t. J?- 5 3 liVit-d " Of :jr. 9 - A 1 f 4 r; r- ' PS i " - -vT 5 5 f k Miinfiifii i n iinnu II II imi i 1 IITI I u uuy vu u. u u i y y 1 'forihe' ! ports'Tcf 'si. motor liadiBpjmd iorryt ;SorTyr iStfiUj i? iemberlhg I the Taller,- iiamlstakable to ihote tw- Bailer's tmfortunat speech the; night Jtoilitrrith-the; teBtmor tJiemppe xscritnge'A ngagement.,rftf. proposed, i cars; ana.rapiairtapproacxung.. owt sfc$ji:$ she a - Emily -would 4iaTe .ranswered, the looked across to IMclc 47xnathetlcai- roar, suddenly clxarigedli;; character Iy-:.BoiymgIith ,jmappallMg sertesrepsons mlo hreafasf heif&llowed her intott 11- klefc viaCjfo - grtpitutiwd -The 'next shbtr past the oth- gentleman this , mbralng?'', he com- er side of be .hedge and?tbere fouowea plained. "He' wants the business . to a dull : cras&.; .? v.. r.- succeed, doesn't he? If rhe does, he "TJiarS; one,; of . our inenL-.gaspeq orary,-. ue jiSGioreggouruais i im i jwuner .suaaeniy oraJK f "What's the matter with the C old fnstant aliuge mass Eleanor M. Ingram :O rr1l. 'Author .of :- 1; -TheCraane and the Candle' - 8YNOP8IS. " ' '. The ory opens on Ixmgr Island near New York cfty. i where Miss Smlly Ffrenoh, a : relative of ' Ethan Ff rench. Qianuf acturer -of the celebrated 'Mer cury", automobile, loses hsr 'way. The ear has stopped r anJ her cousin. Dick Ffrench. 'ts too muddled with dnnlt to ought lo like what Itrange Is doing for It. What's- the matter- with him?" v J Emily shook Jback herVellqw: curls turning' her -gaze , on-himi : ; ' iYou . inlgW guess, . Pickie. He is lonely. ' ' V; "Lonely! He! All ' the feminine Impulse 'to defend flared up."''--.";;.-..; 'j 'Why not? she exclaimed with pas Dick? f and plunged : headlong through '.the' mbmbfaxTf;?;'' : Dazed"; momentarily,; Emily: ; stood, then - caught :up. her skirts and ran . aft-;, er him. She knew well enough what the testers of thebsira risked; J: t. Bntittwa'nof;tiie3 : pated that . met 'her!; eyes 'as" she came y ECSO.VSBrXERS, pirector-or jsye, iiing: department. The Moody. Bible In : stitute -of -Chicago.) SvK -- J-rW-' J- '3:,; iTHE, LUNATIC BOY. , r XlQLblJN - TET-"Xnd?Jesus said unto him. If thou canst! 'All things are poasi-' bla tQ-hlmthati.heUayetttMarlc 8:23 K;J V. :t. ' The, Dlselples-' Failure yv. . 14-1 9 Each of. the Evangelists places this,- BEbbClMEK'tLHllY: i , IK 3 . UJKCNS r-- - " -,r. -v; . ,. i..-1- j. i - ' s ' f '7. "j - 1 ch and hv Disriaf thelGliarl 6tt INevviS i - r -If' . . - 1' -S ....'i; y-..-s- i st rjUe,;,Orie Chopin Upright JQranPIaiiovV. $450.00 fafrtW "WKa tifiB Vntt i Whn ntnndn i-Side' 6f the -iroad a l6nK I6W skeleton ;iaBann 4n 1noo ootit. optlnn with thft-H -iii-c -i.i . A.jr v t.T v l ..ia-?-i-fiT4vifn-f A j 1.2nd. PrlT--,Rftkate Cert ififiata.. 300.00 can not bear the man who is hired to'l drtmkenlyv downwlth twheels : In Bin. crushed and bleedine hearts. axe iPrtt Rbate Certificate : . 00.00 do what a Ffrench should "be doing.- f the gutteK Still In hfBeat,. 'the driver awaya to be found at the foot of our- il PrUe Rebate i5ertifl6at; It is not the, racing emer ne likes hut the manager -And do you blame h!m DickFfrench. 275.00 dis-1 was leaning OTw tte steering-wheel. . mountams of vision ahdvofDriviiere."t th prie, rRelae Cfrtifjcatev-, 275.00 not out of breath, but Uughing a; greeting -So also is to 'be found human' impo- ;l'8th Prfee,Jeb 275.00 I w. w MwuiBUTO vviv-.,,,;-: ,v .tence... et us get. ma .picture. ; as-, tue j r."- .o-bi .vBrwivn . . w.w Quite aghast, he stared after her as ,"Areak in jthe steering-gear, he little party reaches the base of the - 8tl Prrer Bebatt. Certificate .' . 