'.4 -I ififiiSTiFnnriiiiii iiiiiiBin Latest Dispatches Ground Down if. WHOLE WORLD' IS . GLEANED i -"-';kHir.y ' x " . ' . . .i ' '. i."v . : ;V' "?nII St . .J . 1 . .ta- qonxniUee investigating : campaign contributions on October 1; The committee nas also determined lo hear j.Pierpont Morgan and George W. Perkins. .7 v President Taft ordered tba heads at 4epartmeuts to proceed in 'the' prep aration of a national budget despite the prohibition of Congress.. The Department of Agriculture has ordered - that the only, two specimens of the Gardenia tree, which are in the United States, be preserved. ' 1 Acting Secretary of " State Wilsoh save out ; the text of a . note he had ent tq Minister Weitzel in Nicaragua explaining why IJnited - States troops Are in that couhtry." ; The womenV Titanic memorial 'fund amounts to $30,0p0, according to Mrs. John . Hays Hammond, chairman of the committee. '.' Col. Roosevelt said he , personally -was in favor of the ' recall of a Presi dent, although it is not in his platform. Judge ? Wescott withdrew from the New i Jersey primary ' contest for the United States- Senate, leaving ; Con gressman ' Hughes ?; to lead the. fight against exSenator James Smith, Jr. - Commander Eva Booth announced ai pfan to raise $250,000 for a school for Salvation " Army ; social workersv as fan American memorial; to Gen. William JBooth. ";-'' - sporting 3. Q. Hatfield, the English swimmer, broke the world's record for the 1,000 yard swim by covering the distance'. in .13 minutes 19 1-5 seconds. . Knisley, the active youngster of the Reds, has legs like Billy Hamilton and a chest like Tommy McCarthy. It is said the Brooklyn club had a chance to get this promising player once and passed it up. V ' ' . Connie Mack, manager of the Ath letics, has broken an invariable rule "by Dickine a winner, for the coming world's, series. 'Mack uneauivocally jicks the Boston Red Sox to defeat the Giants. ' y-:- '-rX.'-''- HuKhie Jenhines.' manager of the "Detroit Tigers, says that, in his opin on, it is a toss-up "between the Giants -.nd the Red Sox so far as the world's series games are concerned. General' Robert C. Conner, a New York po liceman, was held in $500 bail on charges of stealing a dressed pig. All Jewish enlisted men in the army and navy : were granted leave of ab sence to observe YomKIppur. : j Fastest New Jcork-Chicago trains are to be run at a twenty-hour rate instead of eighteen. . The clubhouse of the Cornell Ath letic Club at' Ithaca, was destroyed by fire. " -; z ' ' y:r. ::- - ' . .v Chicago live stock experts are free ly predicting 'that-igh -grade steers will be selling at $15 a hundredweight iby Christmas, j- Hundreds of men and women in bathing at Mobile, AlX, came : out blacks Creosote had escaped fronv a wrecked lighter. G. Albert and Albert. G. Hall, twins, and both veteran telegraphers of Washington, celebrate4 their 8Jst birthday. State Commissioner , of Agriculture !alvin J. Husin figures that .the state will get a net profit of $50,000 from the receipts at the state fair at Syra cuse. 1 . The new motor ship, Christian X, arrived at New York from New : Or leans, averaging 12.93 knots an hour on the - voyage. She will proceed 'to Hamburg. : Finding the "dog that had bitten him alive and well saved W. J. Scovell of Philadelphia . from ; the fear of rabies, which was driving him to insanity and" death, v Mayor Gaynor, of New York, made public a long letter defending the po lice force, enumerating reforms he has accomplished and hinting at steps for the removal of District-Attorney Whit :man. , - . - :' .? . a ' George C. Morrison, ; a prominent banker . at Baltimore, . comoojitted sui cide, leaving a letter indicating that a scandal over .a race-track bill n which he was ' interested was v'one cause of his act centenary ; of ; iti iacoiiora:tion s m v Th - horse plague r'amo?ifr ..n'orses in 1 . . : s ?orces J. P; JohflstoWa Socialis3as elects .mayor of the