■—--- --— Who’s News This Week *r Deloo Wheeler Lovelace CwoHsUfd rwtmM.-WKP RUmn. ^JEW YORK. — In army circles they rate Maj. Gen. Harold L. George as one of the best impromptu speakers te the service. He likes owe m • mm __ tO talk* hlS Him Aar Transport colleagues Command la Gan. willtellyou, GmmgmTm PH Topic well. He's the chief of the air trans port command of the army air corps, and has been ever since its formation last July. Out hi Australia the other day ha likened the feats of his fliers to the tales of Jules Verne, and It wasn't so long ago that ho was picturing with delight how his men had flown the equipment for a 24-bed hospital to Nome, Alaska, after a Are had de stroyed its lone hospital. Just a year ago when he was made head of the ferry command of the army air corps, his major task was getting new planes from the factories to wherever they were needed. Now he has that problem and a whole lot of others, such as flying troops and essential supplies overseas. He first learned about flying u World War I. A native of Soner ville, Mass., he was a student ii the law school at National university on April 6, 1917. A month later he was a second lieutenant of cavalry Fall found him training to be a flier, however. He won his wings in March, 1918, and the following Sep tember he was in France as a bomb ing instructor at Clermont. Before the Armistice, he had been assigned to the 163id aero squadron. After the war, he resumed his studies and won his LL B in 1920. His heart was In the army, however, and in 1921, he went back, this time to stay. Since his return he has been stationed at a lot of places, Kelly Field, Texas, the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, out in Hawaii, and down at Maxwell Field, Ala bama. They made him a cap tain in *32 and a major in *39. Meanwhile he had done plenty of Hying. Fit and bronzed and with keen blue eyes, he looks every inch- as flier. He’ll be 50 this summer, but he seems a lot younger despite gray ing hair. «*- ^ T'HE man who has been swinging Bolivia into war against Hitler & Co. is a fighter and a believer in orderly government. Enrique Pena Bolivuta President hjfd«ayW