not Accommodated. An English journal tells a good story at the expense of the earl of Derby. While walking on land be longing to the earl a collier chanced to meet the owner. His lordship in quired if the collier knew he was walking on his land. "Thy land? Well, I've got no land myself," was the reply, ''and I'm like to walk on somehody's. Where did tha' et it fro'?" "O," explained his lordship, "1 got it from my ancestors." "An' wheer did they get it fro'?" asked the collier. "They got it from their ancestors," was the reply. "And where did their ancestors get it?" "They fought for it." "Well, begad," said the collier, squaring up to the earl, "I'll fight thee for it." Interior. Handsomer Than a Hat. The fashion of taking off hats In theaters and other public halls is be coming more popular in Baltimore. The men think the top of a lady's head looks far better than the sum mit of a high bonnet. -Baltimore American. I -ike a Great Itnilvt ay Witb its branch a running; in everv direc tion, are the arteiioi and v in which cn rex the hlMxi ti every jart "f the systt-m. A cold. Kiidilen ehanin or rxKurv- may cause oinii arid to clog i-irvulativn. and then romex rht-iiniatiMu. IVwta ! U von value ItlVremovo tholtrut'tioti with Ir. Inioimond'a Ugh tiling Keiurdy. Send $5 to the lirunimotid Medicine to. 4H Maiden Ijinc, Xew York, and the.- will send two large liotth-s by expre- with full I fpccial duet-tion. Ageni wantetl. Publication of Summon nutl Warraut of Attachment. NOKTIt CAROLIN , ) Superior court, .S'wais Cor x tv Spring tcrui 18i5 Charles K. Hint and Wallace B. Flint, Oeorgc Hagenieyer. Cnpcr ilagemovcr, and the jid tieorge Hagenieyer, l'atier Hagenieyer, Mary ilagt-meyer and Will iam Killian as executor and Irii-tce un der the. last will and testament of tieorgc Hageoieyer, deceased, and the Foieign Hardwood Ig Company. The above named defendants, George Hngemever, camper Hagenieyer, and the said ( ieorge Hagi-mcyer. c sjht 1 1 agenieyer Mary Hagenieyer aud William Killian, a executors nd trustees under the last will and testament of George Hagenieyer, de ceased, and the Foreign Hardwood I company, will take notice that an action entitled as above, ha been brought in the Sujierior court for the county of Swain, to its (.piing term, 1895, which liegiiiN on the 14th Monday after the li r.-t Monday in March. 1895, by the plaintiftrt ngai i-t the defendants hereinbefore named, for the re covery of judgment against aajd defend ants upon a b:i lance due bv aaid defe id ants to the wiid plaintiff uimhi an open account for the kudi of $41,.'tt.92, with interest thereon an will fully apear from the pleadings in aaid caute, ami for the eosts of aid nrtiou: and also that a wnr raut of attachment has been i.Mlil in said action agaimt the property of said defend ants in said coiir.ty t' secure the payment by the said defendants of the auruint claimed and sued tot in this action, as staled above, said warrant keing re'nma ble to said spring term, 180;"). of said court; and said defendants are further notified that they, and each of there, are required to apjear and answer or demur to the complaint in said action at said term of ssid court :is required by law,-or the plain tiffs will apply to the court for the rlief demanded in said complaint. tiiveu under my hand March 5, 1?95. J. R. SNOW, 5tft Clerk Superior court. Publication of Summons aud "Warrant nf Attachment. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Superior court, SwAirt CorsTV. i Spring term 1895 Char leu K. Flint and Wallace 15. Flint, partners doi g business under the firm name and style of Flint A; Company, vs. William II. Chew and John M. Eadie, partners doing business under the firm name and style of Chew A Kac'ie, George Hagenieyer, (Jasper Hagcmcyrr aud the said Gorge Hagenieyer, Casper Hage nieyer,, Mary Hagenieyer and William Kiiliap as executorW and trustees under the laj-t will and testament of 'ieorge Hagenieyer, deceased, and the Foreign Hardwood Log Company. The above named defendants, William H. Chew. George llagemcyc, Casper Hag enieyer, anil the said George Hagenieyer. Ca-per Hageeieyer, Mary Hagenieyer anil William l ilium, a executors and trustees under the last will and testament of Geo. Ihigemever, deceased, and the Foreign Hardwood Log ompany, will take notiee that an action, entitled as aliovc, has been brought in the Superior court of Swain county to its spring term, 189.")which be gins on tne 14th Monday after the first Monday in March, 18i)o. by the plaintiffs alsivc named against the defendants above named, fur the recovery of judgment against the said defendant as endorsers and makers of a pram issory note nole for the sum of $25,000, w ith interest thereon Irom the 12th dav of February, 18!1;-), imJ for the costs of the action; and also that a warrant of attachment ha been issued in said entitled action against the property of the said defendants in said county to secure the payment by the defendants of ainoun claimed aiid sue 1 for in this action, as sta ted above, said warrant being returnable to said spring term, 189.r, of said Superior oiirt for said countv and said defendants arc further notified that they, and each ol them, are required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint in said action at said term of said court as required by law, or the pi: i itiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Given under ui hand March 5th, 1895. jj U. SNOW, otB Clerk Superior court Swain county. Publication of Summon and Warrant of Attachment. NORTH CAIfIJN"A, Superior court. Swain Coi nty. i Spring term, 1S95 Charles R- Flint and Wallace R. Flint, partners doing business under the firm name and style of Flint A Co., vs. William H. Chew and John M. Eadie, partners d ing business limit r the firm name ami style of Chew A F.adie, George Hagenieyer, Casjer Hagenieyer and the ssidGeorgf Hngenieyrr.Casjwr Hagenieyer Mary Hagenyer and William Killian, a exec itors and "trustees under the last wilt and testament of ieorge Hagenieyer. de ceased, and the Foreigh llardw,d Log Co. The alsivt named defendants, William H. chew, George Hagenieyer, rasper Hag-e-never, and the said George Hagenieyer, C.nper Hagenicver, Marv Hagenieyer and Wil.i.nn Killian, as executois and truster under the last will and testament of Geo. ag-iuet-er. deceased, and the Foreign Ilaidwood Log Company, will lake notice that an actio;!, entitled as above, has been brought in the Miperior court of Swain ... ;t ,.ri.,i term. '895. which Ik- gin- on the 14th M nday after the first Mondav in March, 1M5, by the plaintiff above named against the defendant above ...1 ..r ill.- ri-ciivcrv of iiidtfinent against i said defendants a endorsers and makers of , I n.missorv note for the um of i000 I with intercA thereon from the lUth day of IeceniUr. 