single taxScblony at erimenuicy triCt-Of' CnliiTnhJj 'noYt-lr -t-. V Th SOth aniversaiI? theB Ueffeld br brr Hcnoot ooy, swam across San Francis- co Bay K in two hours and i one tain- uteis.s- .... -. . -Kans;kevt preekiffe Aobroxim1nn.lfH :i t, V permaueni population or Atlantic City " N; JM lis under inftmt 0J with some crime. - " r - : About 4,000. meu emnloved in cob- per mines in Bingham, Utah, went on .a day. .4 ' . -f .V-rJ -- " r-w.y; uovernor EDernart was the victor in the first popular primary for. the Re - publican nomination for -'governor in Minnesota. - ' ; Chicago newsboys who went out on strike . in sympathy with the striklns pressmen on Mav 1 &stap(! tn ratnrn to work. :. .. - .t,--' . . Three . inches of snow : felt through- out ; eastern Montana. Crops were damaged by frost in the Big Horn Val ley. Robert . E. Pritchard, a leading law yer of Tennessee, died v in a Chat tanooga court room from acute indi gestion. Tjsy ; A mob of 5,000 strikers and sympa- thlzers in Superior wrecked six street cars and beat crews and guards. More than 30 persons; were injured Armed with axes, .125 employes of an electrical company chopped down the. wooden tabernacle of the Voli yaites in ZIon City, IlL " r r Two United. States marshals' were killed from , ambush ntar Cofteyville, "Kan., iby ( ''bootleggers. Twn ntlioTa' were mortally injured. ' f - ." v , i Federal officers raided a counter- felting den in, Cleveland and seized two men,; their wives and a quantity of tools. ; - The New York ' state Proeressive committee has adopted a small gold bull moose as a contributor's badge "The millihg' plant of . the Berger- Crittenden Company, in -Milwaukee, wis., was destroyed by fire. The loss Is 1250,000. t ' . - George Witson, who escaped from me loans prison, jxew xorK, July 7, was arresiea m -nuaaeipma as ne stepped off a train after having com mitted a robbery in Atlantic City. Autonaobile mufflers are now. entries on the "Sunday closing" list of Wash ington. Nineteen car owners were in the police court charged with operat ing noisy machines. x i ' Foreign President Yuan Shi-Kai of China ap pointed Chan-Ling-Chun premier. Miss Mary Leigh, the suffragette, was taken from her cell in Dublin to the prison hospital, dangerously ill, as a result of forcible feeding. ;' Several hundred Portuguese soldiers with machine guns left Macao for the Island of Colowan to exterminate the Chinese pirates. v ; V ' The- French police will permit no more duels in crowded sections of Paris. All duelists must go to seclud ed places. . ' The British army dirigible, Gamma, struck a hillside at Devizes, England, and was wrecked. : The ' crew, es caped. ... . The Japanese Emperor was invest ed with the order of the .; Garter by Prince Arthur of Connaught, the rep resentative of King George. Three political prisoners in the jail at Nerchinsk, Asiatic Russia, commit ted suicide" after seeing, a comrade knouted. ? v . Zeppelin's , dirigible balloon, Hansa, made an oversea trip . from Hamburg to Sweden and Denmark, and return, in 13 hours.-vV , : ' ; . y The,. Canadian Pacific railway tele erabhers . received a 12 per cent ad vance-in pay 'and 10-hour schedule. There will be - no - strike. ' The British Army manoeuvres were halte d wheni it vbecame . apparent ia via tlon was revolutionizing the science of war. A wild elephant attacked a mail coach in the northern part of Ceylon and killed the driver. Passengers who were thrown .out hid in a nearby cul- vert. t " - w - The third great north Ireland anti- home rule demonstration, was held at Londonderry,' ' " and r . thousands - of Orangemen cheered the : watchword, "Ulster wilt fight." , - V Archduchess Elizabeth Franziska, daughter Tof Grand Duke Francis7 Sal vator renounced her royaL rights' and married Count George Von Waldberg, a draeoon offlcerT in the presence of Em peror Francis Joseph at Vienna. TIE PUBLIC HEALTH - Ai- Va-f?1 . ' j i.'r -. 