if VOL. 4. BRYSON CITY, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1895, professionals, -j- TTOItXKVS-AT-LAW. p Fit Yd- NKWJiV, BiiV.oN City, - N. C. Collection of claims and the lnve.stig.i tion f land title a specialty. . r Tm . TmEATHERWOOU. ATTORNEV.AT.LAW Offict n the Court House, Brtson Citt, - N. G. T. D. BRYSON, AttornoyatLaw, Uryson City, S. C TDpV : R. opper, IJIIYSON CITY, N. C. PRACTICING - PHYSICIAN. iCrpronipt attention to all calls, Iay or Nijflit. j. II. TE AGUE, M.D. WlUTTIKR, N. C. pIIYSICIAX AND SURGEON. " Will jnv prompt attention to all calls, day af night. Dr W A. Sprinkle, fij Dentist, WiiiTTiKii. N, ('. Vianipt attention to all falls in town or rauntrv. ' WS.WORK AND PRICES GUARANTEED. OO STA N D AWK K KPER Swain County . II. Pen-her, Bivsn City, N. C. Hotels. EN-TEL-LA. JfEATS IEPOT. Bryi5on City, C. New management. Newlv furnished. AeronintirtiatioiiK for commercial men. Kites rr-asonabfo. LOUIS L. LAKE,Proprietor. Dmiiimer's Home, Bryson City, 1ST. C. Clean rooms and the best fare. Ra'f., f 1,.")0 per chiy. . V. CooPek, Proprietor. Brv.son Hotel, Andrews, N.C. Sam. E. Uryson, Propictor. Location perfect, Table the lies', Finest trimmer residence in West l n North Carolina. ' NATIONAL HOTEL WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Ra(e l..)0 a day. (ioml fare hI twee nrs. Polite attentMii to all. WESTERN HOTEL, Located on IVhlk- Square. ASHEVILLE, N- C Xeals '.'o cents, Lodging 'lb cents ILMfdntnrft, I'ropieior. Geo. W.Brown Tiki-, skilicd ;irtis served for a lonir lime in the Inst shops iA . Aslicvjllc, and a trial will convince you that his work is first-class ..He has a neat shop, clean towel, easy chairs nnil keen razors. Courtesy and politeness si c his socials. J.EL-SITTON, THE CITY BUTCHER and DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE TRESPASS NOTICE! Fositirefy tw Hunting, Fishing, Timlwr cutting or cattle herding or jcrsiinp willb illowcd on the lands formerly known as th "Whittier Tract" in Swain CooDty - fept by writkni pemviioH. All Tresi'ssMcTs wiM le rsecutcd to the Jnllestexu-iil of ihe Lw, I'mika A 'Fwkasoige Land Timf)rr Co: B. A. ( hew, M inajror e Iryson Ckv, N.v. Mftfty Persons tr? bscL Bnim from Tfoik or hoarebrihl rrrcs. Hrown Iron Bitters Kciuiwu t:.f lyHfm. tJilifftlot. mcovei ciors of ti.v toil ciirfs nuiUria flof Ibi- eenume- V HOME NEWS. tlTHon't let yourniliscription 1: jise.Toiir .subscription expires with the date after vour name. Jtenc-w it.J Atkyouiself this question. 'Have I paid my newspaper subscription?" John Burnett brought a car-load of pins here Tuesday. In two weeks you can get that long-looke; for photo. The gallery will be ready. Dr. V. S. Moore, of New York City, is here visiting his brother. Rev. Chalmers Moore. Mesrtames Smathen and Wood, who spent some tinio with relatives here, returned Monday to tlnir homes in Murphy. Remember the" meeting at the court bouse to-night at eight. If you want anybody nominated, now is your time to say so. The registration books closed Tuesday. If you huve neglected to see that your name is properly re corded, it is too late now; -J"-'- Quite a number of witnesses left Wednesday for Webster courtwhere they went to appear in the Patter son. Elmore case, taken from this county. Mr. Wentworth, representing the Boston Lumber Co. was here this week in consultation with the mem bers of the Western Carolina Lum ber Co. The town is almost depopulated of lawyers, Messrs. Leatherwoad, Newby, Br son and others having one to attend Jackson court this week. They are expected home to day. Yesterday at 11 o'clock at the home of our townsman, A. J. Franklin, Mr. A. T. Lolis and Miss Lama Franklin were