'l'''''M''','Bl'"li,' VOL. 1 14.j?l53ESSEMEK CITY, -N. C.". FRIDAY, 'AUGUST-211912Miif;C:: C.KQ.2&!i Ifcp - : "The Charlotte Observer, iturnjf rtSptanbli where they speat several rvveeks on business for the Piedmont & Northern Lines.; When the rep: resehtati yes of ' thevp6paiiylejt Spartanburg it ' was annourfced that they thad 'irchalsereS ;lpta on MorganSqn are, f a -portion of tho old Spartan Inn property: Thei object t&0iim7f the erection ofahlhteruriban station on them. : ; The lots. We ;in the ceniKof He d a total area 6f . 75180 fek&f For the present, Spartanburg is . the northern jter minus of "the Greenville 'Spartanburor & An derson Railway Company - It is understood tnat fthere Vilibe-a meeting of he directors of the interurban shdrtly for the pur pose of 'determining whether the gap between Gastonia and Spar tanburg shalt be constructed at an early date and itsToute. It is r generally un'derstood vthat the line will be extended Via Shelby and that it will include Gaffney dn its itinerary. : r " Ji Cbiumbi'a; S. . C., . July '30. Few; departments v 6i . science liave shown greater "develop ment and attracted wider public attention in recent years than the breeding of plants and ani mals. The American Breeders' Association is V "composed of scientists andpictical breeders V who are working1 - along these lines, t for the improvement of ' plant and animal life. This as. .SOCiaidOU Will : uum i ibo , ouuuai meeting at Columbia; January -2425v and 27, 191S, inconnecv tion with the Fifth National Corn Exposition. .y The National Corn Exposition has assigned -a booth- to the American Breeders ' Association for its exhibits and headquar ters during the exposition. In "this booth will be "exhibits and literature relating to the sub jects of plant breeding, animal breeding and eugenics. , -Since the organization of . the Breeders' Association the presi dent has been Hon. James Wil- ison, the famous Secretary of . Agripul ture. The secretary is Prof . W. M. Hays, the Assistant, .Secretary of Agriculture. IBrbf . Hays is taking -a. g'real; ideal of interest in the preparation of the program, to which he is -giving -h is .personal iattenBion. v . Among -the 'prominent members 'nctive in' the association is Dr. . JI. J. Webber, who, developed !the celebrated . Webber -cotton He is in charge of of' theplant breeding department of the as sociation. A n exchange says: Small 'men with' small purposes do not help to make a town lively and Trnrressive. The man. who X CD inever contributes to : publte en terprise or voluntarily -assists in. supporting any of the - public en terprises is . not? .worth coaxing to remain in a town, and should he decide to move- out . it is al ways a, matter:of jepngratulation. It's units and iiot mereciphers that counts for. somethinarV Be a unit." ' '; - - V 1 " . -1 7 . Flying Hen . Fall victims'to stomach, liver -and , kidne 2 troubles iust like other- people, wit like results in loss of appetite, back ache, nervousness, headache.iahd tirtfd, listless run down feelinfir. - But there's no need to feel like that as T. D. Pee bles, Henry, ;Tenn., proved. "Six bot tles.of ;Electric .Bitters'Mhe "writes, did more o srive me new strength and good appetite than all other stomach remedies I used. " So they help every body. Its foly to suffer when this great remedy will help - you from the urst aose. xry n. Kjmy uu. cents, tt- . , Is fTJhe Universe Rational? .It as Ibiig been ffijl &yt mind of couebrlCuldn tii j u i uu uuuxyi us pep tea, fe nor lead-any one- to -suppose -' that : I i hthe least- doubt-any one one of the major, ,orminorirbhliets? nbrWQuldri jijiS If 6r!tfie olisnSe pleasui of denying the comfort able doctrine 6f "eternal-fire v arid tirimstonejnan credit at th e g rocer ( wli o is senior deacon of ouf- church) r move the grain merchants ; tvlfe ;( who is president of the JLadies' ' : Aid) to:drop m.v wife from Ker bridge club. Not for me the; boVd and fiery ridges of heretical courage. Let the young .bloods ; play the devil ; I Rvalue my neighbors good will too.much .to attempt . his re formation. ; Nevei'thel ess, w i thdiit any im plications