1,11! i,i?!f-1. ffri-i -r-t. r----..- ;:..WASHINaTON, O. Q - tvv,,:;; ,,; .,jvi.."45: Souther SUte, .53 f4V 1 rr v " " 1 to-.meet next' year at Colorado I Springs, Colo. :- The. convention I niously elected; the following officers I :?olKX H-tBatt, of amsbutg, .Pa.5: ?ime8 I "oerta,oi namiiwp, unt, . anac. 1 Monjaras, ot . Mexico, ' and v secretary, I Seiskar M. Gunn, and treasurer, ,De 4 Livingston Ferrand. k ; v : ' :.v How to improve, the race in morals I was discussed by Dr. , Woods Hutch- 1 inson.' of New York."' whdse address on 'The Importance ot Negative ,pu- J genics or the Prevention of 111 Born," featured the closing session. Pointing out the : impracticability of the ; plan of : Sir Francis ; Galton, of London, who; , advocated the inter marriage only of : those persons who represented the highest development in ' physical, moral land intellectual j powers as the'best method of improvV ing the race, Dr. Hutchinson urge that ' the question now was not how t produce the really fit, 'but how to pr vent the production of the unfit.. ' He said the time to start the plan- was in childhood and that symptoms of feeble mindedness, insanity, crimi nality and - prostitution could - he ae- tected ; in the child between tteeilgj pleasure -ofentertainlng h -Urn w v i -ui lunn; w icu . j cu o. -AH children who N were found in I this class -he. said gated Into open-air colonies and eyery attention given to bring them up to as high a standard as possible. He suggested the sterilization of grown Dersons in this class as a means of prevention of ill-born. Virginia-Carolina Railway Charlotte. ( The Virginia-Carolina Railway, the proposed road; that is a lu Knn "TnTrt Hfpon f!nvfl. " Vail to I Toddt this state, was given much at tftT,tinn kv -President Tv E. Johnson in his annual report to the stockholders and directors of the Norfolk & West ern recently. This road, , which is to bisect Ashe county and open up the wpnderful resources of that county, will ' connect with the . : Norfolk & Western at Abingdon, Va. It will -ex tend about 50 miles and will touch not only fine timber boundaries, but some of the best mining properties of the state. Ashe county is. rich in resources and is not touched by ? a railroad. North Wilkesboro' Is ?f its nearest shipping point ; on the North Carolina side. . Republicans of Seventh District. . Lexington. The Republicans of the seventh , congressional- district met here for the purpose of nominat ing, a candidate for- congress to op pose Hon. R; N. Page. Seven counties of the thirteen in the district were said to have been represented, either by delegates or by proxy. There was no roll call. ' R. Don Laws,' editor of The Yellowjacket of Wilkes county, was nominated by acclajnution. The convention was held in the private ;offlce pf Zeb- Vance . Walser, state chainnan , of the -Progressive party, and was presided over by R. B. Be- siecker. Stanly Veterans Hold Meeting, . Norwood.--The . seventeenth annual reunion of Stanly county Confeder iit.A vfttftrana 'was . held here and it proved an occasion ' of great enjoy xnent to the old soldiers although the weather 'was inclement in the morn incr. Thousands of visitors were in town. The. reunion convened In ex ecutive ' session being presided over by Capt M. E. Blalock, who has . been commander of the camp since its or; ganization. - . . v . Clark on Mecklenburg Crops. . .Charlotte. Mr. C. E. Clark, agricul tural demonstrator - for .the county, who has visited , nearly, all parts of the county recently, states that the command cotton crop of the county has been greatly, damaged -1 by , vthe continued drought. He does not be lieve, however, that either of crops has been curtailed 40. per- cent, as aeveral prominent farmers -. of the county . have estimated.. The cotton crop in some, sections, he states, espe cially in -the west and southern .parts of the pounty, is almost normal. ; v : fhe Latest News of General Interest That I Has ; BeeiiS Collected JFrom ' . Many Towns anrd Counties .