225.00 she turned away to the nearest win-1 declared, by way orexptanauon. ; i mountain they find an excited multi dow. But presently he followed her told Bailey it was" a" weak point; now tude ' surrounding ' the remaining -'diss over, still -holding the papers. ; ., I perhaps ne'u Deueye me ana sirengia- iA)u i juu null w icnu auuuv tiio i race? he ventured. v '"1f -X" ' Smiling, though her lashes were direct ft aright, . They meet' another oar I damp, Emily accepted the peace oirer which " is run by ; a prof esslonal racer j tner "Yes, please. "You're not s)ngry ? You know - I'm a stupid chump sometimes; I don't man It. ;". f ' ;; ; -This time she laughed outright. "No: I am sorry I was cross. It is I who would like to shirk my work. Never mind me; let us read." They did read, seated opposite each other in i the broad window-seat -and passing the sheets across as they fin ished them. Dick had not exagger- named ' Leetranjte. v The . latter fixes up the Ffrench car and directs Miss Ffrench : how to- proceed . homeward-. Ethan Ffrench? has disinherited his son. "who . has .disappeared. He - informs Emily plainly that : he : would like : to have her marry. Dicki. who issa Rood-natured but ir responalble ' fellow, ft appears i that a partner of Ethan Ffrench wanting an ex pert .to race with the "Mercury": at auto events, ...has engaged Lestrange, and at the Ffrench factory Emily encounters the young man. They refer pleasantly to their meeting when Dick comes along and recognises the young racer. CHAPTER IV. "You're not hurt,"r Dick; inferred.. ; "I ; think she's nof--a tire:: gone. Find anything .Wrbngj-Rupert ?' i, "Two tires off."i.said v the laconic mechanician. ''Two funerals post poned.'. That was a pretty stop, Dar- the scribes by saying," "Why question;; ye them?" i Before eltMer the scribes or the dfsciples could answer,' "one of the multitude (v. 17) told iiat story tr Tosiie " TTin onoaVor vria1 ' fiirrt srtt f - . v ery , coouy .aea . liwnop.- his only son,: demon-possessed, to Ahe rising and; remoyg is-goggles. di8Ciples r to be healed. He goes bn; aV? ar:Fnchr j to tell Jesus the terribleness of the- xtYpui frightened us Put of pur.flye hnv.fl ."mnri tha n wa ''Mi senspahats nDo yoj i usually prac- ; ter disappointment and anguish he tise fpr:ra6es out lifere?' M ha fr.,,r,a that tn ini.. a t 8th lfxeRebate Certlfldate. , 4i 225.00 1 0th Prtee, debate - Certificate. . 200.00 ciples who were undergoing a series n1thPiize;' RebateXerilflcate. . 2Q0.00 of questions propounded to them by 12th Prbe Rebate CeHiflcate. .1? the scribes. , . Arriving in the midst 4 13th Prte,! Rebate Certificate.. 150.00 of this questioning Jesus challenged ?l4th Prize, Rebate Certificate . . 125.00 15th Prlge,; Rebate Certificate. .100.00 . .. S . "J&6fM.L$:3 ft ' .$3,500.00 'Ds?' repeated Xiestrange. and turn law 5 jpemdjnstmtingre - j ;facts that ; the BessemVr City Dispatch will always be found i, working ..for the best interests of the cldzensofVBessemerCU Gastbn CQunty;7manemjBnt -of this ; paper,KiAj epnnipnV the ; unanotte jn ews,- nas pepioea .to inapg ated, on the contrary he had hot said , Mr. Ffrench and his niece were at enough. Lestrange and . his car .were breakfast on the Sunday when the J the focus of the hour's attentloa. The first account of. the Georgia race j daring the reckless, courage that risk- reached , Ffrench wood. ed life for victory,, the generosity .ou will take fresh coffee" Emily which could throw that victory away was saying, the. little silver pot poised to aid a comrade, and lastly the deter mination and skill which had won the deed whether' Lestrange liked his idol izing, but there was no' escape. The two who read were young. rit was a splendid fight," sighed in her1 hand, when" the door burst .open and Dick hurried, actually hurried, in to the room. "He's "won! He's got It!" he cried, brandishing the morning newspaper "The first time for an American car with an American driver. And how he won it!