1S94, and for the e-t of the ! action; ami also that a warrant of attach ment hal-i iwnwl ai c""'1 I tion against the projierty of the said 1c i fendants in sid ccunty to wure the pay ; i. nt bv the defendant of the aoiui;t : . : med and sued for in this action a. ta ! -e,: above, said warrant Uing returnable r., tid spring term, 1S95. oi said Superior ',. U1t ol aid eoimiv; and said defendant ,re iurlher notified" that they, and each of them, are r -quired to appear and anawer .,r d. mur to the complaint in said action at said term of said court as required by ; inw r th- plaiutiffs will apply to tlic ..uii for the relief demanded in said com- Givtn undr m hand March 5th, 15. J. U. SNOW. Clerk nperinr emirl. Jlodel Steam liaundpy, Asheville, N. C. FlKST CLASS Call on J. A. Brown, Agmt at McCLAIN'S LIVERY STABLE. o- o BRYSON CITY, N. C. EVERYTHING FRESH AND NEW i. A. McClain happened a gcnernl livery and feed nUMe in Brj ('ity, and he cmius ve!l prepared t furnish stylish aud pleasant driv nurse!- mm coituurta'He new carriages A trial will convince you I hat mv horses are the fastest and prrttit livery stock that Tennessee produces. 8(iive me a chance. Very truly yours, BUILD YOUR HOUSE Lumber Cut to Order . By R. II. PKNDlR at his mw mill on Alarkn. Special attention will be given to cutting framing according to measure all lengths up to 30 (Vet, Any kind of wood. Red n-l White Hickory and Oak Wagon Timber" cut toorder R-I-F-jPl-N-S ONE GIVES RELIEF. 0 Ball: mod Is inferior to paekuge soda. I pro BE W ARE is the about 5 5 an hnltatlaa trad iarka and labels. ARf MP HArrER SOPA S ill HrtftaorDC ao 2 UViyM4jVW 2 Made only by CHURCH k CO., Heir York. Sold by fToccrs cmyvkert. 1 Writ for Arm mad Hammer Book ot rafaaM rrrfjraa TWUtM. X aimwmtMitinniminnntHmmwi ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS UFO. CO. Hnva Mll to r.Kianifri far II year. UTiDf them tht jiler pniflt. W are lh ONcrtut I.Mcr.t manufxrtarart In Amr. Ica.ellin VehfRU-s nod limsatbia war ship with prlTilfr 1i tfimln. bttr any nxiHr la CalU. W yf reiirht txtth waft If nnt aaUita rr. Warrant fori joart. Whf ptf an afamlW I lO t ortler f'r yiu Writ Tour own orttr. Boilnc fr. VYa laks ail nak of aamac la sblppiuf. WHOLESALE PRICES. -Spring Wngona, 3I to 00. Unaranta4 aa ii t it! I fm-liou. ts. Surrays, t09 to tlOO anil ai Mil f r 1100 to tl'A. fop Bug(l8, S37.SO, a fln o',4 fur Ml. PhaMona.wOS to SIOO. Farm We Boris, Waconattoa. Milk Waioni, Delivery Wlfont and Hoati Carta. u hum iob iu, naats a nitaa. Ko. 37. Snrrer IIaro. 1 UI - No. ',W4. Top Bomx FrVaa. Ka. I. I va Kll?t tiRMJU unaaL a fcr aa ataa M amy fmttmam Mo.a. r. wane, juirtm W. 0. Htnw llanf. 4 Ten years' use of " . Mexican Mustang Liniment in a Livery Stable For Sprains, Stiff Joints and Harness Galls. Mr. Hill cures HEAVES with Mexican Mustang Liniment in 6 boors, V Sl Wj'iv'.W Wi.r J fjl' VVOIiK OL? AS ANTE K D. llo'el Ent-lU. drirtBf ai B. .V. McCLALY. OF 9 ItKYSOX CITY, X. C. -- x A -A t i .MD Hit. whole story moTC thin other Pckte sod troii h nour universally acknowledged prtst la the VrU. Ma. at. taiiay. Inal Ma. TIT, Baa4 Wafaa. Ml r laM. Haraaaa. aa4 FLT SET. Tkaart BtorHa, wtla aaaaaw W4 a. la yniwalW Uraa,, 111 aaaa ilalaaaa tiaal taata. raa I PRATT. Scc'y, ELKHART, l0. Read HU Positive SUtcmcnt. Yauixi:tii5. X.C. Frl.. 14, 1V Ontlennii: I lave oaed MeaaCSaJ MS tan Unimcot i u-n yew ia my livrir tal.li . ssil fin I tlmt it U tlw l-t thin? in th woikl fT a IlfcAVET llulM. Pat three t.t!af njaajnfLl f VI until I.initotit in a pint 4 ci'kl water an.l cive it tt the h and it will Uni th bearra in fi bmra. 1 ran rmrnn- mnrl it fr H;Tina, KtifT JnnU and aa c (irt- U- Unim-nt f nnta, lUrneaatjalU -Family aa. Lralui- Sale A Uv-tv Stable. nll. -aw 7T fa. OS aULCMML j !

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