of crime or wanting to run away with my neighbors wife, or eyenliis hat, I wish to CDmplain of this world, as I said for example, , to i wit: 5 Prinzess Irene, bound from New York to : Italy and standing upon the deck observing the waters ancLskies , I saw a storm, a little storm, arise and .pass; a huge cloud came by and 6ut of it ran a million little streams, sprinkling :the-sea. . ' Now, I have been most care fully brought up by godly par ents, and the ;truth of the design in the cosmos has been instilled into my mind by conscientious and. wfellpaid1achers Ihaye been taught to wonder and adore how the birds wing fits the air,' hthe fin, thesea and the eye the light; jilso How. 'insects fertilize fldwefs, how birds migrate, ants ay jiptheir stbres, 'storks have ongtlegs .wherewith to. wade af ter frogs, and; frogs ,have strong egs wherewith to -escape the storks, wherewith also fitly : to furnish foreh the Frenchman's breakfast, thus showing ( econo my as well as purpose in nature. But, I put it to you, as man to man, what would you think of a gardener who would take his watering pot down to the lake, fiill it thereat, and -then proceed to sprinkle the lake! What in the world is the use of iraising water from the ocean, gathering it'TO to Clouds, shoving these clciudsabut by winds, the water iack again into the ralready infinitely wet sea? And while I Tim - about it, let me ;ease my mind thoroughly and ask why some other absurd things are so. Why is there im planted in the bosom of every fat person a desire to be slim, and in all little folk the wish to be plump, and Nwhy do. blondes and brunettes each" wish they were the other, why could not people have been made to long for what they have instead ;of what they have not? And, deepest of wonders, why does a man lack sense when he is young and.needs it, and get sense only "when he is old and toothless, -and does not need ' 'it? Why doeslie never learn how to live until he is Teady to die ? v : .Still, in spite of these and a few Othe"r .holes, .much remains of the argu ment of -Tdesi gn; ; 'My brethefn, '' s"aid the Presbyterian clergyman, "I invite your atien tion. to :the wise provision where by d eath is made to occur -at the end of life dnstead of at the be ginning', Jin -order that I- we ima -have time to prepare f orat ;prop erly."T-Dr. FrankI-Crane in The Atlanta Journal. The flag looks best erfra house to find ;i aujft wi tfcr; uniyers :fNow :l am going 1jty do il Vantly, that is in good rair. 'WBU Y IT ' AT HO ME" TO THl OUT HT ! 5yrr UlHfeiTHt Docs Health Work Pay? These are days of great "health movements." We hear lots about war against the White' Plague, crusades against this disease and campaigns against that disease But of whatireal value is all this commotion? - Is anybody being benefited? Is the averaged life being lengthened? . Just how many lives are laeing ;saved an nually in our own state, in our own country? And -after all,: is it I all worth while? . There .is just one wav to settle such questions, and that is bv means of vital sta tistics: Whe'rf North Carolina registers all her. births and deaths we will be "able to deter mine the; severity ; or fatality of each particular disease in every county, town and community. Then the public will have some definite check on the work of the State Board of Health, as well as 'every other health officer in the -state. ' Then if the State Board of Health does not pay dividends in lives ;saved why a State vBoard of .Health? Then if healtfiLOlfiGeriB.can.prevent more deaths than health officer A ac cording toithefStetistioQ, -B may e"ypect;tO;holdLhie Jb rand per haps jgethisahB6- Qt: ing.definite, ttherdlo,' cmi te; accomplished linltesaiith ?WBdkiun-j til we sget JSometiinttD wm!k frpni-ia basia totaarjominriiB, that basis .is stateless Statistics. : A"town is lilce'a plant. TEt'irrery grow anyway; but it will 'jrow ' , I faster if it i,s cultivated, lKow K:Ty womt &6t ftBtfc. Tp Rtiti-f fr; 1 CArftKC f)8W IN' With THt C otM I tAVti 1 1 . - . it iT - "1 The easiest money man ac- kqmres comes "from the increasing! value of his home. Therefore, the most important work he does is helping .the community to; grow The v-alue Qfyeach nrari?s ;prop erty 'is enhanced by ttiie tvalue of; the property around it It is not enough to build a good -house; we must help to. 