-' He distanced every car on the track except the two big Ital ian and French, machines. Those he couldn't get, of course; but the Frenchman went out -in the fourth hour with, a broken valve. " Then he was set down-for . second place sec ond place, Emily, with every other big car in the country entered. They say he drove like, like I don't know what. A hundred and some miles an hour on the straight stretches." "Oh." Emily faltered, setting down the coffee-pot in her plate. He stopped her eagerly, half turning toward Mr. Ffrench, who had put on his pince-nez to contemplate his nephew In stupefaction, not at his statement, but at his condition. - "Walt. In the last hour, the Ital ian car lst Its chain and went over into a ditch on a back stretch, three miles from a doctor. People around picked the men out of the wreck, and Lestrange . came up to find that the driver was likely to die from a sev ered artery before help got there. Emily, he stopped, stopped, with vic tory in his, hands, had the Italian lift ed into" the mechanician's seat, and Dick, when they dropped Rupert held him in while they dashed Page. around the course to the hospital. He "Yes," Emily assented ease of deference with which he bared his head) and, motor caps not being readily donned or doffed,, so remained bareheaded In the bright sunlight, sav ored of the Continent. v 'It Is , too commonplace to sajr, good conquest after all--the whole formed :f morning' Emily jreplied, her color rls- a ieat too ..spectacular to escape pub lic hysteria. -It was Very doubtful in- the girl at the edge Tf the iT,awiMW - : .- . . ... - J . .. . - tai.'i.v. s-i, """'" .ucu yon 6o i ever neia Dy any newspaper m xms Shr- ' "" scribes their opportunity .and had un- j section of; North Carolina;, ; CThe swift Change fnds tone, -the 1 0 a ... in this contest, fifteen; prizes, well. Takes Case In Hand. Jesus at once .takes ' the case in hand. Rebuke and .pity are mingled in His words, "O faithless generation, hnm lnnor clioll T kmn nrtV. ' Ing With her smile. "I am very glad-. r" L JlLf "Never Mind Me; Let Us Read." place, too. I'm afraid." it "Every one is commonplace, before breakfast, reassured her cousin. "Honestly, Lestrange, do you practice racing here?" "Hardly. I'm trying put the car; every car has to go through that be fore it is used Don't you know that we've recently secured from the local authorities a ! permit to run at any speed over this road between four o'clock and eight in the morning? I thought all the countryside knew that." ' ; "But we have a regiment pf men to test cars." . ' , ; t Lestrange passed caressing glance' over the . dingy-gray machine in its state of bareness that suggested in decorum, v "This Is my car, the one I'll race this spring-.' and summer. No one drives It but me. Besides, I have to have some diversion." j He stepped to the ground with the last word and went around to where Rupert was on his knees beside the machine. . j "Can you fix it here?" he demanded, i "Not precisely," was the drawled re ply. "Back to camp for it with a i horse in front.' titude, all alike, are involved in -his rebuke. AllWere in a greater or less degree faithless. Jesus had been; in their midst performing his mighty deeds, speaking ; his marvelous . words, and manifesting his wonderful power, yet they were without faith. Full often the pres tot-day- church and Christian i workers stand impotent be fore the world's great need because, of a lack of faith. " How ;. frequently we miss a blessing because of our dependence upon some one -.who makes a failure of faith and prayer. Jesus was then and always has been troubled and distressed at such failure (v. 19). However, the . father was rewarded when, in obedience to the command, he brought - his boy to Je .eus. The conversation that ensued is interesting and