married by 'squire V. L. Morris. The happy twain have the Times' rery best wishes. A fiyc o'clock tea at Hotel En- tella Sunday afternooon marked a real pleasant social event. Two of the pr,e cakes of the base ball sup per were greatly enjoyed, and the other dainty delicacies made the re past complete. Mrs. Lake and Mrs. Morrow are both trumps. Tlie Bryson City Dramatic Club will meet Monday nigntfor the pur pose of selecting a play soon to be presented here. Neither the date nor place is determined, but as a re sult, something nice may be looked for. The Prespyterian church will be the beneficiary. Manager Chew of the Base Ball Club resigned Saturday night, and W. A. Blackburn was chosen in bis stead. Mr. Chew was unanimously requested to reconsider hi? action, out he still declined. The only rea son Mr. Chew's withdrawal from the management of the club is not a great loss, is the efficiency and en. ergy of his successor. Uase Ball Supper. The Icecream supper given by the ladies for the benitit of the Base Ball Club, Friday night was a grand success and to the ladies oil the committee of arrangements is entire ly due the unstinted praise they are reeeifing at the hands of the Rase Ball enthusiasts. About -15. 00 was realized and ft'ill be applied to defraying the incidental expenses of the club. So far two games huve been arranged. The team will play Yellow Hill on the 4th of May and Dillsboro at Cullowhee School on the 18th. Then we will have several games at home. The suits that will be woru this year are very hansorue being entirely black, with white let- term;. Citizens .Meeting Toni;rht. A public meeting of the citizens of Bryson City has been called to assemble iu the court house to-night j at eight o'clock. The purpose of J this gathering is well known to be 1 making of a ticket for a mayor i t lire aldermen, a marshal and a treasuier. As far as can be heard no choice ha lieen centered upon, but evprybody seems voluntarily s ig iestthe name f Capt. A. M. Fr .'or the HMyora'ty candid ite. H Mr. Frj ir nominate and Av'fll ac cept the oiler, he w;ll unquestionably k the r;?ht man in the rig'n place If ability, j l vressiv.-ness and , , . , , broad-min ied research should le Hip chief traits of a mayor's dUposi. tion, Capt. Fry is the emboiiment Qf these principle requisites. If there is anybody vou want for a tow official, come out to-night and say so; or else stay at home and top your grumbling about those we already have, Kemember to-night at eight is the time. Straiijre, Indeed. Sunday afternoon .about four, while the people were lounging about, as is uMial when there is n. .thing to do but alk, little Ida, the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Galbreath, was play ing along the level sidewalk in front of Everest's store. Seveni' other small children were with her. There being no apparent occasion for alarm, no one paid any attention to the little ones. James Meadows, who witnessed all, says Ida was leading the jolly little party on its way toward the bridge, and having missed the oth ers from her side, she very naturally turned while running to see where the others were. While her head was thus turned, her feet in some way became tan gled, and in the presence of several spectators, the little captain of the band gtumbled and fell, Seeing that she neither made any noise or effort to rise, she was lifted to her feet; but no sooner had this been done than she stretched at full length, cast her eyes upward, raised one hand, gasped,; and in fifteen seconds, died, .tier neck was broken. This is all the explanation any body can give of the very strange accident. The funeral services took place al the