I- V a r l. 4. BRYSON CITY, N. C, FRIDAYHrYt 24. 1895. NO. 15 ... "" " ' ' " Professionals. HYS-AT-LAW. I THY .fXEWBY, citv, - - N. C. ja of claims and the investigd' u:i.l I i ties a specialty. I TTaKATHKRWOOn, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. ii the Court House, liflKCN C.ITT, - N. C. ornoy atLa w , r.l-ysoii City, N. C . J ooper, H Y FOX CITY, N. C. TIC1NG - PHYSICIAN. 4,in pt attention to all talis, Hay or Xffflit. iIteague, m.d. WurrriKi!, N. C. MCI AN AM) SUllUrJOJN. Live prompt attention t all calls, hi-bt. W A, Sprinkle, cntist. IKI!,N. 0. pt r.lt-ntioh :o all callrt in town or KP.WORK AND PRICES :ANTEEI. Oh-O X DA U) KEEPER Swain Countv R. II. Pender, h Citv, N. C. HotolSf k-TEL-LA. N I". A U D fi TOT. --on City, 3ST. C. ritn.ietnetit. Newly furnished. Illl :.U loan Oil" ( ti 1 : 1 1 V 1 C I -1 ' ;e-oitable. LO'-UC L. LAKE, Propfiotor. rummer's Home, b&orx City, 3ST. C. m rooms anil inc in si imc i.l I it" 1,.V) i or .lay. W. F. CiioPf.r-:, Tropi n tor. yson Hotel,' mi&rewsj N.C. in. K. I5r son, l'lopictor. tio.ii pei lect, Table "the best, siiiii'iiur residence in West lrth Carolina. A1ICNAL HOTEL 'AYNESVILLEj N. C. I."0 a day. (iood fare and nitr t'ol i i o :itte:nkn' to all. o. W. Brown rixo Bartoor. Skilled nrt'iM " h:is served for it lonjr i . II convince vou th:it his work l-s. He has . a neat shop, clean hsv 'hairs mil keen razors. f and I olitenes- i;iv liisfpceials. TRESPASS NOTICE ! tvelv no Iluntinc, l'l'shins, Tinnier or 'attic herding or grazing will lie i on the hunts formerly- known as liittier Tract ' in Swain i ountv cx- writteu permission. i'cspasei"s ftl he prosecuted to flic Irttent of the Law. a i Tiiekaseijrc Land A Timlicf C. B. A. (.'hew, Ma wage? Try-son 1 ity, N. C. rT COPYRIGHT in I vt antwer nnn n hniUMt ntktninn writ tn 4 v"uii u.siii i Hivnui uuw w w- ''ts liken ifcroiura Muim i ' -- to al iieocnin the !,-irMHic Atf id are brnuclrt irkk-tr fli-fore tht a- F"M In the tiivpmnr. Thm Rt. 'r. d wpy, elceam it Illustrated. .. he . rirxuiaiiou ot anycionunc uil 1- .'f a year. Sanivle' copies eiu i:te. "Clue Kdition. c oiitlilr. K.SOa Tear. Sinelo f'. ccnti. IJtj.- number contains beau 1 c'na. in color.i. ..na thnt.nrnnhii m new . w'tb i.Imis. ephv.i builders Wallow the pf-VsiU"; tre r ' i : i if heuMtioiii c; i fm. r. di?est Ujp removes excels of tiile. HOME NEWS. ;o- IS" Don't let your subscription lapw.Yotir subscription exp:ri witlj the date after vour n nue. Kei.ew iujga Ak yourself this question. ''Have I paid my newspaper -subscription?" Mrs. D. K. Collius will be home in a few days. Curtis Logan has added a lathe to his shop's equipment. Capt. A.. M. Fry is attending Si atesville (court this week. ,: Harley Yclch and Charlie Beck are expected home Monday. Chas. J. Morrow is shipping lum ber from Nautahala this week. Attorney N. Newby went to AYeb ster Wednesday on leg il business 13rin in your cured hams farm ers, they are very shy in the maiket. Mr. D. R. Bryson is expected home from the University next Wednesday. Hon. W. T. Crawford passed through Wednesday on his way to Cherokee court. Drs. Bennett and Davis comprise the new Board of Health, Keep your