'make. ;a ;good town. ... - , The seed from which ; springs this community s prosperity -is the -money; that is unvested 'here at home. It will never bear fruit for us if it is planLedr somewhere else. . x t Tivo Dead: Two are dead and? three oth ers are low -with ;typhoid , fever as-a result of a polluted "spring at the old. Union Camp ground six miles north of 'Shelby . Pour cases-were in the family, of W. TPoweil. His wife oed. Tues day night and while he- was" in town Wednesday;.mqrning mak ing the - funeral arrangements, he received the : telephone -'message tli at his :206 year old -son Stonewall. Crowv .Mauney, ;had iMcs. Lowell was 54 years old. (Shieflaugllter and one son are itill fill feUtjare recovering. The 'hpiirtg Twater which they had rbSBn nismg was -analyzed and ilffnnna ito icontam the bacteria -. . -V . - ; . .- . . . . - - . wHicdhccuused :the sickness .and doiit'bs. ChaV Observer. ; IJCohf derate: R euhib'n r . The citizens of Winston-Salem with- characteristic civic pride and with T3 nbounded admiration for. the men who wOre the gray, are making extensive and elab orate preparations .for the 'an nual meeting of the; North' Caro Una division of the United Con federate Veterans' on the ,7 th and 8th of " August. It is a well known fact - that ' the people bf Wintpn-Salem never? do things in a halfway style. Wha is undertaken is well done or not done at all, and intue prepara tions 'that are "being; made to care for and entertain , the two Of thousand and more v.old, soldiers that are expected to attend this reunion, everything possible is bfeirig done to ?mako , our ;ever welcome visitors .i comfortable and happy.; : ; i ; It will Tdo .remembered Ithat Winston-alem entertained : ) the Veterans four years - aerO, 'and th& bOjs went ' , home delighted with their rebeptioh and enter? taihment. ' The ' invitation ': to again visit Witiston-Salem as extended in thatspirit of . loyalty to the Veterans -which has - ever chacterizeel the people," and ndw hatr the in vitatiohMi as been ac- been issued, the btys:' of 61- will be received with open arms and glad hearts by menwotnen and childre'n.v , ' y ; V ; ,:. - Committees are at 1 teork pre- rparing comfortable ;slebping. quarters, as. well as places where good things to eat afid drink may be found in abuUdance. There will be something doing all' the time, v Addressed byi dis- ''Veter- ans will be aifeaturej qtthejn vention" s The -program' will' be interesting from start, to finish. Reduced rates on the railroads as usuil have been applied for and: the exact fare can be learn ed from any station by enquiring of the local agent. - v This is no formal invitation which Winston-Salem extends to the leaves of the fast thinning line. It js a -hearty and sincere expression of the. love and ;- ad miration that we have for brave men who knew no fear in the days that tried men's souls. We consider ourselves fortunate and hondred in having you among us. We want to know" ,you and ha!ke. your hand, and we. want our children and our- children's children to know what manner of men have made the South land thesmndest place fin this glorioueountry of ouf si ' Don't deprive us of the- pleasure : of being at your service once more. Effdrt of Brother to Save Lik of Sister "Washington, rJuly 28. The transfusion of bloody from- her brother's veins intc4ier own were used by 'surgeons today in a fu tile efiort tot save the life of Miss ' Jean Seairles of Vicksburg, Miss, y secretary to Representative Gor- ,don Lee of Georgia, , Miss Searles was taken ill a week ago, and during this ttirhe ihad lost a large quantity ' bf blood The surgeons determined two daysrago that she would be unable ,to live -without a -fresh supply of blood.. , -. Her brother, 'Thomas Searles, volunteered sand permitted ;the surgeons rto open his own veins. i The effect was only !temporary, however, - and was offset by re peated hemorrhages. She died a few hours , later. .. . . The Trials of , a Traveler - "I am vatraveling salesman," writes E. E. Youngs, E. Berkshire, Vt., ,"and was often troubled with constipation and indisrestion till I began to ruse -Dr. Kings New Life Pills, which I ;have found an excellent remedy J . For all ftemach, liver and kidney troubles they are unequaled. Only 25 qents at y, At' all druggists . - A smack for the mouth of ' the river: -s i w.v . . ,i collalt : A brooch for the breast of; a ; : amomiy ; '4 ? MJ H -ft v- fe" A passion for- the ' heart of .a."'