Methodist church Monday afH noon, and the remains of the litth, child, which, twenty-four hours be fore liar! been healthy and happy, were laid aay in the cemetery to await the Resurrection. The bereaved fanii'y have the deep sympathy ol our entire com munity. "Western Carolina Lumber Co The man who says Bryson City is on the wane evidently knows lit tle about, what he is saying. Outsiders and others are constant ly realizing what this country is and are acting in that way. The Western Carolina Lumber Co. has completed its organization and is now negotiating for a buil ding, CO by 150 feet in which to p'ace machinery. The exact loca tion of the plant has not been deter mined, it will be before many days The plant will embrace wood working machinery, saw mill, double snrfacer, flooring machine, heavy band resaw, cutting-up tables, rin saws, etc, and will represent, when completed, an outlay of 8.000.00. Rough and dressed lumber of all inds. box shooks, door jambs, cas ing, ceiling, moulding and general wood products will be the output, and more than 30 men will be employed. The machinery has already been ordered, and work on the building vvili he started inside of sixty days so as to have them ready by the time the machinery, can he constructed and delivered, and the company hopes to have at least a portion of the plant in healthy operation Li the first of August. This company has shipped considerable lumber al ready, and their demands are iirereas iug. They have a standing order for ten cars a week fro in one E is tern firm, to say nothing of ti e many smaller ones. The company will buy outside ptock ollered at a reasonable price aad pay' .-pot cash. This is business. While the probabilities are that the plant will be located In re, yet it is also only proper to presume that propositions from outside i!i bo entertained, and the best one adop ted. There are towns ar uud here that will give them all lh land needed, and it behooves lh lin f on City Land Improvement Co. and other business men to giye th:s m-ttef some attention. ) ike Great Kaihvay With its hranclies running in every Jirpe tioii. are the arteries, and v.iii which con vey the tdiVd to every part nl the ystcm. A cold. siulde cli:unr-s or e.K-ure may caibr .i-oimt nei.ls lo cio-j eir. .ttulioii. ami then corm- rheiiui.-it'sai. iK-ware ! il y en value life icliiove tin-otr-tnn tion willi I'r. I rnniruon-i"- l.h.ditnWi.- lo nudy. S e.d o In tljO I 'riir.llllolul Meilit !i:e o. 4" Maiden Lane. Nc Voi!;. a:,l o.. wi.i s nl two lar tw;th- h e!-r. ii- .-.ill sciul )iih tion-. Ai-eni- .rn'l. -v- i ew 3.ajwtr.te.. ' Belmv is a Lfei of tlie magisi rates appointed by I lie V rgl ss legislaU ure to fill vacancies occurring in the several townships of Swain cooutv. ! together with the three additional j . . t , ones for eich -township. L... e j who are at ail familiar w ih the per-i sonnrd of the fusion p -ts in this j county, can rca lily see wi:it a pretty crowd it is. Few, if an -, i.ftln-ui have any moie conception of .Nortii Carolina laws than a ho has oi holiday and there are several in ti c batch who must en-ploy n.-iuhbors to sign their name: Those after' , ., . . . t whose names the i.steris k appear-1 1 , have been before th Clerk ad had i the oath of office cJlminsfered, but i if a single one has- qua'itied, the meaning of that wom! must be rad icblly modified. It is iuipo:sible to make a "silk wallet from a sows ear."' E ich of them, excepting F. S. Cas-e seems pioud of the title. When told that he had been appoint. -i by the negro-hononng mongrels, :N!u;abo,;. ;..,n.;,ct " ' Case, who has aiwas been a up. tj lican, refused the oilice and declined to iudenlify himself with any such turncoats as composed tin h si. legis lature. ' Here they are. Read tin? list carefully ; a id if you ever want to be tried ace irliugto "law, this is the crowd on earth tj keep aw.y fYoiu: CHAIiLISTOX TOWNSlIi:'. To fill vacancies: G. W. McC.