premises clean. Several of our young people at tended the ball game between Whit lier and Cherokee Saturday. The base baU tsam are making arrangements to play a series of games with the Murphy team. Mr. A. II. WVleh of Needmore canie down Saturday to bring his son John, to attend school here. Kev. Robt. Humphrey, of Whit tier, preached Sunday morning and afternoon in the 1'iVobyleriau church The Western Carolina Lu i:ber Co. has" established an office on the lower floor of Fry"s b, ick building on EvRiett Street. The Whittier und CI ierokee teams met in match game of base ball Sat urday at ;J!ieivkce. Cherokee c r ried oG tiu. honors. was pi; ce 1 in tli ee'- 'V r rrs!.M ten. ui chureh hist i.itniday, which iiiakes a valuable acquisition ti I lie church. iiJ r. r M r-h H- urv. of the firm of Henry&Townsend' wt nr. tt Ashevilh this week to lriiir a te.tm of heavv imrses for their logging camps. The Cherokee band and base ball team are expected here tomorrow, the club will interest our base ball team, while the hand plays Annie Laurie. At a meeting held several days ago I. y the new board of aldermen, Mr. James Cathev was appointed town clerk and Capt. Rice street Commissioner. Hon. R, L. Leatherwood went to Murphy Monday to attend court there. Mrs. Leathejwood went as far as Andrews, where she will spend a while with relatives. Manage Blackburn yesterday re ceived a letter irom the Murphy team. I bey were real gentleman ly und siiiil ' tlipv honed to :ihlp tn the l-est shops of Asheville, and meet our Doys in a weeK or iwo. Lapt. i. iVfrett represented Andrew Celemau Camp, No. 301 of Confederate vetrans at the unveiling ceremonies in Raleigh on the 20th. Mr. T. S. Simpson returned Yednesday from a short business outside. He come home with $125,00 steam peanot roaster. This Mftew machine will be operated in the store adjoining the one he uow occupies. The Bryson City team has cha - lenged the Murphy ba3e ball cjub for a series cf games. It is probable that they wiil be arranged to come off at Murphy in a few weeks.-Scout Prof. D. VV. Kerr will address the young people of the Baptist Church ueit Snnday afternoon at .1 . -i--i- o..k: i tl. j:tt ORTtra i ptkxt r k : O.ciocm. ouuircL iie umnrute nnv( m..i.io have had nwiy fifty . between character and reputation sinciiy.-,natiemiai. a Handbook of in- nr what j man is considered tone and what he real y is. Tlie cone' tiding exercise 'f ihe commencement program f the Whittier High School will be ren dered to-night. An interesting ar rangemeni Ias Iwen prep.nrl, hi much eij v in- fit awaits thu-w w ..ttend Prof Hurapl'rvv's cces of principal will be clearly manifest The Bryso i City aggreation wi!l meet t-eir Waterloo when ibeyt tackle fibe Murphy team. Mark our j prediction. Scout It is of course possible, brother, that you are right, but talk is so very cheap that a great deal more than groundless "blowing" must be ac complished before anxbody about here believes that Murphy will have a walkover. Their team is reported as a good ot.e, and our boys only hope this is true, for the one-sided games they have lately played rob bed the contests of much interest and enthusiasm