pathetic, one that is too often repeated toiday. At last in his deep anguish the father cried, "If thou canst, do anything, have com passion on us -and help up." He there by, as all true fathers should, com pletely identified himself with his son and his son's need. Fewer young men of today would be demon-possessed If their fathers would have identified themselves more fullywith their boys. The reply, of Jesus forms the geld aggre gating $3,500 in value will' be given 'away-; absolutely . free ,to; the cQntest ;nt& i secjiring (.fehe mosiptee-ybtes may" be secured by obtaining' subscrtp-' tions to the Bessemer City-Dispatch and the Charlotte iNews, or by clipping the free vote coupon from theDispatch. x The first prize which will be award ed to the 1 contestant", securing , .the mdst : wtes consists of ' a genuine $45000 Chopin Upright Grand Piano, This piano is a very - fine instrument of special artistic merit of high grade and quality latest case design, Select ed figured mahogany ' vaneer of high est quality, double veneered - inside and out, handsome. . solid ;mouldings .and hand-acrved trusses, hand-carved capitals and music rest, rounded' cor ners. hand-Dolished mirrored surfaced automaUc extension music desk, artis- of, Bessemer City in this contest. tiCAlIV nArvpri nnisoloaa mllitny fflltr5 A", uiwtuouw wuu auveruse Willi board, with nickel-plated continuous us we Wish to say that we expect by hinge, find block of selected hard rock I tnis contest -to double our circulation wafer built u in lavers and rr.RR- J ana our advertisers will realize that 6;.JpKnths;. I year ;.i 2 years-;v ,3 years , 4: years .. 5 years. .. Si 3.00 6.00 12.00 .,18.00 . 24.00 30.00 5,000 12,500 35,000 50,000 70,000 100,000 : In order to make" a complete suc cess of ;this contest the , Dispatch ha contracted v wlthOtheh New Method Contest Co., .; the well-known news paper: specialists; conduct it, and they Will furnish, an experienced con test manager who -will have complete charge of - all matters pertaining to the contest. - r , . ; ; Who Cannot Enter or Vote- :,No employe of , the Dispatch or im mediate relative of theirs will be al lowed to enter this contest as a nomi nee or voters : ' :".;;' ; - Who May Enter -:...;v ; Any white manv wpman boy or girl of good'i-epute or organization of any kind is eligible to enter ; this great popularity Voting "contest. Just send in your name on a nomination coupon to the contest, management of the Dispatch: r The Judges" '. .". The total count of 'votes .will be made by a, committee of three prom inent business men who will be' abso lutely disinterested parties- The com mittee wilL be announced' later. To the Public 1 1 This 'contest'ls 'to-be the greatest ever inaugurated by any paper in this yection. ,.t. . - - -x;; v: ,- We have spared-no expense to mtke it-a "live wire a proposition" that will keen the entire State' much interes ted in the outcome. We are " endeavoring to make the Dispatch the best and most up-to-date paper in the State, and we solicit the hearty co-operation of all the citizens it is to their advantage to help iu thiaX! wcrk by: supporting the contestants. In Case of Tle ' In the event of a tie between any banded, warranted to withstand.- any climate, composite - metal frame,' im ported blued steel, ' tunings, . : three strings, overstrung bass, . special re-' peating action, German silver ham mer -rail, heavy best quality imported 1 two contestants caused by their secur- felt hammer, muffler attachment for Ing the same number of votes, . the practice, ten "years' quarters on in- Dispatch" agrees that each contestant side of top cover. -in silver, 7 1-3 so tied shall secure one of the prizes bo octavos, best quality keys, made in tied for. figured mahogany, height four feet. nine inches, "width five