-ackeii, F. S. Case, John Pcirrih. Addition il: A. J. Franklin, 1). P. Fergus hi, C. Ererr. X A XT. HAL A T0WX8IIIP. To fill yacancies: D. M. Sledir--, " 11. M. Wright, Additional: W. J. Fe'hero7. E. F. Patterson, A. L. Clark. FORNEYS CRSEK: ToWXSUL'. To fill vacancie-: A.. I. Hull, J. li. Brads'n.v, Additiona' : W. B. (V c, J. E. T. Wcici) Win (Jog lil! OOXA UTT.V TOV. NS1I To fill vacancies: W. II. Once i. I. !'. Hyde, Additional: J. L. MontoMi, C. W.Paike-, C. J. Logan. Mr. Logan did not qualify becaus the official list bore his name as C. J. Logan, instead of C. G. They are all six year terms ami it will re qui:c $25,000 of the people's money to furnish books and p. per.s to these men, when they ad nit themselves v... x. ... - t . . ! ... K MUL LlltJV Call lit! Ul ll'l ilH'lC WCII- erit either to they s.L.te or anybody e;s. CADET ETIQUETTE. Anomal;es of tho RrdDs cf Sc( Lifa at West PcLut. Thoy Are rnrlmn. Hut at t!io .1r:i-l'mj Tliey Sk-piu llota Uariiilp-ii ;t.ij Irop;-r Tlie t:p!iocn! uf One Astute Youtli. The etiquette of .West IVint is rt'iiidv n --lo-i. ins i n st i t n t i, in . 1 1 has been evolved out. of the per til tar conditions which exist at tin? mili tary aeadomv, and onlv-rlev-e who have I. eon there can fully appreciate how harmless and proper it Seer.:.; in its surroundings. Tor instance, vhen a cadet re ceives permission to mal;e out a girl's hop card, h: sins h"r name, with his own opposite, in a i.oo!; provided liy the hop raanaL'i :s r that purpose. Tiien, any o'ieT youth who wih.-s d oie o: that girl's card, knows to w'oo;n h- must apply f-r then. Ma-iv are tlie f implic.ilion aris ing from this .y--t t.i. an t it l halves him who w'i'.i -s to. l:nc v. i' h n belle to annlv ear'.v. ,U.-sl be fi her card full. Often, when there ar" few ;:irls visiting on tlie po-,t, a man who h:u been fortunate eno-i'i tft s, euro one, and who wih"S to dance a vl deal himself wi'd r,-fn-e to eiv. dances, except to u;h us can t-'ive them in cxclwucre. A storv is tol l of one t ute vw! h who wished for iTx-r' Jono id lotted four dances, tvt f'-nn-J it would look stranoe for his na;:;e to app-'ar six or eiu'ht tir.vs. In oril.-r to overcome th diiTuu'ty. h - p it down tlv nam -s of th ":uard detail that dav. Th ev. f course, could not lw rreo:M : s 1, w!i tl nne cirrve. tr ibelr dauees, .villi profuse aiiolcies he appeared before his ehanner and explained that Mr. Dumiolin was na avoidably detained and mllit he offer himself instead? At graduation hop, however, there "SU;llly a multi;ud of tfrls that mauy men make out nor? than one carJ) and rumnr h..th it that once a "spoony" youngster was driven nearly frantic ia a vain effort t( k.x-p thirteen cards from beiu tangled up. P.ut then cadets will ex aggerate. There are other reasons why this hop is nn important ownt at West Point. Not only does It m:srk the departure of thc fledgling li- uten- ants from tli-jlr hitherto well-guarded nest, out t: ;uso Drmgi sociuiiv to k,',. (i,,..., ,v... i i ligiit. llw ert uncIevlop"(l ivsoiires ()f the ph-'.io or lowest class. Througliout tin1 Grst year at West Point reguhili.ms and custom do everything to suppress that exuber ance which freshmen at other col leges fe-'l. and thtpl,M)e is t might to consider l;ims lf so s:n;-.!l in every way as to lv totally unfit to shine in society till the training of his first year has 'licked him into shape." And ! -1 fi 1 t-VHf V'I1 f!I i-i,.m If a maiden come.; to 7e-.t Point without friends at the academy, she can have her hop card misde out just the same by sending it name to the hop managers. TIi-v will provide pnrt nors for her and introduce them at the prop.'