Be careful, now, brothers Mofoney & T- ns that y ot r boys prove themselves what you say they are. The game of ball here to morrow between Bryson Ciiy and Cherokee promises more tluti the usual amount of interest. Both teams are in good condition, and winn;ng side lias nothing but good work- ahead of it. The new diamond hap been well arranged and cleared of all obstruction. The boys have also gone to considerable trouble to erec a commodious and comfortable grand tand alid to 'enclose tlx diamond with ropes. Chairs an seats in the grand stand wi'l bd le. at ten cent' each, and men put then to do nothing else will see that those who b:.y seats are not crowd ed by spectators who pay nothing Two players1 benches have likewisi been properly placed. At night a! Lake'e gallery there will be given ; baee hall hall, at which cream, cake, strawberries and the usual refresh ing teniptors of jaded evening ap petites will be served. It is hope that when Dr. Oberlander with hi good nine and Pi'' f . Hchanandor with the Fourth Regiment India Band leave heme thy will irsi1 that everybody else must come, too. We wiil be $lad to see as many if will tome. Borrowed Items A.B. Allison, of Bryson City whi.se wife is here under irea'nMil ai. L'r. Iieighwiys spent be vera days I ere last werjk. The infant boy of Mr and Mrs VV.E. Angle died iast Tuesday mori ing of croup at the reside). C3 of A. A. Campbtll. The remains" weie oa'rea. Wednesday to Bryson Uity fur inter;'. ent in the family bun in;. ground. To the bereave 1 parents we tend'T our sympathies, and the lotild be consoled by thought that they have a jeue! in His rown. In a recent issue of the Atlanta Constitution there appeared an ar ticle on the Cherokee Indians oi Western North Carolina Ircm tue pen of Mr. J as. H. Cathey, of Bry son Citv. The article was gotten up in admirable s.f,yle and proved to be very interesting, for Mr. Cathey is a fluent and eloquent writer. He is a brother of Mesdames J. L. Smal hers and u a ood. ot our town. Capt. J. x Cooper was exhibiting a bottle of gold Friday, which con tained samples that were taken from iiis nronertv in this countv. borne ii - of the nutrirers were larsre and n'i weighed twelve pennyweights. Cherokee Scut. University Centennial The University Centennial will be celebrated at Chapel Hill, Wed nesday June 5, 1895. At half past ten o'clock the pro cession will form in front of the South Building, march past the Caldwell Monument and enter Memorial Hall, where the following programme will be carried out. 1. Prayer. 2. Centennial Hymn composed by Cornelia Philips Spencer. 3. Oration, The Old Unirersitj ' J (1795-1800),' Hou. Alfred Moore W id dpi i dUU U" . " 4. Centennial Ode, JauieS 1). t nU UJ lltU' 5. The New University (1ST - lS95), Adolph..sHt'l'Eller,E-q. 0. Centennial connet, iie-iry Je rome Stockard. At ha f PwSt two the Alumni gather by ch.sses in the Gymnasium where will be served the Alumni liaunuet. To.ists Wh form.i aud informal wiii be read Utld r. Spot.de 1 to- At fk.m.. irf lleiliorul Hah. ad- dresses will be delivered as follows. 1. The University Duii.tg t!;e War, Eenrv Ad.!phu London. 