-VThe district meetihg-of the A 5 1 4 . , as a. m. ior uascon.' ; juncom and : Cleveland counties ' win be held iiendersonville Through ( their at torney Judge H. G. Ewart; Miss' Susai Hynes aiid L. Suner ; havs instituted suits for $2,000 each against the town, bf Hendert onvllle and the Southern Railway Company,-' rdspectively. : Nebb. One ;?of ? the i 'pupils pf the ebo ; school; presented 'his teacher with, an apple 14 1-4 inches- in ch oumference. This. ;is an . unusually large :one; even if orthispart of Mc Dowell county, which :v is especiany good for this fruit; ! y-yo- I Asheville.tThe solvent i attorneys, of y the city are very much concerned over a roling , that Judgd Boyd finiade with reference to the suit -of ; a W. uogdill , ts. Whiting Manufacturing Company -in. which the plaintiff was seeking ; damages for the''Jdeatii of C. ; s cliartoepecial a feature of Uhe tirst . annual p We food show which opens' in the iauditorium September;. J30 and cohtintieft until Sat urday 'flight October. S. : One day; will bei'set aside as . society ; day ; then then' will,';De Merchants!: Association nightvtateand hninicipal day' and manubdien all of jthe jBtate- .clubs wlif s invited to attend. Hickory-rMr. j W. J. Shuford ; has arrange4 with , Mr; .F. S, Puckett, ' of Raleigh,! assistant direotor ; ,of ; the state" jtestSfirmso telstlfexhibittof street f air.1 The exhibit this year is installed in a The car wil ?lbe on the, side ; track near thft passenger depot and will be open free to visitors. ; . r Salisbury. -The , annual convention of the North Carolina. Division of the JTnited Daughters, of the Confederacy will be- held Jn Salisbury " f rom. .OctQ ber 9 to 11. 1 This convention gives about 175 of North Carolina'a most prominent women. The committees - . . ate now at work preparing for the proper entertainment of them. v tftmnta of certain nnlraowii nartlna to make it appear otherwise hazing at Wake Forest is at an end. A great dear of feeling was aroused here when. It became known , that it was uemg cireuiaieu m luueigu iui yuot in the e college hospital in a serious condition as a result "of hazing. t Laurinburg. Governor ' Kitchin spoke here several days ago to a good audience considering the. busy season. He was introduced by; W. W. Wither- sioon. In opening the governor, told his hearers that hasty critics had Bald he would not speak- under the aus pices of the Democratic organiation, while , as a matter of fact he and Chairman Webb are to confer soon as to his appointments. 1: . ' : , Thomas ville. Saturday, October 6, is to be Everybody's Day in Thomas ville. This is a day set apart in each year,, for a tig day for the iown and surrounding country, and from ?. pres ent indications this one is to be the biggest one ever held. It is held 'es pecially in the interest of the country tieonie. arid with that in viw m committees are nrovidlne such fea- l tures as will be likely to please these people. - " Fayetteville. Two negro , boys, Dave above, the heart,, inflicting a rin, aged 14 years , each, were piling staves at the Fayetteville Lumber St Manufacturing Company's plant, when they quarreled, and it is said that Walter drew a knife and stabbed Dave above, the heart, . infiliciting a wound from which the physicians say he cannot reoover. Dave was taken to his home and Walter was commit ted to jail. Raleigh. Attorney General T.' W Bickett has furnished to State Chair man C. A. Webb, of the Democratio state executive, committee, an opinion construing the state election law as to registration books,; holding that under the law the registration books of each precinct ' throughout the state : ; must be open for new registrations of vot ers October 3 to "October 23. Those who will have to register are voters who have changed residence and those; voting for, the first time. , ; ; Ashe ville. 