.- tim: And this is an other of those anotmlies which Wost Point etiquette give.; rise to. The :ps .ire h.-l.j ;it the mess hall, p.nd between ?v.ch dance the walks in its vicinity are filled with cadets and their partners, cooling off and enjoying the. mo.mlight, if there be any; if not, they enjoy the darkness 0'p.ialiy. Illustrated American. Sound Proof. A gentk-man who lives in a south ern town the other d.iy employed a carpenter to petition off a part of his study, and par'iicuh-.r'y instruct ed the workman to make the parti tion sound proof. The carpenter declared that he could do this ef fectually v.ith a filling of sawdust. r-7hen it was finished the gentleman stood one side and culled to the -.arpenter on tho other: "Can you hear me, Smith?'-' sir; net a bit," reply. Munsey's. was the pr- r.nl 1 :o iit-vi r react the adver- envnts in their newspaper miss noi'e than they presume. Jonathan e.ell W 1 1 1 1 -O 1. Ot D ,i;iu. v orin i,o., xowa t II- i I i T on! been tioiib'td with rheu- naiisniiu t he b ick, arms and shoul leis rend mi item in his paper a honr how a j l eminent Get man citi ry of Fi. ii:o'son had been cured, lie procured tl esame medii ine. and use In- own words: "It cured n,i right up.'" He also s-ivs: "A neigh- nor and lr.s w.lc were until sick in bed wtdi rheumatism. Their hoy w.is over to my house vml said I hey we t so had he had to do the cook inn. 1 m of ' diiaiiiheiiiiin "s P in llaliii and how it, had cured use, In got a bottle and it cut"d them up ii a Week. ) 1 cent hotljes f'o- s;i!e hv E. Everett lovson City and S. W Cm! er W hi: tier FIU'-el,! I'ublication of Suinmoiis aitl Warrant of Attachment. NOHTtI CAPol.lXA.l S p-.-ri-.r ci.urt. ! S'VAIN l'"''XTV. I Sl-riiig term, 1MM j J. X. 1i.nm;y, vs. i !'i"I-:i;n IIakdwu in Loo ( I Tlie nf.'oc i!.-u:icil (U-li-mhuit will t:d j iiuti.v tli;it :ui iiction. ei.l'lK-il :is jl'Vi !-.::s h.-cn l:roiif!it m tii- i --i i r c: i i : t i Pwain odiinty. to it.- .- p i: ;.: 'I'crm. 1 -'. . 1 I !i- iiuiins dii tin' l-llli XI oot:.v d. j lii-st Monday in M;ocli. 1 .'), liy 1 1 - - l:u i liii':ilioc n.-imcl iitimi-l tin- !,. :.! i. !,t e t ! : t--i - ! a!-ve r.iiinctl lor the on.vi ry A );:-: ' :n in-t -aid ih-'u leltuit a- ci.!"'is -r-, lion- tor the -mi) ol l-l.sii.'i(i. won i ' e-t from the l2tii l iy of i'elirnruy, land lor ii--I-of action: ai:tl :il-o l! i wai nuit ol atiaeliiiii lit has hivn i -11 ; -alii entitled a'-ii-n: aa'n.-t tli-- rip I -:, ;, d,-:i-n!int ! the r:o reclit h Ill .-;O.I i-oillitv t ' s ( MIC d-'fendiiiit ol" liu- an. mint union ami -in-u lor in -an acOon, i:s t.-te'l aliove. aid waiinnt l.-ioi; reOinii.- Oil to -;uU 1 - .-". f-l -a !il In :t ! r ie t:- ' lllU,i. :in,? -aid il. i. ti-i.-m hi lhat it i- p oiur I to :; -ar ami an ei.ieiii.int ill -a.i! -hit or .!e!!i :r to ll aeooii at ie. I. mi ol I ' oui I a- :e- ini. d hv ho.'. ' i i .-! i:nhi- i::y h.n;! ihi- lin- 'ii ii uav oi' Aor.h I"'.-..-. .1 I. SN( W. lil '-erk Siq eii -i (,ot:rt ruidieat ion of Suimnons and Warrant of A ttachment. N'd.TII I'.d.lN, ' .--oik rior c .o.t, r-v.MS o: NT., i .Sj.rina term !-'. "i j'hk !'..ni i:V !!eo; v. y i'olO'.loN M.V'W--"i L ) - 'I'll.- ri'uvi- nariiril !--!, :-l ::0 w... C :cVi n ; i. ! ix ::..it an :i-n. e-ilil-l :.- uudit in the Sui n i. r I tv. to o.- Sr -.