2. The Univer i:v Alnumi In the War. Stephens Beauregard Weeks, Ph.D. ; At the close of the address there wiil be a reunion of the Alumni bv classes each class marching o i the platfoim L a body in order of tinie. A few minutes will be allowed tp such class s as des're to carry onj special programmes. Arrangements are making at Chapel Hill to furnish ample accom modations for all who mav con c. rspecial rates wiil Ua grantict on all the i ail-roads. ; 0. T WINSTON, President: Agrrcetbly Ssirprised. "I had a vdry severeon my lungs that caused much s-oi iness and gave me considerabl uncasliies in re.ard to the result." says Mr. T. K. Sn:i'h -f Billeiiea, Mass. " A local drug gist calkd my attention to Cham berlain's Cough keniedy, alid on his recommendation I gave the rem edy a careful trial. The rtsult sur prised me; I recovered entirely in three days." 25 andoO cent bottles for sal.? by E. Evertt Bryson Cits and S. W. Cooper Whittier Drug- g'8t. Mr. D- Wiley, ex-postuiaster, at Black Creek, JN. Y., was so badly afHcted with rheumatism that he was only able to hobble around Aith canes, and even I hen it caused him great pain. Af tr using Cham iei bin's Pain Balm he was so much tin j; roved that he threw away his canes-. Jesa;s this liniment did .ini more good than all other me icings a d treatment put togetl.e:" For a'e at 50 cents per bo't'e by E.Eve.e.t, Bryson City, and S. W. Cooper, Whittier, dr.iggis s. Our better halves sav t icy could not keep house without Chamber- lain s Cough uemedy. It is used in nore than half the homes in i. cds. Sims Bros., heeds low.i. This shews 1 uaiaHL in H'timll tllslt. IPlupflv is aeld where it has been sold f or ycal; tnd is well known. Mothers have earned that t Here l nolning so tital M.r colds, croon and wiioopin that, it cures these ailmeuts COIIii I 'lii.'Kly p'e.iS- and perimiutly. and t! lat ,tnt iiinl St lie to:' chihiivn to taKe. 23 and 50 cent bottles for sale by. E. Everett Bnsuu City and IS. W. Cooper V liittier Dmggist. Publication of Summons asid tivvant of Attaclimciit. NORTH CAI'OI.IXA; Superior curt. Saaix Co'.'XTV. ) Spring term, Sl;.ri J. N. FlXNKY, VS. FoItKlOX II AllOWOoIi Loo Co. The above named defendant will notiee that an action, entitled as a! take as aoove, ' has hi -en brought in the Snpei ior court of Ssvain county, to its Spring Term, sl)f, be inning on the 14th Monday after the first Monday in March, IS!)"), bv the niain- tiff above name 1 against the defendant above named for the recovery of Midirtnent against said defendant as endorsers of a ; not.' for the sum of ?I4,.S00.00. witn inter-j est from the lL'th day of February, 'S'Jii, ! and for costs of action: and also that a! warrant of aUnchment'Jtas been issued in said entitled aetior. against the property of ; said defendant in sai 1 countv to sx-ure ! the paynient by defendant of the amount j claimed and sued for in said action, as stated above, said warrant lieing returna ble to said spring term, 1H'J, of said I court, and said defendan is further noti- j tied that it is rcqnireilto appear and an swer or demur to the complaint in said . action at said term of said court as re- j quired bv law. Coven under