feet, two t Now Is The Timt Bailey "When he got him there fifteen minutes before comes back, when you see him. give an ambulance could have reached him. him my congratulations." and the man will get well. But Le- "When I see him? Why don't you HE GOT THROUGH THE GATE mrange naa lost six minutes, ne nad ten mm yourself? the last "All right.' Youll have to walk en textj- What a magnificent response tms iatner made, "I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Small wonder that Jesus should again. work a won der of healing. II. The Master's Victory yv. 20-29. down and get a car from Mr. to tow it home." (TO BE CONTINUED.) rusna siraignt to tne aoctor's, given sometning like a white shadow them the man, and gone right on, but wiped the scarlet of excitement from he had lost six minutes. When peo- her cheeks, as she averted her face pie realized what he'd done, they went ''I shall not see him; I shall not go wiia. Jyery one thought he'd lost the to the factory any more. It. will be race, but they cheered him until they J better, I am sure." coumnt snout. Ana ne Kept on driv- vaguely puzzled and. dismayed, ing. It's all here," he waved the Dick sat looking ather, not daring gauay sneet. "The paper's full of it. to question Emily kept her word during the weeks that followed. Through Dick and Bailey she heard of factory af- iairs; ox the sudden increase of orders for the Mercury automobiles, the add ea prestige gained, and the public favor bestowed on the car. But she saw : nothing of the man who was. re sponsible for all this; Instead .'she went . out more than, ever . before He had half ah hour "to. make up six minutes, and he did . it. - He came in nineteen seconds ahead of the near est car. The crowd swarmed out on the course and fell all over him.. Old Bailey's nearly crazy. To see Dick excited would have been marvel enough to hold his audi tors mute, if the story itself had not possessed a quality to stir even non- tended newspaper, her dark eyes wide '.and shining, her soft lips apart. ' "He telegraphed to Bailey," Dick .added in. the pause. "Ten words: 'First crpss. line in Georgia race. Car 4n j fine shape, , all." sporting blood. Emily could only sit Their social circle- was too painfully .uu at me neaaiines or the ex- exclusive to be large or. gay. . Three, times a week it was Mr. Ffrench's stately custom to visit the factory and inspect it with. Bailey. At other times Bailey came up to the house, where affairs were condiirtpd Lestrange.' That was But in neither Place did Mr: FfrTifh I ever come in contact with Vmo Ta- ;:Mr. Ffrench. deliberately passed his ager, during all the months while win- ,cojree-p9t to Emily. . ter waxed and waned again to spring. 9U had hetter take your break- ' "That's Bailey's . doing,' chuckled " he adylsed., "It is unusual to Dick, when Emily finally wondered see yeu .noticing business affairs, aloud at the circumstance. " "He isn't pick; I might say unprecedented. I going to risk losing Lestrange because aS ? fBaileys new man is cap- our high and mighty unole falls but able of his work, at least. I suppose with him. And it would be pretty for the rest,., that he could scarcely likely to happen if they met. Le- do less than : take an injured person to strange has a temper, ybti know even the hospital: Why are you putting if it doesn't stick out all over him Bt yV,m7r' Uke a hedgehog; and a dozen other i dpn t know, she acknowledged companies- would give money to eet helplessly. . - , him." , ..... x T'1 man ta dl8turb any one," - Emily .nodded gravely. It was a sun said pick, sulky and resentful. 