'Doklesfroia- all ' over the state gathered here for ceremoni al session at Battery Park Hotel. They are members of Sues Temple,. No. 73, Knights . of -Pythias, and v principal cause of meeting; was to initiate can didates'. - About 40 tyros ! were initia ted, after which a banquet was held Statesville. The Commercial Club, recognizing the fact that it pays to ad vertise, has had" prepared : and . for-' warded to Dr. Pratt, photographs of the Iredell 'ood?iI'feN;be'tiii4? at. the gDOd.roadmeetteta fAUari- tic City . on September 30 to . October Srhz m:' 7 VT: v7w lftlt For Meals lreaitanlliali kinclls Cigars atid . Cigarett ;yv'f-y-:"i'.. -tti'S'i'fi'ir II Church Directory ' ' ; : Ltstliettn Chordi; v Sunday School 10 a. m,, - tl. E, Oitirch v , Preaching 2nd Sunday 11 a. m. . t Sunday evening at 8:00 ; Sunday School 10. a. m ' .V Episcopal Qiarch ' . ; ; fieVi J. M.vPeters-Rector ? Preaching 1st, 3rd and 4th Sun- day at 3 p. m. ' Sunday school 1st, drd and. 4tn Sundays at z p. m. 2nd Sunday at 10 a. , m. .Revf M: Tillman; Pastor Sunday Sphbol 10 a m. Vyi . a.: . yiass uieeung o p. xrrayer meeting Tuesday ( :du p. m. Rev. R. ,R. Caldwell, pastor Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a;m.: Sabbath School-10 a. m. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sabbath 730 P III Presbyterian Church r ; Revi S. .S. Oliver, pastor v Preachincr 2nd Sunday 3 , p. : m. Preaching 4th Sunday 11 a. m. Sunday School 10 a.m. each Sus day except 2nd at 2 p. my ;(. ' . Baptist Qitffeh . ! Rev. Li. M. Hobbs, pastor ;. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays 11 a. m.- and 8 p. m: Sunday School ;10 a. m. Prayer meetiag Wednesday 8p. m. , ; -nS ; H.P. Chuich S3 ? Rev. D; M. Loye, pastor,; : Preaching 2nd and 4th Sundays ll.a. m. , and 7:3,0 p. m. Sunday Scnooi IU a. m. irayer meetings Wednesday 7:80 p. m.i Piedmont Traction Company ' RaWopn niuttonia and Charlotte Effective Wednesday, July 3, 1912 Leave Gastonia :No.-, ' 2, 7KX) A. M. 4,- . 8:15" ' a a.oA Arrive Gastonia No. - - . -- 1, 7:53 A. M 3, 905V 5, 10:15 f 7, 115 " 9, 120 P.M. 8, 10:25 10. 12. - 1:30 P. M. 'XX. ' 16,1 350 18, ' 4:40 20.-5:35 ,15, 40 17, - 6:33 19, 658 21,. 7:40 23, : 8:45 25. ioao tt ": oa v ! con 24, 70 26, 9:10' 28, 10:55 , tt 27., 115 Mount Holly .with Seaboard Air line, at Gastonia' with 8outhem: Railway and Carolina, and North-Western to and from all points y Smith East -and West The bove schedule gpres .connections j&SSSLSS Manager, C. V. Pahner G.-P. A;.'-. &.ui : r .r vr , ". - kr (Py--r m'xk y.y M SHiiSl 5 and Lunches '!'T:y.-jZ:i li'yv Get your workddne; : at the City Bai Shp.j Buster (Bro hair cutting special ty. ; vehinglri cleaii(i;aipt6da Try'Em W. O. Ruddock,' expert Watchmaket 7 and Jeweler,- of Kings Mountain, will b in. Bessemer City every Tuesday at the Detter Drug Co Bring your work : there.; : No charge for examination. All -work : guaranteed. Orders ;taken 'for anything in the Jewelry linefNi .Z 'il'hi. , t24 EUin Ave., GastosU, !? ; M w Eyes Tested, : Glasses Fitted i ; . Resistered OptometristTl': , Eyes examined and glasses prop?. i erly fitted.;- OfnceTorrencd-Mor-; ",-: iris Go 's. j Jewelry Store. 't0-j :s;- ; Agents n every town X , " Todd's Steaim' Bakery ' ' Phone 63. Gastonla, n. C ITnder new, rnanagement, : - mm offers the very.best; accommoda tions obtainable. Ice I colds drinks, cigars and cigarettes.; -B Phone D. E;yDavis your order for meats and ice. ' Beef catUe wanted. ' D. E. Davis; successenr- : For Sale Small and large farms, good locations, ; good term John J. George,' ( J.& . Real Estate Agent. . C. E. Whitney Attorney and Cottnsejlor at Law Office in Bank BvSMhf: . Bessemer Gty, H. C :r:- v. CITY CAFE Is the place jto.. get something good to eat, on short-notice. ; . ;;7'" COastbnia; P. P, Rhyne, :'B Proprietor ; Durhaifi jRooms 210-211 Realty EsSibj GastealaH.C ! ; : mmm Ilect lETery Veiacsiay -1. ;K.v,:'Wvi':: i

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