my hand this the 'jiUl dav of April, is(.!"i. " i J. R. SN(W, 2tf) ( terk Superior Court ! Publication of Summons and AYai rant of Attaclimcnt. NORTH CAROLINA, ) Superior court, Svv.AiN l i.rNTV. I Spring t,'rm lf.io The Ratteisy I'akk Rank : Rank LirtiCo. I vs. FoiiEtox IIaudwoou I The abo.e uaiiied defendant will take notice that an action, entitled a ; above has been biotight in the Superior ourt of Swain co inty. to its Spring Term, IS! ''). heeinnin.' on the 14th Mo:nlay :i:n r the first Monday i i March Is.:., by the pi. un til!' abov na.. led against the. defendant aliove n uiieil for the recovery of judgment against slid defendant as endorser of two notes f irltlie aggreate sum of Foray- two Hundr.sFDollars, with tncrot from the 12th d iv of Fiibruarv A. D. ls'.'", ar.d for costs of fion; aud aKo that a warrant i attacli n t h:tv been issued in said etiiit'ie ' action ag-d'i-t the property or said de cjid antin said countv to secure the payment i b.V f'-"h.r.t t t.ie amount clanmn ami t.,..a o.r in sinl "ction .is stated ab ve.. , said warrant l eoig rettirr.aoie to said I Spn ig lino. IMi.i, ot sjnl comity; ana ; ' said ieferiiant i further notified thai it i-! , n.(j rL.;l i , 3p-ar and answer or demur ; to t i eomplaou m sain aeuou, ;.i .-.im i t..rm of sal;! court as Kiillired bv law- i , Given under mv hand llii- A nr. "."5.1.1 SI . ; ' ,,s. ( sKlunly. j yoricn- viriiv i.i decree of tlie Simeri.jr Court r.i . ,,:-.. ai'i ( oini'v reudenil at Spring Term ; .house dour in l-rvs..n citv, N. ('. on ion. .U ii,,. M.wth of NanTTtialn River, andcov- , ir.-.l !'V Sen Crin" Nns. l' 'Zi. audi mt.r fe.Mv d-.-sr.dil in -aid dii r" . Terms ,.f ,,!, easltth - hi 'hest bidder. ,t - il- c.:.l!f tn - iii.':i T.is MA 22I. I9". .;niiiis.-io!nr Thoe who never read the -srivrr-tispuient3 in their new.sfmjvr miss iTiore (Join they piisaiiie. jm-.itl)t: Kenii-oii. of Boiait. U orih t . low. who had been trot:b;i with rhen mafisin i'i the hack, trm' an ! sH-m:1. deis read an item in his p: ix r a-bontjhov.- ,t prominent Galium t-jtj. n or i r. .u ;0iSOi h id ie:t coed. tie psei;rei, iijesan: me.i;. inc. a;id to use hi, oe.n wolf's: "It cured ir.i right up.'T Ho also says; "A iieigU-Ik)i-;nd his wife were ho!h su k in bed wliii r! en:na'i.s!u. Their hoy was ever to my house vnd s;iid Ihey were so lad he had to do the cooking. I told him i f ('!:aiiibei iiii's P iiii i;a'u, uh. !rtW it had cored me. lie 1 r.i ii ;,A f I- a',,' - -( Wr-. oil rent ludUes fo- vile bv. lo. I'veiet !. ib son i";i v ai d S Y. '.::, r,-r Whiita ,- I't,, Vlit. -oii( C i I iv leby piven t'irit !v virt'ie of a po.ver o: .:ai.' in a eer a in i-eari.ie Uetd HKto.c to ni- by '. ..mit M Kranks aiid J A. i'aei:s to ve.ire t.'ie payr.ien? o! a coriain l:(t.' ll. i'ii,: I::: 11:11,1. (i. tl I!l ' 0 T1 1 i II f tl tilt' :i:n ; oi,e i.uniired :.;.d :-evei:teen ih'Hars aial li;ty e. ;:ts at.il in;. I-: t on s;s!it; j tan.i liavi:! heel: niai'e in p:.yi:i;it el: aid -ni.il' i:!..ii.--y ::rd ia:er'-t ;: pi-.v;d!i 1 will 0:1 the I tli !;!v of J .0110 t' : ") i;; lie c:,ti:t liotise diHir ia iiry.-on ( ity, X..