'It'll ny morning in the first of March, and beva big thing though for our cars, the cousins were at the end of , the old i,v 7"a78' 1 ,didnt know you; dis- park surrounding Ffrenchwood, where " t. ': they had. strolled-before breakfast. - Mr. Ffrench stiffened in his chair: -jrwe. 3ailey likes Mr. .Lestrange " I have not suffieleiit interest in' the jflhe commented - ,bXtor"; ffmK, He loves .him. .You tSS!1 fee llmth him; a Resourceful Chlcagoan Tampered With the Truth, but Made His Point, Just the 8ame. . The son of man, who had just been so wonderfully glorified, . again mani fests to the world his power over an afflicted son ot man. The evil'one, "When all is said and done Chicago however, never gives up hfs posses- people can beat the world in resource Bion without a struggle. Hence It was fulness." said an envious New, Yorker, that, as the boy was brought near, "An exile from that city wished to se to Jesus, the very worst manifesta- his wffe off on an eastern train that tions of hisj' malady were exhibited, in- positively refuses admittance to the somucn, inat as tne multitude rushed platform without a ticket He accom- togetheri to witness his. paroxysm and panied his wife to the gate. saw him as the demons left: hlm,v de- " 'Just wait around on the platform dared the boy to be dead. We must a few seconds,' he said, 'and I'll, come remember how long time the demons through and help you arrange your had ruled the boy (v. 21), A small luggage.' . , bor once defined a habit as "some-' " 'You can't go through, said a guile- thing hard to break;? very true, and less New York friend. " If you have the longer the habit the. harder it Is anything;, "to say you'd better say it to break. The father's faith Was small now.'. , out very earnest It was sufficient "That's all right," said the Chicago to. cry to Jesus for relief and that is man. ; Til be" there.' ! always enough. Jesus repeats the ' "Two minutes later he dashed up 1 brandishing a baby's milk bottle' in the to challenge the implied lack of face of the astonished gatekeeper. power and at once throws the burden '"For heaven's sake, let me throueh of responsibility upon the father? 1 It :he said. 'I putHhis In my pocket at was not the question "if", Jesus could the last minute and my wife has gone. neal Dut rather ir' the father Could off ? and forgotten It. The baby will " believe. Realizing bis lack, the father starve to death if she doesn't get" If cried, "Help mine unbelief.: "lis such ; "The guileless New Yorker, who a cry as this God always answers. lacked ! sufficient wit to see his own1 Quickly avoiding the fast gathering wife and three small children off. crowd he takes the boy by the hand, gasped , in sheer -envy, while the child- raises him up and sends him to hb? less Chicago man, using a milk bottl latner on their way. as a harmless .weapon fought his way through to the platform." : Inches, weight "boxed for shipment 900 The contest begins with this issue, pounds. v l . the time to enter is WOW. Get in Thia Is a prize well worth efforts I tlle race before the .others get in the of anyone. 1 I lead. Fourteen other tirizea. r.nn statin Er of rebate certificates, wilf be awarded. KU e8 For he rnetr: These certificates are transferable Rule 1. ; AH . money forsubscrip- and will be accepted for their face tions "shall be paidVthe contest man- value as part payment on a Chopin ager. -:; " :r:: 'pi uyngnt urana 4oo , piano. -: ..uerun. Rule 2. , --..Contest vmani hm .i ya a.r ue uumuiueu uui creun ior, ture . must be - affixed t vnto. t,o. more than $300 will not be allowed fore they are pf any value in -the ujjuu iuo purcxxa.se oi one piano. ItKJntest ; THE CONTEST FREE FOR ALL TO Rule 3. Ballots ; cannot be boucht. CNtcd J The. contest .wlll beV run on -a fair . - f,x.. - v , ; ' aies j-can oniyi be The contest a free frir h; nnrl I outuiea Dl', securing. -:subscrintion every contestant to enter, and it costs eitaeInew, renewals, or old or by cut- nothing to win : all -The Disnatch asks l,flS me