--,v'-.-- flower.- &v ... - i i Boots- for the feet of destiny v t ' A coin for the palm of victory,' - v A ' taste for ; the tongue of flame. A jewel for the ear of the peo- I- ' Clothing for; the , legs of the rj furniture. i. - ; - A drink for the thrdat of th fchimney. .' A little padding for ; th e -bones" Of contention; '. ; v " :A XS- lk Awig for vthe baldness of . a' r statement. - ; - v v- X tonic for the !blo6d Of." the1 nation. .C-4'-S v-tf -. Aj. i ' : Phlebotomy for the arteries of ' trat 7 M M -:y V-M , A wrinkle remover or ; .toe -" " frown bn the face of detinjv ; .. -Perfume of the breath of; theS ' l;' night wind. Editor DePxiest Nearly Drown ;ty , t r! V : Morehead City July 27 WhileA;,' a party was ou t talng a bath 'iti'-";' ? ' the surf Thursday evening . Edi-r T ; . tor B, H. DePriest; of the High-- "J ; lander, Shelby, came very . rieair: being drowjned. It was through: ; the struggling efforts - of Bruce 1 CarrVwayof Kinston, and T. M;J - Washingthn, of Wilson, that the : V editor was rescued and ; landed ' -. . on the beach'. -:' ' i.Had it not i been for the. daring;. .; ' elffbrts of Mr. Carraway ' there is ho doubt . he would have been : ; drowned, because th e undertow , ' ' v was very strong at this point. ;f F Mr.-Carra way became strangl ed to the extent that he was . y compelled to rest for a time pn. f the shore before he could make ttietriplto the bath" housed. j-; ''.w'tt .v ;' Are Ever at War. B:t ; w.. There are" two thipgs everlastingly -at-vy-.. ( war, jo v and piles, But Bucklen Ar- . .. riica Salve will banish piles in any form; V It soon stibdues the itching, irritation; yfe; M - lnnamation.or swelling, it gives com fort, invites joy. Greatest healer s of burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises,, ecfce-rl ma, , scalds, pimples, . skin . eruptions. ; y Only 25 cts at . y'";'':. .vy;":;l'' yiyr Sold by all druggists. y This town that is our residence . today is our children's recollec- tion for a lifetime. What shall ; - they remember ?-Good ; stores, vV clean streets, comfortable homes ". or something else? , ':'"', : . The development of this cbm yy ? muhity is not a matter of , Fenti-;'.' 1" ment; it is a matter of . "common .. sense. It returns not only a re-; :: -ward in contentment but a profit in property valuation. ; c Hi y Indian Killed on the Track : f; Near Rochelle, 111., ri Indian' went to fc? sleep on a railroad track and was killed ;'. by the fast express. He paid -for his'- -carelessness with v his life. Often ' itsl i that wav when people - neglect coughs - r and colds. Don't risk your life when trouble; completely cured me, In a jshort time, severe attack of Grip," writess J. R.,r; Watts, Floydada; Tex. 'and I regain-1 ed 15 pounds in weight; that I had lost' ' Quick, safe, reliable and guaranteed.; 50c.. and . $1.00. - Trial bottle, free, at AH druggists . : : Do you want to hold your jobr y ' Well; j loolc ' after your , health v Wlieh your ; health is gone your; v : job i gone. - f ' ' W. O. Ruddock, expert: watchmaker and Jeweler, of Kings Mountain, will be , in Bessemer City very Tuesday atthe- . 1 ' ..!,: : i.i 4 . '-f--X- 1 -i""'1: Detter Drug- Uo. v Bring' your work . there. No charge forexamination. ' All' ' : work . guaranteed. . Orders taken ' for-; " ' anything in tiie;Jewelryiine.;:y:V,;r ; ';;A..: , .. "Vr.rV " .V ' . r i-l : t : 'j?or. . Sale Small ' and' larger ;t farms,- good 4 locations, goocL; : ' terms: John J. Gebrge; . - -V -C y, ; Real. Estate Agents t.A- - v " v: All druggists V ' ' 7 . i

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