('.fell to (lie highest bidder tor e;sh tlie t'ellewini-le-eriheii piece i;r a:ee: nf laud h i 1 1 and living in the to'.vn of H:y-n:i ;;v ;'.('. inaithi.ir oi! - :i i :i ;tr;-et 1U het ;.n 1 i 'i;:- mn- l-JO leet hack lir,v:.r 's t! river, tlie lieinu' ;t i;::rl of 4i -,v Lot a and i ti; una iv'est Ciirn-.'i' of said !. I d. (; li-e'ililixp t'.e i!re lioe.s !y J. II. !.'i-:;rj(h. iur I':ii oectlj.ied ('i.-et'.uti.n "i s-ud Ian;! lviier..!!,-,. is iohv in r. !...- .,), l,. I to the 1'hirtg.i.fr d.H-:l' wliie.'j is litiiv i- corded in im-'k i of dids on p:i-;e !'! in I th'-' iiee of the lvvister of Deeds for said j Swain Count ,- V. ( '. I Thi.s May ioti; ISii.")- j ' ''.;. ( V-e i I-ll4 ;Ic r;.,';e ee. XOTK'K. I'y virtue of the jowerof sale contained ti a eer;::::i t:;';i te,ae or 'I'i let deed e.'ieeti le'l l..y Sae:::ei Miiwy and M. i!. Msey to Ja . M. .'Mo (ly, ;i. S. i en:;i:smi ani.1 Moody & Ii ,Ie.eji,e on tii? 2!std:i ol I'm'. v.i; ich is .-aiy rei?ie;-ed in lUiok "li" at ;.:; h '.!.' et se:;. in t-!io ..iiice oi the Htg ster ot Deeds for Swain Ciunty to v. liieh re!ei i tee is ie :v:y laade tor in! 1 partii itlars a.ad deiiOih iiaviisgli en lmuieiu the terms and eonditior.s of said moiigafje the prop ! i',.,,,,.,' i.onY'ftv ' erty (le.-.enoed tiierein will lie soi.i :it ini!)- i at liie court house door in i.'ry C. a.t hio'el ie:; M. oa Monday the I k!) (i: y o! .;ti;;e IS!..') f:v cash to tile ei.li-.'.-1 bidder for the p'irp-i.,e of .satisfy iotx !i o rtiis and condition:: ol s-iid mortnagt' sstid i:r.:per.y is de.t ri'u.'d aod iioundeil is .os: iti ,.e.l in t-'-ut i..uaH iU-ijvviiii in T..o owntlli, Tir.-it tract: begir.ninp; at a red oak on the hank of Tennesse River at the np ptr end of the narrow b tt mi S. 7u V. o.'5 pole oiu lifgi nning corner ot -No. .;'.) runs N. 30" V. (is poles to :i spatiish oak the on tlie sii a v.-hite ( oi ridge thence ..V OS poles t". k in a hollow, tl.eree W. 40 poies to ;t s;na the river, thee spam n o ik on tne oar. K oi up the river with its mean- ders To tlie begir.n:; g as shown by brant -o. continuing ;0acrs. Second tract on the Fast side of the Ten nessee River and hn.inded as follows begin ning at a spani.-h oak on aline of the above mentioned tract near its N. F. corn:riuns then F. '2'2 poles to a small hickory then X. 44 poles to a Spanish oak. Then N. 40 degrees YV. 40 poles to a stake, W. 07 poles to a stake, then S. 1 00 poles to a stake ! then F. (iT poles to a stake, then S. 30 p to the beginning as shown by stale (ira. t t " -e,, ooiuiiniig ,ju acres. 1 Ins .Mav ml JS'j;. Jas. M. Moody: (i. S. Ferguson, and Moodv & Ilohonibe I'it4 Are You Siclcf Then lot us suggest a cure. Ten to cr.e tr.e trouDie startea wi'Ji your liver. A torpid liver causes Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Corst'Cation, Dyspepsia, Hcad- ache and a dozen other ailments. heuaiaflc Mies f goes straight to work on the liver. It cleanses that organ; makes it active again the acid leaves you're blood and yon 're Tj cared. Testimonial below I enrol T?.f fife cf cca-algia ef seren T.-3iV staraJin:; Xiy tfce ne .f Tnir iriirlivafter Ibe xi doctors in Ciccitmatt iailed. 