-': i a tin. i- i i -i:s :i- on tin- iilh M- :ni:-y Ii r-t Men 1-ivi i Mareh ! ".)". :' -.ill ;ds. ve n:i n -d a. iu-! ll d-- j.!. il -?.d;ll:t iihove nanie't for In- r :i":iin-t ilid il -l- n-i o I7 id jiid-me!i-eiwlor---r oi two iio r- l'-ir ill - a'.'re.it - -.on i'-Tiiy pi. !:i lidred 1) liar-, v.hh ncf'-. fion t1 . 12 ii l:iv .1 l'-.l.nrir. ! 1-tI". :iA in ci -v o! a li'.n: a-i l :ii-il.:e. :i -f. -i-t-yf.-o-imi nt h.-- I' i-i i'i- I oi -a-."e!in::i .n'ion a: lin.-: lie !-ri. My or - i:-1, rn-i o.- in -ol.'V ure x'.f p . -i liv i; -I' l !: I ': t le a:.!-. Ulll ei ion ! il ! r in -.1 i .'r. !:..: n1 '' a '. t. .-tri-ati. h e , . : i "ii-- Term, i - 0 i -r. a il i- liirt!; - I : i ainx- ir : n i an to ' e -orjiilain' -aid c lei 1 i ot i n l.l'l I court as rwinirfl ov - .!. er niv i hand this r.r. -jSt. J. It. SV. .'. S. (.'.Smiii eo'intv. j$ odel Steam -liaundry , Asheville, N. G. gJ FtllST CLASS tt-OKK Ul'ARANTEKO. C:dl on J. A. Brown, Agent at Hotrl Entella- V McCLAIN'S LIVERY STABLE.' o o BRY"SON CITY, N. C. K V ERYTH ING FRESH AND NEW O 'J 15. A. MiClain h i'" opened a general livery and feed stable in Bry City, and he coni.s well prep.uird to furnish stylish and pleasant driviuf horse? and eniiifortahle ihmt cani.igea at Lrv itig A trial will to vinee you that my horse? are tilt fastest mid prfttittt livery stock t hat iYiiin-vtv pn diiccs. ..- tI.Giy,. hk; a t-h-iiu-e. Very truly yours, BUILD YOUR HOUSE Lumber Cut ry R. II. PKiNDhU at !is ,-:iw mill ou Alaiku. Special attention will ha iven to euttin frnniing according to nieas.iro - all 1 eit lis up to 30 I'ect. Any kind of WnoJ, Ecd and White Hiokmy and Oak W.i u Ti ri t be r? cut tooulef x.. xx. i3in ran, i.itvsox ity. x. . R-I-JP-A-N S ONE GIVES RELIEF. $fiexsflsxsieaoitxeBii&i9iMcititiiiMMipfia "ua. avu.i ii trzi ill I i(7 jimchuku mm bewarj; ot imitation trade marks and labels. is the whole story about m ABP HArrK SOPA ! pel vV&Cf&Z stsnomoret;i'inothcrr2ickagesoda--nveripolU S '- SVJ' Hour universally acknowledged purest In the worU. Made only by CHURCH & CO., New York. Sold by jroccrs everywhere Write for Arm and Hammer Hook of valuable UectpemJtUKM. M4iiicaB9Bata9a9i9Eeair:3R992oaEEitictii ELKHART CARRIAGE II.iTC cnlT (o connmra for 91 yrar. frnn tiM-tn tbo U:..IT .ni!lt. are the Olde.Mt nnt. I.u t-Kr.t liinula.-turcrH In A mr-ir.- fcf-Slinj? V.-hirU-. 1011 Uiirnfc-is Utn way -- ship we.h pr; -. il.-K" i-i c xaiinmi iifiire ant inoftey n p:i.J. Wr- ..-.v :rr': 1: t toi h wnyslf riot tttif--t -r -. Wan nut f..r '' jar. Way par on anlf K) I f.'.l to nr.!iT I t t.mi' Wrlle or.r own fcrlr. $11.08 ,V. J!..tini t-c. We l'e ,- V.'HDLCS.'.LC r-r.lCES. ,4- t u r r - :.i . . . . . - . Uare;'3. ! . ,. I I.r t ll. i. TOO Li-JffglOS. t.":7.r.C-, ' I o ' t-n3etonm, ; Mil. f-c-.-r. V.sj'J, v;adorrtt8, Milk 'D it ill '"I've- - V.'r gonfi foad Czr-.s. ; -1 1 - h;:: ar.:-, v.iSi (Uitnan. TV?- K7--.o tS'j Sr. TI-! C. Tf p Bugs;-'. $43.C0.., Manafu- m I'-vm . ill t.i t pcrrtit, off for rh tio. 3, Farm Whc-jo. r r.rvM.!4il Ten years' use of Mexican Mustang Liniment in a Livery Stable For Sprains, Stiff Joints and Harness Galls. Hr. Hill cures HEAVES w'i Mexican Mustang w 'mSUT . AVVuSP-L'AV il ITOW ,1 rv - - i, Prices! !' to Order '4 it. ri iff- S and HARNESS MFG. CO, ell riS of Uamflije 10 C'-r.-aya, SC5 to lOO Z3.50 io.m. Koa4 Wa. ill l ,1 a.m. f I IV with r4r. 4 U. to n.PDStM UfH,, W)4mf WW. 1t tmrrrf. MAM r Address W. B. PRATT. 8ec9y9 ELKHAUT, IMpr Read His Positive &MtmmtnU W'AKlfHWTrtS. X.C. Yrb. U. lsUV Lyon Mj. 'o.. JlrtuX-iyn, S. 1 . (;ntWni:-I hT twed Mexican Muv fang Uniment f'r y" m-T HXiKlc, pn 1 Cn-l that it h ht thin-, in world f r n IIeaVet Hoe. Int lb:-pte ' H.mfuk ef Mucn.T UBimwt Lf rt U t the bwrr. hi fi b'wra. I mV0W-:rs ji,rK,nin. Kiiff JmrttiL HarnsOll """"'"'i LeadwK, ."! A. Uvrjr HUbk-. ' U'KJH