nommauon or free vote cer- is hearty co-operation of; its friends imcate out:of ; each issue. and readers to. make this contest an ' Rule 4.: No employe or member of enthusiastic and friendly struggle for his family, will be allowed to Dartici- leadership; - - pate either as a nominator or a vntpr in this contest: ; : -r'-fxsr- HOW TO PMTFR . ' . - , . V " V ' : , - - . ' Rule 5., Candidates" will hot be re- Just clip the nomination coupon out I stricted m . securing subscriptions but of each issue of the paper, and fill in by secure . them, in anyi place in the the name of the person, Whoxn ;? you I yuitea states. wish to enter as a .contestant with ; "Rule ' 6. X)nly bne nminti r- -y . m u jnjU y y ia uuiuag, eacn contea tw n t to 5 0Q0 ua.To a., uuuiiuauou uoupan; me i vuiea wiu De allowed V" Rule 7. . AH votes Tniiot k. i w iu tut; name and address of the person as a candidate. The name . of the nomi nator will not be divulged. ; Wits of Augustus Thomas. " "The trouble with amateur carv ers," said Mr, Thomas, on one occa sion; "is -thatt the ' gravy x so rarely matches tne -wail paper." : AA- fatuoua argument he characterixed as "like a chorus girl's tights, which touch every point ana cover nothing' When Mr Thomas was rehearsing "The Witch 5 Ing Hour," , one of the management stopped the players, 'and, turning to the author, remarked: . "I think tils would be a good place for some wlttv No father has the right to transfer his obligations, spiritual or otherwise, - to any organization.. . -K-'fi if. Entering the nearby house the' dis ciples set us a good ; example by in quiring of Jesus as "to the cause: of their? failure and he tells them that the great pecessity is prayer. There are more , defeats ; in the church ' of Christ and in the lives of chis follow ers that. can be traced to a lack of prayer 1 than perhaps - any other one element,' ' These disciples had cast out. demons before this, - but; -shrinking from fellowship with him in the ileath he : had foretold (Mark 8 : 32-33) ; ; they stood ; condemned before him, - powers less in the fact of -a- great .need, and HOWy VOTES MAY BE OBTAINED. ? Votes may be eecured by obtaining ouBDvui uuu me itjessemer : uity Dispatch and the Charlotte News ' and Votes Will be issued -upon the follow ing basis ;V . "t SUBSCRIPTIONS -' f ,: ) TO -BESSEMER 1 CITYD8PATCH. .- v.: ,K f:':7'.- ; Term v. 'f '':f;-.- -f vPrice 'Votes, 1 year . .... i ; . . $ 1.00 1,000 2 years . : -; ; - ..;.;;';;-v- 3,000 8-years-:-; JB i;.;):;::3;00i-fr6,000' , 4 years W'.-r'' -,. X -;.V 4100 ,:,f 7,500 5 years.. . .ifff. :: 5.00 i l-10,000 10 Tears.t i5l0.6oi: 25)00 2S years fr:f::5M'P7Biqa 30 jrears i. -..f.f, ;f 30.00 ; ioooo swBavmr i Y Q CHARLQtT 3 raonths . ;y. r- . a- 1 n v l Vka i - , . nauoi - dox oy, Monday, '12 ; o'clock noon, ; of each week. v ; 'fj-.S -.Rule 8." Votes:; issued J 'cannot be transferred gtol another contestant. r'Rule 9- No .votes" wiU be allowed on subscriptlpns held over1 more than one week .after being1 secured" by con Jesan.Subscrlptions must: be turned in 'promptly together with:the ; money collated for them... Votes . will, be is sued when the moneys xeceived, but tn cPn.testants may retain -these votes and cast them whenever - they wish. Rule lo! . Nominators or contestants m: the Dispatch's; Content, '-m not - a trroa to accept ali rules and: conditions. Rul 11. V the right la rArv tn reject: any name :f contestants for a cause also td' alter these" rules should occasion' demands '''ZTtfi'-.f Ruler 12. Any questfonhih Rhaii arise . between the.' cohtestantff will be determined byhe::contet manager and.hisdecision 'will' benal.' -.4 Respectfullyyours, 'f ' - . ,. t- - - .'f. i t-- v -j condemned by the multitude. .f5.1:.i.'.i.l.---,'kJI.r:-'t -. ;- -.. v.'. - -VvJ ... .. ....!. . t m . r-.?