1 B. W. PARKKR. a M 4 j2 W. Fourth Street, CincinuaU. Jtsk Your Oniogist or Sercliant for CDLLEN & NEWMAN, f Sole Proprietors, e5 Knoxville, Tean. .Jl - I. - !- ' ! i .t. ; -Ji-n.' rt-r ! k. . i,.r. tit I?.-., f ' iK'ti:'t; -t A t . - - " vr fit- r-t Many Persons bmken Jnm frara orenrofk rr oas:fcoi caics. Brawn's Iron I:tters unP the Ha h 2 1 B. M wrcft i ( Viii"far i ' li iiaiiiWVif--fr I t " " j -- St Ten years' use of Mexican Mustang Liniment in a Livery Stable For Sprains, Stiff Joints and Harness Galls. Ir. II cotes HEAVES with Msaican istang liniment in B lours, 1 8odel Steam Laundry, , Asherille, 35" FlKS-T CLASS Call on ,J. A. l!:own, Ag nt. at McCLAIiYS LIVERY STABLE. o- o BRYSON CITY. N. C. EVERYTHING FRESH AND NEW O l. A. Mt Cbdn has opened a fzener City. ;n:d h- eoni.-s won piep;fired to hoises and coirtfortaMe new enrtiaes A : t lu: will c i ivinee you i b t my horses are the IhsIcsI nrid ) ifttitt verv t'ic' that, Tennessee: pr-dtitv. j2ilv,' ti eh. slice. I f "V ery truly your-'j ),,!. McCLJTX. mm YOUB HOUBB Lumber Cut to Opto By R. IL PJUNDjcjI. at hia saw mill oi AhuUy Special attention will be given (o cutting fnmiing acfcuidiij to measore all lengths uj to 30 leer Alv hind of wkkJ " Heii a ni White Hick-on' and Oak Wtig.m '1 rmber? ctit toordef 2.. ir. IEIKrX3EJH, 1SKYSON CITY, S. 4 ONE GIVES RELIEF. Hl9lflCIBBB0Zeill92lBCktll0IalIlafleif 5 Balk soda is inferior to package soda. M BMW A RE of Imitation trade marks and labels. is the about ARJ m 4 . frittt n.l 4i tS'yrir'ytxrstT Costs no 111 IUV8Clv3 flournivcr7akiK)wledediweM!atltwt 1 S Male only by CHURCH k CO., Hew York. Sold by grocers ereryvterc- Write for Arm aad Rammer Book ot ralambie Roc I pe FME R. x SflBSB0ieBBta0B9EZ0ZalBItflaflflBBMBC ELKHART Q&ilRiAOE . t aa.mmam Stl vnn. r. tUera t!.S (Scalar a M0t. W are tbJ WAr-t Larai't Tiarmlaetorera IB ABf ii-n liiia- Wl!c al JUnK-tUiar-toia win -riv4 r' iim ifrtnfl Hforeaiif ) M i a J. i (m-.nt tt.i cajaif not atiata" 1 ..-r x,arrM Srl jw. Wbj atfotl Mi ni cnlr "T jmi' Vr:.e joer w nr, B i- i-.i V. j taio c I risk of CuMl w tUi,i'1 ' v. KOt.r:cx r-aicts. STiri' Vtr 29r!5, C3I t-3 559. iairtd "r . - . . ........ V-- e.,....v,tint:l Z3Z!Z33 . -,vi. Firm f7 " "'"';i-ltr.'2.iiili: t;rt. i.nr.i iv "'4. tap Boas?. ciorxo - VitE K3.FariD Wagoa. Andres V E Dan "' rr--4 HI "W oO"irLrf SUM Read His Positive SUttment. TTaseixotox, X. r. 14, lWt Lyo ltf.j. Co., Brooklyn. X. T. OentleniensI havo used MxlCJUi Hlw tans Liniment fin- ta jemn la my Urwf stable, end Cod that it Is the Lett thiBf U th world for Rsavs? IIoux. Fut three tablf apoonfulu of Mustang Liniment In a pint f n M vrater and ive it to the hone and It w0 atop tho heavet in 0 hour. I can alao rteotv mend it for Bprains, Stiff Joints, Haraeat QaU and as a first-class Liniment for Family M Yours, Leading Sale & Livery Stable. O. H. Wfla K. C. WOKK Ut! ARANTEKD. llovl Ente'hi ) d hvpry and feed stable in BrtMtf furnish stylish and peasant driving at OF '1 whole story SOPAj mftr. - I'iI-i nlhw miftriMv tMtli 9. mcr: t!iw other package vxb-rtttcr ipotlj S and HARIiESS fJFG, CO, Vmcr, tsonffi $22.53 mm TL XFT. PRATT SooWt ELKHAhT nm FffWV laffaf.

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